Stella Dimoko Naira Exchange Rate In AFRICA....


Monday, February 22, 2016

Naira Exchange Rate In AFRICA....

Oh Dear Me,check out Sudan exchange rate...

South Africa: Rand 1 = 13 Naira
Angola: 1 kwanza = 2 Naira
Botswana: 1 Pula = 18 Naira
Cape Verde: 1 Escudo = 2 Naira
Algeria: 1 Dinar = 2 Naira
Egypt: 1 Pound = 25 Naira
Eritrea: 1 Nakata = 13 Naira
Ethiopia: 1 Birr = 9 Naira
Ghana: 1 Cedi = 50 Naira
Gambia 1 Dalasi = 5 Naira
Kenya: 1 shilling = 3 Naira
Liberia: 1 Dinar = 4 Naira
Lesotho: 1 Loti = 14 Naira
Libya: 1 Dinar = 146 Naira
Morrocco: 1 Dirham = 146 Naira
Madagascar: 1 Ariary = 4 Naira
Mauritius: 1 Rupee = 6 Naira
Malawi: 1 kwacha = 11 Naira
Mozambique: 1 Metical = 4 Naira
Namibia: 1 Dollar = 12 Naira
Seychelles: 1 Rupee = 12 Naira
Sudan: 1 pound = 32 Naira
Swaziland: 1 Lilangenri = 13 Naira .
Tunisia: 1 Dinar = 100 Naira
Zambia: 1 kwacha = 18 Naira
$1 USD: = 400 Naira,,,, still counting....
1 GBP British Pounds: = 505 Naira ,still



  1. Replies
    1. Stella I just got back from ghana and d exchange rate is not 50. Ut us actually 80naira to a cedi at d bureau de change in d airport. But if u use gtb master card it charges 72 to a cedi, while zenith bank master card chargws 79 to a cedi... the online rate in most cases are not the real deal when u land in the dont follow online conversion rate.... Its just like saying naira is 199 to a dollar cos thats wat u get online.Na wash ooooo.Naija is in recession....

    2. That's not their black market rate.

      Compare our official rate with theirs.

    3. I did not see Zimbabwean dollars

  2. Stella ure d definition of a strong woman. I dont knw how u do it with 2 kids.ure such an inspiration that motherhood doesnt stop u frm being d best at what u do

    1. Which king early morning ads licking be this? Abeg go sleep back if u don't have a job this is Monday.

    2. All these useless anons hating pointlessly. Did Stella complain about getting her backside licked by Mimi from Miami? Wetin come consign you inside?

    3. @mimi Stella has 4 boys

  3. Jeez, naija what's the way forward na?
    Meanwhile, I've had the worst night ever, I hope it's day already. Mtcheeeeeeew

  4. The whole financial teal starting with the Governor of the central bank need to be replaced forthwith. They don't have a clue what their job is all about.
    I hae been saying this for over 8 months now

    Someone tell the Mr restless leg syndrome, I must travel every day Buhari

  5. Sorry to deceive yourself. You think Sudan is not more developed than many African countries? They have better universities, health system and better currency. And beside, the US$ and British pounds exchange rates you put there are not the official ones unlike other currencies you put there. Be consistent with style and method.

    1. Well, you said the truth though in another But Stella you are using official rates for others and black market rate for $&£. Doesnt make any sense. The real $ rate officially is like 198.

  6. Replies
    1. What about dubai money how much please.

  7. OK. Australian dollar still crawling by the Naira. Until then, we be converting to USD.

  8. Sudan ke? See Ghana see countries like Kenya Namibia Malawi... Damn epic embarrassment. Whelp maybe this is what needs to happen for Nigeria to change. They say it has to get worse before it's better right? Sigh ah well

    1. You are very stupid..Ghana changed their currency about 12 years ago, and it been bigger than than just didn't happen now..It a Damm embarrassment, just cos u saw Ghana..smh

    2. Anon 9:32 you're calling someone stupid, yet you don't know that ghc changed in 2008. That is not 12 years ago you fool.

  9. Jehova God in the up above!!!.God we ask for your mercy in our country Nigeria

  10. Is it still acceptable to call Nigeria the "giant of Africa"? So sad...Lately, I've been reading alot of articles on the President's pessimism about "Change", and how he might not be able to do the needful. Hmmmmmmmm

    1. U haven't told us who sunshine is,since u know everyone on this blog with your multiple personalities here.

  11. God will deliver Africa in general.

  12. Why is the exchange rate of Libya and Morocco high? It's suppose to be the same as others jor.

  13. Hmmm may God help us in naija

  14. Where is the change Buhari promised?
    I pray things don't get out of hand before 2019 because Buhari has no plans for Nigeria...when is he traveling again?

  15. Did this come from the CBN orfrom the usual useless suspects?

  16. Did this come from the CBN or from the usual useless suspects?

  17. See Ghana o.
    Wtf is happening?
    How did we get here?
    Emefiele needs to go.

    1. Why do u guys disrespect Ghana so much??..Ghana changed their currency about 13 years ago..and it always been valuable than the niara since then..Y'all should be reading...

  18. I pray for my country, it's is well.

  19. Giant of Africa...... Bull crap! This country is full of crap!

  20. OMG! ...and this is the giant of Africa?
    Please the relevant authorities should do something about this, this is insane! !

  21. Bubu which way?

    Pls o members of bvn in Jos,any sex toy shop here?help a sister b4 conji kill me.I don't want to cheat ooo.

    Stells pls post its urgent.

    1. So helping myself makes me a pervert huh?if u cant help pls swerve!

  22. No matter how we try to hide it. The reality is that Buhari is a failure,a disgrace to leaders around the world.
    The economy was better handled under the last govt.Just look at the shameful exchange rate. This is not what Nigerians expected under Buhari presidency.

  23. Jesus!...
    Check out the Ghana cedi...OMG!...
    This is unbelievable!...Ghana of yesterday..
    Nigeria is finished!...

    1. Ghana changed their currency..Why are u guys so bothered about Ghana, instead of your economy? ?

    2. Ghana isn't "of yesterday" please. Even when cedi was almost worthless paper, they had industries and were building up their economy. They were thinking more exports and less imports and it has worked for them. Besides, Ghana gained independence earlier, so they should be big brother

  24. It is well, we r getting there.

    1. Getting to where? We r moving in reverse nd u say we are getting there. Where exactly is the there u are talking abt? I'm scared of ur there

  25. It is shameful. Buhari is a big failure, a disgrace to leadership. The economy was better handled under the last govt This is not what Nigerians expected when they voted Buhari into power. It is really sad.

  26. Heheheheheheheehehehhehehe
    Been happy 4 some days now.....can't just explain it

    1. Madness has a starting point. Your happiness might just be it

  27. Small small, Naira go soon carry last patapata

  28. O ga o. God help us.

  29. Ohh dear Naira Rest in Peace.Chaii.

  30. God will have mercy on us.

  31. With just 1k dollars,am ok for my business.
    Chai,see exchange rate sha

  32. With just 1k dollars,am ok for my business.
    Chai,see exchange rate sha

  33. In God we trust. We will go pass this storm.

  34. Stella, those are official rates pls. Our official rate is N198. The 1 USD to N400 is the black market rate. CBN has stopped selling to the BDC so what they do now is go outside the country to out-source dollar by themselves, and because they have to cover the cost and the risk of getting dollars from another country, the BDC had to hike the price. Besides they need to make profit.

    The official rate is high because of over dependence in Oil. We all know the price of crude oil is nose diving daily ( from $140 to $20+). So the balance of payment is in deficit, hence the high impact on our exchange rate.

    One of the ways to prevent it's deepening impact is to totally discourage import of any kind, otherwise, our official rate will probably be worse than the current black market rate. So CBN is saying " If we can not sell/export to earn foreign currency, then we should not buy/import anything. If however it's unavoidable to buy, then go through the the bank". Besides, going through the bank means you have a legit business and a genuine need for the currency( this check corruption as well). On the long run, if this is sustained, it will make us look inwards and appreciate our own products, while government also will look at other areas of earning foreign currency.

    It's deeper than this though but this is the simplest I can break it down to.


    1. Plz on your way to UK or USA or anywhere u need foreign currency tell the malam changing for u that official rate is 198 or tell the government who gave u this rate to change the naira to dollar's for u.
      How has the official rate helped us mumu.

    2. God bless you real good for your intelligent comment,if we must build our economy to be robust, and be self reliant as a nation ( to an extent) then we must endure this for a while. We must believe in our products and work to better the not so well produced ones, only the materials that can not be produced locally wld be imported, we wld export our products too, Naira ll regain strength and dollars here ll die a natural death. (Pardon my typos)

    3. Anon 10.12, thank you. I don't expect everyone's brain power to carry my discuss above. Anon 9.36, you are forgiven!


  35. Everyone is talking about buying local, but no one is entering bush to go and collect raw materials. We still dey import raw materials for local production.
    BTW Stell's are these bank rates or black market rates? Cos most of those figures are even lower than what obtains on ground.

    1. The people asking us to go local don't go local .
      Aisha buhari had never worn made in Nigeria saris.

  36. Where are going to in this country? D come to our aid.

    1. Hian! Grammar gi bu 'cock n shoot'...

    2. English muderer

  37. Replies
    1. Yorubaaaa!!!! It's save, not safe.!!! Aaahhhh!!!!
      You people always make this mistake

  38. Chai! God punish devil. Le kwa Ghana of yesterday o.

    I want port oooo.

    1. Why are you guys just talking about ghana like say una still dey live in yhe 80's?
      Ghana slashed zeros off their currency years ago. They successfully pulled through the initial discomfort without making noise like most Nigerians are doing now. Maybe that's why most of you didn't hear.
      Our own na just to dey cry and abuse government. Tighten your own belt, una no go gree.

    2. @Flake. .don't mind them...Most Nigerians are very polite..Not

  39. Stella it aint 400naira to 1 dolls.....Inform urself will u????

  40. Ignorance is NOT bliss!! So Ghana removed a bunch of zeros from their currency (redenomination) then suddenly their currency is stronger??!just had the zeros that existed before and see what come up with...their is fairing much worse..Africa's problem is and will always be import vs export parity

    1. Why are u guys so concern abut Ghana??..Face your econimy; and leave Ghana alone..Ghanaians didn't beg Stella to add them on this list

  41. I love it. Nigeria needs to sink to the bottom for her people to face reality. Fake people every where. Nigeria is the giant of.Africa just as one alcoholic imbecile village is known as Ome ego. What is in a name?

  42. Abeg which country our NAira big pass their own. I wan go vacation, exchange rate no gree. As long as it is not somalia sha

  43. Did you check their exchange rate against dollar and compare the market value? bloggers should be more informative and creative with your writings. Gosh

  44. 1 Cedi is 75naira, yes they redominated but what has that got to do with the fact our Naira is loosing value. You know cotonou, benin, would refuse your naira sharply claiming " e no get value"


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