Stella Dimoko #Naijapolice Trends On Twitter


Monday, February 22, 2016

#Naijapolice Trends On Twitter

This is what Nigerians are saying about the Nigerian Police.....OMG!..*Wink*


  1. Replies
    1. Kikikikikikikikikikikikikikikiki
      I love this country

  2. The highest bidder always wins, no matter the offence.#NaijaPolice#

  3. The rot in the system though. Naija police wey go snitch on you, say na you give dem info.

  4. The strongest Police Force in Africa #naijapolice

  5. Nigerians are all talk, always ranting about something, creating stupid hashtags or trying so hard to be unnecessarily funny, making lame jokes out of every situation, our leaders know these about us so will never take us serious, they know what ever they do, we rant for a day, by the next, we make "funny" memes of it, laugh it off and life goes on.

    It's so sad that, though we're educated, we act like illiterates, the internet still amuses us.

    The country is in shambles and we keep coming up with stupid hashtags that solve nothing forgetting to ask the important questions!

    Yesterday it was #OnlyInNigeria,
    Today, Monday morning, it is #NigerianPolice, enough of all these inane distractions pls, we need to think of how to bring this country out of this mess!

    Our leaders have failed us, need we fail ourselves?

    These stupid hashtags and memes aren't funny anymore!


    1. Ehen if not to you it is funny to others.. go kiss stone

    2. Oga chill.. why so quick to condemn na. As you have been thinking of how to bring out the country from the mess. What has been your impact? Abeg leave us who can laugh to laugh biko.

    3. Oya start thinking and stop ranting cos it doesn't make you different from these ones.
      And its 'in a shambles'. Not 'in shambles'. And yeah I know it doesn't sound like its the correct deal, but it is.

    4. Sharonna is right, if uhavd travelled out of this country to any European country, u would cry for this country, I don't find any of this funny at all, people will stil be maltreated by the police today as we are commenting, while uk police de come rescue cat for street, it's really painful

    5. Seriously, people making jokes and merriment aboard a sinking ship.

  6. Some #naijapolice are nice o. One just stood up for me to sit after standing got 10minutes in a Brt Bus. Early Monday morning kindness.
    Meanwhile last year one stopped my car bcs my driver was on phone all my plea proved abortive until he asked for my phone number n I gave it out. The rest is history.

    1. What type of backwardness is dis ? Last year u were in car (air conditioned) with a driver and dis year u r in brt. ..I reject and eject any form of backwardness in ur life my sister..amen!

      Na joke o

    2. Yeah. Some are nice, but you get those ones early in the mornings as brain never tick off. One van actually gave me a lift to the bus station one early morning as it was very dark (5am) and I was on my way to work. They passed and reversed back to ask where I was getting to. I told them and they said I should hop in.

    3. Na WA for this kind life. Last year u had your car this year u are in brt lmao.
      Go for deliverance and don't come here saying your car was faulty coz u had options of taking a cab since u can afford a driver.

    4. So just today they made the post as Stella was writing it the police man stood up for u? What a coincidence.

    5. Empire n anon u both need deliverance, if u think everybody in a BRT is poor then your brain is due to SERVICE.
      Come to Lagos ull know the diff between private cars, danfo n brt.

      I shouldn't reply u

  7. Crazy set of people - Naija Police.

  8. how far for the weekend madam, help your boys #naijapolice

  9. #Naijapolice....always the first to run into the bushes when at checkpoints,and they hear gunshots....then immediately change into muftis.Chai!!!

    1. They are not patriotic, see d way white peoples fight for their country and are ready to serve

  10. Mtchewwww! Useless fellows. My neighbor's father is a policeman but if u ask her what her father does 4 a living, she'll tell you he's a farmer. Lol... babe is so ashamed.

    Police and their lack of sense

    1. Liar u are the one

    2. Jasmine this is not Saturday ihn
      I have come across some reasonable classy n nice police men

  11. Only in naija...policeman will stop ur car, and instead of asking for your car papers, will start with prayers for you and ur family before begging you for chop money.

  12. I dislike police with a passion

  13. I have never seen or met a reasonable police officer.

  14. naija police i raise yansh for una o.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Ask nwa amaka she be jack of all trade she is into visa application and she sells bags too so she might also be into this.

    2. NWA Amaka is in Abuja not Benin or delta

  16. #Naijapolice the most unreliable sets of douche bags ever!!
    No chill wotsoeva.

  17. I still love the way the police men helped me to collect debt from a stubborn man. They locked him up until he paid up. Yes I settled them handsomely.

  18. You fools forget to ask yourself.. How much are they earning as there salary that will much them to waste their lives for, leaving their wife, children nd families in pain. How much is police salary, the one that Jesus christ die on the cross for your sake is OK police are human beings like you, their body is not bullet prove, with the poor salary.

    1. Choi, police man or police man family, Pele!

    2. Them force them enter the job
      If bcox thier salary is small they can't protect citizens then they should leave d job na, instead of adding to the problems.. Imagine d lame excuse u r giving on their behalf.. Abeg abeg abeggi joor

    3. *Bulletproof. They are not proving anything to the bullets.

    4. Just shut up mamannuku, keep quite if u dont anything meaningful to say.

  19. Naijapolice equal to bribery, robbery, corruption and all other evil things one can think of

  20. #Give u unsolicited Escort in traffic and demand for Settlement when u get to ur destination.

  21. Aunty stella please report this story in the light that the event was intended.
    It was an interactive session and to show good light on the Nigeria Police force and indeed it was successful. Please use the hash tag and not make mockery of the progress made.
    It's true Nigerians make a joke out of everything but this is undermining the whole process and progress.

  22. i wont join in dis silly hashtag.Enof already!!!
    If u pay people well and ensure that their welfare is taken care of,they wont misbehave.How much does the average police man earn ?
    HE puts his life @ risk always..I've always bin meeting very nice p0lice men so i do nt have any negative story to tell...Yes there are a few bad eggs,buh lets nt generalise pls..lets be sensitive and face d major issues besetting us as a country and find a way to wriggle out of them rather than make a 'particular set of Nigerians' an object of ridicule always.
    Happy new week Stella and fellow BVs'!!!

  23. I have bin caught coz I went out to get mosquito coil.. They saw the coil with me o nd still caught me.
    Those people r bunch of irresponsible idiots. They are the cause of this country problem, they should all b relieved of this sham they call a profession abeg.

    1. I do not understand.
      Where you disallowed from buying mosquito coil as a woman? Kindly explain?

    2. Yes that's bc it was late and u were dressed as a prostitute and your area is filled up with prostitute why won't they arrest u. Mosquito coy Kor. In this jet age that us what u are still using oya apply for giveaway insecticides.

    3. Annony 9:56 u r d only one that deserve a reply jare.
      I went outside my house to get coil, their van was packed at the bus stop very close to d mallam I was buying coil from.
      After I paid and collected my coil, was walking back and they walk up and say why r u wandering about it late. U r under arrest for walking about. They call that act raiding!
      There were lot of people in the van olready. Some came out to buy food, another woman was there had a baby strapped to her back according to her she was going home after she jus closed from her shop, they picked her up nd said she was wandering.. Naija police is a shame

  24. No one is asking the police to die for us... Please stop calling people names @Anon 7:59. The police are not just doing their jobs and they look for slightest opportunity to indict innocent people. A friend was driving his car and some SARS guys stopped him to say he is an armed robber and he was driving a stolen car and blah blah... The guy was so dazed. They demanded for 20k to to close the case. So, they lied about a care being stolen and want to settle the case with 20k??? Please who do we report police brutality to? this is horrible. I have had my own personal experience with the Nigerian police too and it was not funny.

  25. Chysugar i so much love your comment, how much is police salary per month to compare to other countries... Our Nigeria police are suffering, ask your presido to do something about their salary if you want a better result from them.

  26. Only naija police will stop you and ask you to unlock your phone. What the heck do you want in my phone.

  27. Mamannuku even if you join the work, you will still protect yourself before others so shot up that your unbrush mouth because am perceiving it from where ever you are! Ewu npam.

    1. That is why I won't join the work. When they were signing up for the job no one forced them into it .
      You that ur mouth is well brush pls use ur well brushed mouth to tell your brother police to stop disgracing themselves up and down. It shallow minded people like you that is the problem of this country, not been able to speak the truth, your yeye police brothers leave what they are suppose to do and face what is no concern of thiers.. Tell them to stop collecting white (50) from bus drivers, on road side. Tell them to be useful for once and do the right thing.. Am sure your well brushed mouth will at least have sense to put them in order. Ewu kewu


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