Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narratives...



Thursday, February 11, 2016

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narratives...

Hmmmm na wah!


Stella, I don't know how to go about my fertility issues. My wife
hooked me with pregnancy in 2014 and was crying when I told her that I
was not yet ready for marriage. 

However, I had to marry her traditionally and waited for the right time to have a church wedding.However, she miscarried in June,2014 and we've been trying to conceive ever since. All my money goes into fertility tests and still no
improvement. I would appreciate your candid suggestion, as i am
beginning to get tempted to look for another woman. 

You want to look for another woman?because your wife cannot get pregnant?
My dear e be like make i slap you...that is a wicked thing to do.



Good day Stella, 
I first want to appreciate you for this platform as I am an addict to your blog, now straight to the issue.....

I have been married for  3 years with 2 kids to an Esan man. My husband is a bloody cheat , initially I use to threaten him that I was gonna leave with the kids and even call his mistresses but along the line I just gave up, because the more I fought, the more he cheated and he even started abusing me physically and emotionally. 

To had insult to injure he hardly makes love to me, and may I add has never given me head of which I love to get sucked. And I once snooped on his whatsapp and read his chats about how he gave one of his mistresses head which was heartbreaking , mind you I don't smell down there .

Now before I got married I got really curious about having sex with a girl and i ended up experimenting which I don't regret but it was something I did twice and never did it again. So in light of my husband's behaviour, not caring for me, Not noticing me , I decided to cheat with a woman and it felt good, am sorry.

Now the problem is that in my husband's village they have a tradition where if the woman  cheats on her husband she dies, I was truly oblivious to this until recently , i am kind of scared as I don't want to die or even confess.

Please people has anyone ever been in my situation, is this really true , please don't insult or blame me that I cheated as you don't know what I have been going through and I just needed to be loved and I cheated with a woman because I thought it was safe , am sorry for and typo and punctuation errors as I am not even myself right now.


YOU ARE MARRIED TO AN ESAN MAN?......My dear wahala dey!...Let me read comments instead.


  1. Replies
    1. Poster one

      So you want to leave your wife cos she can't get pregnant for you

      You're self centered and it will kill you one day

      Poster two ...I know .. The queen n boss... Will be down stairs to advice advice


      JHW.....darling how are you doing
      Please will you be my VAL?

      No be poster 2 type oh

    2. Ask Queen Linda poster 2, that's if her hubby is Essan. U shouldn't ve taken ur curiosity 2 anoda level. Lady stop fretting cos ull do it again.

      Poster1: barely 2 years n ure already typing this rubbish? Ure mad.

    3. Poster 2 u r in a big mess
      Am frm Edo state and yes dat thin works like hell
      Previously, it was d men dt normally die or d kids but now, it has been changed to d women bcx every sinner must carry e load
      U hv two options its either u confess or u leave b4 signs starts showing and if eventually d signs show,u must confess b4 d curse is lifted or u die in it

    4. Poster 1 u no serious
      Oya leave her n keep trying
      How do u knw d problem isn't frm u abi u no knw say even if ur sperm first fertilize egg it can become low due to certain things? And if she was diagnosed of any problems cnt u stay n fight it together????
      This is y I will cont to love my hubby bcx he was there for me thru such trying time and wen we look at our kids today?we cnt just but tnk God for giving us d grace to hold strong to ourselves

    5. P1 thats how 1 man married my aunt, for several yrs no child, the next thing the man married another woman, still no child, only for them to find out the man had lsc...the 2nd wife now had cancer and the man ended spending all he had treating till she died. Funny enough my aunt never fights this man and stuck with him all through and still sticking with him. She just adopted her nephew and shes happy.
      People forget the primary reason for marriage is love and companionship. Yes its amazing having ur kids bt why leave ur wife cos of that? And to think its just 2014 oooo, meaning maybe like a lil over a yr? Oga thunder fire u.

      Dear future wife, pls i want to enjoy my marriage for like 2 or 3yrs b4 we start to born abeg, nt that 3months after we marry u wee start with morning sickness and then my perfume wee start 2 irritate u.

      Seems you are only scared cos of the death that comes with abeg just leave d man and continue ur life with a full time bf rather than all these ones u doing.

    6. Useless man.See ur smelly mouth like she hooked u with pregnancy.Did she rape u? Did she force u not to use condom? Gerrarrahere meehn! When u were shagging her without condom what were u expecting? Plasma TV? Ode!

    7. Poster 2 I am a born and bred Esan girl. The curse s if the woman cheats and the hubby doesn't know, the hubby will get ill. But if d woman cheats and the man knows and doesn't expose his wife for cleansing ceremony the man will die. So bae you will not die, your cheating hubby will get sick. Carry go

    8. Poster 1s chronicle just shows that when a woman uses belle to trap man for marriage, there would be no love in that marriage. Imagine thinking of leaving the marriage because she hasn't conceived in less than 2 years. And I'm sure theRe would be other issues in the marriage.
      Firstly poster, 2 years is to small to leave a woman because she hasn't put to bed. I know ppl married for over 5 years before having their first child.
      Secondly, if u Married the woman and she had a miscarriage shortly after d wedding and hasn't conceived, there is a possibility she lied about being pregnant. Are you 100% sure she was pregnant? Does she have her own special doctor giving her all the pregnancy medical reports? Do your homework cos women can be mischievous

      *smokes weed*

    9. Poster 1: I almost feel certain that u are the cause of the infertility! I can't even believe a right thinking human can ask this ur mumu question! Mtcheeew.
      Poster 2: na wa o, whatever u do, don't confess to ur husband....this is the kind of sin u confess only to God. Is he super rich that u can't leave him? I don't think that jazz will work if u take ur mind away from it. No fear jare.....but u can also stop to free ur mind from every guilt!

    10. Abeg me too need answers.... What is the tradition for a wife too who cheats on an Ebu man from delta state.... My hubby has refused to sleep with me for the past 3 years and am tired... Meanwhile he is dating another woman... I cant come and go and kill my self and die away.. Lol...if I have an affair what happens?

  2. Jesus fix it all.

    ******LONG LIVE SDK & SDKERS******

  3. Replies
    1. @poster 1, you see ur life? when it comes to women it's a different case. My elder sister has being married for 5yrs without any issue, knowing fully well that it's her man's fault whom his 1st wife left bcos of the same issue, yet my sister still believe in God's time, though the husband advised her to go and look for a man to impregnate her without the man's knowledge, yet my sister refused due to LOVE. I just told her that her husband wont be this patient with her. Love kee!

  4. Take your problems to God in prayer.. and ladies should learn to be self sufficient and independent! You have to brace up to your challenges and stop looking for who to throw you a pity party simply because you are a lady.


  5. Poster 1 you must be an illiterate with an Internet.
    Why not go to the hospital and find out the cause. What if you're the one with the problem? Will you leave you self?

    Poster 2 you are sex starved and married to a cheating and violent man.
    You don't seem remorseful, I think you are feeling bad because you're scared of dying and I wonder why. You want to keep living with a man like your husband? Why not just let Esan superstition take your life and you rest from all these mystery?
    Cheat liar cheater liar.

    1. It's not superstition o
      This is so REAL

    2. Put urself in her shoes b4 talking

    3. Ah ha
      You harsh oo.
      Take it easy on poster 2
      Good word you dropped for poster 1.


    4. Ode ni bobo/ baby yi sha

    5. Stupid bastard how dare you judge her? Na u go die very soon.... Opkonu why should she show remorse? Stupid dope head

    6. Anon 17:29 ode ni gbogbo awon ara ile e.

  6. You are both stupid. Get a life!!

  7. Replies
    1. Blackberry na u go die first... Ashawo stupid goat

  8. Hmmm. Lemme also wait for comments. I'm interested in knowing what advice will be given cos this same thought has crossed my mind.

  9. Let me also read comments. Hian!

    Jesus is Lord.

  10. She hooked you with pregnancy? Are you a fish?

    Did you not "hook" her Vagina? Dayum,you are not nice.

    Stick with your woman!Go through this journey together,she does not need hassles from you.

    1. Hahahahahahaha

      She hook you with pregnancy
      Are you a fish???????

      Oya poster1 answer this question

    2. Funny enough he might even b doing her a favour leaving. He'll b shocked how fast that woman will conceive if she marries another. Stupid man.

    3. Asin I think say na only me see am..... Wizard

  11. Poster1
    If your wife had to leave because of your tiny dick, will you be happy? Silly man. I'm sure your watery sperm is the problem.
    You even had to open that your dirty mouth and say she hooked you with pregnancy. When you were nacking her raw, what were you expecting? Plasma TV?

    I don't understand why these bloody rules do not apply to the cheating horsebands. What rubbish?
    Why don't you divorce the nicompoop and experiment in peace?
    All ye useless men with your dirty traditions had better not look my way.

  12. Poster 1 u r the nwolu of fools, if it was u who is impotent would she have thought of leaving u? Shameless disgrace of a man,u r wicked in every way,no atom of patience just because.Listen to me, u just pissed me off that woman will find a better man who deserves her,prolly the pregnancy she miscarried wasn't yours, I'd be ready to sit and laugh when I hear u r d impotent mofo.(women dey marry shit call am horseband)

    Poster 2: for us that are married to nsukka and esan men I have always wondered same abt if the curse holds if u cheat with the opposite sex, but as tradition doesn't favour women my dear im not sure of that opp sex thing.But for esan men I hear if u cheat on em with a man the husband and son die if u don't confess not u.My dear those things were done to favour the men, I won't judge nor curse u it's not in my place to do so.

    1. Salt E,you married from Enugu Ezike?...
      Sorry,I pity you women!!,..chai...

  13. U slept with a woman and u are shamelessly saying it. Pray that God forgives u of that dirty act

  14. Poster one chill. You are so angry with that woman. Very understandable but just hold on. Who knows she might get pregnant when you people least expect. But if you feel no love for her and feel caged in the marriage, I don't see any point of going on with it and bringing a child into the equation. But many men claim that women used pregnancy to pin them. Hope you are not lying.

    Poster two I think that tradition meant cheating with a man. Not woman. I'm sure it might not have occured to them that women fuck each other so you are probably safe. Desist from lesbianism biko. Ignore your husband and he's cheating. Turn a blind eye and u will see he will start wondering what is up with you and start ahowing interest again. Work a sometimes

    1. Everytime ignore ignore ignore. It's getting tiring jor. She should divorce him and move on

  15. Let me read comments today.

    @poster 2 that old tradition is nothing. Jesus has taken all those belief away.

    1. Tar! Believes that came abt 1mil years AC. Tk time o.

  16. Poster 1,
    If looking for another woman is what you want,biko go ahead...afterall,you never loved her...
    Everyone deserves to be happy mehn!..don't be in a loveless marriage out of pity...

    Poster 2,
    There is nothing wrong in cheating on your husband afteral,what is good for the goose is good for the gander!...
    I would have advised you to stay and get a side bobo or a side babe but I dey fear for your life...
    Biko divorce the fool and move on with your go die because of a nonsense tradition...

    1. See me running down to read your comment

    2. U insult side chicks here sleeping with people's husband yet nothing is wrong with d young boys sleeping with peopls wives. How u dey reason self? Oya arrange one side chick 4 her cos it's obvious she nor wan cheat with man.

  17. Marry your tribe ooooo
    Esan man
    I cannot even advice any of my buddies to marry from Edo. But I can keep them as distant friends.

  18. Hahahahahaa. I married an exam man too. Chronic cheats but he takes care of me. I cheated with my boss when my last kid was 3yrs, did I die? Here am I after 14yrs n I'm forming good wife. Hahahahahaa. Ur mindset will kill u, nothing else.

  19. Esan man? I rest my case like Aunty stellz

  20. Poster one
    Put yourself in your wife's shoes..If u were impotent and your spouse decides to get someone else, how will that make u feel. C'mob, u r just being selfish and if we have 2 of men like u in one community, the world is doomed!

    Poster 2
    You didn't know you were married to an ishan man before cheating right? Ok
    Now u see two wrongs don't make a right. How do we help u? We'll remember u in prayers

  21. In conclusion poster 2 you are a lesbian, a 14year jail sentence awaits u.

    Postet one what do you mean you were tricked into marriage? Your wife forced you or what? Why did you even have sex with her in the first place? Nonsense

    1. Abeg forget that 14 years bullshit!!...
      Have you ever seen a lesbian being jailed in this country?...

  22. Hmmmmmm!!!!!..
    P2i pray it doesn't apply to sleeping with ladies,I have heard of that of men.
    Bvs that know should advise better..
    Jesus fix this

  23. Poster one:

    Have you made a lady to abort for you in the past? See Proverbs 6:16. Whether you or your wife did it, not having a child of your own is one of the consequences of shedding an innocent blood (see Ex. 1 and learn how God blessed the Hebrew midwives with families because they refused to shed innocent blood). The solution is confession and repentance in fasting and praying.

    Poster two:

    Since you opened the door of your home to Satan through perversion, do not whine that your husband has refused to stop cheating. repent of your deeds and ask God in fasting and prayers to heal your home. Why are folks not bothering of eternal hell but bother so much about "(Esan peoples) juju killing them?"

    1. Are you a male or female?

      I just want to know

    2. Abeg let me hear word! So it's now the lady's fault?
      The husband that is cheating nko? Rubbish!

  24. Am new here, and i have come to Stay. am drama free, get use to me.

    De imperfect Perfectionist......

  25. Poster 1.... Oga you no get head. See what you wrote down there. Your wife hooked you with pregnancy. You be fish wey hook catch. You too check yourself am sure you are the problem.

    Poster 2... Na woman you dey do too. Lesbian plenty for this blog ooo. You give head and the woman give you head too. No wahala. since na woman you dey do Eashan juju no go catch you.

    If na man, wahala dey. The juju no get eyes to see say na woman you dey do

    1. Anytime I see "you be fish" I will just start laughing

  26. Taah I'm Igbo, married urobo, two days after my wedding I saw an sms from my bff to my husband thanking him for a good goodbye sex n she's engaged, I forwarded to my phone, n forwarded to her fiance, I have his number too, d guy got mad, we met n fucked, atlast he didn't marry her, she doesn't know dat I know n gotten my revenge. I got pregnant that same month but I dunno who owns d child, d child is 11yrs now.

    1. Lmao,do you jare.Stupid men everywhere.I don't believe in all those nonsense of one dying if she cheats on her spouse cuz one stupid tradition.

    2. Ashawo kobo kobo u no get shame at all

    3. Another baaad girl!


    4. U even fucked raw,na wa o

    5. Oooh Anon, you be badt girl.
      Real badt gal.

    6. Correct.... Stupid men thinking they are smart....till women stop blaming themselves cos of the bloody he goats they will not stop

    7. Correct.... Stupid men thinking they are smart....till women stop blaming themselves cos of the bloody he goats they will not stop

  27. Poster two:
    Beware of the "queer and bus of this blog" who will tell you to keep on licking vagina and having your vagina licked. She talks that to scatter and harvest souls for her mistress in the depth of the sea! Think about eternal hell and the damage you are doing to your soul.

    Repent and seek God.

  28. Lol @ poster 2. Its like you're Yoruba. You said had instead of add. That's not the issue here. Maybe you'll be lucky and won't get affected cause it could be that the rule was specifically for sleeping with a man. I di smart. Lol. Still laughing. Ndo o? If not, you should have died by now o. Sha just change your ways.
    Poster 1, you're a big she goat. Cow! Do you think she's finding it any easier. Its probably taking a huge toll on her. Now she needs you the most,you just want to look for another person. God punish you a hundred fold. You're a very wicked selfish man.Mind you, if you go to another woman, you'll see pepper. Evil somebody. Like its her fault or something. Mshewww

  29. Poster 1,iri very wicked. Ishi ari gi nma. Just two years and you want to look for another woman? Unu ejikwala eji uche unu mara ihe? I mean Umu nwoke? Do you know if the problem is from you? Mtcheeeeeeeew.

    Poster 2, I am not saying this cos of what Stella said. Esan men are.......... Esan people are.......... na you know the rest. Esan? Chai! Iga ta anya gi. You will chew your eye by the time you are done with whatever is going on with you.

    1. Taaaaa kpuchie onu there, nothing is going to happen to poster 2. It was a stupid tradition from witches environments, just confess your sin to God and ask for forgiveness, nothing is gonna happen to you my friend

  30. Poster two:
    Beware of the "queer and dog of this blog" who will tell you to keep on licking vagina and having your vagina licked. She talks that to scatter marriages and harvest souls for her mistress in the depth of the sea! Think about eternal hell and the damage you are doing to your soul.

    Repent and seek God. The thief (serpent) comes to kill steal and destroy but Jesus has come to give you life in abundance.

  31. Poster 1,it's obvious u never loved her and u are still did not end up falling in love with her.u sound vain and mean. If we check now I'm sure the major issue is d lady a favor and leave her let her find a more deserving man not a coward like u

    Poster 2,did I hear u say esan.sorry is ur name,even in isoko land sef if u cheat on ur husband na die b dat ooo.
    Cheating is cheating period. Whether man or woman.didn't u know he was not romantic and did not like head.or u were closing ur legs like a mermaid
    Now u dey disturb about head.these are things u should have known.these things that we assume are little are infact very big

  32. You cheated on an Esan man you are married to? Be afraid, be very afraid. In the end, you would confess. I'm Esan, I know that.

  33. Revelations of a blog visitor.i will read comments

  34. Poster 1: what makes u think if u move to another women u would get a child.women r not toys, to be used and dumped. U r married so pls stick with uR wife she is gonna conceive just be patient and prayerful
    Poster 2: hmmmmm who am I to judge u,we have all made mistakes and trying to cheat on ur husband is not the solution to ur problem one day u may eventually be caught and disgraced which is very bad. Just confess ur sins to God and ask for mercy, if any man be in christ he is a new creature behold all things are passed away so nothing is gonna happen to u, pray for ur husband and retrace ur steps. It shall be well with ur marriage

  35. P2, no be only die, if any one has to die, it should be ur hubby. Mshew

  36. Poster one ,please be patient with your wife.Are you even sure the fault is from her. I'll just read comments @ poster two.

  37. Poster one: Liar liar pants on fire!
    Say the truth.
    You wanted her to get pregnant before marriage, to be sure that she's 'fertile '.
    I usually say this and yours is an example.
    Asking a woman to get pregnant before marriage, just to be sure, is not right.
    What if something happens to the pregnancy or child, and you have problems having another?
    Una dey play God na.

    Back to the matter, what happened to ' for better for worse'?
    Oh, yeah, she 'hooked' you, so you didn't mean any of those vows.
    FYI, you're married in God's eyes and that of man.
    You think going to get another woman will solve the problem?
    So, what if that one doesn't get pregnant?
    You'll look for another?
    Just less than two years, and you're already considering leaving her.
    * sigh *

    If she actually trapped you with the pregnancy, which I doubt, then, well, she should be expecting anything when things go south.
    Na you sabi.

    Just know that marriage is all about weathering the storms together.
    Pray together, encourage her.
    And I hope you go for tests too, and not assume that she's the one with a problem?

    Poster two:
    I've heard stories about cheating on Esan and Nsukka men, and I'm just here smh on your behalf.
    Make I read comments.


  38. so is only the woman that will die after cheating, what happens to the man? my dear, whatever u believe works for you. i don't believe in those shit. if nothing will happen to the man for cheating, nothing will happen to u. but remember two wrongs cannot make a right. just take it to God in Prayer.

    fix it Jesus.

    1. Dontknw abt Essam bt Urhobo she won't die. She ll run mad or confess. Na d children dey sick n die one after d other. If she nor confess during this period she runs mad. Men? They re entitled 2 100 wives traditionally so stop wasting my time trying 2 rub shoulders with them. Take it or leave it. It is what it is.

  39. Oga poster one do wat want to do and forget us pls, cos ur wife us TTC you wanna look for another woman? how sure you don't have a woman outside your marriage self rubbish talk?

    madam poster two d water way u put for fire dey boil, why you dey complain wen na u light d fire? are u saying you don't know that cheating us bad? pls face d music, go n confess your sins and sin no more good luck.

  40. Poster 1: U are just wicked. Is she God. Y leave her cos she has failed to gt pregnant again. Dnt leave dat woman else u will suffer dearly for it. poster 2: Dnt even know wot to tell you.

  41. Poster one, aren't you a very wicked man, you got married to her cos she was preggy, now she lost it you want out. You can never cheat God. You and your wife needs to seek God's face in this your situation. Very unpredictable and wicked man you are. Mschwwww
    Poster two, you aren't even remorseful, you better seek God's face and retrace your steps. People, the bible is so complete and profitable to direct. I have never seen a person follow God's word to the latter and regret.

  42. Poster 1,yiu are not serious.

    Poster 2,you are in deep trouble.

    Fear benin.

  43. @poster1 : you are a very wicked man!
    I think the problem is from you....u are impotent,so stop hanging it on your wife.

    @poster2 : there is no different between you and your cheating horseband.

    I pity your children.


    Btw,benin people are so loose

  44. P1, it is only God that gives children not human. What if the fault might be from you; please leave the poor woman alone. wait on the Lord and be of good courage, I say WAIT.

  45. Oga aren't suppose to support your wife in these trying times? Why do you want to abandon her now? Don't you know it takes two to tango? What if the problem is actually from you? Please don't leave her alone for there is nothing God can't do.

  46. Esan mostly if the woman cheat on their's the man that dies not the woman...Some not all

    1. Then let her go ahead and cheat so he can die and let us rest. What's his use sef?

    2. Kai babe, you wicked die. Kilode

  47. @1, u don't love her, u only married her bcos she was pregnant, if u are tired abeg take a long walk marriage no be by force.
    @2, Lesbo woman, ur action for cheating is justified but since u are scared of d juju un ur husbands village, y not divorce him so dat u can enjoy ur life, last yr a married woman died in d hotel room with her boy friend, this happened in Ph,my dear I don't know much about this ancient tradition, to avoid wahala just pack ur tinz and leave d bloody cheat u call a husband, he's not worth dying for.

  48. Poster1 she was pregnant before and had a miscarriage
    And under 2years you are already complating trying another another woman

    Haba fear God Mr man

    How can you say she hook you with pregnancy, you never about condom when you were taking

  49. 2nd poster, is not Becos u married to an Esan man but what u doing is wrong b4 God and man. U better tell ur husband about ur infidelity b4 u place curse on yourself and ur kids. Confess n b free

    1. So it's only the husband that is fit to cheat? I do understand you people.

    2. Confess gini? Tar! Fly comot jor. Confess 2 cheating n worse lesbiansm? U dey think am at all? Or u dnt know ure in Nigeria? Stopit.

  50. Esans are the most diabolical set of people I have ever heard about in this country. So my dear, I no envy you all.

    I was maid of honour to my friend who married an Esan man in 2008, till date she is still TTC. They have had many revelations that her husband's people are behind their childlessness. The man gets attacked in his dreams by some people who go to the extent of pulling his "thing" and he wakes up in pains. Different stories infact. My sister abeg fear those people.

  51. Poster 2, dis is serious. dat tradition depend on what part of Esan ur hubby hails from, in sme parts u cheat and still sleep/cook fr him its d Man/first son dat will first loose their sanity and die afterwards. In other parts its d woman who bears it all. i dnt know d effect of cheating wit same sex sha!

    U can still put an end to it all na,tradition or not there will surely b consequences for every action. Be firm nd let God prevail ur marriage

  52. Sowi Stella ur reply to poster 2 is funny. Madam jux confess to Jesus and ur hubby and let God fight for u. Poster 1 please endure and strength ur wife. Plus u people should go for fertility test to ascertain the problem.good luck to both of u

    1. Confess wetin?...
      Poster,don't confess anything...just leave the marriage with your diginity...
      If you confess,your husband will spread the news and the whole world will see you as an adulteress that can't stay in her marriage...

    2. Confess to her hubby? Are you Well at all?

  53. Hw do u women get married and then cheat?.. I can understand if it's a man.. but for a woman?.. haaa

    1. What is good for the man, is also good for the woman.

    2. Get married first then you would understand how they cheat...

  54. So Esan Man Will Cheat And Stay Alive While IF it Were The Wife She will Die??? Gerarahere mehn...Using juju to threaten women since 19 korodom

  55. Mr you have been married fir two years and u want to leave your wife bcus she hvnt given you a child? Just 2yrs,go and ask people that are 17yrs in marriage nd still childless,am not praying that yours will get to that...buh you have to know that its God that gives children except maybe you dont love your wife anymore.

  56. Poster two confess your sins to Jesus n ur hubby let God fight for you. Poster 1 be patient with ur wife na u people should go for fertility test to ascertain the cos.good luck to both of you. But Stella ur comment to poster two is funny.

  57. men are allowed to cheat in Esan????

  58. Poster 1,your marriage is just few years old and you are this desperate and complaining already.
    You are suppose to stand by your wife in this trying time. That woman you want to go and meet,does she have reservoir for children? The earlier you understand that God gives children, the better for you.

  59. @ First poster,u are a Wicked Brazen man.You came here to ask this?Imagine d temerity.

    Poster 2,I am sorry u are going via sorry hun.I just imagined irregular love-making.and I imagined the No-head-giving and just trembled.

    What do we do now?I don't want u to die.Chai.
    Can u try and bribe d Medicine man?

    1. Hahhaha. nwunye G, let's bribe the babalawo

    2. Bwahaha
      Not only is he wicked,but brazen too. LOL

    3. BwahahahhahahhhhA...
      GW idi funny biko. No be only bribe.

    4. Lol at bribe the medicine man...
      Who knows poster,it might work oh But biko leave that marriage!...

    5. I actually lol @ bribe the medicine man.

  60. Poster 1. You are a very wicked Man. Please, go ahead abd looknat other Women. Infact, make sure you pregnant the new Woman ASAP. You need to join your Wife and wait on the Lord.

    Poster 2. I do not know a thing about that oath stuff those people do. Take style ask your Husband. So,you decided to remain in an abusive marriage despite the fact that he has gone physical on you. Okay, stay there and be doing other Women. I heard that thing they swear kills when you cheat. Good luck!!

  61. The 1st chronicle are u guyz up to 10 20 years u see how wicked men can be hmmmmmmm.i rest my case here for u.and chronicle 2 that's actually lesbianism no b only ur husband tradition won kill u oh if u r in Nigeria u better run na 14 years u dey use joke so .if u can't deal with ur husband cheating divorce him even if it's not biblical it's better than dis one u r doing u hear

  62. TTC for just 2years and u want to get marry to another woman what of those that have been trying to conceive for 10years

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Linda Eze, is that you as poster 2?

  65. Poster write and I quote'My wife
    hooked me with pregnancy in 2014 and was crying when I told her that I was not yet ready for marriage..did I read hooked?you must be a shameless he-goat for making such statement*am not sowie to say that*so you didn't wanna get married but you could fuck her till you got her pregnant?what happenedd to condom mr coward?or I guess she hooked you with raw sex too*mcheeew*my advice is for ya wife not you..its high time ya wife appreciate what God has done for her and dump ya stupid ass cos she never reach her destination andd that why getting pregnant is proving hard..when she meet her own husband,she go dey get belle like say na only her God remember and as for ya lazy hubby*Gerrahiamehn
    Poster 2-Jesus Fix this
    Am Out

  66. Poster 1,what if she hooked you with someone else' pregnancy? Maybe you are the one with problem. Do you go for the tests with her or you just conclude she is the cause. You don't even sound like you care about her.

  67. poster 1just 2 years and u want to take a walk?u are a coward...

  68. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Thunder fire ya that yaa smelling mouth..oloshi
      Wetin you be?runs boy

    2. Fool! Who wan look ya broke face? Ishie

  69. @ Poster 1 - I think the tension is affecting u and ur wife. Try and relax. Remove ur mind from it and it will happen.

    @Poster 2 - I'm not sure the ancestors had ur own type of cheating in mind when d established dat rule bcos back then, that type of sexual orientation was not in existence. Relax and cheat no more. If however u notice that ur body is doing u somehow (meaning that d ancestors are not looking the other way on ur actions) then 'fess up immediately to lessen the punishment. Worst case scenario, u wud be sent packing. (Dats not d end of life. Better women have been sent packing for no offence!) brace ur self.

    1. Lmao.. this ur advice thou...

      What is her body no do her somehow atall but cones suddenly ??
      I had a friend from Esan who prides in this tradition
      Madam, confess to God and ask the blood of Jesus to cleanse you.

  70. P-1 you are confused and wicked, you accuse her of hooking you with pregnancy that you didn't want n now you want to look outside, just two years na was you. Please fear God...give it time.
    P-2 will read comments, does this apply to Benin people too

  71. hmm......this is for poster 1,first of all i am sure you dont love that your wife and u feel she hooked now you are looking for an out of it and thereby going th very wicked insensitive route of leaving her as a result of current predicament.
    sad but u know what ? if your heart is not in it and u are just looking for a baby making machinr please kindly take a bow. she may be distraught now but u are saving her from your future ccalousness and ill treatment towards her. long hiss......... I THINK YOU ARE A TERRIBLE EXCUSE OF A MAN. I THINK YOU ARE SPINLESS.

    for poster 2..........i completely understand it all
    the pain,the hurt,the feeling of rejection etc you have received from your man,I mean who wouldnt?
    well first of all it is not all esan families that have that tradition,but you will need to do your resarch well to know if your hubby's family is or not.but not from hubby though.
    AND ABOVE ALL if you belive in God n are a good christian commit it all to God,only God has the power to judge and purnish you ,nothing and no one else can .so pray!but you have to desist and have faith.
    I cant judge you cos i have been where you are and I found my working formula and now everybody is happy......unfortunately I cant say it here.
    dont be scared!
    Just pray and research.

  72. Esan in my language mean something else o

    Biko esan is which tribe so i can know how to advice you.

    poster 1 stay with your woman God might be testing your faith. if you marry another woman she sef no born nko?

  73. Hmm aunty stella tribe does not matter o,esan men are good people now,yes madam if you cheat on ur husband,you definatrly we die ,it was in the reverse case before but they have change it cause Innoncent men do die for what they know nothg abt ,but now it is the women ,madam no matter what your husband do ,DAT does not give u d right to cheat .madam just stop whatever u are doing ,cause is not right and you are digging your very own grave.

  74. Cheating is cheating either with the man or a woman!!!!

    But seriously I don't understand that Esan and "part of Delta " tradition that forbids a woman to cheat and upholds a man when he does...
    I wish to be enlighten more please..

  75. Poster one just one year plus of marriage you are complaining already,odikwa egwu

  76. Poster 1: don't break up with her instead join in finding solution to it though u re angry she trap u down with pregnancy, then poster 2: it's there any need cheating on ur hubby instead go on ur kneels and start praying for him to change.

  77. Poster 1
    Mr Poster, may I ask this....were you sure she was pregnant? Did anything (human intervention) lead to her miscarriage? Well, these are some things you need to clear here. But all things being equal, pls this isn't a GOOD time to leave, after barely 2yrs? I have a cousin that could not conceive for close to 10 years - after which she had 2 boys within 3 years or so......she later had to manually stop bearing children. Pls, sir, don't give up, not yet. BTW, what if the new/intended woman didn't conceive after 3 years? Also, I know one man that married one of my friends more that 2 yrs ago simply bc the first wife could not conceive. Now, my friend is running helter-skelter looking for solution bc medically, she's said to have fibroid. Oga, man is not and will never be God.

    Poster 2
    I am ashamed for you, if you can't deal, why not take a walk. Two wrongs can't make a right, woman, allow God to judge your hubby. As per your hubby's tradition,I would have taken it as bull-shit if it's against a good thing but alas it's also in line with God's word. Imagine, you are not afraid of God's punishment but man's tradition. Whether you cheat with a man or a woman doesn't matter - all wrong doings have reward. Ehhhh! you want to still live and continue with your atrocity, right? Pls woman, return to your Creator and get yourself ready for eternity, other things are immaterial.

    Echi di ime!!

  78. At narrative number 2, it's a pity☺☺ stella u dey run so? 😆😆😆she needs ur advice

  79. Poster 1: what if the initial pregnancy wasn't yours, that's why she isn't able to get pregnant since you got married.
    Poster 2: Esan husband??? Choi... Serious things. Just pray hard and truly repent

  80. NAwa oh, dis is too much to process,lemme read comments

  81. You will surely die in within 21 days. Start packing your things and be ready with the explanation you will give your creator. Go and confess NOW, the time is ticking, your children are small.

  82. Pls is esan in edo state? someone pls tell me it's not true cos I am returning this ring. I also heard they don't bury the wife in her husband's village when she dies and they don't know how to take care of their wives? Is this all true? OMG!!!!

  83. Wow!The kind of advice and suggestions and the way we justify wrong doings on this blog. Its obvious some of us need JESUS.Just a handful of people try to preach truth.Udo!

  84. Poster 1, this ur statement dey vex me "hooked me with pregnancy". So you were not the one dat fucked her without protection and deposited ur dirty sperm inside her.
    See your mouth, how much have you spent? Just since 2014 o. Do you know some men have paid for Ivf once, twice, three times for dere wives. With each cycle costing N1m or more each time. Still yet the thing fails and they keep encouraging their wives. It's just since 2014 she's been trying and already you are tired.
    Lazy man, I'm sure ur the type that even if your wife is pregnant you won't still let her rest, she will be cooking and washing ur dirty clothes per second per second. Even carrying okada going to market to buy things for stew for your dirty stomach. Now she's having little delay you are thinking of quitting. Anuofia

  85. P1: cud it b dat ur wife's preggy b4 marriage wasn't really urs? Cud it b dat she hooked u wt it cus u wr most eligible? Have u checked urself? Just asking ni oo
    P2: same thin applys in my place, if u cheat on DH, u'll becom afflicted wt an illness (ibegwu) whr u'll bcom bloated & swellin all over till u die. Except u confess to DH & d necessary ritual is done. Bt in a situation whr ur DH is aware of ur cheatin & stil kip mute wtout speakin out for d needful to b done, na em go bloat up com die o. Bt if u b igala girl com marry anoda tribe u ar excepted. That's d ancestral tradition bindin all igala daughters.if u lyk say u b born agn or no bliv in d tradition go do anyhw while married, oyo 4u. Bt I kind of like it coz it tames hot pants young brides

  86. Is it true that when a woman cheats on her husband from Enugu state, igbo- Eze to be precise that the woman will go mad or die?

  87. Poster one- Your story is incomplete, anyway you are lucky you didn't marry her under the act so you can easily end the marriage and continue with your life. Abstinence is the way foward.

    Poster 2, Na God go judge your case. Useless lesbian.

  88. #1- Oga pls be patient with God. Look up to him and humble yourself. What made you think that if another woman gave birth to your kids, they'll live and be healthy? Be patient and get ready for God's amazing miracle, abi you no believe in miracles?
    Where is your faith? Don't leave her.

    #2- It appears anything adultery punishes women more. Madam fear God and stop that. Ask God for forgiveness and stop it, what did you gain from such? pleasure that lasts forever okwaya? You won't die because Jesus came to give us life and in abundance, so confess to God and humble yourself.

  89. Poster 2: lies and more lies!!! Nothing will happen. I've heard same thing about calabar, Esan and Yoruba but i've seen people 4rm those tribe cheat. Men and women!!! They r only scaring u abeg. Tho, don't cheat o. Just 'try' and ignore.

  90. Poster 1. Iwu onye isi mmebi, anuofia like you, just two years you are complaining, what if you are the cause of it all will you walk away from yourself?

  91. Dear Anon (Always posting about abortion) Please stop posting that nonsense. God's grace is sufficient upon his children. Look around you will see so many women who have aborted several times and yet they have kids for their husbands. You are not God and don't play God either.

    Stop quoting that verse... Look for better things to do with your life. I really get irritated every day when you post that nonsense. Please go and sleep jor. In what way are you better you wey never do abortion? Stealing, lying, and cheating has its own consequences too check your bible well.

    People will be forming saints that dey are not. You won't quote the part that speaks about redemption and winning souls always abortions.... what rubbish!!!

  92. Lady, get your act together. If you're not happy and don't see a way of resolving issues, pack up your shit and LEAVE! It's just that simple. As for whether you'll die or not, me I don't know oh.

    As for you Mr. hooked man, I hope you do know that half the problem might be from yiu. Silly man, opening his mouth to say ehn, and she hooked me. Were you asleep when you slept with her unprotected? Own up, rather than shifting blame, it only makes you look more stupid

  93. Poster one, oya go na what are you still waiting for? Wicked Man!!

    You men always want women to stay with you and suffer but you can't do same for them. Must you have a child? Are you God that gives children? Have you ever created anytin with your hands before. God knows the plan he has towards us is that of good and not evil. You can't hold hands with your wife and pray for God's blessings.

    No wonder the bible says the heart of a man is desperately wicked. I pray you don't have a child from the women you want to marry. That will be God's punishment for you. Moreover no be you ask her to f..k you. If you wore CD, they wouldn't have been any preggy so stop blaming the woman.

    Poster two, Abeg that thing no follow at all. Why do I have a feeling that we've met in a wedding in Abuja. Mummy Andrea. Anyway just confess to only God and repent of your les bobo sin. Sleeping with a man is better than doing it with a woman. The man will be more irritated self if he finds out. To cut the story short, no one is better. But all the same, I wish you a happy f..king days ahead (that is if you choose to continue).

  94. @poster 1
    When you were fucking her without a condom,what where you expecting?
    Do whatever makes you happy and deal with the consequences!

    @poster 2
    Are you a jobless housewife that you cannot walk away and start afresh?
    Pls leave that horseband of yours before he kills you with beating or HIV!
    Meanwhile,leave pussy alone...dick don finish?

  95. That's why if u can't cope with a mans tradition, don't marry him. Esan man ko, that's why he is behaving dt way bc in his mind, he is sure of his Wife bc of his stupid tradition. Pele

  96. Poster1, if she had children would you love her?
    If child bearing is the only problem, medical science may help you and if you choose to trust God, then it's not even an issue at all.

    But you've got to be more sincere to yourself and your family because this your story of 'Hooking you'....

    Poster 2:
    I believe there should be better ways of handling the issues with your husband especially since he's gone physical.

    Side Boo/Bae may only console you and help you endure but will by no means affect his attitude and abuses.

    Biko look for a more lasting solution.

    Now seriously am hearing of this Esan/ Nsukka believe for the first time.

    For real????
    And I have been a Nigerian all my life.

    Na wa.


  97. Poster 1, Leave her n find yourself another, if it was the other way round the useless hoes on this blog will advise her to run. Poster 2, How re we suppose to know ur Punani doesn't smell.I will never head a dirty girl, dat turn me off. we need a prove it doesn't smell like dead fish. Shikena , if you like no post my comment

  98. Poster 2: Please get the movie War Room and watch God fight your battle...
    I am not married, and I don't have any experience in that area, but one thing I know for sure is that as long God has blessed your union and you've asked Him to be the King in your home, no woman/man born of a woman, no demon or witch can come into your home and run it, you have to give God the front seat.... It's not easy but the Lord will strengthen you.

    Poster 1: No comment

  99. Poster 2: Please get the movie War Room and watch God fight your battle...
    I am not married, and I don't have any experience in that area, but one thing I know for sure is that as long as God has blessed your union and you've asked Him to be the King in your home, no woman/man born of a woman, no demon or witch can come into your home and run it, you have to give God the front seat.... It's not easy but the Lord will strengthen you.

    Poster 1: No comment

  100. I don't know much about Esan but I know God almighty. Nothing is bigger than God, go to God with a genuine heart of repentance and ask for forgiveness. Keep your mouth shut, nufin will happen to you. But you must sin no more lol. My opinion.

  101. Poster 2, forget! All na superstition. Africans though, so it is okay for the man to be a chronic shameless unrepentant chic( does not even respect you enough to keep it froom you), but it is wrong for you to cheat to? Very lame. Abeg cheat on but please I don't support same-sex relationship though. I do hope you have a sensible source of income just in case though. If you have the guts, you can even divorce him(not highly recommended).

  102. God take control

  103. Marriage sad stories,is marriage so boring? Waking up every morning to meet d sme man,everything,its boring. Person dey tire for one soup na.

  104. I can see that the snake girl is hissing and spitting today. She is really working hard to make disciples for her mistress in the deep sea.

    "Queer and bus of this blog" you want poster two to lick vagina and not to mind the "14 years"; sure, when they catch her, you will have achieved the aim of your mistress in destroying the "happiness" you preach that she should seek? And you want her too to keep quiet so that folks will not know her as an adulteress, what are you? If it is only adultery that you are committing and hiding under "daddy in the lord" smokescreen, who will bother. Soon you will tell her to also get "sugar son" for pleasure; the teachings of your really "Mommy in the sea".

  105. I can see that the snake girl is hissing and spitting today. She is really working hard to make disciples for her mistress in the deep sea.

    "Queer and bus of this blog" you want poster two to lick vagina and not to mind the "14 years"; sure, when they catch her, you will have achieved the aim of your mistress in destroying the "happiness" you preach that she should seek? And you want her too to keep quiet so that folks will not know her as an adulteress, what are you? If it is only adultery that you are committing and hiding under "daddy in the lord" smokescreen, who will bother. Soon you will tell her to also get "sugar son" for pleasure; the teachings of your really "Mommy in the sea".

  106. Anonymous that fucked her bff fiancé raw; that was a classic revenge! You go girl!


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