Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narratives...



Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narratives...

One post,three different stories ......


Aunty mi Stella,

Abeg help a sister out. I am so confused now I don't even know what to do or who to talk to.
I am supposed to get married on the 26th of March and we are wedding in my parents church. My fiance agreed o and we've been making plans. We traveled over last weekend to see the marriage committee of the church only for them to inform us that my husband has to do semen analysis as part of the requirements before the wed us. 

Their explanation is that a lot of men become 'tigers' after marriage and if there is delay in conception, people always blame the woman. And that some men even refuse to go to the hospital to have a check up done. The church says it will wed us irrespective of the result but its just their own way of protecting the women who are always victims most times.

Now the issue at hand is my fiance does not want to have a semen analysis done (no tenable reason for this reaction) and he's already asking that we wed in another church since my parent's church will not wed us without the result from the lab scientist in the church. My parents would think he has an issue for saying no (I'm tempted to think so too) if i tell them what he said.

He wants us to lie that he cant ejacul*** by masturbation which is the only permitted means of making semen for the lab. He's already saying he has sacrificed a lot for agreeing to go and wed in a town where he has no friends and is even having a rethink about wedding there.
I am scared and confused at the same time. walking away is not an option o. Abeg I need sensible comments on the way forward as condemning the church will not help me at this time.

Thanks for the platform.



Hello Stella. Good day to you.

I have an issue and I was hoping my fellow bvs will be able to help.
I met a guy online some weeks ago and I think I am in love with him already. Well we are dating already...cos I forced him to define the relationship (no time to start doing girlfriend when you've been friend zoned). 

We talk everyday and I connect so much with him. He is presently not in the country but I'm fine with it. He makes me laugh and he is pretty smart.
Somehow I got his brother's number (from him) and I have been talking to his brother for a while too.His brother is in Nigeria. Due to the difference in time zones,I have to stay awake till late to talk to my boyfriend cos he gets back from work late but I talk to his brother well cos we are in the same time zone. 

His brother is also pretty cool and I feel his brother knows me more than my boyfriend does. This is because we talk most of the time about everything.
Now I want to know if there's a problem with talking with your partner's sibling without strings attached because if at the end we get married, his family practically becomes mine. 
Thank you Stella.



Dear Stellacious,
I need the advise of fellow BV's on this issue. I got married 2005, at age 30 , that was last 10years ago, but I never enjoyed my hubby, both financially, emotionally, sexually, materially and otherwise.

He doesn't sleep in our bedroom always like sleeping in d parlour, I have pleaded for him to come to bed he bluntly refused. The major issue now  is for the past 6 months he neither come to me or make moves for sex even when I am naked. If I asked he always said he is tired.

I have 3 children of which those children came from God and not number of love we made, For the past 10 years now I have never enjoyed sex because he is not good at all, and right now he has gone worst, before he can do 3 minutes but now nothing at all.

I called his close friend to ask him if he is seeing someone,  he said no but it seems he is having some issues with his sexual life, of which I have asked him he refused to tell me, when I persuaded him he yelled at me and walked out of me and said I should never bother him, that it is not my business. 
Please BV's for a man that cannot perform or satisfy his wife on bed what can be done to handle the situation, be it herbal or medical without after effect. I need my husband, I love him. I have been starved of sex especially during ovulation. Please don't suggest Dido I am a christian I cannot use it, moreover I can neither kiss or romance Dido left alone headie.
I need help biko I am still young  to stay without sex.


  1. Just put it in prayer and ask God for wisdom. Daz all I can say.

    1. 2day I managed to comment,everything I typed just disappeared.
      @poster1 : use your common sense, try and persuade him ooooh.
      Who knows, he might be impotent.
      I like your church method
      @poster3 : u are married to yourself.
      Take a time out of that marriage.
      You need a breath of fresh air.
      @poster2 : you are already inlove with someone u met online?
      So soon?
      You forced him 2 define the relationship?
      Buahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha be deceiving yourself.

    2. P1 d only objection I av,y d female too is not included in d best. infertility cld be frm either of d I wonder y ur fiance is running away,unless there is a CAUSE FOR ALARM.suggest to him dat u will also run a test tooo
      P2. U got no problem abeg,repark and face wat concerns u
      P3. Those who use dildos are not sinners. So I will suggest u learn to luv it, becos I dnt see a gud approach to solve ur husband problem,since he is not even ready to share his pains wt u. Or better still channel ur enery in ur work and children.

    3. Now I know most of the chronicles here are fake. So this girl sent in this our made up story, SMH.

    4. Poster 2 are you very ugly or do you have mouth/body odour that no man asks you out? Why will marriage ever cross your mind with someone you don't even know if he's married??? Desperate chics all over.

    5. Poster 1 ,let your man do the semen analysis. My hubby did his 2 months after we got married and he had a low sperm count. It takes 3 months to treat . We are in our 6th of marriage now. Believang a miracle will happen. Infact I advised my pastor they should include test for hubby and wife before marriage so that couple can start treatment on time...#my cents.

    6. Pls who know Walex from qatar? He added me from s$m and he's being a nice guy. Please any info about him

    7. Any good nursing schools in lagos? Fees and age limit please?

    8. Poster 3, I feel u. Go to a pharmacy and buy some sexual enhancers eg viagra then secretly b lacing it in his food. If he wants to touch u, make sure he uses a condom since we aren't completely sure his reason for abstaining. Don't put overdose n hide d pack. When it hooks him, seduce him playfully. Before u know it u r handling d kpekus like never b4


    9. Poster 1- I don't blame the church at all. In fact I love that church. Whatever it is, don't lie for your boo or you will suffer the consequences. Me I'm suspecting him oh.... normally you are even supposed to do all these tests before engagement nau..... So you know what you're getting into.
      If the reverse were the case would he accept? Pls find a way to make him do that teSt. Rub his head well.

    10. poster 1. u re lucky to be getting married in a church that cares insist on that test before u marry an impotent man. Do not lie to your parents about how he can't come without masturbation. he ll do the test if he has nothing to hide. I beg you insist on the test. How do you mean walking away is not an option? if he is impotent will you marry him? will your parents let u marry him. be wise!

    11. Poster 1: Ivf clinics now use injection to get semen from men so your hubby to-be has nothing to be scared about with ejaculation lol. Biko do semen analysis e no dey show for face ohhh

  2. Tuesday chronicles is out.


    1. P1: I personally don't see anything wrong with d church's request. If ur fiance isn't hiding something, I don't see why it should be so difficult to do esp for a woman he is in love with. The church's intention is good. It's ur fiance who should come around.

      It's time u both sit down and let him tell u why he really doesn't want to do the test. Or is he hiding something? U hav a right to know.

      P2: there is nothing wrong talking with ur partner's siblings but from d tone of ur text, u both may be developing some sensual feelings for each other and it's dangerous!

      It is wisdom to keep a little distance. Feelings can be subtle. This is to ensure u don't start singing a different song with time;that u are in love with ur brother in law.

      Pls do what is wise esp when ur fiance isn't even around. This person is a guy not a lady. U both are subtly connecting and it's not safe!

      P3:If this is not ur business, whose business is it then? All ur husband needs is to go get medical help but is he even willing to take that step?

      Men's sexual performance is a huge ego boost for them and prolly ur hubby is kind of demoralized (inferiority complex) becos he can't perform so he avoids u altogether.

      But he is not helping matters by doing this. He isn't d first man to have this kind of issue and he won't be d last but most people go out and seek help with their wives support.

      He shld stop pushing u away becos he may think u are seeing him as less as a man becos of this issue.

      Getting u involved with be a big encouragement as u both tackle this problem. Thank God u love him.

      There is nothing impossible with God. God wants u to have great sex in ur marriage, so as u both seek medical help also seek God's face with it.

      Why not send ur husband this link so he can read people's opinions, okay? God willing, it will make him see reason. He isn't helping matters by pushing u away. U deserve better.

      Tkia of u.U are a strong woman.

    2. God bless your heart @pure inspiration.

    3. Pure inspirations u make sense.
      God bless u more

  3. Replies
    1. Poster 2. sound like you are already in love with both brothers. What if you meet your BF's brother and things get out of hand..

      Give yourself brain and stay away. Be friends from a distance..e nugwo?

      Poster 1..I dont know what to say o..find a way to talk to him, unless there is more to it

    2. You married your husband in 2005 at the age of 30 how old are you now? Hmmmmm @poster3 nahh wah 4 you ohh @poster1 your body just deh do u anyhow..


  4. Replies
    1. P1 omo nigga go and arrange somebody to do the test with your hubby to be's name and hand it to the church. But in the future you are on your own o, I'm only advising you because you said leaving the guy is not an option. So in the future when you find out nigga can't perform please don't come back here with stories that touch o and don't say na me advise you Abeg.

      P2 watch yaself #dasall

      P3 una married people association please come and advise her

      I'm out

    2. Hmm p1. To avoid being in poster 3's shoe pls inssist he carries out the test.
      P2. To avoid catching feelings pls reduce ur calls to le boos bro
      P3. I dnt knw wot to tell u. Pray more.


    1. That's why is good to get pregnant before marriage.. ...too much inadequate guys out there with oko bintin .

    2. Borrow sense Bimpe. U mustn't be preggy bfr marriage

    3. See your mouth like kpomo!

  6. Poster 2, you met some guy online a few weeks ago, and you are already claiming wife? Just receive sense.

    1. No be small receive sense ooo

    2. All I know is that poster 2 is already falling for her boyfriend's brother.

  7. Poster 3, sister, don't get dildo. Vibrator is your best option now, by the time he keeps hearing your moans, his eye go clear. You can even see the cunninlingus machine.

    Chai, I suppose post this kain comment under anonymous o lol

  8. Poster 1,
    Which nonsense church encourages masturbation all in the name of doing semen warrever?....
    You better follow your man to any church he wants mbok!...

    Poster 2,
    You no get problem...abeg swerve...

    Poster 3,
    Are you expecting his best friend to agree to you that he is cheating?...
    Poster,do your self some good and get a sugar son!...

    1. Exactly @ur answer to poster3

    2. F or poster one...I don't really understand these churches anymore, imagine doing masturbating...the church are doing too much nawadays. ..they should mind their business, which is to counsel and wed couple.

  9. Poster three don't push ur husband! Allow him mourn his dick. If u push n cajole u might just make him turn into another thing.

  10. Poster 1: Go to God for direction
    Poster 2: stay away from ur bro inlaw to be, to avoid stories dat touch d yansh
    Poster3: babe work on urself! If he Gat sexual issues, u av to help him, know his soft spots and Pls be more romantic, he might even like dat blow job u avoiding
    Pls learn more about sex, try to look more ssexy, u are a christain yes! But dat don't stop u from satisfying ur hubby! U love him! Great! Help ur marriage by improving ur sex life, try to be opened to him, create a romantic atmosphere and most of all be prayerful. Good food helps too!

    1. The trash u just spew is as a result of commenting without reading 1st. U better go back to post 3 n read well before giving ur advice

    2. No vex o, but your comment to poster 3 is the most stupid thing I've read this year.
      Did you read the narrative at all? Abi did you even comprehend?
      Don't be daft please

    3. Abeg wats d insult 4, Dats my opinion take it or leave it.
      Stay blessed

  11. poster one your guy has a question mark on his attitude, in my church all these test must be conducted before the church can wed you. don't be carried away by love it by saying the date and wedding cards has already been printed. is better you get it right now or you end up sending chronicles after marriage, if he has nofin to fear why can't he take the test? babe is for your own good, a broken relationship or engagement is better than a broken marriage. all d best.

  12. Poster two, u've started thinking of marriage when d guy hasn't said anything. Tomoro u will say 'he used me' when he comes n fucks u, u will know.

    1. Ask me oh! Just look at her.... I the 'glory' of her extreme foolishness. She hasn't even met the guy. @Poster 2- I saw a BRAIN FOR SALE!!! Placard somewhere. I would paste the address shortly. You need to patronise them

    2. I'm officially in love with u. Comments always on point
      No homo

    3. All I know is that poster 2 is already falling for her boyfriend's brother

  13. Poster one, all of una na confusionists? Make una no stress the groom abeg!

    1. Poster 1: sincerely, I haven't heard of a church that asks for semen analysis! There reason is okay but it's strange....will u also do HSG as a screening to make sure ur tubes are not blocked? Besides, how do they expect him to get out semen knowing u are both supposed to be sexually pure & masturbation is a sin? U know him he the type that will blame u for not conceiving after 5 mths of marriage? Cos if it's me, I won't lie to church but I will insist that we won't do any other test outside the usual!!!

      Poster 2: only few weeks and u are already thinking of urself as wife? OK o! Don't just come after some more weeks to tell us stories like "I think I love his brother more than him"!!

      Poster 3: very delicate! Truthfully don't know what u shd do....but there is nothing prayer can't pray and God will make him listen to u, then u guys can talk about how to deal with the situation. I just hope he isn't cheating, cos if it was plain " lack of desire " he will want to do something about it. All the best....

    2. @ poster 2, what if ur guy jst gave u his bro's number fr him to get u off his back cos u sound desperate to me. Give urself brain n take a step back bfr u end up being video taped sleeping with Le boo's brother!!!

  14. Poster one
    Your fiance is the one you need to have a conversation with. It won't cost him anything to go for the test,besides it's just a little sacrifice. Why is he willing to make something this small bring about a big ish.
    Borrow Stella's couch and have a talk with him.

    Poster 2
    It's not a crime being friends with your bf's sibling(s) but not when you communicate with him than you do with your boo. Emotions might set in and you wouldn't even know it. It graduates from calls to visits and who knows what. Reduce the calls.

    Poster 3
    Hahahahahahahahahahaha...I'm trying...really trying hard to drop a comment for you but i just keep picturing you in my head saying 'dido'....hahahahahahahahaha...i give up...God help you!

  15. Poster 1 persuade him to do the semen test for doing sake.if not den if u must marry him den go somewhere else
    Poster 2 I dnt see anytin wrong in forming ties with ur spouse family but the rate at which u r going am afraid u r obviously in love with him.
    Poster 3 am nt married so I dnt have advice for u ma

  16. Poster one y is ur soon to be husband running away from taking a semen analysis? Is something wrong that he dsnt wanr you to know? I support the churches desicion on this

    Poster two you will keep talking to your bfs be other and very soon u will start fucking him. You are already sounding like you prefer him since you said you feel he knows you better. Choose your struggle. The bf or his brother

  17. Poster 1: Talk to his parents or pastor to have a talk with him

    Poster 2: There is nothing wrong but watch it so that u don't start have feelings for him..Know your boundaries and be very careful don't make ur boyfriend jealous because of ur relationship with his brother

    Poster 3: start cooking food that can boost his sex life..If he doesn't wanna open up to you keep pushing he will soon..Try to be very romantic too

    1. 3 hope your hubby is not gay. You have to ask him what he wants you to do about your unfulfilled sexual desires. As for 2, what's up with you? You also know that you are beginning to fall for the brother. You know what to do, or else sorry will be your name. And you 1, something about your tone is getting me irritated. That your "abeg I need sensible comments.." Tsk, tsk, tsk, that BVs use their MB, time, experience and wisdom (or lack of it) to advise you chronicle people should not be taken for granted because you are receiving free advice. What am I saying? You take what you get without complaint. It's then up to you to sift the wheat from the chaff. You think because you sent in a chronicle, you are ENTITLED to a reply? A lot of you are ungrateful and don't bother to give us feed back. Only a few good ones like Madam Cairo come back to say thanks and tell us how far. To your issue, why exactly does your bobo, not want to get tested? That to me is the koko. Once you find that out, you can work it out from there depending on his reply. But advice him that for peace to reign, it's better he does the test. Even you are becoming suspicious and will need to clear your doubts.

    2. Anon you spoke my mind. Poster 3 -after reading your narrative, I quickly scrolled down to see if anyone would comment on his sexual preference. Are you sure he isn't gay?

    3. That's how I asked Stella to post an advert on ihn men with fertility issue and she refused...well Poster 1,please force your husband to go for the analysis...most of them carry water dey waka around!! Poster 3 he is suffering from Erectile dysfunction and quick ejaculation,na herbal medicine go help am.My husband behaved that same way before he was treated.
      No let conji kill u cos of marriage o,u guys should have a one on one talk.Cry to him and threaten to cheat!

  18. Poster 1. Has your bride price been paid TO YOU DAD?, If so, you are married. SHOW ME A SCRIPTURE IN THE BIBLE WHERE GOD GAVE "THE CHURCH" TO AUTHORITY TO WED". Every other thing is ceremonies and you can do as much as you want.

  19. Poster 3: Being the reasonable problem to tackle 1st, you can't force a horse to drink, your husband is not even willing to talk about his problem down there, has he even admitted he has one? Lookn for herbs & helps would do u no good 4now, keep tryn to talk to him, i wonder why men have refused to see the importance of sex in a marriage, yet they'd raise hell if u get tempted outside & fall, 4gtn u have blood in ur veins and he practically handed u the gun to pull the trigger. You're not alone poster, thr are lots of married women in ur shoes as well, they all hv ways of going thru each day, since toys are out of the question, go ahead and use the most powerful weapon in the world na "Prayer"..... If it moves mountains is it small dick it can't move towards ur pussy???

    Poster 2: Cut down the communication with the bro, ure starting to tangle urself, this one ure now saying "he gets u better" focus on ur BF.

    1. Poster 3:You are not alone.... The sexual activities in marriage drops over time..Especially if it's a loveless marriage. It hurts badly. When a man notice that he can't GET It Up.. By law of nature he tends to be quiet,and avoid any form of confrontation. So peddle with care. I am in such situation so I can relate. I struggle so hard to provide for my family,but it's not showing. My wife and kids are always in want. It breaks my heart so badly that I regretted marrying the poor woman to create a family. I pray my wife finds solace else where... For 2yrs I have not touched her. I see the frustration in her eyes every time see looks at me..

    2. Lol @ prayer moving small dick...

  20. P1 why is he eating yam as if there's bone inside.
    Me, I hate to go stupid extra miles to prove a point especially when I'm forced to tag along initially.

    That myt be his case sha...

    P2 Criminal...
    Somewhat an Ewu. Confused human being.

    P3 Ehyahhhhh. Maybe U shd be like a frd of a frd who is married that comes to my place with his married neighbor to scatter everywhere;living room, bedrooms, everywhere.

    I'm joking o! But hey! People do it.

  21. Poster three is your husband gay?? Look deep. Or do you have a pussy that makes him feel like his swimming inside instead of gripping him tight??? Ok if he's not gay and your pussy is not as wide as Australia, then you need to talk to him. Teach him what you like. Buy tempting lingerie. If all you do don't work, buy a dildo and make do. Don't let frustration push you to cheat though

    1. True!!! Is hubby gay? Even If ur P is so wide, he wud stil do na.
      Is he gay
      Maybe hes jus not into u
      Is he financially down

  22. Poster 1. Nigga is behaving like he has semen issues. I hope he doesn't actually have. He should just do it. Your wedding is less than three weeks, stop playing around.

    Poster 2. Jeeez!! You started dating in weeks and you are already talking to the brother and imagining marriage?! Nawa o. Your desperation reeks to the highest heavens. I hope we won't hear you have fallen for the brother soon.

    Poster 3..Over to married people to help you.

  23. Stella ur a clown aswear!!! How much is ur popcorn? Cos I came to read comments ooo

  24. 1. Tell that your man that you cant wed outside your parent church, who does he even think he is by telling you to go to another, such disrespect! I am sure he has serious issues with his semen, some deadly diseases down there.
    Just put your feet on the ground and tell him NO GOING BACK.If he wants out, babe, he is not the right guy for you.

    2. What is your question again??? Abi you don dey like bro-in-law ni? Cos i see no reason for your question in the first place, some guilty conscience pricking your dirty mind? You need hypo.

    3. Madam, doesn't he have erections? You don't know how to play with blokos ni. I don't get it, why do you women complain abt sex? I mean, does he guard his blokos with armor??? If you hold it, will he beat you? If you give him head, will he punch you? If you sit on it, will he push you away? If you ride him like horse (cow girl style) will you die??? Oh plssssss...

  25. poster two you don't have any problem so I don't have advice for you.

    poster three men are so difficult to deal with when it comes to issues they have to see a doctor, it takes the grace of God for a man to open up to his wife, gf on matters like this. try and show him more love, try to be more friendly and open to him, draw him closer and pet him each time like your little baby, talk things over with him am sure he will open up to you, less I forget I hope you are not a dirty woman? wear lovely smiles, dress sexy and look your best. don't ever make him feel that Hus loop holes is so bad that you don't love him enough to be with him. show him that you are willing to help him get over his issues, show him that you can stand by him.

    above all prayers is the masters key, nay God spice up your marriage and make it horny for you in Jesus name.

  26. Let me spread my mat here.

  27. Poster 1 if I were ur fiance I wuntd du dat shit eida, wat rubbish
    Poster 2 altho I dnt c a problem wit dat buh u nid 2 knw if ur bf is cool wit it
    Poster 3 u cannot use dildo cos u r a xtian n yet u receive n give head, alryt kip it up

  28. How do girls fall deeply in love with someone they have not met...l cant fit..likeness yes but love ahhhh ona try! Story no 2 sha!

    1. Abi o. Beats my imagination. Watch catfish on mtv n see how pple waste their time fr yrs dating pple online only to realise that they were someone else


  29. What church from hell wants to conduct 'semen analysis' before conducting a marriage?
    Poster 1 answer this question, do you love your Finance or not? Even if you don't love him, please don't allow him go through this humiliation! It's an invasion of privacy and also a violation of his dignity as a man. No church should ever make one go though this. Tell your parents' church to mind their business. It is not their problem if intending couples end up not having children.

    Why do churches engage in self-help in matters they clearly do not have any right over?


  30. What church from hell wants to conduct 'semen analysis' before conducting a marriage?
    Poster 1 answer this question, do you love your Finance or not? Even if you don't love him, please don't allow him go through this humiliation! It's an invasion of privacy and also a violation of his dignity as a man. No church should ever make one go though this. Tell your parents' church to mind their business. It is not their problem if intending couples end up not having children.

    Why do churches engage in self-help in matters they clearly do not have any right over?

  31. Poster 1- He said we should lie that- I guess he has something to hide.
    Poster 2- You feel the brother knows you more,my friend stop it right now.
    Poster 3- the Lord is your strength.

  32. Grabs seat,orijin n pringles!
    Make I read comments too..

  33. Poster 1.. your man is afraid. he is hiding his impotency.

    Poster 2... love his brother because your eyes don enter him. Una no dey put eyes one place.

    Poster 3... abeg get another sugar boy to service you

  34. Poster1: This is quite serious o. I understand the church's perspective but I don't think they should have made it compulsory. As you said,if d sperm count is low or not won't stop the wedding so what's the point of doing it?
    Some men feel slighted with the talk of having semen analysis done as they will think it's a slight on their ego and their fertility is already questioned. Since you can't stop the church from doing it,just pray and hope he changes his mind but if he is adamant that he doesn't want to do it,then I suggest you we'd somewhere else for peace to reign.
    Poster2: I don't understand your chronicle but I think before you start to fall in love with you fiance brother,you should limit the way you speak with him. He didn't offend you but to have a grip on your emotions,limit the frequency of calls to your fiance's brother.
    Poster3: had it been your fiance can open up to you and explain what the problem is,it would have been good. I suggest you pray very well and try as much as you can to be very friendly to him. Probably he will tell you what his problem is and then you both can look for a solution before you cheat on him. May God bring speedy answers to you.

    1. pray pray pray, you pple can like to disturb God, as if He does not have serious matters to deal with. Pray for her hubby to tell her about his sexual responsibilities eh? Make una dey help baba God sometimes, e no easy.

  35. stella, why didnt you post my chronicles today... was expecting you to, i am desperate for it abeg. i need your help, please dont fail to post it tomorrow. Thanks

  36. P1, the choice is urs... Trust on God n get married to him at whatever church he chooses. It's God that gvs children n not lab this or lab that. ...It is not of him that RUNNETH... But of God that SHOWETH mercy.

    P2. From the way you are going, you might end up Sleeping with ya Partner's bro.... Imagine, he knows you more than his brother does lolzz... Who are you truly dating?

    P3. Ya case is serious, the only advice I'm thinking of na negative things I won't say. But I hope you dun appear before ya husband like a village woman in some wrappers n smelling onions n some other things. If yes, plz step up ya appearance n make him become crazy.

    God bless Us.

  37. Dear girl,
    Don't try to force things
    with him. You can't force
    consistency. You can't
    force attention. You can't
    force effort. You can't force
    chemistry. You can't force
    understanding. You can't
    force patience. You can't
    force loyalty. You can't
    force honesty. You can't
    force trust. You can't force
    commitment. You can't
    force a connection. The
    love that used to be there
    is no longer there and it
    hasn't been for awhile and
    as much as you want it
    back, you can't force it to
    happen because by forcing
    it, you're only making
    things worse. You're
    actually forcing other
    things to happen. You're
    only driving him further
    away you. You're only
    causing more distance
    between you two. You're
    only building more
    resentment towards one
    another. You're only
    giving him more reasons
    to not care. You're only
    showing him how
    controlling you can be.
    You're only implying how
    desperate you are. Don't
    do that to him, but more
    importantly, don't do that
    to yourself. To you, you're
    fighting to make things
    work and to save the
    relationship, but the truth
    is you're only
    disappointing yourself
    when things don't meet
    the expectations you've
    set and that'll only hurt
    you more. Please, don't
    hurt yourself for someone
    who genuinely wouldn't
    be affected too deeply if it
    were to end because it
    isn't worth it and it
    stopped being worth it
    awhile ago and deep
    down, you know it did. He
    may love you enough to
    stay with you, but he
    doesn't love you enough
    to make you feel loved
    every day anymore, and
    that's not someone you
    should waste anymore of
    yourself with. So, stop
    forcing love because it's
    either there or it isn't and
    if it isn't, you shouldn't be

  38. Poster1; are you not supposed to do semen analysis before you marry a man. There are lots of rest that needs to be carried out. Your man should go ahead and do the sperm's no biggie. I love your church already. If your fiance refuses to carry it out, know there is a problem.

    Poster2, having good relationship with your partners family is the best thing that can happen to any wife or husband. It's good you both have an understanding.

    Poster3, come let's do exchange. I no fit shout.

    1. Poster 1:there is nothing wrong with him submitting his semen for test,I support your church 100%,convince him, if possible find a way of getting it yourself..
      Poster 2: it's a good thing until the sibling start crushing on you.take it easy
      Poster 3: there was one bv who said she use to rub anointing oil on her husband penis and cabash on top before the should try it. Bye!

    2. See me oh?!! Once you propose we are going to run all tests. Before even church says so. Semen, blood, std, bla bla. Can't shout

    3. There's a difference between running a test on your own (the couple) and the church forcing the couple, who gave them the right? They said they will wed them irrespective of the result, so why bother in the first place? NIGERIAN churches though

  39. Poster1,tell ur priest I said him fada,ur husband can't fuck u b4 marriage,but he can wank all in d name of test..(There is no excuse 4 sin)poster2,na penis de hungry u,I can tell,u very horny and u are will soon get what u r looking 4.when he's done fucking u,he will tell his brother,his brother will fuck u also,den ur chapter will clode.onto the next1

  40. hmmm, nawa oh to the lady whose church requires semen test. biko is that also in the bible?. All these rules and regulations in the name of church can't work for me tori olorun. and for the sex free marriage, nwannem, ur hubby get problem and he's too proud to look for solution. 3min sex is laughable Inugo?

  41. Poster 3- Bwahahahahahahahahahaha! Erectile dysfunction is a sensitive issue. You need to be more supportive and help him understand you've got his back no marra what. When he sees you are on his side he will open up to you and to a solution.
    Poster 1- End time church. Why insist on a pre-wedding medical investigation that will make the man sin- maturbation or coitus unteruptus... I can deal...
    Poster 2- You are falling in love with your boos bro. Face your work!

  42. Poster 1
    When did fertility test become the church's business? Tho I kinda like the idea sha... hmmmmmm.

    Poster 2
    Someone you met online and started dating just yesterday, you are already carrying the matter for head like agege bread abi? He makes you laugh, bla, bla, bla... do you know how many girls he makes to laugh? You have started forming inlaw just na just na. Yeye geh!

    1. Poster 3
      I know sex before marriage is a sin, but I will test to know his abilities and capabilities o! At least 3 days - one week of marathon sex. That ish is important mehnnn!!!
      Anyways, take it easy with him, it's obvious he's going through something that has affected his sexual performance. Start by giving him food and drinks that will enhance his libido... infact, Google is your friend.

  43. Poster 3- Your case is the No.1 reason why I say one must know her/his partner sexually before committing to marriage. If you did and he was poor in bed, yet you went ahead to marry him, then no sympathies for you. But if you didn't, and ended up with a rotten piece of wood as a husband, then blame those who preached chastity to you before marriage. I hope you don't end up cheating due to sexual frustration.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. So they should commit fornication because of church demands...

  45. Poster two please what do you mean by his brother knows you more than le boo? Dont u know how to set boundaries in conversations? You must be desperate to make a good impression, if you dont watch yourself soon we will have a follower to this chronicle saying you think you are in love with le boo's brother

  46. P1: There is nothing wrong in a semen analysis. I don't see why you should be in a serious relationship with a guy who has never had one. This is an opportunity for you to ensure he gets it done before the wedding.

    So many men out there are impotent but they would rather put the blame on their wives than find a solution.
    You need to put your foot down to ensure he runs the test.
    His refusal is somewhat suspicious.

    P2: I personally believe that familiarity breeds contempt. It's good to have a cordial relationship with his family but I don't think you need to talk to his brother everyday. What if the tables were turned, would you be comfortable with your bf talking to your sister everyday?
    Don't put yourself in an awkward situation where you may start developing feelings for his brother.

    P3. In as much as I'm an advocate of celibacy, I also think it's imperative to take a test drive just before you tie the knot. If you had, you would have realised your husband is a one minute man....sorry, 3 minute man. Men like him are usually introverted and violent.

    There's really no good time or way to discuss this because his ego will get bruised however you phrase your words. Talk to your family doctor about it. Your husband may have a medical condition that's affecting his libido. You can then ask his doctor to call him for a consult.

    If after all your efforts he still doesn't budge, I suggest you get yourself a dildo. Forever is too long to be sexually frustrated. The earlier you invest in a rabbit or a dildo, the better for you. If you keep your sexual feelings bottled up you may end up cheating on your husband.


  47. Poster 3 we have the men's clinic pls try ur luck there.all the best

  48. Poster three Did you guys atleast date? For how long because I cant imagine you found out about his non existent sexual prowess and you still went ahead and married him knowing you like to be romanced and sexually active. Wait a sec, you asked his friend if he was seeing someone and even if he is, you really expected the friend to be a snitch? You must be smoking mosquito coil aswear.

  49. Poster 1: your fiancee is hiding something plz.

    Poster 2: mind that u say to his brother. Siblings will always be siblings and guys will always be guys.

    Poster 3: try and persuade him more. His ego is still getting a better part of him

  50. Poster 1: You're that naive, you didn't realise that semen analysis is a very important test........Infertility issue is not a woman's problem anymore......There are lots of impotent men now. By the way you sound desperate........Can't tou spot the red flag......Your fiance ia trying to dodge the test, and is acting he's marrying you is a favour done you. Open your eyes befpre you become a regular customer on SDKB chronicles section. Hope you did genotype and HIV tests. Personally, i might add CT scan, Hormonal tests before i marry a dude.......people's head be touching anyhow these days.

    Poster 2: You want to twist a Serpent's tongue right.......Continue

    Poster 3: His sexual dysfunctional problem is your business, you are his wife not a piece of furniture in his house. Get him talking.....counsellors, doctor, parents whatever. He answers to you. He is depriving you and you are petting him......for what??? Do not allow sex till you run all the necessary tests......Dude may be HIV positive or with another STD(married men are the biggest culprit by the way). You have a right to know what is happening, don't sit there and watch years pass by freezing every fire in you. You deserve to know if you guys should seek help or you take a break from the union. You know if you were the one pulling a atunt like this, there would have been a replacement already. Sex in your marriage is your RIGHT........toughen up and quit the pity party.........kposhi kposhi.

  51. Poster 1
    Na wa, isn't masturbation a sin anymore? That church must be an end time church!

    Poster 2 your communication should be once in a blue moon with him, incase you don't know he'll develop feelings pretty soon n he'll fuck u, that will be the end of your relationship with that family.

    Poster 3

    When they say fuvk before marriage, una go say no. abeg carry your cross.

  52. Narrator 1- The test wouldn"t stop your marriage,if he has nothing to hide please encourage him to take this test. selfless love is all that is required in marriage, this is an example of one.ITS NOT ABOUT ME,I,MYSELF, ETC

    Narrator 2- Hello dearie, posting this already means you are having some feelings building up already,MY ADVISE......keep a distance and form busy biko....u get time sef,loool

    Narrator 3 - sweet sixteen, things are falling apart
    henceforth, please sleep in that sitting room till he comes back to your bed, if he asks,tell him he personally moved your matrimonial bed to the couch
    Don't push too much on this matter with him, he will start to avoid you
    if you both have a mentor, talk to him/her plssss
    lastly, step up....change your look,ur dishes, your steps, the nightwears...No b man, he will come
    hope it helps....hugs

  53. Hmmm..
    These three chronicles made me sigh hmm..
    Poster 1- Listen to your fiancé. Its weird for a "church" to ask for a semen analysis. (What won't we hear again?). He is justified to feel uncomfortable-put yourself in his shoes for a minute. A strange village where he knows no-one, making strange requests. I would balk if I were the one. Talk it over gently with him. It is his semen after all, and he takes responsibility for what happens in your marriage afterwards. In fact too many youths these days are overly burdened by the wedding celebration which has absolutely NOTHING to do with the marriage. The marriage is more important than the wedding. Why should I subject my semen for public consumption? If I had to do a semen test then it would be between just my wife and I. What's all this public involvement in whether I am virile or not???? There's absolutely nothing wrong with your fiancé, he's just being a man- If u trust him, you would understand and go with his decision.

    Poster 2- Stop talking to your dates' brothers (or siblings). If you are beginning to feel its not right, then it isn't. Ever heard of the saying-familiarity breeds contempt? Besides if you do get married to their brother,your familiarity isn't going to help your in-law relationship. Why are you talking so frequently to them (him) anyway when your date is not in the country?. With brothers in-law its always better to maintain a graceful dignified cordial respectful distance. It will help you so much when (or if) you do get married to their brother. Besides men are wolves and you cant tell what's going on in the mind of his brother. So be careful (and smart!)Cut the frequent calls. It isn't necessary and adds absolutely NO VAlue to the relationship between you and your fiance

    Poster 3- Three heavy sighs. Sex hasn't left your marriage. It just never was in the marriage. Your husband needs help. Unfortunately a lot of men will not easily agree to seek help. If his wife is loving, gentle and soft with him, he will yield. Eventually. Don't pick a fight with him on the subject. Just let him know gently how much he is missing if only he will go with you to seek medical help.

  54. Poster one and two, Chronicles irrelevant.

    Poster three, Madam just put your hubby's situation into God's hands. I really wonder why men feel shy or stupid to talk to their wives esp when they are having life threatening sickness.

    SMH Sha....

  55. Poster 1 if your man so love you and he want to stay marriage to u, then let him do the test. Poster2 i hope you are not falling in love with your brother in-law if not I think you should communicate with your guy first. Poster 3 be strong in prayer for your husband to open up to you first.

  56. Poster 1, read poster 3's story.
    It might be yours, if you don't receive sense.

    Why would he be scared of going for a semen analysis if there's nothing to hide?
    So your brain has not told you that if he's this stubborn about it now, as he probably has something he's hiding, that's he'll be immovable, when you start having problems conceiving.

    Then, walking away will be an option, but your chronicle will include the question on how to walk away.

    I'm not wishing you such, but you've got to be as wise as a serpent. Marriage is no child's play.

    Poster 2, you're busy confusing yourself and trying to confuse us, abi?
    You have feelings for his brother too now,right?
    Keep catching online feelings.
    He knows you more than your boyfriend, meaning that you guys have intimate discussions.
    Pick a struggle, nwokem.

    Poster 3, your husband either has a sexual issue, or is gay.
    I can't see any other reason why he doesn't have sex with you anymore.
    I don't know how you can do it, but get him to open up,or sleuth around.


  57. Hmmmmmm, chronicles!! P1 he should do the test na or follow him to where he wants to wed u, P2 I don't know what to tell u. P3 it's a pity

  58. @poster 1, wtf!!!! It seems you don't want to get married. If you are slow in conceiving there are medical reasons to that. I think your parents and their church members are occultic. You better just do court marriage and move on or better still get pregnant before the wedding maybe then they won't need the sperm again. I said the type of churches in Nigeria and their doctrines are to be questioned. We practice religion forgetting Christianity. My friend go and read your bible and ask the Holy Spirit to direct you

  59. P1: there's nothing wrong with it fiance (fiancee) not wanting to do the test. I think what ur church is doing is inaction of privacy. You re all supposed to work in Faith. Why re they anticipating doom??

    P2. Na longer throat dey worry u. His family becomes ur family yeah..babes, one step at a time, do not become over familiar.

    P3. Ur husband seems gay to me..just saying #rollingeyes

  60. Please recommend a good nursing school in lagos, if possible number to call.

  61. Poster 1, your husband isn't comfortable with that idea because of the way Nigeria is now. I don't trust all this new generation churches either. Convince him to go to a general hospital to do the test and not from the church scientist

  62. @ poster 2, forget that guy. Chances are he is seeing someone or married. Why do girls in Nigeria jump at the idea of falling in love with a guy because he is based abroad. That's why they use girls often. Anyways your choice, talking to your assumed brother-in-law to be(the guy never even propose) is okay as long as you don't start having feelings for that one too. Hopefully you don't get used

  63. Semen Analysis has nothing to do with how good or bad a man is in bed. That been said I do not think it is the place of any Church to carry out any tests of any kind. I would never succumb to that type of test. Is the Church saying he should masturbate to ejaculate? Isn't that contradictory?
    Don't allow yourself to be cajoled into rubbish like that and tell your fiancee she has nothing to worry about.
    Marriage is not only for the sake of having children abeg.

  64. @Poster1.... For me oh, I don't think your mam is impotent or has anything to hide... Its just belittling that the church wants ur man to go and wank himself, are dey encouraging indecency? Besides y didn't they tell you guys about the test thing and waited till the last minute? And you, did you go for a fertility test? Or its just the man they wanna subdue to such ? Well, those test naturally are needed before marriage.... But the church shouldn't be imposing that... Its a decision between you and your man.... Talk to him, appeal if he can change his mind, other guys should go and do registry and blessing of marriage in your personal church later.

  65. poster1; why is u7r spouse running away from having dt test done? Maybe he has something he is hiding.. well!

    poster2: run away from that danger zone..u don dey fall for ur bf's brother abi? use ur head b4 u send in another chronicles again that they both used you. ok!

    poster3: hmmm.. Why not send ur husband erotic messages everytime ol day everyday with words like "baby I cannot wait to feel ur candy deep inside me,am all wet" Also mk sure to buy blue film and learn sm sex styles frm it, u can even involve ur hubby in watching too. U fit send am all ds short blue film clips on watssap, tk pictures of ur pussy and boobs and put words like watch/read and delete, for ur eyes only.
    but mk sure say ol d time u av a clean pussy that cud even be d problem. This is hw u kno, open ur legs wide wen ua alone and if it stinks my dear u need the PINEAPPLE THERAPY..(eat that every night) and make sure not to use soap when washing ur VJAY. Use only water
    God help you...okbye

    1. It won't change the fact he is still a 3min man infact it will drop.

  66. Dear poster 2... I perceive u making funny mistakes in the nearest future... U are already comparing ur boo's brother with ur boo... U already sounding like u Ve developedfeelings for sibling.... The heart plays funny tricks on us oh... Too much of everything is bad... Biko keep a healthy distance... Communicate with siblings... Don't make it an habit, cos small time nau sibling or u will not know how to draw boundary.... Boo's brother is not ur brother.... Pls eh... Reduce it drastically....

  67. ngozi umegbolu1 March 2016 at 16:54

    persuade him to go for medical check-up

  68. poster 1 I feel he is hidding something
    Poster 2,u are already falling in love with the brother, it's obvious from ur tone.confused geh
    Poster 3,beta get a dildo and stop all this I'm a Christian talk,ur hubby is wicked

  69. Poster 3,He is a 3mins man,u married him,afterall,he gave u 3kids,maybe he already feels he doesn't owe u again,just press his mumu botton,he is been ur husband for 11years now,dis is 2016 remember. Poster 1,dnt mind d church,u two shld go and wed in another church.
    Poster 2,u are already speaking with d brother of ur two weeks 'boyfriend' I sorry for u. For ur mind. U are just a foolish jet age girl. Vanish!

  70. poster one. please anythng you do, please not deceive the church. i know a girl who gave her urine for pregnancy test to the intending bride as the bride was pregnant and the church doesnt wed pregnant brides. The girl in question is still not married at over forty, she was dumped after 15yrs relationship. the baby that was born was a still birth.

  71. Poster 1: I love that church....breaking from the norm...I dnt see any problem with test. If he has no problem, let him do the test.

  72. POSTER 1: God bless that church...

  73. Stella, I think on this issue I would just have some of those your popcorn and read comments while Jesus does the fixing... #flipshair

  74. Poster 1- Kini big deal with semen analysis? There's no big deal & if he's blowing the issue out of proportion then he has something to hide. If you guys can waka go do pregnancy test, hiv test & blood group test (as most churches ask for) why is he balking @ semen analysis? And who is saying that submitting your semen for test is the same as masturbation ejor stop thinking via your ass. I applaud your parents church ...most women are suffering in their marriages due to impotent husbands who have simply refused to do any form of test & allowing their wives to carry the load alone msheww. At least you guys will know how far & how to tackle the issue once you sign the dotted line.
    Poster 2- already feeling like a wifey after how many weeks? You need to apply your brakes, take it slow & you have no right feeling too close to his brother than him who you are in a r/ship with! anya odikwa gi nma? Why don't you cement your r/ship before you start forming alliance with his family ?
    Poster 3...Madam men like your DH can make women commit sin. How can he say his sexual issues & deficiencies are none of your problem? It is your problem oh unless he wants you to cheat on him! I suggest you pick a good time, slowly & in a relaxed calm voice tell him the consequences of his actions & how it's killing your spirit & reassure him that you have his back 101% & that whatever the problem might be it's between the two of you (1+1 no be 1 again ?) & that both of you will work towards a positive solution together. he's feeling worthless as a man so you need to lovingly pull him together & madam you left it 10years too late ! I pray that God will make your marriage sweet.

  75. Poster 1, what did you mean by leaving is not an option? Is that how desperate you are? I hope you don't send in one ugly chronicle in future over this issue. Try to have him sleep with you with a condom, then steal the condom. Do anything you can to get his semen. Poster 2, just tell us you have feelings for your boyfriend's brother. Sorry, you sound loose, you fell in love within few weeks met boo, now you are having butterflies in your stomach for his brother. You will soon keep falling for any guy that gives you attention. Poster 3, you are married to your husband's name. Financially, sexually and emotionally unhappy? Hmmm, doh.

  76. @Poster 1;ur fiancee might not be hiding anything. Most men,have this ego thing that doesn't make them want 2 do things like that. I remember a friends's hubby who refused to do semen analysis,and they were married and had childbearing issues. The wife had to beg and beg, after constant begging of 2weeks,he agreed. And his result was great,so ur fiancee mite nt be hiding nything,just being a man. I think u shld jst keep tryn to talk to talk to him. He'll come around.

  77. I've picked my popcorn and off to read d comments. Plenty guy advice so far. Wondering what d dude is hiding, u can't come dis far to back out without any hidden issues. I'm still very gud friends wit d siblings of my ex.

  78. Poster 1, you and ur pastor dey craze. Let me tell you, your guy is patient. If you try that with me to hell with that wedding. Your pastor wants to marry you. Imagine this is coming from man of God, that is how they put marriages in trouble as if they were God. What of if after the analysis and he is certified ok and 5 years after the wedding you didnt give birth to a child. What do you think will be your faith. Will the pastor be able to convince your husband not to send you away. It is better you tell your fish brain to leave devil where it is sleeping oo.. Idiots. Anyway na guys and parents I dey blame. How can out of everything happening in this world, somebody will tell me ine yeye pastor said this and that. Imagine

  79. Poster 1. I understand his annoyance. It's not right for the church to make the test compulsory. They should only advise. However, since it's for your own future good, try and make him see reason. If he refuses, don't force him. Let peace reign in this case.
    Poster 2. Pls explain why your constantly on the phone with your bfs brother. Do you realise the seed you're sowing? When you start to reap don't complain. Ode.
    3. I'm really at a loss on what to say. Both of you need couple's counselling.

  80. Poster 1-its good the church ask for the shouldn't b a problem for ur ficance..its necessary bcos most men believe they are 100% ok...I suffered it 4 2years in my marriage til God make a way for me..
    poster 2-if u need a friend find some1 else other than ur bf sibling..ur story will be the talk of the family..

  81. Poster 1-its good the church ask for the shouldn't b a problem for ur ficance..its necessary bcos most men believe they are 100% ok...I suffered it 4 2years in my marriage til God make a way for me..
    poster 2-if u need a friend find some1 else other than ur bf sibling..ur story will be the talk of the family..

  82. Poster 1,are u a learner? common go down low. Ur case Na moimoi case if u apply d wisdom of Solomon, simple get ur fiancée tipsy give him a blow/hand job take the sample to ur pastor or cheif priest, seek the answer u are looking for and make up ur mind as to whether u shall marry him or not.

    Poster2, just go straight to the point, tell us u are having feeling for the brother. Onye ara

    Poster3, ju kwa ese.... Vibrator aka sugar boy has been helping congi since 1920. Just Imagine ur husband kissing and romancing u, hep yasef

  83. Hi Stella,nice blog u have here--it's fun & very educative although am yet to understand some abbreviations like IHN,BVs & so on..I've been popping in & out for some days now to get updated on happenings..

    1. Ihn - in house news (weekdays only)
      Bvs - blog visitors
      Dh - dear hubby abi darling hubby

  84. Poster 2. Christianity has nothing to do with kissing, being romantic or even using a dildo. When one is married you both have to work at spicing up your sex life to avoid external influences. You owe it to both of you to go outside of your norm to thrill him. Whatever rocks your boat. No matter your age, sex has a huge role to play in keeping your marriage healthy. Plus check to see if he isn't in a finacial rot, because that can affect one's libido like it or not. Check also yourself. Is there something you aren't doing enough of or too much of? The conditions at home, family rtf. Get to the root cause of it.

  85. Poster 1: it's a wonderful idea,he should do the test but use wisdom.

    Posts 2: I don't understand you,way are you always discussing on phone wit someone you met onlines brother,be careful you are dating someone you haven't seen,you might be dating a Caitlyn Jenner!control it conversation with the brother if you want to be a wife you have to curtail ur habits.

    Poster 3:n.a. God go help you I,pray for him,find out if he is not having any challenges that's making him withdraw,may you be able to overcome this trying times in Jesus name. AMEN!


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