Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


Sunday, February 21, 2016

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...

This came in this morning and happened yesterday night.....


Good morning Stella, I'm a serious bv even tho I hardly comment,good job! 

I'm writing this with my heart full with sadness. I'm in my 20s, please remember to hide my id. Last night my bf and I decided to be fun and go clubbing, we usually don't do that. So we called up his cousin who knows every club in Festac because he stays around there. 

Na so we go meet the cousin for Festac, we lodged and then went clubbing with the cousin, he has a car and le'boo doesn't. At the club the cousin was complaining about not having a girl, I even tried to get him a girl and he wasn't satisfied with the ones I introduced him to there. When we were done clubbing one thing led to another and my bf got to the hotel before me.

After enough drinking and dancing, I found out I was alone in the cousin's car.
bf was with my phone and wallet, in the hope that he was going to the hotel where me and bf lodged I relaxed only for the bastard to stop at one place and demanded for sex,i refused of course. He begged and begged and started threatening, that's when I became scared, he said he was gonna leave me on the road alone and the area boys  would get to me .

Stella I begged and I cried but the demon boy wouldn't have it,note that I was in my period . After a while he started driving and drove to a remote place, I didn't know my way and I was cashless and without phone, when he stopped he raped me inside the car, it wasn't long but I was screaming and begging him to stop. when he stopped he drove me to the hotel where we lodged and bf was outside shouting at him and telling him "Shey I texted you say she dey her period" I was weak. I didn't have to say anything and bf understood what happened I started crying, I cried my eyes out Stella. 

Bf was just begging,i cried myself to sleep. This morning I woke up to bf crying,he was crying that he is not a man for his cousin to rape me and we can't do anything, no evidence of rape, just nothing. We are on our way home now and I'm writing this, I don't usually tell my story to people but this is heart breaking and I can't even tell my people at home this kind of story. Do you think this is the end for bf and I?? I don't even know what to do now .

I have read this mail over a thousand times and it breaks my heart to tell you that my conclusion that your boyfriend passed you over to his cousin to sleep with you.he may not have agreed to rape but he gave his nod of approval.

Incase you ask why,let me point you to my first clue....."Shey I texted you say she dey her period".....
I am sorry but you need to get away from both boyfriend and cousin and get yourself together.go to a Doctor and tell him what happened,go get a police report and tell them the truth,you might need it in case both cousin or boyfriend tries to blackmail you for more sex later.
Make sure you delete any naked photos your boyfriend might have of you in his it fast.

I am sorry about what you went through..i am lost for more words

Please the lady whose chronicle was supposed to be out today,please forgive me,it will be out tomorrow okay?


  1. Replies
    1. Why is no one asking (what if your Bf is clean). Everybody's finger is pointing same direction with no solid clue. Boyfriends secure babes properties at clubs 4 sure.

    2. @ Poster, why did your boyfriend leave you with his cousin ? To go and do exactly what at the hotel?

      Who does that? Or he took a babe there to go and rape as well or sleep with?

      So you think his tears are genuine? He is as guilty as his cousin.Stay away from them forever and go to the hospital.

  2. Too bad you call a fuckboy your boyfriend.
    You've been passed around and at a very risky time of your life. On your period.
    Wondering why you still stayed the night and still had a good night rest obviously
    Ladies please be prayerful and careful.
    And go to the hospital and police.
    Report it evidence or not, you need to report it.

    1. How on earth do you even go out with a guy and he leaves u at the club talk more of ur bf...
      I went out last night and even escorted my friend till she entered her house and lock d door b4 i left, so i just imagine how i go leave my gf for club. Even if we are fighting sef highest we wont talk and but am still taking u to ur house even if.
      Well, every one to his own cos i cant even shag a girl my friend has shagged sef cos e dey do me smhow

  3. It was all planned.
    That's why "one thing led to the other and bf got to the hotel before you". It was all planned.
    Smh. Why is he shedding crocodile tears? And you sound very comfortable with the whole thing.
    I don't even think you are angry, nawah.

    Let Jesus fix you all...what a story!

  4. Poster your boyfriend knew this was going to happen to you. If not y would he say what he said to his cousin about texting him? They both used you. I feel so sad for you. You should report this and not let it go just like that

  5. That your bf and his cousin just used you. What does he mean by 'shey I texted you say she dey her period'?.
    What led to that statement? How did your bf knew he raped you?
    Girl, You've been used and he will soon dump you. So get your ass out of that relationship and let your heart heal before you enter another relationship

    *Larry was here*

  6. Do you mean you heard him and still calling him your bf? Like seriously?My dear like Stella said,delete all the delectable and take off.

  7. That's what you get when you date broke ass and chewing gum guys that can't afford a car...
    That your boyfriend is a disgrace of a man!...
    Am sure he planned the whole shit with his cousin...
    Poster,abeg leave those family biko cos this your boyfriend will not marry you...
    One advise,go spiritual on the idiot that raped...

  8. so sorry bv,may God heal ur broken heart on such demonic act by ur bf n cousin. pls remain calm right now. take ur bf's phone n go through it,snap the conversation him n his cousin exchanged through text message as evidence when reporting to the police(make sure u back up those photos:you could send to your email). make sure u see a doctor too. this whole scene was planned by both of them. your boyfriend was aware that's why he took ur phone n wallet.

  9. Dear poster, I agree with SDK 100%.Your boyfriend new what your cousin wanted. Pls do as SDK has suggested. And pls look for someone reliable to confide in. It looks to me that the story has not ended. Next time tie your legs like a mermaid. Am sorry, but that's the truth.

  10. Your Stupid boyfriend is involved..... you better move on with your life and report to the appropriate authority.

  11. The bf knew about the whole thing. It was a setup, so poster you better move away far from both of them after getting justice. Your bf is no good.

  12. Babes. So sorry about this but it was all a set up..what does the cousin have on him that he would do such a thing.that is terrible...

    You need to go the police station and a general hospital to take the necessary precautions.. is well

  13. That was exactly same thing that came to my mind Stella. If he didn't consent to it, why the text message and why did he get to the hotel before you? What kind of boyfriend leaves his babe alone at a club and goes back to the hotel alone? It was a planned deal between ur boyfriend and his cousin but ur cousin felt he could outsmart his cousin by texting him in advance that you were mensurating. Pls stay away from those 2 men cos they are bad news. I just have a feeling that this won't end easily. I seriously pray am wrong though.

    1. He took your phone and wallet for a reason dear..he wanted to render you helpless and he succeeded. Please take Stella's advice. Make sure you delete every nude pix he has of you and report the matter to the police

  14. Which police Stella,here is not abroad oh!..
    The police will blame her for going out with the guys...they will even start calling her names like olosho...
    Poster,I have told you what to do with small money sef...

    1. Shut up. I am a medical doctor and policemen have brought rape victims many times for us to give medical report and collect trace semen samples for possible prosecution.
      In some cases they send those samples to Pathcare for DNA analysis. Please don't say what you don't know.
      And yes,i work in Lagos state. Lagos Island Maternity Hospital to be precise.

    2. Anonymous she is right
      How many cases do police men bring to the hospital?
      Haven't he you heard people talk about how they went to the police station and they start asking them stupid question

      And then didn't you see a write up one time from a lawyer who said out 100 case of rape charges in Nigeria only 5 gets justice??

    3. Doctor in this case now she's on her menstruation how will it be traced?

  15. Very sad and angry! How did we raise such hopeless and useless boys as sons?
    My dear, sorry for what you went through, I support Stella in this, your bf intentionally took your phone and wallet too so you won't have any means of transporting yourself. Forget his crocodile tears, he is an accomplice. If you have badass brothers, tell them to jaree, they deserve better beating and anal rape, rubbish!
    Go to the doctor and police station as Stella suggested, I also encourage you to talk to an older person you trust. If your pple get money, make sure those boys sleep in cell, umu anuofia!

  16. Wicked world!... Can u jux imagine!... But u sef what kind of question r u stil asking.. Obviously u guys shud b ova.. End d damn relationship!... Or nxtime u guys wd b having a threesome

  17. Hmmm,na WA...being with the wrong guy! Poster i don't think you are in any relationship with the guy for him to have behaved like that.That your 'bf' is wicked o and doesn't love u one bit!!! Please stay away frm such man cos he can even ask you to sleep with someone at his own favour.Pele

  18. Ur bastard if a boo sold u out. This almost happened to me when i was in school but thank God, other boys were around and saved me. Please dont listen to any excuses he's making. Just leave him.

  19. As Stella said, your boyfriend is in on the whole thing. Probably they planned it out...which made him to leave earlier.
    Nne no oh. Sorry. Pele. Rape is something I don't even wish my enemies. Please cut all ties with said boyfriend, get to d hospital and run tests/take kia of itself.
    Above all, make Jesus the Lord of all in your life. He will heal n soothe d pains away.
    As for d boyfriend and his cousin...leave them all to God. He will pay back their wickedness.stay blessed.

  20. Poster so sorry for what happened?
    First thing on your mind should me going to a hospital to get tested not if your relationship will go on.

  21. This girl you don't have common sense. Please receive e slap from me. Mugu

  22. Like seriously?
    Well, sdk just spoke my mind, in addition, trying questioning le boo, what really happened btw him and his cousin, bcos it obvious ur boo knew, see d way body dey pepper, i nor dey like rape story at all, so sorry dear, next tym, don't trust pple too much, person gho dey fear for her boo cous again? What do I knw, babe be strong.

  23. Stella has said it all, don't have much to say, break up with ur so called bf, they both planned it. Disadvatage of dating children. Stay bless and report this very issue so that guilt can leave u.

  24. Dear poster your bf is aware of everything that happened. Stop crying and try to be at peace with yourself. Don't go back to the idoit you call your bf.

  25. Stella, i expected that ur Reality hand slap, if you're still not sure when to dump that BF of urs, i wonder what else u can take and still remain with such a person, cnt u see he knew the cousin was gonna do that? According to u he said " i told u she was on her period"?? Excuse me??!!! What if u weren't, that means he approves of it na, and what must have led to them discussing ur monthly flow??
    You better on ur own go to the police.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Shey I texted you say she dey her period"

    So you still slept in the hotel room after you heard your boyfriend say this??

    And you are still asking if it's the end of the road for both of you??

    I think he might have asked your boyfriend to allow him sleep with you and your boyfriend texted him back saying you are on your period

    I believe this is what happened

  28. Shoot your lee boo
    Shoot his cousin
    They planned it
    And stop leaving a wayward life
    Best of luck

  29. And by the way, why did your bf have your wallet and phone when he knew you were not with him? They planned it so you will be trapped. Sorry dear, you didn't really know your bf.

  30. Hmmm Ife Na eme ooo....
    Stella has said it all
    They planned it simple and short.

  31. Stalla you are right. My point exactly, sha I text you she was on her period? That means the idiot has told ur bf that he wanted to have sex with you. And he said no you because of your period. And at that where did the foolish boyfriend of yours went to at that night leaving you behind ?2 what discussion did they have that made him told his cousin you where menstrating ? My sister run for your life before your bf and cousin use you do money oh

  32. I'm just tired of all this bad happenings

  33. Haaaa! Am lost for words.
    Your boyfriend planned and agreed for his cousin to Screw/Straff/Rape you. It's a planned job dear.
    Report them Or poison them.

    *Ayah Shehu *

  34. Many men are beast
    I stand for no pity for any foolish man
    My dear listen to Stella n take her advice
    May God comfort you

  35. your bf is crying crocodile tears so you dont get pissed or report him to police. How can he be telling your cousin in your front that shey he texted him that u are in your period?

    babe, receive sense. Your bf knew that your cousin wanted to sleep with you. For him to tell him that u r in ur period... text him sef. You seem like the stupid one. How cant you tell that something is fishy


  36. I hadn't even gotten to stella's reply and it's no coincidence that she said the same thing I had in mind.
    Babe, how can ur bf leave u in d club? And why wld he say "Shey I texted u dats she is on her period" if not that he has it all planned out with his cousin. For what I know he might ve even given u out in exchange for money. Please give enuf space btwn u nd ur bf. Pele u hear

  37. Oh my God,all I see na setup. D deed has been done,no need crrying over spilt milk. Dat ur bf no be bf.stay away frm him or else he is going to plan 3some next time. There are a lot of issue against u,becos assuming I be police, I go ask wey ur mama before asking y if dem force u or u go willingly wt dem to club and lastly wey ur evidence say dem rape u true true and be say alcohol cause am or na agreement change. In essense forgive urself,I won't ask u to forgive those boys,curse dem naked if u can. But U need to forgive urself and move on. Pele dia

  38. Hoo nooo, I am so sorry love, true you need to go to a doctor, when evidence of rape is still fresh. Your boyfriend ( of course his cousin included) are demons, evil brutes, he doesn't have any iota of respect for you. Please leave him, otherwise history will repeat itself.

  39. Babes!!!!!! Your bf is very aware,in fact he approved ! If not,

    Tell me what business his cousin has with you being on your period?

    Why did bf leave the comfort of a private car to take public transport home?

    How come he left a girl under his care to go back to the hotel alone?

    Why did he take your phone and wallet with him?
    Why why why!!!???

    He was aware and I don't believe you are this gullible! You have the temerity to ask if this the end? Like hell yes! He pawned you off! He might have even been paid. Jeeeeezz!.

    Leave that family o,if you don't want me to slap you. See wickedness!

    Pardon any French I might have in my write up. I'm just pissed!

  40. A lot things currently going on in my mind. Leave that boy fast and you are still asking if its the end for yourself and boyfriend. Which kain yeye question be that?
    In any case I would you get yourself treated and if given a clean bill of health you could think of a creative way of getting your pound of flesh. You should however be slow to act if ypu decide to do anything.
    Rapists should be killed really.

    1. Babe you are weak to marrow, you were given opportunity to escape but you preferred him (devil) to the unknown out there. Advice to others, flee the known dangers for the unknown because God might send a kind hearted devil your way.

  41. Sorry love,
    Go to the police but please get yourself check.
    I'm soo sorry.

  42. The boyfrnd nah bastard...he is fullly aware

  43. Let me tell you the truth... .. . It was all planned. No matter how u feel about this guy u should leave him asap, but since u are a woman i guess dis advice is invalid.

  44. Na wah!

    Na wah oo!

    Exactly Stellz. Immediately I got to that part, I knew.

    But why? What kind of bf does that?
    Even if he doesn't love you, he went to far to consent to such.

    Is he being blackmailed or what? Even if he is, why didn't he just make you stay away?

    Unfortunately, you've probably washed out fluid evidence of the act, since you are on your period and must have had your bathe by now.
    But a doctor might be able to find evidence of tears or trauma down there. The problem would be finding one, with today being a Sunday, but you've got to try.

    Again, go and lodge a report at the police station. Very necessary.

    Importantly, please, don't keep quiet about this, even if you're threatened. It would mess up your life and your future relationships.
    Confide in your mum, or an elder sister, if you've got one. You might be reprimanded, but it's better than bottling it up.

    Meanwhile, run away from that demon of your bf, and ignore his crocodile tears. That's an act of deception.
    Someone like him can kill for the 'right ' reasons.

    I'm sorry, honey. *hugs*


    1. The bf was in on it.

      First sign was when he left without you.

      Gosh! My watchword these days is 'Trust no one'! Humans are gradually turning lower animals with no conscience.

      Sorry poster, but you need to steer clear ur bf. His tears should not sway you. He is trash!

  45. Seek help immed so as to start anyiretrovirals.who says theres no evidence?report both ur bf and his cousin to the police

  46. stupid hos wont even use common sense to take precautions

    well this has happened to alost every young adventurous girl

    Sorry o!

    But na more of setup

    Find yourself some good guys to hang with, responsible men with money, they may even be married but whatever

    he will be a gentleman and compensate you for pussy not RAPE

    1. You are an idiot. What wrong has she done. Do you no what your sister or you mother has done.

  47. What a heartless he-goat. Ur boyfriend knew that his cousin will had sex with u lady according to what he said. "Shey i texted u say she dey with her period". That is evidence to prove, go to hospital for treatment and report the cast to the police incase both of them(ur boyfriend and his cousin) want to do something stupid.

  48. Its a No brainer, your bf was in on the whole thing. Break up with that man right away.

  49. RAPE......iranu..wetin be dia problem with rape sef? Se na d tin dem dey take get lvel now for igboro ni abi wetin sef..dis guy should be sentenced to life imprisonment or get his manhood cut off..idiot.

    My advice is,get away from both and gather up ya sef then move forward with ur life.they will surely pay for it..ur supreme being will surely deal with them..

    Mc pinky

  50. That line alone gave him away. Just that he wasn't supposed to do it then.

    Some Men ehn. Tufia!

  51. Some men deserve to be skinned alive and that includes your boyfriend and his so-called cousin. They set you up big time. Abeg, treat their fuck up. Nonsense

  52. Some men deserve to be skinned alive and that includes your boyfriend and his so-called cousin. They set you up big time. Abeg, treat their fuck up. Nonsense

  53. Let me tell you this.
    Delete that boy,that one you are calling "bf" from your life. Even if he swears he is not part of this,will he also swear he didn't know his cousin is a useless nonentity? You don't have a future with him,not after this especially.

    Go straight to the hospital.. you need to be checked okay?

    If you are up to it,go to the nearest police station and report,but knowing how crass and ignorant most of our officers are,they will leave the matter at hand to ask you why you went clubbing with boys etc.Brave up!

    You can speak to your mom about this,never feel filthy or guilty.

    Try to keep it away from friends,they might spread it and make you feel worse. Talk to your God instead.

    Write in once in a while if you get depressed or feel lonely.

    Don't go into another relationship for now... you sound too impressionable and naive.

    So sorry.

  54. All of Una wey chop Toseton food. For uniben I pity Una. Na Jazz we we dey use ooh! We bury 3 cows and 7 goats for that place. Me eating your destiny away. #MyConfession2016

    1. Noted n tnx 4 sharing but 4 now, na rape case dey ground.

  55. I think he asked bf for permission and bf said you were on your period maybe next time. Nigga still went ahead took a detour and had his way. Hence bfs rant abt him telling him you were on your period. Its what I believe happened. I may be wrong. In all, im so sorry you had to experience that.

  56. The so called boyfriend is just crying crocodile tears! He new about it. Abeg babe move on, I know it hurts but you have to move on or else they will want to try it with you again. Am sorry but your boyfriend is an animal.

  57. Exactly Stella, ur bf agreed to it. Maybe he didn't really like u. Do as Stella said. Who sleeps with a girl on her period? That na curse on en own. God punish them. Mbok move on with ur life. D Lord is ur strength

  58. Abeg babe, leave that duo. Ur boyfriend passed u to him. A well articulated plan else why would he go to d hotel before u? N with ur phones too? Abeg dump him. Nonsense bf.

    1. That act alone can mk me quit a relationship. Hw can u leave ur woman behind in d middle of night with another man? N she still dey ask yeye question. Rubbish.

  59. Your boy friend is an animal, he his just crying crocodile tears. You better leave him for good, else same thing will repeat itself. Sorry dear, it's well with you

  60. You were set up by your boyfriend. Go for counselling, see a doctor and flee from your boyfriend and his cousin. They will definitely meet their waterloo. Sorry dear.

  61. Stella nailed it. Nothing to add. The whole unfortunate episode was planned. The text is a concrete proof.

  62. Ur bf handed u over to his cousin. I dont understand what u mean by he left u alone and took ur mobile and wallet and everything. How does a man leave his girl behind? U need to be careful with ur so called boy friend he could set u up. Something abt this chronicle is fishy.

  63. OMG. This is so sad. This is so wrong. I agree with stella that the bf knew about his cousin's interest, and he might have objected weakly or consented. I also think, the cousin is already blackmailing the boyfriend. There is a lot of inferences that can be made from that his statement. In any case, dear, that bf is not the right company for you, you have to run fast and act quick...and yeaah, they might come for more. This is so sad. i hope to see both of them punished for it.

  64. Ur be planned this with his cousin. Y would he take ur purse and phone. Why did he leave for the hotel before you. Something does not add up. They just might be laughing at you behind your back. Sick pair.

  65. It's clearly obvious what your bf heartless though..

  66. Your bf and his cousin planned everything that was y he left you with him, he knew that was the plan so him faking that cry is for u not to suspect a thing. Just pick up the little dignity u have left and run as far as your legs can carry u.

  67. Why will ur bf text his cuz u r on ur period? If it was not planned. Seems u r entirely dumb poster. Am so pissed at what happend to you. Too pissed!!! What nonsense!!!

  68. Just imagine. Poster, u still have the guts to ask if this end between u and ur boyfriend?

    Pls run from both of them immediately. So sad.

  69. My dear ur bf was aware something lik dat was gonna happen, but if u still believe him report the matter to police & see how dis plays out. He will blackmail u,lie against u or try to convince u to drop d case & if it dosent work..he will turn aganist u & support his cousin. Because it's his behaviour with you dat will mk his cousin act the way he did I tell u...foolish boys

  70. Your so called boyfriend is a devil.Forgive them and move on,dnt date that beast anymore,dnt make it a case because no body will believe you but first go and see a doctor incase his rubbish is still inside you,so that it can be flushed out. Take heart useless men everywhere

  71. Poster Stella is right, Ur bf passed u on to his cousin, firstly! Him leaving u alone with his cousin and getting to d hotel before u is d first sign, sweetheart, u both went to d club togeda, if he didn't plan wiv his cousin, u both wud ve left togeda! Leave such a guy alone! U would lose Ur value n respect staying with such a guy, secondly, take d case up with d police, get a medical report too! Let the cousin pay for hjs crime

  72. Poision them both..
    Invite them over and poision them
    Do it and do it fast.

  73. Please get to the doctor to check yourself...and please delete your naked pictures (if any) from your boyfriend's phone then break up with him. He planned the rape With his cousin in my opinion.
    Take heart and be strong.

  74. Be wise and take Stella's advise period! You have agbero(tout) boy friend.

    1. She doesn't even have a boyfriend sef, God will punish the two idiots

    2. Wait wait every one.. my ex nd his bro r very close. One day he came to see my in schl nd I heard him laughing on d fone with his bro. I asked him wat was funny nd he ignored. When I looked at his chat later I found out dat his bro was teasing him, telling him dat he traveled to visit me bcos he was horny and my ex replied to him dat its not true bcos I came on my period 2 days b4 he visited nd he was leaving d following day. He replied dat he jst felt like seeing me. So its very possible dat this guy jst gisted it to d cousin innocently. The cousin is a dog tho.. maybe he gets turned on by blood.


    3. Biko bv,my sis wedding is coming up very soon.
      She needs a costume bridal tiara,not d chinko own oo. Pls were can i get one here in lagos esp mainland.thnks

    4. I'm still wondering why ur BF planned ds with his cousin. He left @ d club with him on purpose, took ur fone & purse with him on purpose. Everything was staged.
      Sorry Dear. Your BF was crying bcos hez scared of what you might do, trying to convince u hez innocent.
      Poster, tell ur parents, get him arrested. Ur boyfriend is a beast.

    5. Legal advice, u need evidence. Call the rapist and put the call on record; start crying and ask him why he did what he did, he will open up and will be saying sorry, when you must have collected the confessional evidence, get a lawyer, got with the lawyer to the police coupled with the medical report you must have gotten and send the mofo to jail.

    6. Yes run to a hospital now that the penetration is still fresh & you are swollen down there,let the doctor collect semen sample & establish forceful entry & give it to you on paper. Do so fast cos after today, only a psychologist or psychiatrist may be able to agree that you were raped. The medical report is the only solid evidence you will ever have of the incidence unless there were eye witnesses. A rape charge has no statute of limitation. Sorry dear. One more thing; pls stay away from that accomplice of a bf.

    7. Just reminds me of what Stanley and ollah did to me years ago. It wasn't rape but a planned work. Stanley used to be my bf long time ago. We lost contact and suddenly we met again. This time he had a gf. He was trying to still date me. I refused. Later he added me to a BBM group where I got introduced to his friend called ollah. Me and ollah got talking and I told Stanley that it seems me and his friend are liking each other. I asked Stanley if it is OK for me to date his friend and he said no problem. One day Ola invited me to his house and one thing led to another and we stupidly had sex. I just noticed Ola left the room as soon as we finished and was talking to someone laughing on phone. I over heard him saying I don do am. I even innocently called Stanley that I am wiv your friend o and Stanley acted very happy like he was happy his friend and I are dating. When it was time to go home I noticed that my phone was not kept in the same place I put it in the parlour. So I was wondering what happened. When I got home I looked for this guy's number and his BBM pin on my phone. I did not see it. I called Stanley and Stanley said I should not worry that maybe something happened to my phone. I innocently believed. I was so young and stupid. It was later I found out it was a planned work between Stanley and ollah. He told ollah to just sleep wiv me and dump me. Immediately we had sex that day, he left me he quickly went to delete his contacts on my phone hence I did not see my phone in the same place I put it. I have never felt so worthless like that in my life. No dog or prostitute deserves to be treated that way. I did not do anything to Stanley. I just told him I couldn't date him again cus he had something going on wiv someone else. Was it enough for he and his friend to treat me this way. That singular act has almost ruined my life till today. Stanley Is married now. So my dear poster, when we are young we make certain innocent decisions and mistakes. Anybody abusing you might have done worse and gotten away wiv it. Me and you were unlucky. And that's just how life is. I have learnt never to have sex on a first date and even when u have sex after one year or wait till you get married, a foolish man is a foolish man.

    8. Boo left you for the hotel
      Boo took your phone and wallet so u won't reach him,or decide to cab if shit turns south
      To think you boo let that happen on your period is heartbreaking. I'm sure you know he planned wit his cousin but you r blindly in love with him, telling yourself he can't hurt you. You should breakup with him n stop all comms.this is what happens when you date a fuck boy!

    9. Anon 16:57 u no get sense.. hw can u date two friends... gerrarahere

  75. Wait re u mad? Like WTF? U still slept in d same room with that dude till morning? U took ur time, had ur bath n waited 4 him so both of u can leave same time? Re u so cheap or did u leave ur esteem at d club? Jezz I feel like slapping u right now. Ure still asking if it's d end 4 u n ur stupid leeboo? U still dey call am leeboo self. Someone who obviously knew u were being raped somewhere n didn't do anything abt it? In fact who send me open this post sef.

    1. Abeg calm down
      You've not been there so you won't understand

      Have not been there too

    2. Wallahi,I m pissed.u r so dumb upstairs that I lack word to describe u. In words similar to urs"I usually don't insult people ds way" too but u r the most foolish girl I HV hrd of in recent times.
      #Long hiss#

      Well said,Tess

    3. Also,since its yest it happened,u still HV d grace of postinor 2 working on go get it.its d best advise I can give u before u start crying wolf in few weeks time that u r pregnant nd be asking whether to abort or not(nd yes,I know u r in ur period,some few women can take in during this time).

  76. So all these "shiidren" sending this chronicles shey dem no get parents ni????children of today,if it's not "I and my boyfriend" it is "I and a married man" where are their parents sed!!!I'm sure their parents are fed up because dem go dey very stubborn,I no fit advice persin stubborn pikin biko!!!

    1. So your bf agreed to pass u on to his cousin. But adviced him to do it on a day that you weren't on your period. That's what happened my dear.
      Get away from those two guys and go for counselling. See a doctor, get tested. I feel so sorry for you. Chai! Men wicked oh .

    2. Hahahahaha@persin stubborn pikin....

    3. Nnaaa am tied ooo oo! Where is that koboko? We need to spoil the koboko and spare the children. Honestly.

    4. Abenaa chop knuckles. Boy friend ko lee boo ni.

  77. My dear please stay away from that evil bf of yours, he set you up with his cousin.

  78. Replies
    1. This chronicle is very annoying...i am boiling and typing at the same time. What thing led to another that made your bastard bf to leave you with his cousin at the club? Did you not say he does not have a car??? So he trekked back to the hotel with ur personal belongings to do just what???

      Are you trying to mess with our heads or som'n ?
      Please gerrarahia...

  79. You are with a wrong bf. If you love yourself let go of him, why did he leave you with the cousin for the hotel, he doesn't love you at all. You are just a sex tool.
    Find peace in Christ and stop dating unbelievers.

    1. And cleverly made sure she was without her phone and purse. You still dey call am Le boo. That your Le boo fit sell you, kill you join.

  80. Chai can't deal biko. Hmmmmm but I would av tot dem a valuable lesson if its me. Rat poison is still 10 naira babe.

  81. Permit me to use the word Bastard. Both ur bf and his cousin are bastards. My dear stay away from your bf cos he knows about it. What kind of irresponsible person approves his gf being passed on to someone else?!

  82. Poster really? Are you really asking IF TO or NOT TO continue fucking your bf? Ladies are so funny, someone planned to have his cousin eat off your cookie, and you are there still famzing love.
    Love ko, lust ni....
    See, Stella has said it all. The hand writing had been on the wall that your bf is tired of you and gbenshing. Yet you were blinded by what only you know. Whatever you had with your bf is long dead and buried. At the moment you are his sex-toy. I guess your menses helped you in a way, else he'd have had you first and ask his cousin to come clear the plate. Come to think of it, you are so so lucky it was just them two. What about if they were more?
    Abeg do what Stella asked you to do and bury him in your past. Or else your next chronicle will be the death of you. I saw alot of these in our male hostel back in school and at my former work place.

    ****Taking a walk****

  83. Ladies learn lessons. Stop trusting some wolves called men. Your so called bf planned with his cousin. Why did he choose to club at Festac where his cousin lives? Why didn't his cousin bring his gf along? Why did he refuse all your 'arranged' call girls for him since he was sex-starved and with no girl? Why did your 'so called bf' go back to the hotel alone, without you? Why did he carry your phone and purse along with him?To render you helpless at his cousin's mercy? How did he know what his cousin did? Why did he claim he texted his cousin?

    He put up ALL these to wash your 'fish' brain, woman. Stop clubbing, stop sinning, stop late nights. One mistake leads to many others. Now the did is done, many more will come IFF you did not redress your steps.


    1. The did is done? Or do you mean *deed?

  84. Please poster arrest both your boyfriend nd the cousin, it's called conspiracy, rape nd ritualists

    1. It's called ritualist k3???hian!!!!

    2. Hmmmm, ritualist??? For real?? Negodu!!
      My dear poster, wipe your tears.May the Lord comfort you.
      Take Stella's advice, thats my ya

    3. Your boyfriend is a useless bastard.. im so angry reading this.. May God save us from wicked men.. and you are stil thinking of future calling him le boo.. you must be high on otapiapia.. this is crazy. Crazy world we live in..

  85. Same taught stella .

    Do as stella said.. Both ur leboo and cousin planned it

    1. Stop dating yoppie yoppie boys. They are so unserious.
      Stay off any relationship for at least 4months before u go into any again

  86. I don't normally comment but this is a serious case. As painful as the situation is, you need to heed to Stella's advice. Straight to the hospital for medical report. It's just so unfortunate that Nigerians don't really know the enormity of rape. She might get to the police station now and the policemen will insult and curse her with the stigma that have already been placed on women that attends clubs. Silence kills. As painful as it is, you have to tell your family, especially your mum. Also update Stella on the progress of the case. May God see you thru.

    1. She is very naive because when she got to the hotel she should have reported and gone to hospital to get ARVs time is moving she can get HIV this kind of man I suspect. Did he even use protection. Why was he Ni scared of catching disease from her. These men are hoodlums.

    2. They won't even take her seriously when they hear she went clubbing. She needs to re-evaluate her life and her choices. Find Jesus.

  87. I dont understand o,hw ll ur boyfriend go back to d hotel without u,to do what?n d cousin witout fear raped u.watin concern ur period n d cousin.its all planned my dear

  88. Why do I have the feeling that your boyfriend did this to someone his cousin dated in the past and so it was his time to return the favour and you happened to be the unfortunate victim. Your boyfriend has no respect for you,your body, your feelings or your emotions. He is a coward and he has no right to be with any woman. He betrayed your trust he doesn't deserve you pleaaaaaase walk away.

  89. Please go to hospital ASAP for rape kit. That is the most thing right now. They will give you drug to prevent pregnantcy and HIV. Please go do that ASAP before anything else.

    After that, dump that bf, he planned it with his cousin. He is a sick bastard.

    1. Yes poster, get medical help ASAP. After that get a police report. It would really help if you can get as much evidence as possible from your bf's phone, including the alledged text message and any other conversation about this incidence, then go file a police report and stay away from both of them afterwards. Also, if you can get professional counseling, pls. do.

    2. She is still confused, probably still in shock - calling him leboo. Poster don't tell me you believe his half baked lies. Love is really blind. Leboo indeed.

  90. What sort of animal are you dating op? How old is he? Don't be fooled by his useless tears. Make sure you report both of them to the appropriate authorities. Any man that tries that with me would be picking up what is left if his balls from the sidewalk.

  91. For my opinion,i think your boyf's cousin asked your boyfriend if he can get down with you but your boyf refused hence the text message,i also think your boyfriend and his cousin does such runs of sleeping with each other's girlfriends. They are bad boys,they may be cultists self.

  92. Poster, i forgot to sympatize with you in your ordeal. It's a pity you went though this experience. I was really pissed off.

  93. You are in your 20s are you sure. You are not ready to out at night. l am not wasting Tim but telling you to leave that boyfriend side next you will be killed to destroy evidence. You sound a child to me they played a silly game with you. You supposed to be boyfriend pimped you. That cousin paid both your hotel bill. He did not need a girl he already had you on supply. When you are too dont move with men you font listen. How well do you know this man you call boyfriend. I feel angry with those man for taking advantage of your naivety. I dont understand you but l cant blame a victim. Why should your boyfriend leave you and without a phone. He did not want you to phone.anyone else for help. Dont get into any car with man you don't know.

  94. I'm crying as I'm reading this, this was exactly my case with my ex, and I always remember this, how I wish I could have a memory loss and not remember it again. I didn't even have the courage to tell anyone.

  95. Young lady, isn't it obvious your so called bf passed you to his cousin? Can't you use your head? Anyway take stella's advice for your own good. Some girls are just too dumb for my liking

  96. Rape is a serious offence, so I will advice u report it. But truthfully, going to the hospital for a rape test won't work. You were on ur period and penetration wasn't "forced". No bruises and the rape kit will test negative.

    However,ensure that the animalistic le boo is dumped. But then again, revenge is a dish best served cold.

    Is it not possible to have them raped too? Not by ladies (that will be too easy). Arrange for huge dick headed men to rape their asses. My two cent.

    Police won't do anything especially when there's no evidence.


  97. Before I even get to the middle of the story, I knew your so call boyfriend set you up with his cousin. He left you and go back to the hotel? He said " I told you she's on her period", and if you're not on your period? I guess they would have raped you together? The ball is in your court.

  98. Sweetheart, I sympathize with you. Why did your boyfriend even leave you alone in the first place?Please visit the doctor immediately. Flee from those boys. They are evil. Do not hate yourself because of those silly boys. I pray God's peace upon you.

  99. Poster I suffered your fate 2014 December and I was hurting until I read this story here. I will paste it cos I copied it. I am healed now and I will be getting married next month. I noticed that my hurt was caused by my inability to forgive and move on. Yes, I reported to the police and saw the doctor and all that but I did not forgive. Whereas the rapist moved on (perhaps to another victim), I did not, I could not until I emptied my heart to the Lord. My daughter (from the rape) is fine and my fiance has decided to adopt her. Here is the story that I read here:

    A** courted her heartthrob and married within 2 years. It was a fairy tale wedding. Her husband during courtship worshiped the ground she walked on. There was no sex between them for it was A... that refused to "open legs". But her reasons were not because she wanted to be chaste or that she was a "virgin". She was brutally raped by a gang of seven cultist at school; for she dared refuse their "Capon's" advances. She never told anyone. She also aborted the baby that resulted from it. And hated men with passion since then.

    After marriage for 2 months; no show. That was when A... knew that she had a problem and sought help. We met a lady who was "like stone"; emotionless and a deep seated pain in her eyes. One question gave her away, more from knowledge than from sight; "You were brutally raped?" A... broke down and wept and told the story in details . . . "I was kidnapped to their hideout . . .they tore me to shreds, used my under pants and stuffed my mouth . . .tied my legs and hands apart and took at least two turns each throughout the nights . . .as if that was not enough, they poured alcohol, possibly gin into the wound they had inflicted on my vagina. I thanked God it was not acid for that was my fear when they emptied it at first . . . and brought me out to the roadside totally nude . . . an old lady that lived nearby provided me with a wrapper . . ."

    It was after telling her story and crying that her healing began. She fasted daily for a week; learning the word of God. And after than she began a lively sex life. . . and went on to have her babies.

    "For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you".

  100. That one is not fit to be called your boyfriend. He passed you on to hiscousin. They do it all the time and it was now his turn to give you out. Sorry. Dont know about reporting because they will both deny you sef you will feel so stupid. Police go even use you do yeye. And where is the proof of what you heard? Deleted of course. Cry if you wish, but leave that small boy you call your boyfriend and just arrange for his cousin's matching. Just to give him small opolo eyes.

  101. Be there asking questions. ... your boyfriend was very much in the know of it. That's why he left u at his cousin's mercy without money and phone . U better get them both arrested .

  102. D poster is mad. Boo ke boo ko

  103. Obviously it was all planned, but y didn't u leave with ur bf?.. Go to d hospital,tell ur parents, go to a police station,

  104. You sound so stupid and naïve!
    When bvs with experience tell you girls not to date broke ass niggas,you go anonymous and call us names!
    Your bf has used you to "Kola" his cousin and you are here asking stupid questions.I won't advise you to take this matter to the police because you have no evidence and your so called boo won't testify in your favour.Just consider yourself booless and move on.If you know you can't drink,flee from alchohol!
    As for your fake bf and his cousin,I would have advised you on how to take revenge on them but you don't sound like a sharp babe...u too dull!

  105. Obviously it was planned.. Or else you are not saying all that happened. Anyways it is well.

  106. Seema the babe did not even figure out that the statement meant that they had a game plan. Instead she assumed the boyfriend made it so that thw cousin could bring her back to the hotel room fast.
    Hard truth: Stella, her case wont fly. This is not oyibo land. Nne, dont go reporting anything cos you dont have any case on this. You are not gonna win this. This is two against one. And dont think your so-called bobo will stand by you in the court of law. His loyalty lies with his cousin.
    I wonder why you still refered to him as your bf instead of 'supposed' boyfriend.

  107. Stella has said it all. Your bf and cuz is a beast. I wish you have enough courage to report to the appropriate authorities. They shouldn't go scot free. Get to the hospital and get yourself will feel bad in the coming months,trust me, I v been there. But by God's grace,you will be fine.

  108. Honestly I'm with Stella on this one. Stop calling him Le boo cos he's nothing but a betrayer. He gave you away that was why he stayed long inside, that was why he said 'I texted you say she dey her period' which mean he knew before hand that you were going to be rape and decided to stay longer inside.
    Your useless le boo (no vex) won't marry you cos his kini kan has been shared. He can pretend to care now, when this dies down, he'll become cold towards you. Follow Stella's advice. So sorry.

  109. Your bf knew because it was a set up why will the first thing out of his dustbin of a mouth be shei I tell you say "she dey her period". Your bf is horrible and please please flee from him I wish you all the best as you heal and pray God grants you peace

  110. Pls go to the hospital right now.its not too can still be treated against HIV and other STDs. I think that your bf's cousin deceived your bf into going to the hotel with that lame claim of wanting to test your loyalty to your bf. I am sure your bf realized too late and tried to stop him via the text message fact whatever!!! might just be acting up!!!Maybe he bragged about your sexual prowess to his cousin....whatever! Nothing justifies this rubbish.Inform your mum or sibling.let them go to the police station with you.Nobody will blame you for the rape!!!! Even if you don't press charges,make sure you report this.Take Stella's advice and make sure you delete All your photos from his phone and RUN FAST.I am sorely vexed!

  111. You have a pimp and not a boyfriend. I am sorry for your ordeal. Please go and do a report, if you are mocked don't stop until you get justice. STAY AWAY FROM YOUR BF. His tears were fake to make sure you don't report his cousin.

  112. your boyfriend went back without you,was with your purse and phone,screamed@his cousin he told him you are on your period,your boyfriend is evil,go check yourself then go make a report with the result,if that period is still flowing wake up at midnight let it flow freely be stark naked and place a curse on him for the wicked shall never go unpunished, he might get away with the law if he is rich and influential I just hope the raped wasn't planned for ritual purpose,I'm so angry right now and you re still asking if its the end for you and broke le boo,u need plenty dose of Jesus in your life,surrender your life to Jesus and he will give u rest,kindly drop the rapist number here,I'm in the mood for placing of curses now. it is well with you.

  113. Your boyfriend held ur wallet and phone so that you wont be able to call him or anyone and U wont av transport fare to go back to d hotel. Your boyfriend is the rapist here, all he put up wt dat crying of his is just a charade so that he could continue sleeping with U. Get both of them arrested ASAP

  114. Oh, and again.

    Please, don't play the blame game with yourself. It's not your fault that you were raped. It's only animals that rape people. Meaning that he would have still found a way, no matter the place or time.

    Don't play the what if game either. It'll just make you bitter and frustrated. It has happened. You can't change it. But it can make you stronger. Give yourself time, and you'll heal nicely with time.

    Don't get it twisted. People are going to blame you, and say it's your fault. That's a lie. Don't let stuff like that get to you. A rapist is a rapist is a rapist, anywhere, anytime and under any condition.



  115. Your bf is a weakling, it's just so unfortunately but my dear he passed you to his stupid cousin to sleep with you for penny! Probably the so called cousin sponsored the climbing an your weak bf gave you to him in exchange...

    Stella just gave you the best advice.

  116. Did you just ask if it's over between you and whatever boo? You should stay away from him. He is the worst of them two. He actually knew what was up and the master planner. Stay away from him please. Report the bastards. Rapist family. You should hold a conversation with him and pretend like nothing is up let him confirm that his cousin raped you. Make sure you secretly record the conversation. Take it along with your hospital report to the police station. Or keep it for future purpose. This case must go to court. Nonsense

  117. Poster, I think you are a cheap ashawo.
    Boyfriend this boyfriend that. Cousin this cousin that. Why should you be following irresponsible people?I guess birds of a feather flock together. U even drank urself to stupor. Abegi commot for road Jare ......

  118. Go to the hospital within 72 hours and take Pep to prevent Hiv. Pep is Post exposure prophylaxis and if taken within 72 hours from when sexual intercourse took place may prevent Hiv.

    Tell the doctor you were raped . Hurry. Also take postinor 2.

    And please also your boyfriend planned the rape.


  119. @Poster pls run to the hospital for test and necessary drugs after that tell ur olosho bf u can't face him nd his cousin,so therefore relationship over then wait for 2months arrange boys from ur area to beat him nd his cousin very well!!! Stay out of boys for nw being a mermaid for nw pays.May God heal u

  120. Jesus!!!

    That your boyfriend is evil,pls break up with the bastard now,report him and his cousin to police and take legal action against him

    Don't ever go back to the relationship.


  121. Stupid he goat, that's what happens when you don't know the guy you are dating...sorry for your encounter. Doctor's office asap

  122. Parents please lets raise our kids right so they will not look for love in the wrong places, or lose every self esteem they ought to have.
    What kind of lost child is this poster....? Still referring to him as boyfriend. Why did u still let him close to you to even share same room with you? He set u up. Get away from him pls. Very annoying story....

  123. And you are still there asking if its end of the road for you and your stupid Bf??? Some ladies sef.If i may ask how old are you?You sound like a todler.Just know it was planned between the two boys.Oh yes i call them boys cos they are retards.Useless hediots.Better dump him and move on or stay there and be asking nonsence questions.

  124. This comment has been removed by the author.

  125. Lucky your not dead and your asking if it's over.
    If you want to argue he didn't plan it Why would he leave you at a club and go home?
    With your phone and purse
    And why would a guy not be scared about raping his cousins girlfriend
    Why should the matter of period be discussed between the two of them
    If you have shown yourself to be loose and stupid in the past, it time to put a stop to it.
    Walk away now and don't look back.
    If you don't have the courage to report I'd understand but you MUST tell someone you trust and is mature about it.

  126. My dear dnt be stupid can ur bf leave u @ thhe club alone.dat. Alone shuld tell u it was a conspiracy. Oshofree

  127. Dear poster it is true that your bf and his cousin were aware of what he wanted to do. He left you in the club and went bck to your hotel room, then later telling him you were on ur pms? Lol, my candid opinion if for you to breakup any sort of relations with that so called bf of urs, he does not love you and therefore can arrange your murder if he feels it will be of benefit to him. Think fast, act faster!!

  128. On no account shuld he hav left dear him don do u oshofree his obviously tired of u nd his tryin to get rid of u.

  129. Let me lick ass as usual....Stella you couldn't have said it any better. Gbamest! Poster,follow Stella's instruction. You stupid fuckmate(sorry he isn't your bf) has got to pay alongside with the rapist. If you don't want to go to the police for fear of being stigmatised....make sure you deal with them. Take your time and plan your revenge. Bastards......

  130. You suppose to arrest that your bf with immediate effect

  131. Immediately I read d line'i tell u say she dey her period I knew it was a setup"so sorry dear!!just dust urself and walk away cos a real boyfriend will fight and even break his brother's head!! Infact they will be sworn enemies

  132. You need 2 think for yourself here, that is y you have a brain.
    Your bf & his cousin are both in on the plan. Dunno why you are still contemplating on still seeing him.
    Going as far as raping you on your period shows the height of evil. Ewwww!!!!!

  133. Some girls are really dumb like the one that sent in this chronicle. She actually believes that it was a coincidence the bf's cousin slept with her. Poster your bf was in the know. Now that you know, would you still beg him to still accept you still you are asking for the future with him?

  134. When my Lee boo isn't in d country, his friends takes me out!we do movies and drinks and dey drop me at home jejely..they always pamper me cos dats what friends do..dey will never ever ask me out!!it's d way ur boyfriend respects u that people will respect u

    1. You berra be careful too. One day jejely they won't drop you.

  135. Babei wonder if u were deaf when he made that statement about u being on your period..well I guess u suspect and know for sure that ur so called boyfriend set u up but u don't want to admit it cos u love him... Babe u love him but he doesn't love u.. u better go and report to the police and have those bastards arrested.. cocrodile tears... so pissed off

  136. For some weird reason, I find it difficult to believe that at this time and age people still Rape.. Hmmmm.. Sigh..
    .NOTE: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..

  137. Run far far away from that bf and cousin of his........... They planned this thing together. He is no boyfriend of urs note that. He was just using you for sex and he has probably been discussing ur pussy with his cuz, so they planned he should also taste you.
    If you like be stupid enough to believe his begin. It is such boys that plan together and use their GF for ritual. No sane man that loves you will like anoda man to even ask you out, infact if they see you at a club and a guy is chatting you up, they can fight the guy, not to talk of his cuz sleeping with you.
    Mark my words HE WILL NEVER MARRY U. No man wants to marry a girl his relative has slept with.
    Your safety is at stake her, this guy can have you killed, if he can also have you raped. He's an animal. Fleeeeee

  138. Poster it's so sad you had to go through this,pls go for the various test and stay away from your so called boyfriend,he is evil

  139. Seems to me that your bf was aware of his cousin's intention. First go to the hospital and tell the doctor you were raped. They will give you something to take to prevent hiv. Also take postinor 2. Babe pls dump that retarded boy afterwards but before you do swear for him and his cousin! Useless urchins. Wish I could give you a hug. For all those saying she is a ho because she went clubbing, na una worse pass. Na una hell fire go even hot pass too. Mtcheww

  140. "I was weak and he immediately understood what happened"

    How? Is he a witch?
    You apparently think he was shouting about your period cos the cousin brought you home late.

    My dear these guys are b d first time. They have played you like okocha dribbles ball.

    Your mind will tell you no. But believe it. Lol.

  141. Dear Poster, so sorry about what happened but from your narrative,you should learn a lesson or 2.
    1: your boyfriend is as wicked and inhuman as his cousin. He knew from the beginning what his cousin wanted to do with you. Do not fall for his crocodile tears. He is very wicked and I pray karma catches up with him too.
    2:the idiot cousin had all these planned hence he rejected the numerous girls you introduced him to. Like Stella adviced, please go to the hospital and then the police station. Worse things will be done to his sisters.
    3: I tink your self esteem is low that's why you are still concerned about your relationship with your boyfriend. He isn't good for you my dear. Give yourself time to heal. Stay away from men for now. I pray God to heal you fast.
    I am not a moralist but i'd say this,clubbing and too much independence also has its own disadvantages. Please,the nest relationship you're into,try to know the person indepthly before committing you heart to him. I wish you all the best dear. Hugs. You will be fine.

  142. Dear Ladies
    Most of us are lost and wandering, fast cash, vogue lifee cinderella lifestyles; taking every high hurdle/leaps to match up, definitely meeting the crashed/smushed imminent end. Stop and Start thinking , cash Will roll in but at its time, vacations will come with all the pleasure . Guide your life. Bozos linger just as Rozos, take heed lest you lose that which you accumulate all these for: your life. The Bible should be your bestfriend,go through the life examples of Abraham,Eesther,Ruth.....
    Dear BV, Stella. Hit the nail righht on the head, don't play dumb, take the advice + invest your time studying th Biblical life.

  143. Honestly I cannot really say that your boyfriend knew 100%. I think that your bf and his cousin usually share girls whether girlfriends or other girls they go out with. But it sounds like the cousin asked your bf and he used the excuse of you bring on your period to dissuade the cousin from sleeping with you. Now, this does not take anything out of the fact that what happened to you is absolutely terrible. However, being on the team snoop team, I'll tell you digg, find proof and please do something to make that idiot know that rape is not acceptable and you will not take it lying down. Then also please your boyfriend does not deserve you. If you cannot be his 1st priority when he takes you out and puts you with other male species then puuuuuulease abeg move ahead.
    Doh! Take heart and more importantly visit a hospital and take precautions. And possibly take an Exam if it's not too late.

  144. I agree with Tush baby, and with most of the comments here.
    At the mo, the chick is really hurt, so let's b a lil bit sympathetic as we give our opinions.
    If you don't belong to certain political class in naija, evidence or no evidence, you can't get justice, above all no amount of punishment given to the heartless animal (the rapist) will be enough to heal the hurt the lady is feeling or the emotional trauma.
    I think you just let go and get rid of all your pictures (if dodgy) from his phone, then stay away, as far as you can.
    A man that loves his woman will never agree to the idea of another man sharing his woman.
    Considering how wicked and all these rituals going on, I am beginning to think this action is not ordinary eye! Pls go to a good praying church, let them pray for you!!
    May God comfort and help you heal.

  145. Hmmn if they say dont go out/trust random guys u will say blablah..stop going to clubs especially with these petty boys u wont hear
    ...may God heal u n better take to ur heels as they had an agreement so watch it..n please do go to d hospital n c a doctor please..sori

  146. I swear... I need their names. I know how to handle such motherfuckers!


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