Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitors Narrative



Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Chronicle Of Blog Visitors Narrative



Hello Stella,

I hope you are doing good. I must say you are doing a good job and God will continue to bless you.

Something is happening to me and i want to know who it has happened to and how they coped. First of all, my husband is a confident man with a good dose of ego. I find that sexy and i still do but then for someone with all of this ego to come home yesterday night and prostrate to me fully on the ground and start begging me just beats me.

There is this girl that i took as a sister and she comes around our house a lot. This girl finished from UNILAG with a first class and i love smart people. Her dad died somewhere along the way and finance got hard. I talked to my husband and he paid her project money and fee and all and even after service, he got her a job in same place he works. I love this girl and even though she is making more money than me, i still buy her things and clothes whenever there is a wedding and we have to go together.

This girl has got a body to die for but i foolishly believed that someone with 1st class has too much things on her mind than to put a man's matter on her head. She doesnt even talk like she is interested in men like that. She talks about being independent, don't live for a man, don't force yourself on a man, don't blah blah blah for a man but i was deceived.

Fast forward to the main thing, there was a trip about 10 people from my husband's company. She was there with my husband and they got drunk and had sex. She got pregnant and miscarried the baby at 5months but i didn't know. Hubby tried to retrace his steps but the girl won't let him. She keeps texting and calling. There was a time he changed his number but she got his new number from me but i didn't even know that was for this whole thing. She has threatened him with blackmail in the office that can get him sacked but he still wouldn't continue with her and now she is threatening to come to me and spill it all this weekend coming.

 My husband came home and prostrated, told me everything from A to Z and showed me text messages she had been sending. This girl is very very very intelligent, she will send messages that if anyone else read, you won't figure what she is trying to say. Only the person it is meant for will understand or if it is explained properly. My husband saved her number as 33022 so i think it's a promo call when i see that number ringing on his phone, i just end it. I don't snoop so i don't check his phone.

I don't even know what to do. I love this man but this drama is too much for me and i can tell he will lose his job very soon with the way this girl is going. 

Anyone had something similar? How did you handle it? Please let me know.

N.B: I have 2 lovely boys already and the idea of being a single mom scares me.

*I am honestly dazed....too dazed to be comprehensive.
WTF!!!..I dont normally like physical altercation but this ones needs the beating of her life!..SHEEDIOT!!!!
If she comes pull out her hair and re-arrange her freaking dentition...WTF!


  1. Reading comments.

    ******LONG LIVE SDK & SDKERS******

    1. Sorry to say this but from what I learnt from a similar situation,your husband isn't begging u because he's sorry but because he needs u to now back him up cuz his job is at stake.
      You don't even know the full gist,madam u need to hear from that girl no matter how painful,u need to get the full details.
      It will shock you.

    2. Madam don't leave ur home for the babe! Your husband has taken d bull by the horn by informing you. Pls show hm more care. You know how African mothers treat you with so much care and attention when you actually deserve the beating of your life. He'll get so scared that he will do the needful for he doesn't know ur plans. As for the babe just call as usual, and tell her you want to discuss something pressing with her,probably over lunch.when u meet her tell her calmly that u know what's up. Give her options of terrible things you'd have done to her but you just leaving her in trial mode.

    3. Madam!!!
      First of all, forgive your husband but not just yet. Get angry and give him a cold shoulder for sometime. Secondly, go into midnight battle for that girl. Strip naked and pray for her, mention her name, invoke her spirit and order her on what you want physically. Destroy her spiritually and physically she will be destroyed. She deserves NO MERCY @ all. Read psalm 109 and 35 every night for the next 21 days. When you are handling her spiritually, sit back and watch her downfall.

    4. The amount of hypocrites on this blog is alarming. They tell you to pray and fast with one mouth, tell you to hurt and blackmail someone with another. Even the one against abortion is happy she lost a child. The truth is your husband is only sorry because he knows that it's game over for him. Will he forgive you if roles were reversed? Do you believe it was a one night stand that got her pregnant? If yes, why didn't he confess to you immediately it happened? He wanted to hide it from you that's why he stored her number as 33333. the pregnancy even got to 5months. I am certain they have been gbenshing right under your nose for a longtime, I think he made promises to her that he didn't fulfill, that's why she's reacting like this. His problem at work was as a result of his mistakes. That girl is not your enemy Hun but your husband. If it were your sister will you forgive him that easily and bath her in acid? You have every right to be angry and pissed at your husband because he made a vow with you not her. I hope it's only her out there, the good part is that unlike other married men, he is remorseful. you definitely need to cut all ties with the girl and encourage him to report to the police on grounds of blackmail. It is his mess, he should clean it up. Then you have to think deep and decide the direction you want to marriage to go. A lot of women here are advising you to forgive the man and hurt the girl, it's women like them that cause our men to take us for granted, because they know once they prostrate and apologise we would forgive. Irrespective of if has STDs or not, the baby dying at 5months is nothing to be excited for. Someone betrayed your trust and love but what caught your interest is that he prostrated and begged. Indeed, you deserve to be treated better. I am a married woman and will not take it lightly with my husband if I were in your shoes. The ball is in your court...


  2. Chronicles is here:

    Where is BVN money maker?

    Where is BVN MMYFWWS?

    Where is BVN Juicee CHicChic?

    Where is BVN Ronalda?

    Where is lady IGO?

    I miss dia insightful contributions...

    Brb lemme read d chronicles

  3. Okpo!
    You took in a girl who isn't related to you.
    Are you sure your husband didn't marry her and you're just lying.
    You have no relatives of your own that you decided to take in just anyone to feed.
    The girl is good akpa lo n je.
    Better welcome her with opens arms into your home like you did the first time.
    She did nothing wrong, you laid your bed so lie on it like the good girl that you are.

    1. Stop reasoning with your arse....
      There times you'd seen an outsider I feel the urge to help them ....
      The above story could happen to anyone...even a relative can do the same.

    2. Common darling what are saying?? Like if you were in her shoes you wouldn't help her or anyone at that matter.. Nothing is wrong in her offering to help someone she felt was in need.
      Madam get your shitts together, try finding out from her , if the story hubby told you is true when she comes to spill, forgive you man if it true and give that bloody shediot the warning of her life that she will be left with shiver when she leave.. You got her the job and everything she is now, so the ball is in your court

    3. goat am sure u are sleeping around with any married mad dog u see. jst look at d useless advice u gave her oluku

  4. Chineke!!!! WTF!!!

    That babe is a devil mehn!

    But I ve mixed thoughts on ur husband's actions somehow.
    Drunk! Sex!! Ok o.

    Lemme just read comments but till then don't do anything stupid which u might regret later.

  5. HmmmmmmMm wots happening to men these n marriages? Scares me to high heavens... Women need to b really b watchful n prayerful.

  6. Na Wao, ur husband is a James bond, imagine wat he saved her with,ur husband is a useless man, of all d girls I lagos he chose a girl very close to u to fuck, but why would you allow a girl dat has a bomb pussy to be so close to ur man, she's not even ur sister, u are a stupid woman for trusting too much, I gat no advice for u cos I hate dullards like u.

  7. Like seriously, WTF?! Women should beware of the ladies they bring close to their families.

    Jesus is Lord.

  8. quoting from the third paragraph,

    ''This girl has got a body to die for but i foolishly believed that someone with 1st class has too much things on her mind than to put a man's matter on her head. She doesnt even talk like she is interested in men like that. She talks about being independent, don't live for a man, don't force yourself on a man, don't blah blah blah for a man but i was deceived''.

    Never you underestimate people, even Satan was an angel...

  9. Wow! She's the devil. Take Stella's advice, Fight for your man. Goodluck with that!

  10. Forgive your husband of course. But learn the lesson; intelligence; first class is not synonymous with righteousness. Only in Christ is there true righteousness. Begin to fast and pray; for the peace of Christ to permeate your family and husband's life too. Tell him to join you and fast; again that he does not lose his job. Do not approach this girl; you might loose it and it is not good for posterity and favor with God.

  11. Wa oh! Wa oh! Wa oh! "Omo ara aiye lee" ah! Ah! This is serious! I need to think about this one before giving advice. Ah! Ah! This is much!

    1. Madam, your chronicle just annoyed me to the moon and back. What a wretched ingrate! This is why some people never prosper or make progress in life. Imagine the temerity she has to inform you of a weekend visit to "report". Kai!
      This is what I would do if I where in your shoes.

      First of all, calm down. Your hubby has confessed to you meaning he adores you and doesn't want to lose you. Get his maximum cooperation to ward this rat off. You need to play your game accurately because this little bitch is out to break your home.

      Secondly, get her closest relations, friends, your in-laws to come around on the said date. Forget shame o. Keep them away from her view but make sure they can see and hear everything she has to say.

      when she comes, welcome her like you heard nothing. Listen to whatever she has to say intently. For her to be brazen enough to threaten your hubby to remain with her simply means that there's more to this story than your hubby told you. Just Let her speak, then play your joker. Tell your witnesses to come out. Tell them everything you have done for her, with proof(receipts et al) if possible. Disgrace her like there's no tomorrow. Make sure your hubby takes his own share of the disgrace cos it takes two to tango. If she still won't leave your home after this encounter, my darling please teach her an unforgettable lesson. Ninja style!

      What a motherfucker!

  12. Kai!...
    Poster,I will advise you to go spiritual on this girl...
    Me I will do anything to keep my man oh!...
    Keep your bible and church for one corner and deal with this girl..
    Common,your mans job is at stake here!...
    Visit any good jazz man that would scatter her brain...
    Infact,make the girl run mad small...that's how we treat people like her...
    Inukwa akuko!...

    1. Na wah o! E don reach like dat?

    2. Your daddy advices you to visit jazz men??

      When people come here to talk bad about your daddy please stop going about to insult them because you aren't a good example..

      You cheat on your husband visit jazz men, lesbian and other things you are yet to reveal and you still go to church and fight those who talk about your church

      Keep up

    3. Mouthed fellow,misleading people since 1900s

  13. Paramode activated
    My step mom & my dad's story
    My mom brought her in
    She has 3 kids for him now & they are still together
    Tick tock

    1. Wow
      This is why people help at arms length..

      Never bring in a girl /woman into your home. Even sisters self now swatch husband's talk more of those you are not related to

  14. Chro ti DE oooo
    End time chronic chronicles

  15. It has now been confirmed that it is not all the married men that chase single girls. I know single girls that dont let married men be...chasing them upanddan and even threatening to tell their wives.

  16. Sad post. I think he should let the girl come and open up to you. Then you can act pissed and mad so she buys it that she has broken your home,that way she wont go to the office to make more trouble. For your man,pray to God to help you forgive him because it will be very hard to look him in the eye again.

  17. Poster, calm down take a deep breathe. Let her come to you and expose your husband then you can get her locked up for blackmail. Tell the police she is blackmailing your husband because she wants him to sleep with her. Tell her your husband told you everything. Knowing book and being cunning is two different thing. Use Esther's might for her. Frame her up in such away that she will loose the job.

    1. U no know naija police babe

      That girls totoh has connections

    2. Totoh connection is above money connection

      With money you can do anything and ask the police to do your bidding..

      You don't know the power of money..

  18. Poster abeg drop her num here let bvns help you deal with her

  19. Why bite the finger that fed you?...some people sha

    Madam, u r d one to do d work here.

    First, u need to forgive ur husband.
    Then u two should work on this as a team, u'd be surprised at d amazing results u'll get, but forgiving him is key.
    Bless ur heart.

  20. "They got drunk and had sex" if your husband doesn't have feelings for her nothing will warrant that,did she follow him to his room, or he followed her to her room. Your husband told you cos the lady is not finding it funny after loosing her pregnancy. Why will your husband stoop so low in the first. God take control sha!


    1. He slept with her
      Realised his mistake and withdrew

      She started begging him up and down

      And threatening him

      And he doesn't to come clean

      Remember he has already stopped cheating before she decided to threaten him

      So the lady should forgive the husband abeg

  21. "They got drunk and had sex" if your husband doesn't have feelings for her nothing will warrant that,did she follow him to his room, or he followed her to her room. Your husband told you cos the lady is not finding it funny after loosing her pregnancy. Why will your husband stoop so low in the first. God take control sha!

    1. To even think that he slept with her without protection. Why are all this married men so careless?

  22. Forgive your husband please and teach the bitch a lesson she won't forget in a hurry

  23. Just wow! Men and thr ways! What got to me was d saving of her contact wt 3...... My dear,he's ur hubby n has strayed only to come back begging. But of course,he wouldn't hv if he wasn't threatened by her but u just hv to forgive n shame d girl when she comes n I mean both of u shaming her., Sue

  24. Please let me lend you my plier, you need to also pull out her Teeth.. so she looses her charm.........Fooooooooooooooooooooooolosh girl.
    As for small crase but forgive he has come to confess his sins , he needs to be forgiven......but above all watch and pray... be vigilant...don't be ultimately fooled by the apology.....

  25. I totally blame your husband for this whole thing, but since he has come to confess and ask for your forgiveness, forgive him anyway.

    Fight for your home, stand with your man.

  26. This madam, you did not do your homework well oh. How could you be so insensitive? Anyways, we are not here to apportion blames.

    You need to save your marriage, that is all that matters now. Call the girl and have a heart 2 heart talk with her, her own side of the story is very important. I am sure your jackass of a hubby is hiding alot from you...

  27. Forgive ur husband n go spiritual on dat girl.

  28. Madam, you acted dumb! Forgive my choice of words but how can you bring a young female around your husband and expect them to be prayer warriors.

    Now, it is time for your husband to confess to his superiors before she does or better yet, get another job.

  29. Some people are just ungrateful! Madam, please I beg you, don't leave your home for anyone. And be prayerful. Hugs

  30. My mouth is open as am typing this....mehn!this life ehn!!,this same thing happen to me while i was dating my hubby. Dear poster,pls you need to pray seriously....

  31. Let her come and spill just pretend your hubby didn't tell you anything then when she comes ask her what she wants from your hubby now that you are aware

  32. Dear poster, when she comes to talk to you, don't let her talk take charge. Don't insult her. Tell her you know. Tell her you know everything but that she can't have him since he is already married. Tell her you have forgiven him. Tell her you've helped her and so she should move on and look for another man. Start praying as of today. You have a case against her before God. So present it. This is someone you have helped. Her aim is sinister. If there is any of your hubby's bosses he is close too let him confide in the person. The game is to bear her to it. If care is not taken she might loose her job.
    This lady you are dealing with might be a psycho. Be careful.

  33. Dis chronicle got me very angry. Invite her over, pretend like you dont know about them. Meanwhile get a helping radical hand , please beat her mercilessly. Threaten the living daylight out of her, infact threaten her to make her resign. Tell her u will post her pix on all social media, blogs etc.

    What arrant nonsense. I hope she does not visit this blog..cuz I dont want her to see your plans before she plans ahead of you.

    Stupid fool.

  34. Poster don't even try it and leave ur home for that ungrateful girl. Work things out with ur husband. Marraige is not always a bed of rose. May God give u the strength to make the right decision.

  35. Don't listen to Stella o pls.
    Men sef so if she didnt loose the baby he would have continued with the affair.
    I am tempted to tell you to punish the man but right now, you have to join forces with your husband and restore your home and his job.
    Cry to the architect of marriage himself, your kids do not deserve to be brought up in a broken home because of your husband's mistake. Having a physical alteration with the lady will only aggravate issues because of she wants to ruin your husband's career she would do it! Let it be known that you are aware of the affair and you will stand by him that alone might weaken the girl's resolve.
    Pray pray pray!!!!
    It's a pity that the women that were cheated on end up suffering more than the cheater himself.

  36. Some people will come here and start blaming you for harboring a full grown babe..blah blah

    Shii has already happened so let's stop crying over spilt milk. Here's my advise;

    Don't call the babe, let her come and listen to her spill the story.
    While she talks, don't show any emotions neither should you utter a word. (You can down that small regal bottle that costs 150 for support)

    When she is done, tell her you have heard, tell her how wicked men are, don't face your husband throughout, console her and seemingly emphatise with her.

    On your street there are useless boys (they are on all streets), buy them 2,000naira worth of weed, and tell them to beat up both your husband and the babe. The BOTH of them.

    Nurse oga's wound when he returns home.

    And then start saving money like you heard only the rich will make heaven.

    Got a problem with my advise?

    Don't blame me...I'm bipolar

    1. I like ur style for once! Making sense mi lady!

  37. The deed has been point blaming you for been too free and noticing nothing between these two. This girl is out to destroy your marriage and ruin your husband. Truth is, DH confessed for fear of d girl coming first, you just have to forgive him and be prepared to fight it out with the lady first, then later you can decide about hubby. But madam, dont even think of separation. Shits happens!!!

  38. Omg! She's such a wicked girl and God will definitely judge her. That's why it's not good for married women to keep female friends. See what you got yourself into. I pray God intervene.... yeah give her the beating of her life if she walks up to you that's if you can fight. lols

  39. So your hubby is scared of woman power that's why he came to u as a humble husband, prostrated n begged

    He is A demon and can kill u without your family knowing. Imagine nurturing a pregnant woman till 5months without confessing to his wife.

    He isn't really sorry and a dog he'll continue to be, just don't think you'll forgive him and join Team Snoop because you'll die if HBP. There are more to the Eyes can see dear.

    The truth is he didn't confess to you A-Z

    Don't go screaming n jumping at your frenemy when she comes to confess. Stay cool n listen to all she has to say. Listen not because u love the gist but to know who really you got married to and when she is done, u guys can laugh over a glass of fruit juice. Ensure u drug her glass of juice with lexotan. When she's done use scissors and cut her hair n eyebrows and leave her on the couch to sleep. Take your boys to your sisters place n stay with them there for 2 days.

    Before leaving your home call your hubby that she's home n sleeping on the couch. He should be careful n ua at your sisters to be back later in d evening. U can call later to procrastinate.

    My 1 Cent

  40. Small shit
    Invite her for a woman to woman talk, allow her to rant and spill.
    Then smile dats itsnt news! Dat u love ur man, and she can go to blazes! No need fighting her, she don use her hand beat herself!
    My. Dear for ur man to come to u confessing forgive and taake him back, but be vigilant! He respects and love u, U bcus of ur soft heart and kindness u bcame ignorant! Nothing spoil, na she loose! Let hubby go back to God, ask for forgivveness! And u to should help nd be careful next time, not easy but try
    Lastly! PLS GO FOR HIV TEST!
    Very important
    May God grant u peace

  41. Why would you even think a hot girl don't need a man. Are you a learner? I hope you learn from this and desist from keeping some kain female friends. I wish you the best

    1. Well...can u blame her? At a point in my marriage I was that naïve and trusting till I experienced things. It's not a crime to trust, that's ideally how it should be, unfortunately, it's not.

  42. My darling, I know how you feel. Call the idiot in question and play out this scenario in hypothetical form and ask what she would do! When she states her own opinion, tell her the truth. Ask her what she wants and if she's as smart as you say she is,she'll do a back stroke on the matter.
    Now, if she is adamant and set to destroy your hubby, call her bluff. Her plans will backfire.
    As for your hubby, forgive him. A moment of lapse in judgement is not enough to break your marriage. He feels bad enough, forgive him and let it go, he will love you even more...Be strong love,wishing you the best!!!

  43. You just opened your door, and let a demon with bared fangs in!!


    I'm holding myself from blaming you for being too trusting.

    You didn't do wrong by helping the creature, BUT you took it to an extreme.

    I'm thinking you wanted someone to call a friend and confide in, or you're just extremely good.

    But in the world today, there's nothing like that o.

    Your husband probably wouldn't have let you know, if his job wasn't on the line.

    He disrespected you by his actions, but he was reasonable enough to tell you what's up, before you found out for yourself.

    That girl doesn't deserve anything good, really, but then, she'll get what's coming to her.

    If your husband loses his job, because of her, it'll be very ironic because he put her there, though it wouldn't be less than he deserves for compromising his job and marriage.

    Don't lose your cool yet. Chill a little, and watch how everything unfolds concerning your husband's job.

    By then, you'd be cool headed enough to think straight.
    Or you can take your children with you and go somewhere else to clear your head.

    This is too much for one person to take in.
    Double betrayal!

    Don't go beating the girl up abeg, though it's a tempting prospect, but your husband did it with her freely. He wasn't forced.

    Take heart, abeg. You have two children to think about.


  44. Men!!! I'm sure your husband slept with her more times not only that night they were drunk. Now she is threatening him he came to postrate cos his job and marriage and God knows what else is on the line abi??!!
    I'm sorry but your husband is a fool. If it didn't happen this way he would have continued with that girl. He only came to you cos thibgs are about to blow up in his face. What can you do? Forgive him. Try to patch it up. It's your home. Warn him that if something like this happens again that youre out. As for the girl, plan well what you'll do to her. Just don't cause her GBH oh! You can torture her in other ways

    1. But it got to this point cos the man opted out against her wish. This happened even when his wife wasn't in the know. My only confusion is why the pregnancy had to stay till 5months??? He must've pleaded she had an abortion but she declined.

  45. Madam forgive your husband and form a strong team to fight the stranger that wants to tear down your home. Stand by him no matter what in the face of everyone and then handle him in your own way when both of you are alone at home.
    The girl is such an ingrate. This is why people just assist from a distance if at all. to avoid stories like this.
    Please let us know how it went. God bless your home

  46. LMAO at my husband save her number with 33022, you husband na baddo, can't just help than laughing in soweto ooo, ahhahahahahahahahahhah, now I learn another way of cheating, promo number is the real deal...ahhahahhahahahahahha

  47. LMAO at my husband save her number with 33022, you husband na baddo, can't just help than laughing in soweto ooo, ahhahahahahahahahahhah, now I learn another way of cheating, promo number is the real deal...ahhahahhahahahahahha

  48. Some bitches are not loyal atal....she needs to be dealt with criosly

    Glowyshoes's blog

    My Facebook

  49. Like seriously!


    It was a mistake, and I'm certain she seduced him. Seems like she had her eyes on him all along. I will advise that you stand beside your husband. He won't get sacked if you are both smart about it.

    You both should be Bonnie & Clyde. Strategize and beat her at her own game. Join forces with your spouse and ensure that whenever she escalates the issue to his bosses, she will look like an idiot and you will have the last laugh.

    You need assistance with the plan? I got plenty up my sleeves.

    My husband knows that I'm crafty and mischievous. There's always a way out of any predicament.

  50. Invite the bitch over for lunch, cook a sumptuous meal, while she is eating, calmly( I stress, Calmly) tell her,I know everything...she go weak!! She go beg for forgiveness cuz she think say she go die...

  51. Since ur husband has already told u.. Pls dnt act yet... Wait for the gal to come and spoil ur husband in ur front.. Listen to all she will say.. Then my sister beat the hell out of her in ur house.. Beat her well and kick her out... Tell her u know what's going on already. Plss woman dnt leave ur husband for dat gal.. I repeat woman.. Dnt ever leave ur husband for dat woman.. Na u go loose.. After then, talk to ur husband and u guys shud sort out ur things.. I am talking out of experience!!!!

  52. Imagine. We re in a wicked world. If u have enough money and want to help, go straight to the motherless babies or give to the needy. Some people are just wicked imagine. As for ur husband, he deserve a slap shaa but pls forgive him yea forgive him. There is nothing joyous in becoming a single mother, your boys needs their father and for the fact that he confessed by himself shows that he loves u. Its the work of the devil. So pls forgive him and give him another chance. And for the intelligent bitch of a girl make sure you treat her fuck up wella. I hope people will learn a lesson from this story. Dnt trust anybody. Wisdom and knowledge are two different thing. Some people are intelligent but lack wisdom and the girl is just an example of such. Choiii

  53. Shock her by telling her u know what's up with your husband, tell her all she has done and lastly thank her for being ungrateful don't say much to me fear go catch am she go weak.

  54. Way to go Stella Kork!

    However though, when a mosquito perches on ur scrotum, u don't kill it with a hammer.

    So how about calling her outta the blue & use dialogue. Since she doesn't know u know what's up...she'll be dazed more than Mrs. Kork...I swear!

    In her confused state, set the records straight for her.

    As for DH, he shd know that there're consequences for any action taken. With that in mind, if push comes to shove & he's sacked, then let him deal with it. Even though it's bad that he had to rope u in.

    Stick to him...for beta, for worse!!!

    *Ghanaman signing out*

  55. Forgive ur husband and u guys need to plan on how to deal with her together.

  56. Na wa o Dis man

  57. Madam, I understand your fears and anger...but please family First! Stand by your husband through this...Win this battle together...When all is done and settled, You can now unleash your anger on him...But please...Fight and win this together,Continue praying also. Your sincere mind is the only thing that saved you here....Please,Family first!

  58. Madam Stella, good afternoon. It feels good to know that you have some violence in you. Madam poster, your good will not kiil you. First, you must be one with your husband. Forget the mistake. Both of you should take it to God in prayers. He should also explain everything to his superiors. He must have been attracted to the girl one way or the other. Mistakes happen. U both have a common enemy, beat her spiritually, by the word of God and prayers. U can involve your pastor for fatherly blessing so as to ensure nothing bad comes out of the office. He will not loose his job in Jesus name. And that girl has lost the battle over your marriage. She's just a ploy from the devil to shake your marriage. U better wake up. U have won already. Hope all you married people know the devil will always fight your marriages. The only thing is u can never tell how.

  59. Madam Stella, good afternoon. It feels good to know that you have some violence in you. Madam poster, your good will not kiil you. First, you must be one with your husband. Forget the mistake. Both of you should take it to God in prayers. He should also explain everything to his superiors. He must have been attracted to the girl one way or the other. Mistakes happen. U both have a common enemy, beat her spiritually, by the word of God and prayers. U can involve your pastor for fatherly blessing so as to ensure nothing bad comes out of the office. He will not loose his job in Jesus name. And that girl has lost the battle over your marriage. She's just a ploy from the devil to shake your marriage. U better wake up. U have won already. Hope all you married people know the devil will always fight your marriages. The only thing is u can never tell how.



    My husband is a business executive and needed to go to a conference in another city. In my family (of five), we all fast from morning till evening during the weekends; fri. sat. sun. And we have our family fellowship on Sunday evenings. We also pray at midnight just like Jesus taught. So before my husband went for this conference, the Lord revealed to me in a dream that a particular lady will come with a problem and would want him to help her. She would demand to visit him in his hotel room for discussion but her intention is seduction. The Lord showed me that if my husband yielded; i.e. allowed her in his room, he would "NEVER RECOVER FROM IT". After sharing it with him; even the description of the lady etc. He left. And when he returned, he told me that the lady (someone he trusted) wore even the exact dress that the Lord showed me. And after the conference, she was there pleading for his assistance with a project. My husband simply found an alibi and told her that they should discuss it there in the hotel lobby that he will be there as soon as the discussion lasted. This lady refused and pleaded for the discussion in the comfort of my husband's room, next morning. He rejected that and called me that night. We changed his flight schedule and he left earlier than he planned. When the lady called as soon as my hubby arrived (she had actually been calling during the flight;don't know how she got his cell number. She was supposed to have only the official one), he gave me the phone and I simply said "I am the wife, he is home and sleeping soundly in my arms . . ."
    Daniel two verse twenty two: He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him.

    Poster, Forgive your husband of course. But learn the lesson; intelligence; first class is not synonymous with righteousness. Only in Christ is there true righteousness. Begin to fast and pray; for the peace of Christ to permeate your family and husband's life too. Tell him to join you and fast; again that he does not lose his job. Do not approach this girl; you might loose it and it is not good for posterity and favor with God.

    1. Wow!
      Classic wisdom from a brave woman.
      God bless dis poster.
      Some end time bv's will still tel u dis does not work.
      We will b glad to always read ur end time chronic chronicles.
      Women, jealously guard ur home.
      So that all dis end time chronic chronicles go reduce small.

    2. As long as you're sure you've forgiven your husband, you guys should beat her to her game.
      She really needs to be taught a lesson but I won't advocate the beating her route.
      Its her word against his. When she comes to your place this weekend to see you and 'report' everything to you. Tell her you already knew way back and that your husband has reported her to the Management of the company. Maybe that she's been trying to seduce him for so long and he's tired of her advances. I dunno, you guys should figure something out. He mustn't lose his job cause of this gnat.
      Threaten her wella. Let it be clear to her that you are not leaving him for nothing.
      You have to pray incessantly now cause this is war.
      After God has taken her out of your lives, you must deal with your husband cause if he didn't let this happen, it wouldn't have. Make it clear to him that you won't ever tolerate this anymore.
      May God give you wisdom.

    3. Every married lady should please watch the MOvie WAR ROOm .... #Prayer is the Key!!! Very few of us know how to fight the right way!!!!! U can download it from www.

  61. Na wa 4 Dis man o. 4 him 2 apologized accept him cos of ur kids

  62. @poster;All i can tell you is that this girl isnt the only one your husband is sleeping with..and he is only begging you now cos the said girl has threatened to come to spill everything to you this weekend;hence why he wants you to hear from him first,so you would digest his stories and lies very well before the ladies own comes in..

    First,He saved her No with 33022? Meaning he has A P.HD in lies and very smart in hiding things away from you..

    Secondly,About your fears of becoming A single mum;you need to conquer that first so as to make the right decision regarding your marriage and family..cos you need to face reality and realise that it is better to be A single mum than live in the lies and sham of marriage...

    Alldsame you just have two choices here;

    1) forgive him and pray he changes;then continue with your marriage

    2) Divorce him,if you know you cant forgive him,and would be filled with regrets each day you wake up from sleep and look at him thus remembering that he has hurt you very deep..

    #goodluck,and do remember there is no need living A life full of regrets..

    Your Happiness matters!!


  63. Forgive ur hubby but make sure you teach dt bitch a lesson.ur hubby is a gud man for coming to tell you about the whole scandal,dnt leave him.try work sumtin out.

  64. Madam, in this age and time, u are keeping a close younger girl as ur friend and exposing her to ur hubby.Chai u have seen wot it has lead to. Neva u ever trust anyone, the devil can use anbody to destroy a peaceful and lovely home.She will reap wot she has sowed. Just call the girl and tell her that if she makes ur hubby loose his job, she will suffer in this life and her life will be destroyed forver because she will permanently eva c any good thing in this life ever again. Backstabbing Bitches!!!!!!

    1. End time botched bitches just full everywhere.
      Na WA oooo

  65. My dear, don't leave your hubby because of some evil woman. Let her come but make sure you give her the beating of her life. There's no excuse for violence but she over stepped her limit. You don't leave your hubby unless you want her to win this fight? There are many ways to punish a man biko.

  66. Stella ur advice is bad o, very wrong sef. I think u shld pretend as if u don't know wassup, allow her to come nd rant nd then treat her fuck up afterwards, but ur husband is just a pig!!! Twehh I regret evil

  67. Stella is angry today o....Shuooooo

    183 comment 2016

    1. Wow!
      Not end time epic advice by a super gorgeous Mrs korks.

      "I am honestly dazed....too dazed to be comprehensive.
      WTF!!!..I dont normally like physical altercation but this ones needs the beating of her life!..SHEEDIOT!!!!
      If she comes pull out her hair and re-arrange her freaking dentition."

      Madam Poster, na God I take beg u make u remove tht yeye husband snatcher karishika end time freaking dentition oooo.
      Just follow Mrs korks advice.

  68. This is extreme!
    Poster I really understand how you feel. The girl in question has seen you finish & can tell that you don't have the nerves to hurt her hence, she went this far. Also, being an intelligent person she is who knows that you love & trusted your husband, she took advantage of the whole thing.
    I advise you to shut her out of your life but strongly support your husband in such a way that he doesn't get to lose his job. This girl cannot blackmail your husband if you give him the necessary support he needs. Thank goodness she miscarried the baby hence cannot use it against him. Unless, there's something your husband isn't telling you; maybe they have a sextape together or some set up tools to use against him.
    Don't even get physical with her cos it might lead to another thing. You know devil is good in using opportunities like this.

    She will die more if she gets to see that you stood by your husband even after knowing such happened.

    Be strong dear.

    1. Ur 2nd to the last paragraph is d truth. Once she sees the bond, I'm sure she'll even want to poison herself out of shame.

  69. Let me advice on the wrong part today
    Tell your hubby to decive her by apologising, invite her to a place, pay someone to snap them naked n blackmail her with that
    On ur own part madam, hire ppl to beat her blue pink red n yellow, only leave her heartbeat.
    Foolish gals everywhere especially those ones that claims that they can do without a man inamikot

    1. Wow! Wow!! Wow!!!
      Poster, I hope say u dey read all dis advice.
      Dis one no b end time advice ooo
      Re-strategize wit ur hussie & deal with dis end time karishika bitch.
      What an epic advice from Q. army.

  70. What?! She needs to be taught a lesson , I don't believe in physical altercation too but she asking for it .

  71. Its a pity you trusted this follow and opened your arms and home to her, please dont allow he break you home, God is in control, she will be put to shame trust me, hold firmly to your hubby that is all he needs now, you by his side.

  72. Forgive your HORSEBAnd, I think it wasn't intensional to sleep with her. He has so much regret it now, he's telling you because of the love he has for you. As for that ingrate of a girl, if she needs the beating of her life from you, I'm sure you can ask her to come n collect it, but don't do it that way Cus it will worsen the whole matter, you might get killed or Seriously hurt if she pays someone against you, I know how far ladies can go for a fight with another lady over a well to do man.

    Handle this with care. Plz Forgive your Husband Cus he's a good man.

  73. Love Stella's advice, can't u beat her up? When she comes to spill during the weekend, tell her u know and organise with police pple to lock her up for a while, at least make them give her query at work? So she can maybe lose the job sef. Threaten her life sha

  74. Wow!
    I haven't been in your shoe cause I don't have a dog as husband.

    I will advise you to 4give ur hubby 4 now 4 save your marriage.
    Don't listen to any gwemz that will tell you 2 leave.

    And madam, you are very stupid 4 letting a devil into your home just like that.
    You know she has a. Killer body,u let her into your home and even went as far as getting her job in your hubby's company.

    Hope your eyes has cleared now!

    Married women, learn 2 draw a line between you n your single friends.

  75. Haha hahaha pardon me but I have to laugh at this one @save number as 33029.Oboy see coding,men too strong ohhh!

    Well u know what connection u having with that lady.
    Coz I don't understand.At this present stage,in the world we now live in and the kind of things happening around us.
    All the shouting about minding who u call a friend,u still carry friend for head doing 5n6 without using your number "6"for husband house.

    So now that everything has happened what do u want to do, Divorce him?well i wont advice u do that.
    But,threaten him,do some shakara and deal with him very well dont forgive him so easily am sure u know how to do that,he is your husband u know his weakness.

    God was even fighting for u behind your back,thus the miscarriage.
    As for that snitch,madam u need to deal with that lady I tell u.
    I don't know how but any how teach her a lesson.
    Ah ah,them need to give that girl everlasting mark way she no go ever forget in her life.
    First class kor.

  76. That girl is mean o. But men self, must they always fall victim of such? What a tragedy. Take it to God in prayer n ask for his direction.

  77. Dear poster. Your husband cheated yes but he is a good man to me. Firstly he is remorseful that's the important part. Secondly he is rebuffing her now so go figure. Many men I know will Chop and clean mouth but yours...he has been remorseful for a while and now he has come out plain. Join forces with YOUR husband and fight this intruder in your lives

    1. He chopped and cleaned mouth and wanted to be wise but the girl refused. This man is only sorry because he is about to lose his job and marriage.

  78. Send boys or kidnappers to catch the stupid girl. what sort of nonsense is this.

    Madam abeg send agberos to that foolish girl. Men are useless jare.

    If it was you, your husband would have thrown your bags outside and call you ASHAWO.

  79. If u av sister or mad frnds,u guys shld b arnd d day she will cme. Beat shege out of her,strip her nd tke pics. Mke sure u ask why shes bn beatn nd shes says cos i seduced uncle.... Ur husband is a bastard btw.

    1. Lolz I love your advice hahahahahhaha in fact not just pix but video and threaten her with it. Tell her you are going to post her nude pix all over social media..nonsense

  80. If u av sister or mad frnds,u guys shld b arnd d day she will cme. Beat shege out of her,strip her nd tke pics. Mke sure u ask why shes bn beatn nd shes says cos i seduced uncle.... Ur husband is a bastard btw.

  81. Let the girl know that your husband has confessed to u.She will stop blackmailing him.

    1. It won't work dear, that girl is a desperado

  82. All i see is a girl that is very very very intelligent lol biko teach me how she rights coded messages, i want to learn, i am sure she also told your husband the code to store her name with... wow, your husband badt gan. anyways your husband should rip what he has sown. if it is truly a one time drunk sex thing, then nothing to worry about mehn but i think your husband has told her enough lies for her pregnancy to have gotten to 5 months that means he was caring for her and fucking her still, he didnt show you the text from the start. anyways let her know that you know and cut her out. shikena. you and your husband should stick together and do nothing. she is a toothless bulldog, she cant do nathing

    1. Its possible she refused to abort. And its also possible she didn't tell him because she want him to marry her

  83. Dear poster! I think u shld call her and let her know that u know! My friend went thru the same thing wiv her hubby, after her hubby confessed to her, she called the lady to let her knw she knws and went ahead to threaten her and I also think Ur husband shld be smart and get her fired first before she implicates him, and for no reason should u leave Ur husband if not she wud win! Some girls re dt evil, she might just gain satisfaction knowing she has destroyed him and left him with nothing! Don't let that happen, after getting her out of the way u can device suitable ways to punish Ur husband

  84. Madam do not leave your husband. Yes do not leave him. He stopped the relationship right?? Before she decided to threaten him and follow him about??

    This is what you should do. Keep calm and wait for her to come confess to you. Let her come and pour her mind and everything she wants to spill. Act shocked and surprised.

    Scream, quarrel, flare up. In fact blame her and a and ask her to get out of your house

    She will feel satisfied and go

    Then face your hubby
    I wish you didn't even bring it to the blog, what if she's reading this

  85. Things dey happen for this world ooo

    beware of the girl in this blog who;

    tells women to have "sugar sons for pleasure"
    Divorce their husbands or dump their fiance if he is "poor",
    visit mediums, get pigeons and fling to trap a man,
    tells girls and women to abort any baby they do not want or if the baby daddy is "poor"
    advises girls and married women to get a female sex partner to lick vaginas
    verbally attacks anyone that advises a lady not to do any of the above
    Does all these with a cloak of synagogue religiosity.


    She will tell you to divorce him if he loses his job and keep him if "rich". She will tell you that he "lied to you" etc.

  87. Hmmm... Men will always be men, no matter what. I think ur husband should call off the girl's bluff, she doesn't know what else to do dats why she's threatening fire and brimstone. First class my foot!!!! She claims she's smart, but her smartness didn't allow her to know dat sleeping with someone else's husband is wrong not 2 talk of trying to break a home. My dear, just forgive ur husband since he told u all dis himself. U guys should find a way to deal with the girl together.

  88. If your hubby slept her just once like he claims then here's what you should do. Pretend as if he never told you when she comes telling you over the weekend. Pretend very well, dramatise, (faraya very well).

    Now to your husband, forgive him sister but you have to know how to behave with that girl. She can kill you.

    Now to hubby's job. It happens every where. No be today two ADULTS dey sleep together for work. There's no work policy against that. She cant spill the beans there. Its glory for your husband and she's the slut. And even if she spills YOUR HUSBAND CAN't LOSE HIS WORK unless its a one man company with no proper HR. Thats my two cents. Peace..

  89. Oh! If you were my girl friend,I'll allow her come...I'll record everything she says. I will ask hubby to go and beg her to refrain( at that moment,she will feel she has so much power and start blabbing) while he records everything. He can then go ahead to table everything before authorities at his job.... I really don't know what your hubby has to be afraid of unless he executed shady deals using the company as a front. If he's clean,the highest she can accuse him of is rape but if he's a step ahead by having her voice on tape,he can beat her to her scheme. Another thing is if u can investigate her,she must have a weak spot,use it to set her up! Then get peeps to beat her clean! What am I even saying. I'm pissed.

    Now isn't the time to sit ,cry and wallow in self pity... She's your enemy,bring out your claws and scratch hard!

    I'm not asking you to deal her hard cuz you wanna keep your home ( that's your prerogative) but as a favour to good people out there who are paid for doing good with betrayal. Again,for daring to double cross you under your nose. I'm pissed on ya behalf .As for your hubby,handle him your way... Next time,don't ever give his number out without getting a go ahead from him no matter how close d person is..... That's how I was raised.

  90. call the lady and invite her over to the house, pretend like your husband hasn't confessed to you. when she comes act freely and normal give her food and a drink with sleeping pills, while asleep unclothe her and take nude pix of her then cloth her back. when she wakes sit her down and ask her to start confessing and ask if she would had preferred you to kill her? tell her ur hubby has told u everything and that if hubby should lost his job then u will leak her nude pix online and frustrate her life. hubby can lost his job but will never loose your love cos u are standing by him on this issue so she better take her fucking pussy first class back to her stupid lecturers.
    infact i cant think straight anymore just angry abeg deal with that bitch.

    Meanwhile do not even think of divorcing ur hubby. Any man who is bold enough to acknowledge his mistakes and gentle enough to ask for forgiveness not minding the consequences of his actions should be forgiven.
    Most men cheat without thinking twice so forgive ur hubby and deal with that devil

    1. What sort of evil woman are you? The girl is stupid but the husband brought this on his family. Will she keep blackmailing different women? Men do not cheat without thinking twice. Madam please listen to women with self esteem. If this girl is smart, she can sue you in Nigeria for taking her naked pictures. You will go to jail and disgrace you and your husband. Plus the man you are trying to protect will follow her or another lady. Face your husband and let him face this woman. You were not there when they were sleeping together. DO NOT TAKE THIS LADYS ADVICE, IT IS STUPID to say the least.

  91. She really needs beating,u and ur husband should treat her f**k up before she makes ur husband lose his job

    beware of the girl in this blog who;

    tells women to have "sugar sons for pleasure"
    Divorce their husbands or dump their fiance if he is "poor",
    visit mediums, get pigeons and fling to trap a man,
    tells girls and women to abort any baby they do not want or if the baby daddy is "poor"
    advises girls and married women to get a female sex partner to lick vaginas
    verbally attacks anyone that advises a lady not to do any of the above
    Does all these with a cloak of synagogue religiosity.


    She will tell you to divorce him if he loses his job and keep him if "rich". She will tell you that he "lied to you" and call you "fish brain" etc. etc.

  93. Madam tied ur seat belt, forgive ur husband, did u hear me I SAID FORGIVE HIM. Since he sincerely came and explain things to u and more over take it as his mistake. Don't trade ur happiness for the bitch. God will help u to forget wat happen then back to his work issue u neva explained to us how he can lost his job cause of the bitch so we can know wat direction to advice u to. Just take out time and send in the second part of the chronicle on how she can sack ur husband so we can also give our little advice. God is ur streng okay. Please stay strong. Don't blame DH too much oh, men fall easily so stay bless and be more prayerful

  94. The girl has what I call Linda Eze syndrome...
    She wishes all you have is hers...From your hubby, to your house and your children....

    Let me advice you, do not try to contact her...Do not try to beat her up or anything...
    DO NOT LEAVE YOUR HUBBY FOR HER...(Though they deserve each other)

    Take some time out away from your hubby with your Children...
    Let him be the one to leave the house...(You don't want to go thru the stress of carrying the kids around)
    Right now, he will do anything just to please you. things ..
    Let there be a written agreement on the terms and conditions...
    Help him at his place of work against the idiot lady...It will be you guys against her...
    Build a strong facade(even though you guys are still fighting) as a couple to fight her..Believe me, you need the money that comes from the job...You kids are your utmost priority... Good thing her msgs are encrypted..It might work in your favor sef...
    Let him suffer for what he has done... If things didn't go wrong, he probs wouldn't have told you..
    Take his repentant ass back after the agreed time..
    You may or may not continue to have sex after then...
    But I beg you, don't leave him yet... If you do, that's what the girl wants..That's why she wants to come to you to tell...

    I am in no way condoning his philandering ways, but believe me when I say the people shouting here to leave your hubby have it worse than you and they are suffering much more...But they will rather die there oooo

  95. Sha dont leve ur husband * enough said*

  96. madam, it wont be easy to forgive and gain back the trust of ur hubby but please try. God will give u the grace. as for the gal, don't say anything to her yet let her come and spill it to you. after her talking ,tell her thank you and your aware of everything. later face ur hubby squarely. am telling cos my mum experienced dis and my dad eventually married dat same lady. today she is reaping it with madness cos she went all d way to do all she can to push my mum out. my mom never stopped praying to her all mighty God. today na story. u need to be strong ma. God bless you

  97. 33022?! i never would have thought of that! the extent at which men go just to hide their philandering ways would never seize to amaze me! madam i am sure you are a praying wife and that's why God didn't allow her to trap your hubby with a child. See you didn't have to snoop to find out what DH has been up to, i am a repentant team snoop, was planning on sending stella a mail today to tell her how i made the decision not to snoop on hubby again cos snooping almost cost me my marriage! now i understand why stella is anti-snooping. Back to the matter, please you and your hubby to join hands and deal with that shamelesss ingrate first, after that punish hubby small and keep living your life. i am sure your hubby would keep it in his pants for a very long time after this experience. But i repeat, DON'T LET HER BREAK YOUR HOME!!!

    1. My dear men are wonderful. Me don learn o. Letting an ungrateful brat break her home is insane especially now her man has come clean. All she gat to do is pretend all is well and still act mugu anytime she sees the girl. Dont confront her first. I know its not easy but allow her to come and tell you her own side of story. See my dear, men can be deceitful. Who know? Your husband must have said his own side of the story that will suit him just to gain your sympathy and forgiveness. Hear the girl out first and know if what your husband told you are true or not. Maybe why he confessed is because water don pass garri and remember, not all confessions are true confessions. A man I know was banging his maid and when his own water pass garri, he went to his wife to confess how the girl had been the one seducing him bla bla bla. However, the real truth came out and it was discovered he was actually the one raping the girl. So madam, hear the girl out first before acting to avoid acting blindly and foolishly cuz when you act that way, your husband will repeat the one worst than this tomorrow. Like I said before, I have seen this happened elsewhere. Trust no man not even your twin brother.

  98. Confront her, let are know and God will punish her

  99. wonders shall never end. its funny how people you help turn out to be the devil. go to her before she comes to you. teach her a lesson that her 1st class degree forgot to. nonsense!

  100. Girl they didn't just get drunk and have sex....nah unless they have been getting drunk and having sex for only God knows how long. These two have been at it for a while. The proverbial shit has hit the fan and hubby wants to bail so he comes to you with his tail between his legs like the dog he's been acting like lately.

    First off, do not under any circumstance worry about his job situation. That's his mess, he made his bed with a pretty devil and now he's got to deal with a scorned woman. That's his wahala. I repeat, don't bother yourself with that, not even one hair on your head should fall out of place in the name of worry.

    Focus on your feelings concerning this revelation. Marriages recover from epic cheating it doesn't have to be the end of the road for you guys. Get a counselor (hubby better pay for it) to help you work through your trust issues and you may want to find a carpenter for your hubby (to knack common sense into him). It won't happen overnight but you'll get through this mess. Just let Oga know that the prostrating abi na lying in state he did yesterday is just the beginning. His ego better take several seats because in the coming months, he is going to work hard (really hard) to get back in you good graces. Girlfriend make him work for it.

    As for little miss hoity toity first class home wrecker, she's not your problem...not unless she comes to you. If her school smarts are as good as you say they are, she would stay away. But if her day of judgement has come, she will show up and honey, like a queen and ruler of your own domain, you will strike. If she comes in person, let your hubby be the one to throw her out. You don't need to get your hands dirty with the little filth. Blacklist her from your social circle. Get rid of anything of hers in your house, change your numbers, get a restraining short, do everything possible to erase her from your life!

    The final battle is on your knees. There is a divine decree...what God has joined together let know scheming ho put asunder. This is your right as a wife. Claim it Christ and even if the binsh goes spiro on you, nothing will harm you or your family. Lady don't fret, hubby may have dethroned himself as king in your home by dinning with the devil but you remain the queen and boss. No hairy skank with a demented pussy and pea-sized brain will make you leave unless you choose to.

    1. Your advice is spot on. Unfortunately, the person who put asunder is her husband. He is a grown man. He knows better, he took vows.

  101. have been a saddist since from my childhood days and now am 22 and am still a saddist,I hate the fact that am not a beautiful girl,everybody keeps telling me how ugly I am,directly or indirectly... people keep rejecting me like am some virus.and getting a friend in school seems to be a hard thing for me cus no1 likes me,nobody loves me,nobody wants me.the fact that I can't fall in love with any guy or have a steady relationship is killing g me inside,even tho they are all broke niggas,paying my bills myself aint been easy(even the runs aint paying the bills)i hate the fact that only broke niggas ask me out,it kept me thinking for days if am only meant for lesser things, its so painfull to give out your number to guys u like and they never call back.please tell them its it my fault that am not beautiful and tall,i get emotionally down when ever I see a fine girl,(I see them every day of my stupid life),getting disappointed by people its something am used to,i fear i won't be loved in my life,i fear I ll be rejected all my life,i fear i ll be broke and lonely all m life,i wish i can commit suicide without going to hell so I can end this miserable sadist lonely life of mine.I really can't take it no more!!!!

  102. Stop being childish, you are very lucky, are you not? You are lucky somebody is sharing your husband with you!! There is love in sharing! Some of us do not even have a boyfriend, there you are crying because you husband is wacking another fine girl, what if na idiot he dey wack?

  103. Proverbs fifteen verse 7 The lips of the wise give good advice;
    the heart of a fool has none to give.

    1. And where is your advice? You had none to give so you are a fool.

  104. This is serious. Just stay with ur husband and help ward off d stupid girl. He will not loose is job by God's grace. God bless ur home.

  105. Poster i know its hard you just have to forgive your husband am sure he has learnt his lesson, stand by him, 98% of men cheat this days. and please make sure you teach that girl the lesson of her life.imagine she even intend to come to your house to tell you make sure you boil hot water. men sha you can not just trust them

  106. What? A girl you helped turned back to stab you? What?
    My dear, to err is human and to forgive is divine. Forgive your husband since he has accepted his wrong and begged for forgiveness. And if his company decides to sack him when the girl exposes him, well...that's him getting payment for his wrong. What I don't advise is that you get involved in this issue at all. Don't confront the girl or warn her to stop blackmailing your husband. Wait for her to come and expose your husband to you and quietly tell her how much you have sacrificed for her and how she paid you back with evil (I mean, does she want your husband to marry her or what?), then tell her that you already know about the whole thing as your husband has confessed to you.
    Please be more prayerful because you need God to help you keep your marriage from the hands of destroyers.
    I can't believe how pissed I am over this narrative.

    For amazing stories, visit

  107. poster allow d lady to come and explain herself to you, after she has said all d trash in her mouth then you give her federal warning to stay clear your hubby. na she carry body give ur hubby so is time she should dance d music. your hubby will not loss his job. good luck.

  108. bad advice from stella buh then i understands her pain.... This is a very dicey situation, i do complain of being back stabbed but this one is over d pitch...don't even know what to say either..

  109. Jeeez!!!saved her num as a promo number*Lmao* Men Men Men!!!!!!

  110. Please stand by your man don't allow a common how win this fight. She knows what's she's doing and for your information that man loves you forgive him and join him to fight this girl. Infact pretend like you know nothing bring in some tough girls or guys let them his in a corner and after her stupid story, they should give her the beating of her life after the beating, seize anything she came there with, her phones or whatever, drive her to another town if possible then leave her there with no tf. Make sure no one sees you .

  111. Don't leave ur husband. It was a mistake and she is a devil. Allow to come and report to u then do wotever u think of at dat tym

  112. Bloody Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  113. This is a big one.

    She actually wanted to keep the child if not for the miscarriage.

    I don't know what to say ooo

    I pray you get advice here.

  114. Hmmm...nawa ooo. Smart gal she is.
    But im blaming you...cuz i wont even allow a pastor's wife to get close to my husband...let alone some smart ass bitches.

  115. I just need summary cant even read any more.

  116. Mehn, dis is serious @poster..

  117. Buhahahahahahahh at rearrange her freaking dentition. Stella you won't kill someone. It means your hubby is narcissistic in nature. I will learn from others.

  118. When I get married, i'll be WEARY of girls/ladies (whether single or married) that I bring close to my family.i don't care how close we were before marriage!.

    That's how a a cousin of mine caught her married gf pants dwn with her hubby..

  119. When I get married, i'll be WEARY of girls/ladies (whether single or married) that I bring close to my family.i don't care how close we were before marriage!.

    That's how a a cousin of mine caught her married gf pants dwn with her hubby..

  120. Madame, your husband has confessed, all you need do now is to pray, don't try to be violent with the girl.
    You people should just distant yourself from her!!!!

  121. Tear her hair for what?
    Madam you believe this man is truly remorseful and wants to fight for your marriagw again?
    You think you can really forgive him and go on?
    If yes is your answer........lemme play Shante Smith here!

    We are getting you on the AMBUSH THE AMBUSHER programme.

    1.Sincerely forgive this man and do not question yourself, it is not your pasts sins or whatever else....we are humans......shit happens!

    2. Both of you go to God in prayers, serious fasting and prayer...break the soul ties and rededicate your marriage to God.

    3.Believe it or not........that miscarriage made things easier, now i am believing this secret about to be revealed isn't crazy and the affair wasn't non-consensual.......if yes......PROCEED BELOW!!

    4.Take out that punch from the attack before it lands.....You and your hubby need to pose a united front......This babe is desperate probably so enlarge your liver........

    5. Get both your parents and a policeman on the day of the meeting......Your husband must confess and verbalize his apology before all, and wash his hands off that lady.

    6.Get schnapps and bitter kola for added effect......nollywood things. The lady and your hubby must chew the bitter kola of sin, and rinse the abomination with schnapps before all. Cut off all ties with her and extract a promise that she must call hubby or you or come close to your kids, if not........Police would give her a job in jail........get a restraining order if you can.........
    AIM: make a fool out of her, completely surround her mentally

    7.Re-inforce with prayers coz she may go fetish.

    8. You and hubby need to re-evaluate your marriage. Open communication will prevent a lot. Also issue him a warning, so this rubbish happens not again..........there are better things to expend energy on, not on a hubby and his psycho.

    Cut all ties, believe not the crocodile tears if what you narrated is what really happened............ that is, if it is a drunk sex not rape.

    9.You owe yourself happiness, may peace locate your home!!!

  122. Madam please forgive ur husband, if u allow the devil,she will take over ur home.stand with ur hubby and fight this slut,let her know u guys are formidable team,and fight her together, even if it's killing u,dont let her know it's getting to u.then deal with ur hubby after

  123. Poster, pls be strong. Do not leave your husband but I want you to know that he is a male- whore, he has other girls also. When d girl comes top tell you about their affair, pls try to be calm, hear her out then smile nd ask her what else she wants. You can also report her @ d office, pls record your conversation. Deal with your husband also , threaten to leave but do not leave him. Best of luck. .

  124. This is a delicate situation. I don't even knw wht to advice.
    That girl needs to be dealt with in a gangster way.
    I pray your husband doesnt lose his job tho.

  125. Babes no dey smile oh. Why would any matured woman see a young girl and trust enough to keep in her house? With what is happening these days, abeg women shine ur eyes well well if you wish to save your marriage. Babes are no longer smiling and will snatch ur husband in a heartbeat. ...@@@@Bia Bia 😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥

  126. This is a delicate situation. I don't even knw wht to advice.
    That girl needs to be dealt with in a gangster way.

    I pray your husband doesnt lose his job tho.

  127. Babes no dey smile oh. Why would any matured woman see a young girl and trust enough to keep in her house? With what is happening these days, abeg women shine ur eyes well well if you wish to save your marriage. Babes are no longer smiling and will snatch ur husband in a heartbeat. ...@@@@Bia Bia 😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥

  128. From ur write up, I tink u hv 4given ur husband and askn how to handle ur friend wn she cms to tell u ds weekend.. jst listen to her keenly as if u'v nt found out. Wn she finishes, jst tel her Ohk dt u hv hrd. Den walk herut quietly. U will kill her moral and leave her perpetually wondering. As for d work place own, well, its her word against his. I truely hope ur hubby did not rape her. If not, y wud she wnt to risk her her as well by reporting ur hubby.
    Woo! Madam, biko all d best as u tk ur nxt step.
    Umu nwoke di egwu.. hooha!!

  129. No 1 people make mistakes,it's hard but try and forgive him.

    No 2,I am soo happy she lost tgat baby! Kai!See how God vindicated u.

    Now to the koko of the matter,wots d blackmail that u at talking about?I guess it's not a sex vid cos I mean,it has to be something bigger than that.

    Sha sha,when she comes it nicely.let her come with the story.pretend to be on her side so she wil spill every every. Then,then....

    You Stand up,smile beautifully and tell her "It's no shock what u told me.all u told me.I already know.HUbby has confessed to me and is forgiven. U came cos ustil want in and not cos u feel bad"
    But u got played. It was a lesson meeting u.I mean it's not everyday one sees a 1st Class Ashawo(a whore who has 1st Class hahahha)NoW leave my house.Karma is waiting for u at yours.


    NNe don't shout o.say all dese ajebolly o.

    And no!don't let this fling break ur marriage.God is with u.Win this baby.

    Warm hugs.

  130. Your husband only confessed because she was coming to you, when we tell these boys to be careful how they act they say men are wired that way. Wired that way and you have tripped on a naked wire that will ruin you, she could have died from her miscarriage. She is a foolish girl but she isn't married to you. That man is and he broke his vows. He should fix this issue himself. Next time he will learn to keep his pants zipped. Drunk and had sex yea right. Madam, don't leave him...let him fix the situation, gain back your trust and stop acting like a goat on heat. I apologize for the harsh advice, my case was worse than yours, so I can tell you there is redemption for him. But don't try and save him, he messed up...let him learn. If he looses his job, it will be a lesson a hard one but still a lesson.

  131. Hey sis! I will call u sis bcos I love your person already. You have to forgive him n help him retain his job. U av to help me get a strong hold on his job,then call the gal with a lot of elder ones to be a witness. And tell her you are a legal wife,you re his love,u re his woman and he is your husband. So She has no space in ur home. Karma will visit her. It is well

  132. Babez! Relax ehn! Relax! One thing I've always said here is that, I appreciate when people tell me d truth even if u killed someone. Now, with all of ur husband's 'confidence' nad 'ego', he still came to prostrate and tell u what's up...truth is, he is a good man despite his faults. Talk with him, express ur displeasure, cry in each others arms, and as him to please tell u any other thing abt this he feels u need to know. With this, u both can BOLDLY fight this war together, such that, by the time that ingrate comes around to tell u whatever bullshit, u just smile and tell her even the end from when she starts. Let ur husband ignore her and not get jittery with her threats.
    My only concern here is his job. Are u working? If he loses that job now, does he have any other thing to fall back to? Decide to fight this through TOGETHER, and the thought of being a single mom??? Don't even think of it here. He is still ur man and, trust me, he still has respect for u.
    At the end of the day, he might probably lose his job, but the bond between u both would be stronger... While at it, think about one thing you'll tell that girl that would make her have a re-think about blackmailing him at work. #hugs

  133. All I can say is WAO!!! You will handle your hubby matter later.....pls let her come to you, spill all she want then you can respond by reminding her where you pple brought her from, ask her what way do you wrong her that she do all she did to you and it family, pls ensure you invite someone you know she has regard for to come around without she knowing. Give her a good history of ur life and how you do not what to have anytim to do with her again or ur hubby. You know dos kind of prayers that are more like a curse? IF POSSIBLE strip naked and cause abi na pray am right b4her eyes der. ....she will learn to avoid d mention of your name. for your hubby...he better start to job hunt from now on......the trust is gone. will only take d grace of God to restore it back.....pls pray for your hubby and If Possible forgive will be hard trust me but try.

    E- hugs and kisses sis

    Dis na d longest I ever typed on dis blog......spew !

  134. Poster, I'll advice you to forgive because this is a situation that can lead you to live in bitterness. Forgive your husband no matter how hard it is then forgive the girl. But be very WISE. When you forgive, you set yourself free. Hugs

    Precious Core Blog

  135. Every married lady should please watch the MOvie WAR ROOm .... #Prayer is the Key!!! Very few of us know how to fight the right way!!!!! U can download it from www.

  136. QUeen and BoSs... Go and pick your brain from your cooking pot. Mumu woman


  137. The "snake girl" has added another one to her "manifesto"; nothing new though;

    "Visits "Jazz man" (i.e. witches, mediums, babalawo, etc.)
    She keeps the bible and church aside and She makes people mad!

    Ladies, beware of "this queer and bus of this blog".

  138. beware of the girl in this blog who;

    tells women to have "sugar sons for pleasure"
    Divorce their husbands or dump their fiance if he is "poor",
    visit mediums, get pigeons and fling to trap a man,
    tells girls and women to abort any baby they do not want or if the baby daddy is "poor"
    advises girls and married women to get a female sex partner to lick vaginas
    "Visits "Jazz man" (i.e. witches, mediums, babalawo, etc.)
    She keeps the bible and church aside and She makes people mad!
    verbally attacks anyone that advises a lady not to do any of the above
    Does all these with a cloak of synagogue religiosity.


  139. This woman is just a wonder, bikoo next time help someone from afar, never bring them too close to home. Firstly she is bluffing she cannot come and meet you, she ain't that bold, she is just a lost and desperate soul. Call her as if nothing has happened, plan a dinner with her, go for the dinner, gist with her, and while you are eating, ask her what she wanted to use against your husband? Warn her, tell her that if your husband loses his job, she will have you to contend with, and when i say be a thorn in her flesh, be one my darling.

    Report her to the boss of the organisation, that is if your husband has a nice relationship with him, make sure you discredit every form of her credibility, or if you are friends with your husbands boss wife, try and get her fired. The also warn her that if your husband loses his job and she goes ahead with her treat,

    Your husband is sooooooooo silly, maybe she caught him stealing money in the organization that is why she can blackmail him, just try and discredit her, make her seem like a raging hoe and home wrecker like she is. If you know any of her family members report her. Then enter 3 days dry fast on her head, if she comes back to your family, she must die. Then woman learn to protect your home spiritually, you are so clueless, sorry to say that, People will find it really easy to manipulate and deceive you, pray for a discerning spirit.

    After the home wrecker storm has died down in your house, it will be time for your own husband to be receiving pepper at home. Silent treatment with better frustration, boil hot beans and put better pepper that can make his nose bleed (don't worry he wont die), look for ways to tax the living daylights out of him, flex his money, look hot and sexy but sorry he cant touch, look for ways to punish him but don't quarrel with him, give him better attitude. when he remembers what he went thru because of one girl, to look outside go hard am. Pray on top your box, that as he enters there, it will be sweeter than anything he has had, pray 7 days just on top your body, pray that your breast will satisfy him for the rest of his days on earth. Pray about everything and anything woman, a three cord is not easily broken, that is is you invited him ( Holy Spirit) into your home in the first place. Good luck

  140. Your husband isnt sorry.He only confessed because his job and his marriage is at stake.
    Your seem to be more concerned about his job.
    You will be surprised at how much the girl has to spill if you decide to ask her side.
    Anyways i will you to find out what the girls has on him that can get him sacked plus you need to pray hard.


  141. QUeen and BoSs... Go and pick your brain from your cooking pot. Mumu woman

  142. Long live SKD the street fighter lwkmd..... NO be only pull her by the hair what of chopping off the pussy? Na small pikin she wan go fight with abi? Woman don't fight with her oh! bec she might disfigure you.

    Back to the main matter, I will advise you to pray to God to release coal of fire upon her so she will burn into ashes both spiritual and physical.

    When I tell people I don't have friends they think something is wrong with me. No!! I have experienced human beings of different form that's why friendship don't freak me. I'm I mad to bring a fellow woman to my home? My father even advised me not to bring a fellow woman into my matrimonial home not even my blood sisters.

    You see wetin mind and love of Christ don cost you? Good Sam Sam.... No be for this century that kind heart dey work for. As a married woman you ought to be bitchy and mean. Not friendly to Bastards and husband snatchers. Na you cause your problem with yourself and by yourself. Na only prayers fit redeem you. If you like go fight as Stella your mama don advise you lwkmd.

    Married women take correction from this mistake. "Not all S is P".

  143. Long live SKD the street fighter lwkmd..... NO be only pull her by the hair what of chopping off the pussy? Na small pikin she wan go fight with abi? Woman don't fight with her oh! bec she might disfigure you.

    Back to the main matter, I will advise you to pray to God to release coal of fire upon her so she will burn into ashes both spiritual and physical.

    When I tell people I don't have friends they think something is wrong with me. No!! I have experienced human beings of different form that's why friendship don't freak me. I'm I mad to bring a fellow woman to my home? My father even advised me not to bring a fellow woman into my matrimonial home not even my blood sisters.

    You see wetin mind and love of Christ don cost you? Good Sam Sam.... No be for this century that kind heart dey work for. As a married woman you ought to be bitchy and mean. Not friendly to Bastards and husband snatchers. Na you cause your problem with yourself and by yourself. Na only prayers fit redeem you. If you like go fight as Stella your mama don advise you lwkmd.

    Married women take correction from this mistake. "Not all S is P".

  144. Hey poster, sorry i don't agree with your hubby's side of the story. He must have lied to you, you need to meet the girl to settle the case amicably and hear her own side of the story.

    Meanwhile, you sound VERY stupid, more concerned with your hubby's job than with his escapes with women. Imagine him saving her number as a code.

    How come among all that went for the trip ONLY two of them got drunk and had sex? Does it mean that the girl mistakenly entered his hotel room that night, thinking he's her boyfriend.
    OR probably your hubby mistook her room as his and thought he's at home with you? He cooked ALL these up to confuse you, woman.

    Has it not occurred to you that he must have drugged the girl (to miscarry) so that he keeps his flings going?

    I will not advice you to leave him (now) but his confession was as a result of his fear of you hearing about it NOT THAT HE IS REPENTANT. You opened your home for rodents (you naively allowed a strange girl into your home) and it's in your hands to save your marriage.

    Don't bother about your hubby loosing his job, bother about him genuinely redressing his ADULTERY steps and seeking God. He has broken his marriage vows already and note that He that has broken the hedge, the serpent shall bite.

    May you find solace and peace in God's Word.

    Echi di ime

  145. Hmmmmm.... Im just screening all my friends with killer bodies who just passed out with 2.1, Hope no be any of una story be this?
    Madam, forgive your hubby, send d bitch a note telling her 'I hear you've been sleeping with my hubby, are you? I bet you she will flee!

  146. That girl is a crazy bitch, i just dey provoke like say na my husband. i wonder who told this woman that 1st class babes don't like or snatch men? Rubbish assumption. u better protect ur husband with both the blood of Jesus, and every other thing oo. good husband are not everywhere. forgive and fight for ur home


  147. It must be really hard to forgive your husband considering d level of betrayal he's shown. But u ve to even if it takes one step at a time..u already decided u don't want to b a single mum,so u gotta let go of d hurt. He's shown he is remorseful,however,u ve to ensure he doesn't commit such atrocities again... Right now,take everything to God in prayer & wait for d girl to approach regards to his job,she needs to ve tangible/concrete evidence that he is harassing her,otherwise her plan won't succeed as it was completely a mutual/consensual fling they had. I'll keep you in my prayers. May God ease your heartache & grant you the grace to overcome in Jesus Name. Amen

  148. Hmmmmm! How I wish we can hear d girls side of d story. What if she was raped. This story isn't complete, dia is something fishy dt is scaring ur husband, maybe a fraud in d office he did or something else. Something isn't right in dis story. But pray bc God av vindicated u already.


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