Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...

Sometimes isnt the truth better than a bag of lies that come back to haunt and kill your Joy?


I'm a regular here and read every single post, but seldom comment.
Here's my story...
I'm in my 30s, employed and based in the East.
I met Mr A (now Hubby), through a mutual friend. 

Mr A is based in UK, has a daughter from a Welsh which He told me about, but they WEREN'T MARRIED ( cos I'm a bit spiritual and believe a divorcee is a NO NO, no disrespect please). His daughter is soo adorable and I accepted to have her as mine too, although he prefers She stays permanently with her Mum.

There were plenty challenges on the way of Our relationship, from friends/family thinking it was taking too long to formalise things, to him turning my back against some friends for fear of been manipulated, and even refusing to let me associate with His female cousin in UK ( under the guise that She's uncouth and all). 

Also, I was made to believe He was filing for a document with the home office to allow 'equal custody' of the child and that's why things took too long.

Please note: I wasn't allowed to upload Our pics on any social media platform as He claimed to be a very private person and wants to avoid exposing his life...whereas, he was active on FB before this insistence.

We recently had a grand wedding that was the talk of town. No pics were allowed on Our social handles still. But in all of this, as intelligent and very calculating (positively oo)as I am, nothing prepared me for the blow coming.

It was time to file in for me. We filled all the forms and I even joked about the part that asked if either 1 of Us was married ( I specifically made ref to His Babymama), which He almost got upset about, cos I made him reassure me over and over during our relationship that there was nothing legal between them, and asking again meant I didn't trust Him. I had always had this inkling, which I never could get off my mind. And on several occasions, his family members would have to intervene and reassure me that there's nothing between them.

He got interviewed in UK, as He had to return almost immediately after the wedding ( also took along the docs to be submitted there), and he told me how it went almost word for word. I was ecstatic about the positive reply that would soon come.
Then, I went to collect my docs at the embassy with hopes up and all... I sat in my car to open the sealed bag and the 1st paper I saw was REFUSAL LETTER. 

I thought...not again! Cos I had attempted twice already before vacationing in another country instead.
I read through the content, and lo and behold, it said that we filled the appendix... as single partners before marriage, but Hubby confessed during interview that He was previously married and recently divorced, as they also had confirmed same from home office and that He got his right to live in UK through her. So, cos we couldn't provide evidence showing that they had dissolved the previous marriage...

I was shattered! I cried like I hadn't done before in my life. He even had the nerve to say it was a lie and he would file against them...but eventually, He knew his cover was blown and had to confess.

I later thought to myself, this guy took the docs with him to UK. He could have attached his divorce papers, a covering letter or whatever with the docs to submit. His lawyer too was helping with the filing, and they both couldn't arrange things properly. 

Even now, after a fews weeks of waking in the middle of night, crying for my life, the lies, betrayal of trust, manipulations... I still can't bring myself to understand why, why! 
I've been too stressed out to take care of myself, and just recently suspected I might be pregnant.

 Please advise me on this whichever way you can. I want mature minds in on this. I might send this link to him as well, so he can see why the fuss ( as He thinks there's nothing big about the deal and almost unapologetic, which is driving me nuts). 

I'm already considering separation, damning the tongue lashes or family involvement. This is the 1st time I would feel REALLY depressed. 

Help! before I do something stupid.

Hmmm this story get as e be?if he was really divorced how come he didnt have any document to support it?..To be able to advise you properly on this one needs a clear head...You are obviously not looking at divorce so thats good.

He probably lied not to lose you but still it was wrong .

 he kept you away from those he thought might alert you,his actions had the profile of someone hiding something,you should have trusted your instincts.
If he has repented of his lies,just work through this with him and find a common landing but if he insists that he did nothing wrong,my dear buy a seat belt and shock absorbers and be ready for more mind blowing revelations....One small lie is told to cover the next one.
He started on a wrong note with you so thread carefully.
You are not gonna do anything silly because a man lied to you,the world will also not end because of his lies....just take some time away from him to clear your head but also realise that men like him who lie thru their ass do not have a problem with moving on.
Good luck with the preggy....AND HIM!


  1. Over to you Jesus..


    1. And where is your advice to this lady?

    2. Madam, you saw the signs walahi, it was really glaring,he's on social media but doesn't want his pic there and you fell for that. There's a lot of things you really don't know about him, get ready for more discovery.The Lord is ur strength!!
      And to think the man is not showing remorse makes him a wicked sombori

    3. On point Mrs stelz.
      Not end time advice tho...

    4. Men and dubious character are like 5 and 6.....
      Like my friend wld say
      Forget men, get busy, look at your kid(s) and smile.

    5. This story is shocking. Is it that d guy knowingly filed papers for u when he knew he wasn't divorced? Was he expecting magic to happen? Like they wouldn't check his records or what?
      Abroad men story tire me joor.
      Madam pele.

    6. You see,the 'wise' are really the most foolish.He told you not to upload any of your wedding pictures on social media.Kept you away from everyone that could have possibly alerted you of his marriage and you still come here to claim he deceived you?You purposely wanted to play dumb.You have no one to blame but yourself.See why I don't do divorced/Baby Daddies? Too much drama and ain't worth it at the end of the day.

    7. Hmmmmmmmmm


    8. Hmmmm...pray my beloved,if you aint preggy,baby girl move on with your life but if you are,hmmm pray,there r still more uncovered stories,learn to be strong.May God lead you!

    9. @ bianca bruno, where art thou. is been long ooo.

    10. You couldn't have said it better Sassy. C'mon you saw all the signs and didn't think to stop and think. Haba why are some women so desperate enough to continuously live in denial? Please accept your fault in all of this and sleep on the bed you clearly laid for yourself. You can either gear up for more lies or file for an annulment. Goodluck you certainly need lots if it

    11. Interesting. It's amazing how he could admit to having a child, but couldn't admit to having a previous marriage with her mom.

      it is possible that his status in the UK isn't mature enough to accommodate a new spouse. I mean, what's the big deal? Don't understand why he hid that from u. But anyway, he isn't stupid enough to still be married to his ex..and then file for u in the home office. It is possible that he divorced the other lady in absentia. By that I mean that perhaps, she refused to sign the divorce papers and he went ahead to leave her on the grounds that they've been separated for more than 3 years, which would automatically void their union. Could be.. I'm just being hypothetical.

      Until he resolves his ish with the ex wife he cannot file for you. And this may even affect ur normal tourist visa. Cos they'll assume that you won't return if u visit.

      Get a good immigration lawyer. But again...he needs to be truthful with u so that the lawyer will know how to rectify his blunder. Otherwise your meeting point will continue to be Nigeria until further notice dear. It can be annoying. Very small white lie that is unnecessary.

      OK bye

    12. Betty, with Tosin Dada, you're just getting started. Fasten your seatbelt. For your sake, I hope your shock absorber is intact. Pele

  2. Abeg, am I the only one that failed to read and comprehend?
    Make una "epp" me please.

    1. I thought u know it all
      Get a brain

    2. Ode. With all the brain you've got, simple English construction is still a problem to you.
      Ewu. Keep having sleepless nights on top my matter. You never start!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Oya lemme explain to una

      The poster is married to a guy that is based in the UK. He has a daughter from his previous relationship with a Welsh.

      Before he married the poster, he said that he had never been married, that he just had a baby with his ex.

      So, after marrying the poster they decided to officially file for the poster so that she can join her hubby in the UK. They filled the form together, both declared in it that they had never been married before, and her hubby went to the UK with it and submitted it.

      The poster still in Nigeria was excitedly waiting for the British high commission to respond to her spousal visa/right of aboard application. She was called to receive an answer to her application but was refused and denied the right to join hubby in the UK. Poster was shocked

      The reason for refusal was stated that her hubby had been married before in the UK, which he denied to poster but admitted to the British authorities, and in the form it is a requirement that u attach ur divorce papers to be able to apply with/for another spouse. So her file was disqualified bcos her hubby did not do the needful. He didn't produce any divorce paper.

      Poster is angry bcos hubby lied to her. Now she's sad and stuck in Nigeria while he's in the UK.

      End of narrative. Oya thank me na na na na na o.. lol.

      OK bye

  3. Replies
    1. HE IS STILL MARRIED TO HER. U fell inlove wit London not the guy

  4. You better stick to your man cos you are almost a gwegz!...
    Lookatew,you even saw someone that married you at your age and you are thinking of seperation because he lied to you....
    Seperate with him nau and watch how other girls will jump to his offer...

    1. Li who are you? Be compassionate for once! Be more sensible!! So because she's a gwegz in your own thinking not mine, she should hold on to what does not exist? Women are their worst enemies

    2. U too like attention...... And u are willing to sell ur brain for it

    3. And the queen of the blog dropped yet another thrash. I will remember you in my prayers as it is obvious you are sick single selfworth in you! You have totally lost touch with reality walahi....irritant

    4. This queen, fear God sometimes. All these display of alter ego does not help pls.

  5. Madam, u were blinded by desperation, nothing else. How can someone tell u he's divorced,u no c divorce paper, u can't post pics,u can't do this or do that, and it didn't show u danger signs? Abeg commot here! Ur husband lied n u knew.

    1. He didn't tell her he was divorced. He didn't say he was married. He said he was never married just had a baby mama

      Read well again.. She only found out after receiving her letter from the embassy

    2. Read read read! Jezz! Little wonder why intelligent people fail exams.

    3. Blackberry are you suffering from a sickness called lackofunderstanding?

      Your mouth should not go faster than your brain you know.Bimbo!

  6. May God help all those in need

  7. madam this your chronicles get K leg, you see d problem wit getting married to UK dudes. goodluck to ur preg.

    1. Hv been hearing naija UK based gist since careful guys

  8. If he was really divorced why isn't there a supporting document showing that? He's lying to you continuously. He's just seperated

  9. I don't know if your finger print has been taken during the processing, if not maybe you should try a vising VISA on a new ground. And if UK is not possible tell him you wish to have your baby in another country and leave him alone. You need to travel out too, it'd the ish

    1. Nahhh.. I'm sure she was finger printed for the application to have commenced processing ab-initio. And if she's travelled to the UK before, she would have been finger printed at the board of entry too. So she cannot go there with another name. She's not a criminal, she can try to get a tourist visa, but I fear they'll refuse her for now for obvious reasons.
      Although they'll say "refused without prejudice" but na lie. She should wait for at least 6 months to either appeal the spousal visa that is pending, if her husband is able to rectify the divorce aspect... or she can re apply as a tourist at a much later time

  10. See how you completly exonerated yourself from every blame.
    He has a child with another woman who isn't late and you couldn't reach out to her somehow since you felt someting was wrong.
    Forgive him because even if anyone tells you to leave him over this you wouldn't.
    He probably didn't tell you the truth because of where you stand pertaining divorce.
    Speak to him and try to find peace within yourself that this would probably not be the last time he would lie.
    And ask yourself this one question 'wouldn't I have married this same man if he had told me he was properly divorced?'
    You already accepted his child, so why the fuss.

    1. Do u think it's easy to reach out to d babymama of a man u want to marry? Many of the women are not completely over the men (same as the men) and the woman will probably be bitter that the guy is about to move on with someone else and you want her to go and ask the baby mama? So she will say both things the man did and didn't so just to break up the relationship. So I understand her not reaching out to the woman. Only thing is she should have used her common sense. How can someone tell you not to post pics on social media including marriage pics and she felt everything was ok?

    2. My dear it is better to reach out to a baby mama,out of a hundred things they will tell you about the man 99 will be true,she will even give you things to watch out for which makes it easier to knw who the man really is.

    3. I beg to disagree with u doppelganger. It wasn't in her place to contact his ex.. for what na?

      And besides, we all know most of our brothers abroad indulge in marriages of convenience just to get papers. So she prolly assumed it was one of such arrangements, being that the ex is white. Some end up having kids in the process, even though they didn't plan it. So dont blame her. He's the one that acted foolish (apologies to poster). If he had explained I'm sure she'd have reasoned with him cos there's no big deal here. Long as u aren't still with the ex.

    4. @Sis eko,u got it right👍

    5. Sisi Eko, you were making a lot of sense until the point where you said our guys do it all the time, she would have reasoned with him and there's no big deal here. I'm utterly ashamed for you to be honest. I'm just realizing over again, the degree of corruption in an average Nigerian and how deeply it has eaten into our inner being that we're just flippant about things that are so heartless and can destroy lives. What if it was your daughter who gets used by a foreign guy and married her under false pretense only to impregnaye her and then leave her for a woman from his home country? Do you know how those white ladies' lives get destroyed just because they have good hearts and fell in love? A lot of them defy their family and friends' wishes to be with these nonsense Nigerian guys because they thought their families were just being racist for warning them against the foreign guys etc. we Nigerian women should be careful what we support, encourage and accept because when karma decide to pop it's head, people will start suspecting enemies from their village. Some women will join forces with their man to dupe another woman and rod her of her joy and happiness but then would want joy and happiness for themselves. How? Sorry for the epistle but that mentality and the acceptability of it by the ladies just irritates the heck outta me. We need to change our outlook abeg. It's giving us a really bad name out there. Those who are sincere about their love are under suspicion because of stuff like this. Please, let's change....

    6. Anonymous 15:44. Easy o. That I said it is rampant does not mean that I support it. It is a fact that you and I cannot change. In facing reality it must be admitted, as awkward and as unfair as it may sound. Somebody somewhere is getting hooked for papers as we speak, it applies to the women folk too anyway. Some do it under the false pretence of love, those are the ones who likely have kids in the process, while majority pay to get married for papers. What can anyone do??

  11. Poster u should have seen it coming nah,u got married but couldn't post ur wedding photos online,that alone should have made u know that something is fishy.
    Sorry oh....

  12. Stella has said it all, just go wit her advice.

  13. Tell A lie once and all your "Truths" become Questionable..

    How can you push through with A divorce without A single legal document to back it up?

    Madam,you either believe the truth now which is at your face or on the other hand;get ready to be brainwashed with more lies..

    I dislike liars with all of my heart,soul,body,mind and spirit..

    Why are people like this??


    1. Have you never told a lie? Please lying is bad but don't lose something good over it

  14. I'm really trying to understand this narrative from your man's perspective...why lie???

  15. You should have followed your instinct, the moment he said no pix on Facebook, I was like, something is fishy and boom!.. he should have his copy of divorce paper, unless the babe or woman didn't let him have it, then again is weird that he doesn't have a copy if he said they have been legally divorced.

    Take a time out and clear your head, but a man like this will never change. Be careful.

  16. Well, the persons to contact now are those folks he did not want you to see; his niece, and the wife and know the perfect state of things. If status quo remains; then you never married in the first place. Pick the pieces and move on. Trust God, and move on. Let whatever bit you in the night be a "mosquito", even though mosquito bites are expensive these days. Again, stay away from him for now. Such a man is no husband. He has other things he is hiding. And in introspection, ask yourself; supposing, he wasn't "living abroad" will I have loved him"? This is to help you in your next relationship. Please make the New Testament an open book at this point in your life; you will find solace for your mourning soul.

    1. Haba. E no reach to stay away na. If all she explained is the only wrong he's done, then it's redeemable. If u look at the other side, all he was trying to do is to take his wife with him.. other men won't even bother. They'll leave u in Nigeria and feed u lies about why u cannot join them in the UK. So I think he means well.. just that he told a costly lie

  17. Well, the persons to contact now are those folks he did not want you to see; his niece, and the wife and know the perfect state of things. If status quo remains; then you never married in the first place. Pick the pieces and move on. Trust God, and move on. Let whatever bit you in the night be a "mosquito", even though mosquito bites are expensive these days. Again, stay away from him for now. Such a man is no husband. He has other things he is hiding. And in introspection, ask yourself; supposing, he wasn't "living abroad" will I have loved him"? This is to help you in your next relationship. Please make the New Testament an open book at this point in your life; you will find solace for your mourning soul.

  18. But why did he lie to you. I hate liars.
    The deed is done. If you want to get separated good for you because you will be the Nigerian wife based in Nigeria who he will be visiting after three to six months depending.
    If you can't deal then leave.

  19. Brrrrrrrrr. She'd just kissed the dust...If you were "spiritual" as you had confidently asserted, I doubt you could have found yourself in this cheap mess of marriage sham. #toobad #UKboysihail

  20. Any relationship whose foundation is based on lies will never last, this guy has more skeletons in his cupboard, but wait oh, are u a learner, how can ur hubby tell u not to post ur wedding pics on social media and u obeyed him, u are nit a smart babe at all, I hate dullards like u, abeg carry ur cross Mrs married woman.

    1. My dear do u knw many people don't post their private lives online,some people actually feel it is dull people that put up all their pics online for enemies and strangers to monitor you without I don't blame her that much,I have heard of marriages that broke up cos of Facebook activities

  21. All I see is desperation
    Why should u date someone n not upload his pic in any of your social media handles? That alone should rind a bell. He has his pic on his Facebook, if he was private, why did he upload pics in Facebook?
    Of all pics why didnt U insist on uploading on your Facebook.

    U are just a desperate fellow wanting to be Mrs, not just an ordinary Mrs but the International type.

    Buy a doZen towels cos Uve not started crying. U married a MONSTER...

    Ladies u better upload ur boo pic on Mayb Bbm ir whatsapp to know who is sharing him with u. U mustn't write a caption "my boo"

    1. I'm like that too. I've never ever done that. Put his pix on my page for what na? Na him open acct 4 me? In fact I hate it so much that I tell u if u do don't even tag me. Diff is he asked not to even after marriage that's where I knew he's up 2 no good.

  22. Well dear, there was no marriage here in the first place; if you confirm from all those he did not want you to see that he indeed is married. Whatever you decide to do, do not kill that innocent baby in your womb. When the coast clears, he will be your consolation.

    There is something ABOUT ABORTIONS which I'd like us to see. When one kills (or encourages the killing of; see Prov. 6:16-17) innocent children, the consequences are three. 1. You deny yourself the joy of having a home (remember the Hebrew midwives who spared babies against Pharaoh's advice to kill them; God rewarded them with families; Ex.1) 2. You risk "sudden death" in the hands of another fellow/accidents etc. remember Gen.9:6 and thirdly, you deny yourself eternal life! What a life! God isn't going to call you to glory if you do not repent. Jesus said; come to me all you that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest; that's Matt. 11:28. If you do not repent, you'd keep on laboring for the Serpent. But if you repent and make Jesus your Lord today and begin to read your scriptures; you'd find peace and the above three lots will not be yours. God bless you.

  23. Online love is not sweet ooo. long distance is MBA for me

  24. To me a man who will look you in the eye and LIE so boldly as this is much worse than an evil spirit.

    He will lie about so much more... And continually lie to cover up other lies. Because lies arrive like maggots, always breeding.

    If you know you are ready for this kind of life and can replace your heart with a shock absorber,please go ahead after all to answer MRS is supposed to be the ultimate goal of every Nigerian woman.

  25. Chro chro ti de

  26. Mehn, after a big wedding. The man deserves 30 hot strokes on his nyash. It seems he is still married. Why else won't he post his wedding pics on Facebook

    *lights weed*

    1. Not everyone posts wedding pics online.

  27. My dear, you think it's easy to become a citizen? Don't act like you don't know what people go through to become one. Obviously it was an arranged marriage, I don't think there's anything major between your husband and the welsh woman. He must have not told you because he didn't want to lose you based on the fact that you don't like divorcees. And by the way, it's not easy saying 'oh I married for papers'. Forgive him please and work things through. If he's a good man, please work with him. You'd be the one to enjoy the benefits soon. Hang on tight.
    Husband, please realize where your wife is coming from. You literally deceived her. Beg her with all you have.
    I wish you two the best, God bless your home.
    Please say no to separation. It's something you can work out.

    1. You have to realize that most of the people who comment on here think inside the box not outside. They don't know how live is outside of Nigeria, so be careful of what you choose to go with/by. As spiritual as you are, I'd advise you to pray, come to one with God I'm sure he'd show you the way

    2. Anon 15:12, you are wise. Dear poster, this sums it up. Send him d link he will read and see the need to be truthful. We don't know it all here. Don't make hasty decisions. He prolly wants green papers. Be patient and pray. Ndo o. O di mwute.

    3. O make sense

    4. U have said it all,that was what happen

  28. Women!u couldn't call the babymama to ask?kai ntoor

  29. I don't think your marriage to him is valid since he is still married to the other lady. You should get in touch with that cousin of his, and try to reach the mother of his child so you can get clarification on what is really going on. There should be a way yo verify through the courts if someone is married or not. You should also try and reconnect with all those he has made you lose contact with, you need all the support you can get right now. Best of luck!!

  30. Well dear, there was no marriage here in the first place; if you confirm from all those he did not want you to see that he indeed is married. Whatever you decide to do, do not kill that innocent baby in your womb. When the coast clears, he will be your consolation.

    There is something ABOUT ABORTIONS which I'd like us to see. When one kills (or encourages the killing of; see Prov. 6:16-17) innocent children, the consequences are three. 1. You deny yourself the joy of having a home (remember the Hebrew midwives who spared babies against Pharaoh's advice to kill them; God rewarded them with families; Ex.1) 2. You risk "sudden death" in the hands of another fellow/accidents etc. remember Gen.9:6 and thirdly, you deny yourself eternal life! What a life! God isn't going to call you to glory if you do not repent. Jesus said; come to me all you that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest; that's Matt. 11:28. If you do not repent, you'd keep on laboring for the Serpent. But if you repent and make Jesus your Lord today and begin to read your scriptures; you'd find peace and the above three lots will not be yours. God bless you.

  31. Heloo...let me put it straight, you were not really concerned abt his status until recently, rather you were so eager to get married, bear his name and eventually achieve your aim of becoming a britico.

    How can a man tell you to keep your relationship (fair enough) and marriage (hell no) very private to that extent? And he was active on fb, you saw it with your korokoro eyes and you fashy! That's clue enough for you to investigate properly, ask questions and snoop for evidences. I am finding it difficult to apportion any blame on the guy now, some men would claim you did not ask them enough question, hence they assumed it didnt matter to you initially.

    The deed has been done, Do not divorce him now, be calm and ask all the questions you feel you should have asked him before now, some skeleton might still be in his cupboard who knows? This is the time to pour out your mind...

    P.S Dont go into any relationship without asking questions rigorously, especially ones the baggages. If possible, ask for evidences, snoop till you find, let him get angry. Let him leave if he wants to.

    I like to know EVERYTHING about whomever i want to go into a serious relationship with, his salaries, his friends, family members et all.If you cant share, clear. No time!

    1. Yayyyyyyyy! Self confessed blog ashy is back! Where u been girl? Go do test o, just saying! #sideeyes...

  32. Love can make people mumu sha... God help me...
    Poster make sure you have all the relevant facts and if he is still married you can easily file for annulment of the marriage......

    End time post...........

    PS. People should always try to use their brain often.

  33. This is serious ish,u have to think thoroughly before you act cos it seems your man is a professional and blatant liar.If it is confirmed u r preggy just keep the baby dear,the innocent soul might be the only source of joy to wipe away your tears moro.all the same may the Lord remain your strength

  34. But what is your problem exactly? Is it that you think he's not properly divorced or you don't want to stay married to a divorcee? What do you want advice on?

  35. Ufodu umunwoke bu akpa ashi especially ndi abroad.When ladies hear abroad,dey won't listen 2 dia instint.d signs were everywhere but u over looked it cus na onye abroad.Marriage na 4 better 4 worse.Manage him & his lies cuz more r yet 2 come

  36. Ufodu umunwoke bu akpa ashi especially ndi abroad.When ladies hear abroad,dey won't listen 2 dia instint.d signs were everywhere but u over looked it cus na onye abroad.Marriage na 4 better 4 worse.Manage him & his lies cuz more r yet 2 come

  37. Mtcheew.this is the dumbest thing I've read this month

    1. Advice the poster don't talk nonsense

  38. Dear Poster, l am sorry you had to go through this. There was nothing you could have done differently except refusing to marry him. When l met my Husband sometime in 1997, he told me right off the top he was divorced. He eventually sent the paper to me and stated, "keep it with you till your interview as they will ask for it" I went for my interview and when they asked if l knew he was divorced, l answered in the affirmative. The guy that interviewed me asked me how l knew. I told him he told me himself. The guy asked if l had the divorce papers and l brought it out. Long story short, I got my visa. A lot of people marry for papers. Once they are done, they divorce the person and look for someone else to marry. Difference is, my Hubby did not have a Child.
    Secondly, there are a lot of Nigerian women going through hell here because some of these Naija Men, have decided to put their Women here in Purdah. They hide and keep almost everything secret. They do not add the Wife's name to the Cable bill, power bill, etc. When you have an outage and call the cable company, they will tell you they cannot talk to you because your name is not there. I have met a good number of Girls who are going through this same issue. No friends, You cannot take pictures, you cannot keep friends, etc. Some of our Nigerian Men are wicked oo.
    Poster, your guy must still be married to the Welsh else he would have shown you the divorce papers. That was the reason why he did not want you to post any pictures because her friends would see it. He is keeping a secret. A dark one. Please snap out of that depression and get your groove back. His family knows everything and hid it from you. Wicked people. Hang in there.

    1. Snoop, u won't snoop. Snooping saving lives since 1900

  39. Bvs abeg ooooo when is d ryt time of d day to send post to stella so dat she will send it out in IHN. I ave sent countless times as am in dire nid of work buh yt Stella bunny Neva post am. 😢

  40. You just have to take it easy dear, dont be in a rush to conclude, find out why he did not come out to say the truth and also try to find out if there are no more lies, it takes 1000 lies to cover up for one, take care

  41. This is just the beginning poster. If he hid the fact that he was married previously from you, just get ready more more shockers because there will be more skeletons in the cupboard....

  42. You should have trusted your instinct nau
    All this i must marry by force story sef don tire me, A man told you he wanna divorce the woman that have a child for him, you didn't do your findings well, you jump into his arms.
    woooooosi wobi, if he is unapologetic about it free him na.
    is it today men use to lie? abi is he d first man to lie ni? wo the world will still go on jare and you will still be alive you won't die .. (no shaking)
    if you are with a man and don't trust him completely my friend free him, before you also send story that touch like this one jor..
    madam poster this too shall pass.. me don't like men that says , dont do this, don't do that, lets kip it private.. kilonje private keh? oti ooooooo.. let's make it public ni oooo..

  43. Lucinda chronicles have come oya come and say men men ,women women women .how to solve these man and woman ish

  44. Dear Poster,

    I'm sorry for what you're going through but I think you should DIVORCE the guy ASAP, reason being that you were tricked into marrying him by virtue of his keeping his previous marriage a secret even when you asked him. Best wishes.


    1. Mtcheeewwwwww....
      You guys think it's easy to divorce...

  45. @Poster see your mouth.... "cos I'm a bit spiritual and believe a divorcee is a NO NO" I hear you, 'spirokoko'. How come with ALL your 'spirokoko', you neither saw that he was married (or divorced) nor all NO NO to social media was a scam. You were carried away bc he lives in d UK, right?

    Now. after your separation what next? If you divorce him do you expect any man to marry you - now a divorcee.

    IMO your insensitivity with the word divorcee pissed me off - some divorcees are not by choice. BTW i am not a divorcee but one has to be very careful when one talks to avoid unnecessarily hurting others.

    Echi di ime!!

    1. God bless you. Nobody dey say make them put water for fire he wan go fall from tree.

    2. Exactly. I sensed that also. People divorce for many reasons. You have now become that which you detest. Maybe this your hard stance on divorce is what made him lie to you. Next time don't be so judgemental.

  46. Why are men like this? Madam find out if he is still married. If he is, then your marriage is illegal. However, If he is truly a divorcee, please stay and try to work things out if possible.

  47. Sad!!! Any relationship built on lies can never stand d test of time.. it's wickedness to lie jst to get someone hooked, 2 tins u can stay and deal with d consequences and brace urself for more lies or jst simply take a walk and also deal with dat..

  48. I can't bring myself to why Nigerian girls like men in the diaspora. All of them are full of baggage and not worth the stress. I am out.

  49. On a second thought you ought to have known that something is not right when he insisted that not even a single picture should be on your social media handle. Don't you make use of your senses at all. My dear you knew what we re to befall you

  50. Just forget about him. Won't be easy but you have to. The guy is not being truthful to u

  51. Hmmmm
    Today chronicle sef
    Madam obodo oyibo wife I hope your story is a lesson to so many ladies that don't ask for advice b4 marriage with Yankee guy and shout foul play after marriage.
    I live in UK, this is a common deceit going on with over 50% of male/ females looking for means to settle or get papers.
    I don't have anything to say to you other than "lick your wound or patch your clothe".
    Mind you, the most romantic and born-again ones you can't suspect are the most guilty.
    Please find a job and get busy instard of boasting that you will soon travel abroad bcos it isn't any time soon. I feel for you. But be happy and don't let your life be on a stand-still for that anticipated journey abroad.
    Goodluck to you lady and best wishes with your bump pregnancy if it's positive.

    1. Pathetic he-goat/She-goat, if you read well ehn.. you would see that She's employed n has even travelled abroad without his interference. People forming ITK are just toooo dumb to understand they're not really intelligent.

    2. Lol @instead of boasting that you'll soon go abroad

    3. Thanks Dian, I have learnt my lesson oooo.
      I'm ashamed of myself after bragging to my friends about my charming man. So dissapointed.

  52. The did has already been done, so just hope for the best. This should be a lesson to others before getting married to anyone abroad do a thorough background infact underground check. Cos some peeps are truly living a lie.

  53. Too tired for an epistle right now!

    Your husband definitely knows the consequence of giving false information.

    He may have something up his sleeve. I suggest you run a pregnancy test and brace yourself.

  54. Miss, that man has not done anything to hurt you. If he was not happy with you coming over or has anything to hide, trust me, he wouldn't attend any interview at the Home Office in UK. You all sit down in Nigeria thinking it is that easy to file for spousal visa. The Home Office might not have done thier home work very well. your hubby might have had a bad interview, not knowing what to say at interviews and all that. The Home Office make mistakes too in decisions. The Home Office deny people family reunion on the flimsiest excuses. You need to go online and read woeful stories, much more pathetic than yours. You have just married and if you are really interested in the marriage, this little setback should not make you think ill of your hubby, afterall, you were in the know about the child and woman. I suspect the refusal to join him is your grievance. Let your husband appeal and if you are genuinely married, you will be granted the spousal visa on the long run.

    1. So a man will confess of being married b4 when he actually didnt? Was it at gun point? Pls go and read d post again, ITK

    2. God bless you!!!

  55. Lessons learned... If it's too true to be real, it's probably not true. The Devile they say, is in the details, but you were to carried away with the flashiness and the dream of going to 'oyinbo' land. I'm sorry, wish I could advise here but the little I can say. However, calm down and have talk this out with him; what was his motive for the deceit? Where does he place you in his life? If he can't answer those questions to your satisfaction, then babe, you just have to move on.
    I hate divorce, and never will advise on it... But in this, what can you do?

  56. I understand your stand about not marrying a divorcee. Also in his case, he cannot claim it was only for papers because he clearly had a sexual relationship with the woman so I believe it was a proper marriage or at least the Welsh woman was made to believe so. Just as you have also been deceived. Then, he went ahead to lie to you and to the extend he started living his own lie. Your pictures and him keeping you away from things should have been a big red flag. I will advise you if you were a friend or sibling to DIVORCE HIM. The marriage was built on false foundation solidified with DECEIT. There will be more surprises from where this one came from in the course of the marriage and even if you were to get over the betrayal, you will not get over the fact that you married a divorcee which is something woven in your belief systems as a Christian. The fact that he sees nothing wrong in his actions proves you were being played all along. You staying will validate all his actions. You will do no wrong in the eyes of the earth or heaven divorcing him. Your future will thank you for it.

    1. See your mouth like divorce him as if you would do the same...

  57. But how can u allow a man give u rules like this. Don't get close to this one, don't upload on social media, don't this, don't that. Shuo. I put it to you that if this man was a poor man or average man, you won't obey all his rules like that without insisting or questioning, so therefore, his financial capability covered your safety instinct. You just hv to sit through it and work it out as it is now like this. meanwhile, the man no gree get sense, does he think those papers people are mumu. They must expose him na

  58. Lolll.... this life and Karma ehn. You are spiritual and don't believe in marrying a divorcee, but here you are- on the verge of becoming one. God sure has a way of teaching people lessons. If your so called hubby were to tell you now that he is not divorced at all, and the Welsh lady refuses to give him a divorce, would you continue sitting there and waiting for what will not happen? Or would you file for a divorce/annulment of marriage? How would you feel if people castigate you as well for being a divorcee just like you did others as well.

    We really, really have to be careful in this life. Really careful.
    Good luck with the man your spirituality landed you. If you were spiritual enough you would not condemn anyone, divorced\barren\poor\handicap\ etc; instead you would love everyone the way Jesus expected us to love; therefore maybe that genuine spirituality would have opened your eyes to your hubby's lies. If you don't know how to love people, you cannot recognize true love or false\pretentious love like that of your hubby.

    Good luck.

    1. Jejelomo, she can't be a divorcee. If the man turns out to be married, then the marriage was never valid, and there would be no reason to seek divorce. If the man is not married, shw haa ni reason to seek for divorce. People have different reasons for having certain standards, it's not your place to judge her for having her own standards, especially if she sees the need to do so as instructed in the Holy Book, the Bible.

    2. My dear, Pls watch what you say. The woman hasn't castigated or judged anyone according to what she wrote up there. Stop jumping lik a puma looking monkey. She had her standard of Man to marry, u have urs. Just d same way you would say you can't marry a married man as 2nd or 3rd wife ( although I doubt it frm dis ur shallow response). Saying God has a way of... when it cums to divorce, clearly means you're ignorant and a dunce!

  59. Sister, you were judgmental about people God has not condemned and you are about to become one. Isn't this life funny. Dear, you can annul the marriage actually on grounds that he was already married(that is if he isn't divorced). If not, sister the decision is yours. Either get him to come clean and you try to build from there or you leave him and start afresh. Divorcees get 2nd chances because God is a merciful God. He is not like you or me with our noses stuck in the air unknown to us we are not any better. Next time, truly trust your instincts. As someone who proclaims to be spiritual, you should know the Holy Spirit is never to be ignored.

  60. If I were you, I would cut my losses early, file for divorce, get a pregnancy test and if positive, terminate it. But I am not you...

    if you remain married and keep this pregnancy, you will cry for years to come as a single unsupported parent while he will go on to his next victim(s).

    To be so nonchalant and lie about something as serious as immigration shows the kind of person he is. Who lies about a previous divorce? The kind of person you do not want to be married to. Liar of Africa. Is this the kind of man you want as a father for your child? A liar and a fraud. Be there doing sme sme.

  61. If I were you, I would cut my losses early, file for divorce, get a pregnancy test and if positive, terminate it. But I am not you...

    if you remain married and keep this pregnancy, you will cry for years to come as a single unsupported parent while he will go on to his next victim(s).

    To be so nonchalant and lie about something as serious as immigration shows the kind of person he is. Who lies about a previous divorce? The kind of person you do not want to be married to. Liar of Africa. Is this the kind of man you want as a father for your child? A liar and a fraud. Be there doing sme sme.

    1. I just hope the poster is not pregnant for this liar, he just wants to tie your destiny down. Now you are trapped, you can't join him( and he is not ready to settle down in 9ja). Use your tongue to count your teeth, my dear brace yourself the ball is in your court.

  62. Pray to God 4 wisdom, be happy and dont gt depress ova it. God forbid if sometin happens to you due to depression he is going to move on with his life. Be strong for you and your unborn.

  63. This is heartbreaking but there is someone who can fix broken hearts- God. It is not the end of the world. No matter how painful it is you can hold your head high and live, love and laugh. The man being unapologetic is not a good sign at all. However, we can't always control the actions of others but we can control our reaction to them.

    In marriage, you are supposed to be open to each other: "The man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed."

  64. If he is divorced, he would have been able to prove it, thus ur marriage is VOIDABLE. U built something on nothing, so it is null n void.
    The decision is up to u. To stay with an unrepentant liar, or to move on. Keep ur Child either ways.
    I cant stand pathological liars.
    I feel bad for u cos it could have been avoided if u had followed ur instinct

  65. That marriage does not exist and so, its illegal, non and void in the first place cos the laws of the church(if u did church wedding) and civic law(court) does not recongnise it cos he is still legally married to his wife and married u deceitfully. So its either u let him settle with his estranged wife or u wait to consolidate ur marriage after he must have completed his divorce process.

    Some men will attempt to deceive God, if it was possible.

  66. He is still married.
    He lied to you because he didnt want to lose you.
    He used the welsh lady for papers.
    Now he has married you to enjoy the papers the welsh lady got him.
    Just pray your daughter does not suffer the sins from her father.

  67. Woman I no pity you at all oh!

    Some of Nija babes no dey gree embrace reality. No guy wey dey outside Nija wey never get whitey woman. You ladies don't think at all. Man wey him papa no be citizen, no be Gov, President, or Dangote.... How did he get citizenship? Please I don't feel sorry for you at all. Next time you agree for proper Nija guy wey dey toast you.

    Nija babes no dey use ear hear outside country rubbish!!! Bear your cross alone woman.

  68. So u are a bit spiritual and you think a divorcee is a NoNo.. u c ur life?! U think people that got divorced, added that to dre marriage contract ba or they had that planned out while takn their vows on dre weddn day?!
    Shit happens!!!
    Nw u are at d verge of ending up as one wt a child to go wt it!!!

    On men matter, they will always tell you what u wanna hear and lead you on.. shebi u dont want a divorcee nah, so he told u he's not one and led u on to something as important as 'getting married' and even gettn a visa.. knowing fully well all na 'wash' bt that's what u wana hear!

    For ur info, he is nt gonna divorce his 'olore' that got him into the uk and ve a daughter for him. She's still got the upper hand!

    You either swallow that bitter pill and accept it or you file for divorce and bear the title u so detest.

    Im sorry bt I got no pity for u!

    1. Legally, they were not supposed to get married since he hasn't divorced his wife so only countries where polygamy is legal will recognize this lady as his wife.
      Why won't these type of men face their oyibo wives and love them genuinely? It is very unfair and wicked of them. How can you live a lie, telling her you love her everyday when you don't?
      Why he made poster go through the visa process is what I find even more confusing because he knew they would blacklist her if she claims she is going to join her husband who is still legally married to the lady that got him his papers. He probably wanted to make sure she never gets to the UK so his Welsh wife doesn't find out he has another wife.
      Poster, cry, think, pray and rise up. It's not the end of the world and only you will decide what you want to do. Deep in your heart, you know what you want. Listen this time around. May the Lord guide you and give you the strength you need.

  69. Smh lemme prepare for holy mass jare

  70. As someone who was lied to about previous marriage or not, I really wish you luck. I wish I hadn't married my husband because I have no respect for him and see him as a worthless liar. It takes someone of no integrity to tell such lies and you will forever be looking over your shoulders with such a person. I have no advice for you as i'm currently facing the same thing, I will read comments :(

    1. Oh sorry dear!!!!
      Just be happy for yourself .

  71. Grabs seat,chips n juice...make I read comments mbok!
    Men be deceiving women since 1600.

  72. Oh God , how I wish this is my problem.

    1. You don't need to say that...remember the saying about tongue

  73. Well lies call for the dissolution of marriage in my books. I hate liars, they can kill and steal. Lemme enter wed service abeg

  74. I would start by uploading your wedding pictures and show the world that he is indeed married all that privacy thing is just a guise to hide from is real wife. he knew full well that the embassy would not grant the visa so you were set up be smart!!! better move on with your life because your marriage is invalid as he is already married unless you want to be only customarily married.

  75. Today is my birthday ooo...I thank god for the gift of life.

  76. Dodge that man like a wandering bullet or prepare for days in spiritual, financial, emotional, intellectual, social, physically captivity.

    Your choice.

  77. This poster is actually more stupid than I thought.

  78. Annulment on the ground of deceit is on point. Them move on!

    Or forgive and take what you see

    All the best!

  79. Madam i dont pity you at all at all, most of you Nigerian women once you hear Abroad or that your 9ja brothers are married to whites you go begin flex, in your mind, after all nah white woman so you can easily over throw her. Y 'all are very wicked, you think because she is white she has no feelings abi? WICKED LOT. And may GOD Almighty punish all you black men that use this innocent white women . *longest hiss*

  80. Ladies trust your instinct because most times when your gut tells you something, it is likely to be 99.9% right about it.

    Ladies should also learn to be diplomatic when a guy ask what qualities you look for in a man. If you list them out, he will turn to an actor and make himself appear perfect for the picture tou have painted.
    Poster i can imagine what you are feeling right now and can only pray God guide you.

  81. Congrats zion baby enjoy this day oo

  82. What were u so desperate about? To answer person wife ? Or to go abroad?......all the obvious glaring signs n u are saying he lied to u....... Swear with ur life that u were not expecting this news 100 percent.... Please don't make poor man look like a liar.

  83. Poster u need not feel depressed cos shit happens. I understand wat u are going thru cos a lot of pple have gone thru same. One tin I know 4 sure is dat u are gonna come out of it stronger. He has lied to u now u have found out but daz not d end of d world. From ur piece, u seem comfortable n can afford to travel to other parts of d country which to me is a great relief. Don't opt 4 a divorce or hurt dat baby becos he lied, concentrate in building ur life n dat of ur baby. Most times u need dis kind of betrayal or heartbreak 4 ur eyes to open to reality. I'm sure by d time u get over dis, u will know how to handle him, wen to believe wat he says, and wen to stick to your guns about wat u want to do. Believe u me, no man is a Saint, a lot of dem do worse even d ones wey neva see d abroad sef. If ur main focus of marrying him was to be a Britico,pls remove dat from ur mind so u can gain ur sanity. Hustle 4 ur life n stay strong to yourself. Also ignore d family n neva run to dem cos dose ones will only side their son. U can try n reach d baby mama if dat will make u feel ok but dat will infuriate your man n u need to make sure u prepare ur mind 4 d heartaches. In all go to God in prayers n ask for d wisdom to pull thru dis. #Men shaa with their lies#

  84. Hmmm this is a tough one. You're in it already there is really nothing you can do to undo this.I'd say reach out to his First wife abi na baby mama,As two mature women,You should hopefully be able to work something out for the sakes of the child(ren).My two kobo.As for this man,Infact no words.

  85. Beloved

    Obviously this lady made so many mistakes in her decisions with her current husband, but what gets me every time is the lack of empathy that people spew when giving advice. Must you kick someone when they are down. She is already living a nightmare but you just have to rub her face in it first and foremost. Just know in your time of pain you would want some empathy and grace.

    My suggestion to the lady is that, even though it is messy now, you can still thank God that you are alive and well. When there is life there is a possibility of hope. You have to choose to be hopeful. I want to encourage you to take time to clear your head. Take a break and go somewhere, where you will have all the support you need. Only allow those who truly care for you and love you around you. Then reach out to the people he has been shielding away from you and then ask God for his direction on what to do. God will answer, He always does. He will give you the right answer. If you are pregnant, I pray you decide to keep it and do as you are led. You will smile again and God is a God of second chances, your latter will be greater than the former. Truly you deserve better than what you were dealt with this guy. You may have made mistakes but God who created you does not condemn you so, do not condemn yourself and please do not internalize man's condemnation either. Nobody can boast of not making a mistake or making bad decisions. You are human at the end of the day. Just know this that God loves you and he will fix this mess and turn it into a message for you to share with others. You will laugh again and the restorer will restore back unto you in multiple folds, the only thing is that you have to allow him, so let God take full control from here on. I hope you get to a point where you will be able to forgive this guy and walk in love. God bless you and I hope you get to share your testimony soon here.

  86. End time tales of eve

  87. Poster, if you find out that you are pregnant, what next? If your partner is still married to d other woman , what next? Since you are spirikoko nd would not marry a divorcee, what happens IF you find yourself as a divorcee or would you rather remain in d marriage, no matter what, do you expect a man to marry you? EISH.

  88. Poster, if you find out that you are pregnant, what next? If your partner is still married to d other woman , what next? Since you are spirikoko nd would not marry a divorcee, what happens IF you find yourself as a divorcee or would you rather remain in d marriage, no matter what, do you expect a man to marry you? EISH.

  89. Hello dear, as a woman I feel your pain. I have also being lied to by my intending husband to be and his family. I know how it feels, it hurts like hell. In my case I also was pregnant and found out about the lie close to the wedding ( God saved me) due to the trauma of it all I had a miscarriage this made me further depressed and I cried for months. My family were my rock. I think you should tell your family the truth, this burden is too much to bear Alone. You need solace and comfort. On the other I will use my mum and dad as an example. My dad schooled in America and married a white woman for papers, they had no child though. He did not tell my mum about it and she found out from the embassy just like you after being denied entry into America. She was shocked and heartbroken. But my dad was remorseful and begged for forgiveness. They have been married now for close to 40 years and my mum just recently told me the story( my other siblings don't know). They have the best Marraige. Ppl always comment how they are so inlove after all this time. My point is a happy Marraige is still possible if your husband is willing to come totally clean and ask for forgiveness and he must divorce the Welsh. If he is willing to do all this and turn a new leaf then stay with him. In my case I realized my fiance is not like my dad, he will never change and remain a cold hearted liar. So I moved on and wished him the best. Prayerfully make a decision with your family. Lots of hugs and warm wishes. This too shall pass

    1. Hey,nice advice.pls can I talk to u?I am a lady and need an advice.Tanx....pls get intouch.Godbless

    2. God bless you Anonymous 22:02.

  90. I have been going through worse since Sunday. I don't want to go on anymore. Maybe death will just sort all of this. I can't go on. I have to stop fighting. I can't always be depressed.I can't move on so much shame for doing the right thing.I have left NY needs unattended to just to help the needy, I have fasted and prayed. So why me. Y do the righteous suffer and the wicked jubilate. Lord pls let this cup pass over me.

  91. Stella pls i will like u to send in a post about 'Abroad husband'...

  92. Can't i be happy too.vcan anything good come outta me. Can God help me? Is my case diff or am overreacting. During my service year, I canbsay I fasted for half the year, helped needy that can't even pay me back, still a virgin at 24. Pay my tithe, where did I go wrong that all these is crumbling down my face.God where is your face. Where is ur meexy, i knee at ur throne of nercy exoectabt.I can't even trust any1 again.pls help me, let me be happy again, let me triumphant, let me jubilate, let me be celebrated again

  93. Upload your wedding pictures on all the social media he banned you from using photos.Contact all his family members who are"bad".Keep your baby

  94. We should always learn to trust our instincts cos they tend to lead us in the right direction, just be careful cos I bet you will start to uncover more dirt soon but you have to stay nd sort things out, divorcing him won't make you feel better rather it will only make things more difficult than it already is....Gudluck....

  95. If only we call on God before making decisions, we won't have to spend the night crying. Did you even pray before you married this man? It's okay coz we all make mistakes. This nearly happened to my Sis if not for her prayers to God for His will to be done. Just before the introduction, she found out the idiot was married to a white woman.
    Just take it easy and pray to the Holy Spirit to order your next steps. Please keep the baby if it turns out you're preggy. May God guide you through this difficult time.

  96. This UK guys.I wonder wat there problem is.dis was my story.wen I found out all his lies.he left me Nd my child.not even child support.mine was worst cos he even made me to go borrowing.a debt that HV been paying for 3years now.Emeka I leave ur case to God.
    Dear poster,my advice to u is to move on.most of them are gold diggers.if it turns out u r pregnant.keep ur baby.IFEADIKANWA.....if u see wat infertile women go thru,u will be grateful to God.may God gv u the strength to go thru dis time.

    1. Oh dear!!!
      My love to your child -mum Davido

  97. Is Izhevsk, Russia considered Asian? no


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