Stella Dimoko End Time Pregnancy!...WTF!!!


Monday, February 22, 2016

End Time Pregnancy!...WTF!!!

Is this a Joke or what?Did the Bible tell us that Jesus Christ will have a son?


  1. Lol... Na her spirit husband.

    1. Stella Dimoko Korkus Awarded Blogger Of The Year By Nigeria Writers Awards.
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      Voting ends on February 26, and vote for stella Dimoko korkus (click on her name and make sure you click on vote beneath. Let's do it sdk way

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    2. End time belle..

  2. Hiaaaaannnn,wetin pesin no go hear

  3. See me oh

    I was so angry when I read this shit yesterday eh

    Girl are you kidding with me?
    Better open up and tell us who knocked you out.

  4. I red this last night but I no still understand till now.

    One trillion please fall in here. This is the real end time.

    1. No you pink it last night. PhD holder in anonymousity.

    2. Plus a professional degree in view

    3. *read. Normal typo

      Typing andd writing is different. Sometimes I don't get to press the button well.

      Just amazing and anonymous, na to keep tab on everything someone says here be una work abi. Nice job

  5. If she had the kind of Mother i have.......... The sight of the head of a fat broom on one hand and pestle on the other will make her sing her babydaddy's name........... Very sily talk..

  6. Probably her spirit husband sleeping with her, telling her shit.
    Or she's been abused and is afraid to mention the person's name.

    Click my name for all your celebration cakes and cupcakes, cheers

    1. Even spirit husbands don't impregnate people and it bulges out physically like this. Those who have spiritual husbands only see themselves pregnant in a dream or giving birth or playing with the children they gave birth to in d dream.

  7. Chei! Hasn't the name of Jesus suffered enough in the hands of world pple?

    Girl gbenshes her boify and becomes preggers,na Jesus

    Pastor uses magic to bring back 'dead' baby, it's in Jesus name


  8. All these can only happen in the end time...The end is really near!

    Remember.."many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many".

    Be wise!

  9. Her father or relative is probably the father and she do not wanna implicate the person reasons they tell such lies.
    Give her some time she would come out with the truth. Remember the little boy who claimed he died and saw Christ, how he cane back to say he lied and deceived everyone.

    1. My taught exactly, it could be her Dad, brother or uncle. Most of them give this line of story. Very sad.

  10. They should Check her Vjay to know her virginity status. N ensure she's not Jane the pregnant Virgin

  11. Lol. Please one trillion lemme borrow ur word.
    Endtime Jesus baby

  12. This girl don carry belle for spirit man. Her own is good. let her give birth na.

  13. When someone's mad but don't know how best to express it.
    If at all she was visited by "demons", she should go deliverance.

    1. Lol yet no one doubted MARY

  14. She go soon talk true when the baby feather emerges...kikikikiki

  15. Let her look for the real Papa.

  16. 2 things are possible here.

    1). Health issues
    2). She got banged in absentia(asleep or drugged)

    Young woman no no no, you are not carrying my Jesus' son. Thankiu.

  17. Is she for real? No she must be joking.

  18. Orisirisi.....if she was in America they could have found a name for her visitation

  19. She dey joke.. nobody can take mary's place.. mk she wake up go find the papa sharply

  20. Hian, if na joke make she stop am o

  21. Story for the gods!
    after hanging the legs and collecting the d.

    Except she was drugged n raped and the memory wiped outta her head and she didn't feel sore, then she should start telling who the nigga is.

    1. Can't you see she is a Muslim.

  22. Replies
    1. Just negodu. They better question her well jare.

  23. Abeg I no fit laugh. If na my mama born you, you for done confess who give you belle.

  24. They shld test n c if she's a virgin na

    1. Even virgins can get pregnant without penetration. If she plays rough play wih a man and he releases his sperm on top her puna via wanking,the sperm can trickle down through d same channel that her menses comes out frm and get her pregnant even with her hymen intact.

  25. Are u seriously asking!?? Her father probably did it. Stupid child.

  26. Sorry to digress.
    I was listening to love FM this morning (brekete family show) and a lady was complaining about a particular church and how she was ripped of her hard earned money totally 525,500.and my question is was how? She said the pastor told her that God wants to settle her for life. Finally they placed a call to the pastor and his response was that they should take the case to anywhere they want to nothing will happen. The pastors name is prophet thankGod Abbah. Ladies be careful God will never ask you for settlement money.

    1. ThankGod Abam not Abba. The commanding commander of fake pastors. Come here in ph and see how he sleeps with people's wives and even grandmother. Live that man's story for fake pastor's day.

    2. HAHAHAHHAHA @ Commanding Commander.
      Just amazing u'r just a clown!

  27. Stella, at least post a link now. Otherwise, na rumour you dey propagate or na traffic you dey look for.

  28. end time pregnancy! the so called angel that visited her must be a 15year old teenage boy. or maybe 19 year. wonder how they sat down and decided to cook up this story

  29. I wish u safe delivery ojare
    If u born him finish, let him be crucified and nailed on d cross. Don't worry he will resurrect back to you on the last day.

  30. It is that time of the month again nd aunty flo is here! I weeping bittterly! I know my God will answer me soon! God pls come to my rescue I am heartbroken bless me God with fruits of the womb in Jesus name Amen. Thank you Jesus

    1. God will do it,sooner than you think.
      Wipe your tears please.

    2. Hmm my sis,i can totally relate. It's bin one year and two months of waiting and hoping... month in month out nothing yet..God wld surely hear our prayers.Amen.

    3. Sorry buy ruzu bitters. My cousin is 4 years in marriage no issues but she took ruzu and now she is preggers. This is not advert pls.

    4. Better carry your husbands and go do tests. Most of there men are busy carrying trailer loads of bacteria that cannot even fertilise jack and be shooting blanks and you all might be thinking you are the 'causer'. God will do it foe you all, but first heed to this. I know what I am talking about.

    5. Don't worry, when you both leastt expected, God will do it. Be thankful. Its well

    6. Amen.And so shall it be dear Flo.

    7. And here I am critical for that I am 3 weeks late! I can't afford to have another baby.

  31. In reality, she was visited by a KS Prophet in full regalia in the middle of the night.

  32. Maybe his half brother. Jesus don reach to senior pikin or even get him own.

    1. Jesus get half brother . Your stupidity is absolutely amazing. I have gist on u by 2:pm.

    2. You didn't have to change your identity. Oh dear just amazing stupidly fellow, just stupidly bring it on. Fool

    3. Dont be silly. Even if the girl is crazy, you too as an adult will still joke with the name of Jesus? Show some respect please.

    4. U don't say! Setting alarm for 1:59pm!!!

  33. I feel time will tell if is true, there is nothing hidden under d sun that will not sure come out.

  34. In #OneTrillion#'s comment and probably voice , I say end time delusion.
    Psychiatrist needed!

  35. Hahahaha,kikiki.she doesn't want to dosclose d identity of the inserter.

  36. Hahahaha,kikiki.she doesn't want to dosclose d identity of the inserter.

  37. Wat should i say on this... Hard to believe shaa, which angel?

  38. Yinmu.

    She might have been drugged and didn't know when one 'kin kan' entered.

    Sorry gal.

  39. Stella see you question sef! Jesus Christ will have a son ke! So is she Jesus' wife? no let me laff abeg. Another Maria is here abi. Na true.

  40. Lmaooooooo....... Jesus wan get pikiin

  41. Is she for real? I just don't know what to make of this.

  42. I have a 3months old baby i just found that i'm pregnant. What pill can i take. Have gine through d/c while single,i can't go through that again

    1. Which pill?
      If it was a single girl now,you will cuss her out meanwhile married men and women commit the most abortions.

      Keep your baby.

    2. Please leave that pregnancy and take care of your baby.

    3. Pls don't touch dat pregnancy for God sake,i know ow u feel but pls don't terminate it.

    4. Keep ur baby, my elder sis is older dan me with just 12 months. U better keep that child. We look like twins n deceive ppl most times.


    5. Sorry my sister,I knw how u feel. May God help us. I am on the same boat,though my kid is a lytl older. I am so shy and I feel ashamed. I knw ppl may make remarks but I hv accepted it as a gift from God and I just pray for him to surprise us d same way he gave us dis gift. Pls keep it if u can. I had already gone to d hospital to get it done,but d dr gave me an advice and said a story of a woman who while giving birth to her 2nd child lost her womb. Permanently sterile from delivery. That no one knows who dis child may become. I cried my eyes out d day I decided to keep it. Only for d grace of God I checked and discovered it is d oda sex from my first child and I am grateful.

    6. Madam, if you touch that child, you will write chronicles of bad luck. Carry that child and be careful next time.

    7. Madam keep the baby, there's nothing to be ashamed of. It happens sometimes, but you will need an extra hand to help you around the house. You will be thankful you kept the baby after delivery.

  43. Now I am sure this world will soon send.

    331 comment 2016

  44. Let me add that this girl probably believes what she is saying due to her religious background as a Christian. What I am saying is everything should be considered instead of just concluding by alleging that this might be a case of madness, possession etc y'all know our usual assumptions now ;D

  45. I think Hot Fm "pilfers" news from SDK. Lol

    Hi Nwamaka.. saw your comment late ooh,collect these sloppy kisses from me..... to Uuuuuu

  46. Eeya! This story doesn't make sense, my conclusion is the girl is not well o!

  47. Little girl say the truth and mention the person.
    To me, it could be her uncle, brother or other relatiives or probably she's hallu...

  48. And where is One Trillion when you really need to read his comment?.
    A perfect post for his cliché. My favourite BV he is by the way.

  49. Let's wait nd see wat she will give birth to.....

  50. What might have happened to her is that one of these drugs being used these days by bad boys have been used on her in a drink, she was then raped and woke up not realizing due to the drug which effect is very dangerous.

    Or, someone very close... and I mean very close.. blood relation like brother, uncle or father is responsible and they are hiding it.

    Anyway, time will tell because the truth will come out sooner than latter


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