Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...

This is worrisome indeed...!


Dear Stella,

I am an avid reader of your blog and thank you for the platform to express ourselves, some of us are dying inside.

I won't want to waste anyone's time but I need advice. Serious advice from people who know/understand what this is about.

I have been married for less than a year. My husband is a doctor and lives outside Nigeria. I have had my masters from a business school in the UK for at least 6 years but no serious job. When I started dating my husband, he was doing well as a doctor in Nigeria and would give me pocket money which I was grateful for cos none of my exes ever gave me money and I never asked.

We got married last year and relocated, it's not been easy but I thank God. My main complain is that my husband is very controlling, domineering and abusive. I noticed all these before the marriage and I complained to my mom who cried and said it was too late for me to opt out cos no one will ever marry me. Each time we have an argument prior to marriage, I would confide in my sister who thought I was taking all these rubbish cos I was in a hurry to get married. Because of that, I stopped confiding in anyone and I would die than let my friends know the real gist in my marriage.

He has anger issues and claims that u am the trigger. If we get into an argument, he is quick to get abusive and tell me that I have never earned any real money all I know is daddy's money (God being my witness, my dad is rich but I have NEVER made him or anyone feel less human cos of it), I have never achieved anything on my own, I am a fool, an idiot and stupid and he will send me back to Nigeria. He talks at the speed to 1000 words per minute before I am able to get a word in. In the end I break down crying profusely because my life had meaning and peace before all this.

Today's episode was something else. I had to use the car to run errands and cash a cheque I have had in my possession for weeks, he insisted that I do it today cos I might go into labour anytime soon and no one will be able to cash the cheque. And i had to buy some groceries cos his sister would be visiting tomorrow and I wanted them to have food in the house when they arrive. He called me in the middle of my transaction and asked me to come pick him up from work cos he had a meeting at 2:30. I drove straight to his office at 12:45 and right outside he got verbally abusive telling me not to ever ignore his calls in my fucking life.


That was a huge shock for me, he didn't even ask what happened or why I was delayed or where I left my phone! The laws in this country prohibits driving and picking calls and I Ddnt even hear my phone ring! 

I was too shocked to say anything, when we got home, I reached for my phone and saw the messages he sent calling me all manner of unprintable names. Funny thing is he came home and sat all through until 1:50 before leaving for his meeting. To think that I am heavily pregnant and expecting anytime soon, one would think he would slow down on making me cry all the time. There was a day he hit me while I was pregnant for daring to stand up to him.

I have dated 4 guys in the past and at least one of them was for 3 years, I have never had an encounter like this with any of them. We will fight at most but name calling and physical abuse was not part of it. I have lots to narrate but this will have to do for now.

Dear BV's my questions are

1. How do you handle an abusive spouse? I thought I was doing the right thing by standing up for myself but by doing that we almost had an accident once cos he got enraged that I would dare argue and he was the one behind the wheel

2. Do I simply keep quiet and pray for him like I did today? But he said I was being arrogant by keeping mum and he will break me as long as I am in his house.

3. Do we go for counselling or insist that he gets psychiatric help? His violence and anger issues is worrying.

4. Part of this might have nothing to do with me as an individual cos according to what I know about his parents, his mum abused his dad too and he was very close to his father maybe that made him into who he is today but is that enough to mete this out in me?

Please forgive the typos. Thank you.

I cannot answer any of your questions because i have never been in an abusive situation,I CANNOT DEAL OR COMPROMISE AT ALL but as i read your story,i just remembered all the Nigerian women who had been killed by their spouses in that Country...Its as if its viral...You need to be very careful before he breaks and puts out the candle in your life....


  1. Replies
    1. Am passing tru d same shit in my my marriage of 4 months. I feel like ending d marriage. I will be ending it soon. Mine is even worse cos my husband is a broke ass nigga

    2. People ignore alot of signs they should take very serious.
      1 time, i had a girl come sleep over and my nephew while playing earlier stepped on a nail so i had 2 take him 2 a pharmacy to get TT, this babe just said she wants 2 go home bla bla that she doesnt like such...i sha begged her to stay, went came bck and in d morning when she left i never picked her call again.
      Such u will know she has issues and will expect u 2 ignore the world 4 her.

    3. The simple things u cand do for ur self is
      1. Do not reply him wen u guys are arguing for ur safety sake
      2. If u are financially stable take a break from ur marriage before he kills u and ur baby

    4. threaten to call the police if he does not change report it once! He is not in Nigeria where we are lawless. what nonsense.

    5. My friend used to get beat up by her husband, but she realised talking back at him made the beatings worse, so she learnt to keep quiet. Maybe you should do same @poster. Goodluck.

    6. Pls dont cal the police am in a similar situation right now in d US and i called d police and right now dear my life is a mess, child protection and permanency will not leave me alone, right now they chase my husband out of d house but I just realize that I can't funcation without him, cos I don't hv a job yet and don't even know my left and right in dis coutry, dont even have a car yet cos am just 4moths old in dis country d money they ask him to be giving me only pays d rent and not enough to pay for daycare and all that,and people are calling me bad names for coming to america only to get d man that brought me arrested,calling d police was my biggest nightmire, had it been I know I would hv just endure until I get a job,pls dont call d police yet until u are settled get a job and move out from his life if not u are gonna be more miserable than u already are.

    7. Pls dont cal the police am in a similar situation right now in d US and i called d police and right now dear my life is a mess, child protection and permanency will not leave me alone, right now they chase my husband out of d house but I just realize that I can't funcation without him, cos I don't hv a job yet and don't even know my left and right in dis coutry, dont even have a car yet cos am just 4moths old in dis country d money they ask him to be giving me only pays d rent and not enough to pay for daycare and all that,and people are calling me bad names for coming to america only to get d man that brought me arrested,calling d police was my biggest nightmire, had it been I know I would hv just endure until I get a job,pls dont call d police yet until u are settled get a job and move out from his life if not u are gonna be more miserable than u already are.

    8. Pls dont cal the police am in a similar situation right now in d US and i called d police and right now dear my life is a mess, child protection and permanency will not leave me alone, right now they chase my husband out of d house but I just realize that I can't funcation without him, cos I don't hv a job yet and don't even know my left and right in dis coutry, dont even have a car yet cos am just 4moths old in dis country d money they ask him to be giving me only pays d rent and not enough to pay for daycare and all that,and people are calling me bad names for coming to america only to get d man that brought me arrested,calling d police was my biggest nightmire, had it been I know I would hv just endure until I get a job,pls dont call d police yet until u are settled get a job and move out from his life if not u are gonna be more miserable than u already are.

    9. Pls dont cal the police am in a similar situation right now in d US and i called d police and right now dear my life is a mess, child protection and permanency will not leave me alone, right now they chase my husband out of d house but I just realize that I can't funcation without him, cos I don't hv a job yet and don't even know my left and right in dis coutry, dont even have a car yet cos am just 4moths old in dis country d money they ask him to be giving me only pays d rent and not enough to pay for daycare and all that,and people are calling me bad names for coming to america only to get d man that brought me arrested,calling d police was my biggest nightmire, had it been I know I would hv just endure until I get a job,pls dont call d police yet until u are settled get a job and move out from his life if not u are gonna be more miserable than u already are.

    10. Pls dont cal the police am in a similar situation right now in d US and i called d police and right now dear my life is a mess, child protection and permanency will not leave me alone, right now they chase my husband out of d house but I just realize that I can't funcation without him, cos I don't hv a job yet and don't even know my left and right in dis coutry, dont even have a car yet cos am just 4moths old in dis country d money they ask him to be giving me only pays d rent and not enough to pay for daycare and all that,and people are calling me bad names for coming to america only to get d man that brought me arrested,calling d police was my biggest nightmire, had it been I know I would hv just endure until I get a job,pls dont call d police yet until u are settled get a job and move out from his life if not u are gonna be more miserable than u already are.

    11. Tuscany so you made sure you tasted the forbidden fruit before you dumped her? Kikikikikikiki

    12. I hope your mum will be very happy to hear that your horseband had killed you, since she wanted to save face and allowed you to marry a monster.But how can you see all these and let yourself be fooled into marriage with the devil himself? I hate domestic violence and I even advise my mum to take a walk at a very young age even though people where trying to say the normal stuffs of being single is bot an African thing.My dear will you be happy if your child grows up in such environment? Seeing his/her dad hitting mum and cursing at will.TAKE A LONG WALK AND DON'T LOOK BACK! You're lucky you are from a rich home please open up . To your dad and let him know that your hubby hits you and you want out period! Life has no duplicate.I am so pained right now.Where do women meet all these monsters and why can't you give him a big injury that will make him know that two can be wicked!shebi them no they sell am for market.

    13. I called the police once on my husband when he hit me in the uk- my son was about 2 months old and we had had an argument and, to be honest, I insulted the life outta him.
      They came with Children services and met my mum and us who was on omugwo ( my mum had not known I called the police and immediately I did, she kept saying that I had killed myself).
      When they came, they met the house really calm, son sleeping, they had a camera on- I told them it was a fake call, nothing had happened, that hubby nd I were in a quarrel and I wanted him to be shaken.
      The next day the sent in the Children services and met us kissing and playing with our son- na just God help our case.
      They tried to appeal to me by talking about abuse and shit like that but I told them hubby and I were best friends, there was nothing like abuse in our relationship.
      They left us alone.
      I apologised profusely to hubby and he already forgave me even before I begged- sometimes reading blogs and reading all these suggestions help but my case was different - he had no right to hit me but he is a good man.
      In the uk, when you call, they ensure that they separate the "abuser" from the home- na there be say una don divorce automatically - you are given a choice: either keep your child and be separated from the abuser/hubby or stay with hubby and the state will take your child.
      If they succeed in taking your child, my dear, forget about it, that child will be given up for d option nd that is it.
      So many people have lost their children in this country- you have to be wise.

    14. Please as you're about to have a baby just focus on your child please! This same thing happened to a family memes of mine, she's late now caused by high blood pressure and now her child is young and would not know who her biological mum was, please just put all your love in God and your child! Keep praying and occupy yourselves with other things, please ignore him and if he keeps hitting you please leave the marriage, dont let him kill you for the sake of your child please

  2. Replies
    1. Don't they sell posion over there?...just be putting it in his food, slowly ...bit by bit. Daz the only solution I can recommed.

    2. Barely a year of being married, i mean the wedding dresses are not yet even covered with dust & ure already sending in a chronicle detailed with horror. Most men expecting their 1st child are usually anxious & giddy with butterflies in their tummy, which automatically transfers to the mother, even if the love for the mother is off the roof, he wouldn't dare raise his hands to hit u, yet ur mothers choice did, smh. You're an educated woman in an advanced country, u shldnt be asking us.

    3. Chai, your mum said no one will marry you, so sad.. I am not in your situation, never being, so I can't advise you. he is somewhat jealous that ur parents are rich, it might be best you leave him when you give birth.. For a while at least

  3. Replies
    1. But some women go through a lot in ds institution called marriage sah....hanhan kilode! Poster keeping quite should be ur new hobby for now till you put to bed pls...sigh

    2. The culture which makes marriage the the topmost achievement to a woman should be blame . That is why you will choose to die in the hands of a man than stay single and live.

  4. You are in a country where the law actually works! Use it!

    1. My dear, continue to make excuses for your man for hitting you. The grave will be the outcome. This is why chronicles involving married women will never end. USE THE SYSTEM FOR YOUR GOOD!!!. Report to the authorities he's got no excuse to hit you!

  5. A doctor behaving like this? Mother's are the one pushing their daughters into the hands of wrong men, imagine what your mum said cos she want to tell her friends NY daughter is married.

  6. Ewooooo

  7. I just saw Igbo post o lmao
    Aru ufu by ajo ife,
    Stella biko delu fa na asusu ndi ofe tupuu fa kwuo udó.

  8. He hit you and you are pregnant? Your mom is telling you no one will marry you if you leave? Y? Who told her that? So she prefers you being unhappy there? I don't even know what to tell you. I feel so sad for you. Can you live him for a while? Like a trial separation? Let him know how you're feeling and what he's putting you through. But a man like that won't even listen or allow you talk. Leave him for a while. No communication. Let him realise his mistakes on his own

    1. Dear singles learn from the poster's experience. If he exhibits any abusive tendency please flee for your life and the future of your children. Allow the Holy Spirit to transform him, cos u cannot. I wish we will learn from the mistakes of others.

  9. I really don't know how to handle this, It will take someone who has been in these shoes to give you the right advise. Take it easy on yourself at least because of your condition, don't reply him anymore, just keep calm because of your baby till you put to bed. Who knows, the coming of the baby might bring about a change in him and if not, by then you'd be strong enough to think straight.
    Bless your sweet heart.

    1. Hmm I know how you feel ,my mom too can be emotional abusive ,but I learn not to let her words effect me , poster learn how not to let your husband words effect you ,don't cry ,give him some distances. Let him know that he don't have power of you,when he start just tell him your words don't mean anything to me ,don't give him that power , learn to be happy again and make yourself happy. Focus on you and your baby. Tell him he need to get helps for his behavoid ,and if he refuse let him know that you can stop your happiness for him

    2. Anon 17:25 dis ur blunder fit blow person brain choi...

    3. Bia Anony 17:25 you say? Hiann....

  10. You entered into this sham of a marriage with your koro koro you better start getting used to his abusive character...
    The only advise I would give you is to leave this marriage mehn...
    This is not marriage but slavery!...stop being lazy and get a job!...
    Move on with your life!...obviously,you didn't settle your spiritual husband...

    1. Hope you've settled all of yours. Mad woman.

      May all your children have several spiritual spouses. Amen

      She goat

    2. Madam your husband has a spiritual wife that is tormenting him, take him to tb joshua for deliverance or buy morning water and spray in his food and see what God will do.

    3. Linda na your mama I go abuse.......she no train you well.....hungry woman wey her only training na to abuse and love money......idiot, how in her story did u guess she was lazy?...fool

      Poster, keep calm and don't reply him cos of your condition. Not because u are a fool but abusive people feel happy when they are challenged....tell you mother and sister.. Tell someone in his family...I say this so there will be a witness in case anything happens (God forbid fatal)... You live in a country that is supportive of women, anytime you feel threatened call the police....please don't take this lightly cos women have died in abusive marriages and that is how it starts......

      Lastly please marriage is not the ultimate goal in life.....if this does not work, move on....don't be ashamed and never let anybody look down on you...abuse is not to be tolerated in marriage....while I do not condone any reason for abuse, I always tell women to be sure they are doing there part too so that God will judge you faithful....please please don't keep quiet, tired of seeing women suffer in marriage which is not Gods plan

    4. Shiloh what is morning water?

  11. Hian! Whatever your mum meant by nobody will marry you....... Its time you run or stay put and see the bad end yourself.

  12. Men who watched their dad abuse thier moms always end up abusing their partners. It's a trend. You need to remove yourself from this situation for a while to see if he will change

    1. His mum abused his dad in this case. I think his attitude is a result of what he witnessed, cause all he's doing is trying his best to break her like he said, to avoid him being in d kinda situation he saw his dad. As per so that d wife won't have any sort of power over him.... he's wrong though. But I do think in his head he's trynna prevent what happened to his dad from happening to him.

  13. Lady, take the prayer route:

    I know a lady who was enduring beatings . She began to hate her husband of barely half a year. One day after she was told the truth; that her prayers (which she claimed to be praying for the repair of her marriage) was not going beyond her lips. . . for the scriptures says forgive us our sins as we forgive those you sinned against us. She resolved to persevere in love in the midst of hatred. The next time her husband beat her was the last time. Unlike formerly, she did not utter a word. She did not call anybody to report. She went into the room and lay down quietly on the bed. The man came in and lay besides her; no word. In the morning, she prepared his meals and helped him iron his clothes for work. . . after which she headed to the church and the floodgates of her tears were opened before the altar. The man came back before dismissal and was obviously troubled. She smiled (she have received strength; yes love to overcome her hater) and put his meals in place . . . but alas, the man could not eat anymore. Ma . . .(her name) tell me what happened . . ."nothing" was all the lady told him. The situation continued for two weeks; the man was confused . . . he couldn't predict his wife anymore. It was his own turn to cry and he wept like a baby . . . the lady rested him in her bosom and allowed him to cry, after which she told him; "this is what happened; what I do each time you beat me and go to work". The man admitted that he had endured the greatest torture of his life those two weeks . . .

    "BUT IF YOUR ENEMY IS HUNGRY, FEED HIM, AND IF HE IS THIRSTY, GIVE HIM A DRINK; FOR IN SO DOING YOU WILL HEAP BURNING COALS ON HIS HEAD." Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. (Romans twelve vs twenty)

    1. My dear poster I beg you in the name of GOD do not take this advice. 99 percent of domestic abuse or violence cases never end until the deatb or seperatiom of parties. Im an expert here.
      Please pray for him for Your new home. Far away from him.
      Such a nonsense advice

    2. It's people like you that make plenty of innocent women for for nothing. Idiot.

    3. And the enemy in this case has told her that her silence won't stop him from 'breaking' her. Prayers don't save every abusive marriage. Stop using a one in a thousand example to encourage people to stay in relationships that might get them killed. Poster, wisdom is the principal thing, if you don't care about your own life because of public opinion, consider what will happen to your unborn baby after this demon eventually snuff out your life.

    4. U've said it all.... PRAYER IS THE KEY. .... #WArRoom

    5. It's your type that push women to "goanddie". How can you use Bible to back up domestic abuse?

    6. Please shut up with this rubbish. Haven't u seen or heard about when a man gets more upset when his wife doesn't react? Even when I would keep quiet n go to play in my sons room, my ex would come n meet me there and start complaining that so I'm ignoring him. This leads to a next round of beating. If you haven't lived it, don't give senseless advice. The bible preaches wisdom so be wise. Don't try to guilt any woman into staying in an abusive relationship because she believes if she leaves, she didnt try her best.

    7. Worked for A, might not work for B

    8. This must be Lady Igo with her story story.... madam file a statement in the police because ejiro Ihe eji agba na nti agba n'anya.

    9. LADY IGO👆. Poster, copy and paste and advise in your heart, it works wonders!

    10. It's people like u dat mk it difficult for dv victims to live abusive relationship s.....It takes both husband & wife who wants to mk dere marriage work to put in equal effort u hear...bcoz the man is d head of the family& the wife is the neck & without the neck the head is useless. Wen a man lvs his mother and father & gets married automatically he becomes one with his wife....meaning he can not abuse her physically,emotionally & otherwise bcoz they are one & it's only a mad man dat u see on d road beating himself or fighting himself. Biko wisdom is profitable to direct

  14. So his father is to blame for his behaviours? Toh go and ask his mother how she coped.
    Tired of women who keep making excuses for men.
    There is bad and good no in between.
    I hope he doesn't kill you before he kills you.
    What is annoying me is that you knew all of this but because your mother said no one would marry you you decided to chain yourself to this man.
    Toh I am very busy now and frankly seeing as it's the same issues you women keep having.
    Go down below to posts like yours and follow the comments there.

    1. *I hope he doesn't kill you before you decide to leave.
      This work life balance... sigh

    2. Shut up sanctimonious bitch.....doppelgänger my arse...if she made a mistake and married him how does that address her current issue? With a mother like the poster had you can imagine the self esteem issues this poster would have had as a can a mother put her own child down like that? I have two girls and I tell them they are beautiful as often as I can.....I will always make them feel they can be whoever they wanna be and that they are an asset to humanity and any man who marries them....poster u have made the mistake but you don't have to live or wallow in it. You are better than you are getting. No matter should make u feel worthless...sit him down and tell him how he makes you feel...tell him you love him and want to make things work, but if he does not see any point or show remorse then begin to plan your exit. Trust me there are good men out there and it's never too late to find love again

    3. My dear anon 20:16 I'd rather be a bitch than be dumb like most of you ladies here.
      You all repulse me and little wonder men treat you like the trash you are.
      I am sanctimonious because I have a good head over my shoulder.
      I know who I am and do not need a man to validate my existence.
      See your mouth like sit him down as if you did'nt see the part she said he doesn't let her have a word a in.
      I won't bother with you like I'd have loved to because kaching this ain't making me money.
      So fuck off.

  15. Best way is to develop a thick skin for starters, and when he's full of anger & likely to erupt, don't argue with him, weather ure right or wrong.... Make ur point when he's very mch calm.
    If all attempts fail..... Walk out of that marriage with ur legs or be carried to the morgue.

  16. Madam.....infact,am just short of words.tell it to God cuz I can't answer those questions.very hard to.

    Also,be careful and don't sleep all night cuz he might kill u one day.pray to God but if symptoms persist.pleas run for ur dear life

    Mc pinky

  17. U sound calm in dis ur chronicle ooo dem never born dat idiot of a man wey go do me dis kind thing ooo. Jesus fix it.

  18. Your mum said no one else would marry you right? This is also just 1ymr into d marriage right? No comment . safe delivery.

  19. I would rather live alone and old with my kids than to have a partner who will kill me emotionally, spiritually or even physically before my time.

    When you give birth to this child my dear told on for like 6 months. Let him get angry one day and make sure he hits you. Then run to the police and show them the scars and tell them that he's been a beast in the past. Make sure you fine for a divide on such grounds. Your child is a citizen so no shaking you won't be deported .

    My dear also try to get a degree that could fetch you a job there in the USA. Maybe something in nursing?I wont advice you to come down here because the environment is more hostile and your hold is bound to get a better education and future abroad.

    As for comments and all my dear ignore it all. Iwoukd have insulted yoyr mothwr for her statement but she's your mum so I'll leave it at that. Your sister was also very right. But I bet you that your mum would rather have a single happy daughter than a dead one.

    Keep on praying he guidance but my dear the man isn't worth this stress especially since you are in an environment where you can survive without him. Who knows when you show him that you ain't a pushover (because t may have seen you as one who is desperate for marriage) he will come to his senses and treat you like the queen you are.

    1. She won't be able to report to police cos she will fear being a single mother.
      Poster keep praying; but just so you know there are some prayers that are totally unnecessary.

      Forget 'spirituality' where common sense is required.
      Yh yh there is nothing impossible with God. But did God open your eyes to see he was a monster before marriage?

    2. Did u evn read the srory? Which citizen? She lives in the UK not USA. Her child can't be a citizen in the UK except ahe or her hubby are citizens. In fact u are dumb sef....coz u no read wetin she write.

    3. Anon 20:09 you are a cursed and depressed ape.
      I did read the story I mistakenly saw USA. Is that why you'll insult me?
      I work in a huge multinational and I earn enough to feed you and your hungry lineage. If that's what being dumb gets them I'm enjoying myself.
      Fuck off off you irrelevant hungry troll.

  20. Married women receiving nonsense since 19kokoro all in the name of marriage. You better stand up for yourself.

    And your mum must be a wicked woman. She pushed you into this and u being the dummy agreed. Oya face it

  21. Hmmmm
    .... And you are trying to give an excuse for his stupidity.
    Your moms mentality is appalling that is how most Nigerian mothers think anywys.

    The same way he sends you to Nigeria, after birthing your child request to go to Nigeria for a family need or programme. Stay and do not go back until he finds he ways to take you back, not after a change of mind abi character

  22. Yet people stay calling us gwegs when many are crying in their marriages, I repeat most men have the tendency of being abusive when angry it takes a God fearing good man to be good which is rare, I don't mind waiting till I see that right person, I detest arrogant men with anger issues

  23. Leave him my dear. You can pray for him from a safe distance. Your family is wealthy so you can survive financially without him. Alps you've got your kid for emotional support. Trust me you'll be fine without him. Be fast about it before it's too late. Dying from his abuse when you had the option to leave in my opinion is suicide.

  24. That man has no love for you, his can he hit you and abuse you with your condition, some men are so heartless. How can you continue to manage this man abuser? Please have a talk with him before he kills you.

  25. It is well with u poster. Keep praying I no get any other advice.

  26. You made a mistake marrying him deapite the red flags.
    You need to grow a mind of your own and stop people pleasing your way through life.......your mum begged you, who is suffering now?
    However you are lucky, you are educated, you can get family support and it's only one child in between.
    Pls you need to leave, save your sanity.
    That man needs help from God.....let him find it.
    Go build your life and take care of your child faraway from him. Get your family's help, dust your's time to not waste your life giving a human such scary control over you. You clearly are in a disadvantaged position......physically and pls don't confront him for any reason. It's dangerous. Pls leave now, don't want to type R.I.P online for any woman. My prayers are with will be a survivor not a victim.
    Be discreet about your plans too.

    1. I also don't wanna wish you RIP so please leave that house, stop covering up his excesses. That guy will kill you one day if you don't leave, then maybe your mum that insisted you marry him go see wetin she follow cause. Some mothers though!
      Biko my dear, leave that marriage, don't let your mum talk you out of it. Thank God your parents are rich, get money from your Dad and relocate. No show any sign o. This one you go born soon, please confide in someone @least that your sister.

  27. Invite Jesus, He knows best..............Take heart,it well.

  28. Hi dear,
    Ve bin tru d same and more and worse in recivin abusive words.
    I hd to stand up.
    God help us.
    Wich I cud tlk to u in confidence.
    But now I ve my peace. Happy but not fulfild.
    I will send a mail to Stella with my contacts. U can reach me. Kip being strong. U'd sail tru dis turbulent marital waves.
    I care.
    As for Counseling by a Professional, fogerrit. Best is intimate an objective personality in his life dt he respects. Hoping he's a person who's ashamed of shame &u'd protect his name/pride. Dts if u ve bin a good person to d person in question.

  29. My dear poster, this is indeed worrisome and from what you've narrated, your spouse is a ticking time bomb. Even women with spouses not as bad as yours have lost their lives. Please with this type of life, you are better off on your own. You also wouldnt want to raise a child in such a toxic and abusive environment(that's if u survive it). Please separate from such a fellow while u still can, that's what i'll do if i were in your shoes. Try to empower yourself and find something to do so you can take care of yourself and your baby. Might not be easy at first but God will see you through. Wish you the best

  30. Invite Jesus, He knows best..............Take heart,it's well.

  31. Na wa ooo
    Hope that DH of yours is not an ibo man?
    Anambra precisely,cos na them sabi do all these rubbish
    A www,the last time I checked,I'm an ibo girl
    ####proudly Anambarian######

    1. Maybe you come from a checkered background? You sound quite ignorant. Abuse cuts across board - race, nationality, e.t.c.
      Receive sense please.

  32. Ur husband has a mental problem, y are u complaining, get him arrested if he ever hits u again, u are even lucky dat u guys are not in Nigeria,u sound like a spoilt brat, my friend wise up and put him in jail.

  33. There's an old saying "As you make your bed,so will you lie on it"

    You saw all the warring signs, but you still choose to get married to him, hoping he'd change perhaps?

    What you allow, is what will continue..

    How people stay in abusive marriages is what I will never understand.

    I hope you get the kinda advice you seek.

  34. It's useless trying to understand God. Because sometimes for our protection, He has to take what we love most from us and later return that thing in double folds as blessings to us.
    I use to ask myself why people keep quite and go through suffering when they know what the truth is and can voice it out to save themselves.
    The Word of God which states there is time for everything, holds a powerful meaning. And when you learn to wait for God's time, things fall in its rightful place.
    Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting...Mercy

  35. Babes, you should be planning your exit. Because I don't see such a man agreeing to counselling or psychiatric evaluation. I think deep down you know this. But the choice is yours. I am not happy with your mother for telling you it was too late to leave. Even if you don't marry, isn't that better than being abused in a marriage? Your child does not need to grow up in such a toxic environment.

  36. Let me skip telling you"you saw the signs but were too desperate"

    Even with the signs and brutal experience, your eyes still aren't clear? You want to know how to handle him?

    You hate yourself this mmuch?

  37. Sometimes I just wonder if some men and at times women are humans atall, how u can deliberately hurt someone and feel no remorse at all eludes me, anyway may God keep u alive till u birth your child,and after that my dear look for a lasting solution to the problems you have if not for your sake,for the sake of your child, all the best.

  38. Tell ur parents pls, n I don't even know what to say bc I can't take such from any man. Ppl that knows me well can testify to that. Men only abuse ladies they know are too weak to fight back. May God help u but don't linger till u die in his hands.

  39. Pack out, leave! Leave!! Leave him. Theres no excuse for violence

    408 comment 2016

  40. Poster.. I don't knw what age u r.. and I understand u have to be in a marriage, but pls if it's not giving u peace.. u shud leave. I live in the UK too with my SiS(who left her abusive husband for peace, till tomorrow he's still on her neck, but atleast they dnt have to see each). It wont be easy initially, but ur life is more important than ur marriage.. ur parents are rich, u can afford ur own accommodation, u need space from that man. Whatever gets him angry is what u dnt knw, but u have to avoid it. U can even move to another City and give it time as u keep praying abt it.

  41. Hmm. Ur mom says 'no one would marry u if u opt out'? Are u ugly or deformed? Sorry! Just asking!

  42. Poster, I want to start by telling you how sorry i am for wot u r going through right now.
    Gone are the days wen I thought marriage was pure bliss, the stories I read here every day is making me scared.
    Bt I have to say u are the cause of it, u saw all this signs bt u really needed to be married, ur sister is right. And why would ur mum say a thing like that, was it the pocket money he gives u that blinded u.
    Enough blames already, u need solutions now. First and foremost u have to stop talking or arguing wen u see he is like that, stop standing up to him. You can make ur opinion known wen he is through like abt 5hrs later. Also speak with him, in as much as he acts like a monster try and make him understand how affected u are by all this especially in ur condition.
    Bt if u think its not working, ka ma o ga bu n'onye gbu gi, si ya na icho ibia bu nwa na Nigeria. Then u come back home, allow him to be by himself for a while, when he starts calling u to come home, u can give him ur conditions.
    And finally, pray, pray and pray. Marriage is an institution where u pray unfailingly. Pray for ur husband, ur marriage and ur kids. And if there is anything I am certain about, its the fact that God still answers prayers. Remain loved.

  43. Hmmmmm

    Nigerian men are always violent. If you talk, wahala. If you keep quiet, bigger wahala.

    Don't worry dear,if you live in US, when Donald Trump comes into power, he will deport your husband then both of you can rest.

    Some days, i am just not good in giving advice. The Queen of this blog will advise you better.


    1. Useless advise. There are good men, she even said none of the guys she dated in the past treated her this way. You mustn't always talk.

  44. And you sound so sweet.smh

    2 things, a man that talks too much and one too quick to anger. A Disaster waiting to happen.

    Go back to Empress Cho's comment@yesterday's chronicle and see how these type of men evolve with time.

    Telling you not to stand up for yourself is like stifling you,then asking you to...might get you killed.

    It is time to tell the world(in this case,his family and yours)

    Let them know he laid his hands on you,a woman,a pregnant woman!!!!

    If he does not change after this big exposè,just know you are dealing with a shameless person.

    Who does this in a country he knows has laws? How can he even fathom such vile words?

    Babe,shout let his people know what you are passing through,if he had an atom of love and respect for you,he would stop! Pompous,arrogant,insecure,Ego filled man! Sies!

    1. Be asking stupid questions until he kills you. You deserve better Hun, you are abroad Hun, call the police on his ass... Have your baby and pick the pieces of your life...Take a loan from daddy and start a business. Ladies strive to be financially dependent no matter how small.....PH GAL

  45. I'm left so so sad after reading this.

    To be alive and happy is more important and to be 'bound' and in such terrible emotional and physical pain.

    I offer a prayer for you.

  46. I will blame you first cos you saw the signs and continued because your mother said no one will marry you. What nonsense! As a gwegz, my mum cannot interfere in my staying single or being married. She has no business with that. Nne onye kpa nku ariri, ngwere abiara ya oriri. Meaning you asked for what you are getting right now. I can't say any other thing to you than save yourself! And nobody should call me mean or abuse me cos you can't see a well dug pit and willingly jump into it.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Madam, please carry your cross.
    Is your cross 2 bear not mine.
    You saw all this signs and still went ahead 2 marry him.
    You mum even pushed you into marrying him.
    Was it because of the change he was giving you that made you 2 marry him?
    solution still lies in your hands.

    1. Insensitive comnent without solution, u seem to be as stupid as ppl claim u r.

  49. Hmmmm, why were you fighting with your boyfriends back then?
    A lady is not meant to fight biko.
    I maybe wrong but it seems both of you have a terrible temper. Spouses are meant to compliment each other if he is the shouting type, then you have to be the "am sorry kind". It's simple, wisdom is what helps marriages. Cos your husband seem like a nice guy with a bad mouth and high temper. So compliment him by speaking softly to him and be quick to apologize when wrong. Laugh it off sometimes and stop crying all the time. Work on your self esteem!

    1. Shut d fuck up!!!!!!!

    2. This is the dumbest comment ever please shut up if you don't have anything to say..

  50. Poster why would you allow your mom to push u into an abusive marriage all in the name if biological clock.

    Now ur 1year marriage is on fire, where is she to help fix it.

    Madam poster, just have ur baby n return to ur fathers house in peace, let him go and be abusing his ancestors if he wants to show power.

  51. Sorry dear, relax and put your mind to rest atleast for now till you are delivered of your baby. For now keep ignoring him.

    I think your husband is reacting to what he saw his mum did to his daddy, that's why I will not advice you to stand up to him. If his dad is still alive talk to him, you said they are close and the dad had been through it. He should be able to help by talking to him, if that fails seek psycological help. If he didnt change take a break. Please never argue with

  52. Hmm.....This is a hard one. You say your father is rich,why does it feel like you've always been crawling. Even your attitude depicts that of a humble poor person.
    Truth is you're in a very delicate position coz of your condition.
    I suggest you do everything he wants, try to stay out of his way. Don't let the abuses get to you, when he starts just shut him out mentally.
    The most important thing is you and that baby.
    But if you feel your life is threatened Pls Nne come back to Nigeria and have your baby in peace.
    life is more important than marriage.

  53. Madam poster, you obviously saw all these negative signs before you guys got married, why didn't you just take a walk? Why did your mom ask you to stay put cos no one would marry you? Was it cos age wasn't on your side or what? These days domestic violence has become the order of the day and most times, either of the spouse gets killed. Don't take this issue lightly, cos the women that lost their lives as a result of domestic violence started the way you did, with the hope that their husband would change. How i wish you listened to your inner self and ended the relationship, you definitely would have met someone else better than your husband. Just keep on praying dear, fast, cry out to God to change him, cos there's nothing God cannot do. I hope it ends well in your favour, I will be praying for you dear. All the best

  54. My dear u jus described my marriage,my husband is jus like yours,we ve been married almost 10yrs now,u knoe how i did it?i knew i didnt ve much of a choice cos i wasnt working then n both my parents had passed on,i prayed to God to end the marriage or save it that i was done doing d saving,n u knw what,God toughened me up,i use to be a cry baby jus like you,but now i hardly ever cry,i think d last time i cried must be like 2yrs ago,i stand up for my self my ignoring his rants n only answering when i want to torment him with sharp retorts so he can scream more(his loud voice doesnt get to me anymore),i got enpowered,i work hard n take my job seriously,i put myself n my kids 1st,n yes my awesome girlfriends keep me busy,i didnt confide in them mind you,so u see God didnt change him,he changed me,sometimes simply telling him sorry when i am not wrong saves my d long headache of unnecessary bickering..finally get a life outside of ur man,work,kida,friends,go out n have fun,life is good jare,dont let any man steal your shine,goodluck darling

    1. Ride on girl. Ignore his ranting and never ever cry for that man who derives joy in hurting you.
      Abusive men are shameless.

  55. All I see is you trying to mitigate the situation. Are you in denial? Your making excuses for him too?? 'His mum was abusive' and you're happy to pay for it. Lol. My BIL had a terribly abusive dad who even made trouble on his wedding day. But he has vowed to never do anything that would give a wrong impression to his children, as far as his wife is concerned. But your own is taking it out on you (maybe). My dear, keep standing up for yourself. Let heaven fall if it must. And if it gets worse port out before you become a corpse. Your sister was right anyway..... Parents be putting female children under pressure since 1900.



  57. Poster I can even feel your husbands hatred to you from here, marriage is not a do or die affair especially when it comes to this. Advice yourself and avoid stories that touch and sure your dad won't reject you

  58. My dear poster keep praying for your husband o, but I've seen a case where a wife kept praying for her abusive husband till the guy eventually killed her and gave his life to Christ, her prayers worked you know. Be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove, even the God knows the need for WISDOM.

  59. Dear Poster,
    I am sorry about your situation i am going through same. My husband is very abusive too whenever we have an argument he goes as far as calling me a prostitute he even gets physical less than 2 months ago he beat me up in the middle of a party with a stick then lied to everyone about what really happened. i cried out my eyeballs.

    It doesn't hurt anymore because i have found a solution . I IGNORE HIM. Yes thats it i give him food and walk away i wash and iron no questions and whenever i see he his brewing for a fight i apologize and walk away leaving him stunned that made him mellow . my sister there is no point in arguing else you will get hit .

    My advise is for you to try my method because it works for me .
    1. Stop the luvy duvy it makes us look weak to them. that way they can slap us and pet our heads.
    2. don't ask him how his day went just greet and brings his food. this really hurts men
    3. any part of the house he is avoid that part for that moment.
    4. go out more watch soap operas and laugh out loud
    5. if he demands for something in an angry tone just say sorry and get it for him
    soon he will realize his mistakes and want his wife back. if this doesn't work . then you need to look for his weak spots then use it against him .

    Lastly , NEVER ARGUE WITH HIM AGAIN ( if you like ur fine face)

    1. Lovely! I like the part where you said we should stop lovey dovey. Me I don't lovey dovey nobody oh! If you need that then move to the next woman. Cos these men be looking for who they can mumurize

    2. I'm cringing reading this comment cos all I see is a modern slave. Please emancipate your self from mental slavery. WTF

    3. Best reply so far..hugs..don't make him feel important..U deserve to be happy and don't allowbur husband to makebu think less of ursef.
      Like u said ur dad is rich,when u give birth,u need to go for a break to relax it head..let him know it worth..and most importantly pray..God will see u through.

    4. Seriously? Is it by force to stay married? My God African women are really suffering oh!

    5. Smh. Useless advice. The most useless advice ever. This right here is the reason why naija hasn't progressed: suffering and smiling. When something horrible happens, you will use the same crabby fingers to type RIP abi?

    6. I just have one question, how do you guys make love? Like you don't even gist with your husband. Wow!

    7. God help Nigerian women, what is this slavery? Oh my God and your children are this and think it is normal. You women are killing yourselves and harming your children but hey you are a Mrs.

    8. Wow.All these because you want to answer Mrs.where do these men come from?The devil is really set out to destroy marriages.marriage is meant to be enjoyed and not endured.Jesus take control!

    9. Some women endured because they are not financially okay to cater for the kids alone without the abusive husband.

  60. Dear Poster, you saw all these signs yet you went ahead to marry him. It is well.

    If He is someone you cannot have a heart-to-heart discussion with and he will listen to what you have to say,i'd advice that you go stay somewhere probably till you deliver your baby becausei'm so scared on your behalf what he is capable of doing if and when provoked.

    In your condition, you really don't need stress bcos that may trigger your BP to raise God forbid.
    I don't think you should die in silence. Speak to a sensible member of his family or your mom or dad and hear their views before deciding what next to do. I wish you well.

  61. Babe... The only thing you can do to earn his respect is to start earning your own money. Bros has a very big ego and thinks he did you a favor by marrying you. Dunno why it's so peculiar to well-doing guys in diaspora. They feel they are God's blessing to the women they marry

  62. Lol @ u dated 4 guys.... Hehehe
    A very very unnecessary information.
    Dat tot shld Neva even cross ur mind.
    U are now a taken woman.

    The mistake u made is marrying a man without having a job or plans.
    U don't know how irritating it is, to be the 'sole' bread winner of the family, dat even smthg as little as salt, ur partner can't even bring to d table.

    There is nothing to pray abt @ ur Hubby's attitude.
    U saw it b4 u MD ur choice, u shld learn to live with it.
    And don't be surprise if e insults u, in d presence of his relatives too.
    U shld learn to stop crying over nothing, UV bin with him for awile now, u can even stat making fun of ursef join.
    If e says u are stupid, tell him to tk it easy o, dat e doesn't sound very smart calling himself a husband to a stupid woman, smile n waka.

    After childbirth n wen u tink its okay, plz find smthg to do, so dat u get a bit of respect from ur hubby.

    May God help we singles who see d signs n are still willing continue.
    Whateva is blinded to u by love, dont worry marriage wld show to u very clearly.

  63. Talk to your mum first. Then go to the women's help centre or talk to someone at the hospital about it. It's better you go back to Nigeria than to be there and suffer. If you have your legal documents and can support yourself then separate for some time if not have your baby and go home. If he really wants you he needs to change but never stop praying for him and being kind to him. He is dealing treacherously with you that's why he has problems with his work.(read it up in the bible). He does not love God. Your life counts. Unhappiness is not a reason for divorce so I won't encourage it. There must be somebody in his family you can confide in, isn't it? Try talking to that person before getting the authorities involved. Quick to marry a man cz he is not based in Nigeria......

  64. Na wah for your mum's mindset sha.

    She was the one who gave your indecisive self a push into a hellish marriage.

    I don't even know what to say concerning this, only that keeping quiet will make things worse.


  65. Dear Poster, Portion Half of our abusive Married Blame to your Mum, you no Y, which Mum on Earth will Tell Her Beautiful Daughter that No one else will Marry Her, Who those that Please? You need Prayers right now, And Please be very careful with that Animal you Call Husband, Some Men self

  66. Dear poster Pls leave your marriage issues for now and focus on your delivering your baby peaceful. Your child needs you to be strong for him/her. I will also advise you get a marriage counselor and let's hope it works but let that be after having your baby. I wish you Safe delivering and may God be your strength. We love you. Be strong okay!

  67. Another day, another abused wife asking if she should stay in her marriage!

    Women!! When will we ever learn?!

    Poster, I have no advice for you

  68. Na wah. All I have to say is that God should fix it. Being in an abusive marriage is very dangerous and to think you knew about it but u still went ahead to marry him. Desperation is very bad. Honestly

  69. My dear poster. I agree with your 2& 3 option but while you are on them seek also the protection of the law. You are in a place where a man cannot abuse a woman without being checked by the security system unless you the woman chose to endure in silence. A 1st time visit to him by the police will sober him up in that Uk. I am not going to tell you to leave him because i never told you to marry him; the decision is your's to make. Sorry about the one you said happened today

  70. First of all, make a report at the police station that he abuses you and has become a threat to your life, that should keep him in check. Secondly, by all means get a job, even if it is for a meagre salary. Have hidden cameras in your house to give as evidence just in case he acts violently.

  71. Sorry for all these, please madam u both need a counsellor,
    then pray is the answer to all life issues. Let love lead in ur hrt

  72. Sad.

    Come and take a hug darling.I just felt my heart hurting for u as I read dis sad tale.I have no answers and I seriously don't know wot advice to give but I just wanna tell u to be strong.for u and d baby.and let ur folks know what's going on.
    A pregnant wife and he is dis insenstive and wicked?

    It's well darling. Let's concentrate on u and d baby now ok?sending u loads of love and warm hugs.And knowing u wil deliver safely.take care of u darling.

    *Shame on dis Man!dis just upset me.

    1. What advice did u really give to d lady?

    2. She said it already that she has no advice only hugs. Lol

  73. You can't change that kind of person but be very very careful before he kills you and we read it here on Sterra's blog..tufiakwa.

    Let your parents know about this, make yourself happy and be prayerful.

    Don't loose your life because of marriage, God created you for a purpose.

  74. One chance marriage!!

  75. Ma, R U N for your dear life before your story ends to be a tragedy.

    let him not goan kill you and or the baby someday. U knew he was quiet abusive and all before you ended up marrying him. Domestic violence is something I kent juss deal with.

    I know some people would advice you to stay and pray and manage your home but when abusive and domestic violence is involved in a marriage it is better to run for your dear life than to be sorry in a grave!


    1. Are u from a broken home?

  76. Madam go & make a report concerning the issue & put up a hidden camera in case he trys something funny.

    May God fix it for u.

  77. Ma, R U N for your dear life. it is better late than never

    Better to feel sorry for yourself now than to be in a grave with lots of aggrieved family members and candle lights

    I know some people will say u should stay and manage your home. How many of them as endured domestic violence and lived to tell the story.


    my only advice for you is to R U N
    again R U N

    May God grant you a safe delivery.. who beats a pregnant woman! animal oshi

    1. U sound like u r from a broken home.

  78. Dear Poster, I'm so sorry about what you are going thru. I think you should just stay away from this man for a while maybe that will make him come back to his right senses. You said ur Dad is rich.....maybe you should speak with him to help you out financially for the period you will be away from him so that you wont need to depend on him for anything. Its better you are away from him and remain alive than being with him and living in fear of any danger.

    Secondly, I think you should make a report. You are in a country where the law works and abuse of any kind is frowned at. You really need this abeg.

    Lastly, be extremely careful because this kind of person can do anything to harm you. Let your parents know what u're passing thru especially your mum who pushed you into all this. Are you deformed or so old that she thinks that if u do not marry this man, no one else will marry you?

    Just stay safe oooo cos I'm scared for u already!

  79. Dear poster you just kinda described my hubby. Controlling, abusive, quick to anger. I feel it has to do with his temperament very choleric. If I argue with him war, if I keep quiet am being stubborn. I used to talk back and argue my point but I discovered it made him more likely to hit me. And my body no dey take beating I no fit shout I no get power. He wants to control how I dress, talk, relate with others, pray, update my social media everything to tiniest winiest thing. And if I don't obey 100% he flares up. The last spiff just really got to me. He hit me twice in front of our baby just because I argued that there was nothing irresponsible about the message I posted to my sister on social media. He is saying we should be posting messages eg.birthday as Mr.&Mrs. And I find messages he composes for hours boring. I prefer to be spontaneous. Well when he hit me I didn't react I deleted my fb,WhatsApp he should be updating all he cares. Am giving a very silent treatment. I don't gist,joke or laugh with just go about my business normally. He feels because he doesn't cheat like some men, provide for me, I should be grovelling at his feet. I will show him this time around enough is enough.

  80. Take a walk, Say no to a violent relationship it can only get worst (pls I am not cursing you), your husband is a sociopath . You are not poverty stricken so you can afford to take care of yourself, Don't allow "what will ppl say when I leave " lead you to an Early grave or worst turn you to a living dead. You are expecting a Child v soon , Do you want to bring up a child in your present situation? Think about d psychological effect it will have on your Child.please take a walk now before it is too late!!!!! Don't end up n d grave due to DV or the prison where u will be serving time for killing the bastard. Eggie

  81. Reading your post even makes me scared because you heavily pregnant, from what you saying your babe might come our very soon.
    Pls, please and please for now concentrate on giving birth to your child.
    Make plans to leave his vicinity.
    As a man myself i don't tolerate men that beats his wife for any reason.
    Record all this sessions you have with him, cos i doubt it any of his family will believe you without prove.
    Some many of the comment posted here are so true, anything can happen at any point in time.
    It will be wise for you to tell someone, a family member, his closest friend, your pastor, his family, your family.
    Must I remind you, you informed us he is a doctor, HE CAN KILL U WITHOUT NO ONE KNOWING USING DRUGS.
    Please be wise and act fast.

  82. There is one thing I don't accept in my life and that is "Curse". People can insult me and get away with it but to place curse on me I won't take that shit not even from my birth mother talk more of one faceless simpleton.

    My mother-in-law is dead and she never gave birth to any girl how is it your bizness? is it your marriage? How does it affect you? Am I married into your family? What sort of busy body do you have? Idiot!! I never prayed for my mother-in-law to die and I will never encourage any lady to pray such prayer. I know you wish to have the kind of marriage I have like wise the other bad belles here that are supporting you. Till you die, you can never have such and you will end up in a miserable home.

    Idk you from Adam but you've carried my matter on your head like food seller continue!! that load will never get off your shoulders. You will live with pain and burden all your life. Shebi you have mouth? You want to talk? You have the attention now abi?

    Each day that passes by, I will be placing curses on you. You will learn to mind your bizness henceforth. Jealousy et Olofofo.

    Just keep your comments coming, I will be here to reply you. You are super lucky Idk you. Na hospital you for dey by now bastard.

    1. What's with the vitriolic outbursts? Are you just seeing those comments? Please calm dah fuck down! You've littered the comment section enough for today. Pass your message and move on, you aren't the first neither will you be the last to be called out here. Next time simply choose your words carefully to avoid being misconstrued unnecessarily.

  83. My dear, marriage is forever and ever but not in all cases.
    If he didn't respect the fact that you are pregnant and hit you, I am sorry but he will hit you to your death one day or in public or in front of your children.

    I fear divorce is the answer unless you want to die before your time. However, there is nothing God cannot do. I really feel so sorry for you, your baby, your health and your life.

  84. Now am actually pushed to comment for the ever first time, u knew he was abusive and had anger issues b4 marriage but u were eager to get married reasons known to you and u went ahead to marry him. I will also ask u questions. 1. Are u happy eagerly married now?. 2. Wouldn't you have been happy single without an abusive partner?. And 3. Are you sure you are safe now than u were safe?. U were so lucky to spot this b4 marriage but u went ahead. Keep praying for him if u r so lucky he might change, but please if u smell violence, ignore and step away b4 it might be too late. Step far away cos interestly he will get a new wife if u die(medically, emotionally and physically) due to abuses and violence. And everything might just ends there with you.

    1. He is hitting her already, which violence she dey wait to smell again?
      It's a good thing you've not been commenting.

  85. Goodness! Chronicles like this get me scared about settling down. I don't even know what to say. God guide you with wisdom and strengthen you through.

  86. Madame lay them before God in prayer.

  87. Hello, I have never been in abusive relationship or even know about abuse but one thing you should please keep in mind is your own sanity,peace of mind and happiness. If he abuses you while pregnant, he can do anything to you. Please if you can, I will advice giving him space for some time- this might mean moving out of the house but with support from your mother or father. Since you are from a wealthy family, pray and ask for support from your parents.
    Suggest counseling while you are apart and explain to him that you do not want to die young. It is probably easier said than done but my dear please pray! Ask God for direction. Don't let him kill you in anger one day.

    These situations are real. Since you are pregnant it is advisable to stay clear so you do not get harmed.

    Read this blog:
    It might just help you or anyone out there.

  88. hi dear, I stay in d uk and understand what u are going through, most naija men who brig their wives here tend to be controlling, so that d women would be scared to call d police on them, they would even go to d extent of daring you to call d police and remind u of how billions of single mothers in d uk are suffering and looking for men with prayer and fasting. my advice is for u to always keep quiet when he talks for now, don't challenge him, just be on your lane for now. icant advice u to leave him immediately cos it wont be easy for u oooo, cos u would get a place and start paying a child minder if u cant work full time and it would be stressful for u. an immediate advice from me, that is if he dsnt maim u, is that u should concentrate on ur kid, wake up and pray at night, let him hear wen u say lord I want a peaceful home, I want my family to be happy... except he is a child of d devil will his heart not melt.I hate any form of abuse but don't be quick to leave cos u entered with ur clear eye, u can mail me so we talk, for now don't argue with him,play d fool

  89. Madam poster I will like to speak with you and encourage you one on one via email.
    I can't tell you to leave your marriage bcos I wasn't there from the dating or beginning of this relationship.
    Ride on girl. Ignore his ranting and never ever cry for that man who derives joy in hurting you.
    -- get a job(care)
    -- go to cinemas or opera to watch movies
    -- don't ever cry for him, keep your distance from him even in the same house.
    -- enjoy the company of friends , go to parks, play groups, activities that you enjoy.
    -- don't keep to yourself and mourn in silence bcos you can report him to the police let his big-head cool down after investigation
    -- it is well with you as I shall be praying for you.

  90. My dear please don't not call police on him you can not call police on someone and you want the person to be happy living with you. The best thing to do is tell your dad about every thing when your mum is not there no father will want his daughter treated badly, is matter of man to man talk if nothing come out of it please leave the married.

  91. It is well with you. Please do not keep quiet, tell someone you can confined in bcos you're not safe in that house. Abusive men become more abusive to their wives in pregnancy. You only have one lifeline my dear. Please tell your people let them call him to order.

  92. My dear, please take a break from the marriage, not necessarily divorce but a break for him to understand you ain't living for him...let things sink into his head. Gosh men that abuse women are just cowards and weaklings!. but please keep yourself safe for that beautiful child you're carrying. And please also, I'm a graduate of OND in business administration and management from Federal polytechnic oko, Anambra state, still awaiting my result but I have second class upper. I need a job urgently to save up for my education continuation later this year. I'm a "Team" person and I adapt to environment easily. I am also a fast learner and I'm an easy going person. I'm from Anambra state and I'm 21 years old. Please I will appreciate any kind soul to help me out, i need to save up to ease my mum the burden a little bit. Reach me with this number..07066188158. Thank you Aunt Stella for this platform.
    Anagor Chioma

  93. Talk to someone close to him.May be the Mum or the father.And never stop praying for him

  94. I am in the UK and I am beyond stunned that you haven't reported that beast's ass yet!! I know he must have threatened you to not do such but listen, you only live once!!! LEAVE that house when he heads to work tomorrow, report him to the authorities, get another place to stay..they will can his ass!!!

    After you birth your child, prior to weaning, get something to do please...the job and your baby will keep you busy and going. Truth is this isn't your husband, your true man will find you

    STOP crying, turn this to strength...your happiness depends on YOU
    My cousin's husband beat her so much that she had a miscarriage that almost killed her, that was the day it dawned on her (when she regained consciousness) that she had to start doing her...long story short,he refused to sign the divorce papers, so she immersed herself in her job and did her Msc and she is a pillar in her work place and the pot bellied creature of a husband is down financially and is now worshipping her

    DON'T ever feel like you're the only woman passing through this, to be honest most chronicles put here on the daily don't even depict the synopsis less talk of the actual table of contents of the marriages peeps are in

    You've made a mistake but you can make a lot out of it,even a new york times best seller out of it!!!

  95. Bae, u pregnant n almost due at dat. I suggest u check up Facebook n see wat domestic violence has lead to. If u can't use d law in dat country, which to my understanding works perfectly bcos it might get messy at the end of the day. Take time off pls I beg u, stay with a relative, don't make this man snuff life from u, dats my 1kobo.All da bst

  96. My advise to you is to remain calm. Do not argue with him, or confront him, especially because of your condition. Please, play the fool for the next three month, so that you dont endanger your life or that of your baby. Mean while, you have a masters degree so start looking for a job (no matter how small) because you have to take care of yourself and your child. If for some reasons the situation becomes worse despite your prayers, your job and you having his child, please please let someone know. In fact let people know. let your family and most especially let the authorities know so that when you chose to get a divorce you will have enough evidence and support.

  97. May God deliver you from that marriage.

  98. I feel for you o, but first things first, biko if you are relying on daddys money now is the time to do that fully. Get some capital and think of what biz you can do pending when you can get back to work. Who would be coming to stay with you after the baby is born? After 2 months you can bring the child home to see grandparents and take that time to cool off and reassess your relationship( you sound like you are almost due). Jobs might not come easy and if you are so dependent on hubby more control he would have over you, so if possible learn bead making or anything yoy have interest in. To the main crux let him knoe you would not tolerate physical abuse( and please dont) you have yourself and your unborn child to think of. If he raises his hands again speak out!! His type are usually cowards that try to present a perfect picture to the world. Stay safe for now your health and your childs is paramount. Stay strong

  99. Pls receive this big e-hug from me.
    The Lord is ur strength!
    Here's my take....

    -Before you go into labour, write a letter to your parents, siblings and in-laws. Let them all be aware of the abuse you have gone through so far.

    The mistake we make as women is to isolate and feel the need to cover up for an abusive spouse.

    -Pls cc ur husband in that letter. Let it be known the kind of hostile home you are about to give birth.
    -Pls be prepared to move out with your baby for a while. Find a place you can stay with your baby for your safety. All these killings are real!!!!! you saw the signs but followed your mum's bad advice.
    - Your family will be able to contribute to bring u alive back to naija/UK ....don't wait till he kills you! You cant change a man who is set in his ways...don't let it be RIP that will be said of you!

    There is no shame in crying out for help!
    I pray you deliver safely!

  100. Dear poster, I feel sorry for u bt my candid advice is first of all, erase whatever ur mum said that no man will marry u frm ur mind! 2, Worry less about ur man for now cos ur can't av safe delivery with a high BP! After ur child birth, walk out of that marriage QUIETLY!!! if possible, move to another state entirely 'if'u truely value ur life! God help u.

  101. My pastor once said, only a mad person will fight himself. I'm really sorry you ignored the red flags and got married to him. Don't for in silence! Any guy that can hit a pregnant lady can kill. Are you guys Christians? Talk to your pastor and definitely keep praying for him. Since you are pregnant and due soon, you can use that as an excuse to have your mom come stay with you for a while.


  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. You should simply take a break. Visit Nigeria after delivery and stay for atleast 6months and tell him you need a break as soon as you get here.Hes acting like he's doing you a favour.

  104. Sister try get this movie called THE WAR ROOM. Watch quietly, understand, Learn and practise. God help your marriage.

  105. Talk to your midwife or doctor, he needs help with anger management while you need a stable environment for the safety of your unborn child and yourself. I have been in your shoes, our people don't get the emotional trauma you go through, he is probably stressed or having some difficulties with one thing or the other and the best way to release steam for him is to pour it all on you. If you know any trusted person between his family and friends whom he would most likely listen to, please talk to them with your husband present and see how he behaves. You're better off alive and well, than being with him not doing well.


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