Stella Dimoko Testimony Concerning TTC Prayer Post....



Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Testimony Concerning TTC Prayer Post....

Remember the TTC post we had some weeks back?
God answers prayers alright!...As you read this Testimony,remember that you are next!

''When i saw the prayer and fasting post for TTC Woman on this Blog, i just knew i had to give in my all to make sure i am not left out, after i had a miscarriage in January due to blighted ovum, i printed the verse of the bible given and added the ones i knew of, i fasted and also prayed for all other women looking for the fruit of the womb.

On the second day of the fasting i was kind of tired and wanted to break it by 3pm but something  spoke to me to keep it up saying the next three hours will not kill me.

Over this weekend i was not feeling too good at all, bought malaria medicine but an inner voice said i should not take anything for now until am sure of my sickness, went for test and i was confirmed pregnant, am so happy and i pray the God that answered my prayer will answer all the prayers of my follow BVN TTC in Jesus name''.


  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
    Default smile, yours is loading.

  2. Thank you Jesus! Congrats Ma'am. May God answer the prayers of others aswel. Default Smile you're next in line for a miracle!

  3. Chai...Amen. God be praised. You shall carry your pregnancy to term in Jesus name. Amen

  4. Yes oh! God answereth by fire. I knew the testimony will come rolling immediately. Am next on the line. May God grant us all our heart desires in Jesus name. Amen. Chi Austin

  5. All I want to say is Thank you LORD!

  6. Amen. What a wonderful God we serve.

  7. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! Oh yes He answers prayers, the God i serve answers prayers, we will all testify. Great news!!!

    678 comment 2016

    1. Yels baby!!!!
      Your Miracles are on d way!triplets hun!
      And oh,I am d baby girl's God-mom. Can't wait!

  8. He is a miracle working God!! God will keep you and ur baby ijn

  9. Amen and may this blessing be permanent in ur life.

  10. Hallelujah, our testimonies shall be permanent IJN.Amen,#AppleofGod'seye#

  11. Hallelujah, our testimonies shall be permanent IJN.Amen,#AppleofGod'seye#

  12. God is good!!! Ur testimony shall be permanent in Jesus name. U will carry the pregnancy to term. Amen

  13. Awwww.... Thank you JESUS
    May u carry ur pregnancy to full term and deliver successfully in JESUS Christ name AMEN

  14. God is good...more testimonies in Jesus name....

  15. God is good...more testimonies in Jesus name....

  16. All thanks to God! Congrats Poster. Wishing u a smooth sail in this 9months journey and a safe delivery too.

  17. AMEN I receive in Jesus Name. Our trial will become testimony by His Grace.

  18. Halleluuuuuyyyyaaaaaaaa. ! ! !
    Sis smooth pregnancy and safest delivery....

    Sooo excited
    I'm off to pop something.!

  19. Amen!

    Congratulations dear

  20. Thank God for you. May you have a joyful months journey In Jesus Name... Amen. Why is it that some pray and their prayers got answered in minutes while others pray/fast, sow seed. Abstain from all forms of sin yet no answer, The more you pray and fast, the more it seems God is too far. The more the enemy oppress you. Married, no child, separated. Working yet can't afford a decent life cos salary is being held for months. Is God really not partial???.

    1. Hmmm... just my thoughts too. My life has been in stagnation for years now! No job, battling with an unhealthy child... I just pray God hasn't forgotten me.

    2. God hasn't forgotten u dear.Urs is loading

    3. Urr miracle comes at d darkest hour.... hold on!
      Poster congrats, U shall carry d pregnancy to full term.

  21. Congrats to you dear.Baby dust to all women who are TTC

  22. Bv default smile n Mrs Anonymous start rehearsing your testimony

  23. Amen. And so shall it be for me also.

  24. Amen. And so shall it be for me

  25. Amen. And so shall it be for me also

  26. Chai...glory to God,mine is on the way,congrats dearie

  27. He will never forsake nor abandoned us. He has heard us before we started this TTC program. He even gave us a word thru the revelation on Day 1 of the fasting.

    I was diagnosed with bilateral tubal occlusion. A condition were two tubes are blocked. On my way for medicals a mad woman wrote a letter to me which was shared on this blog. I have been praying and believing God.

    Just bw 2-3am this morning, I had a great and divine visitation. Two medical doctors were flushing and repairing my blocked fallo3 tubes and was told it's done. I woke up so excited but kept wondering the meaning of the revelation.

    If God has done for this our sister, then He has, He will and is capable of doing for ALL.

    Poster, none shall cast your young. Baby dusts to all TTC

    1. Amen my sister,amen

    2. God has answered your prayer...nne go n knack to conceive jare

    3. God is really working wonders. This testimony by anon 10:39 is a wonderful one. You are surely next in line ma'am. Congratulations on your bundles of joy (yes! 2released tubes, 2 fertilised ovum, 2 babies #faithit# ). Amen

    4. God will perfect what he has started in ur life.

    5. Gus booms. Jesus is Lord.

  28. For this is the confidence we have when we pray; We serve a prayer answering God. hallelujah

  29. Amen...and God will c u through d pregnancy.

  30. Thank you Jesus, God is faithful and to Him be all the glory and adoration forever and ever.

  31. Awesome God! God who did this for you wil do it for everyone of us TTC

  32. Thank you Jesus...God will perfect what he has started in Jesus name..AMEN

  33. God indeed answers prayers. Likewise will every woman in this blog family that is TTC carry their babies in Jesus name, Amen.

  34. Oh hallelujah, the GOD that has started a good work in you will be faithful to complete it. Amen.

  35. Amen and Amen. Nne u are blessed.

  36. Congrats dear.
    I am next in line for a miracle.

  37. Praise God. May you carry your baby to full term.

  38. Congratulations, the God that honoured his word will help you carry full term and Grant you a successful delivery. Thank you Jesus, we are expecting more testimonies for that prayer. This is awesome.

  39. Praise God! May this be the testimony of all those ttc. Amen.

  40. evergreen jules30 March 2016 at 11:31

    Amen nd amen

  41. Wao! May your testimony remain permanent in Jesus name

  42. Congrats dear, i tap into this great testimony

  43. Congratulations. More to come for our women

  44. I believe God for my own testimony30 March 2016 at 11:52

    Thank God for you dear bvn.
    My own case is somehow. I've done all tests. All they can see are 2 tiny fibroids as small as a peanut.
    At 25, I've never been pregnant all my life. My dh, God bless him. He's so supportive. Nothing is wrong with me except the fibroids, at the same time they are not big enough to stop me from getting pregnant. So what's the problem?

    I'm tired.

    1. Don't be darling!
      Your Miracle is on the way.
      Sending u d warmest hugs.

    2. My dear don't be tired, just hold on to God's word and try to relax your mind.Don't be surprised that God will turn the 2 fibroid to twins for you.If God can bless others with children,your case won't be different. Ciao

    3. I call him my awesome GOD! The pillar of our lives and merciful Father. Be praised forever Lord of Host

  45. Amen, I receive mine in Jesus name

  46. Congratulations dear God will perfect this testimony and grant mine and others ours too in Jesus name. Amen. Praise God. Hallelujah

  47. Congratulations and God will give you the grace to carry on till your bundle of joy arrives. To all TTC God will do it for you too just believe and be patient.

  48. I will testify too in Jesus Name.Amen

  49. May I come to testify in this blog soon. May we all TTC carry our own babies. Congratulations to you poster and baby dust to you.

    1. Amen Amen and Amen.
      Congratulations in advance dearie.

    2. The God that embarassed me with children
      The God who made all the methods of family planning failed me
      The God who made an only child to become mother of 'nations'
      The God that shifted generational landmark on my case and made my mother to forget all her tears of yesteryears as her hand is overfull with grandchildren
      The God that favoured me shall bless your womb
      that God of more than enough shall favour you
      That God that never fails shall visits you
      That God shall fill your mouth with laughter
      That God will bless your home
      Receive it in JESUS NAME

    3. café au lait30 March 2016 at 20:46

      I RECEIVE IT IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME!!! Congrats poster default smile congratulations in advance ours is next. Baby dust to all GTC- going to conceive. Amen

    4. Amen! I receive it!

  50. Thank you ABBA Father,it can only be you....Congrats madam.

  51. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thats so nice

  52. congratulationsssss

  53. You will carry your baby to full term and you will give birth like the Hebrew women. The world shall hear the cry of the baby and the voice of the mother..

    We will dedicate over 100 babies on this blog within a year from today. GOD is not man that he will go back on his words. He honors and fulfill his promises..

    Baby dust to everyone ttc

  54. Amen...I will testify soon IJN

  55. Glory to God Almighty,may He see you through your pregnancy stages in Jesus mighty name and safely shall you deliver to the glory of His name...Amen

    To everyone who is expecting their own Sarah's laughter,He is on the throne and will surely visit y'all in Jesus mighty name...Amen

  56. Poster indeed we serve a prayer answering God. Congratulations to u and u will carry ur baby to full term. I am next in line for a testimony. I must carry my twins dis December. Amen

  57. Dear Blog visitors pls put me in your prayers too, for me to have a testimony. I have been married for over 10 years and still TTC. Its been the hardest years of my life.
    I am so happy for blog visitors testimony and paray that i get to share my testimony too here on this blog.

    1. You will definitely share your testimony soon. It is well with you

  58. Our God is faithful!Congratulations,wishing you a stress free pregnancy.I am so sure of what my daddy has done,testimony is 100 percent sure!@ilaje blood,thank you,default smile and other beautiful women TTC,baby dust!

  59. I am just seeing this post would have come here to post my testimony the Lord ofor SDK is alive. I posted mine in IHN. I am pregnant confirmed it today being TTC next month wld make it 1 year I got married. I joined the TTC waiting on the Lord. Prior to being married I have known about my enemies fibroid condition since 2010 after my youth service the doctor asked me to hurry and get married so I cld start bearing kids before it grew. I began to see every man as a potential and in the process made some mistakes and none worked cos you can never run faster than God. I got married last year. Two weeks into meeting my husband I told him about my condition he still said I was the 1 and asked me if I could still bear children with it I said yes. So we started trying even before the marriage nothing love and behold fibroid grew bigger to the extent when I put on clothes ud notice it. Each time my period came I'd be depressed and cry a lot thank God for my hubby who wld say I dint marry you because of children but as a woman who wants to hear that. People I got married together all put to bed and I wld weep and then thank God and Sk God to do my own. It got so bad I was ashamed going out of my house for fear of people gossiping about me. Today God has wiped away my tears my husband is so happy.sometime this month a lady wrote to say she was pregnant on this blog after TTC since last year march and i connected asking God to give me an anniversary gift because in a few days time I'd be 1 year in marriage. Please people thank the Lord for me for he is faithfulI I confirmed I am pregnant today.God who has answered me will surely answer all TTCs on this blog. Just keep praying

  60. Our God is a faithful one, He wi continue to do wonders in our lives, For those of us still TTC, Allah wil answers our prayers too

  61. Awwwwwww! Beautiful testimonies on here. God of wonders bless every womb that is TTC amen.

  62. Congrats! More good news. .

  63. May God grant u grace to carry to fullterm nd deliver like d Hebrew women.amen

  64. I am so happy for this poster.may u carry to full term and birth your baby without problem in Jesus name.
    I am also ttc and i have been asking God to bless me with this miracle that only him can perform.scan revealed a very tiny fibroid and the doc said its too irrelevant but no pregnancy yet.If there is one thing i have learnt,it is that one should worry less and put all trust in God but sometimes it seems so hard when every where you go u see women staring at you with their baby bump.But i trust in the rock of ages that i will testify soon,Amen

  65. I am Anon 10:39. Thank you all for all your reply comments.
    I forgot to add that last night was my Ovulation peak day and me and Oga sure made sweet love making, then said night I had a divine operation. God be praised

  66. I connect with all the testimonies and I pray I am next in line for a grand miracle of conception and supernatural childbirth too. Amen

  67. God is still in the business of doing good and believe me, when he do for one, he do for all. As many that connect to this testimonies will carry their own bundle of Joy, pls dont be moved by your period..u need faith which is the universal currency that Heaven adores. Keep saying it, keep believing, dont be moved by what you see or hear or feel but the move by the word of the master. Please dont be distracted i beg you, dont allow devil speak to you, to allow devil to remind you of things you did in the past that have shot the ears of God, believe me is not true, devil is a liar, the real enemy not God, he is the father of all do this, each time he remind you of your sins...tell him, devil..i did not sin against you but against my creator, tell devil the reason why you cant be condemned because you are a new creature. Believe you me Sisters, is only the truth you know that can set you can ever birth spiritual children for God(soul winning) and ask him anything and see him in action. i call him THE GREATEST DEITY i swear

  68. Congrats poster. May u also experience a stress and sickness free 9 months in Jesus name.

  69. Congrats poster. I tap into this miracle. I am next in line. Amen

  70. May his name alone be praised forever! For everyone ttc,this year will not pass us by..IJN

  71. Every single thing about Him,is great! For all the ttc,this year will not pass us by..IJN

  72. Congratulations to you. GOD IS GREAT, EVERYTHING written about Him is GREAT!

  73. What a WONDERFUL and GLORIOUS GOD! Only him can do this!

  74. Amen wow I'm so happy for you dear. congrats oo God is wonderful

  75. I key into this blessing and I am next in line, Amen. Thank you Nwachukwu with your words of encouragement


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