Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narratives...



Monday, February 01, 2016

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narratives...



Good day Stells!
I am in my late 20s, i have hard my own shares of heartbreak in relationships. 

Last  year i met a guy, we kicked it off and everything was going on well till this January when I found out we are both AS, I was heartbroken.I tried to forget about him focusing on 21 days prayer and fasting, hoping that i will find my man soon.

just Yesterday i remembered i have not seen my menstrual cycle for the month of January and the date is far pasted, so i bought a test strip and tested myself, lo and behold it was positive. Stella I was so heartbroken, my sins visited me. I felt like the worst person on earth, I felt like the devil has won the battle, it was as if my world has ended. i cried to the extent my sister started crying with me when she couldn't console me anymore. all my Fasting and Prayer was just in Vain. as if the Plea for mercy i did the first week of the fasting was not answered.

The funniest thing is that I jokingly told this guy that am pregnant and he said is not possible, of course because he was being very careful likewise me. so none of us knows how it happened. well that apart,now am faced with marrying an AS husband, (which is what the guy wanted). or evacuating the child. 

NB: this guy wants us to marry and be doing pre-natal test for every child that comes. but I refused. now am pregnant with his child. should I remove it as the child might be SS or should i go for the test and marry him afterwards? what about the other children that would come in future what would be our fate? i cant afford to be a baby mama ( the drama is too much) incase u want to advise, i should do pre-natal  test and born the baby then leave him.

Stells please dont tell me you are folding your arms and reading comments, i dont mind you using a black pen, i will read and understand. please my fellow BVN i need your Advise and please dont curse me out for having sex before marriage, nobody holy pass, we are all made of flesh and blood. please i need your candid advice now. please am loosing my mind.

Thank you.

Stells please post, its urgent. 

SHUO!...why are you calling me inside this matter as if i enjoyed the unprotected sex with you.evacu-what?you are JOKING!
The deed has already been done and you want to correct your mistake with another mistake?
If you want my opinion,I WILL NEVER BE PARTY ADVISING ANYONE TO HAVE AN ABORTION...i dont care how bad the child will come out.You should have thought of that by using a condom.
I dont know if you should marry him or not but please dont touch that child and do not listen to anyone who tells you to take it out.
God be with you as you make up your mind!



Hi Stella,

I will like to remain anonymous. Am a big fan of your blog.
Here is my Chronicle/Dilemma. How do i begin, well let me start this way.

there is guy let me name him A. well i was dating Mr A since 2011 back then in school , though he was working, actually he practically had nothing then cos he start work like a year before we met, well the salary kept rolling in and he was able to get a house which i personally furnished to my test, got a car etc.

The relationship continued till 2014 ending, i realised that his attitude had changed and he started hiding his phone from me but will always check my phone. Anyways just as my suspicions where right, he was cheating, he actually told me himself and also that he had some time even cheated on me with his ex, well since he told me himself i forgave him.

Fast forward i broke up with him, and he stated he didn't love me, which i knew was a lie(he just wanted to freely spread his tentacles), well we still kept in touch and practically spoke everyday. well sometime last year i called his number and he ex(the earlier stated) picked the call at midnight. Stella for me that was the end!!!!. Anyways he's still begging. 

Just as God had his plan, Mr B was just a friend and When the above happened i had a reason to date Mr B, The fact is that i love Mr B now, he is everything i wanted character and personality wise and even richer. he is more mature and understands me, My family knows him and prefer him but the thing is that Both are on my neck for marriage. Mr A practically licks my feet for forgiveness but all i have in mind is to revenge on him.

Well,my issue now is should give Mr A a chance becos I have known him for long or Embrace my Mr B with love.

Why are you asking this silly question?what do you want with MR A?

I dont believe in dealing with the devil you know abeg...Start afresh with MR B and forget about revenge before you hurt yourself!


  1. Replies
    1. Poster1 I can totally relate wit you, amliving with sickle cell and before I got married I suffered a lot of heartbreak. The AS guys were loving to a fault while the AA guys where butheads. I remember 1 of d AS guys telling me to go tru what your bf is asking when you both get married but I just could see myself going for an abortion every 13weeks of pregnancy if the baby's genotype is SS.
      Marrying the guy means you must be prepared for abortion at any point and you might be lucky not to birth a sickler with this pregnancy. The long and short of it is that don't test God by marrying him and having more Babies. Pray to God to have mercy on the unborn child and make him AS or AA and if not be prepared to be a mom and go tru pains wit your child. You and your dude can then decide to adopt if you must marry or do iVF. I ended up with the most supportive dh and his AA our baby AS.
      Your case is very hard to decide and I pray God grants you wisdom on what to do next. Sorry am writing disjointed,just woke up.
      Are there sicklecellmom that will love to connect with me?

    2. @poster1 : don't terminate the pregnancy, carry your cross.
      @poster2 : receive sense ijn

    3. Ok clap for yourself, 1st yayy!!! But no comment.

      Ehhee poster 1, biko, no touch that baby, go for the test, you never know, if is AS u can marry the dude and still keep up with the test in subsequent pregnancies...meanwhile, as As vs As, u have a chance of having AS, AA, or SS, so don't loose hope. I don't even want to blame you for not using condom.

      Poster 2, anyone who always cheat with ex, is an indecisive person. So please save yourself the stress and move on with MR B. Time adiro(no time)

    4. Narrative 1; my dear, I'm a victim of this AS thing so I understand u perfectly. There's nothing impossible for God to do. Just pray ur child comes outAA or AS! It's very possible. Shei u did 21days? Our God is a merciful God,just trust him. I dated an AS guy for 9 years(on and off) it wasn't easy moving on, it still isn't easy but I knw it's all for the best. God has a great plan for every 1 he created, just trust him.

    5. Poster 1: if you are not more than 6weeks gone, you can let you menstruation come naturally with vitamin C or combine with parsley. I don't know why people think you have to do d&c to have an abortion.

    6. Crazy horn wife, I'm impressed. You should be an example to people who feel sickle cell is a death sentence. Do you still have crisis? How waa childbirth for you? Cs or normal birth? Im curious. You must have faced a lot of challenges before getting married. Gist us

    7. I have made a sad observation on this blog. We all know the difference between right and wrong yet people confidently commit sin and criticize those who are trying to make heaven. Abortion to some people is like urinating. They don't want to know if it is a sin or not yet on sunday, they wear cloth and carry bible to church to pray. When it is time to fast, they will fast. If your life in not in sync with God ways, the chances of your prayers being answered Is very slim. One day, all of us will die. If death comes suddenly, with this your sinful attitude, where will you end up? No matter how you insult spirikoko people, on that day, you will cry. Instead of you to repent now, you are condemning people. On that last day, you will be judged and it will be too late. If you advise some1 to abort a pregnancy and she does, the sin will be on both your head and her own. God may still make you have your own kids but you will still pay in one way or the other. Mark my words. When bad things happen to people, they blame the witches in their village. Many of those things are caused by your sins because if you are righteous, God will protect you from the snares of the devil. That prenatal test is not good because in the end, you abort many babies. How can some1 be fornicating, fasting and aborting yet calling God's name? Keep the child. Next time, close your legs...
      I know some1 who wanted to abort but was tormented by the Spirit of the unborn baby. Today that baby is mega cute and smart and adorable.
      Most times, those babies you intended to get rid of end up being the light in your family. They will be the one with the oil job, political post, etc
      It's frustrating to give birth and be a single mum but in d long run, u will enjoy.
      Since women know that they are the ones who suffer when they get pregnant out of wedlock or abort, why have unprotected sex? Why sleep with the guy? You people keepa king the same mistakes and coming here to disturb our ears. Let this be the last time that I will hear this trash

      *smokes weed*

    8. Poster1:Do the prenatal test and if it's SS I will advise you to abort talking from both professional n personal experience but if it's not keep the baby but don't marry the guy for the sake of future children.

    9. Poster 1 leave that belle. ..

    10. Nne pregnancy was a tof 1, had emergency CS because my baby came early. But I bless God because she will be 2year soon and getting stronger!
      Will love to connect with other sickle cell mom's to know how they are coping and I will love to have one or two more Babies in future.

    11. God is merciful, my boy is almost 2 yrs and i'm preggy already.

  2. If nothing to comment, will read as usual

    1. Poster 2, if you don't run to Mr. B I will slap sense into you. What rubbish?

    2. Poster 2 you are a student and still lacks appreciable sentence construction? Go and buy brighter grammar and leave men alone

  3. Just negodu!

    ******LONG LIVE SDK & SDKERS*****

  4. POSTER ONE: There is something ABOUT ABORTIONS which I'd like us to see. When one kills (or encourages the killing of; see Prov. 6:16-17) innocent children, the consequences are three. 1. You deny yourself the joy of having a home (remember the Hebrew midwives who spared babies against Pharaoh's advice to kill them; God rewarded them with families; Ex.1) 2. You risk "sudden death" in the hands of another fellow/accidents etc. remember Gen.9:6 and thirdly, you deny yourself eternal life! What a life! God isn't going to call you to glory if you do not repent. Jesus said; come to me all you that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest; that's Matt. 11:28. If you do not repent, you'd keep on laboring for the Serpent. But if you repent and make Jesus your Lord today and begin to read your scriptures; you'd find peace and the above three lots will not be yours. God bless you.

    A colleague of mine who owns and runs a hospital does "abortions of all kinds". I had always wondered that in spite of being a well trained specialist, he seemed to have settled on just aborting kids and it gave him so much money. No matter how much we (his colleagues) warned him to "reform his practice", he did not take heed. Once he was travelling with his wife and two kids on an interstate highway, he suddenly began to scream; "look at that kid crossing the highway, imagine that kid . . .!" His wife who was seated on the front passenger seat told him that she couldn't see any kid, His kids behind said same (the man NEVER had any psychological issues in life and was NEVER on any addictive substance). next he matched on the breaks and the car flipped severally. He woke up after a few days in a hospital and when he asked about his family, was told that they were all dead; he began to weep. He wanted to get up and found that he was limbless.
    Exodus 1:15 The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, whose names were Shiphrah and Puah, 16“When you are helping the Hebrew women during childbirth on the delivery stool, if you see that the baby is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl, let her live.” 17The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do; they let the boys live. 18Then the king of Egypt summoned the midwives and asked them, “Why have you done this? Why have you let the boys live?”
    19The midwives answered Pharaoh, “Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive.”
    20So God was kind to the midwives and the people increased and became even more numerous. 21And because the midwives feared God, he gave them families of their own. NIV

    1. Lady igo???
      Poster one, pls read this admonishment thoroughly .

    2. @anno 15:03,are u a pastor or doctor?...choi,better choose a profession,....ur type can do the most outrageous sin and still come here to judge,stating a fiction u cracked up in ur skull.

    3. Yawn!...
      Abeg enough of Chris your copy and paste story..
      It's getting boring...

    4. Anon,enough of this your lie of a story.How many times do you want to tell it?

  5. Sweetheart, only u know what to do.I will be selfish asking u to become a baby mama in this days of rejection and name calling, then u r a single mum to an ss child? Nne ikogara gini? Don't think it oo.

    Also, I can't tell u to marry him cos it means that ur future kids stand the risk and love with ss kids dies bfor it starts.

    Abortion! Abortion, nne I am not Jesus to judge u so please if it's the best do it cos many women do it and come out to form saint nwegbe.God will give u wisdom.

    1. Poster 1 pls d pregnancy is still in blood form go n flush it out quick it still. Within 4 - 6 weeks. Stella advising u 2 leave it like shez gonna help u carry ur burden.

      Poster 2: well u can start over with Mr. B n ur well well taya person


  6. Poster 1: Please abort, and next time, learn to tie your legs or use a condom!
    You people will be committing fornication and remixing it with spirikoko talk. Nawah oooo.

    Poster 2: Receive sense! Are you a swan? Receive sense please. I'm begging.

  7. Correct answer by Mrs korks

    "Why are you asking this silly question?what do you want with MR A?

    I dont believe in dealing with the devil you know abeg...Start afresh with MR B and forget about revenge before you hurt yourself!"

  8. Poster 1,
    You better do an abortion and save your self from the stress that comes with SS child...
    You think having and catering for a sickler is beans...
    Hmmm think twice!...

    Poster 2,
    You are still there asking questions...biko marry Mr B!...
    A cheat and a liar will never change!...

    1. Tell them boo... Make dem dey shout say make she no touch the pregnancy as if when the shit hits the fans they gonna stand for her and bear the burdens.

  9. @1, my friend get rid of dat baby, wat were u thinking nacking raw when u know both of u are As, don't bring an innocent child into this world to suffer u hear, mumu girl.
    @2, why are u so stupid, plz marry Mr A make I rest, I wait ur second chronicle, stupid girl.

  10. Shuoo dis one na epic end time reply by Mrs korks.

    "why are you calling me inside this matter as if i enjoyed the unprotected sex with you.evacu-what?you are JOKING!
    The deed has already been done and you want to correct your mistake with another mistake?
    If you want my opinion,I WILL NEVER BE PARTY ADVISING ANYONE TO HAVE AN ABORTION...i dont care how bad the child will come out.You should have thought of that by using a condom.
    I dont know if you should marry him or not but please dont touch that child and do not listen to anyone who tells you to take it out.
    God be with you as you make up your mind!"

  11. All I see in Poster 2 is a hole called "vagina".

  12. Poster two, u just wanna waste my time, u know u will choose B so why d silly question? If u don't want B pls give him away.

  13. Poster 1: my advice forget marriage with the guy but keep the baby.

    Poster 2:pls use ur head,why do we women like men who treat us badly. And then u forgive in the name of he loves u and he loves u. If it were the case, why did he eat his vomit by going back to the ex. Nne Biko move on with Mr B or find another person.

    1. Keep the baby, keep the baby. If the baby turns out to be a sickler, will u take care of the child 4 her?

    2. People sha! Do you think it is easy to abort a baby? Madam pls do not do it. There are treatments that are now available that can change the child's (must be 16yrs and below) genotype from SS to AS if need be . So pls there is always a way out. Stay strong love.

  14. Poster 2
    It's people like you that make men ask " what exactly do women want"?

    Poster 1
    If the the test shows the genotype of the baby, go for it and continue from there (you know what I mean). Very importantly, follow your heart.

  15. Poster one, I don't envy AS+AS marriages o. Since he can afford all the tests, no wahal. Concern una

  16. Poster 2 use the money Mr. B has to polish your English. OMG!

  17. Digestion process.......... For poster 1&2
    Poster 1,DO NOT abort biko,marry d AS pregnantor,lol.
    Poster 2,na stupod question u dey ask,give mr B a chance.

  18. NARRATIVE 1:

    WHO opens legs for sex?
    Who get's pregnant?
    Who bears the guilt of abortion (the man shares in the consequences though; see Proverbs 6:16) and cries every second/everyday?
    Who is heartbroken and shattered and confused?
    Who has insecurity and low self esteem?
    Who is seen as the whore?
    Who has suicidal thoughts (yes you murdered a human being or more see Gen. 9:6)?
    Who sulks even a decade after the man has moved on, married and had kids?
    Who is dumped?
    On and on and on.
    When the man finishes with you he moves on to the next "gullible victim"
    Leave such men who are only interested in you body (no; just interested in your vagina and breasts) alone and face your life and make it right with God and do not kill kids etc.
    Jesus says; "whoever comes to me I will not cast away". Matthew 7:6 "Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.

  19. Poster 1, please don't marry him. There are chances that all four kids will be SS.

    If you do pre-natal test and the child is SS, you will still abort it. If you marry him,you will still do abortion after pre-natal test.

    Go and do a pre natal test, if it's AS, keep the baby, if not, abort it please. Don't bring a child to this world to suffer. That love he has for you now will fade when time comes.

    Poster 2, please leave your past behind you and move ahead.

  20. poster one biko don't you abort, d deed has been done pls keep it. you knew you are not ready to marry d dude then why did you continue d relationship.

  21. Poster 1 Jesus fix it... some people will sin today trying to advise you.

    Poster 2 pray over it. Sdk bvn's will only judge from what you said. Why not let God choose for you. Best of luck

    1. Yeah, some people will sin today trying to advise poster 1 and they are the ones that would tell her the truth. To give birth to an ss is a burden on its own aside the normal responsibilities of the parent to the children

      I won't tell you what to do directly but read through my writeup and decode what am telling you

      Keep the pregnancy, give birth to ss, become a single mother, visit hospital every day. Do you love that?

  22. Poster 1.
    Your story broke my heart. However, I do not think abortion is the way out. You maid mention of your partner suggesting pre-natal test, dearie, take that option first.
    As much as we have successfully renamed murder and many other sins, the grave consequences still remains. Abortion is EVIL and it is MURDER.
    If truly you partook in the fast and spent the first 1 week seeking His face for mercy, then hold on to Him and ask Him to show you the way out.
    Remember, There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.( 1st Corinthians 10:13)

  23. Poster 2: your write up is an eyesore mehn! How old are you please? This is chronicle sef is somehow. I jump and pass on this one.

    Poster 1: please don't abort the baby. Try going for a test first then seek good counsel from God and a doctor.
    I don't know if this passage can encourage you like it does to me but u can also check it out 1cor 10:13(msg translation).

    I pray for God's strength for u to carry on.

  24. Poster 2

    Mr A is dead n Gone

    Mr B is your New Jerusalem

    Poster 1 I bet a life with a sickle cell child is as bad as it never existed. I pray for wisdom.

    Not all that abort dies in the process dear. But the memory will hurt u for life.

    1. Poster1, hmmmmmmmmmmm!
      Am dumb founded I swear, I feel ur pain, am As too, marrying him might turn sour tomorrow my uncle married As like himself, the 2nd of the two kids was SS, he is late now tho, do a prenatal test first, if it's ss pls evacuate, the drama is worse than that of a baby mama trust me, but if it's not, plss keep it.

      Poster2, which can spiritual confusion be ths?
      You re asking us bah, i can't tolerant a cheating boyfrnd abeg, cos u can just trip and fall into a vjayjay, and u re seeing it as normal already, abi u sef dey cheat, babe up and say yes to Mr B already joor.

  25. Sunny keeps cheating on dabota! Gbege.

  26. Chronicle number 2, very irritating

  27. Is possible dat ur first baby will b AA. Abortion is bad, is d same thing as murder and u are lucky d guy wants it sef.

    Poster2, I didn't border to go through urs. Advice urself. Is simple.

    1. For every pregnancy that both partners are AS, there is a 25% chance the child will be AA, 50% AS and 25% SS

      What if the child fall into this 25% SS?

  28. @poster 1,how were u both being careful during sex?withdrawal method I guess!Condom is very cheap & available everywhere.There are women crying & fasting to conceive & you are talking about evacuation!pls carry your cross.What if u were infected with a disease?

  29. My tongue is tied. I can't advice poster one so dat I won't mislead anyone.

    Poster two. Try Mr C.

  30. P1, OYO. P2,I am surprised that you are still talking about Mr. A. Biko move fast.

  31. POSTER 1: I wonder why people don't think beyond their selfish desires when bringing a child into this world. The moment u start a rshp is the time u ask about genotype & flee if it would be a problem later. U complicate things for yourself& continue the rshp, then get pregnant. Do u know the pains a sickle cell child goes through?? This pain would definitely move on to the parents who begin to blame themselves.. pleeeaaaaseee people, always consider the effect of your decisions on your children..
    I agree that not all sickle cell look like they're sick, but it doesn't change the fact that they won't live a normal life. The fear of losing your child before 21years is constantly in your mind. It is only a very few AS couples that give birth to an AS child. U take decisions hastily without thinking of the consequences. U should not abort that pregnancy! Since u as an adult cannot think of the result of your actions before carrying them out, then be ready for the consequences. We deliberately look for trouble, & start calling on God to save us. May God help u!

    POSTER 2: You clearly don't know what you deserve. U can go and continue ur suffering & emotional abuse with ur MR.A and leave Mr.B for the good ladies praying for such and ready to grab it when they see it. Revenge ko, revenge ni. Na be leader of Avengers squad! Oya clap for yourself.

  32. Poster 2. Starting from nursery school to university, that is if you reach uni sef, start refunding ALL the school fees that people have paid on your head. An absolute, bloody waste.

    You can't even construct a sentence with one word untop of the stupid 'problem' you claim to have. E be like say you chop Belle full.

    Poster 2. I always find this funny. People be fucking upandan like village rabbits, and their voice is highest for praise and worship on Sunday, I'm not condemning o, it's just funny.

    So after spreading leg like fishing net, you want advice from the general assembly on weather to kill your child abi? But come o, when you were nyanshing what were you expecting? A laptop? God with you.

    1. Epic Anon. I raise everything for you😆😅😄😃

    2. Faceless annon 12:22 clap for urslf. Ur stupidity is not common. Infact ko si ni google. Urs is so special dat it can never be cured. Ode oshi #imustcommentsyndrome.

      The other annon 15:51 jumping under her comment like dija.. u for kuku write 'jesus fix it' as u no sabi wetin to write. Olodo oshi..copy cat!

    3. She did not fuck, she was fucked

    4. I said I wouldn't laugh at this comment anon 15:22 but... Buahahahahahahaaaaaaa

      Anon 15:22 you're frightful. Lmao

      Let me also say God with you

    5. ARIYIKE, you are the poster 2?
      I see! Kpele, dont be sad at my words. Wipe your tears dear.

      Expand your vocabulary, associate with intelligent people, take remedial classes,practice without stopping, the sky is the limit.

      As for your sundry issues, like I said' God with you'. Cheers.

    6. Madam Ariyike calm down, are you either of the bvs? If yes, it's your choice to take advice or leave it. If no, make your comment like an adult (if you can) and pass. Insulting people for airing their own opinions is quite silly.

      You made a comment below on this post. How would you like it if someone responded to your comment calling you an 'ode oshi' 'olodo oshi 'etc

      Poster 2.Old things have passed away. Please face Mr B.
      Your biggest 'revenge' will be to show your ex how happy you are with a new person.

    7. AUNTY ARIYIKE e be like say that your SPIRIT HUSBAND don wake up dey disturb you again abi?
      Otherwise wetin concern tortoise with ogiri?

      I call your name? Abi na you be the poster wey dem open nyansh down like note book?

      You want to use your mouth as toilet brush? Feel free.

      But keep that shit far away from me. Na my lane I dey so. If I get Id or I no get, e no concern you. I no dey use Id follow you beg or enter Heaven. Address your hunchback.

      If you want to try me,go ahead. Bastard.

    8. Ariyike you must be the poster...because i dont know y anon's comment should irk you this much.

    9. Laughing like I inhaled laughing gas @ anon 15:22. U for just kuku kill me. You wicked gaan but the truth is bitter and it's a battle between the elements of right and wrong. You have been indulging in fornication and it wasn't a crime n sin then? Why sing abortion all over the place? Why is it weighing on your conscience? Do what your mind tells you to
      Saint BVNs...unuga pa nwa if it's not SS? Will your mouths remain same if she comes with another chro chro of life with an SS baby?
      Ndi uwa be realistic please

    10. Lool@ fishing net. 15:22 some of you bvs wii use mouth and bend somebody.

      @Faridah spot on. I honestly don't know why some jump on people's opinions with insults, very very irritating.

      Poster 2. Move on.

    WHEN did you become a vacuum pump? You mean, you want to kill the child?

    My classmate thought same 2 years ago and mentioned it to me. She did not ask for my opinion. But I told her that "shedding the blood of a person can result in her own blood being shed by another person"; had quoted Genesis chapter nine verse six to her. She told me that her reason was because she didn't want the child to suffer since baby daddy rejected her and the child.

    She had the abortion and it was "a neat job" according to her. At the end of the semester, she was travelling home and another bus hit her bus from behind (she was seated in the middle); many got injured but she alone died in that crash. I was the only one that knew "why?"; the question that was on every lip.
    Fr**** if only you have listened to reasoning!

    1. You would have sounded wise until you gave this stupid story. God told you it wasn't your friend's time abi,she died as punishment for the abortion abi. You irritate me, you sick fuck

    2. Anonymous, it's this same lie that will kill you in an accident and only I will know why. Chai... liars everywhere.

    3. Idiot. Judgemental moron. So how about we all keep dropping dead for our sins? Or is abortion greater than all other sins?

  34. Poster one,i didn't even read the second chronicle but I had to rush to type this. I could feel your heart ache.

    Please don't beat yourself up so much,we all make mistakes.
    The future is more important,please stop crying and tell him.

    Let him wed you. I just have this feeling that he might start having cold feet once he knows you are preggie for real. Please get back to us when you sort things out.

    Just when you decided to live right and focus,this struck. #Life

    1. Iphie you are running around the bush...
      Advise her to keep the baby or not...

    2. Beating around the bush. Ur English though....smh

    3. Hahahhahahaha
      Queeny...rapum oooh. This one reach to run around the bush for ooh.

      This poster in in trouble.
      The worse is that the dude might likely have double mind once she meets him with the pregnancy. Chai.

  35. poster two focus on Mr B and let Mr A sit on a long thing. if you forgive him am positive that he will still run back to his ex after a while. never forget to pray always and seek the face of God, marry d man that understands your love language, good luck babe.

  36. @ poster one;two wrongs cannot make A right..

    Fornication- A sin
    Abortion- A sin

    Ask God for forgiveness of the pre-marital sex you have been on;take your penance;and have that baby you are having..cos aborting that child is like adding more "weight" on the sin you have already committed..

    Who knows;the child might come out not being A sickler..

    Pele!! But know u dont have A choice here if truly you are seeking for forgiveness from God..

    Im not judging you Dear,cos Nobody holy pass!!

    @poster two;you should have A standard as A lady..or you havnt planned your life yet?

    Bydway,If you are on A plan for revenge;better focus on Mr B and stop confusing yourself..

    Now listen;there is no gain in Revenge,but even if you wanna Revenge;Success and happiness is the only tool you can use for that..Look for A better man that would treat you right;that alone would show mr B that you are A princess and you deserve better..



    1. Martins nwa aboy ibu akpa uche agaghari. Jokwa o

    2. @Belle s;Ọ bu ka m si were fỤ onwe m ooo..thanks tho! Trust u are good tho.. #hugs

      @Omasiri;from God! **smiles**
      Thanks for the compliment..#hugs


  37. Poster 1
    The deed has been done, u need to change ur prayer point to God making the baby AS n not SS. Channel ur energy to the prayers, God answers! The guilt that comes after abortion will hunt u 4 life. Isn't it better to be a single mother than to KILL??? Have a rethink.

    Only u can answer d question of whether or not to marry d guy.

    Poster 2
    Ur question is such a silly one. Though no one knows what the future holds wt mr B but going back to A shouldn't even be an option u shld consider.

  38. There's always something imaginary to blame ur problems on, either spiritual husband or the devil winning the battle.... How bout u look from within urself? your bad character or poor judgement not to use protection might just be the devil, and yet u wonder how u got pregnant while "being careful" without protection.... Precums are also contains sperm jst so u know.
    i don't agree with Stellas advise, if you knw wat Sickled kids go thru wen their crisis hits, u'd wish for an abortion, why bring in an innocent child to suffer for ur 5mins mistake u called sex? Trust me, its not worth grooming a sick child to teens & constantly panic for the childs life each time he/she falls sick...

  39. Poster A.. Since you said the guy is ready,you can do prenatal testing/diagnosis for every child if you are also ready to push it.. Either way,unless your health or that of d child is at risk,I'll never support abortion.

  40. Poster 1 follow Stella's advice.
    Poster 2 don't be stewpid. Go with Mr B.

  41. Pls poster 1 don't listen to Stella. Remove the child. Why would u bring an innocent baby in this world just for him/her to suffer? If u go for check up and see that the baby is SS remove it immediately, if the baby is not SS and u have a good job and enough money to care for the baby then keep it. But pls if the baby is SS or u don't have enough money or a good job remove it. Don't listen to Stella and force your child to suffer in this wicked world. As for u Stella keep giving stupid advices mtcheew.

    1. Le kwa ha!


    2. Gbam!!...
      People telling her to keep it won't be there when the drama starts...

    3. Stella has said nothing wrong. Abortion is not the best option, because it involves taking a human life. When she opened her legs did she not know there will be consequences. Now she wants a beautiful creature to suffer for her chosen life of pleasure. Welcome to the real world. You can't have it all. If she aborts, the guilt no be here. It is even better to have the baby, then put her/him up for adoption or give the baby to the Father's family

  42. Poster one,during the five nights of glory in salvation ministry,so many cases of as and ss were turned to aa!!God is still in the business of doing miracles..keep d child and pray fervently it might come out as but I will say,dont marry him cos not all d children will turn out so..
    Poster 2:what will now be d revenge?U sleep with Mr b to annoy A?then b finds out u re a cheat and d both of dem dump it silly ass?wise up woman,mobe on with ur life and forget any mumu revenge..oh u even mentioned he is richer!!thats a big plus for u to forget silly ass Mr A and next time when a man tells u he doesn't love you, believe him and don't say in ur head dat he doesn't mean it..he means it with his blood and soul

  43. P1. You can kill yourself if you want but don't abort that child.

    Mr B must always come along in chronicles n his criteria must always be better than the other man's... Mtcheeew.

  44. Dear Poster A, i'd advise you keep the baby and if you truly desire HIM, you can take the risk...

    Poster B, why do girls always put themselves in a tight situation and then try to come out, only for you to be stuck? give yourself brain mehn, Mr. B is a better candidate so why not stick to him, mind you, its not how far but how well... #StrollsOut#

  45. Poster 1-
    In as much as i do not support abortion,i do not also support bringing children into this world to suffer....i shouldnt be the one to educate you on AS & AS also don't seem to like this guy from your story..

    I know what i have said is what is in stella’s mind but she has a image she doesn't want to tarnish.

    Poster 2- why do u want to give yourself issues... All u need is common sense. EX is EXpired. take your love to mr B biko.

    The governor's lastborn...

  46. Poster 1 pls keep the pregnancy. Poster 2 anytime u pple starts by let me name him A and B I lose interest so advice urself.

  47. Poster 2,You are not just serious!!! Why is A still an option? That's how my yeye ex after f**king up is disturbing me upandan making stupid promises. Now that i am happy and glowing thanks to 'my' Mr B,the devil wants to use him to distract me. I initially wanted to mess him up but meeehn,there is no need. I have moved on. I suggest you do same gurl.

  48. Poster1 please don't abort that baby,keep praying to God that she doesn't turn out ss & am sure he will see you through,that baby might even bring you guys closer than before..this is the reason you should ask better question early in the relationship but I don't blame you o

    Poster2 Madan Avenger please o you have a goodman after you and you want to revenge your ex,isn't God blessing you revenge enough?,better forget mr A & face your new relationship,trust me mr A will be back to beg & if he doesn't you will always be the one that got away.

  49. Poster one......really dicey situation, sex comes with consequences. Bear your responsibility with a clear head. Do not marry this guy coz you are pregnant.! For the child, i would say, please do not abort. God performs miracles everybody.....could turn out AS. But pls, marriage of As and AS, i would never advice. Children with SCD go through hell, so do their parents and whatever love that created the story.

    Poster 2...... Wash your hands off your cheating ex..... Look to God for confirmation that Mr B is the one for you...... Do not set yourself for heartbreaks, betrayal and Stds managing a cheating man......forget the investments you have made in that relationship.........Your reward will be the best man, not him...... You deserve much better!!!!

  50. Poster 1... why did you not close your legs like a mermaid. So what the Bible is saying you people are using it to do nonsense. No vex ooo. BORN THE BABY.

    Poster 2... i saw stella's explanation. SILLY QUESTION

  51. poster 1 pls keep ur baby do not abort it my family are AS were 6 two are dead we four still remaining.
    My mum used to say she was never advised to take test before putting to bed for my sisters that if to say she knew that a test could be done she would have aborted them.
    what I am trying to say is that most ur children will b AA and AS only a few will b SS that is if u have a plan to have more than 3 children think before u act that child might b the only child u will have on earth

  52. Ode ni poster B yi sha. So u like writing stories abi? Cos I can see ur making way for another chronicle to step in. Like wtf?! U need a serious slap I swear. If u were my friend, I wud have crushed u with my big
    Anywayz, pls pls nd pls, dont go back to mr A. D guy is not urs. He doesn't deserve u. He always wants to eat his cake Nd have it. He's d chop nd clean mouth type nd trust me, d guy go still cheat ober nd over again. If mr B makes u happy den pls, turn mario on his neck o. #besmart.

    Poster 1..lemme go back nd read ur story again..brb

    1. Is like your brain cannot contain much info at a time abi, you are always going back to read something... Babe check o, maybe is leaking somewhere.

  53. Poster two : you dont have a problem at all. Forget mr A and move on, revenge heals nothing and will only make you bitter in the end.

    Poster one: dont touch the baby, and dont tell the guy. Go for the prenatal test alone and if it is confirmed the baby is not a sickler you keep and inform the guy amd you two sort out yourselves, of the result is opposite the doctors in the hospital with educate you on your options and then you decide what to do nezt. Why I said dont tell the guy yet till you know the status of the baby is so he doesnt put pressure on you to accept a situation that might mean suffering.for you and an innocent child for life. Get the facts first then bring him into the picture if they are favourable if not please no child deserves to have a permanent hospital card and no parents deserves to live on the brink of perpetual fear of losing his or her child. Take care.

  54. Poster 1 please go read past IHNs. There was a lady that sent a picture of a beautiful baby she almost aborted. Men after seeing that baby I can never advice anyone to abort. You do not know who that child will be tomorrow. Besides are you ready to deal with the guilt of taking a life.

    Poster 2 I know you still love Mr. A hence the confusion. The devil is a liar! Please DELETE him quick. You must be a glutton for punishment. You want to go back to someone that treated you so badly. Chai!

    1. Most of you should stop emphasising on "ABORTION". The real issue here is the genotype of the baby. If she leaves the pregnancy and the child turns out to b SS and she brings another chronicle na una go still insult her.

  55. poster 1,don't touch that baby,u fasted and prayed yet you don't believe God can change your story,pls re-do the fast with a better mindset and understanding of God's love..
    poster 2,u don't have a problem

  56. Poster 2- MR B is the person you should be concentrating on now,pls leave the cheat called mr A,cos,since he now knows you have someone better,he is trying to come back,leave revenge for God abeg n face ur front.
    Poster 1- abeg abeg,use you tongue and count your teeth,you should have thought of closing your legs and pretending to be a mermaid before all these long write up.

  57. Hmmmmm ladies and relationship issues

    Poster 1
    You guys made a series of mistakes, you now have a price to pay - carry your child and deliver him/her in due time. What if you die while aborting, what will be your fate?

    As for getting married to the guy,it's your choice. But I must warn you that some AS men always claim to love and ready to marry AS women but it's actually the women that bear the brunt of it when faced with challenges from an SS child.

    If you didn't want to be a baby mama, why were you having pre-marital and/or unprotected sex?

    Poster 2
    I pity you, you are here asking if you should entangle yourself (all your lifetime) with a man you know that is sleeping around? He will use it as a basis for continuous sleeping around when you guys get married - after all you already know yet accepted him.

    Echi di ime

  58. Mehn I pity poster 1...please lemme ask this question, which part of d bible specifically says don't do abortion? Apart for the thou shalt not murder??
    PS, I am not supporting poster 1, I just want to increase my knowledge of d bible and be able to back my arguments. So judgemental BVNs please stay away from my comment.

    Poster 2, better follow Mr B and say no to cheating men.

  59. Poster 1, your fasting can never be in vain pls, but just don't abort that baby oh, don't let anyone push you into aborting that child pls, keep praying and believing in God, he will see u through. Poster 2, receive sense in Jesus name, Amen.. How can u be thinking of going back to a cheater? Hmmmmm

  60. Poster 1, your fasting can never be in vain pls, but just don't abort that baby oh, don't let anyone push you into aborting that child pls, keep praying and believing in God, he will see u through. Poster 2, receive sense in Jesus name, Amen.. How can u be thinking of going back to a cheater? Hmmmmm

  61. Poster 2: are u for real? How old are u? I pray Jesus fixes ur confusion so d@ u dnt use ur hubby as boyfrend n boyfrend as hubby. Wisdom is profitable to direct.

  62. Poster1,nobody holy pass so I won't judge you but remember that the cost of taking care of an SS child is huge financial responsibility coupled with the pains the child would be in til he/she turns 21.
    I won't also advice you abort because am a Christian and the bible forbids it.please go for the prenatal testing and I also hope you.
    Poster 2,you have a good man in Mr.B, and here you are talking about revenge? People can never be satisfied.madam abeg face front with your new man. Your own no even classify as chronicle abeg.

  63. Poster 2, please go for Mr A and hook me up with B. Since you don't like good thing.... yeye dey smell. Mtcheww

  64. @ #Miss Kay#

    Proverbs 6:16There are six things the Lord hates,
    seven that are detestable to him:
    17haughty eyes,
    a lying tongue,
    hands that shed innocent blood,

    DID YOU SEE "HANDS THAT SHED INNOCENT BLOOD THERE?" ISN'T THE BABY IN THE WOMB INNOCENT?NOTE THE PLURAL "HANDS" (the pregnant girl, the boyfriend/fiance that asks her to do it, the doctor that does it, the nurse assisting him etc.). God says, that he hates "those hands". So when he begins to scatter the works of such hands, they should understand. The professor that taught me in my final year was a sickle cell disease patient; SS. He was 52 years!

  65. Poster one,since the guy is ready to marry u, and even agree on prenatal test,ehy carrying the burden alone! Even if u r going to abort the baby, carry the guy along, u both made the baby,and the decision should be both,two heads are better than one, tell him first, he might have a better plan,u r in this shit together

  66. Poster did 21days fasting and prayers yet you don't have faith in God. Smh for you, my dear you don't seem to know the God you serve beco if you do know God very well you will know that He makes impossibilities possible. Don't abort the pregnancy and also pray ask God to change your genotype and God will do it. Poster 2 receive common sense in Jesus name. You are just been stupid by even considering accepting Mr A as you refer to him. What makes you think he won't cheat again. Inukwa, once a cheat always a cheat. Good luck to you

  67. Poster 2: why asking foolish questions? U shouldn't even think twice before going for Mr b, abi,what is your problem.dont look for problem wen u have none o

  68. Poster 1: If you both are in love,go for the prenatal test option. But you both have to be really mature people to get married cos when push comes to shove,your love will be tested and tried. Then only maturity and a good heart will keep the marriage not love. So what kinda guy is your ex? A man with or without a conscience? You have to be certain about the answer to that question before u both get married. I won't advice you to be a baby mama raising an Ss kid,even baby mama's of healthy kids suffer, what more baby mama of a Sickler. So it's either u both get married or you have an abortion and end the relationship. In both options,the possibility of an abortion is high so don't mind these holier than thou BVs including Stella. Like they would suffer to raise a sickly child with you when the time comes,or give you money if you become a single mum. I wonder when abortion became a lesser sin than Stella's hate and rudeness or BVS uncouth manners. Abegi. Ehugs sweetie,God be with you and give you Wisdom. Poster 2: Gerrahere mehn Shii. We have people like poster 1 with REAL problems it's to waste our time on someone who lacks common sense ka anyi biara. Kitikpa gbawakwa give ishi ebe ahu idiot. No marry Mr A. Anumpam.

  69. P1, it is well. P2, see question of life.

  70. Poster 1; drop that pregnancy like its hot! Get rid of it asap!
    Poster 2: Receive brain, cus obviously you lost it in river Benue.

  71. Poster 1 there is no need of crying over a spilt milk. You mentioned up there you you are into fasting and prayer, nothing is impossible before God, go to God on prayer and ask for his grace. Declare whatever you wished on your child and it will come to pass. SS child doesn't just come, it is by chance but the reason of avoiding 2 AS is to have a relaxed mind. Don't think about aborting the innocent child please, the baby will be fine by Gods grace.

  72. Most black 9ja girls are bitches. They sleep around and cheat like recharge card. Imagine that poster 2 who is a hole saying she is confused. You are a fool poster 2. White girls are the best.

  73. Most black 9ja girls are bitches. They sleep around and cheat like recharge card. Imagine that poster 2 who is a hole saying she is confused. You are a fool poster 2. White girls are the best.

  74. poster 1 d guy still wants to marry u? please do not abort d child except u dont want d guy. dont know y Nigerian make an ish outa dis genotype tin medical science has grown explore d options

  75. Poster 1, take ur pregnancy to God in prayer, poster 2 forget about mrA and move on with MrB.

  76. Poster 1: i advice that you do the test, then you will know how to proceed. i cannot advice anyone to have an abortion but at the same time, i have to advice you to prepare yourself emotionally and financially for the burden that comes with sickle cell.

  77. Poster 1 keep the Child I beg you. The 21 days fasting has never been in vain and will never. God who sees your heart pleading for mercy will give you a reason to testify. Poster 2 Men will definitely cheat, so decide whom you can accommodate when you find out he cheats. Thank You

  78. Wait! What did I read? @poster 1 were u having premarital sex and fasting at same time? Hmmm OK o. C'est ur cross. Poster 2 go with Mr B.

  79. pester one....hmmmmm its surpriding that you are embarking on a 21 day fasting and prayer after commiting fornication. I HOPE THE 21 DAYS FASTING WAS THAT OF REPENTANCE else you would have been wasting your time. Repent and sin no more. do not commit abortion. that would be another sin. the safest thing you can wear and have sex is a wedding ring. DO THAT!

  80. Poster 1
    Go for a fetal test called Amniocentesis if it's available in Nigeria. Read up about it, a small amount of amniotic fluid is withdrawn from your belly with a tiny needle under an ultrasound watch. The test is carried out to detect the baby genotype. I had this test done because my partner and I were AS, and our baby came out to be fine. So find out if it done in Nigeria, before you terminate the beautiful gift from God

  81. Poster 1,
    Again if you love yourself and have money, you can always have an ivf,testing of the embryo and gender selection before implanting. So you know the embryo is disease free.

  82. Genesis 9:6 "Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind.

    My jaw dropped when I read this scriptures. Why are people attacking the person that posted it. Truth indeed is bitter. And I noticed that most of "the girls" attacking the poster hide under anonymous; probably the ones that abort like they are "urinating". Jesus says that he will not cast "anyone who comes to him" away. So, ladies, like the thief on the cross, you too can come to Jesus. But if you think that you will "repent after aborting", you are deceiving yourselves because it is an abuse of the Grace of God to commit a sin premeditatively (Hebrew 10:26 If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, 27but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God.). This was the last bible study we had.

  83. All the girls saying "don't abort" are with their pictures shown. All saying "abort", hide under anonymous. We understand.

  84. Poster 1; are you a disciple of the lady who is "a married, mother, lesbian, has sugar sons for fun and tells other married ladies to have extramarital sex" and she goes to the synagogue? Sure she is telling you to abort? I am glad that reading through these comments, this blog family have told you enough truth to last for a lifetime.

  85. Poster 2...funny have seen a great thing and still asking if you should leave great and take
    Mbok use your head's not how long but how well.

    Poster 1..try and get a tet done on the foetus to find out the genotype.

  86. I don't understand how people advise someone to abort in order to avoid the stress of caring for any child!!! Children are meant to be loved no matter what they might be born with. Poster 1 keep that child and you don't have to marry that man because of a child. Next time, be more careful. How can you have sex and expect not to get pregnant? Tsk Tsk. People with pea-sized brains make me angry!!!

  87. Gone through the comments.

    The girls saying "DON'T ABORT" have their pictures shown.

    Those saying "ABORT" hide under "anonymous"

    We understand;



  88. All the men telling this girl to abort, will you marry a girl who has had abortions?

    Cut suya, cut suya, no be for nama bodi.

    Soon all of you will be looking for "virgins" to marry;

    As if you planted a tree that produce virgins!

  89. im surprised no one has talked about the cost of the test. Poster 1. the test is NOT CHEAP.

  90. @poster 1 - it's a tough one and I'll say don't beat yourself up too much about it. I'll say marry the man and keep the child.

    Alot of single mums are more righteous than their counterparts who commit abortion(s) and appear pristine - remember God looks at the heart, so try to keep yours upright before Him and don't let fear and/or society stigma affect you.

    People who stigmatise others are typically worse than those they stigmatise - when you choose to respect the value of another live at a seeming detriment to yourself then you grow in your capacity to obey the most important commandment; love.

    May the Holy Spirit guide your heart, amen!


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