Stella Dimoko In Support of Gender Equality.



Thursday, March 17, 2016

In Support of Gender Equality.

I agree with the meme and whoever coined it ''the person head dey house'',However we need it to be Official.

Say NO to Gender inequality.
I am just lending my voice to the struggle but knowing Nigerian men,they would rather the World ends than agree to this!


  1. And that is how men keep trying to use sweet mouth to deceive women.

    1. I dnt believe in d equality thing. I already know we are greater..and men knows all these hence their insecurity of passing d bill...within us we know we can't be equal but greater

    2. How pathetic... gender equality but you are greater? That's th kind of reasoning that makes feminism pathetic

    3. I don't understand why men are even against this Gender equality thing. They have daughters and they have sisters na, even if they do not care for their wives. Truth is, Gender Equality is about having equal opportunities especially in Politics. I'm sure most Nigerian men would rather die than see a woman become a President. And the funniest part is most women feel the same way. The type of enlightenment some women need ehn.they need it in bulk. Women are indeed the enemy of women. Most people won't really realize the importance of Gender Equality until they want to apply for jobs in the military,politics, etc. Places that are generally seen as men's rightful places.

    4. Gbam Stella!! Did u hear how they shouted nay!!!!!!!!

  2. Yeah! No to Women inequality! Women are supernatural being

    1. Gender equality?it affects both male n female..I remember wen we just finished service n we submitteed cv somewia n dey said it's strictly 1st class or 2:1 for guys n 2:2 for ladies..very unfair.
      We'l be equal d day u women can insid a bottle without a single drop fallin to d ground

    2. ...And don't think of using a funnel

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Bitchplis, that means we've been equal for the longest time and women are now even superior. What you just demanded, I've been doing since I was age 9 and still do it now. By the way, I'm diabetic, been since age nine and I had to do so many urine tests in so many different situations and circumstances. Wether on the road, in school, during a long journey etc. it had been just convenient to easily and discreetly pee in bottles and stick my little ketostix in it or drop the little tablets in a container with water to determine my ketones or sugar levels. And no drop falls to the ground while peeing in the bottles either. What else you gat?! Now you men, why don't you trying menstruating, get pregnant and naturally give birth to another human being by pushing a baby out from your sex organs before telling us who's superior or not?

  3. We are not Equal to Men....Period!

    1. Who are the 'we'?you must mean you deserve less than a human and you should be discriminated must also mean that whatever efforts you can put into building this nation will never be recognised or appreciated.
      Gender equality isn't about 'I am a woman' or 'you are a man'.its about 'we are humans both male and female'(well...maybe except you considering your comment)

    2. Cissy I'm with you on this jare. The moment you people stop making comments like 'she's a woman now' then I know you are ready for gender equality. The moment you take heartbreak like a man and bone that shii then I know you are ready the moment Nigerian can pass information across without sentiments, emotional blackmail, hurling abusive words at each other for no reason then we are ready, the moment Nigerian women realise not everything is about good dick and man then we are ready but until these moments and so many moments I can't type,the passing of that bill will be immature

  4. Replies
    1. Don't u ladies like d preferencial treatments u get? Weneva I see a lady carrying sometin,irrespective of her age,wether I know her or not I help her carry it...flat tire,I always help,meanwhile a guy I no go even look am u ladies wanto throw all dat away?

  5. Yes oooo
    My mummy is superior to my dad.
    At least she is d most faithful being on planet E
    End time men just full everywhere
    Women = men

  6. I'm in support of gender equality. Those senators in the National Assembly that are against it are so 1900.

  7. Say yes to gender equality and equity

  8. This post does not apply to all women oh! Give some a house and they will turn it to beer/club house, give them groceries you will have apapku lol.

    I'm only joking oh!

  9. Our generation is becoming so busy trying to prove that women can do what men can do thereby losing their uniqueness. Women weren't created to do everything a man can do but everything a man CAN'T do

    1. Spot on darling

    2. Thank You christabel. I still don't understand this gender equality nonsense.

    3. Gender equality does not mean women become simply means women wouldn't be discriminated anymore.

    4. You forgot to add 'stolen' Aunty Christabel. Plagarism minor.

    5. Thank u Karma, women and men have their God given uniqueness, that makes them equal partners. Gender equality and equity that women are given the respect they deserve as human beings and not as lesser beings. Unfortunately, some naija women don't even see themselves as equitable to men and Stella is one of them. Always encouraging women how to scavenge from men. As long as women see themselves as scavengers talking only about what material things they can get from men but not what they can work with together, there will never be gender equality. As long as women continue to sell their bodies willingly to men for material things there cant be equality. That is why the senate will not pass a gender equality bill because they see girls as commodities and girls make themselves commodities to them. If you were a man would you consider a commodity as equal to you? The mindset of young naija girls must change. Women must value themselves to attain that equality status, no one can give you what you don't already have yourself

    6. Gender equity is what we seek so that both men and women will have equal opportunities hence become equal. Equal doesn't mean that women will become men, but there will be mutual respect. But unfortunately even our naija women do not see themselves as equal, they see themselves as commodities for men to procure and dump. That is why the senate will not pass a bill that appears to make equal to them what they daily procure. Stella even you on this blog promote gender inequality, you promote women scavenging men, most people on this blog only concern themselves about the money a man has, how about you making your money? What stops you as a woman? If you agree that God bestowed you with the same intellect as men, why should there always be reference to how much money the man gives a woman. That is why men will only continue to see women as commodities. Nigerian women are strong, intelligent, hard working women. We need the right laws that gives U.S. equity so that we can become equal partners. That is not to say that a religious woman should not follow the rulings of their religious doctrines about being submissive, submission has nothing to do with being a lower being. Women must portray themselves in such a way that men will not see them as commodities, they should stop selling their bodies "runs" is not a profession to aspire to. It is degrading and the men will never see as equal a woman that they know is up for grabs by he highest bidder. Stella if you support gender equality, you need to stop promoting that women should only look for men with money. A man may not have money today but he may have potentials, same with a woman who may not have anything today but has potentials. We are advocating for equality, we also need to do our part. It is not by insulting the people who live in the same society where women portray themselves as commodities, it is by our collective will as women to rise up and demand equity.

    7. Gender equity is what we seek so that both men and women will have equal opportunities hence become equal. Equal doesn't mean that women will become men, but there will be mutual respect. But unfortunately even our naija women do not see themselves as equal, they see themselves as commodities for men to procure and dump. That is why the senate will not pass a bill that appears to make equal to them what they daily procure. Stella even you on this blog promote gender inequality, you promote women scavenging men, most people on this blog only concern themselves about the money a man has, how about you making your money? What stops you as a woman? If you agree that God bestowed you with the same intellect as men, why should there always be reference to how much money the man gives a woman. That is why men will only continue to see women as commodities. Nigerian women are strong, intelligent, hard working women. We need the right laws that gives U.S. equity so that we can become equal partners. That is not to say that a religious woman should not follow the rulings of their religious doctrines about being submissive, submission has nothing to do with being a lower being. Women must portray themselves in such a way that men will not see them as commodities, they should stop selling their bodies "runs" is not a profession to aspire to. It is degrading and the men will never see as equal a woman that they know is up for grabs by he highest bidder. Stella if you support gender equality, you need to stop promoting that women should only look for men with money. A man may not have money today but he may have potentials, same with a woman who may not have anything today but has potentials. We are advocating for equality, we also need to do our part. It is not by insulting the people who live in the same society where women portray themselves as commodities, it is by our collective will as women to rise up and demand equity.

    8. Anon 16:07, May God bless you o. I don't know what it really is with a lot of Nigerian women. Could it be brainwashing, low self esteem or maybe it's just decades of oppression and suppression by the men. They can't even reason properly to see the topic at hand clearly, they keep jumping on one bandwagon or the other while completely missing the point. Its just so sad.....

  10. I concur! Women rock! Two fingers to all the women! No be wome o! Women....

  11. Good one Stella. u have a point dear

  12. True talk. Women can so multi task and won't break down. *thumbs up*

  13. I'm in support of it anytime anyday!

  14. Women can never be equal to men.
    Eve was made from just a rib in Adam's body.

    1. Eve,an updated version way better than the outdated.
      If Adam was perfect,Eve wouldn't have had to be made.After Adam was made from mere mud,God looked at all He had created And saw it was good.just probably was more complicated to make Eve.Don't think Adam's the best just cos he's the first.

    2. And who gave birth to u, if it were not for ur mum, wil u b in Dz world.. or can Jez ur dad's sperm turn to baby, isn't d same woman Dat carried u for 9 months,.. abeg park well

    3. Windows 10 came after Windows 95, IPhone 6s came after IPhone 4....we are more superior

  15. Christabel you are so on point .in love with your comment

  16. Hope d women r ready to share responsibilities 50/50
    Hope she ll not ask for recharge card money n hair money.hope she ll nt say let me leave dis job its for a man. Nigeria women lyk to cheat men.selfish. I am against men impressing women,bt women sld knw their place.women r eeasily carried Away.wat ever makes u happy.

  17. Its alright. Nigerian men stubborn like kilode.

  18. @james read ur bible well. God didn't create woman to become slave to man, he called her a help mate. Mate means equality, they need each oda to become a whole. So a man is incomplete without his mate n vice versa.

  19. Y'all be dropping lame ass meme, am very sure a lotta people screaming the Gender Equality don't even understand this game. Women can never be equal to men, every woman knows that. Oh yea a woman should have her right but Gender Equality? seriously? Y'all need to take a Fucking break and read more pls. This meme is trash, we all know after intercourse she gon get pregnant.. Why didn't she get her self pregnant? Even in the bible Eve was made from Adam's Rib and she even brought the doom on man kind. I don't even know why Stella seems trolled to this dumb meme, a woman can't take charge, she gets into her feelings err minute. Check Yuur history often and Yuu will realized that err Fallen Hero has a trace to a woman being the cause. Tho Women are strong I believe that and they have the most amazing heart and can adapt to any situation but let's be realistic. This is never gon happen.

    1. You have no sense! Can a man also impregnate himself? Can he make a baby alone? Come back with stronger argument abeg. Dumb soul

    2. Dumb Fuck.. Yuu brain so slow that Yuu reason from behind. Even the bible said about women being submissive, Sarah, Esther even the Queens. That's why many marriages are broken today cause woman be seeking equal rights. Women are meant to be cherished and loved but not to stand up to a man silly... Get Yuur ass down and read Yuu punk ass being. Stop getting in ya feelings and stop tripping already.. "woman"

    3. Submissive to her HUSBAND
      That honour isn't for everyman
      Walking on the road.
      Any other person male or female , old or young
      Civility and mutual respect

  20. Take it or leave we all have our different roles to play. Women can not be equal to men. Get it into ur empty skull. For the fact that you make money does not mean that you are equal. The Bible made man the head. Beat around it all u can. This equality is the reason why there problems in homes. You can ask for equal rights in politics and society but the fact still remains that you are a woman. Wooed by man. If you want equality remove the wo and be a man.

    1. Some people don't even know the equality right they are fighting for and complicating the whole issue. Fights for equal right in politics and the society but really stop measuring up to a man. Some people think the equal right means they van stand up and talk to a man anyhow if he disregards them, try and you will receive the bearings of your life.

      And it's true, feminism and gender equality is the reason for so many problems in marriage because women want to measure up, not wanting to know their place in the home and wanting to be the head.

      So what if you earn more than your husband, still doesn't make you equal to him or even the head of the house. It's funny how women misuse their rights. Look at all the women in power here in Nigeria and see how much Mayhem they have done in their different organization and you wonder why they would listen to you.

      That bill should go and be rephrased and they will hear them. Fight for girls who are been pushed to marry early. Fight for equal right at the place of work. Fight for equal right in the society. Fight for widows but that's all about it. Anything else is just been stupid

    2. Nwa Amaka spot on. Women always want preferential treatment, but r looking for equality. Every body has their role.m. Simple as ABC. I can't shout biko

    3. U both re so right, w3 were just arguing this in d office.

  21. The fact is we do more than men. They may pay majority of d bills,but nowadays its even 50/50. He may just pay major bills like rent and school fees.
    In my own case I am a banker, so is my husband in another bank. He pays school fees, rent and house bills. While I buy food, stuff kids need, clothes etc and my own personal expenses.
    We do the same amount of work at d office, when he gets home all he dos is relax and watch TV. Me I will still get home, cook, check kids assignment,bath dem, feed them and get them ready for school the next day.
    We do so much more than men. Because when their day job ends when they get home. I get home and still do another job. Wife,Mother,cook,cleaner,nanny. I have someone dat cums to help out dou, but just with cleaning n washing plates den she closes and goes home. I still do majority of d work.

    1. It doesn't matter if you pay all the bills. It doesn't matter if you do the same work or you work more than him, that doesn't still remove the fact that he is the head of the house and you are his help mate. It doesn't change the fact that he married you and you didn't marry him..

      Maybe when you start paying groom price and all you can then have this talk above. Even idea that pays their groom don't make this much noise abeg

  22. The title of the bill was dead before arrival SDK "Gender Equality in marriage" for which country? Same senate/house filled with only men abi? Even the so called Ekeremadu won't support it base on the title but might support some potion of the bill. Only the title killed bill, if i see such title in a bill i myself will throw it out unless it's about below individual topics.
    Men do not want equal right with women, our women will abuse such right. Yes i said so even their comments on this blog are filled with aggressiveness, abuse, just imagine living with some of them at home.
    Maybe they should have used the world
    Prohibition against domestic violence (I support).
    Equal Education and job for women ( supported)
    Widows in Nigeria automatically becoming custodian of kids in the case of death. (Supported)
    Widows also inheriting properties after husband's death (Supported)
    Alot of families are ruined due to such family interference but i blame the men for it.
    Our men should learn to write their WILL and draw lines with family members when married to avoid such problems occurring when death happens. We have to plan for our death everyday, death can visit us at anytime.

    Just imagine our women having equal right with our men like the women in the western world, 90% of naija men will be thrown out on the street. Even our women taken abroad by their partners abuse such right because according to them "they want to show the useless man pepper" talk more. We love our women as hardworking women and they deserve a lot of rights but we need more education and job opportunity for them especially those at the north. We have not grown as a country for such "LAW" and won't have law with such title. They should channel the energies into more realistic things.

    SDK,i believe you should draw line on what areas of the law you want to support as i mentioned but, with such title OYO is your case. They should rewrite the topic to cover the areas i pointed out at the moment because urgent changes are needed in those areas. #MyOpinon#.

    1. @Jay Moore, talking about showing the useless man pepper. Are you talking from experience?

  23. Women stay ur lane,men stay ur lane,everybody get hin own work, we nor fit be equal abeg...

  24. Say no to gender inequality

  25. Before God, everyone is equal - man or woman and shall be judged accordingly. Besides, there's really no reason to keep arguing about the strength of either party. What a man can do, a man can do... what a woman can do, a woman can do. Finis!

  26. Yeah I love this meme
    That's why we tell women to be independent, struggle to get a means of livelihood .
    Men cherish and respect career women.
    Don't live all your life on men and never believe a man would be your ladder to success
    By this you too will have the guts to say No to gender inequality

  27. Is it that people are not understanding what 'gender equality' is all about. First of all, gender means either male or female. Gender equality to my understanding is giving equal opportunities to both male and female in any given circumstance. Why do people equate it with women all the time wanting to be equal to men. Yes, women could be said to be under represented in a number of areas mainly in decision-making positions but emphasis should not be on women, women, women. I hope whoever presented this bill to the lawmakers did it right. Well even if he did, the kind of local breed of lawmakers(not all) we presently have will not understand because they have blocked their minds completely as to bringing the issue to the household level and are not even enlightened enough to understand the concept.


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