

Thursday, February 11, 2016


What is this?what has happened to this generation?
How can someone preach hell fire?

Oh,God,Jesus is surely coming soon cos if i am so angry,I wonder how God would feel looking at this!


  1. Hahahaha...
    The truth,we all are sinners and hell fire await us all...
    Bitter truth!...

    1. I don't have any relationship with hell fire.
      This is the point I will go with one trillion

    2. Queen biko speak for ur self,I'm not going to hell in JESUS Christ name amen.

    3. Hell awaits you? Waooo!

    4. No wonder you make sure silly comments on this blog. Save journey to hell.

    5. Many of you here,support abortion,fornication,lies etc you mock virgins and peopke who tell the truth so where do u think you are going to?better stop pretending and accept the bitter trust,many people are hell bound so says the holybook,only a very few will make heaven, not all that calls Jesus' name will make heaven

    6. Linda Eze, I thought you claimed to be a Christian? Well, I'm not surprised with the comments you make here you might be heading down there. I exempt myself from that "all" you insinuated. I am a New Creation in Christ Jesus. I am heaven bound. In Christ I live, move and have my being. My sins have been washed by the blood of Jesus Christ. I am saved by grace and Jesus is my Lord. If I were you, nlo ilulo.

    7. Yes I am a sinner..but I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! Heaven awaits me and my family..Alleluia. Linda Eze...its never too late to amend your ways!!!Why would you just accept an eternity of hell when you can choose the glories of heaven...what's the point of telling us about your daddy in the Lord.. TB Joshua if he hasn't genuinely won you to Christ?? Linda..I repeat its never too late

    8. Honestly u are just a stupid fool... No wonder all u go to do at synagogues is look for miracles u will never get...

    9. Lwkm I swear Linda u r crazy. But kai u r too real mehn

    10. Kikikiki see how scared everyone is...

    11. @ Queen I say no no no for dis ur comment.. I am heaven bound.Hell fire is not for me & my loved ones..

      Hell is not a good place to be..

    12. Linda Eze he'll awaits only you. I'm going to heaven

    13. Some people are lost. This people are too comfortable to understand there is a living God. For me I choose heaven.

    14. Quen misleading ppl since 1900

    15. its not by our works lest we boast, its by God's grace, God didnt say u should be a saint,he knows we are mere clay, prone to give in to temptation but he promised that his grace is sufficient for us. Just accept Jesus as your lord and savior, he'll give you his holy spirit and from then on, its no longer you that lives.....its Christ. Jesus loves YOU!!!!!!

  2. Replies
    1. Shantelle loves Tusneh11 February 2016 at 17:29

      Good to know.
      It won't come as a shock when they find themselves in hell on the last day.
      They already know their destination before death. Isn't that lovely? Same way i have a mansion in heaven.haleluyah!


  3. Replies
    1. Not surprise, we are in the end time

    2. Stella Dimoko Korkus Awarded Blogger Of The Year By Nigeria Writers Awards.
      Thanks to all members of Bvn. You all rock


      City People Social Media Awards Nominates Stella Dimoko Korkus For Blogger/Blog Of The Year Category

      Voting ends on February 26, and vote for stella Dimoko korkus (click on her name and make sure you click on vote beneath. Let's do it sdk way

      Thank You

  4. Of course they should be proud. That is where they belong. Agents of Satan.

  5. Linda na u he'll they wait

    1. dey mind her.

  6. All have sinned. Jesus is the final answer. So me i am heavenly bound. Queen continue to go to hell ooo.

  7. No mind the agbaya queen. Hell fire awaits you only.

  8. It awaits you linda, the queer and bus conductor!

    1. Hahahahahaaaaa

    2. Bus conductor to he'll fire? Hahahahaha. We're flying PJ to heaven.

    3. Lol, yes we flying pj to heaven by God's grace.

  9. Queen speak for urself biko, I'm not a canidate of hell!

  10. I guess its a movie. It cant be real na

    278 comment 2016

  11. Replies
    1. Na real God forbid satan.
      I bet wen ders a fire incident, na dem go first cry 'pls save my life'.
      I gez they don't beliv. In heaven or hell dts y. If not, let dem do small rehearsal or intern or somtin wit fire and it's burns for 30mins.
      Even known sinners don't want to go to hell. Maybe na movie.
      End time tinz.

  12. Let dem no worry d slap wey chatan go give dem still dey do press up
    Repent n turn to Jesus Christ now tomorrow might b too late.....

  13. Replies
    1. Bimfem hair care products for Natural hair, edges and healthy hair. whatsapp (07032378915) bbm chanel (C0039356C)11 February 2016 at 18:48

      For allll have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Jesus is merciful and he's not Man

  14. ...How will my Jesus, who died for the whole world feel? These are signs of the end time...let's all get closer to our savior

  15. God created hell for satan, the devil and d fallen angels but men who choose to serve the devil will be cast into hell along with their father, d devil.
    CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL know themselves and their father.
    God already knows and said it long, long, long........ago.
    *I've met so many of d devil's children amongst men who believe hell is their abode so God can NOT lie*

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. How e take consign me?

    Save those who have ears and are willing to listen.

    Nobody will say that they never heard the gospel, on Judgement day.


  18. ...How will my Jesus, who died for the whole world feel? These are signs of the end time...let's all get closer to our savior

  19. Maybe Hell looks like "post-apocalyptic era", where everything is razz and nothing to govern. and not like the fire fire we are meant to believe.

    Some people will love it if that be the case,especially perverts and gay.

    One already concur upthere.


  20. Nawa o. What a word! Ppl self n he even av followers.

  21. Nice One Stella.. Our Generation, Our Generation!! SmH
    .NOTE: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..

  22. This generation is f**ked, smtimes I wish I had come way sooner, our fore father's time.

  23. Africans go plenty for hell..we are to wicked,proud selfish,greedy. We steal and den go to our places of worship to donate it. No human feeling at all everything na connection even in the hospital. We have to change tho we are blessed

  24. It's a free world Stella. Am going to heaven and am humbled by his grace. My opinion.

  25. Yes I know we all are sinners but the Bible admonishes us to strive to perfection..

    God forbid I remain in sin while Grace abound..

  26. No not me. I am not going to hell.

  27. Smh @ this rubbish am seeing.

    Going to hell with pride indeed!

    They have no idea what hell is Biko.



  28. Because they don't even know the meaning of what HELL really is!

  29. Lwkm, I swear Linda u r crazy. Kai but u r too real mehn

  30. Wish I could explain about this "hell" and the wrong doctrines about it. But....

  31. I am heaven bound cos it is about choice, for those who have made up their minds to go there, I wish them best of luck.

  32. I'm 100percent sure i will make heaven.

  33. Hell Is most likely an acronym for somthing other than the religious hell

  34. This is sickening!
    He'll was created for lucifer and his fallen angels, and not for mankind. But our sins is consuming us get
    Daily.Have mercy Lord.

  35. Na wa ooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  36. Hmmmmm.. just like in the days of Noah

  37. Stella, I referred a 16 year old pregnant patient of mine to your blog. I was leaving the country then. Her phone wasn't responding afterwards and when I asked the matron if she came back she said "no". I was shocked when I came back and checked on the address that she wrote only to find out that she died in the process of aborting those twins. I couldn't sleep all night for a whole week. Such a sweet girl. I don't know exactly what happened but I think that people should be very careful about the type of advice they give in your blog. I know you published her story (except that I noticed that she changed her age). I know you always told young girls NEVER to abort. But how about others? I am crying as I type this. Be very careful about the comments you upload. Some are destroyers. I once saw this girl in my dream crying from the midst of fire.

    1. Awww so sorry for her. If truly her story was posted here, u can be rest assured that Stella personally would advice against abortion. It is possible that she followed other people's advice here though. Nonetheless no one should be blamed, after all she was and adult and we really don't know what her situation was.

    2. Stella and BVs please take note of this poster's comment.

      Let us be mindful of the things we say and do here.

  38. @ anon 20:32: Abegi! Why did u go anon if your story was real? Mmmtssschewwwww! See the small brain you wan use! Anyways, my family n I are candidates of heaven. True, no one is perfect but we are to strive towards it. Jesus is the answer and just because we can type behind a wall in the comfort of our home/work, does not mean we should throw caution to the wind. May God help us and open our eyes of understanding in Jesus name... pls give your life to Christ oooo!

  39. @ Sugarcassie, Sorry dear. You are not in my profession so you won't understand the ethics. I had to go anonymous and it does not remove any truth from what I wrote there.

  40. Stella and all d 'heaven bound angels'
    What d lady with d placard is really saying is DT heaven and hell are both scams. I'm guessing you are a Christian, say d truth about how u fee l when u hear a Muslim describe heaven or aljana. U probably laugh inside, I'm sure they do d same about Christian heaven. Each religion just comes up with her own navirna.

  41. Sugarcassie. You dey anonymous dey accuse another person of being anonymous. Is Sugacassie a name of a human being? If you no abort, how does it benefit anyone? Abi im dey add shishi for im purse? Use your brain to think.

  42. It's sad about the girl who died trying to abort twins. I am a candidate of heaven by God's grace. Christ died for me and his death is not in vain. I must to make heaven.

  43. is what happens when you have everything but no higher being to look up to.

  44. As for me and my household,we're heaven bound.....


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