Stella Dimoko OAP Freeze Shares His Poverty Story And Says ''Living With Poor People Makes You Poor!''


Monday, February 22, 2016

OAP Freeze Shares His Poverty Story And Says ''Living With Poor People Makes You Poor!''

This Article was written by Controversial OAP Ifedayo Olarinde A.K.A Freeze...I decided to share it with you guys today instead of Yesterday because i know the people have more positive contributions on Mondays (Whatever that means).

This was written by freeze alright but this might just be your story.......

He says ''Does living with poor people make you poor? Well yes, here is my story! 

I lived in Aremo, in Ibadan a very poor ghetto for almost 15years. Growing up, my house was the only house with a perimeter fence within a ten mile radius. Every house in my neighbourhood was in the 'face me, I face you' format! Bariga is much better than where I lived, because Bariga is a hood in Lagos. Mine was a hood in the village - much worse. 

I always knew I was different from my neighbours. I didn't share their ideas, taste in music, fashion sense and general outlook of life. Do you know that it was so bad that no girl agreed to date me because according to them I was 'different'. At 19 i got my first job in BCOS IBADAN and moved out of my parents home into a BQ in Bodija, a much nicer area and the effect was immediate, girls understood me better and I had my first relationships.

 I was now among people that shared my ideas and mentality. As soon as I was done with school, I relocated to Lagos. 

Let me ask you guys, how do you think I would have turned out if I didn't upgrade my mind and friends? 

Or if I didn't move out of the ghetto? Only one or 2 out of the 20 of us that played together as kids amounted to anything. I remember vividly the last time I saw my childhood best friend Banji(real name) he was a bus driver and Waheed the kid I played table tennis with a had become a VULCANIZER or Kehinde whom I was very close to at a point is now a gravedigger. 

I know this sounds funny but it's true, these are actual people. And at least they had real jobs as most ended up living a life of crime! If my best friends had become drivers, vulcanizers and gravediggers what were my prospects if I didn't change location? 

What were my chances of becoming successful? 

Someone sent me an insulting DM, saying to me that if I were Bill Gates I would discriminate against poor people, simply because I advised against 'hanging out in places of poverty. My answer was simple; "let Bill Gates move to Aremo for 15years and let's see how well he would do there".

 By poor people I don't mean people in a state of financial depression, I am actually talking about people who are in a state of mental impoverishment!''

*Raising up the finger after thumb on left hand*

If Bill Gates moved to Aremo and lived there for 15years,he might probably turn it to Aremo City where the lights work and the water flows!

Kisses to you Freeze,I love your hustle and your controversies..LOL.


  1. What's changes have you made in aremo since you left?

    Go back there and teach them how to be rich in mentally.

    1. Nice one lafresh, how has he impacted his immediate environment, who has he helped?
      All I see is a very proud and egoistic man so full of him self always feeling like what I don't know.
      God placed u where u are and give credit to him only God changes one status.
      I don't for any reason like reading anything about this half baked afin.

    2. My condolences to the World over the death of English Lang. Rip boo.

      @LaFresh, you're a murderer.

  2. I just couldn't read to d end. Lies n lies
    Who or what gave him that first job, Connection
    His house was betterof because his parents were wealthy
    He couldn't think like them because he has the finance to get to whatever level he wanted.

    Not everyone who lives or lived in d ghetto is poor. This guy just want to be in the News.
    He should go and cater for his family and leave Radio/Media for younger bloods.

    1. Thanks for reading in between the line. Story of my life!

  3. He said d truth but in a wrong approach. Now that he av made it, what av he done for his community to become a better place to live.

    1. A very wrong approach
      The guy is just lousy talker talking nonsense most times

  4. It was God who helped u so shut up.

  5. So we should see this as an encouragement ba? Okay we get it Mr Aremo! You can buy expensive watches but can't help your drivers, vulcanizer and gravedigger friends. Clap for yourself.

  6. There is something off about this nigga.
    Woman wrapper, always ranting about nothing.

    1. Gbam!! He probably wasn't well breast-fed! Always talking like a retard!

  7. People you associate with determines how you see life. You cannot be associated with mediocrity and expect excellence. Associating yourself with people who are above you creates room for growth. Iron sharpeth iron.

    1. Lies, lies, go and follow them let them use u as slave.

    2. U are very correct, having poor people as friends will hinder ur growth in life, #saynotopovertypeople.

  8. Another blog dint carry dis story quite accurately. His expensive watches were posted so that he gets bashing

    1. But that was how he passed the message across.
      He uploaded his expensive watches and captioned it with the trash you read up there.

  9. Buhahahhahahahahahahahaaha

    My Mom should dance into this post. Hahahahahhahha

    One of her most popular sayings "Move with ur likes and those higher Dan u.With those higher dan u,u learn.Dey wil influence u.Rapu ndi ogbenye.

    And I just remember how she says "Oriri Ogbenye,rie Amusu" LMAO

    Rapu ndi Ogbenye literally means leave d Poor.
    Oriri Ogbenye rie Amusu means E dey poor,come chop witch on top!

    That saying cracks me up.HAHHAHA

    But Freeze I stil don't dig that thing u did that time o ooo!But dis cracked me up so ayam here.

    1. Can't you see how you lick asses and would do so till who knows when. Read through comments and observe how weak and tilted your ideology is.

    2. @ anon11:05, may thunder strike you for talking to TGW like that. The ass you like for 2h is affecting your brain. I am sure your licked dry shit. Achagweee.

    3. Idiot anonymous..abeg carry your smelling self out if here...
      The General's wife is loved by almost everyone on this blog...
      Am sure you are a woman!..she no dey do women oh! leave her the fuck alone and stop stalking her..

    4. This Tgw is a fool sha, a hypocrite with her fake teeth, useless she goat, anuofia

    5. Iga awu ogbenye,wuru Amosu.

      That's our own dialect. LOL

    6. ~Bad belle is allowed~! Confess u want ur ass licked, but ur anonymous nah, how she go locate u to lick? Oya drop ur details..

    7. Wow! My first time here and I'm seeing so many voltrons right here, so let me reserve my comment on TGW! Peace

  10. Sorry, he made no sense to me.
    If his parents house then was the only one with a fence, simply means they were high above all the others and much is to be expected of them.

    Everybody has turned motivational speaker.

  11. Somehow this came out twisted and pathetic.......... Living a false life will keep you miserable and poor. Social climbers feeling like achievers.....

  12. I am not a fan of this agbaya but he is right!...
    I have tasted poverty,lived in a face me I slap you "yard" but not in a ghetto sha which I don't wish on anybody not even my worst enemies...
    Damn!...poverty joro pieces...
    But am happy I experienced that kind of life cos it moulded me to the person I am today..

    When I look at my kids choosing the kind of food to eat or cloths they want to wear,I SMH for them cos during my time,who dash monkey banana...
    You must eat that left over garri and soup in the morning before going to school...
    When you tell them stories like this,they tell you"mummy that was then"in their tiny voices....

    1. LMAO @ who dash monkey Banana. Chai...

      But Look where we are now!
      We thank God my dear.

    2. Hahahahh @Linda always keeping it real.
      @GW i dey salute ma. Where is our own Bloglord?greetings to her.

    3. Jay to d Moore!
      Our Chick z good.howdy bro?

  13. By poor people I don't mean people in a state of financial depression, I am actually talking about people who are in a state of mental impoverishment!''

    I love this line!!

    If Bill Gates moved to Aremo and lived there for 15years,he might probably turn it to Aremo City where the lights work and the water flows

    Stella you also made sense here.

  14. They all come hand in hand....mental impoverishment and financial impoverishment.. U should see things differently.
    Instead of looking at it as "i don't like to hang out with poor people"
    Y not look at it as am motivated to do more when i hang out with people of humble background so i will be the one to elevate them from where they are to where u think they should be
    U are a public figure u should learn to construct ur words properly...
    Awon attention seekers

    1. He sent out the right message in a wrong way, but considering his parents had money this is just bullshit.

  15. Na wa o. All this bragging just because he owns some expensive watches. Well Freeze just so you know, if you think Owing expensive watches is smart way of investing your money? You are dumber than I thought you were. Am sure nobody wants to waste so much energy tryin to school you on what and what not is an investment. Bvs for don turn SDK into an investment forum.

    1. Expensive wristwatches? You mean those grade 1 knockoffs?


  16. Nobody should enter poverty with a clear eyes...
    That's why I keep advising you girls here to stop mingling with poor men!...
    Don't make the same mistakes our mothers made!...
    Shine your eyes...

  17. So true. Poverty is a disease. But u presented it in a wrong manner but apart from that nwannaa idi 100percent right.

  18. That's just the bitter truth.

  19. Let him go and teach his friend them how to make money

  20. Where is his guy's humility? Who out of those rich men today doesn't have a grass to grace story, must you throw it in their face?

  21. i totally agree with him. you cant hang with poor people and expect to be rich. just like you cant hang with negative people and expect to have a positive attitude towards life. for once this guy made sense

  22. Well,if Seal was in Nigeria that song would hv been ' kiss from a hibiscus' and we all know how many albums that would hv sold!!

  23. Freeze was a priviledged bastard. Don't believe that nonsense up there.
    Why didn't he contribute positively by educating one or two of his friends who would educate others in return?
    O n so rubbish. Idiot.

    1. Ifedayo Olarinde ! Freezeeeee ! Ah ah ! Your Parents were very comfortable na. You schooled at ISI - International School Ibadan, then UI. Lola went to Federal Government Girls' College Oyo, then ISI as well. Your Dad was a Medical Doctor, and he owned his own Hospital. Your Mum was from Romania, a pretty and lovely White Woman. Remi and Yetunde were Silverspoon to me ooo. You were above Middle-class abeg. So you turned out as you should, no biggie.

    2. I cam assure u his dad was the one with the money, Romanians are very very poor people so freeze needs to choose where he needs to impact that's if he has anything to impact, cos all i can read is someone showing off favours his got from God not even in a signifying way mtchw

  24. Well Mr Freeze, you had a good platform to start with that was why you're saying all these. Thank God you've made it and there's nothing wrong in going out to seek a better life but ain't you selfish (no vex) for not going back to those old friends you knew to show them the light that you know now?
    You said one is a vulcanizer, another a gravedigger and you don't seem to feel pity for them from the tune of your write-up cos I guess they didn't have the opportunity you had . A little orientation from you could go a long way to better their lives

    That's how life should be. Chaz B said something about helping out which isn't about money alone but advice and not this bragger do you're doing.

  25. Oga please swerve,always want to be in the spotlight

  26. Yes oo. I agreed with him. My Bishop has already said it, carry a rich man bag, you too will become rich. At least that one rubbed on me.

  27. Now I understand why he keeps posting photos of his new chronometer.

  28. Take the message and free the messenger. He made sense. You live in the ghetto, you act like a thug. You roll with the bourgeoisies, you are more prim and proper. Fact. I do not like Freezer what he said right here is very true.


  30. I swear this reeks of 'I'm too good syndrome'. Of what use is dis post exactly . This guy is nothing but a snob.

  31. It is only in Nigeria that drivers, vulcanizers and gravediggers are jobs that people can't live on. In the UK drivers, vulcanizers and gravediggers actually earn a good wage that they can live on comfortably and it affords them to take holidays once a year.

    1. Thanks ooo, U.K. dey humble people, if u like be an employer of labour in naija, u would be humbled when u come to d uk cos nobody send u, this freezer sef won't have a say

    2. You know this. Nigerians always too quick to degrade odd jobs. These same jobs fetch people meaningful income and healthy lifestyles in the u.s and u.k. When you have jobs that allows you work certain hours in a day, of course you can cater to a whole lot of other stuff including family. Not Nigeria that you set out by 5am, slave 8-5, get home 8-9pm all drained out. All for peanuts.
      Our orientation needs to change.

  32. Chai! This guy has been terribly misunderstood by ignorant people. My advice -be careful with sensitive issues on social media as it can be misconstrued and interpreted the wrong way by trolls anxious to court controversy. I expected Daddy Freeze to know better!

  33. Freeze,I totally disagree with your ideology. But those who said that u would looked down on the poor if you were Bill Gate,really knows you better. Since your so bless with ideals on how to eradicate provety, why not go back to ur community to give back to them? I just wonder how those friends of your will feel if a member of their family stumble on this your motivational write up. Indirectly saying your parents were the richest in your poor community.

  34. wake up in the morning and gossip till night at the junction, see what your life will become . nobody is entitled, make wise choices and decisions

  35. Uncle Freeze... Someone that didn't even live in Nigeria and Just visited once a while... Ghetto in IBadan... Don't comfort people with made up stories.. Not good

  36. Truth garnish with some arrogance

  37. What about those who left the ghetto where they grew up and came to Lagos but no difference?

  38. He's right though, you can't be friends with people that don't want to upgrade and expect to upgrade. Believe it or not the quality of time you spend with people influences you, you tend to pick their habits good or bad. Choose your friends wisely!

  39. This guy is sick. I know his father´s house at Aremo : its on the main road to ode-aje and beere and just a stone throw to St Peter´s Anglican church. There is no 10- mile fence , its all lies.

    Aremo has produced many doctors ( as well as consultants ), a large number of professionals and still producing.

    A serving deputy governor of CBN grew up a stone throw from this idiot´s house and they are about same age range.
    He could nt get a girlfriend because he was very dirty (despite his father being a doctor). All his sisters were always roaming the streets penniless

    don´t let me open a can of worms o cos i know you well.

    1. Thank you! We know freeze well oo.Bayo Adelabu grew up not far from his house. This freeze guy went to ISI . one of the bests private sec schools in Ibadan. A lecturer's son. Freeze these lies are quite shocking.

  40. This guy is sick. I know his father´s house at Aremo : its on the main road to ode-aje and beere and just a stone throw to St Peter´s Anglican church. There is no 10- mile fence , its all lies.

    Aremo has produced many doctors ( as well as consultants ), a large number of professionals and still producing.

    A serving deputy governor of CBN grew up a stone throw from this idiot´s house and they are about same age range.
    He could nt get a girlfriend because he was very dirty (despite his father being a doctor). All his sisters were always roaming the streets penniless

    don´t let me open a can of worms o cos i know you well.


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