Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


I have never read anything like this before oh....ah ah!


Dear Stella,

I am an ardent reader of your blog and I have learnt a lot from it especially BVs chronicles..... Stella, please treat my chronicle urgent  because I really need your advise and I don’t mind your red pen on me. Please don’t mind my errors because I am rushing to type before DH comes back. I don’t want him to know what I am about to do. It will hurt him so much because of the trust he has for me. My write up will be very long but please I beg you to give me time to express myself as this will be my very first time and I feel relief doing it.

I am a married woman with 3 kids. This year june, we will be 5 years as husband and wife. Stella this whole 5 years has been full of acting for me. I met DH through a friend of his. As at that time, DH was based in Cairo while I was in Nigeria. We got talking on Skype, Facebook and Yahoo messenger even phone calls. I wasn’t into any relationship then but DH had a girlfriend, she was also based in Nigeria just like me. DH said so many sweet things about A, let me call her A. DH told me A was the oldest woman in his life aside his mother. They are childhood friends which later grew to love. DH is 6 years older than A. I am 3 years older than A too. According to DH, he watched her grow from a girl to a woman but were later separated when he had to travel to Cairo. It was so obvious DH loved A so much because whenever we chat or call, he must surely mention A. 

We exchanged pictures, DH is just too handsome and that attracted me to him more. I started having feelings for him. I so much hoped to be the lucky woman in his life. Despite his A this and A that talk, I didn’t let that push me away from him because naturally he was a good guy , I loved him and I believed he loves me too. I got addicted to his calls and chat.

When DH was ready to settle down, he proposed to A through the phone but A turned him down. DH was so down. During our chat he told me that A turned down his proposal reason because she wasn’t ready for marriage. DH explained to me that A was the ambitious type. She was too hardworking and A is bent on being successful. DH as at that time was just an hustler without a job in Cairo. DH said A was worried that they don’t have the money yet to settle down and they need to work more. I did my best to console DH.  DH tried to get a job  but things were so difficult over there and he refused yielding to my advise to come back to Nigeria. DH waited for A till he got tired of waiting because he wasn’t getting any younger. A was busy with her career pursuit while I was waiting for DH to start something with me. A wasn’t ready, I was ready.

DH and I started a relationship. I was so happy that I had a boyfriend even though in my heart he was already a boyfriend unknown to him. DH and I went straight to the point. We didn’t beat round the bush. Please note here that he was still chatting and calling A. I know because he does tell me but I act not to be jealous because he hates jealousy. We talked about marriage but DH was financially handicapped. DH was in Cairo and I in Nigeria, if there was going to be any marriage, he will have to come to Nigeria which the money for all that wasn’t available. So I saved up and even borrowed money from my corporative, I bought DH flight ticket to Nigeria. 

Before then, I had told my parents and siblings that my fiancé was coming to Nigeria. When DH came to Nigeria, he stayed at his friends house since he had no family house in lagos. He visited my parents and he also visited A at her parents house too. Since he was around, my mom brought the idea of DH and I having an introduction/engagement ceremony before he returns back to Cairo. I discussed it with DH, he didn’t say No. So my family sponsored 90% of it all. DH friends handled the rest 10%, remember DH was broke then. It was just a manageable small parlor celebration and we went to the registry to seal it up. 

Some of DH’s family came around but not all. All this while we were planning, DH didn’t inform A. I told him to inform A but he refused. So I kept mute about it and waved it off. After ceremony, I was supposed to move to my DH house but there was no house so I remained in my fathers house. I didn’t want to be called iyawo naija so I begged my mom to give me money to process a visa to go to Cairo with DH. She reasoned with me. I got myself a visa and ticket, went with DH to Cairo. Still DH didn’t inform A. Even after the marriage, DH was still chatting, calling and exchanging pictures with A. Stella, I couldn’t do anything.

 I was powerless because DH already told me before getting married time without number that A was his life and that after his mother, it’s A. I felt guilty that he told me then, I didn’t do anything about it so why now. I thought after getting married, things will change.

I quickly rushed having children believing having a family will distract DH from A and will make him love me more but till now It is not so. I quickly made new friends who happens to be DH friends in Cairo. Attend church programs regular and was regarded as Mrs… among his female friends. Years passed, my husband no job but kept on doing petty business to survive. I on the other hand couldn’t work because I had no legal permit to work in Cairo. My visa got expired and DH couldn’t renew it. My kids and I got stranded. We could not travel out of Cairo. No money for all that. We kept on managing.

After a while, I noticed my husband call or chat to A got reduced. I found out from DH what happened, he told me A found out he got married. He didn’t tell her but his friend did. A stopped talking to DH. DH apologized but she wouldn’t listen. That was when I started snooping. I was happy that at last I was getting my husband back. I snooped virtually everyday to know what was happening in their lives and I would pretend to be so sorry for DH because he couldn’t sleep or eat. 

Reading the part where DH tells A that A was the mother of his kids and his only love… aches me most but I pretended all was well. When A found out of our marriage together, I was pregnant for my first child. For months DH and A never communicated. Those months I enjoyed DH, there was no distraction, No mid night call or chats etc. I got his full attention. Those moments were fun.

After the delivery of my first child even though we had no money for celebration because all went on hospital expenses but I was still glad I had a family of my own. Some months after the delivery of my first child, DH came home one day to tell me that A put to birth a baby boy. I was surprised and then happy at the same time that A had moved on with her life. DH didn’t look happy and I never bothered asking. I started snooping again to get the full gist. Stella note that DH does not know I snoop. He trust me in that area. I found out in their chat that A had her boy out of wedlock. I saw munched chats of some persons. A gave out her virginity and got pregnant. A was in big distress and DH couldn’t leave her alone in time of her problem. 

The father of A’s child was abusive and never catered for his son. The little money DH had, he sends to A to cater for her boy. DH and A started talking again, this time stronger than before. I kept on snooping and pretending all was well even with the heart ache I get after reading their chats.

Stella, so many things are happening now and I fear things might fall apart in my marriage which I don’t want. DH calls and chats A 24/7 even mid nights. Sometimes I leave him in the living room chatting with A. DH  communicates with A’s parents almost everyday. Its either he calls or they call to say hello. Whenever DH and A have misunderstanding and not in talking terms, DH will be so moody. He wont eat or sleep so I would know something is wrong again between him and A.  Even DH friends  are not left out. DH friends regards A as DH’s woman even at her after 1 state. Most times when I snoop, I will cry and cry and pretend to be strong. 

Stella, I did all this for 5 years and I am afraid it will continue like this if I must remain married to him and I don’t want a broken home or my children separated from their father. I have never for once ask DH questions about A. Whenever DH tells me sweet things at our private moment, I am always tempted to ask how true he is to me but I cant. I once read the part where he told A that the only two women in his life is myself and A. Stella, how could he be loving me and at the same time love A? Stella is it possible? I cant ask DH all these questions. He hates jealousy and most importantly, I am not the nagging type. I hate nagging and arguments. So whenever DH is calling, chatting and smiling or laughing with A, I strictly mind my business or play along. Stella I have been minding my business for 5 years!

Stella, A is now successful. Her hard work has finally paid her. A gave DH money to process my legal permit documents and that of the kids meaning we can now travel to Nigeria. DH that couldn’t travel to Nigeria because of no money now travels to Nigeria once in 2 months. DH calls it business trips. A got herself a luxury apartment which DH is aware of. As a matter of fact, DH friend in lagos assisted A in purchasing the flat. I saw all that in the chat. Whenever DH is preparing to go to Nigeria, he usually give me money to buy A’s son cloths, shoes and toys while DH buys A’s cloth himself except for some that he feels he might not get her size, he will ask me to buy especially her under wears. Whenever DH is coming back to Cairo, A goes to the market to buy my kids provisions and buy me Nigeria food stuff. Hmmm  its stupid but what can I do? DH and A lives together whenever he is in Nigeria. I am aware, DH tells me before leaving. When he arrives at lagos airport, he calls me using A’s phone. 

Sometimes, I pretend to say let me say hello to her but DH wont give her the phone and I would pretend to say greet her for me. During his stay in Nigeria, I try as much as I can to take my mind away from what could be happening with DH and A especially at nights. I don’t want to die of HBP. My children are still young.
Stella just last week, I caught DH video chatting while having his bath. He quickly turned it off but I did as if I wasn’t bothered. After all they live together in Nigeria so he cant tell me he never had sex with her even he never discussed it and I never bothered to ask.  After that incident, I snooped and found out that DH and A had been exchanging nude pictures and shower videos. Even DH told A that he was missing her boobs and lips. DH calls A so many sweet names. So many sweet messages, romantic pictures together that anyone will mistake them for a couple.

What baffles me most is, DH tells me they are just best friends. Stella is that true?  This whole thing is now extending to DH relative and friends. His friends in Nigeria considers A as DH woman. A now visit his parents and relation in DH home town. A gives them money. I found out that some of DH friends got jobs in different company through A’s connection. DH told me that himself and I pretended to be happy and not to be jealous.

Stella my marriage is shaking. Does DH really love me or he loves me but I love him more? I am a beautiful woman, I am not the dirty type. I am obedient and very submissive. Should I just keep pretending and acting to be happy? Is it possible for a man to love 2 women as DH claims to love just A and myself? He has said that so many time before we got married even till now. Stella, after marriage and having 3 children, I thought DH will break up with A and accept destiny as it is but such never happened instead he keeps telling A in his chat that she is his forever and no one can stop it not even I his wife because he told me before we got married that they are inseparable.

A calls my children her children and DH is ok with it.  A even pleads on their behalf sometimes. Stella please I am not yet dead. I am still alive, why should DH feel comfortable with A calling my children hers. Its obvious DH adopted A’s son as his. He had played a father role to the boy even till now. Why should he? He is not his biological father and I have seen the boy father’s picture on DH phone before. Sometimes when DH is in the living room with our children, he video calls A and DH tells my children to say hello to mummy and she returns respond and even her son says hello to my children. My children now ask me of A’s son. They tell me to switch on my phone  video that they want to talk to A’s son through the video, I will just smile and tell them to go to their father. 

Stella, sometimes I want to see A as DH side chick but I am afraid this is becoming more than a side chick. I am beginning to feel soon I will be a first wife and if I don’t act fast, DH will marry A. Stella I have prayed and fasted. Should I tell my mom, sisters or church pastor?

Stella please note that DH and I barely fight. We don’t keep malice. DH doesn’t smoke, drink alcohol or womanize. I believe A is the only woman he has ever cheat on me with and I can prove it. DH does not stay out late or sleep outside except if he isn’t in Cairo. We both go out with the children on a date. He is a loving husband and father with a good heart. My only problem with DH is A and A only. I fear the moment I begin to react to DH attitude towards A, my home will be shattered and I will loose him completely. I love my husband dearly and I don’t want to ever loose him. Please what do I do? I need your advise  urgently as its beginning to weigh me down.

Stella I am so sorry for my long epistle, I want you to understand my ordeal.

Thank you.

My dear that was a long read but well detailed and worth it.I am off commenting otherwise i would have told  you that You walked into the Marriage with your two eyes open and you have played the full for five years with your eyes closed...So why do you wanna open eyes now?...For 5 years you played second fiddle!..Even though it is possible to love two people are the same time (my opinion)this man was never took advantage of the situation and zero-ed in...

Let sleeping dogs lie and continue acting..STELLAR performance!
I would have told you more but i am off commenting for now....


  1. Chronicles! Chronicles!! Chorinicles!! Oya make we read.

    1. Madam poster, you caused it all. Lessons to all never u force a man into getting married to you because by the time he gets into it and get settled if u re nt what he actually wanted this will be the outcome. Though u acted smart by been fast to get married to him thinking things will change but u were wrong my sister. My advice to u, bring up dis issue with ur husband and asked him what is actually going on btw him an A but if he tries denying it then let him know you've been snooping all dis while and dat it has been eating u up but u respects him a lot and never wants to offend him that was why u kept mute all dis while. That he should be very truthful to u to tell u what is ur stand with him? And what is its stand with A? He should let u know then u follow up from there. But mind u never be quarrelsome even if he does during d conversation because persons like him are looking for a minor mistake that u will make to kick u out. May God intervene for u and never seize to pray because nothing God can't do and there is no problem with a solution. Please stay strong.

    2. Chronicle of all Chronicles!!! Stella off commenting again looooooool.. Kai I cried reading this.. Keep pretending keep praying that's all I have to say. Your silence will bring the chains and soul tie.. Nah Wah


    3. If you don't like where u are move,ure not a tree.

    4. U juxx hv to come dwn to Nigeria and waka 4 d motherfucka. Nne m,u need to go places to keep ur marriage intact. African power is wat u need. Dis one don pass dnt be silly!!!!!
      Nne toto

    5. Heartbreaking chronicle. You are a good woman who made a bad choice. You took advantage of his vulnerability to satisfy your desperation... To think there would've been someone who would have loved you crazy... That one done pass sha, you done enter. He married you, he owes you his faithfulness. He is a weak man! All I can advise is that you pray more and have a heart to heart talk with him. Tell him how you feel. Marriage is for 2, 3 is a crowd and you are suffering. You don't want your kids to grow up thinking that is a normal arrangement! I like you though. You have a good heart.

    6. I don't want to cuss you out, seeing how other bvs are doing a good job at that. My advice is this. Sit down and weigh your options. Are you better off with or without this man? Can you keep this up to the point you don't snap and kill someone one day? If I were you, I'd start planning my exit. Start by being financially independent. This could take you years. I don't know how you're going to do that but build a "fcuk off fund" (FOF) for you and your children and keep playing the mumu you're playing now. When you're okay to stand on your own, give him an ultimatum to choose either of you. Reassuring him that you still love him, but be firm that you won't play second fiddle. If he doesn't stop, walk away with your kids. If you don't like the sound of my advice invite her for holiday and poison both of them. These are the 2 options available to a rational mind, because I don't believe any sane person can keep up with this fcukery for long.

    7. Oh dear God!
      Reading this chronicle made me so angry. Woman, what is wrong with you?! First of all, YOU. ARE . THE . SIDECHICK! Make no mistake about that. Did you say that you didn't want to leave your DH because he was too handsome? Okotorigba! That man you married will never love you. You were merely a distraction when all was not well with him and A. Now, he has all he ever wanted and there really is nothing you can do about it. You can just resign to your fate and continue to be the 'side chick' in your marriage, or speak-up and end the marriage.

    8. This one pass me. Madam keep on praying. God will see you through.

      Stella, who go help you highlight all this gbagauns?

    9. Please, I need some one in Abuja to teach me how to sew. I asked around and the training fee they are mantioning is too much for me at the moment. Can some one pls teach me for free? I will really appreciate it instead of just sitting and wasting at home while I wait for a job biko. I stay in Karu. I don't mind if I can get a job too o! I need a job and will appreciate if I can get one. Thanks.

    10. Another option is to set up a meeting with her like someone below said. You should meet in an open area and fast and pray before you meet. It can bounce back and your husband kuku vex and leave if he finds out. If you were a Muslim now, it would have made more sense to you and you would have reached closure quickly and easily. Please don't have any ultimatum talks with your husband if you're not financially stable and ready to leave. The way it looks now, he will choose her over you.

    11. Nne, I think you should just let your DH know you'll consent to him marrying A since you don't want a broken home (and you seem the docile type to me from your chronicle). All of you are good people, so you can continue living so. You made him marry you when A rejected him and even with her 'after one state' he is still in love with her. Forget main chic or side chic issue. We are Africans so you can be Iyawo Cairo while A becomes Iyawo Naija. You already know what they are doing so I think the hurt will stem from them acting as if you don't exist nor matter even. They should make it official so you and A can acknowledge each other. Only reason your hubby is still a loving/caring husband and father is cause you condone him being with A so tell him to make it official that you have no qualms. There is really nothing else you can do unless you are ready for the broken home. Good luck and please keep us updated.

  2. Replies
    1. Since I was born and now I am getting old ,I have never read a chronicle like this.. fellow blog visitors have read it??

    2. @Poster, you were there when he proposed to A, so obvious that she was his 1st choice and you are for management. Not as if he has money just bcos he was handsome, you forgot that handsome is not food nor love. What you are passing through is not easy to handle, God forbid my worst nightmare. Just think of what to do bcos you are not far from high BP.

    3. I have never ever commented on a chronicle but I had to! How did this woman get to the poin of no self respect?
      Maddam! Is thiss desperation to get married? What exactly iss this??
      Where's your family
      Icant even drop anything meaningful cuz I'm angry

    4. See why you should never force a man's love on you?when I met my be he was dating and was telling me A and B. Omo! I told him to pick a struggle oh as I no fit shout.
      When he broke up with the girl we resumed discussion. I can't shout. Although he claims they are still friends. The girls just got married and was calling and texting even before her wedding and after sef. Last I heard she said she wants to be friends with me. That day I warned him i don't ever want to hear her name around me. Who's their mate?

      Madam, at this point tell your husband to choose. You're no longer a wife except you want to be second wife. His heart isn't with you at all. This is too much shit. You've been too quiet for too long. Please TALK!

      Ladies, stop trying to 'win' a man over with marriage. It never works. It may seem okay for a while, but in the long run.....

    5. Otutugbege. Madam you landed yourself into this trouble. Your life would have been better outside your husband life. You know it will come to this yet you decided to play along. Now here it sharp and clear, your husband married 2 wives. And you know he loves your co-wife more than yourself and because he is a broke ass nigga, he may return to Nigeria permanently to wed A. Please call his attention and let him know you are no longer comfortable. He will ask you to leave bla=-bla-bla but voice out first.

  3. Replies
    1. You will take money from your husband to go shopping for his side chick

      Madam you're stronge oh

    2. First of all, Stella how do you comment on something and then go ahead to say you are off commenting? Stopeeet!
      Madam Married woman, you still have the nerve to call "A" after one?
      She practically holds your happiness in her hands! If she says yes to your DH today, he'll kick you to the curb!

      Married women kwen'u!!

      Since A is so generous, why not get a job through her too? And run for your life before they finally kill you and even your kids won't miss you (say hi to mummy ke)

      Your desperado moves are second to none though so pls enjoy your status as a "Diaspora Mrs!"
      You totally deserve it

      In your situation ship you still insult single ladies o (ke ife mmadu aman fu Na this blog).


    3. When he was with her, you were the 'friend' who refused to let go and now, the tables have turned.

      I guess you never pictured yourself in this situation when you were manipulating your way into his life.You even went as far as marrying yourself! Wtf!

      I feel so sorry for you. It's one thing to be in a loveless marriage with a wealth man and another with a broke man.

      The only reason he's with you is because he is broke! He would never have married you if he was financially buoyant. He will definitely marry A when his financial situation changes for the better.

      My advice :
      1. Divorce him so you can have another chance at love. You can't be suffering from poverty and unrequited love at the same time.

      2. Pray she finds another man to whisk her away.

      3. Tell your husband to 'officially' marry her as a second wife because from your narrative, I can tell that she is his wife and you are his side chic. The only reason why you have his last name is because he is a broke arse who married the available one when the desirable one was unavailable.

      Count your losses and move on! You can't spend the rest of your life with someone who makes it more than obvious that he doesn't love you.

      Forget what Stella said about him loving you.

      se ti gbo? Inanu? Capisce ?


    4. This writeup was hilarious!!! She kept asking Stella questions as if Stella dey dia.
      The funniest was "DH tells me they are just best friends. Stella is that true"? LWKMD. Poster so ur common sense can't tell u that this woman has locked ur hubby inside bottle and thrown the key into bar beach. No go find 'spiritial' solution 'in church' dey here dey ask question upandan

  4. is time to read chronicles, I have a bottle of coke with groundnut, let me read chronicles while putting groundnut in my mouth.

    1. Poster, so long as A is single... you will never be happy in ur home. Your husband can never be yours! And it's all your damn fault!! Chai

      This kind of heart ache can kill somebody oo, i'm telling u the truth! One day you'll just sleep and not wake up!

      She's his wife already! Accept it and continue with the charade. Or u leave!! Shikena

      Imagine buying clothes for A and her son!! Aru ka aru tufiakwa

  5. Replies
    1. Just negodu my sister

      This na serious matter

    2. Pls what is d definition of a loving husband again pple?

  6. Na real off commenting!

  7. madam you knew you "man" was in love with another woman and you married him. He even told you that after his wife, next is this A. still you continued. you even kept bringing forth kids thinking kids will make him love you. If a man does not love you, he will not love you. Having kids for him, or sex, will not tie him down or make him fall in love with you. You made a huge mistake and you're inside it now. what do you want to do? that woman is practically your dear hubby's wife not you. he is just living in same house with you thats all. and i'm sure the only reason he is still there is just because of the kids. But i assure you, he will leave. Men do not consider the kids as much as women do. you have made your bed so lie down and sleep well in it.

    1. After his mum not after his wife, rushing to bash.

  8. Stella it's fool not full and highlight your error in black next time.
    Madam poster you were desperate to be married and you thought yourself a winner when you allowed your family marry you off kobo kobo to a man who felt nothing for you
    What man doesn't like a woman who knows her worth? You obviously don't know yours to throw yourself at a man.
    Your parents too contributed to selling you off.
    Your husband deserves to be happy.
    Kids don't keep a marriage.
    Love and tolerance does.
    If you like have 10kids in 4years if he isn't yours to keep he won't stay.
    Madam let the caged bird sing.
    You are comfortable feeding off another woman's wealth, you have no shame please get some.
    She is made and a sensible man would jump on that.
    You are not in a marriage, it's a sham that needs to end.

    1. Gbam..Poster u were and still so desperate..You married he wants to get married the proper way..Allow him...Leave the man alone..Your desperation can make u kill

    2. Exactly! The sham of a marriage needs to end. Initially when I read Stella's opening I was like this woman with exaggeration. What have we not read here before but after reading it I have to agree. I was all hmm..Haa...!while reading. Smh.I don't wish this on my enemy.

    3. Exactly! The sham of a marriage needs to end. Initially when I read Stella's opening I was like this woman with exaggeration. What have we not read here before but after reading it I have to agree. I was all hmm..Haa...!while reading. Smh.I don't wish this on my enemy.

  9. 4109871068112181 MTN

  10. I pray U don't snap one day and kill Him. What's with her calling ur children Her's? Mbok I hope they re not planning ur death oh??? Pls be wise and pray more. Read ur psalms and do midnight prayers. God is still God and He instituted marriage. Na wa o. I'm just short of words. Can't u confront Him? Y act like a zombie???

    1. Don't confront like Stella said keep closing your eyes but open your mouth in prayers .. You are a good woman and a rare gem no your hubby is a good man too now that A must leave by fire by fire.. Sometimes we are propelled beyond us to carry out an action that may seem wrong.. DH should try living with A for a year I'm certain he will come crawling to you in repentance . U may wanna also let your mama know pls DO NOT confront DH.. Maybe not sure give him a link to this article or have someone else show him..
      It's well you are soo truthful!! Sigh it's well

    2. This has exactly bin what has bin in my mind. U hv bin too quiet and I absolutely scared of ppl like you. Madam I find u very dangerous. Pls live dt rlnship,it's absolutely toxic.

  11. Hmmm..pray hard if u don't wanna be a first wife cos that's what I'm seeing, u have a mate. But why were u desperate? See where desperation landed u...babe u laid ur bed, lie in it.

  12. Nne idikwa badly silly,desperation to be Mrs has turned ur song to rounder rounder what the hell? U r just going around in circles when u knew the truth.Now I have confirmed that when a man isn't dating a woman she concludes they r dating.Ur story is pathetic better move on with your life cos that guy might already be married to her,what is hers is hers and 5 years and 3 kids later won't take it from her.Smart girl I like her already.Shes taking her possession by force.

    1. How's how story pathetic righteous Judge??

    2. Don't mind her! She was busy warming his bed until A was ready to take over.

  13. 771638498057403 ETISALAT

    1. Chop kiss poster, I loaded the etisalat. May God bless u for such kind gesture.

  14. madam is only God that can help you out in this situation.

  15. Continue acting for what?
    This long piece of shit brought tears to my eyes. WTF?!
    Poster, it's like you are mad.
    You have been reduced to nothing!. I doubt you had the smallest atom of self esteem prior to meeting your DH. If not, you wouldnt have walked into this sham of a union.
    What manner of fuckery is this?
    If you have the strength to move on, please do.

    1. I'm telling you.. I cried too "sad"


    2. After leaving my comment up there, I saw yours.

  16. Very sad story.
    I had a possessive ex like that before I got married. He was tormenting his wife with my name though I was married. He kept calling and expected me to reciprocate the affection.
    My advice to you is to find a way and talk to this his A. Let her move on and leave your husband alone. Truth you were desperate by hooking up to a man that you know his heart was somewhere else. Men Don't change their heart that easily. Talk to the side chick. Tell her to put herself in your shoes.

    1. Nwamaka don change name...
      Talk fire!.. Poster,she will start seeing you as her enemy if you try to talk with her...

    2. She shouldn't Call A
      A isn't her problem at all
      Her problems lies with her
      She needs to build up her self esteem and leave that marriage because sooner or later the man will leave her

      He already told her he was in love with A
      She didn't argue then and followed thru
      Went thru rigorous means to marry him even spending her own money on the marriage
      That's a lot to handle

      Now she's not even a happy wife
      She's not even his side chick nor wife, just Co tenant.

    3. Talk to who? The poster is the sidechick!

  17. My dear even as much as I feel your pain please ignore anyone that would you advice you to warn or hate A. Your man loves her more than you. He has a deep bond with her and nothing can ever break that unless A herself finds another person who will love and care for her and she slowly drifts away from him. Even then your man may become jealous.
    Their relationship existed before you came along. You tolerated it then. Now you just continue tolerating it.
    From what I read you even brought up the marriage issue.
    You are the side chick my dear. She is the main chick.
    You should pray that A finds true love outside your man. That's the only way you will fully have your man.
    Also you don't have a valid complaint because you knew all along. I feel your pain dear but you were the one that volunteered to carry a cross you saw lying in the road.
    Your husband isn't a bad person. He is actually a really good man. Just keep on praying and try everything within your power to make yourself happy. Always do your best to look young and sexy. Cook exotic meals. Learn how to fuck like a professional. Above all focus on your children and career and with time you'll see noticeable changes in your mood and marriage.
    His bless and help you.

    1. Madam poster, you caused it all. Lessons to all never u force a man into getting married to you because by the time he gets into it and get settled if u re nt what he actually wanted this will be the outcome. Though u acted smart by been fast to get married to him thinking things will change but u were wrong my sister. My advice to u, bring up dis issue with ur husband and asked him what is actually going on btw him an A but if he tries denying it then let him know you've been snooping all dis while and dat it has been eating u up but u respects him a lot and never wants to offend him that was why u kept mute all dis while. That he should be very truthful to u to tell u what is ur stand with him? And what is its stand with A? He should let u know then u follow up from there. But mind u never be quarrelsome even if he does during d conversation because persons like him are looking for a minor mistake that u will make to kick u out. May God intervene for u and never seize to pray because nothing God can't do and there is no problem with a solution. Please stay strong.

    2. You were damn too DESPERATE to marry this man. He was very honest from the start so you can't blame him but yourself. You have been pretending that all is well with the whole arrangement, there is nothing left than to pretend forever. Just call yourself 1st wife and A second wife. That's it. There is no side chiq here at all. If at all there was, it was YOU.

    3. If na woman wey don born still deh follow her before before boyfriend una no go bash am like this ohh

  18. This is so lengthy!...
    From your write up,I can dictate you guys are Yoruba....
    Since una people don't see anything wrong in polygamy,let them be!...
    See story!...
    Infact,advise him to marry A so you guys can be enjoying her money wella...
    So the stupid A can't get herself a single man to marry with all her money,career and warrever..
    If you are my sister,I would have taken you somewhere were they would scatter that their nonsense love...but since you are not my sister,enjoy your polygamous family mehn....

    1. Watin yoruba people do you


    2. You are just a lousy fool. Anyone who takes you seriously just be as deranged as you are.
      Just lousrt to be relevant.

    3. LMAO!
      I'm so shocked people are calling A the main chick!!! A married man is a married man whether he loves his wife or not.

      A, better go and find urself a man and leave someone else's husband. Old ni e #TheRealHisbandSnatcher

      The husband sef is another idiot. If his destiny was so intertwined with A, why didn't he wait & marry her?

      Poster, u sef open eye korokoro go marry BAB....Pele

    4. And this same igbos come up to say that they r not as tribalistic as yorubas, phew!

    5. What about her story makes you "dictate" ( I believe the word you're looking for is "deduce")that they are Yoruba? Then you go on about "una people" and polygamy??? Please tell me when polygamy became specific to only one ethnic group? If I'm not mistaken, in a previous comment, you said something about Yoruba women being dirty... Not only are you crass and vulgar, you're also an insufferable bigot!
      I'm sure you'll respond with some poorly constructed insult and your minions will attempt to come at me also... Don't expect a response; you aren't worthy of one.

    6. 'Tribalist bigoted idiot' what has tribe got to do with this chronicle? So your own people don't do polygamous ba!? You are deceiving yourself if you think it's only the yorubas and hausas that are polygamous in culture. Ode, gwegwe!

  19. Poster you know your job. NANNY AND MOTHER OF HIS CHILDREN.

    Kai, i have never seen this type before ooo. If you still love him, carry his name and picture and bottle him now. Go and tie this man very well since you really love him. They will help you in Cele or those people in Egypt can help you tie your man for you.

    Nne ndoh oooo

    1. Love me jeje,with this ur comment I just lost my respect for u

  20. Hmmm
    Poster, you are just in a polygamous home,and you fit in so well that I think you were born for this.
    Keep killing it,and continue to live in peace with your cowife
    You ll are family k.
    You should also pretend to suggest to DH to move you guys back to Lagos so your kids can grow up with their brother and perharps you and A can become besties and swap stories about DH's dick lol
    On a serious note, the ball is in your court, they are waiting for you to get tired and move out but you have decided to die there so by all means

    1. You are right,they want you to get tired and leave, by yourself.This is a very strange post.

    2. Ouch, truth hurts though. D poster clearly knew her DH never loved her from the beginning.
      If u cannot bear the heat any longer, why not get out of the kitchen.
      Ur story hurts but u laid ur bed. It's either u continue with the polygamous affair or u leave the marriage cos he was never urs.
      Better late than never, before A would go to one baba for u, and ur children would really be hers

    3. Poster, you are like my sister who decided to die in a marriage God did not plan for her. I hv no word for you. You know you are the side chick but the only difference is your husband has not married his main chick. May God help you. If I talk too much now they will say it's because I'm not married.

  21. My dear even as much as I feel your pain please ignore anyone that would you advice you to warn or hate A. Your man loves her more than you. He has a deep bond with her and nothing can ever break that unless A herself finds another person who will love and care for her and she slowly drifts away from him. Even then your man may become jealous.
    Their relationship existed before you came along. You tolerated it then. Now you just continue tolerating it.
    From what I read you even brought up the marriage issue.
    You are the side chick my dear. She is the main chick.
    You should pray that A finds true love outside your man. That's the only way you will fully have your man.
    Also you don't have a valid complaint because you knew all along. I feel your pain dear but you were the one that volunteered to carry a cross you saw lying in the road.
    Your husband isn't a bad person. He is actually a really good man. Just keep on praying and try everything within your power to make yourself happy. Always do your best to look young and sexy. Cook exotic meals. Learn how to fuck like a professional. Above all focus on your children and career and with time you'll see noticeable changes in your mood and marriage.
    His bless and help you.

    1. Dear poster please go for this advice. Please start building your career too its very important.

    2. Exactly! Be relevant!!! Make money. Find happiness away from him. Ignore him or them and you might just win him.

  22. Whatt???? I don't even HV anytin to say to cld u HV allowed ds happen.u allowed it from d beginning and there is nothing you can do now to change it.rather than stay nd keep smiling in ur heartache or u walk away back to ur parent house,wt ur kids,dust ur certificate(if u HV any) to look for a job or find something doing(handwork)cos wt ur narrative,it seem ur parent can raise something for you.

    Let d man be cos obviously u HV been a rebound all these while to him.if he comes back to his senses,he WL know to do.if he doesn't,let him be.u think u r still strong now, those heartache are gradually constricting it arteries and very soon,I mean verrry soon,u will start showing signs of some health problems that even drugs can't cure.

    Unless of course d oda woman jazz extends to you.wake up,talk to ur parent nd pastor.u need deliverance too.

    1. Abeg no jazz here.

    2. Exactly young, she was just a rebound. D poster actually knew what she was getting herself into. Imagine playing second fiddle for 5 years, doesn't she know her worth?
      It's better she leaves with her children, if her husband really loves her, he'll look for her

  23. All I kept saying in between ws "WHAT"!! "WHAT"!!! I hv nothing to say 2 poster really. Over to those that still hv strength to comment after reading ds weakening post.. Hian!

  24. Now who is sick among the three of you? A, your *horsband* or you. A his his life and nothing can change that, on your life? This is not marriage, you need to be locked in a room and people should beat you back to sanity. Its either they swore on blood oath together or something. Let me think

    1. Horseband? Bia did you even read the article through?

  25. Haaaaa!
    So you got carried away by his looks and the fact that he stayed in 'abroad' and overlooked his love for A. With the way things are going he will wife A and have children with her, she is his Nigerian wife. Simple.
    Keep being a good wife even if he marries her and zero your mind from their relationship afterall you saw it before you married him and he is not maltreating you and your kids. One more thing, pray they don't poison you one day sha.

  26. This man loves A and tolerates you. The only reason he marriedyou was because you were prepared to be in the background. His heart is with A and you know that very well. A has accepted your role and the fact that you ate co wives. I n reality she is his wife because marriage is not just paper. I doubt tha A loves your hubby as much as he loves her because she even loves your kids and all. There is light at the end of the tunnel. If A meets a man amd gets married your life will improve. It seems A did not want a broke hubby but your hubby loves her. Pray a rich man finds her because your man is hooked.

  27. Dh is a very foolish man...madam poster,A is d main squeeze,u r d side wife,we can't call a wife side-chick

  28. Dear poster pls forgive my rude response. U are a very very foolish woman! U knew he was meant for someone u open eye enter upon say na broke ass! U sound like a desprado. Na by force to luv? He's not into u and only ur submissive nature keeps that home intact! U dey fear to lose wetin nor be ur own. Shiooor. U are lucky I'm off commenting like Stella if not u for hear ween for my mind! Get some esteem and confront him.

    1. This poster is a big fool..and to think that she married the man..U paid 90percent of your marriage ceremony..Idiot

  29. I don't feel for you one bit because you entered into it with your eyes wide open. Is that you were desperate to settle with a broke nigga that is occupied in the heart. Na WA for una oh.

  30. Chisos!!! what the freaking frack did I just read??? What rubbish is this? You can sha pretend for the whole world!! I give it to you.I can't hide my jealousy for a minute.You knew what you were getting yourself into,therefore I feel no pity for you.This is the story of some married women here,yet they come here to pretend all is well and call single girls 'Gwegs'.Continue to carry your cross jare.You brought it on yourself.What nonsense!! This just pissed me off badly. Warahel mehn!!

  31. Stella na wa for u and ur off commenting even after commenting... Poster this is new, u married him knowing fully well abt his love for A,if u mk a quarell abt it he's gonna leave ur ass for A,so it's either u keep on with the act or let him marry u both or u leave, choice is urs..

  32. Wow its official. I dont usually comment but You are the dumbest chick on the planet. What a tale. You married the broke ass gold digging lazy mofo and you are a special kind of stupid babe.Your idea of love has rendered you delusional. You are a Real maga thinking you are in love with someone who's having a field day on your emotions. Wow wow wow

  33. @poster, u neva start to suffer at all,jst keep DHing film go play for ur eyes wen ur "DH" go marry sista A..u no serious..wat exactly do u evn want us to tell u? Mtcheewww

  34. Lock up woman,your husband has two wives.Take it or leave it.Play along because you're still in that marriage because you're keeping quite.You are out of that house once you start complaining about A.A is the first wife and I bet your DH loves her a lot.

  35. Heart breaking chronicle, I can never wish this for any woman. From what you have narrated your husband's life depends on A and you are worse than a spare since his happy moments depends on what is happenning between them. That said, You are more or less a maid to DH who birthed him kids and helps around the place and a ready pussy when A is not available. You jumped into a man's life when he clearly was taken with another woman and played th fool for so long that right now there is no turning point. You laid your bed so lie on it. A is really smart she is not antagonizing your kids rather calling them hers and getting her own bastard son to mixup with them so DH will love her even more for the attention she showers on them. You are a spare tire that is not even needed as the case maybe.

  36. Madam stella the gbagaun correcter, u wrote "full" instead of "fool".

    Poster, ur write up is soooo long that for a moment I tot I was actually in d story.
    In my honest opinion, u r d side chick. Ur hubby only used u as a consolation to himself when madam A turned him down. You were desperate to be obodo oyinbo wify bt that's story for another day. Let's face this home breaker first.

    But I really admire u ma, u r a strong woman. For 5 years, u endured all this without arguments or quarrels I doff my hat for u, what specie of the female race are you?

    My advice is for u to place a call to A and explain how u r feeling to her like a woman to woman talk and if it dosent work out, look for one of the sweetest moments with ur DH and pop the many questions to him. Ask him all u ve wanted to ask and if possible tell him what u know/see. If u allow this continue, it wld affect ur sanity and you would eventually push him to her. For all I know, ur DH might even be doing all this cuz u r not complaining and fighting and arguing about it.

    More importantly, make sure u pray well that the love between them turns to hatred for u to ve peace.

    That's how one of my ex bf was crying cuz he had issues with his iyanma bestie(female). I just told d He- goat to go and marry her cuz I don't want baggage. It's better to be single than be in a situationship.

  37. Jesu! I am shocked beyond words. You are the strongest woman ever in the history of man. I cannot even achieve quarter of the things you typed here without having to die first. Obara Emmanuel! Wow!

  38. Na chronicle be this ? This one dey crase in you need mental re-evaluation. Your sanity is gone

  39. Kpele ooo...anyways u r lucky he still cares for u and ur kids..let sleeping dog lie..u knew b4 u went in...continue to pray

  40. I didn't even bother reading the whole shit...
    You are very aware that your husband is also another woman’s husband and you have been living with it for years now. Madam... the ball is in your court, your happiness lies in your hands. Either accept her as your mate or walk away because the bitter truth is your dear husband will choose her over you anytime, anyday!

    1. I'm so I'm nice with your intelligence and reasoning. Thanks for being such a wise person on the yesterday's post.

    2. Exactly!!!. Even if you tell him now that you're no longer interested in the MARRAIGE he will take the kids and tell you to go...then A becomes the wife and mother of ur kids
      Madam poster I feel for you oh

  41. Honey you knew all this and you stayed. You waited for the man to marry you and you got it, he did not lie to you once. Your husband married his side chic...and that person is you.

  42. Madam poster, you caused it all. Lessons to all never u force a man into getting married to you because by the time he gets into it and get settled if u re nt what he actually wanted this will be the outcome. Though u acted smart by been fast to get married to him thinking things will change but u were wrong my sister. My advice to u, bring up dis issue with ur husband and asked him what is actually going on btw him an A but if he tries denying it then let him know you've been snooping all dis while and dat it has been eating u up but u respects him a lot and never wants to offend him that was why u kept mute all dis while. That he should be very truthful to u to tell u what is ur stand with him? And what is its stand with A? He should let u know then u follow up from there. But mind u never be quarrelsome even if he does during d conversation because persons like him are looking for a minor mistake that u will make to kick u out. May God intervene for u and never seize to pray because nothing God can't do and there is no problem with a solution. Please stay strong.

  43. Hmmmmmmmmm



    Let me read comments abeg

  44. I just had to comment. Woman it seems your self esteem has always been zero. You decided to settle for less right from the start, you have beeb living in denial and pure fantasy instead of reality. You did this to your self the truth is, he will never love you his love has always been A you pushed yourself into their relationship. If i were you i will face reality and end this sham of a marriage.He was never yours and deep down with your heart of hearts you always knew. Get out of the marriage before you become toxic and bitter work on your self esteem and hopefully love might find you someday

  45. I feel sad for you,tell God to reveal the solution to you but ask with a contrite heart because you forced yourself on him

  46. My dear,you started it,so bear whatever you see dere,for God sake,you saw this with your eyes open,you are just dere for wife sake,your husband loves someone else more than you,but y will u bring this upon urself,you saw sorrow and jump into it.your husband was never ur husband in the first place,dere is a tendency your husband will get married to lady A cause she is his life,you DNR like nagging den continue to bear all the shit,ur husband don't want u to be jealouse den remain milky,you would have corrected it in d first place is late alreadyvmy dear

  47. Dear Nigerian Women

    Let your man be happy.

    This Poster doesn not want his happiness but hers

    Women and selfishness

    If your man needs a side dish to be happy, please let it be.


    Stingy Naija unhappy hoes

    1. If I need a side "dish" to be happy will my husband let it be?

      Stingy Morocco hoe...... that is what you are

  48. You obviously have a polygamous bone in your body hence you've been able to live in this situation for years. Most women would have died a thousand times by now but you didnt. So, Madam, just keep managing your marriage as side wife. Your hubby is one of the luckiest men to ever walk the face of the earth, eating his cake and having it.....

  49. Desperation and low self esteem is what put you in all this with it permanently or grow a brain and return to Nigeria..your choice

    1. We all have the right to make a choice, confront him with all you have sent here if he says crap. My dear marriage is not by force. I can't wish my enemy this.

  50. Honey this man will never ask you to leave, he is waiting on you to leave. When you are tired you will go find your man. It is not every marriage that is God ordained. This is one of them.

    1. I can never take this, am not my mother that took my Dad's concubines as one family. I will move with the speed of light. Women should learn to empower themselves and be driven with their goal while taking care of their families. No man should treat you as dirt or a lower being. Anyway that is me.

  51. Hmmm, let me go pick my daughter from school. I will be back to comment

  52. Hnmmmmm *mouth open* . Nawa ooooooo. This life Ehn.

  53. Hmmmm it's obvious he is so in love with A u need God to help u out.

  54. HHHHHMMM . this one get as e be o.... i feel ur pain my dear, and i understand ur DH position. i think you should have a chat with A, do not b confrontational. also let DH be aware of what you are passing tru, you have acted so relaxed with him and that is why he feels at ease doing all that cos he knows you would never complain. it is well

  55. Nawa ooooh.
    You can force a horse to the stream but can't force it 2 drink water
    For how long will you continue to live like this?

  56. Im so upset that you had to put yoursef through this ordeal by yoursef.
    Why did you have to make yoursef accept something that is less than you. There are only two choices you can make that I can see. One is that you should continue to pretend like you gave been or you can leave if you feel its beneath you. Your choice. Bt ur "dh" can never leave A. Pray about it and because there is nothing God cant do.

  57. Madam whatever's happening now, u brought it upon urself. U were so desperate and took advantage of the situation, and even acting like U don't care.. this is what I call a reality show, not what the Kardashians are doing. Keep it up!!! Bravo to u!! I hope u get a Grammy for Best Actress of the century.

  58. DESPERATION!!! #Truth,TheMedicineSomeCan'tHandel

  59. This is the weirdest chronicle I have ever read.

    Poster, I really pity your predicament. From the picture you painted, it seems if you act now, DH won't mind walking out on you and the kids for A. Infact he will do it without a backward glance.
    As for his family and friends, they are showing support and acceptance because A is catering for their needs so if push comes to shove on their own side, they will still choose A and her son over you and urs.

    My advice is that you approach A. What type of a woman is she? Calm? If yes, then take your time and reach out to her. Tell her you want to talk with her and choose a free time for you both.
    Get down into it. Don't shout, dont threaten. Explain everything to her, ur feelings and ur fears. Let her conscience judge her. AsK her to pls leave your husband alone for you. You have endured and she needs to put herself in ur shoes. She should pls move on so u can havevur home back and she should not tell him of your discussion. Pray b4 you contact her and continue with prayers afterwards.
    You walked into this with your eyes wide open but that doesn't mean you should continue. The truth is that This rship can only be broken from A's side and not ur DH.

  60. Chai...dis is soo sad.hmmm.but poster I am sorry oo dis is all ur fault.lyk stella jst sayd u took advantage of his brk up wit A.U say d green light but u still went ahead nd married him.ur husbnd luvs A so mch nd m afraid time will comr wen he will tell u he wants a divorve nt bcus he doesnt luv u bt bcuz he loves A more.may God help u.nd ds is a lesson to my fellow women pls nd pls wen a man is still stuck wit his EX nvr go into a reletionslp wit him or even marry him bcuz he will still go bck to dat EX ryt under ur nose

  61. Wow, madam! I don't know what to say to you. I can't evn advise u cuz u knew from the start what u were getting urself into, and ur hubby doesn't physically abuse you. Ask yourself what you want cuz right now, it's obvious you come second where A is concerned. Concentrate on becoming a more substantial person and look out for your children. If you fight your hubby over A, chances are that you will lose. Wish you the best with ur powerful side chick.

  62. Why do I have d feeling that A's son is ur hubby's biological son?.... Maybe they met up in Cairo without u knowing and she got pregnant. #FoodForThot

    1. I tire. This woman is too calm.

  63. Kai! this one pass me oh! let me just read comment. but for me, i wont take that shit. maybe coz am a Virgo. marriage is marriage. we both agreed to it. if u decide to commit adultery, i will decide to quit. don't be scared of tomorrow, it can take care of itself. confrontation is not fight. i cant seat and pretend everything is ok when is not. i cant be dying inside. why do we always give men hallway? God this cant be me. cos by now. am out ready. poster God will help u. Just be prayerful. you are indeed a strong woman. but dont be foolish.

    stella which one is "FULL" again?

    please dont mind my comment, am just imperfect

  64. Heheheheee....oturugbeke...Wahala wear trouser f this chronicles o!!! I'm still TGW...Over to you abeg #BringThePopcornLemmeReadComments

  65. This story nwere ka odi. Poster how did you allow yourself get into this mess? Anyway your type is usually loved by men dat are polygamy in nature. I think you should advice DH to kukuma marry A so dat he can be officially married to two wives to avoid all dis drama cos really, daz wat it is and I believe DH is in too deep dat a reverse is rather too late. Be prepared to deal with d issues dat comes with polygamy. Chineke gbaa gi ume!! Ife na eme really.

    1. Not in this era, she will lose big time if she permits the marriage. Besides Madam you can lose your DH but please don't lose your kids. So stop that his telling the kids that the other woman is mummy? Which Yeye mummy rubbish am just angry. Before he travels with your kids and you will look like the biggest ****. Why not spark for him, sit him down and talk to him. Speak up this is your life we are talking about. Speak to God first sit him down at midnight and pour out your worries and fear to him. Talk to him with all the strength in you, do this for your kids and yourself. His response would let you know your place and next action. "A closed mouth is a closed destiny"

  66. Madam please let the sleeping dog lie. From your story you husband is playing the game very well, he pays attention to you as much as he pays attention to A. So what is your stress. Besides he told you everything about A before your married him, so what is the fear about?
    Please stay away from trouble. From what you have said about A, she is not a troublesome person. Dont use your hands to bring trouble to yourself and family.

  67. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Sorry yu here.... Na yu carry style do urself shah.....

  68. I feel for you really, sending you hugs! Look even if you want to be co wife ( i cant say if to name you1st or 2nd wife) younerd to at least let him know how you feel. So think about it are you ready to own your co-wife situation or you want out. If you give him an ultimatum, he would likely chose her on the other hand if you let him know how you have accepted this all this years, he is likely to get bolder and kuma share his time equally between you both. However keeping quiet and playing this stupid game would kill you. You need to speak up, let him know how you feel. Gods best

  69. Poster you saw the handwriting clearly written on the wall but you chose to ignore it.

    The deed has been done already so, focus on your children and prepare your mind for the worst.
    As it is, am afraid A stands a better chance, because your husband loves her more.

    However, continue to pray, God can still do miracles. I wish you the best.

  70. O boy.. you cant compete with the woman that a man loves.

  71. Like Stella opened your eyes and tried to play the fast one even when you know DH is A's heart and vice versa. Anyways you aren't smart enough, five years is too long to have laid low, yours is not humility it is simply foolishness. No matter what DH have told you initially about A, as long as he didn't marry her he belongs to you, it is obvious he loves A and you might just be his babies mama, inasmuch as he sometime profess his love for you, no man can love two women at the same time. My dear you didn't play your card very well. DH is now leaving in complacency with the fact that you understand his relationship with A. My dear stop acting foolishly and take your man back, how could you be dying in silence, snooping and going through emotional trauma all because of what you allowed. If you don't make DH understand the fact the he belongs to u now then forget it. I will probably just conclude that you are too timid. All the best.

  72. God please forgive me for what about to do...

    Aunt poster you are a very stupid woman and it's ppl like u that give women a bad name. This man warned u but you entered his if by fire by force and took advantage of the situation.shebi you have seen what ure looking for? Stay there o! chronicle has ever annoyed me like this!

    That Yellow Geh.

  73. madam what advice do you seek?pls continue being in second place till infinity cos you obviously caused ur problem. in fact your story is so annoying, you are among the women that make men call ladiws 'fish brain'.mtshewwwwww

  74. God! i couldnt read all before dropping this comment because i was feeling nauseous by your write up. madammm! YOU ARE A DESPERADO!!!!!. HAAAAA! Take any thing you see because you practically married that guy,knowing fully well that he wasn't yours! your dh can never stop loving that woman because she is investing in herself. if you were not insinuating your self,he would have waited for her. That woman is an asset,not a liability! your husband does not love you from the crown of my tooth to the enamel! not even a little bit! He only married you for procreation. A is the love of his life while you are more or less an breeding machine.

    I also have a problem with your dh. does he not honor the marraige vows? wtf is wrong with him? why can he cling to you and forsake all other? he cannot have his cake and eat it! he is a really stupid man.

    A should also leave dh alone! he is married! you no wan marry,him don closed! let her live with it! dh's family And friends are also freeloaders hence,they'd have put a stop to this.

    In the end madam,na you cause am. in your desperation to hook him,you neglected laying down the necessary ground rules before marraige,knowing fully well that he was involved with another. he also knows you will take his crap that is why he has no respect for you. you better get a job and call your husband to order. wake him from his two timing slumber and let him realize you are not a door mat. talk to him and let him choose,if he goes with her,brace up and let d coward go.

    I finally finished reading .

  75. Hmmm. I really don't know what to adv ice. It is well.

  76. You may be the wife but in his heart, you are the side chick.
    This is the type stella calls dead on arrival abi what.

    Sometimes when men say she practically forced me to marry her, I didnt believe but clearly its possible.

    Sm pple are meant to be maybe this soulmate this is possible. And you went to put head, my dear carry your cross, just put on ur acting shoes wella

    I believe in the power of prayer but in this case, I'm not sure what you are asking God for oo. Did you ask him when you decided to make this man your hubby without His stamp of approval?

    Good luck.

  77. *sigh* I took my time to read this epistle but it was worth it,hmmm don't be surprised if your dh brings in A as the second woman, believe me he will,and if you try to complain he would tell you "But I told you before that A and I are inseparable" so ma if you love dh that much and you don't want to loose him you can stay,but my advice is quit loving him,focus the love on your kids,so you don't get a heart break, it obvious he loves you less.

  78. May I add that he probably married you cause time was against him.

  79. 1st... Madam I must say u r a strong woman... welldone.. 2ndly, u can't win with a woman dat is occupying ur husband's heart... from all u have said.. there's peace amongst u three.. u r jst scared of the unknown.. I advise u shudnt be scared of that... as bad as it may sound, madam u r the second wife.. if DH marries A, allow peace to remain and accept it in good fate.. DH isn't mistreating u and he's very honest.. A on the other hand seem to be a nice lady.. I advise u accept her as ur mate plss.. that's the only way u can have rest of mind.. just accept the fact that ur DH has two wives, It doesn't matter what number u are.. u and ur children are fine.. let it continue dat way....

  80. Dear poster a lot of people here will mislead you with their comments. Please be wise

    Maybe you should just accept your fate because you brought this upon yourself. Don't ever try to harm the woman or her son if you don't want to be the looser at the end of the whole ish. Don't let your dh caught you in any act to hold against you if you don't want to become a single mom. Accept your fate because am not sure you can tear them apart unless you wanna do it diabolically which might come back to hurt you in future. Or tell it to God, God can fix it for you if you can pray.

    And pls introduce me to A to get me a job #lols since she's well connected. #tongueout

  81. Please house, how can I reach Stella?

  82. Hmmm, this is deep. If am to advice, I would say, there is no case here. she walked into the marriage knowing all this even before he popped the question and because, would I say desperation accepted. why complain now? keep living in peace with your Co-wife please

  83. 228151498534661 GLOOOOOOOO

  84. What a sad story! Wow, am speechless. I would suggest u call A nd have a heart to heart talk with her because it seems ur DH is not ready to leave her unless she decides to leave him


  86. My God!The things women cause for themselves, madam it seems you are the side chick inside your own marriage!
    But you're a fool oh, why won't you tell your husband what he's doing is hurting you? Hian!
    The man was honest from the start and madam A is just a desperate bitch while you on the other hand are just a.....arghhhh! I dont even know what to type again abeg cos im so pissed at you!

  87. Dear Madam, you allowed this to come this far. You should have addressed this issue head on immediately after your marriage because you are now his wife. You think being a man pleaser will save your marriage? Hell no! You do not want to rock the boat by confronting the issue. For the record, the man knows that you are acting and he is acting with you too. When a man knows that you confront issues with him, he will not mess with you. This is really an unhealthy relationship from the beginning. Please log on to on Saturday by 4p.m. as we talk about unhealthy relationships. This is a big problem in the land!

  88. Na wa ooo this is just tiring... poster, u saw this coming, you even married your husband, u have been enduring for five years so if you know you are not ready to leave your home and let A take over...then keep enduring and keep praying. one day it will all be over. Pray that A finds love somewhere else. You are a very strong woman I must commend you. It's jst like u are married to a married man. Keep ur home!!!

    T in the building

  89. Hmmm, Mrs B. From what i read, you are the side chick here. Na you go steal another person man. You forced your way into this man's life taking advantage of his helpless situation. You were damn too desperate. Anyways, you've made your mistake. The man was never yours so its time to let him go and move on with your life. He probably didnt fall in love with you all this while because of your pretense. I was even angry while going through your write up. How can you be going through all this and still stay in that house. You're really strong. Your marriage was over before it even started. Wake up from your sleep and take a walk.

  90. Dear Madam, you allowed this to come this far. You should have addressed this issue head on immediately after your marriage because you are now his wife. You think being a man pleaser will save your marriage? Hell no! You do not want to rock the boat by confronting the issue. For the record, the man knows that you are acting and he is acting with you too. When a man knows that you confront issues with him, he will not mess with you. This is really an unhealthy relationship from the beginning. Please log on to on Saturday by 4p.m. as we talk about unhealthy relationships. This is a big problem in the land!

  91. Talk to A , find out her stance if she is willing to walk away and do it prayerfully if not get a job and get a divorce without hatred.

  92. Chai...warris dis,you brought t upon yaself..kpele o

  93. Madam, ur husband has two wives, just accept it or divorce him if you cant cope.
    You've allowed dis shit from DAY 1. What do you want us to advise you to do.
    Maybe you should go diabolical on her......... that's the advice you are waiting for us to give abi. I heard Cairo( Egyptians have serious jazz too ). Maybe you shld go to all dese snake charmers, give them d womans full name n mothers name, let them charm her outta DH's life.
    Madam dat woman will soon have a child for ur hubby, and she may give him ultimatum to divorce you. God is ur strength

  94. 1400180848503177 airtel

  95. The man was never yours.
    You thought you were being smart and fast by BUYING yourself a husband, now see where it has landed you.

    How can a man tell you another is his life and you still chuck head?

    You bought his ticket to Nigeria, your parents payed for your wedding, still payed your way to Cairo to be with him?

    While doing all these, "A" remained in the picture and you didn't object because you knew in your heart you're stealing what doesn't belong to you.

    Even after becoming the MRS, you still kept mute, abi? Because you knew in your heart..........

    My dear, he never loved you, was never yours and you know this, hence your silence, you tricked and bought your way into his life hoping for what exactly?

    Meanwhile, "A", the smart one, focused on making it and now she has, she even has HER MAN back!

    I can't even blame your husband in this case because you shoved your way into his life, you payed your way every step of the way and he never hid A's existence or continued presence.

    You should have took a stand BEFORE the wedding and clearly asked him to choose between you and "A", if he'd chosen you, now you'd have the grounds to "para".
    OR, if he'd chosen A, you would have saved yourself this wahala, maybe YOUR OWN man would have married you by now sef and you'd be happy.

    Now it has happened like this, you have 2 options,
    1; live with it
    2; insist he chooses one, if he chooses A(which I think he may), dust yourself up and move on.
    Hey, he may still choose you over A, you never know till you ask.

    It took you 3children to gather liver, and the liver sef no done (as you still can't talk to your own husband) na wah o.
    This is a classic case of inferiority complex.

    All the best in your "situmarriage".


  96. Well,the bitter truth is that A will sooner or later become the 2nd is well with you dear

  97. My Love, you took advantage of the situation and zero'd in now the chickens have come home to roost. That man was never yours and you never had his heart just his ring....congratulations, you played yourself. Sorry, but this is the harsh truth.

  98. Quite lengthy...she knew it could lead to this. Why get involved? Want To Naturally Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Click Here To Read

  99. I have never read anything like this o.
    Side chic's deperado led her into deep frying pan.
    You need to work on your self esteem, get SOMETHING DOING. Are you not ashamed that another woman is feeding you?
    If you were my sister, would tell you to look good, make new friends, be happy, focus on God and cry to him and see His wonders.
    -But A shouldv'e left him to be nah.Your DH looks like someone that can kill because of A.
    My dear stay-put and keep ignoring him, start saving from the little he gives you.

    A is also his wife, probably he'd done her introduction in one of his numerous trips and didn't inform you either, PRAY and bind his ulterances that your kids are A's. inukwa!
    LOOK for something to distract yourself and give him less attention, focus on your kids.

    My body just WEAK...

  100. You're a good woman. that's all i have to say and may God bless your soul, your children are your investments focus on them

  101. This is 3 Chronicles in 1... odikwa interesting...

  102. Dear Madam, you allowed this issue to come this far. You should have addressed this issue immediately after your marriage because you are his wife. The man knows that you are acting and he is acting with you too. If you are real and confront this issue, he will be real and realize his mistake. This is an unhealthy relationship. Log on to this Saturday by 4pm as we talk about unhealthy relationships.

  103. 1365247395491610 airtel

  104. Kai Nigerians can abuse as if their own life is perfect. Nonsense.

    Anyway poster, you have said it, you love DH very much and you dont want a broken home. Since that is what your heart wants, then you have to adapt to the situation. Your husband has 2 wives. Join them in all this "my son, my children" talk, play your part. Call A, even sef call her your iyawo if you want, tell her to come to Cairo etc Take your role as iyale very seriously otherwise they will leave you behind. When you see polygamous families, you think the wife they met at home is happy her husband is taking another wife? No but she deals with it. Trust me, 15, 20 years down the road the pain will have eased and you will be okay. Life never turns out the way we expect.

    On another note, this your dh sounds lazy, he is the type of man that sits back and waits for women to make decisions for him, look after him, pay for him. Get yourself together, look for a job or business or whatever so you are not totally dependent on him (and A). Your self esteem will sky rocket and you will see that you wont need him as much.

  105. I feel your pain, but you entered it with your eyes wide open. A has your husband's heart and I think you were the one who forced yourself in. You are lucky you have a good man, so just continue to do sister wives. She is the main and you are the side chick. Be glad she extends the love of your husband to your kids. Sounds like a good woman to me.

  106. My opinion, he loves both of you but he loves you more. He may not realize how much he loves you until you walk away from him. You are a good woman Madam. You truly are.

    What to do...instead of praying for A to die , pray that she finds love so strong in another man. Pray for her kid. Pray for your husband. Pray that A finds a man to love her helplessly.

    I have found out that praying good prayers and love prayers for people get me quick results. Do that for months. At first when you start praying for her to find love, it will be as if her and DH cant do without each other, you will almost give up but don't, ignore that picture and continue praying fervently.
    Just like a dream , you will find out they are no longer together and DH is not even missing her. You will find out their love has fizzled out.

    You can never lose with a prayer of love.


  107. My candid advise is, if you can't speak to him about it because of your timidity please kindly tell someone close to him apart from A, that can talk sense into him, and please inform your parent about it before it is too late anything can happen oooo, as long as you have life there is hope, also don't forget to narrate it to them as you have done today on Chronicles word for word... His family and friends are already into A so you need a rival party that will support you and your parents and families are the best options.
    You are indeed a lovely lady, calm, lovely and beautiful but the only thing you lack is action and wisdom, but you can pray to God to give you wisdom and guidance to go about it. Beautiful women like you are hard to find, people like you love without fault but oh! what a mistake to DH... but with God all things are possible.

  108. Why should he be telling your kids to say hi to another woman as mummy??? God forbid not when am alive! And you sound too comfortable with this Hocus-pocus.
    I have so many why to ask but it won't help this matter.
    Madam they will kill your enemy with heart attack, cos you are really worried and broken. This life is very beautiful but our choices can either make or mare us. How long will you endure this? This is beyond me. Oluwa take control, trust me you need some serious prayers. Better tell your family and your pastor right now.

  109. It's a pity the mistake has been made and what you are asking for now is a solution. My dear go to God in prayers, for the sake of your kids. Just like Queen Esther did before confronting the king. She said "if I die, I die". You need to pray because of the dare consequences your confrontation might bring. Then speak with the lady and then your husband. God would give you the right words to use. In between, madam I would advice you learn to treat yourself with some ounce of respect. Don't forget people would treat you, just how you what to be treated and they would see you the way you see yourself. You deserve better and no one, I repeat no one deserves to be treated this way no matter their mistake. I pray God help you as you take the right cause of action.

  110. This woman is in bondage ooh,self induced bondage.
    You can't complain,you can't feel jealous, you are not allowed to "update" yourself with the activities around you??? You tiptoe around in your home.

    Jeeezzzzzzzz! Madam you are even pretending when you hurt,you cry in the dark,in a strange country.

    My dear how long will you do this? You have been reduced to nothing.

    You must take charge of the situation now, let that man tell you what he wants to do... before they waste your youth.

    Don't be scared to confront him. He needs to let you know where you and your kids stand with him ooh. The sooner,the better.

    Don't even bother the other lady,you knew he was in a relationship before you "stalked" and got him for yourself,i don't even want to blame you cos it was obvious the dude was stringing you along.

    The minute you start bugging Miss A,she will so play the victim and the next thing that your husband will tuck his Amu between his legs and run to lagos for good.

    Menn,another woman is in control of your home. I truly feel sad for you. Let's have an update if you sort things out so I can stop wondering.

    All the best ma'am,you sound like a calm woman.

  111. Invite A over to the house. You all should have a meeting.

    Let them know you have tried to be civil and endured their love for years. However you are tired now and can't do it anymore.

    It's hurting more than it's helping you. You still love your hubby but you and your kids will be going to Nigeria for some time.

    Before then, open up to your mother. She sounds like someone that really loves you. Tell her you are coming to stay with your kids till you are stable

    Then come back to Nigeria.

    But what do I know.. You'll probably read this comment and still do everything in d world to bear Mrs even at the expense of your happiness, joy and life.

    Note that this is just a separation from your husband for him to come to his senses, however it's a risk cos he'll pick A over you.

    If you all can live as a polygamous family then it's up to you.

    Thats my 2cents.

  112. Hmmmmmmmmm. Are u sure u are a Nigerian? Co's I kept wondering if I was reading a chronicle from an Indian woman, because it is only in Indian movies that u see a woman condoning this kind of rubbish and still shaking her head like laali. Anyway sha Just have it in mind that u r the snr wife,u r currently in a polygamous family.

  113. This story rings bell...if not for variations in d characters;I would have sworn that this story is abt me.
    Now to my story. I met lanre in d salon, one Thing led to the Other and we started seeing each other. He's not d most handsome of Men but he is the type of husband material every girl wld want to sew her dresses with(lol). One of the things I liked abt him was His honesty. He Doesn't beat arnd d bush, tells u as it is. I got so used to him and him d same. We were the envy of pple arnd us.
    After One year he proposed but I turned him down, not bcos I ddnt love,but bcos of religious and tribal differences. He was hrt broken. Abt 6 or 8 months later he got married to d girl b4 me. Its been 4years Since He got Married, but he won't let me Be. He Calls and chats me up all d time. I ve insulted and cursed this guy but he wnt let go off me. The good thing is dat we are not in the same state so he doesn't Start coming after me. Recently we Got talkin and he told me the wife knws abt me, she reads his Chat with me. And I Asked him how she feels wen she sees him Confessing his undying love to me and he replied dat he has told her abt me since D day one dey got back together And how nobody can take my place in his life. so whenever he's talking to me she just minds her business. And I'm like na wa can a woman subject herself as second Best to a man all in the name of I must marry by force.
    Dear poster,just accept ur lot. Cos u saw it all along....... But No, u got infested with d I must marry virus. Know this; men don't fall in love but wen dey do, they do it. With dia soul.just love urself and ur children And reject all her gifts.she is his best friend not yours
    PS. I wld have continued with lanre but I chose not to cos i respect the institution called marriage so much.....

  114. Dear poster may God intervene in your home. You made a very big mistake marrying ur hubby,but it's too late to cry when the head is off. Talk to your family and your pastor too. Serious prayers needed at this point. God intervene and fix this

  115. Dear madam, just as sdk has told you, it's better to let sleeping dogs lie or else you'd be a goner for life. Just accept it that your husband has 2 wives and things are working fine just as they. Don't, i repeat, don't put a spanner in your works. If it's not broken, then don't fix it. Enjoy your marriage.

  116. Lobatan!!!!

    This is a clear case of, 'isi k'anapu ekwensu ike, ebunye gi, I ga ebunwu kwa ya?'

    Obviously, you could not.

    You know what would happen if you start nagging, thankfully.

    Did you say, 'accept his destiny as it is '?
    Na you go thwart am o.

    You saw a man that was crazy in love with someone else, and you were busy playing side chick and coveting him.

    Very soon, she'll have a child for DH too.
    It's just a matter of time, except for God's intervention.

    You're even lucky that A is a cooperative side chick. Someone else would have moved in for the kill by now.

    Na wah!

    Seee, just go on your knees, ask for forgiveness for whatever wrong you have done, and pray that God gives A her own man. That is, someone that will make her forget about DH.
    If you don't, suffice to say that you'll get an IV to their union soon.


  117. women we are our own enemy, if she was the one cheating you people will call her prostitute. the man is selfish and wicked at that he is married for Christ sake, why do women tolerate rubbish all in the name of being a good wife, sit him down and talk sense into him, he should either pack is bag nd go live with the prostitute or stop all communication with her, you need to inform your people as well. what rubbish

  118. MAKE HIM JEALOUS!Act as though you are getting UNWANTED attention from another man. He's reaction will let you know Wetherby to move on or STAY.


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