Stella Dimoko Doctors In House Section



Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Doctors In House Section


Irregular Menstrual Cycle Issue
I have been married for 11 months and TTC ‎. Please I just need answers from doctors in the house and women in the know. Here goes my worry I don't have a fixed menstrual cycle as it ranges from 25-30days. Also, I really don't know when I ovulate. I used to have ovulation pain but for some months I haven't noticed the pain. 

I desperately want to get pregnant ASAP and I want to find out how to calculate my ovulation/fertile days seeing as my cycle changes every month. Also for the ladies in the house do you guys have a fixed menstrual cycle or does it fluctuate? I don't want to go to the hospital because the doctors will say I haven't tried for up to a year.

I await answers from my fellow BVs.

God bless us all


  1. Replies
    1. JHW lemme borrow your space.
      I'm also trying to conceive, 3 months tho. I've had a cycle for 45 days. Go to a gynecologist. I'm waiting to do test now, was told to come for 3rd day of cycle, I'm on day 35 now, just praying for it to come early Ni, done some other tests tho, normal, including PCOS

    2. And hope you are not over weight?

    3. Your cycle is also dependent on your nutrition. If you aren't eating well it's bound to be irregular and please eating thrice a day doesn't necessarily mean you are eating well....... In Nigeria people just gobble food without putting into consideration nutritional needs . I usually advice people with hormonal health problems include a bottle vitamilk(plain) per day in their diet.

    4. Your cycle is also dependent on your nutrition. If you aren't eating well it's bound to be irregular and please eating thrice a day doesn't necessarily mean you are eating well....... In Nigeria people just gobble food without putting into consideration nutritional needs . I usually advice people with hormonal health problems include a bottle of soya vitamilk makes it easy (plain) per day in their diet.

  2. Well 11 months is almost a year.
    Mine fluctuates. My advice is have sex every 3days through out the month. It will definitely fall on ur ovulation day

    1. I thought I reaad 11 years. Smh. E never pain u. Cos if e begin pain u, no be Sdk u go dey. Kmt

  3. Mine fluntuates. 32-28 days.

    Use google to know how to calculate.

  4. Poster, why are you rushing to get pregnant.
    Is your horseband planning to leave you?

  5. Poster I think you should download my calendar on your phone, in put your first day and last day, d length for your cycle. It will help you a lot to know when you are fertile and your ovulation day. I know is not perfect but it can give you a guide line on when to meet with your dh. Also get an ovulation kit is not expensive, with d app on your phone you can test to be sure you ovulate. meanwhile, why don't you check for d reason why you are having in regular period? All d best.

  6. Irregular menstruation does not mean you are not ovulating neither can you consider yourself TTC until you have being regularly sexually engaged (atleast twice a week) for a year. Except there are other underlying factors with DH and yourself, there is no cause to worry yet. Madam, just relax, enjoy marriage and let the blessings flow.

  7. Ok.
    I will just
    Jump and pass.

  8. I don't have strength to type but I will just recommend an app for you that will help you calculate and monitor yourself. It will also help single ladies who don't wish to get pregnant to know their body. Download either my days or my calender. I prefer my calendar. Chart in your data as required and you are good to go in terms of ovulation and fertile days.

  9. Y'all shld just stop this.
    You either go visit a fertility clinic,a gynaecologist or u stop complaining
    Madam...please go and google d definition of infertility b4 u kill yourself by yourself.
    If u haven't tried for @least a year,had regular unprotected sexual intercourse den u ought not 2get urself worked up habaaa.

    Everybody be saying ttc in less dan 2mnths sef habaaa.
    I dnt know how long uv been ttc bt if it does worry u den go see a doctor or shut it

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Check for infection first n know why ur flow is irregular

  12. Go to sign up, download they App.. It'd help u accurately track ur circle and ur fertile/ovulation days.. You also hv to temp... Temping accurately tells u whether or not you do ovulate.. Good luck!

  13. My cycle has always been 28-30.

  14. Hi Poster,
    My menstrual cycle isn't regular,however,since it's plus or minus 5days. I use babycenter's ovulation calculator ( ascertain my ovulation period)
    It's not 100% accurate since my period is already irregular, but u will try to make love on each day of the ovulation period.
    I wish you the best.
    May God speedily grant you,wonderful and blessed children.

  15. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
    Am not a blog doctor.

    1. Madam must u comment on every post... Jst look at wt u put up there. Shame !

  16. Y don't you download an app that shows you when you ovulate? Yes mine fluctuates like yours but if will still happen within the days shown on the app. I use "period diary". You can download it.

  17. 11months and you're worrying like this.

    You guys are even contributing it, the more you worry, fear, the less chances of taking in.

    God will do it, why not talk to him.

    1. Abeg let her worry mbok..11mnths under prick no b moimoi...biko,d earlier d beta b4 u start 2 count 11yrs

  18. Dear just download Menstral circle calculator on your phone, it will help.

  19. You can buy predicte ovulation kit to check it. It really helps

  20. Mine fluctuates too from 29-32 days or even more sometimes. Just be relaxed and ve constant sex. God is still God

    1. Fuck fuck.Una too like fuck for this blog.Close ur legs and do the mermade style biko.

    2. Idiot. So married people should only be looking at their faces abi? Ewu gambia

  21. Dear,that is irregular menses. With that,sometimes its dificult to calculate your ovulation.Nevertheless,it is believed that ovulation occurs on day 14th starting from the first day of your menstrual cycle.Now this ovulation differs from person to person and that depends if you have a short, long or normal cycle.The long cycle can be 30-32days,short cycle 22-26days and normal 28days.For a person with a long cycle your ovulation may occur between day 14-18,while short cycle can be from day 10-14 and the normal cycle from day 11-15.Meanwhile all these depends on individual and anything that causes an imbalance to the homones can easily distabilise it.The statistics above proves why it is belived that ovulations take place on day 14th.Now back to your case,you need to find out and be sure of which category your ovulation fell into.For women TTC i usuall advise them to use an ovulation prediction kit.That way you will be sure you are actually ovulating and also know the light time to have sex.Most times irregular menses comes due to homonal imbalance.Have done any test satisfying that part to be ok?? You also need to calm down,rest,sleep,eat well too.You have not reach upto a year,so relax.In all remember prayer is the key.Congratulations in advance.

    1. Ada God bless you. You may not get to read this as its an 'old' post.

      Elena I insist, you're my favorite bisexual doctor, but u can be a miserable bitch sometimes. I dunno if Ada is a doctor, but can u compare the compassionate words she used to the near hateful thrash u dropped? If u hada bad day, don't comment! 'Hypocrisy' oath my foot, most of you & ur colleagues lack compassion. There a million ways to achieve the crux of your message, but u chose the most annoying. I really feel you're sad, that something is wrong, because u haven't always been this way. Wanna talk about it?

  22. James aka money maker you will not kill somebody on this blog. Abeg take style get sense small

  23. Please don't download the menstrual app on ur phone. It will only mislead and misdirect you. I tried it and it always gave me the wrong days for ovulation cuz it does not take specifics into consideration.

    Just make sure you have sex with your husband every 3days or more often than that, and it will surely fall on ur fertile days.

    Above all, pray for God to bless ur womb. No be say u go insist on prayer before action oooo. U can pray at other times.

  24. They have said it all, don't be confused. First step is getting the app, master it and worry less. It will happen in no time.

  25. James why asking if her hubby want to leave her? Poster want to get pregnant and have her own baby. She never said her hubby is about to leave her, haba.

  26. Madam use an Ovulation prediction kit (OPK). D sell in drug stores. I ws using d cervical mucus tyn 2 calculate but I kept missing it. Den I read about OPKs and tried it just once and it entered. So jst try it religiously. It ws easier 4me cos I had a steady cycle so I knew d period to start checkn. but since u dnt, i'll advice u get ready 2spend money and buy enough. So u cn use dem every oda day. All d best

  27. Why don't you get an ovulation prediction kit. Go to any healthplus or medplus pharmacy and ask for clearblue ovulation kit. It's better to use that. Bcos since ur cicle is irregular, the calculation application might not be of much help. Also get a thermometer, that will help you know if you have ovulated or not. Or you can have sex every three days. That way you are well covered. Though it can be tiring

  28. Poster,if you don't want to go to the clinic,then maybe you try having a scan done from your day10 so that they can see how the follicles are travelling and then anoda one on your day 13 or 14,with that,you may know your exact day of ovulation just that that may b a Lil expensince having 2 or 3 scans done.

    I just feel you are worrying over it but do I blame you? The pressure for children from paents and parents inlaw on marriage s this days is something else.

    Also,you can use ovulation predictor kit and be sure you are infection free as well as your dh. All the best.

  29. Thermometer of a thing will not do the work, if you check your temperature when you wake up in the morning, compare it with when you have a liitle work. It will confuse you, the best is that ovulation kit with my calendar app on your phone.

  30. First please see a gynecologist. Secondly document the dates you get your period so you have accurate information for your doctor. Third thing, buy an ovulation prediction kit. Exercise, eat right, and try not to worry. Most of all have sex at least 3 times a week. Good luck.

  31. There are 3 main ways to help u predict when u will be ovulating. 1) Basal body temperature(BBT) 2) Cervical mucus(CM) and 3) using an ovulation prediction kit(OPK)... For the BBT, the rise in body temperature occurs just after ovulating so to use it, u have to have been charting ur temp over a period of months so as to try to predict ovulation. For CM, the usual fertile Cervical mucus described as egg white may not be noticeable for everyone. So it's best to use an OPK which will directly show u when u are about to ovulate. Since u have a cycle of btw 25-30days, start checking from day 11 with the OPK. Also downloading a good period app/tracker along side can be of benefit to u. Best of luck.


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