Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...

Na wah...



Thumbs up Stella for your good works.
Straight to the point because I'm so confused right now, infact with a very heavy heart. I don't know what exactly to do that's why I'm writing this so that BVN will at least share some brains with me.

This might be the longest chronicle on SDK because its quite lengthy so please bear with me and read along. I'll try as much as possible to make it detailed and understandable.

I'm a young lady in my late 20's from an average family... not broke, not rich. I was raised by a single mom. I'm done with school and all but since getting a job in this our Nigeria is quite difficult, I decided to venture into this fashion thing instead of staying idle. I learnt the fashion thing for about a year plus and let's just say I finished in December 2015. As much as I wish to start my own business, funds won't let me but that's not even the issue.

I started seeing a guy sometime in 2013. He's someone that refuses to let me breathe. After so much pressure, we started as just friends, nothing attached. It was just an hello-hello conversation until he made his intention known which I bluntly refused. He was relentless and never gave up. During most of our conversations, he does the talking while I do the listening. I realised he was fun to be with. He sounds very intelligent also. He said he started doing construction jobs when he couldn't lay his hands on anything after school.

 We both laughed and said it was a cool thing to do since it was paying his bills (so, I thought). The car he drives too made me believe it was a paying job, there was no benefit of doubt. I felt the only thing he needed was to do marketing. I didn't still feel he was the one until he did something really amazing. This thing really WHAO'D me (lemme skip the thing). I had a quick rethink and I decided to try him out since I wasn't even in any relationship at that moment.

 We officially started dating in 2014. 

This guy was way better than what I ever imagined; very caring, humble and all. At a point, I thought it was all pretense, but I was wrong. Nothing seemed difficult  to him. He does my laundry. Yes! My laundry. 

He cooks, he does the dishes... Gosh!! This guy is soo serviceable. Despite all this Stella, the love wasn't still there. I practically like him for what he does, nothing more. He will come visiting, buy me stuffs, even paid my rent sometimes and all. 

I stumbled on his laptop one night where I got to know he came out with a 3rd class. Well, he never told me because he's always hiding stuffs from me. I had to encourage myself that there was no other better guy out there. I also started believing the saying "love grows" and my mum will say grace overcomes grade. Since he's caring and rich (so I thought), I was cool. That was what I kept saying to myself. After he felt he finally had my attention, he decided to take me to his parents. I initially declined saying I wasn't ready and I didn't have any job at that moment but he insisted and said job will come and I shouldn't be bothered about that and he'll take care of me. He raised my hopes after promising heaven and earth.  

We visited his parents as planned and spent the weekend. It wasn't a pleasing atmosphere but what could I do? I just played along. The parents were lovely though.

Fast forward to a month after our visit, he popped the question and I stupidly accepted (poor me! I wish i didn't). The ring wasn't bad either, someone in the UK got it for him. He  hurriedly started talking introduction which we ended up doing last year September. This guy can procrastinate for Africa. He only get things done with his mouth. No plans, No Nothing. I noticed all this while preparing for the introduction. After it was all done last year, his parents have been on my case since January asking me how far about our plans for the wedding. Until recently, I had to refer them back to their son. But their son won't say nothing. Will I force him? HELL NO!! 

He came visiting last week and I decided to ask about what his parents were calling me for only for him to say I know he has been hustling all the while, that he hasn't saved enough money and can't just pick a date. I asked why he had not told his parents and he went further saying all the money he has gathered so far is just #150k and that we should hit the market and get a ring and traditional attire then keep them till he gets money again to buy other things. At first,I thought he was trying to make a joke of me only for me to get the shock of my life when he swore that that's all he had. I teased him playfully saying you are a joker and he swore again..


 At this point, I realised he wasn't joking. Then I asked him again what exactly he has been doing with his money or probably he froze it and his reply was a NO. He went further by saying the little money he gets from his mere job was what he spends on his car, on himself, on his retired parents and on me and I was like what the fuck!

Stella, headache catch me straight. This guy doesn't have a house to his name o. He's only sharing a flat with his 2 other friends and they share rent and pay 60k each. Infact, when I visited him once, it was an empty room oh. He doesn't even have a chair. All he had was a mattress and a hanger, so where the hell is the money? Stella, don't you think I have been tricked? I'm so shattered and confused right now because there are lots of questions going through my head. 

Okay, let's just say we eventually get married, is house rent going to be free? Are we going to steal the furnitures and all? Will I come to blogs to beg for money for food?  Cos I don't just seem to understand. As much as I really want to get married, I am not that desperate and I am not sure I want to go through all this drama. I know what it means to struggle because I was trained and raised by a single mother so I understand it perfectly. My boyfriend's (abi its fiance's) hustle is not paying and 3rd class without any plan of a Pgd or even furthering.

     Fellow BVN, this is a cry for help as I am at a crossroad. What will you advise I do o not forgetting that I have done an introduction. I know there are no fortune tellers here but people with experiences go dey. Stella, you are not left out o. Please I need all your advice. BIKONU!!

*Am I being selfish or impatient?

*Will it be fair to leave him now considering the fact that he's trying his best?
*Do you agree with the idea of buying thing and keeping? But till when?
*If hustle no pay, certificate with low grade in this our Nigeria? How you see am my people?? And I dont have a job too, to think things will be easier after the wedding.

*Should I still ignore marriage and focus on myself?? Therefore becoming selfish?

My dear you cannot get married on a broke ass situation...Get something doing,GET BUSY!
He didnt trick you,the signs were there but you didnt look well and got ''WHAO'D'' probably through material things.
You are still young and you said you are not desperate which is fine.
The decision to stay or go lies entirely with you because you are the one who has the shoes on.
He has told you the truth about his financial situation,its either you stay and build with him or you walk.Its your choice.
But please do not get married on credit or start a family without some kind of financial security.Marriage needs a lot of ingredient to balance it and cash is one of the most important.
This is me being truthful and i dont care if anyone cusses me out for saying this but,i cannot look a man in the eyes in a brokeass situation and mutter the words  ''I Love you''...LOL


  1. Replies
    1. Poster firstly, ur fiance didn't decieve u. U decieved ursef. He's just a guy who live above his means and those were the things that attracted u 2 him. Did he ever boast of having it all? He drives a good car and shares a flat with 3 guys? Can't even furnish his own space? Did u say he once paid ur rent? Now that's what I'm talking about. U were a bit greedy if u ask me. Now my advice. Put a hold/stop to that wedding. Infact consider ursef not engaged n start building ur own future while u carefully lay back n watch what plans he's got 4 himself. Don't push him away allow nature play it's role. In the meantime, do ursef a favour of not getting pregnant.

    2. Broke ass girls looking for who'll take care of them when they bring nothing to the table. When he was spoiling you,twas OK but now it isn't?
      Honey, he's the one that should leave you and not the other way round. A 3rd class man that probably works harder than those that have 2.1. You nko? Wetin you dey do there? As you no be 3rd class. How many times will Stella mention it here that she's third class but look how she turned out.I hate emotional blackmail. I am a woman by the way. Nne. Biko go and work. Do sth with your first class brain.

    3. D devil is a liar.
      This is tough oooo
      But I knw dat poverty na cancer.
      Ur guy chances of hitting it Big is jst based on probability. Wat if u leave and he makes it big. And wat if u stay and d situation no change. Say along with me "Satan pack ur load and go,i say pack ur load and go 3x"

    4. I married my husband knowing that he isn't financially ok but he is a hard worker . It's not a good thing to ask for money for every little thing. I regret not working b4 marriage but I thank God dat things are already better . i' ll advice u to get something doing b4 u walk down d aisle to avoid story that touches and make sure dat he isn't a lazy man

    5. Just a question for poster and every other person; do people no longer pray for God's direction when choosing a spouse? All I read on this blog is he has every quality I want in a guy, he's comfortable, he'said good in bed, bla bla. When you don't ask God for direction, when issues arise, will you go to Him? or you'll come back here to send chronicles. Mtcheeew

    6. Hi poster...
      B4 our fiance then's partment can echo for africa(3 bedroom flat o)the day we agreed we were going to marry finally,he had 775naira in his account,I was working,no savings,and he was working,no savings,but all in all,he was always honest about his status,he would take me out as much as he can,but no savings,two months to the wedding,things changed and we vowed not to borrow a dime,and we did not,d wedding ran into millions and my parents spending is not,its been 3yrs,I get 100k as shopping,lool,we go out every weekend,sometimes I get tired of going sef,note,we are not where we wish yet,but we will definitely get there. As for you,I feel you just wanna get married for the wrong reasons,and the reasons are selfish,it won't take you anywhere,he his hardworking but not fully honest with you,he just wants to wife u and face whatever comes later,he his a sanguine no doubt,procastination is our logo(yes,I am a chronic san)
      I will advice u don't get married yet,wait for awhile,encourage,act like u r already a wife,help him plan,advice,cut all unneccesary* costs especially the ones he spends on u,give him ideas about his business and follow up on it till u see it done,if u can sacrifice and help him grow,that will be good,and if after that,d situation remains the same,no hope for a better future,carry ur slippers on ur head and run.u are young,don't get carried away by marriage,its not that exciting....except ofcos u r ready to work first and it will ltr become exciting,forgive all typo o, let me contimue eating my delicious moin moin

    7. @poster, I hope ur fiancee name is not Dipo

    8. My sister I will advice u to stay with him and help him plan out, it will be finewhich I know. What about people who didn't attend university they still make it. So third class or watever is not problem. If u love him stay and build up with him. Good luck

    9. Guys don suffer.. ....imagine a poor girl complaining about a guy that is not lazy.. ..please free him for a better girl.

    10. 3rd class is no sin, d SDK u ran to got same, ur boyfrnd isn't bad if u ask me, I like zealous guys, the ones with hustling spirit, remember no one knw tomorrow, so I will advise u to support him, den get busy and put ur marriage on hold for now.

    11. Lol Mrs Korks doesn't mince words.

    12. Hmmmm.
      See, how would u feel if u loved a guy and he says he cant marry u cos u dont have a job and cant support him?
      Apparently, u only dated this guy cos u felt he is financially secure and he can take care of u but thats not the case so just move on. He didnt trick u but ur big eyes and long throat got u here.
      See, u dont love this guy, u bluntly said u like him 4 what he does 4 u, now that u can see all that he can do 4 u is 150k in cash, thats not enough 4 u, talk more of wedding and all that so its either u leave now or wait and get a job, support him but the truth is working to support ur hubby can only happen if u love him and since u dont love him, he will start to irritate u d moment u can fend 4 urself.

    13. 80% of this bvn are too materialistic, Poster ask urself this question,was ur dad rich when ur mum married him?My advice for u is to stick with ur fiancée and by God's grace things will get better, it can't remain static.And most of the ladies advicing u here are the ones feeding their husband's and children...I was once in a similar situation and my fiancée then but now wife stood by me and today we have our own house,child and car(s),my advice for u is to keep praying for him and things will get better.

    14. Poster this ur story sounds like mine, mine was bad cos I got pregnant but thankfully I was working, so we got married, I was footing all d bills and sharing my salary with him, we ve been married two years now, I lost my job earlier this year but God has blessed my hubby, he just won a contract that paid him 15m just like that, first thing he did was pay 4m for my masters abroad, then take me for a vacation. He also opened two businesses and is bidding for more contracts. God willing our tomorrow will be blissful. Poster stop being materialistic and get something doing

    15. Anon 16.59...I thought na only me dey think that way ò.

      I once had a guy who was interested in me and when I agreed to give him face, na him I told him, make we dey look God face ò. ..In fact the laugh wey he take me laugh na hin dey jolly dey go there.
      Me on the other hand, carry my toothpick legs waka...

      Marriages of nowadays no be beans, one need over sureness to venture into it.
      It is better to be single than be in a bad marriage.

    16. Nne let me advice you from experience if you are not ready to work and support yourself and him then you should leave the guy nowits still early. 3rd class is really not your problem the guys attitude to life is what is. Let me tell you a little about mine. My hubby is a second class upper with a salary of allmost 400k when I meet and married him . But I never knew he had issue with saving and I also never new he borrowed money for our wedding I came into this marriage and he hass a dept of over 2mill t is the third year and he is still borrowing to fuel his car and his salary has increased to 600k. I don't ask for gold or big car or even expensive hair but still he is broke I am from a rich home and I have never been this insecure in my life b4. And he made me quit my little job with the hope if him helping with a less stressful one that I regret till this minute. Even the next house rent is gonna be borrowed big time and it's almost around the corner.he is not cheating my siblings have arranged and had him followed. He is a lazy bone

    17. Nne let me advice you from experience if you are not ready to work and support yourself and him then you should leave the guy nowits still early. 3rd class is really not your problem the guys attitude to life is what is. Let me tell you a little about mine. My hubby is a second class upper with a salary of allmost 400k when I meet and married him . But I never knew he had issue with saving and I also never new he borrowed money for our wedding I came into this marriage and he hass a dept of over 2mill t is the third year and he is still borrowing to fuel his car and his salary has increased to 600k. I don't ask for gold or big car or even expensive hair but still he is broke I am from a rich home and I have never been this insecure in my life b4. And he made me quit my little job with the hope if him helping with a less stressful one that I regret till this minute. Even the next house rent is gonna be borrowed big time and it's almost around the corner.he is not cheating my siblings have arranged and had him followed. He is a lazy bone

  2. This one na text book oh

    Lemme read

    1. I thought you said you learnt one "fashion thing" why are you not working with the fashion thing?
      And you did not tell us what you graduated with....

      You're not doing anything with your life, you're looking for a rich man to man're not bothered that you don't love him you're only bothered about the ....3RD CLASS and 150k

      Brokeass babe

    2. My dear poster you are in it already, won't advice you to leave him now cos u were enjoying all the things that Whao'd you without complaining.

      Pick up yourself and get something doing to support but make sure the wedding is on hold till you guys are able to pay bills.
      Good luck!

    3. This your post is annoying

      3rd class, 3rd class, living with his friends, you were initially whaod now you are 'unwhaod' bla bla bla.
      You are more than desperate and don't want regret missing this chance (he's probably the only suitor asking for your hand at the moment)
      If there was some richer guy out there 'eyeing'even if he is player you'll jump at the speed of light on him.

      You kukuma no like am before from beginning na the little impression him give you wow you enter love so... Leave him alone already!!! Mtcheww

      Dedicating Justin's "what do you mean" to you

    4. @Richbee no mind the poster jare. She's just a lazy mofo. Dey look for who don arrive,no go hustle.
      I and DH got married when we were both serving o. We did our white n trad same day. No support from anybody and totally debt free.
      5 years down the line,I must say I'm having the time of my life. We're not super rich,but we're not poor either. Love is the main ingredient.
      Longer throat. Leave him already,you don't deserve him. You don't love,but you fit chop the small money when he dey try hustle. Abeg go look bush..

  3. Hmmm poster one needs to be very careful if not hmmm lemme end here

    One hausa man raped and impregnated one 5yrs old yoruba gal with an igbo mother, the worst is that the elder brother of the man is from Tiv the stupid tribe that has been fingering a 3months old baby for the past two yrs. Chaaai this language people has no shame at all imagine someone impregnating 7 teenagers at same time
    Taaaaaaaa what of the igbo man that raped his grandmother yesterday?
    Shooooo I thought he is Aboki ...noooooo
    Aboki is the one that Kidnapped his neighbors daughter. ......

    To be continued

  4. do u believe in miracle? change is constant.

    fix it Jesus

    even with my imperfection, I can't deal.

    1. Poster, do not marry that guy
      Save him the future pain of marrying a woman that does not love him and all she sees is his faults and mistakes.
      He came out with a third class... so? Will he be the first? It obviously did not bother you when you thought he was rich.
      You conveniently skipped your school grade in this boring epistle of yours.
      Return his ring and let him be ok? It's not too late... Then chill till you meet that first class graduate with €10 million bank balance. Mcheew! You go old for there...

      In short i don vex today

      I am tired of this fish brain mentality. Women are wonderful creatures...
      A man loves them... they will always find an excuse;
      He is too short,ugly,broke,fat etc
      Meanwhile, they will be with another guy that treats them like trash, kpokpo them with orishirishi black eyes even in pregnancy, inside face me i slap you house but they will stay and be forming love.
      That is why i hate reading and commenting in Chronicles. They rub me the wrong way.

  5. Pls I need David baller's contact, I want to order pls.

  6. Pls I need David baller's contact, I want to order pls.

  7. Get off your ass and start making a living!
    You don't have to be 100% dependent on a man.
    Third class or not, he can make a good living, sit him down, talk to him about his financial goals n plans. You are supposed to be a helper, if he's the one u really want to be with, you can give him a shove in the right direction.
    Put the wedding on pause, Use the 150 n start a business that should yield soon.


    1. Biz in this country now is a big disaster. Rendering services now pays faster. Instead of doing fine boy he can start a cab biz with his car so he start saving in addition 2 what he has. But I won't advice him 2 invest d 150k he already saved. U go sureprise say in 1yr dude can't boast of that amount. Biz is bad.

    2. Story
      She kuku doesn't love him, babe are you sure you are not Igbo?

    3. I agree with you!!

    4. Easier said. Which business will u start with 150k and expect it to yield soon?
      Be like say u no dey dis Buhari Naija

    5. Its not easy to 'shove' certain ppl in d right direction. In the end, u will come off as 'domineering'. I know, bcos I am married, and speak from experience. I saw the signs too, but didn't think it will be as bad as this. Im a goal getter, but hubby isn't. I tot i could also 'shove' him. I tell u, its draining. Iv bin d bread winner since we got married, we have a daughter and anoda baby on d way... Im not complaining, I just wish things were different. I pray God opens his way, uplifts him... We both pray he stops hitting me. He hasn't this year and in this pregnancy... I give God the glory.

    6. He's hitting you? That's terrible. And you are praying about it? You shouldn't be putting up with violence at home.

  8. What kind of question is this, the guy is a broke ass and he lied to u, dump him like a bad habit and move on abeg.

    1. This Beni girl, the way you eye dey shine 4 money no be today. You started early sha.. continue. Hopefully one day you'll change. Hope your sisters are cool.

  9. first of all, there is nothing wrong with a third class. or i mean to say, its not the end of the world. some people with first class are still jobless he can still love forward in life with that if he pushes hard

    secondly, do not make the mistake of marrying a broke ass. i tell you that you will regret it. when you marry and start having kids who will take care of the kids? do you know how much diapers and baby food are? better rethink

    1. Third class is not a death sentence. I know ppl with big jobs who have third class. Advice d guy to register for post graduate diploma. He could get lucky . Or to invest in a lucrative biz. He could get rich. I don't think u should dump him. No one knows tomorrow. Just put wedding plans on hold

      *lights weed *

  10. Replies
    1. My dear, seems you're focused on his 3rd class. Didn't STELLA here have a 3rd class? I'm sure she's doing better than most 2:1 and 2:2 graduates in her class. If he is determined, he will make it. But he needs to have a plan. And you need to help him set it in motion.

      But if you don't love him genuinely, all these things we are saying are nonsense

    2. Why not get a sewing machine and start your business? Yes!! Use that 150k and get sewing and weaving machines and start sewing from your house. Start with friends and family. And work hard too. Ya complaining no job. Let me tell you one secret, a beautiful and intelligent girl can't be jobless in Lagos. It's rare to see that happen. At least 50k-100k job go commot. Call center jobs plenty. So what are we saying? When guys say there's no job I can understand. But for a girl, it's either you're not smart and interviewers see this or you don't have a face that clients can like. If you have these two qualities, use them as assets to market yourself and watch your business and/or career grow. You can get a small job and sew on side. Keep marriage on hold. Both of u should hustle.

    3. Nah I doubt. Sounds more like a wishful thinker.

    4. Linda d zodiac girl

    5. @ chikito... You know all this and you are still a professional runs girl? OK o

    6. I hate to brag @Anon 00:37- but I've previously said on this forum that I have an MSc, an MBA (all from good foreign schools, self-sponsored) and I just enrolled for an INTERNATIONAL doctorate degree programme. With my 2:2, after earning 80-100k for years, with my fine face and brains, I eventually landed a job that transferred me to Abu Dhabi for almost three years. (Go figure what the salary might have been). I won't even tell u my current status (Go figure) and join the line of people who call me a runs girl on this forum and will desperately wish for the life God has helped me build. Oschisco! Oh! I'm 27 by the way *winks*

  11. Poster!...
    Hold your ears and listen to me,
    RUN!!!! With your legs touching your head...
    Don't enter into poverty with your korokoro eyes....
    Raising a family is not childs play especially when the kids starts coming...
    The cheapest school fees in a good school here is around 150-200k...
    Hmmmm....a word is enough for the wise!...

    1. So she must depend on a man huh? She came to this world, went to school and all to depend on a man.. smh

    2. Follow Queen n Run o. I can't deal

    3. Machine is not so expensive ...start your business

  12. e ended up doing last year September. This guy can procrastinate for Africa. He only get things done with his mouth. No plans, No Nothing. I noticed all this while preparing for the introduction....... and you still dey ask question


    1. And how could he whao you and pay your rent when he's just hustling? He is sharing a flat, has no furniture to his name yet he spends on you and his car . I think he's either testing your patience and solidarity or he has developed cold feet towards the whole thing

  13. Lessons to be learned here,girls beware of guys that are acting too good,they all have something to hide, and are just trying to use their niceties to blindfold u into marrying them.dont be surprised, he will stop all those caring, and laundry stuff after marriage

    1. Shut up dear! Not all men. Le Boo is 109/100

  14. Nawao. No babe wana stay and hustle with a guy anymore. Everybody looking for ready made men that will end up beating the hell out from them. Poster be patient and pray for him if you truly love him but if you don't you can save yourself of hustling with him and move on. No be by force. My50kobo

    1. Abegii
      Stay and hustle with him and he will most likely remember his mother doesn't really like you, you fart too much so your kids might be ugly, your mentraual period lasts too long and he's allergic to blood or one other stupid excuse when he makes it. Poster, row row row your boat, is the way forward here

    2. Pray and money will appear ?

  15. Let me wait here and read comment while I sip my gulder waiting for james to come here and talk abt language people again..

    Mc pinky

  16. The choice is yours poster. To me he is not yet ready financially. Don't break up with him but things should be put on hold for sometime and assume you don't have a finacess so you can be searching for one incase things never work out for both of you.

  17. Where were you meeting him before? Because you said he's sharing flat with 2 friends, why don't you ask this before your intro? The signs were there but you ignored thinking you've caught a big fish
    Don't rush in with him, he already has old parents to cater for and probably siblings too, so use your tongue and count your teeth.

    *Larry was here*

  18. @poster: thank you God that you guys did only introduction which means nothing.
    Please find your square root asap.
    After the wedding, what next?
    Soaking of garri?

    1. Potable viv, I wud hv said something, but let me keep quiet. Doz dt are intelligent and hv bn on ds blog 4a while will knw wts on my mind.. i'm out mehn!

    2. Ur right anonymous 17:32. Potable viv. Let me keep calm too

    3. Lol @ anonymous... Epic shading.

  19. Mrs Stella u r correct to some extent.
    Poster, tel ur guy to enroll for PGD, n thereafter he can pursue his masters to erase d 3rd class stigma
    Not end time advice from Mrs korks.

  20. What kinda babe are you??? Where did u grow up??? What da heck!!!
    Thank God you aint married yet. Run! RUN!! RUUNNNNNNNN!!!

    478 COMMENT 2016

  21. Lawd have mercy. Well you have a choice. Get a job also and stick with him especially if he has potentials or walk.

  22. it's your choice... the ball is in your court... you either stay and build something with him if he's hardworking or you walk away.....

  23. Stella you funny o@ "whao'd" you.

  24. Poster being a third klass graduate no matter, I say no meaning. Some first class graduate cannot even do well. He did not trick you but you were so desperate to show case your ring on Fb to your friends. You saw d sign but ignore it, you are a woman for crying out loud, why did you not talk to him to get an apartment, save and invest his money on important things before accepting d ring? Small gals want to rush into marriage, is well with your soul. Will come back to bash you again.

  25. Eyahhh u see horseband but no money
    Some people get money but no husband
    The irony of life

  26. I wonder why ladies wl come up here with different wen u agree to marry am..u tell us..abi wen d guy do somtin whaod for u,se u tell us

    Mc pinky

  27. I can already tell the " Act of service " is main love language, that's part of what blew ur mind, don't be fooled, a broke or disabled man can do anythg to keep u, if its possible to walk on water, he would..... That's why communication is very important in a r/ship, you assumed he was Olivia Pope that cld fix any bad situation, didn't his echoing apartment tell u anything? I mean if you couldnt have access to his bank account.... And yet u aaccepted the ring, you already have one leg in one chance bus.

  28. Lol @ whao'd...

    You shouldn't even be thinking of settling down with a rich boo in this your jobless state let alone a broke-ass. Every women needs to have a means of livelihood, no matter how rich your partner is, be independent, do you understand?

    Hence, I'd advice you guys get your acts together, go out there and make a living for yourselves first. That institution called marriage is not running away, neither does it go on sabbatical leave. Abi dem don dey catch late comer??? So chill baby...

  29. If this man is a good man build with him. Do not go and jam stingy ready made, those ones will give you BP for nothing. Put a hold on the marriage and ask him to develop,himself or better yet encourage him by gently pushing him.

  30. I love Stella dieee.
    Will be back.
    Am out.

  31. I agree with Stella where she wrote the signs were there but u chose to overlook, u might choose to deceive urself all u like that u r not desperate, but my dear u are and also materialistic too, which isn't a bad thing, that's probably what whao'd u as u put it,u r not been truthful to urself and that's the number one problem here, there is this saying,'to thine ownself be true' u r not been truthful to urself becos u don't even love the guy for starters, it's ur decision to make and something tells me u already know what to do.

  32. Hmmmm, the choice is yours my dear. 1st class does not guarantee success so as 3rd class.

  33. This is not just a chronicle but also an eye opener for the singles. Gone are those days that people get married after 8yrs of introduction.
    To advise you is really hard my dear since you were carried away with material things.

    Should we say you should leave the guy after introduction? Oh no that won't be nice atall (things might change for him tomorrow, he could hit a big contract)

    Should we say you stay? Oh no I do not wish you become "LORD OF THE RINGS" it's still bad

    But let me ask you this question, why did you accept to do an introduction with a man that doesn't even have an apartment of his own? Even to furnish a house is not a small money

    You've messed up Oo
    I would only advise you to go into prayers. God can turn his life around tomorrow and also bless you with a wonderful Job if you can pray very well. Nothing is too big for my God to solve

    Kpele Ooooooooooooooo

    Now I hate broke ass men.. this blog can change somborri mentality. Nothing like surelere again.kikiki

  34. You are now aware of the situation of things.Stay or take a walk..the choice is yours. Stella and BVN's can't make that decision for you.

  35. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! na wa oh! this chronicle dikwa somehow! how u want take cope after marriage naa?
    my dear, u have options, u can stay or leave.
    first of all u don't love him
    secondly he doesn't have money
    thirdly, his future is in the hands of God.
    had it been u love him, i would say "stay and pray for miracle to happen"
    when people marry someone they don't love, is because they are old, desperate or money is involve.

    no one is perfect. just like me.

  36. It is well wit ur soul girl..u need not leave dat guy..u r into it guyz should make plans sure wit prayer and sincere joint effort,tinz wl change.

    Portable mi,wia r u
    The queen n boss se u dey around
    Ghanamam,I feel u always
    James.d man who absconded cuz of 5k


    Mc pinky

    1. Yes I dey around!...
      No leave no transfer...I will only stop commenting if Stella stop blogging which is not happening anytime...

  37. Omg,l just had to check my mail to be sure I didn't send this in.

    Poster I was in this same situation as you. 2 weeks ago He proposed and I said No.

    Guy be walking around like an NFA, no plan, no goal, no ambition.
    still broke, still uninspired,still dreaming, always seeing a brighter future but no concrete plans on getting there.

    yes I saw the sign, but thought I was gonna to able to help him organise himself.

    When I saw the still sign, I had to run far, before I get myselft infected with Stillness.

    So poster my advice for you, if you are sure you ain't desperate to settle down like you said.

    Run! Run! Run! Run!Run away from him.

    1. Stop giving bad advice please. Her case is different from yours cos her man is a hard worker and not a NFA. As long as he is industrious and far from lazy and you are sure he loves you and loves God as well, I think you should not let go "I dey draw ur ear oo". All you just need to do is to make sure u get a job before u marry him. I repeat, as long as he's a hard worker and he's industrious, you better hold him tight. You don't want to meet him years later in a range Rover, while you're still just an aunt gwegs. No one knows tomorrow

  38. Babe Calm down, all babe's needs already Made guys, Stay with Him and Hustle, Life Is Not A Bed Of Roses, Thank God you said you know what Hustle Is, I wish you the Best, In what ever you decide

    1. Am sure when my bro got married he does not hv up to 150k but if you see him today chaii. Frosh and clean, properties everywhere etc but thanks to the good wife

    2. Your bro is like that cos he pursued his dreams and he is malleable. Not all men are.

  39. Well, wen he was spending, u didn't c his flat was empty, u didn't notice anything! News flash: don't marry him, u don't love him, u only tot he had money!

  40. I fear 4 things and 4things only:

    1,Broke Men.
    2,Stingy Men.
    3,Death by Fire.
    4,Death by Drowning.

    Poster,it's ur call.I could say go ahead,luck wil shine on him.and it wil.but what if it doesn't???

    Jisike nne.

    1. Lmao.... death by fire nd drowning gat me lAffing

    2. So you don't fear death by accident or electric shock?

    3. That is soooo me! Will not be caught with a broke ass nigger!
      #i jump and pass!

  41. My dear I agree with stella.get busy yourself make something out of urself.NB if u go through with this you will be miserable darling but still the choice is totally urs

  42. What is 'stuffs?'
    Can people just stop saying it?
    It's stuff!
    Anyways, you already sound uncomfortable about the whole situation so do the needful. Now that your eyes are open.
    You are the one wearing the shoe.

    1. Hahah! You dey mind them? If Na to abuse na that one them sabi. Simple Slangs they cant

    2. What about "staffs" all the more annoying

  43. Mrs Stella u r correct to some extent.
    I still don't get this stupid blv tht marriage without money will work. Are u a miracle money worker?
    One has be on d average at least financially stable b4 u can even talk abt marriage.
    All dis end time cock n bull God will provide faith will not work.
    We have to double our hussle b4 God can bless us more n more.
    Minimum 2 million naira extra in ur acct b4 u can even do intro not marriage ooo.

  44. My dear, the ball is in your cort, i dont think anything is wrong, you should be grateful is the hustle type of guy, i got engaged this month and the next month my man was sacked from his place of work, i was confused but i new what i wanted, it was not easy but i stood my ground even when we did intro my guy heard no job after that he got a good job and we relocated to a clean apartment and boo is planning on getting me a good ride to keep body and soul together, i would have run at that point because i saw the fear in his eyes of loosing me, thou me i have a job sha and i look at my bank account i smile i say patapata we go they food with this one, i cant shout, take it easy and keep praying for him, you should be happy is open, most you do big wedding, you too look for job as a graduate and help the family move forward

    1. You had a job and he didnt have just 150k in his account. Huge difference

    2. Wat job do u do? Ur grammar is terrible.

    3. Lool..
      She teaches my children English lessons for free

  45. Chai, stela n her comment. Well I agree with her

  46. Babe this isn't long o...
    The longest so far was that married woman who actually shares her husband with his long known crush...
    That so far has been the longest and most detailed chronicle so far.

    As long as you happy stick to your man.

  47. Lmao @ looking a broke ass man in the eye and mutter I love you. Chisos! Broke asses will come for your ass just now.

  48. So Stella can only look money in the face and mutter I LOVE YOU?

    Well poster, the only mistake you made is marrying someone you did not love. Yes, you are married, you bride price has been paid. The way forward is to work it out; build. Forget about riches which can sprout wings and fly away. Look at the heart and build. And do not go into debt.

    1. No, she isn't. Its an introduction, not an engagement. Bride prices aren't paid during introductions. Don't confuse yourself.

    2. No, she isn't. Its an introduction, not an engagement. Bride prices aren't paid during introductions. Don't confuse yourself.

  49. You already know how to sew clothes, start with only a sewing machine and you will grow. In other words, get busy and earn money. Even if he was rich, were you planning to stay idle?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You are thinking of quitting and could not go anon.OYO is ur case.

  50. my dear RUN as fast as your legs can take you o...that is how am here three years and counting oo. When money started trickling in useless horseband started giving side chicks. till date i suffered with the broke ass paid rent and sch fees and food, now he had d guts to compare me with a whore. i regret my decision till date!

    1. Koko, get over here! Hustle with him my ass

    2. Exactly! Men do not appreciate d times a woman stick to them thru thick and thin. Once money starts flowing in,they will start misbehaving.

  51. Why don't you get something doing? It is like you have made up your mind to rely on that man's salary and certificate. What about your certificate? If you have any, please try and get something doing.

    You sound very very very lazy.

    This is beyond embarrassing for both of you.


  52. It's not about the 3rd class. I dated a guy who dropped out of uni. He's doing small biz and its really paying off. An industrious guy is an industrious guy. You can challenge him by doing well on your own too.if he's not willing to try then pls don't venture in.

  53. Please don't get marry to him until he has a stable source of income and don't make a mistake of sponsoring your wedding if you get a job

  54. I can't tell u to leave him. It's your decision to make but then think and pray thoroughly.
    I once dated a guy, he had temper issues, very bossy. I had no breathing space. We had our introduction and 2 months to our wedding I called it off.I stood my ground cos I forsaw a very sad Me and marriage. At some point I was willing to go ahead but decided to divorce.
    What ever decision you make, do no waiver or let pressure make u change ur mind.
    I am married now. My hubby is n Ond holder. Infact, he had less than 20k in his acct. But we never borrowed for our wedding. He got a job 3months to our wedding and it was good. I work also and I was able to support our wedding. And no regrets whatsoever. I pray for him daily.
    You can support him if u search out the good in him.

    1. In this posters case,she is not working...
      Where do you expect her to get the money and support him...
      Abeg abeg abeg...

  55. I don't get dis poster,didn't u know his flat was empty and he was sharing the rent with two others.he didn't lead you on,u stupidly followed the stuffs he was getting for u.

  56. You are not in love with wanted him for your selfish interest.
    What happened to building together? When I got married about 15 years ago, my pay was less than 10k monthly. Wify stood by me and a year later, things changed for the better and shes currently having all the fun. So, get something doing, support him and you will make a success of it.

    1. It's good u mentioned that d guy is hustling, meaning he isn't lazy, I don't think u love him...if u don't, let him go... I have a feeling, the man would make it eventually... Some of our dads weren't STINKINGLY rich when our mothers married them, but with two GOOD heads, things would improve. But for now, put the wedding on hold, or if u must, go on a low key wedding and invest!

    2. 15years ago, people had conscience. They don't anymore

    3. Am not against supporting a guy, building togeda. It's only painful whn d money starts comin and d said man turns his back on u and starts spendin on useless gals outside.

    4. Yimu! Story

  57. So because he has 150k to his name you want to run away...atleast he earns little to take care of himself,parents and you and its not like he sits doing nothing ooo...he shares flat where he pays 60k and I did not read anywhere where u said u have been helping him to pay...hez got 3rd class and not planning to go back to school...atleast he went to school(my boss who is stinkly rich no go school ooo)...except u don't love him,if you do,work on supporting your man and in few years to come,u guys will smile...

    1. Oh ho! Tell her... Funny enough some people who r advising her to run away from 'broke-ass' are paying their boyfriend's bills up and down. Apply wisdom @poster!

    2. Not only that
      He has only hanger and mattress in his room no Tv sef. He spent his previous savings on her, the D was so good she totally forgot about his apartment and did an introduction with him

  58. OK I will now comment.

    Marriage without money is like air without oxygen.

    Love without money to service it is like air without carbondioxide.

    In summary all must go together in this time and decade

  59. Stay with him n build with him

  60. I tire oooooooo

  61. Dear poster, the only constant thing in life is change he might have 150k today and 150 million tomorrow. To get a good guy this days is really hard so if u think he has potentials then take it to the lord in prayers to lead u.

  62. You do not love the guy. You were willing to marry him because you thought the man is rich. Whether the guy becomes financially ok or not , i think you should leave him alone. You can't marry someone out of pity or just because he has money, cos when things get tough, the first thing you will do is to leave him, and that's not what marriage is about.

    If you loved this guy, you'll be the one planning on how to make that 150k work out for both of you, how to do this or that to make y'all situation better, and make your relationship work even though the guy is broke.

    The guy needs to find someone that truly loves him for him and stop forcing a relationship without love. When things get bad, which they will , you'll need a ride or die partner by your side to get you through.

    Love is an important part of any romantic relationship or any marriage.

    1. Exactly! Plus her tone is just way off. She's isn't coming from a place of... I'm worried about my fiance's financial status but a place of... I can't marry a broke guy pls get me out of here. If you can't stay then get out.

  63. Hmmm hard one!Stay with the nigga or remain single for Africa.You guys can grow together and build something.Make it work girl!

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Na wa o..adon miss lati last week Friday sha.Am back now!tainx..

    Ehn ehn Nne, what dd you say again? you learnt the fashion business and could not set up due to financial constraints abi? pls o wat do you plan to do after you get married?.live on your husband's income? ori e o ti e pe rara tscheww

    With the way you sound sef I do not think ua a prudent person. Will you deny that he does not give you money for your upkeep at all. Be like say na ready made man you want. He is asking you to buy the things you need for the wedding little by little and ua doing strong head..tschew

    and please wat is wrong with a third class? the one you graduated with abeg which job you carry am do? u better be careful

    you are going to be a wife and mother tomorrow and you cannot kneel and pray to God for things to get better for the both of you.

    I juss kent deal tschewww...some people didn't even have an elaborate wedding when they got married and are now living comfortably.. and had to do tumigbe after the money came

    Girls of nowadays sef

  66. If he is Igbo give me his number. Since you don't want me I want. I will build with him just don't come close when he has made it.

  67. Well we team 3rd class full here oo, I had thirdie at the uni and pass at law sch, well being a professional I was able to get a job on a very meager salary, after years of hustle I jam one bros that is fronting for a big man and wants to develop a very very very small estate for sale. I facilitated the procurement of the land and did the c/o, after completion of the project I was paid 5% on each of the 5 units terrace that was built. Selling the houses was hot cake because of the location in lekki. The 2nd phase was 10 ten choice flats for rent. I collected 10% after rent. In 3 years I now hv my small office, lands and mulla in the bank. Since I bought my tokunbo car some sisters now smile at me in the church but God punish marriage, I will not marry until am 45. 13 more years to yansh dem sisters and hustle.

  68. Well we team 3rd class full here oo, I had thirdie at the uni and pass at law sch, well being a professional I was able to get a job on a very meager salary, after years of hustle I jam one bros that is fronting for a big man and wants to develop a very very very small estate for sale. I facilitated the procurement of the land and did the c/o, after completion of the project I was paid 5% on each of the 5 units terrace that was built. Selling the houses was hot cake because of the location in lekki. The 2nd phase was 10 ten choice flats for rent. I collected 10% after rent. In 3 years I now hv my small office, lands and mulla in the bank. Since I bought my tokunbo car some sisters now smile at me in the church but God punish marriage, I will not marry until am 45. 13 more years to yansh dem sisters and hustle.

  69. Sterra's advice

    YOu guys shld hold on for now

  70. I really don't think your relationship with him should be based on finances, please the world is changing we are not in the 90's this is 2016. I don't suggest you guys get married yet because it seems you can't afford a wedding or to start a family right now but you guys can begin working towards it. Look at the fact that you are completely jobless but it's so easy for you to complain about someone trying his best. What are you bringing to the table. He is marrying you to be his partner not buying you to be his property so I feel starting a family should be a joint effort from you both. I don't think stella is saying people should look for rich men to marry just that people who are financially handicap shouldn't start a family yet. So madam please you are even worse than him, your looking for someone to feed you in this day and age, please you also have to work on your self as he works on him self so when you guys are both at a better place financially then you can afford to start a family

  71. Poster, supposing he is putting u tru a test? He wants to know if u are after his moni or u really care for him. Pray abt it to know the will of God concerning u and him.
    You might be his angle that will open doors of breakthrough for him. But I won't advice u to do d wedding now. Until you and him get a stable means of income. Apply wisdom in all u do.

    I had a friend who worked with on of d bottling company, she sponsor her wedding Bcos bros don't have a dime to his name but now bros is doing very well. You just have to search ur heart on wht u want.
    All D Best.

  72. My dear poster, I won't advise you to stay nor go but think about it carefully. The best advise you can get is that which you give to yourself. Most of our mothers started with our fathers with nothing in their houses but look at what they have become today.

    My mom married my dad when he had nothing - When I say nothing, I mean nothing at all. My dad will carry passengers after work while my mom will take his bike to pick passengers too.(I really thank God for my mom; she's a very strong woman). Look at today, na my mama dey enjoy herself like first lady wey she be. All the contract my dad does with his office is in my mom's name. They have four houses in Abuja and other businesses.

    I met my hubby with just mattress, one rubbish chair and his clothes + he was squatting with his friends but today we are very comfortable. We both have good paying job and can afford what we want. Take Stella as another example, She graduated with third class but what is her real story today? God is the only person that can determine your destiny.

    My ex graduated with third class but now he is working in a govt office, he has a very big apartment of his own and will soon get married. I didn't marry him because he's not from my state and I didn't have the strength to fight with my mom over tribe and no tribe whala. We are still very good friends till date.

    Don't look at his grade or his present condition, try to see the potentials in him. Not all that glitters is gold. The man you looked down on today can be the next governor/president tomorrow. All one needs is just the right connection and one is made for life.

    We should learn to encourage one another. Most of the time men need a little push to realise that they have been on one spot for too long. Many ladies will tell you love and poverty does not work hand-in-hand then ask them wey marry rich men how far? Please sit him down and ask him what his plans for the future are? what is the way forward? what are his long and short term goals? You guys need to talk. This will determine what your next step will be.

    You can put the wedding on hold till you guys have found your feet (shebi you said you are not in a hurry?). Babes, I can't give you substantial advise now but I can say to you from experience that men need someone to give them a little push (challenge) and also be a back bone (motivator). Also pray about it if you are not convinced.

    Most rich men you see today that ladies are all over doing longer throat around them started that same way. There was or is a woman who walked through that same route with them till they arrived but these longer throat women will think their manner just dropped from heaven. People don't want to suffer but they want to enjoy smh.

    Ask the likes of basket mouth and his wife how they started maybe you will be inspired. Make him discover himself, most especially what he finds joy in doing it will help you guys you know..... My hubby helped me discover my hidden talent that is giving me extra money today + my salary.

    The word marriage is very beautiful & powerful if you believe in it, obey your God, serve him, honour him, and above all keep your vow. You will experience God first hand.

    Sister, try marry before no man go look your side again. Look around you will see that the young ones are growing up like agric fowl this na them you wan they compete with in your 30's when you suppose they carry your children up and down they do shakara hmmmmmmmm.

    Sister think am well oh!

    1. Mother Nature this is the best advice you have given on this blog. #Noddingmyhead

  73. If you marry that man.....
    You don enter one chance

    1. Yummy mummy how? I think the guy genuinely love the girl..its the girl that is ojukokoro. If you love him,you'll encourage him and support him. She's feeling irritated already and disappointed. Cos of the things he gets for her,she think say she don jam big fish.
      Babe leave that guy already,you don't deserve him.

  74. Children of nowadays and materialism! May God help you all! I noticed you only mentioned the things he does as the only reason you like him. You nko what have you done for him? No job no business nothing! If you truly love him you will stay with instead of giving stupid reasons! As for those of you mentioning broke ass men what of broke ass women?

  75. Build with him, ask all the so called rich couples they started from the scratch. Put wedding plans on hold, both of you come up with a plan, commit it into God's hands,remind Him of His promise of "He who finds a wife, finds a good thing and obtains favour from the Lord" in less than no time, you will be sharing testimonies...All the Best

  76. Even you Stella your are advising her in this manner cus it has to do with a woman !!! Listen poster i think the way you are raised is seriously affecting you and the way you think.. For crying out loud Nigeria of today 3rd class or not has nothing to do with what he will become in the future if he chooses! I have seen most people that started marriage plans with less than 150k and today they are living very well with just a job that pays less than 25k a month. Poster do you know that portion of the bible that says He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD !! Every marriage institution are always covered with favor of God from the very start. You saw a young man who is true with you by telling you his financial background and your complaining as if your have a work with your so called degree you have. If you know dont love him to support him and build with him Pls you better leave him now is early enough before you come and give us long chronicle again !!!

  77. Babe,
    I don't usually comment except I am compelled to do so. This is my advise to you.
    1. From your chronicle u don't really love this guy. so what's going to hold you through the tough times. Because the tough time of lack is already immediate if you marry now
    2. Therefore hold on for now.... that's my advice
    3. You have a skill so get busy. small by small you will build your clientele, if you are good at what you do. Everybody likes sewing clothes these days.. even low income earners. Work on an income stream for yourself. Look for a job also.

    4. Re appraise the situation in 18 months . If you cant cope, Please tactically disenagage.

    A broken engagement is better than a broken marriage... probably with kids to contend with. cheers and goodluck

  78. Don't ever use grade or account balance to judge a man,it only shows how short sighted ure.

    What about you what can you bring to the table? A wife is suppose to be a helper, u need to work on urself and get established and if u truly luv him u guys can build an empire together. Most men need that push so try and inspire him to hussle some more.

    All these ready made men out there,trust me there is a woman that has come a long way with him when he has nothing.

    Most importantly seek God face in the place of prayer, He will solve this puzzle for you.

  79. Olojukokoro poster! lol!, didn't you know he was sharing a flat before accepting the ring and even doing introduction with him? didn't you know he didn't have a white collar job before accepting him? didn't you know he was hustling on his own and into construction?
    I don't see anything wrong in you guys buying some things and keeping it till you have money to buy more. The guy has told you his mind and suddenly what you have for him now was just likeness and not love. Do away with him naaa...and see if you will ever meet a man that does your laundry and would whao'd you ever again like him. You better find a Job and support him. Am a man, and seeing a man with such qualities you mentioned are rare...
    Who tells you that a man with third class will find it difficult to get a job? my dear most times it is not about white collar jobs, ask Stella and others that graduated with third class if they aren't doing well today, I even know someone personally that graduated with third class and is doing well today in a muti national company and a white collar Job for that matter. Like you said he is brilliant, and that is what most organization are looking for today so why not encourage him to continue looking for Jobs till he find one.
    If your love suddenly disappears today because he told you his account balance in sincerity then walk out of the relationship and hope you will not regret it? and if not wedding can be postponed until you both find your feet.

  80. As long as he has a good heart and humble ,push him he'll succeed. I wish I have a man like that sef I can push ,

  81. Every comment on this blog today sef funny. At the poster. Seems ur sick . He is a 3Rd class graduate . So? U that are not a 3rd class graduate . Where is ur money and job ? What can u show for ur late 20's.? Madam achiever . what have u achieved ? Ode . If he is 3rd class graduate and his job isn't paying off. Can't you be suporting him ? Seems ur all about the money sef . Have u ever taught about seeing a bright and better future wiv him ? Have u ever taught about him being dangote tomorrow . U have to know all these thing before u stupidly say yes to some guys who offer u ring . Despiration made u take the ring . Cause u dint do u home work well . My advise is get a job and stop complaining about silly things. Also marriage isn't putting all ur responsibility on ur husband . U have to be responsible to earn respect .

  82. Stella sugar, you are so real mehnnnn. @ cannot look a man in the eyes in a broke ass situation and mutter the words ' I love you ' 😂 Lol. Funny but true. Those words would not even feature in my mind, not to talk of verbalizing it.
    True, that marriage needs a lot of ingredients to make it work & sweet. One of my Pastors keeps saying money makes marriage sweet.

  83. Why not tell us what he wowed you with? Cheap ass hole. You must have milked him dry. Leave him and save the hustling guy the stress. Wait for already made man until you are 40. When will Nigerian women plan and work to be successful without a man? Yet tomorrow you will start asking for equality. Nonsense!!!!!

  84. This babe! First take the log out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. Why have you not gone ahead to do your own masters if you think that is what it takes to land a good job? Why have you not started making use of your sewing skills since last year? You sit down doing nothing and open your mouth to criticize a hard working man that can fend for himself and his family. Obviously, you wanted to marry him for his supposedly money. Now, you are at a lost.

  85. But what about your own certificate,u can use urs to support him then u keep praying for him

  86. Poster, you are soo materialistic it oozes out of your post. What happened getting busy yourself and making some money? He has 150k? Praise God. You nko, do you have shishi? I have an issue with women who think all they're marrying to do is spend their husband's money. Success is not sexually transmitted fa. That said, it's obvious you still don't dig the guy in question. Biko leave him o. Let someone who deserves him marry him. Look for your own Dangote elsewhere abeg. You even had to mention where his parents live as 'not a pleasing atmosphere'. And the foolish guy was spending all he had on you, himself and his folks? Na wah

  87. When i keep saying women should be independent, they no go hear. Just Negodu


  88. Madam poster so when he was spending and WHAO'D your ass you werent thinking of leaving him........ Are you considering jilting him cus you yourself is one retarded girl who cant grow a biz with 150 grand? or cus you so fucking materialistic and you realized he actually can't WHAO'D yo like you bargained for?....SMH

  89. @ mama amara, thank you. Good advice there! My brother made a third class from one State University. He was a broke ass when he met and married his wife. His wife funded everything for the marriage and wedding. His wife had two Masters degrees, a Pharmacist with a good job. But she still married my brother with his third class and zero bank balance. That was 4 years ago. Today, my brother is an IT consultant, money flowing in from him, couple living abroad with their cute kids, wife doing well, got their citizenship ... In fact, their life is a testimony of God's goodness. The lady whom he wanted to marry rejected him because he was poor and she was rich from a rich home. That same lady is above 40 now, and still single. God blessed him with his current wife. Morale; do not look down on any man because you never know his future. If a man is good to you and has good qualities, build with him. Thanks.

  90. @ mama amara, thank you. Good advice there! My brother made a third class from one State University. He was a broke ass when he met and married his wife. His wife funded everything for the marriage and wedding. His wife had two Masters degrees, a Pharmacist with a good job. But she still married my brother with his third class and zero bank balance. That was 4 years ago. Today, my brother is an IT consultant, money flowing in from him, couple living abroad with their cute kids, wife doing well, got their citizenship ... In fact, their life is a testimony of God's goodness. The lady whom he wanted to marry rejected him because he was poor and she was rich from a rich home. That same lady is above 40 now, and still single. God blessed him with his current wife. Morale; do not look down on any man because you never know his future. If a man is good to you and has good qualities, build with him. Thanks.

  91. what is this life turning into, so people with little earning can not marry/ fill loved, every body is suggesting Run away so na who go marry them,we still have people earning 60,70,80k respectively so no hope for them when we all know the situation of our country.

    We should be mindful of the kind of advice we give to people. some of us act like during our time our husbands had millions in their account.

    madam poster, if u love him enough stay and build with him help him manage/plan the little situations can change with in a short time.

    first timer.

  92. Poster, pls note the following;
    You`ve never loved this guy,you were only in the relationship for the "amazing" things he was doing for you.
    You started losing interest after finding out he has a 3rd class degree,it`s like you`ve never seen a third class graduate making it in may be myopic in that regard.
    You thought you could cope with the third class "since he`s caring and rich" Alas, he turned out to be caring but not rich.
    Now, after the introduction, he thinks he has you already, so he`s laying all his cards on the table.If you love him,you will stay and and help him to succeed,if you don`t love him which appears to be the case,then tactically take a walk. mind you! you`ve identified his strengths and said he`s industrious and only needs support in the area of marketing.If he`s lucky, he may meet another woman who will take him for who he is and support him.


  93. Dear poster, this chronicle of yours isn't long na. The longest was sometime last year, about a woman who sponsored the beginning of her wedding. Starting from when the fiance made her pay for the proposal/wedding ring.
    Broke ass liar of a Medical doctor she met in a church.
    I practically forgot I was on my dear SDKB. I tot I was reading a novel.

    That said, if you love him, build up with him. Get something doing. Make - up, teaching, catering. If you are beautiful and tall with a nice figure, go into modelling. (ushering section)
    You get paid immediately. 10-35k and even above.
    All the best.

  94. Dear poster, this chronicle of yours isn't long na. The longest was sometime last year, about a woman who sponsored the beginning of her wedding. Starting from when the fiance made her pay for the proposal/wedding ring.
    Broke ass liar of a Medical doctor she met in a church.
    I practically forgot I was on my dear SDKB. I tot I was reading a novel.

    That said, if you love him, build up with him. Get something doing. Make - up, teaching, catering. If you are beautiful and tall with a nice figure, go into modelling. (ushering section)
    You get paid immediately. 10-35k and even above.
    All the best.

  95. The problem with young ladies these days is that the want to become mothers without working through "adulthood."
    He lied, he's a broke ass, he shares a flat, his room has only Foam. He graduated with 3rd class. Yet he WHAO'D you & he is serviceable. Blah blah.....
    What have you achieved? Do you take care of you mom like he does. You are not desperate(late 20s you said) yet you went this mile.
    Please leave the innocent guy alone, let him articulate and plan his life. True love will come his way. Go and fix yourself, you seem an obstacle to his wellbeing. Imagine a broken ass calling someone a broke ass. In all you wrote never did you mention one thing you've done for him.
    Ladies be independent, take care of your bills before the fantasy of being called a Mrs. With marriage, you are in the school of life filled with issues that can't be comprehended. In your case, you are in CRECHE and already complaining. Think well, think deep; there is still, the nursery, the elementary, the high school and college to pass into. But unlike the conventional school, in this school there is no graduates. The quest of marital knowledge will keep you perpetually schooling, sitting for marital exams and writing speeches on marital experience to console yourself. To share with your kids and others, blissfully, painfully or delusionally as the case maybe.
    Your tomorrow is in your hands, so build well and learn from your wonderful mom. BE INDEPENDENT IN CASE MARRIAGE DOES NOT WORK FOR YOU. And stop looking down on people because of their present state of life. The wind of live is funny especially for average families.

    ****Just taking a walking****

  96. Lol. Follow your heart. You don't have a job yet you have the guts to complain. Mchew. Zenith bank is recruiting better go and apply. Use your data wisely and join jobberman and co, so you can get updates on companies that are recruiting. By the way cant you buy 2nd hand sewing machine and start small like every fashion designer did. Abeg I don't have energy for lazy women.

  97. Another independent self centered whore

  98. I don't have a problem with his 3rd class cert ( I have a friend who didn't finish uni,nohe has a thriving business & recently enrolled into LBS so 3rd class is not a curse ) he can make it if he has a hustling spirit. I don't have a problem with his spending habit...that is where you come in & help him reorganize his financial spending PROVIDED he's willing to learn & adjust. You should be worried about him hiding things from's not healthy in any relationship.
    I'll advise you to put the wedding on hold ( do not marry under such circumstances) if he can't tell his parents what's up, tell them yourself. Don't be intimidated into marriage. Sit him down & have a serious discussion concerning his spending habit & his work. The answers he give you will help you in deciding if he's worth tying the knot with. Any vague or unserious answer...take a walk. Marriage is not a child's play. Also take time to monitor him & see if he's making any positive changes...if he's not well he's obviously not ready. Then start something doing; wether or not your husband has millions,every woman needs to earn her own money.

  99. I can Neva encourage u to break up with him,just try and get any small paying job. I hv a friend who got married with the small dey had. Dey don't hv children yet cos dey can't afford it. Also she was buying her things small small from d small money she makes in d office,it's unfortunate u don't love. If u did u won't even reason this way. The most important thing is dt he isn't lazy. 2 of u shld sit down and discuss what u wld like to both achieve btw now and maybe September. With such a target u can den also start working towards it. If d fashion thing u learnt is seeing and u stay in lag,u can check IHN there are ppl looking for joiners,u can take up such a job as a start,the money may not b much but the experience u can't buy. I also want to work for dem but I got pregnant. It's all abt planning. U don't hv to hv kids immediately after marriage. The main issue is,is he lazy. Na laziness especially when it comes to hustling dt is bad.but if he trys his hand in diff tins den no Wahala. My cousin who is a grad has don laborer work to get money to sustain himself. I can marry dt my kind of man bcos he isn't lazy.

  100. My story is similar to yours - 3rd class guys,persistent on me, broke,lied to me,I was also at my late 20s.Difference is that I was working and making good money. I married him and our marriage has had many ups and downs - We have been married for 7 years with kids. I sent my husband to the UK for top up programme, he came out with a 2.2. He still doesn't have a job and it affects his mood sometimes. We have quarrelled & fought many times. I will advise you not to marry him,let him get a proper source of income.

  101. Ur obviously stil senseless 8n late 2wenties still bin whoad by material tins 'he gat a ring from Uk' so fuck what, he drives a car and so car owners are d stingy dey put dere cars bfore anything especially since he's nt financially bouyant and all, he has 3rd class so dos dat mean he is dumb n wont succeeed? Babe get a job n support or Fly dont run cox e go follow u.

  102. Stay with him nd build,, may God bless ur marriage

  103. I hardly comment on posts but this post got me miffed.Dear Poster you of all people should know better when it comes to hustling and taking care of yourself being that you were raised by a single mum.
    It beats me when young women say the guy is a broke ass etc. Many women today do not realise that one of the surest paths to abuse is because they (women) don't bring anything to the marriage table.Imagine wanting to marry a made man what are you?A 'wanting' woman with no self worth and nothing to add to improve the marriage and you expect a man to respect and love you a liability?Madam poster it's obvious you aren't in love with this guy but in love with what you can get from the marriage.Have you not heard or seen made men without a degree to their names?If you've not let me help you-Bill Gates,Lionel Messi and a million others. Please leave that guy and go look for your money miss road man mtchew.What happens when you marry a rich guy and things get tough in future will you come here with a chronicle and asks Stella and BVs whether you should divorce your husband or not?Please receive sense and let a real woman find and build a life with that guy.Don't worry when you become aunty gweegz you go marry even bus conductor smh.

  104. Madam he's bringing 150k to the table, what are you bringing? Ladies always looking for a man to throw their burden on. get off your lazy ass and work.A wife is called a help mate not a leach.

  105. Dear poster. The key is that you dont love the guy. YOu are the one deceiving him-not him deceiving you. He sounds like a dreamer. Given the kind of person you are who is more interested in a man supporting you-you will become frustrated in marriage and he will also be unhappy in marriage. If you cant deal with the 150k in his bank and the fact that he has 3rd class, its better you let him go. I cant even understand why you would say yes to him when you dont love him and you are looking up to him to provide for you. Your marriage will be unhappy. It is true,if theres no money in a marriage it canbecome very exhausting and draining. Put your wedding on hold. Give yourself time to think...

  106. I wanted to cuss you out but I'd be sympathetic. Your fear of poverty may have come from being raised by a single mum. I'm sure it was difficult to have to scrape by. So, I don't judge you.
    What I don't understand is why you din't consider all these before you accepted his ring and even did introduction. Now if you back out you're just going to break his heart and you're not even bothered about that. Just me me me me. You are a selfish person I'm sorry to say. Have you ever sat down and asked him of his future plans? Maybe the reason he's stalling on the wedding is coz he knows he hasn't saved up enough and you have nothing to add to the budget. Money is important but character is more important. Since you say he treats you well, give him some time.
    You both need to talk, plan and of course pray for God's guidance.
    I'm sure after all these, you will be sure of how to proceed. Goodluck

  107. Dear poster,if you are a christian and read your bible very well or even pray sef ,guess you must have come across that passage in the bible which says "he who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favour from God. My friend go and pray and ask God to bless the young man. Money is not everything. You sef that is a graduate go and look for work or you raise money and start your fashion business.

  108. Poster,How much do you have in your account?What are you bringing to the table?Why haven't you bought your sewing machine and start from home?When he paid your rent,you haven't seen the 3rd class result?He's procrastinating because he is hustling,you learnt tailoring for one year but you couldn't save money to buy machine?My friend,pls go & empower yourself and stop looking for a readymade man when you are lazy & idle.

  109. If he was rich,you would have married him despite the 3rd class & you won't mind that you don't have feelings for him?Sitting on your lazy ass & condemning a struggling guy.oshisco

  110. Why do we women always feel entitled? Don't look at what a guy drives but consider what drives the guy. I don't talk my own finish. Ka chi fo

  111. By the way, you don't love this guy,so please I beg you in God's name, leave him alone before you make his life miserable and nag sanity out of him in the marriage. If you marry this 'broke ass procastinator'like you tagged him, you will make his life miserable. So leave him for someone who knows what to do with a broke ass and turn him into a loaded dude. Mtcheeeeeew


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