Stella Dimoko Abducted Girl Ese Oruru’s Secret Love Letter To Lover Yunusa Uncovered


Saturday, March 19, 2016

Abducted Girl Ese Oruru’s Secret Love Letter To Lover Yunusa Uncovered

FRESH revelations have suggested that a sort of intimacy could have existed between Ese Oruru and Yunusa Dahiru (a.k.a Yellow) before the abduction saga which has culminated in the arraignment of the latter on five-count charges before the Federal High Court in Yenagoa, the Bayelsa State capital.

Yunusa, in an interview shortly after his arraignment had claimed responsibility for the five-month old pregnancy Ese is carrying, noting that the girl’s mother, Mrs. Rose Oruru was aware of their relationship before the alleged abduction incident.

Though Mrs. Oruru had denied the involvement of Ese and Yunusa in any love relationship, a letter exclusively obtained by Saturday Sun from an impeccable source, indicates that the two may have had something together. In the undated letter, which authenticity could not be verified as at Press Time, Ese had professed love to Yunusa, disclosing she had refused friendship requests from four other Hausa boys.

Ese also revealed in the letter the three conditions Yunusa required from her in the bid to cement their love affair.

In the letter, Ese had disclosed that Yunusa asked for three things, including following him to Kano; drop her Christian religion for Islam and love only him.
While Ese affirmed that she was ac­tually 13 years as at the time she wrote the love letter last year, she indicated that there was a plan for Yunusa to travel to Kano first, and she followed, even though she considered the arrangement ‘unfair’.

“I have already accepted the first re­quest, then while you decide to tell me that you cannot take me along with you the same day. It is very unfair Inusa, why just tell me why you decide to be unfair. Well, Inusa there are many Hausa boys who asked for friendship but did not get it. I had so many people who I have lived with, do you know what it means to live the people you had live with for 13 good years of your life (sic)”, she asked.

She entitled the letter, ‘Pls read and re­ply me Inusa’.
Attempts to run the letter by Ese proved abortive. When our reporter got to her family house, it was learnt that members of the family had relocated and were under protective custody in an undisclosed location.


Dear, Inusa how are you? I hope you are fine and all is well with you? Please don’t be annoyed by these words but I think it is best for the both of us. Please please please don’t be annoyed I beg of you Inusa, maybe everyone just have to say the truth.
I want to start by saying thank you for everything if accepted, thank you yanzu, I would say I now know what is going on which you never wanted to tell me but I will say that is not fair.

When I started selling here, I met Abubakar who once told me that he had fellings for me but I can never send because I did not have fellings for him, so I turned him down. Then again I met Genedu and I also turned him down. Now, it is Dantata which everybody knows that he loves me dearly but I find a lot of faults in him and don’t love him back. He has done his best to stay down and beg about one year now, if I am right, I will never lie to you Inusa. Dantata has been begging me to love him back but as soon as I wanted to fall for him you came back into my life. I still know that Dantata is still waiting for me only if I will accept him.

Inusa I now know that you also love me and I have decided to love you back. I love you Inusa but sometimes I do think Dantata is still seeking. My name as know by myself is RITA and my main problem is that if I love you (Inusa) and you also love me what will become of us. You once told me you like me more than anyone else, but now I have seen how far you have gone in this case because it is very serious to me.

You asked me to help you in just three ways in which you said:
Follow me to my village – Kano State
Leave your religion for mine – Christian and Muslim
It is only you I love and no other person
I have already accepted the first quest then while decide to tell me that you cannot take me along with you the same day it is very unfair. Inusa why, just tell me why you decide to be unfair.
Well Inusa there were many other Hausa boys who asked for friendship but did not get it. I had so many people who I have lived with do you know what it means to live the people you had lived with for 13 good years of life.
Think on me Inusa please
I beg of you Inusa please
Think on me
My heart bit immediately or anytime I see you if you know how much I love you you will not think about hurting my fellings
I still stand by you Inusa, yeallo yellow my best colour but one question who made you think.
I write this because I am sick and tired of this baldadash I hear everyday.
You should know this Genedu, Abubakar, Saidu are humans for crying out loud. Inusa to conclude this, taught you can solve this problem by just one thing.
Your address and your phone number, maybe if we have to go one by one we shall do just that.
No matter what happens I still love you Inusa
No matter what the case may be I still love you Inusa
From yours dearly Rita a.k.a Ese

culled -Sunnewsonline

*Choi epic love letter but whatever happens,she was a minor when he ran away with her so he is still guilty of abducting a minor.


  1. Replies
    1. I stop reading half way nonsense.

    2. Are you effing kidding me?? A first glance at that letter shows an educated adult wrote and modified the tenses to maybe it apear as if the girl wrote it. Judging from her background, I don't expect her to write impeccably and certainly no girl of that age will pen a love letter this long and in this manner! Not even the week educated ones.
      This letter has been written in a very implicating way. The choice of words, writing style and details are too much for a thirteen year old without solid and quality education. They should prove the authenticity of this letter by confirming if that's indeed eses's handwriting.
      And if indeed it's hers, I hope she wasn't coerced into writing it while she was in their custody. These people desperately want us to believe the girl was in agreement with the plan. By the way, who signs a love letter with AKA? LOL! No nick or pet name? Try another lie.


    3. Ok let's assume she wrote the supposed letter, Ese was a minor and still a minor so the letter dose not count. It's like a 3yrs old saying I love you, dose that mean she loves you in a sexual context. A beg yellow should be jailed

    4. Whoever wrote that letter was trying so hard to sound like a kid then wrote 'baldadash'..judging from her previous interviews ese sounded like an unintelligent 8Yr old kid.

    5. Who wrote the letter 4 her?
      Can she even write her name?

    6. I don't believe Ese wrote this but no one should say a 13yrs old can't write like this.

      I believe Ese had a thing with this guy before the abduction.

      Ese was close to these guys but the mum sees nothing bad in their friendship because they were her customers and she does not want to loose them.

      They should compare her handwriting with the one in the letter.

    7. This letter is totally fake. They said it's unedited ba. Does that look like something a 13yr old can write? These ppl should keep deceiving themselves.

      Is it d yunusa that prolly can't speak English well that will be able to read all of that?

      These ppl are just looking for ways to free this kidnapping paedophile.

    8. Very fake so amajiri Sabi read letter and can also reply who in their right senses sends a letter to amajiri Keke boy.
      Abeg e even if she wrote the letter he too advantage of her and slept with an under age he should face his punishment.

    9. Telemundo!!!

    10. The letter is fake!
      They're looking for every means to exonerate the Yellow
      Heard four lawyers and one SAN are defending him in court

    11. This letter is so ooooooo fake I bet his defense team are cooking up stories!! No 13 year old in a public school can rightly spell " baldadash" accurately. Choi! They could have come up with a better fake letter. Rubbish

    12. It's as fake as Brazilian hair on Nigerian women's head

    13. It's as fake as Brazilian hair on Nigerian women's head

    14. Over fake dey smell for the letter
      Where and how did dey uncover it.besides which young person writes a letter this long these days

    15. Na fake letter jor,make den try another lie.

    16. Ese did not write this letter.

    17. Even if it's original, it's only an insane person that will take a 12 year old love letter serious.
      In fact, this guy ought to rot in jail. Awon were eda gbogbo

    18. Hmmmmmm
      I dnt feel dis letter jor
      They shd compare d writing with ese writing
      Ow educated is yinusa
      And ow sound is ese academically to construct dis epic love letter.

    19. Lolllll
      I laffed all thru halfway...
      No be dt babe write dt tin.
      We lawyers sef. So dis is ur best?
      Abegi! Dt secondary evidence wit not hold water.
      Mtcheeeeeeew abeg next bustop make I come down.

    20. Fake! Fake!! Fake!!!...from the sound of it, that letter was written by a literate adult. The person's ploy to divert to pigin even sold he/she out. Somebody, somewhr is trying somthing funny. @ 13 writting this letter?

    21. See me laughing at this hour of the night. The word balderdash gave this away. How cheap, very cheap.

      Those saying that a 13 year old cannot write a sound letter should hold it though. My 10 year old writes impeccably well, and I say this with every sense of modesty. If the child is properly educated and of sound mind, he/she will write even better than most adults.

      Quite apart from that, let's see Ese's situation. We were made to believe that she goes to school right? Therefore she should be able to articulate her thoughts into writing, at least in basic English.

      But this letter was so modified that the writer goofed in a bid to sound juvenile and uninformed. So many loopholes I can point out, but I no get strength today.

      And then they make this girl sound like she's so mentally active with having boys with feelings around her. Too exposed for her age to be dwelling on how many hausa boys like her and who she's chosen to love back. This is a shoddy job though.

      Can Yinusa even read? Ahahah. I'm certain this letter will be condemned by Ese that she didn't write it. Or perhaps she'll say that she cannot remember writing it. Meaning, if she ever did, then it was while she was under the influence of whatever took her to kano remotely.

      This person no try at all. See letter of life oh. Lol

    22. Babeweysabiblog21 March 2016 at 08:17

      ST......this letter na fake now haba.we all know better.even my gateman that did OND can't even read that letter not to talk of yunusa.abeg make them park well jor.they should employ us that were pro in writing love letters those days to decipher....LOL!

  2. All lies

    Why didn't he report the girl to her parents?

    1. Taaar....SDK forget dis thing..dis letter is as fake as d word fake..let them try another angle to convince us cos dis won't hold water ka..ka..

    2. Letter is fake, an after thought and irrelevant.

      So if I am a dude and a 13 year old girl writes me a love letter, does that give me the teremity to abscond with her? The fact in issue here is that this girl is a minor and incapable of making rational decisions.She shouldn't even been dating.

      She is still a child, the end!!

    3. @whirlwind you are right. But let's even go down to their level for a second. And this is me being pragmatic.

      The guy is done for, no doubt. But we must also realise that he didn't know any better. A young illiterate lad who found himself in another state in a quest for greener pastures. Where he came from, they are used to their men dating or marrying it were. And as sick as it seems, it is his own reality that he carried to Bayelsa. Right? So dating Ese to him was a piece of cake. He doesn't know any better.
      But when he eloped with her to Kano and the learned emir who supposedly welcomed them, saw what happened and couldn't condemn it, is where I have a grouse. And this is if we have to pretend that yinusa is ignorant of his crime. What about those who should know, and who didn't alert him of the consequences??

      Yes yinusa will get punished and that'll mean victory for the majority of Nigerians who we are irked by this. But what about those who aided the absurdity?

      The last time I said it, and one idiot here misconstrued my postulation... that it is possible that they were dating before she left with him..although her leaving with him was subconscious, the fact remains that they had something going. We all know how we were as teenagers. We would claim to have bfs but nothing sexual. Just those guys we crush on and would like to pose around for. Perhaps that was Ese's case too, only yinusa took it a step further.

  3. I don't believe a 13years old will write letter like this to a man.

    1. I could @ 13 but I'm not sure she did

    2. I swear,they can't even forge well,a bayelsa 13years old girl for that matter,smh

    3. Babeweysabiblog21 March 2016 at 08:19

      Jennah love,i could write more than that @12 even.but ese did not write these days no read mills and boon,hardly chase,pacesetters and all a lawyer and I can decipherw

  4. Anybody dat falls for dis is d mallam go read all dis english?mehn who came up wit dis idea is a fool

    1. Fake letter ...

    2. See how she conveniently wrote the 3 points that can nail the so called Yunusa. Lol,nice try!

      Oh,and writer,in your bid to sound un-educated and 13,you ended up sounding like a 50years old dunce!

    3. Lmao. Yeah the 3 points was strategic. Focal point of the case. Who makes such highlights in situations like this? Stupid writer

  5. From 13 years old bah?

  6. Ditto
    I picked my pen from the basket of love just to write this comment. I want u to know that from the bottom of my heart, this girl is a minor and even if she comes at you naked, you should flee cos under the law she knows not what shes doing.
    *sprays perfume on the comment*

    1. Hahaha hah rflao.

    2. You forgot to add DOXOLOGY.


    3. Spot on. I doubt if she is the one that wrote that letter

    4. Hahahaha funny you Tuscany.

    5. Lol, fabricated love letter, can mai maruwa or suya read not to talk of write?


  7. She didn't write this letter.

  8. Nowadays children with I must chop wetin my mama dey chop lifestyle.

  9. Well even at dat he jst shldnt have taaken her 2 kano 2 islamise her... She is jst a kid and dnt hav a mind of her own

  10. Please guys what does (sic) mean?

    1. It means bad English ahead

    2. Shows there's a wrong spelling in the words/phrase/post...

  11. The truth is that the girl lacks proper parenting.
    At 13,She got love from Hausa men more than she got from her own family.
    I strongly believe dat she willingly ran away with her hausa muslim lover.
    It all boils down to parents producing the number of children they can adequately take Care of

    1. You are not far from the truth.

    2. Congrats mr james for d small sense u jst displays. May it be permanent.

    3. I agree with u for the first and prolly d last time.

  12. barbie micheals19 March 2016 at 07:31

    Fake Abeg. Who are they deceiving...I could smell the wayo from far...fucked up mallams

  13. Something doesn't seems right about this letter
    This I strongly feel is doctored
    Naa, I totally disgree that girl wrote this

    1. Don't mind them
      The letter is fake

      Only a fool would believe this crap.

  14. Stella,I don't think she wrote this letter. A 13 year old? They are just looking for ways to cover up their horrible act.

    1. So a 13yrs old should be daft right?

      My 10yrs old niece write better than this

    2. Lafresh, suffry dey lie abeg.

    3. Eka joy I wonder the type of school you and your siblings attended that at age 13 you could not write.

    4. Lafresh I agree with u. I said it up there that my 10 year old writes impeccably well. And that's the truth.

  15. The girl na hot cake oh choi...see as Hausa boys they follow am like fly way d follow shit.

  16. Lie!
    See long letter composed by a thirteen years old? Adonbelievit!

    1. If any one believes this letter ,then you should believe that tupac is still alive.

  17. Story story story, this is a forged letter by Yunusa,s lawyer, the stupid Yunusa has a shameless hausa lawyer , saw her on tv when she was abused, this is story

  18. This letter seems forged to me,which 13year old writes this way. Not buying this at all.

  19. And why is yinusa mouth like pepeye mouth? lolz.

    1. If he see this comment he gog abduct you o. Lol

    2. Abeg ohhh, I dey find who wan adopt me, I gho use blow scatter dat mouth and remove he front teeth, God punish devil.

  20. This is a fat lie,may God punish the person behind this

  21. Really epic and unedited love letter written byba 13years old child. I hail ohh

  22. Never been interested in this story*yawns* the girls stupid face no gree me read am sef. See as she be like frog

    1. May u give birth to kids that look like frogs. Idiot

    2. God's creature looks like frog? Wow!!! You try

  23. 'Yeallo' got me giggling while 'baldadash' got me taken aback.
    Teenage infatuation is what I tag this. They were in agreement but then, what do they 'both' know after all?

    1. Another angle to this is thus. If it is their claim that she wrote this letter when she was still home. Why would she have written him a letter at a point when the coast was clear and she could have told him this verbally?

      Their relationship has no history of them exchanging letters, when he decided he would go to kano he must have communicated it to her verbally. Ese's folks say that they were oblivious to their relationship, hence she wasn't on lock down or banned from speaking with Yinusa. He was known to the family and had access to their home. So, why would Ese write him a letter as though she couldn't see or spk with him directly?? Who did she send to deliver the letter? As I'm sure their claim will be that the letter was discovered from Yinusa.

  24. Really epic and unedited love letter written by a 13years old child. I hail ohh

  25. Really epic and undited love letter written byba 13years old child. I hail ohh

  26. That letter was not written by a 13 years old girl. Those are not the words of a 13 yes old girl, someone older obviously on Yinusa's camp wrote that piece.

    1. Really? If you have a 13yrs old that writes this way you should go collect your school fees back.

      A 13yrs old can does no know the difference between "leave and live"

    2. U are right. It's a ruse to present as a girl with questionable character

    3. LA fresh read that letter well and you will see its so fake. Very fake. The person tried so hard to sound like a child and an illiterate but failed. Please that letter is lame. Very lame

    4. Fab mum, I agree the letter is fake but some 13yrs old can write better.

      Pardon my typo, it's not auto correct

  27. I don't believe this at all! This was obviously cooked up by his people, either ways he's still very guilty

  28. Stella shine your eyes there is no way a thirteen years old can write this letter it's a love letter for God's sake
    It's a no no for me joor am not saying they might not be lover but this letter is fake.

  29. I dont believe she wrote this.

  30. I don't think she wrote this, everybody is trying to milk this Ese's story .

  31. A concocted letter to change the narrative. Regardless, she's still too young to make such a decision.

  32. A concocted letter to change the narrative. Regardless, she's still too young to make such a decision.

  33. She didn't write this letter abeg

  34. This letter is SCAM!!!

  35. That girl didn't write this letter!

  36. What if she left after him? She was/is still a minor sha. But then again.... Nawa. I cannot even say mothers should train their daughters well,because who wan spoil go spoil. Just do your best and leave the rest to God.

    1. Yunusa was also a Minor when he ran away with her na abi?

  37. And Yunusa could read the letter? Yimu..Oh ok he would have given someone to read for him**coughs*

    1. Eh! Don't you know yinusa is a graduate of English language? Take ya time o.

  38. Na wao! But if this is true she was just infatuated and not in love.... I doubt If she knows what it means to love someone.

  39. Na lie abeg. She couldn't have written such a letter at 13yrs. That English was too polished for her. No be say na ajebo she be sef.

  40. The person who wrote that letter was foolish, he or she should have made it sound like 13yrs but no, the letter sounds like an 18yr old gir

  41. If they like, they should dig up more letters or whatever
    Fact remains she was a minor.
    The he-goat Yinusa should have known better.

  42. Yunusa is clearly an illiterate, so how did he read and understand the letter even to the balderdash. I wonder who cooked up the ruse.

  43. Ese did not right this letter "inusa yellow my best colour" really???? who ever wrote this letter clearly has an overactive imagination.

    1. Madam Vivian, it's wrote

    2. Madam Jasmine, biko Vivian is correct. It's "write"not "wrote". Don't thank me, it's a pleasure

    3. Vivian na u dem suppose dey sing 'teacher don't teach me nonsense' for

    4. Ha! Chiamaka, which pry and sec school una go sef.

    5. U guys are so quick to correct others that u couldnt see the mistake Cinwon made. He said "right" instead of write which Vivian corrected.

  44. Won't be surprised if they had been dating before going to Kano though! The mother saw her closeness with these Hausa boys but couldn't scold her daughter because she didn't want to loose customers.These boys are good at Jazz,but jazz may not be the case here.A mother failed at some point.God knows the truth and may it be exposed.Not convinced with this letter though!

  45. Something is wrong somewhere!
    Adonbiliv this

  46. Stella this letter na big forgery na, from the start na correct matured English, middle dem come make am like like small pikin write am. Why the a.k.a at the end, the boy know her name them put that to let us know say na thesame Ese write am, abeg make them shift comot for road.

    1. Correct.. the letter is for the court of public opinion to exonerate Yinusa. Lol

  47. Stella is this letter authentic or falsified?

  48. I don't believe Ese wrote this letter!...
    Just look at ndi aboki trying to use someone's brain here....
    No sane christain mother from the south will support her 13 year old daughter dating this dirty onye awusa!...
    Yellow or warrever he is called used juju on this girl period!...

  49. I don't believe see wrote this letter

  50. Forged! I can hedge my bets Ese did not write this. A lawyer concocted this rubbish to drive home his point that both of them had something together. Can we see the manuscript please? Ndi ara!

  51. This letter says a lot. Says that she consented to this thing. Shes a minor but she decided to leave her ways and follow his which allows dem to marry small girls. Really sick. But i see a lack of supervision bu her parents. Shes young and they should have watched over her

  52. So Stella for your mind nau, you really think Ese wrote this letter??

    Mtcheeeeeeeew... For a 13 year old who schools in Bayelsa, to write a lengthy letter like this without a single spelling error?,....then you have to pee in my ears and tell me it's rainfall....

  53. They have gone to form letter again, lol. Charles Novia must have a hand in this. Na Ese write this letter? If I hear....

  54. This letter is FAKE!
    You could tell someone tried very hard to make it seem like the writer's illiterate.

    13yr old write this?no way!

  55. N sane people will believe Ese wrote this? Abeg, make we rest jare. Even 14yrs old girl in private schools can't construct this. Capital letters appropriately. Enough joor. Rubbish!

  56. Lmao
    They should try harder.
    This letter is screaming fake.

  57. Mysterious letter. I don't believe she wrote that abeg. If she did, I weep at how our children are being raised.

  58. Sisi what do you think.... I doubt this letter. This case should just move along. Bored by the poor plot.

    1. Sweetheart I tire o. I don run my mouth tire for this matter. Of course it's a woeful poor attempt to exonerate Yinusa of abduction. But the writer forgets that not everyone is as stupid. I mean, who creates this kinda defense in such a poor guise?

  59. Lol. This letter is a scam of life deployed to whip sentiments from people. I can't stop laughing. How was a keke napep driver meant to read that. I did my university in the North and i know the limitations of graduate northerners when it comes to english let alone yinusa a keke napep driver. The only form education he might have had will be the alimajiri informal sch.

    No offense tho. Sexual relation with anybody below 18yrs in our law is defilement and not sex. Regardless of professing love or not. It is punishable with aleast a 2yrs sentence.

  60. I don't believe it.

  61. Fake,faker,fakest!!!!

    A JSS3 student will be professing love for an illiterate Hausa Keke napep driver?
    I doubt it.

  62. This letter is a scam. They are stupid to think this will change our reactions to what the paedophile did. Demented asswipes.

  63. Hahahahaha a

    OMG, this people think Nigerians are foolish and stupid or what?? What kind of stupid letter is this?? Which 13yrs old write like this?? Is she writing to an aboki who drives Keke napep that didn't go to school or someone who is also in school with her?? Lmao. His lawyer should continue trying, try harder and bring something very convincing for us. For now this is really baldadash πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  64. The lawyer wrote dis letter to cover up.this letter cannot be from a 13 yrs old.fake letter

  65. Present twice....
    This letter is scam, she never wrote it's a strategy to defend yunusa or whatever they call him

  66. This love letter tactics is so disgusting especially coming from adults. Those that are behind this crap of a letter should be jailed for obstructing justice.

  67. Hmm my thoughts exactly, I think the letter was forged to cover his crime

  68. Hmmmm.this letter is fake. 13yrs old girl CNT write this to a man

  69. At 13 ,I wrote love letters and yes I was sexually active since 12. I started dating my boyfriend (now my hubby) @13 and @16 I was done with sec school and he wanted to marry me but I refused because i wanted to further my education and @ 21 he could not wait any longer so I had to marry him.We are blessed with 4kids and he still loves n adores me.
    So the best of it all is for yunsa to pay her bride pride and marry her since they were in a relationship. End of story.

  70. Fake letter..The letter had to address everything the aboki is been accused of. It's obvious Ese didn't write this letter #DumbMove#

  71. And the letter had a way of pointing out the things he was charged with. Hmm. Weldone. Throw the bagger in jail already. Some cases don't need court hearing

  72. This out of court written statement clearly falls under the definition of hearsay evidence; therefore, it is prima facie inadmissible in criminal proceedings.


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