Stella Dimoko Doctors In House Section



Thursday, February 11, 2016

Doctors In House Section

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Hello Stella ....
Stella I'm soo depressed right now typing this to you.I'm a young girl 28 years of age with a wonderful family and 3 year old baby.Aunty I have been trying to get pregnant since last year but its not working.anytime I see my Period I feel like dying.

You know the way pregnancy symptoms is similar to period symptoms.So I will feel my breasts being heavy and all thinking I'm pregnant then 'gbam' my period comes.
I have been to the hospital , run several tests but they say everything is fine.I have taken Clomid etc but its not working
One pharmacist friend advised to take a drug called M2Tone but I haven't seen anything yet.

I need a sibling so bad for my daughter cos she has no one to play with, we live in an world is turning upside down.

Dear Bv's if anyone has gone through this please share your experience with me cos I'm so depressed right now.My husband is not really bothered cos he says I have enough time to try for a second one but what if in 5 years time I still don't get pregnant again.Bv's should please help me out with some of the medicines they took that helped them .thank you
God bless you .


  1. have one u r complaining like this. I dont understand so what will I do now??ehn....pls stick to your drugs n stay grateful to God. If He did it before He will do it again okay.

    I am TTC too and I am hopeful.
    277 comment 2016

    1. Abi. We are here looking for our first one. Don't even have time to fuck boo. Plus I'm gay sef so I don't look forward to fucking her.
      Stupid ingrate.

    2. @ANONYMOUS what? Why did you get married? To deceive your family? Wonders shall never end...

    3. 11:26, you are twisted.
      Were you forced to get married?

    4. Stupid people! So because she already has one, she shud not try having anoda, abi? If u r a contractor and land a contract, won't u go out sorting for anoda? Her family is obviously well to do, hence d inclusion of them living in an 'estate' and she can provide for 3-4 children. It is he who wears d shoe that knows where it hurts @ different smile. U r trying to conceive for d first tym, she on d oda hand is trying 4 a second child, u both wear different shoes and u therefore have different opinions. My dear just try n relax, eat well, b prayerful and fuck ur hubby lyk ur lyk depended on it and everything will in2 place, OK? Dnt let dese blood sucking vampires called B.V's murder ur spirit.

    5. Please put your mind at rest, then take buy agbo for purge 200naira and cleanse/flush your system from all those hard drugs you took. Buy your ovulation/pregnancy test kits and always test your self to know when you are ovulating. This works like magic.(you can start taking folic acid + b12)after cleansing your system. Pls make love to your husband with sense.

    6. And Y''all saying she is not grateful should go and sit down.So cos she has one she dosn't have the right to ask God for another abi???Shit happen!

  2. Be patient my dear
    Ur babies will soon come o.k

    1. You are taking fertility pills and still asking bvs what to take?Relax yourselve and stop taking drugs here and there.What kind of txt did you run?Have u tried using ovulation prediction kits to ensure that you actually ovulate?Anxiety is your worst enermy right now.Relax your self..haba..You can go on pregnacare.

  3. Turn to God. Thats the option that finally work for people who lost hope.

  4. Madam you really need to calm down.. Anxiety doesnt work with prego. You really really need to calm your nerves madam. Calculate you ovulation period,have sex every other day, take alot of water and also pregnacare conception(1 daily), beleive in God have sex and enjoy it, after every sex you can suspend your legs for at least 15mins inugo? And more importantly, relax relax, calm down o!If you too dey worry , the sperm no go work o! calm down and pray.


    1. Well spoken, Jobless house wife. You sabi d thing.

  5. All hope is nt lost
    Continu 2 trust in dere LORD.
    He has done it bfore he can stil do it again #faith#

  6. Better give God the glory,I am dieing to have just one.

  7. Please calm down. Your tension can even make your body hostile.

    Keep praying hard.

  8. Nne you have 1 and your not grateful. Maybe you should give out the one you have to understand what those TTc are going tru.
    In the end, keep a grateful heart and get a job to keep your mind off if and see how you will get preggie unexpectedly.

    1. Thank you. Some people don't even have one and she's complaining.

  9. Be anxious for nothing, but in prayer and supplication make ur request known to God.

  10. Enter your comment...
    May jah bless all ttc this year just like he did Hannah.its not easy at all,waiting to read educative suggestions.

  11. Madam dont be greedy? some people are crying for one.. you want to kill yourself. It is not late. you can kill yourself.

    Be happy and dont let it worry you. It will come afterall you are not the one that put the first one here. It was God. So let God do His work on you.

    secondly jare, I need to know the advantage of Nzuh, Uloh or call it calabar (the one that has no salt). i find out that i am longing for it too much. I need to know why it is so

  12. God has done it before..He can do it again. Don't lose hope!

  13. Madam u shd be grateful u even have one o. I know pple who have none and are praying to have just one like u. Anyway be hopeful, God will answer ur prayers in Jesus name. Its ur desire and I believe God will do it for u

  14. I hope in the desperation for a second baby you don't take a drug that will completely ruin your chances of ever conceiving. Why don't you focus on raising your baby (3yrs is still a baby) while you trust in God for another...shebi he gave you the one you have without you having to take drugs...

  15. While TTC, try and be relaxed cos anxiousness will do u more harm than good.

    1. Exactly she how she's panicking u will think she has never come close to being pregnant b4. Let's be grateful, sometimes that's all it takes.

  16. if u are not greatful for the one GOD has given how do u expect him to give u another one? Thank him and see what will happen.UNGREATFULLNES IS what is stopping u.start dancing that u ave one.

  17. Be grateful for the one you have and praise him for the one he will do, quit worrying and enjoy your family. He will do it when you least expect. I understand how you feel, av been trying for six years now i don't av any yet but i know he will do it soon. Arrange play date for your baby it will happen for you

  18. Exactly my story. Av been trying for one year two months now after marraige to no avail.ur lucky u even have one.i don't hv any. I took clomid it dint work for me ..thinking of doing herbs now...God pls hear my cry!!!

    1. Your prayer is been will give testimony in Jesus Amen.

  19. U have one child already and u still feel like dying cos u want another....
    While me am still praying for one and I pray it will not get to the point where I will feel like is well with me in Jesus name.

    1. I pray for you,My God will put a Smile on your will carry your on own child soon Amen

  20. See a gynaecologist darling.

  21. This life I read through your post,what kept coming to my mind is ''you're an ungrateful lady"......what do you have to say to those who've been TTC for long witot a single miscarriage not to talk of a child...
    *faithful bv enemuwe thelma*

  22. You already have a kid of 3yrs and you are complaining.....what if you dont have at all, what would u do? Kill ursef?....just keep thanking God for this one he gave you....with time you ll get pregnant and av anoda baby.....dont u even know as u r worried myt affect u from concieving

  23. Poster you have taken clomid, you say?
    Now stay off that and such medication for the next 6-12 months for any positive result. Above all relax and be prayerful. You will get pregnant at the right time.
    good luck.

  24. Please keep calm watch God bless you soon.

  25. you need to relax and take your mind off it, it will come.

  26. I hope u r nt among those dt experience Ime elephant?Y nt try garlic & scent and bitter leaf & scent leave then pray on them b4 drinking.(Talking 4rm experience) & it has worked 4 so many.God c u 2ru Amen.

    1. I chew garlic often. enlightene me more on the garlic and scent or bitter leaf, how do I prepare it and how does it work?

  27. Calm down. God is in control.
    It's not by power or by might.
    Children are gifts from God.

  28. Hello Poster,

    I have been through same, all the years of worry didn't help me but the moment i took my mind of it and stopped worrying it happened! i didn't even realized i was pregnant until 3mionths had passed .
    TTC is a waiting period and if you are too paranoid about it the longer you are going to wait. Conception na divine arrangement, do your part by taking your meds and rest your mind in time (however how long) you will conceive.

  29. MADAM, please appreciate God will you? Look at you complaining bitterly because of 2 years delay??? you need to ask God for forgiveness and start singing songs of praise. You have failed to acknowledge what God did for you while complaining bitterly about what he has not done.

  30. Mrs, you are very impatient! So far, God has blessed you with one child, what about people like us who cannot even carry a foetus? Be grateful for your life! Exercise some patience and in due time, God will surely favour you. You have between 10 or more years to add to your family, no drama!

  31. Just relax ur mind n hope 4 d best,most times when u put mind pregnancy does not come,just remove ur mind from it nd b4 u know u will conceive, wish u all d best dear.

  32. Na wa ooo.. u r so ungrateful. Some dont even have food to eat yet u have a home, a hubby, a beautiful healthy daughter at age 28. Why cant u just be happy nd content nd let God do his wonder when d time is right. U even say ur world is upside down.. Chai, dear lord shine your light of mercy towards me nd give me some this lady's blessings

  33. Hmmmmmmmmmm........Baba God please pick up the call I want to be called a mother.....TTC since 3years every month the anxiety sets in and depression follows. May our prayers be answered and be grateful for what you have

  34. We are currently in the same boat. My son is turning 4 soon. However, I am extremely grateful for him because I know many are looking for 1. In as much as it is not forthcoming according to your timetable, remember all things work for good. Keep trying, keep the faith and soon we shall smile...

  35. Anxiety and nervousness could be the cause,put your mind at rest and pregnancy will surely come,and again it could be secondary infertility since you already had a daugther so I will advice you continue with your drugs,good luck.

  36. Madame,pls focus on keeping yourself happy and stop bothering. You have daughter,what Of those that don't have kids at all.
    Your mood and disposition affects the process of TTC. Just keep trying and praying. Keep yourself happy. It wld work out. Also read up secondary infertility

  37. Learn to stay thankful for even that one child you have. Thank God for it everyday bcos there are other women who long so much to have even one child but cannot.

    Another: Take ur mind off it. Stress can also delay ur taking in. Relax and take ur DH advice. Stop worrying and be thankful to God abeg.

  38. Madam u hav one and u ar complainin like this, It is well, jst be prayerful and the others will follow suit, put ur mind at rest and trust me u wont even know wen ur bundle of joy will be planted...

  39. It will all work out for good..chill

  40. U must be a very ungrateful woman.. So many women who are TTC have not even missed period, while some are battling with miscarriage, but u have one already nd ur already this desperate for another one?? how do u expect God to bless u with this kind of ungrateful attitude? u sound like someone who's jobless, try get something doing that will keep u busy nd take ur mind of baby factory 4 now.. above all pray nd show gratitude to God he'll answer u soon! Shalom!!!

  41. Poster abeg chilax jor.
    What are u disturbing urself for?
    U re still very young and still have time for bearing more children.
    All these ur thinking and running around will even give u more stress, dere making it hard to take in.
    Have Faith in God, it is never too late with God, not even in ur case sef.

  42. ummm....take a chill pill

  43. you seriously need to calm down. i have 4years gap between my son and the twins, though it was delibrate, but, i do not think 3years is too much. Anxiety sef no dey let belle stay. Take your mind totally off it, that's the best way it can work and be very careful with the fertility drugs so you don't end up with triplet or more except you are ready for it. God will definitely do it.

  44. The way you're sounding its like you don't have any, my husbands junior brothers only son will be 14 in October and the wife is very calm about it all. I admire such spirit, worrying will not solve the problem, if you've taken your drugs as prescribed by a gynecologist and prayed as you ought then go to sleep, as a matter of fact now is the time for unprotected nyok of your sweet life and you must do it whenever,wherever and see what the master creator will do in your life in Avery short while. Pls stop taking medications prescribed here or by quacks so you don't compound issues tnx.

  45. Poster,put your mind at rest your baby will come at it's own time.cos you keep worry and your state of mind is not focusing.just keep calm.I only hv one son I thank God for it.

  46. All of u saying she is ungreatful, so she shouldn't desire another child bcos she has one already??? Is 3yrs not enough for her to want another child?? wa for una o.

  47. If the problem you have is that your child doesn't have someone to play with @ 28 pls give me the one you have so you won't be worried about someone not having someone to play with.

  48. My dear, please don't be pressured by the people around you and relatives asking when you are going to give your child (aburo) it can be annoying and depressing at time and be grateful to God for the one you have for now he will surely answer you in Good time our prayer is that it should not be too late.#ttc#

  49. Reading comments here,it means secondary infertility is common ooh.

    This life no easy sometimes. When will this Rat race end?

    God will do it madam.

  50. See a gynaecologist, to run some test. Secondary infertility has a cure

  51. Had miscarriage last year, and believing God he will do it dis year.
    I know he has done it already o I no dey shake one bit!
    If devil come with him thought I will just fire am, that's de spirit

    Cos my bible says that I shall not be barren! # head high walks away#

  52. Had miscarriage last year, and believing God he will do it dis year.
    I know he has done it already o I no dey shake one bit!
    If devil come with him thought I will just fire am, that's de spirit

    Cos my bible says that I shall not be barren! # head high walks away#

  53. Madam,first of all, try to be at peace. Anxiety and worry doesn't help you conceive at all. Remeber that after Hannah poured out her heart to God,she didn't repeat that particular prayer again meaning that she took her mind off it because at the end of the day,it is God who gives and secondly,worry isn't good for the conception process.
    The 'clomid' you took,was it with a doctor's prescription? Pls i'd advice you don't self medicate because of desperation. Clomid dries up cervical mucus and creates hostile ones which doesn't help the sperm to swim to their destination. It also increases fibroid for those who have fibroid o that's why it is safe to take based on what your gynae advices.
    I'd advice you work with a very good gynae,take your prenatal like folic acid or pregnacare and most importantly,you tell God about it.
    You daughter will definitely have a sibling. All the best.

  54. I feel ur pain, i have two one boy and a girl and am 28 also and i ve been ttc for 2 month now....dont worry God will answer our prayer just be positive.Bvns pls stop with the insult

  55. Madam calm down Anxiety does not help. Here i am wishing for one. God please pick up my call as i know you can see how much i need this. Is not easy especially when you are in your mid 30s.

  56. My sister i thank God for you, you can boost of one lovely daughter, compare to others who are looking and begging God for one, God will grant our heart desires all.

  57. Sis, you really need calm down and stop being too anxious. I won't judge you because I've never been in your shoes before (grateful to God for that) but I do know that anxiety isn't going to help. He has done it before, he'll do it again. Enjoy the time you have with that precious one and keep praising God. You'll soon testify.

  58. May God bless you with a child this year in Jesus name amen


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