Stella Dimoko Minister Says That Mosquitoes Carrying Zika Virus exists In Nigeria



Friday, February 12, 2016

Minister Says That Mosquitoes Carrying Zika Virus exists In Nigeria

THE Minister of Health, Prof. Isaac Adewole, has said that the mosquitoes carrying Zika virus are in Nigeria and urged Nigerians to protect themselves by using mosquito nets. 

He also called on Nigerians to remain calm, be vigilant and report any suspected case of an acute febrile illness in pregnant women, in particular, to any nearest health facility. 

Adewole made this disclosure at a press briefing, yesterday, in Abuja, where he explained that the mosquitoes were active and flying, adding that they bite during the day and early morning. He said: “Nigerian scientists working in Western Nigeria in 1954 discovered Zika virus in Nigeria. 

Further studies in the years 1975 to 1979 showed that 40 per cent of Nigeria adults and 25 per cent of Nigerian children have antibodies to Zika virus, meaning they are protected against this virus. “Despite the fact that some Nigerians are immune to the Zika virus infection as demonstrated by previous studies, it is important and advisable that Nigerians should be careful and protect themselves from mosquito bites. 

“There is no vaccine for Zika virus, and no cure other than rest, plenty of fluids and perhaps over-the-counter medication to reduce fevers, aches and pains as previously mentioned. This, therefore, means that prevention is most effective means of preventing transmission. “I advise all Nigerians, particularly pregnant women, to avoid travelling to countries infected by this virus in these periods. If however, you are to visit any country where Zika virus is now being actively transmitted, you are advised to protect yourselves from mosquito bites. 

“Pregnant women considering travel to affected areas may wish to consult their health-care provider prior to travel and after return. They should also practice personal and household steps to prevent mosquito, including putting mosquito repellant on their clothes and skin, wear long sleeves and pants, and sleep underneath mosquito nets at night, where possible.”

Vanguard reportage.

*Asking people to remain calm after dropping this kind of News is not wise...what measures have they taken to combat Zika when it arrives Nigeria?
Nigerians travel all over the world and it is just a matter of time before zika arrives Africa and Nigeria and na there wahala go start....
Are they giving out free mosquito repellant to start with?some people cannot afford it!


  1. Not our protion in Jesus name, amen. Check

    1. Idiot stay there and be saying not my portion,na who's portion e come be? instead of looking for preventive measures mtweeeeet monkey

  2. NA wa oooo, fear don dey catch me already

  3. The wahala in this country is enough already, Lord please we don't want zika to be another headache to worry about.

  4. Bimfem hair care products for Natural hair, edges and healthy hair. whatsapp (07032378915) bbm chanel (C0039356C)12 February 2016 at 08:32

    Stella repellant is affordable. It's #150-200 big size. I use it.
    They should get the made in Nigeria repellant.

  5. Replies
    1. Our body is already immune to the goddarn zikka

  6. I didn't see him mention how he knows that d mosquito carrying d virus is in Nigeria. Must dis people find a way to link us with every bad thing?

    1. I don't believe this man. Where is the proof that we have the mosquitoes here? Which research or tests were conducted??

    2. The zika virus is carried by Aedes mosquito or Aedes Egypti it is the same mosquito that transmits yellow fever.
      Don't we have cases of yellow fever here????
      We have the mosquito,,all we need is for someone with zika to come and supply our mosquitoes here. Then na imbecile republic get us cos no naija woman will agree to abort baby that is malformed until they see with their eyez.
      It is only a matter of time, Nigerian women will always go born for America and carry one US citizenship with Zika virus and come back.

  7. Really? It's the government's duty to stop the spread of if i may ask?
    From time immemorial mosquito treated nets have been given for free in some designated areas.only a few gets to take advantage of this whilst d rest wait for govt to bring it to their doorstep.
    Nigerians should stop claiming entitlement and rid their areas of mosquito breeding sites,clear their gutters and all (it isn't the job of d govt).
    Or rather should d govt force them to wear protective clothes or buy what ever form of insecticides they can afford.
    Wen the tenacity of the free insecticide treated net expires,what next? Shld govt go buy d chemical in soaking them in?
    Wldnt we all like to sit down and wait on the govt for everything.mtcheeew
    Better still d govt shld tell it's citizens not to have sex since it can be sexually transmitted right? Kmt.
    Our safety lies in our hands individually,its high time we understood this

    1. Madame elena,since u have become the mouth piece of the government why not tell them to fumigate the canals and gutters instead of giving us miserable mosquito nets that want to kill people with heat. Nobody can use mosquito nets without Ac or fan. In Nigeria there's no power supply. Pls tell them for us.

    2. Anonymous 10.57. Thank You. You just said my mind.

    3. Anon 10:57, be running your mouth there and don't do the nEedful. When you contract Zika, the govt won't even care, they will use you and collect more money from WHO.
      Is mosquito net air tight? How many people suffocate inside it? Can't you afford sonny/ binatone/ sumek rechargeable fan? They last 12hrs without light.
      Yet,,,you have data bundle for internet so you can come on blogs and talk nonsense.
      How many times per week should they fumigate?? When it is easier and safer to use net.
      Better embrace the net o, that is the only effective way. Since your internet data bundle is easier more important to you,,, happy Zika darl. #who cares.

  8. Zika was first discovered in 1954 he says? thank God our species of the virus is not the baby deforming in the belly type otherwise since that time casala for don burst in naija, when I tell people God loves naija specially they don't seem to comprehend, this is a practical eg. See how the virus is ravaging Brazil and other Latin American countries but not naija whose been hosting it for over60 yrs. Baba pls continue to watch over us, you know if zika is allowed to operate full force here like in other places of the world, the effects will be tantamount to tsunami, earthquakes of magnitude 9.9 scale, hurricanes Catarina and Jose all put together, what am trying to say is the natural end of the gigantic entity called naija. Baba help us we acknowledge we have no power of our own. The minister has spoken but has any serious solution being proffered? No, so in you we put our trust oh Jehovah..

    1. Haven't you seen babies with microcephaly in Nigeria? Educate yourself. Zika virus is not new. The link to microcaphaly is new.

  9. Zika in Nigeria come we are just hearing about it now? Nigeria which way? You guys are just saying it now cos u don't want to stop countries already infected from entering Nigeria.

  10. Hmmmmm, wahala! Nd Nigeria is full of mosquito, God will surely protect his people.

  11. Pls let it hold on till i deliver my baby abeg. Not my portion any way.

  12. Jesus help us. What kind of news is this?

  13. We have bin living with mosquitoes for decades malaria didn't kill us!
    Its IMposiBruuuuuuu! We are immune jare, thick skinned

  14. Why did he release this kinda news when there is no remedy at hand? Lassa now zika... olorun onije ki efon zika ba wa m'ole. God will not let zika mosquito meet us. Amen.

    1. May others copy your good translation qualities amen

  15. I hope this minister knows that by admitting to the world that some Nigerians have antibodies against Zika, he is inviting them to run a test with Nigeria. Abeg I get belle o, God protect us all.

    1. it by force? we will deny them the antibodies the way they denied us during Ebola.
      #pay back.

  16. Zika fever ko,na today mosquito don dey bite Nigerians ni?shuuuuoo

  17. Yes.. Our Gene is stronger than the ZIKA thing.. Oga Minister dont use as a medium to scam international communities..

  18. The health ministry that cannot find solutions to lasser fever, still telling people to remain calm. a disgrace to this nation.

    Nigeria we hail thee.

  19. Business don shele o !!

    Very soon you will see antiZIKA treated mosquito nets,
    Sprinkling salt for Zika prevention.
    Antizika Insecticide

    This isn't good enough, I've heard that the Zika virus affect students of AAU regularly... So sad..

    I expect that a vast sensitization programme should be on my now.

    1. I think it was the lassa fever that affected them nor zika virus

    2. So true, lassa not Zika. Thanks!

  20. I'm pregnant and already scared of this news God help....

  21. My People, Why do you think Mr Gates was in Nigeria of late?
    The true story is that Zika Virus Is a GMO Virus Developed for the sole purpose of d-population, Like most other Viruses. These is no different.
    The Virus is owned by J. Casals, Rockefeller Foundation.
    Same foundation that Mr Gate advocates for in different ways.
    More Info can be found at the
    ATCC Org Web Site

    1. Of course its an artificial virus

  22. Ebola that was a global deadly disease killed önly 5people in Nig in Jonathan's era while Lassa Fever under Buhari has killed about 120 people. Now Zika? U sef think am... No clue whatsover about anything. This administration is a shame.

  23. Hmmmm we are still combating lassa fever and now this,may God protect us from all this virus flying around

  24. God pls help us o
    I know u love us in dis country, pls, dont leave us cos our Government no send us at all.

  25. I don't believe him . This is how this people maliciously steal from us indirectly .

  26. I cover myself and unborn baby by the blood of Jesus christ. I have deliver a healthy baby. Amen

  27. This is a terrible news again in Nigeria.
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  28. The Minister is giving a disinformation to Nigerians.

    Source of Virus :Blood from experimental forest sentinel rhesus monkey, Uganda, 1947
    It has never been in Nigeria before.
    It was first released in Brazil, in a "Quest to tame the spread of dengue fever"(This is a straight out lie, It's all about depopulation).
    So the minster is either spewing information he has been given by his Puppet masters or He does not have a clue about what is going on around him.
    People should do some research before making statements to the public.
    read ATCC ORG

    1. Chai monkey them don suffer. Every virus, monkey name must feature. Either they are the ones who spread it, or they use them to test it, or they use monkey to transfer it from one part of the world to another .

      But I know Baba Yaweh, Elohim will not let us go down like that. God will fight for us. God punish satan for ever.

    2. That link that you sent in is written by a human being and they have the right to write what they want.
      Because he is Nigerian makes him a liar. Did you believe we will contain ebola without any forign aid?
      What is the Name of the mosquito that carry Zika? Is it not the Aedes???? Now Google is we have Aedes here????
      Illiterate slave to white man.

  29. God abeg oo...reverse every plaques away from our land......
    *faithful bv enemuwe thelma*

  30. Does he really know what's happening? Remain calm until when, even Lassa is gradually touching all states and d govt is busy looking for Tompolo.

  31. No wonder, i saw a mosquito that looks like that zika mosquito dis morning, thank God i killed it b4 biting me.

  32. Yahhhh thank God we are immuned. God loves us .

  33. In all this long speach no measures has been taken by the government to help prepare the peoples mine against the virus.except tha


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