Stella Dimoko Breaking Up....



Thursday, February 11, 2016

Breaking Up....

Hey,we need to talk...Time for Stella's couch Session!

Did you break up with someone you love deeply recently?
Was it your fault?was it theirs?Or was it third party interference?
Did you break up or part with a friend recently because of circumstances that spiralled out of control?Wanna talk about it?

What or who did you break up with recently?

Come here...Lean on my shoulder,I understand!


  1. Reading comments mode #activated

    1. I love stuffs like this...called off my friendship with an envious and extremely jealous girl I called a friend...bitch was never happy that I was getting married,she started gossiping..mehn gist is long, I no get strength.

    2. People don't wanna comment on sensitive issues no more with their true monikers due to the elephant memories of some blog monitoring spirit.

    3. **Sniffs** **cough**

      Abeg i hear say Gala don increase it true??

      Make una no vex biko,na my own problem be this..


    4. I'd rather not talk about it. This is just going to open up wounds... Sigh** Memories!**

    5. I broke up with her since I got a revealation from a prophet that I would die if I marry her

    6. broke up wit someone I love so much because he cheats. Was ready to forgive him but he did not call to apologise. It's been 5months and I still think about him.

    7. Shantelle loves Tusneh11 February 2016 at 13:45

      Lmao @ 'Come here,lean on my shoulder..i understand'.
      Stella the comforter.....osheyyy!assistant Jesus.


    8. End time superstory heart-breaking story on sdk.
      Aunty stella, I love my blogbrity.... don't want to break up with her....
      I still love ghanaman, brother no break up with me ooo
      Ppl don't break up with linda eze cos sdker's love this aunt gwegwe dye

    9. End time superstory heart-breaking story on sdk.
      Aunty stella, I love my blogbrity.... don't want to break up with her....
      I still love ghanaman, brother no break up with me ooo
      Ppl don't break up with linda eze cos sdker's love this aunt gwegwe dye

    10. Aunty Stella, pls don't break up with chizobs
      Her ranting ystdy ws bcos
      She is not feeling fyn.... but I think she is getting beta.
      Mis Mae don't break up wit tht konji hustling man....

    11. I am going thru one but.....hmmm! Its a very loooong story. Don't even know where to begin. It is indeed well with my soul.

    12. Mine will have to be a its a long story. God help me. Marrying d wrong person is 2nd to loosing d kingdom of heaven for hurts like hell. It is well with my soul.

    13. Broke up wit a friend recently. Must ve said or done something wrong I dnt know bt her display or rather reaction towards whatever gave me a shock I'm yet 2 apprehend. It was so dramatic that everyone around said Tess Beware of dis girl. There's more 2 this. Na so I park face since dec n she too didn't bother.

    14. @Shantelle,you are crae,i swear. Hhahaahahahahah@osheyy,assistant Jesus.
      Hahahhahaha,nawa ooh. Ppl get mouth sha

  2. Replies
    1. Finally I found 'that kind of Love'.He's everything I ever wanted..He looks at me like I'm the only girl in the world..Then we got the biggest shock of our lives .. They said we were related, they can't explain how, but they say we are...he says that's their effing business and he's not letting me go..but I'm not crazy like dat..thank God we live very far apart.. Buh I hear his voice everyday and it kills me inside knowing this 'breakup'is inevitable.. N we might just be disaster waiting to happen...

    2. Yes. It does happen,broke up with one fine bobo cos we share same great grand.. Somborri. We've moved on with partners and kids.

  3. Hmmmmmm.....
    Not applicable to me.
    Let me read comments and learn.

    1. Hahaha...Stella, which shoulder? If we were to lean on your shoulder we go press you Die O°˚˚˚°
      No matter how heartbroken you can be....just breathe, cry & LET GO!!! Time heals...

  4. Replies
    1. Biko my boyfriend left without a word. It still look like a magic because we never had any issue. Its quite painful and I have not been able to find love since then. Am pained because I have lots of love to give but I thank God cos he knows everything

    2. @anon 17:34. I feel yah. You need to be very prayerful esp in ur next rship. It could be evil people with evil eyez. I ws neva a blver of anything diabo not to talk of lic, until recently wen a family memba got hit. We still prayin n hagin to life bcos wat we saw is still unexplainable. May the Almighty God giv u someone beta and may be consoled. U'v got to stay strong n focused while u going thru hbreak.

  5. I did almost a year ago, it still hurts cos i loved him deeply... Its both our fault, so dis is something i will have to live with..

    1. Dude was and still is a selfish bastard,among other things.Not dwelling on it though.

  6. oyah ooo make una lean on my shoulder. i will comfort you

    1. I broke up with some one I loved then, because if tribe n family disagreement, dat was in d past. Deeply n crazy about le Boo now.
      My marshmallow

  7. Stella, this chair go soon tear o. E don press down small sef! Lol....

    Hnmmm this post will open up wounds trying to heal o. Its well.

  8. Will read comments!


    1. Stella am on your shoulder now,am single for two years now and I want love. I want to share affection and their is non. Have never celebrated val and its here again. Pls I need love,am serious about it. My name is winny

  9. I broke up with someone I love because he doesn't deserve me. He stopped calling and all. I had to give myself brain and I was hurt but I blocked him from all my social networks. I no longer feel hurt. I've moved on.

    1. U were simply dating yourself then dearie. Thank God u are free now

    2. Thank God you borrowed sense!

      The right man will come.

    3. I broke up with one who wouldn't call me for months and then pop up fighting me about the guy on my dp.

      Simply asked if he was trying to be mad.

      The other one was genotype issues.

  10. Breaking up a relationship because of medical incompatibility is the most painful way of saying goodbye to love.
    My friends and siblings have nicknamed me, Lara the lion and stony hearted one. They really could not comprehend the fact that i loved him and still let him slip through my grabs. Being a hot, sexy, rich and VERY CARING catch, omo ko easy menh...did i say he was a spender???

    Weak now, vwey weak...

    1. So where is he now? I'm AA

    2. Yo! You need to stop whining over this. Submit this guy's name let me take it to my Prophet, and his genotype will change imstanta...

    3. Move on my love.
      God knows y it happened that way.

    4. *rings bell* ON A LIGHTER NOTE...there is another hawt sexy, caring, well not-too-much-of-a-spender-but-AA-genotype-bobo around the corner *pouts sexily*.

      This valentine is gon' be mindblowing, puna on the sharpener...hehehe

    5. Lol Quicksilva u nor serious.

  11. This is going to be interesting 😝

  12. Funny thing is I've really never suffered a breakup...the fire just cools down and we end up being exes are my very good friends...all of them..just 2,lol...I gat no story

    1. Liar! Just 2?
      And your totoh na konga?

      2 mighty pestles!!

    2. Sounds like u and d guys didnt really date but were friends wey dey gbensh, and after getting tired of ur hooha, they left for a new one

    3. Why is it hard to believe sm1 has only 2 exes? I personally have no ex. I ended up marrying my 1st boyfriend.

    4. I married my first kiss, and sex and first boyfriend also. And guess what AM HAPPY. Everyone has a story and if u went thru 2or 3guys or more before settling down no problem but I met him I knew he knew years later married with 2kids(twins). *wink*

    5. Useless girls always think everyone else is as useless as they are,I dated 5 guys and I didn't have sex with any of them, in fact they don't know the colour of my pant I was determined to marry ad a virgin,and I finally did at age 34,had a one year delay after which I had triplets,in fact guys keep asking my husband which juju he used for me,am so glad I didn't involve in immorality that would have lead me to aborting my first born child or my kids I pity people doing abortion anyhow,may God not allow you to kill your good kids and allow the evil kids to live who will torment you as they approach adulthood meanwhile you may have aborted the ones that would have consoled you. Some sins catch up with u when you are old and can't fight.

  13. Stella! Aproko woman. It's alright, let me read comment.

  14. Am so broken right dis moment, it happen just dis morning but pls I dnt have d strenght to talk about it now cos I'm deeply hurt.

  15. I broke up with the love of my life!!! I almost killed myself one time over this person but iv decided to just let go and live!!! I have series of lovers now and im having sex wif all of dem!!! Yes all and we do it raw too!

  16. My fiancé of 5yrs... We were supposed to wed next month. Our wedding cards have been distributed. I've given out clothes to family memebers nd my asoebi is set... Only for me to find out that he impregnated his ex... Just yesterday, I unraveled d mystery behind gis late nightcalls. Never knew he was still seeing his ex. D lady is 5months gone already. He pleaded, cried, rolled on d floor yesterday, claiming it was a mistake. Dat d lady seduced him... Stella, I'm 30.......... Oh God, I'm finished!

    1. Eeeeya...chai
      How do we do this now?
      Kai. I pray God gives u d wisdom to wade via this.
      Sendin u plenty of hugs.

    2. Come here babe....take a hug....You are STRONG, you are COURAGEOUS and you WILL ge through this. I'm sure You are beautiful and I'm sure you'll find someone BETTER....he's a tramp who doesn't deserve you and so you should be happy that you found out!!! A broken relationship is by FAR better than a broken marriage! God will comfort you, turn to him.... 30, your life is just beginning so relax....pick yourself up, hold your head high and walk tall like it never happened. You are SPECIAL!!!

    3. Run for your life ooooo!! You are not finished, he's finished!

    4. 30 years???and you want to leave him? that his ex wants to use the pregnancy to trap him. do not leave him for his ex, i repeat. he might be saying the truth. tho i blame him sha for not sending his manhood to school.

    5. OMG!!so sowie!!!The lord will strengthen you

    6. The worst is when they go back to sleep with their ex. Nne don't worry God saved you. It is well

    7. Let d devil not toy with h. Get married. Be like TOKE MAKINWA. After few months Ull understand better. But if he doesn't change. Ur ppl should return bride price. Finish

    8. Wipe ur tears nd marry him!!

    9. You're not finished honey
      He's very corny and shady

      You deserve better
      Just keep praying.

    10. No you are not finished. Maybe he wasn't the right man for you. You dodged a bullet. What if you found out after marrying him then you would have been in a tripartite relationship with him and her. Better a broken engagement than a broken marriage. It hurts but just allow God to heal you. Finally do not do anything stupid. God bless you

    11. HappyOma, so because she's 30, she should settle for a chronic cheat? If he can do this befor marriage, pray tell what happens 2-5years along the line?
      Did his penis fall into her vagina by mistake?
      Please advice yourself and stop misleading others. You need it more.

    12. Who said you are finished ? Don't prophesy evil for yourself with your mouth plz. The best years of your life is just beginning. What are you lamenting over?It will hurt, you will feel betrayed but time will heal you...She seduced him? Kmt! What a lame excuse! Instead of him to man up & accept the blame for his actions its to try & gain your pity by telling you she seduced him & probably dragged his prick out into her punana abi? Babe na God save you.

    13. This is deepppp 
      I'm sending my hugs to you. 

      You need time, time to talk to God,  to think deeply. Rely solely on God for a solution. 

      The lady might had imposed that pregnancy on him as a revenge to have his attention. 
      Yes he slept with her but you don't know whose pregnancy is it. 

      They should go for a DNA test but that will be after four months, then think deeply afterwards. 

      If he's not the father, forgive him. 

      Else open your heart to the next chapter of life.

      There's always someone out there for every woman. 

      Trust God.

      It is well with you.. 

  17. Am over my breakup,just that gettiing into another relationship is proving to be difficult like applying for a Uk visa*ogini*
    My motto now is 'stand inlove with ya head intact not fall inlove with ya heart twisted*
    I believe there are still good men out make I read comment

  18. Yes. I broke up with my closest sister in-law whom i thought was my best friend without knowing that she was the real enemy within. I discovered what she did, and how she has been back stabbing me, and was waiting for her call any day. So on the 25th of Dec. 2015 she called with her sweet voice to wish me merry xmas, i gave her the warning of her life. Later it pained me cos am so use to her, but i'm over it now. She should go and have several seats on the air!

  19. Nwa Amaka Oya comment make I read
    Hehehehehehhehehehh I know say u b iron lady


  20. Yh... I had to break up with the love of my life because we both are AS. We both love kids and cannot bear to gamble with our kids. Still love him.

    1. Take heart dear.
      It's not the end of the world.

    2. This life,some people will run away from SS and could end up birthing very sickly kids as well,diseases full everywhere,may God direct our steps

  21. Awwww! We are just there. No formal breakup, no talking no visitation.
    Don't know how to approach her with the news. But I think she understand already because she isn't even bothered like she used to.

    Stella, come closer, I need to wipe some tears on that shoulder of yours.

  22. AS genotype ish....we loved ourselves deeply n we still do. i was ready to consider medical options but he is too scared to try and i get his fears. we are still friends though we r tryng hard to keep our hands off each other when we meet.
    d good thing is dt no bad blood.

    id start a social enterprise to help couples inlove whose relationship is threatened with genotype issue. Amen
    i love u V***** for life

  23. Mine happened about 2yrs ago. What went wrong again? Thinking... Yeah, I remember now. I caught him pants down with his so called best friend. It was painful but I had to advice myself because he wasn't worth the heartache. Naaaaah, he did because I loved him so much. I'm now in a better place now.

  24. My ex hurt me by cheating and the funny part of it was the lies and pretends..,I loved him very much cos we dated for 3years.

  25. He broke up with me, asked for forgiveness. I forgave him and took him back then dumped him like the piece of shit that he is. He is still beggin and professing love.. Love my foot! To think he was just a student like me and gave me nothing. And above all, i took alot of cringeworthy nonsense from him. Anyway,i am in a very happy place right now.

  26. I tried brking up wt my guy dis week cos he's always busy, funny tin is dat I ddnt knw the rite words to use, I had to google ow to brk up Ohhh den sent it to him, lol he replied telling me dat he knew I hv been planning dis,dat he Ddnt wanna stay idle nd not provide for me, bfor I could read up he sent again!! I dressed up nd went to hes house, barged in nd he was shocked!! I told him I was tired of brkin up tru sms, so I wanna say it to hes face.... We made up but we Ddnt hv sex cos I ddnt want d usual makeup sex it messes up ones Feelings...

  27. hmmmm...I'll come and share my story but I've moved ahead while she's yet to.

  28. Lemme finally take this burden off me...

    I was dating this girl whom I grew to like and be fond of and almost fell in love with but something wasn't right! I kept suspecting she was dating someone else but she always said it was just me, eventually she broke up with me her reason being I was choking her with calls when it wasn't even so! When i tried to beg she revealed her bff doesnt like me and to me i thought we were cool bcos I had no iota of dislike towards her,so one time I went on my exes ig page and took a model she used one time (I didnt want to spite her tho') but lo and behold she happened to be my exes bff's cousin, wont lie fucked her like crazy;) bcos I was angry at the bff, but something weird occurred wen I met my ex again d feelings trippled and now I want her back but she hates me so bad bcos she found out, but she's still on my bbm! (Don't understand y tho)

    P.s: I had to end it with her bff's cousin tho bcos she turned out to be a sweet lady with a good heart and couldn't lead her on she hates me too

    So my question can my ex take me back? Even tho she told me we wld have been back but cuz of my deeds she can't come back (but she's on my bbm and changes dp but I can't delete her cuz I still want her) any advice? (Forgive my typos, this "bar" is jus too tiny biko)

    Kelvin dat Edo Boi

  29. I'm about to let go ... Abeg Oge Adiro

  30. Broke up with a single mom I met on SnM. She wanted me to pick all her bills including that of her son's school fees and her mom health bill.
    I don't want such a liability meanwhile I have been given her cash before I met her, akways complained about lack of cash and she's working.
    Spent like 20k, fucked her some couple of time, though she loved it and she was coming over and over for it but couldn't keep such a woman for too long.
    SnM rocks !

    1. You're cheap. And she is cheap too. And you, so just because of ordinary 20k you're complaining?? Broke ass. And she, just because of 20k she slept with you? She must be very cheap and desperate

    2. Broke ass!...
      So you are crying foul because of a chicken change you spent on are not a man!...infact,you are a pussy...

    3. Who is the single mother??

    4. Na 20k be the cash wey your spend??? Lolllllll
      You and your ho are learners.

      When people are spending, kneel down and observe.

  31. Why Break up?
    When u can amicably share your differences and part ways.

  32. Yes, I broke up with my best friend of over a decade. We were too close. She went to a medium to make me mad. Her reason, I was too close to my New husband at the expense of our friendship. She wanted to exercise control over my home and I stood my ground and said no. she tried to seduce my husband; but that one was harder than igneous rock; he knew weeks before the girl made her first move. He is a praying mantis and fasts more than he eats in a week. To think that I could have lost my mind, ran naked on the streets etc. because of "a friend" is mind boggling. I was used to eating just fruits at noon (well, that was after I got married) and joined my husband to eat a whole meal with drinks and snacks at night (he eats only at nights for the past decade). When he told me of my friend's moves and the consequences of laxity, I went on 3 days with water and joined him to eat at nights for three months. It was the girl who came to confess of her evil deeds when instead of me running mad, she lost a very dear sibling. Guess that was the price she paid in the medium. Her long luxurious hair was clean shaven the day she came to my house weeping. I wouldn't have allowed her in if not that my husband wanted "my eyes to open" and asked me to indulge her. She told me that if my husband had fallen to her seductive maneuvers, I would have gotten mad the moment I had sex with him. If you hear what was pouring out of her mouth? I have learnt a veritable lesson in my life. You are either a Christian or you are not! Forget about all these giving of vagina and dancing in the church!

    1. God almighty! This is why I fear women abeg. Better to be close friends with males

    2. What??? Thank God for prayers.

    3. WOW! Thank God for your life.May God continue to protect his children from freenemies.

    4. Broke up with ex because he wasn't always keeping in touch.Loved him far more than he loved me or so I thought. Meet hubby after some months and he turned out to be my perfect match and ex came running back to months to my wedding that if I leave him he will never be able to find another like me, had to call hubby to intensify his prayers because I know the love I had for ex was an everlasting love.its been five years an no day passes by without me thinking about him.worst thing is that dude has refused to get married at least that would have help bring back my senses. Because this kind of feelings that all the love and care been showered by hubby and two lovely kids and after 5years of marriage and serious prayers and fasting can quench scares me.Its not like we are always in touch oh!God please help me.

    5. Broke up with ex because he wasn't always keeping in touch.Loved him far more than he loved me or so I thought. Meet hubby after some months and he turned out to be my perfect match and ex came running back to months to my wedding that if I leave him he will never be able to find another like me, had to call hubby to intensify his prayers because I know the love I had for ex was an everlasting love.its been five years an no day passes by without me thinking about him.worst thing is that dude has refused to get married at least that would have help bring back my senses. Because this kind of feelings that all the love and care been showered by hubby and two lovely kids and after 5years of marriage and serious prayers and fasting can quench scares me.Its not like we are always in touch oh!God please help me.

    6. Trinity some male friends are bad too,they gossip more than women and some don't wish u well let's pray to meet good people,whether male or femalel

  33. Reading comments. Have been there and left already, ain't no going back.

  34. Yea I broke up with my ex cos he stopped calling an when I call he acts like I'm disturbing. Was really painful but I moved on like a boss..every body around me wonders if I have a heart,yea I just a strong girl that knows how to hide her he wants us back,well I wanna fuck the shit outta him too.i miss his Dick. My current boyfriend is so childish and emotional.I love him but babay I can't continue with a man that throws stupid emotional tantrum. Life's too short for that. I wanna breakup but I don know how yet. Looking for a genuine reason to then I'll push it to him and act like it's his fault. Asta LA Vista baby

    1. Like the way you said you moved on like a boss! Men know how to discharge with attitude. They don't even have to break up with you. You just get frustrated and leave on your own

  35. I met a guy in october 2015,we fell in love,it was bliss for abt 3weeks and suddenly we broke up...I was suddenly didn't worth it but being a strong lady,I forged ahead...anyway he came back january 2016 begging and pleading,I won't lie,I still loved so I took him back,he promised 2weeks later and our introduction is coming up easter...No matter d heart break,never give up on love.

  36. Broke up with my phone. Was just tired of pressing the phone even while important discussions are going on. The phone is causing me lots of damage. From playing Candy crush to temple Run and back to Expire. The most annoying one is spending money to play castle. I just have to call it quit because it's becoming an addiction. God help me to dump this fone for real. I just need help!

    1. Don't I just love u d more? Nwamaka

    2. Nwa amaka's stepsister11 February 2016 at 18:29

      Na phone breakup we wan read? Abeg come up with something else . You must deliver a break up stories of all your past and present boos. You can lean on Blogbrity's shoulder for comfort

  37. broke up with my best friend of close to 14years.we had huge misunderstanding and we said things we haven't said for so long, I said terrible things to her too and she got so mad and deleted me everywhere, initially I thought it was all jokes I sent her a text insulting her more and telling her to add me back because that's how we roll lol and that was it! it's been two weeks now and I can say I don't miss her one bit, I feel bad that I don't miss her because I should be missing her after being friends for so long . now I'm asking my myself if it is really over between us for good. or maybe after more time I would begin to miss her

  38. Breaking up for me rarely comes with a heartbreak. We simply gradually drift apart and that does it for me. Not all separations gotta steer a storm. Nah! A little mourning perhaps but trust moi...there are too many ways to kill a rat *covers face* lol.

  39. Well..I have to move on though painful.

    Straigth to my point..I dated this lady called Bukola,so much loved her and can go extra-mile to satisfy her.I was in sch,precisely yr3 when she got a visa to dubai,I did I could,tried ny best(don't want to mention d sum I spent)cuz its so painful,its enough to start a big business.

    She got to dubai and was tryn to get a job but nothing came up,so she had to pay for visa extension which I also tried sending her little I had with me in order to make that achievable.

    Fastforward to last year,she came up with a lot of attitude like,am busy,sorry for not picking ur kals,hmm,pls chat me at night.etc.

    Later,around *August,will discussed abt our life bt she was so harsh,skeptical and too diplomatic,I pretended as if I never heared fellow BV's,lol

    She deleted me on FB,blocked me on whatsapp and deleted all my friends on was later I got to know she is pregnant for a guy she met over there..I was sent several chat history which was screen munched between herself and the guy...

    But what can I do?..nothing but to move on..since then I have bad heart for ladies but glory to God.I changed my mind on Jan 1st this be kind to women but will never love again..
    Am very sure she should be reading this cuz I introduced her to this BLOG..

    Go to hell and never come back for apologies..mitchew


    MC Pinky...

    1. I'm sure your brown teeth was part of the reason she misbehaved.

    2. You will find the right girl dont worry

  40. I want to break up from someone I love deeply...He hurts me so much,He cheats, lies and disrespects me so much, I know he won't feel him if I leave because he seems not to care and has given me the option to Go. I know this will hurt for a while but I know I deserve better and Man that will love me deeply and worship the grounds I walk On....Moving On.

    1. We are on the same boat, He cheats constantly, disrespects me so much, told me to get lost on so many occasions and even has someone New now and its too glaring, I deserve better...

  41. I and my boyfriend who i LOVE SO MUCH recently broke up. Same day, another man i have known for a long time (not relationship) traveled to my place to proposed marriage to me. Thing is I still love my ex even though we will never be together. My ex thinks am not good enough for him and claimed we are not compatible. My ex is a good man no doubt and I tried all my best to be the kind of woman he wants me to be but once he changed his mind about me, everything i did added to his resolve to end it with me. He finally came out to my face and told he does not want to be with me even though he will always love me as a friend and will do anything for me. I have accepted my fate and will move on. But I am still in love and its hard to switch my feelings to the new man. I dont know if i will ever forget my ex.

    1. I understand how you feel hun.It's a very difficult thing to do,but still very doable.I still let myself dream but I slap myself back to reality.Give yourself time,you'll be fine.

    2. You will. It might feel like it now but later you will. And when you do, you will ask yourself why didnt you leave sooner and slap yourself on the head for being silly

  42. I broke up with my ex (first love) 2011, i loved that guy so much but i had to leave him because of his Casanova nature, was a virgin and i couldn't give in to his demands,how i wish i can turn back the hands of time. Ever since i have not had a stable relationship.It is well.

  43. Lemme join the association of comment readers. Me, do I know what break up is? Onwekwanu nke mma

  44. reading comments mood activated...

  45. Would have love to drop mine here tho, but it's will be a chronicle for another day! It's a long story! Stop Guessing ooo.

  46. Some people like chi exotic will go anon and say the truth as to how they've been dumped then come out with their I.Ds to lie that they've never been heartbroken

  47. Yes I parted ways with my bestie She didn't snatch my man, nor did she back bite me,

    she did something that broke me to the bones and the worst part was that she was never remorseful.

    Although I have move past it, and forgiven her even though I may never forget.

    Am glad am not close to her anymore.

  48. I did o, wen d dude was looking for who to lick his butt. no time.

  49. grabs popcorn

    rush down stairs to get zobo

    this is gonna be interesting

  50. We brokeup cos i tot i was too young.....we both are married now but i live with d guilt evry freaking day.No day passes witout me thinking abt him.Hes nt making d matter easy sef c oos he calls me like madt...His 2dautas have my yoruba names. Am sure wen we see we must knack!!More reason i avnt seen him for 5yrs.
    I need to get him off my mind .....But aw Stella?cos we both know we still luv each oda.

    1. You mean you still love your ex even after 5 years of being married?? Lawd help me o.

  51. Just finished typing and it all got wiped away..anyway I broke up with someone last year..I tot we were in love BT found out I was jus loving myself. .It was really hard cos I kept making excuses for him..telling myself reasons y he hasn't called or come around..BT I had 2 look at my pretty self in d mirror n slap some sense into it..cos I deserve love..real love..It wasn't easy BT God has been there for me..I hate to be in a toxic relationship..I beta be by myself than hurt myself..

    1. Way to go girl,nothing better than loving yourself.Hang in there.

  52. Hello my darling Stella. I recently broke up with my boyfriend and it was particularly painful. He had another girl in his house for 7 days in the month of Jan. When i questioned him about it he denied it which was very painful. I just realized that i honestly deserve better than a cheating partner. People said i should forgive and move on which was not so easy for me to do most especially when i put all my heart, soul and mind in the relationship. Funny enough i used to give such advise before but when i found myself in similar situation i perfectly understood what people said that you find it very difficult to move on with that person. Apology starts from changed behaviour and if the person concern is not even apologetic there is really no point in proceeding with the relationship. The lessons i have learnt from this relationship is we should never be desperate for marriage or relationship especially when we get older. I am 38 years old :) wink but i am more comfortable in my own space and i can easily decide if someone is not good for me or does not make me happy i should just walk away because it threatened my peace of mild, my happiness and self respect. But once i ended the relationship, i felt better and i am so optimistic that the next person out that for me would be better and we would do a better evaluation of ourselves before going ahead to commit to any relationship.

  53. hmmmmmm.........

  54. Broke up with him because he could not decide between myself n d other girl... I can't be a second option so I had to go though I loved him so much. I know the right man will come someday

  55. Stella you're in the spirit. Broke up tho.. 2 years. Did cause twas the right thing to do. No time crying over spilt milk

  56. Broke up 2yrs ago, non of my fault but he said parents said NO to our union, it was my first time loving deeply and truely, have never moved on since then can't even open up my heart to love someone else. I'v forced myself to love yet it never goes well. Got guys(s) who love me (so they make it seem) but I can't see myself loving them the way I should. Always scared that they don't fit in to be my man I feel so confused most times too. I desire love, I want to love again and be loved again but it aint just working. Heartbreak really hurt

    1. Dust urself up and try again sister. It is well!

    2. My dear heart break really hurts when you didn't expect it & when d fault is not from you.I had a similar issue wit a guy I met he came with his deacon&d wife with d intention of marrying me.we started dating & planning for the marriage.suddenly his attitude changed & started emaciating,I asked him why is he emaciating ?he said notin.until he finally opened up & told me his family said he shouldn't marry from my place,I told him he shouldn't worry we will pray concerning it,he said no dat is father is a very strict person.I told him since u don't want us to pray it means u 're d person making such decision.we stoped talking for some days,I later found out dat he has anoda girl.I sent him an sms & asked him who is Vivian he didn't reply me,only for him & his broda to block me on Facebook.I cursed him out of pain & anger but I was advice to forgive him.I called him & 4gave him.He got married to dat same Vivian dis January.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Am at the verge of separating from hubby, I am tired of hanging on. It is a very long story. I just need God's direction and wisdom cos I feel lost and hopeless here.

    1. @Mercy,the lord is your strength

  58. Broke up cos of church issues. He was Cele n I can't handle such. It was a mutual break up but we still talk. It was a fresh relationship though...

  59. I loved him too much and he took advantage of it, it's been over a year now.

  60. He was 2years younger and felt he still has a lot to achieve besides he started acting too spirikoko for my liking,lasted almost 2years...He was a good lover & friend,we don't talk yet I don't hate him..I am still he best he would ever have..

  61. Mine wasn't recent o,it happened in 2012. About a month to our wedding and with so much stress from the church,we had a heated argument and gbam!oga says 'pls let's take a break cos it's obvious we need it. The pressure of this wedding is getting to us already'. I thought he was joking,one day passed,i didnt call,he also didn't call. D 2nd day mhen,i called and apologised,he insisted that he couldn't go on with it o.just like that? He said a broken relationship is better than a broken marriage.
    My pple,i cried bitterly,my parents called him to plead,he didn't change his mind,the church we were to marry started asking me how far,pple who knew the date would be reminding me on the street that your wedding is fast approaching o,God will bring it to pass,bla bla.
    When I coudnt take it anymore,i had to relocate to another state and as God wanted to compensate me,i got married to a wonderful and good man in 2013. A very good man. I thankGod. The ex who coudnt give my parents any concrete reason for breaking up with me called me a day after my wedding,he didn't know I was married den to beg that I forgive him. I just hissed and cut the call. That breakup almost ruined me but God intervened in my life by giving me my husband. Sorry for the long post o.

  62. I broke up with my fiance of 8years,it has not been easy but i need to move on,he refuse to change and stop been temperamental ,which i realized i cannot live the rest of my life with.looking unto God to heal my heart and provide for me,the bone of my bone.

  63. genotype issues . Loved him a lot . Thought I couldn't do with him . but.!
    People tell me am glowing .. Have moved on men.. with God's help . Am 25 ,single and happy! Waiting on God's time...

  64. My guy of almost 4 years who was my very first has been acting up since last year when I traveled abroad for my M.Sc, his new character makes it seem as if I never knew him all these while. We are planning on getting married this year but I'm scared. I told him my fears and he says he won't be like this when we get married. I am afraid of breaking up with him because he is the first and only person I've ever connected to emotionally and known sexually. Did I mention he is 33 and I'm 24. God help me.

  65. Met him on snm last year,cool and and handsome... He stays in new York, told me about an ex in Canada... Next thing he started begging tht I forgive him and all... News- Ex is pregnant, blah,blah blah

    He just knew and taught I should too. Anyways... I was crushed but I could see clear

    1. And the idiots name is kaycee abi? You dodged a bullet, that guy is a big fool and a large. Very immature something. Like seriously which man seeks a serious relationship with a woman and still goes ahead to flaunt his ugly baby mama on his bbm? Height of childishness! Thank your stars boo, I saw thru d nigga from day one. Oloriburuku omo. oniranu

  66. ...clearly it wasn't going anywhere.. Had to stay away,stopped replying him. Aftr several attempts he finally blocked me cos I wouldn't reply... Still miss him tho but girl gotta do wat girl gotta do

    I know ur seeing this... Take care of ur daughter...

  67. I must comment today o, if i dont, i fit break. Ok to the story, we had a programme in church aroind december time, i thought aboit the ups nd down the relationship was facing, then i made up my mind to break up with him. went to his house, cos he was angry already(we had an arguement over the phone earlier) so he agreed to the breakup but insisting we involve both families. i said ok, let me go back to the church nd think about it. Umunnem, getting to church, Mr nigga started calling me, crying that i should not break it up. after like 2hrs pleading om the phone o, i gave him a condition, come to the church 2mrw let pray together. lets put things in God's hand. fiam fiam b4 6 in d mrn he was already in church. we said a lil prayer cos d programme was about to began. hmmmm we talked that day, the next day. Brethen d next Mrn i didnt hear from my so called fiance, thout he might be busy with business so i didnt bother untill the sister called to ask me if i know the whereabout of his brother. WHAT???? Na so the story be o till now. at first we were scared he could av been kidnapped untill he contacted someone to tell us he is ok. hmmmm as strong babe wey i be tho very emotional, i refused to let my emotions control me. i never thought about him nd made up my mind to move on cos av got lots of guys around me asking for a relationship nd marriage both original nd fake but i need time to balance. On sunday in church pastor gave us a very hot charge nd i was moved in my spirit to pray cos i was confused already with lots of stories coming from friends. some said he left to go make money so he can take care of me but he is ok, tho not that rich but he has his own flat nd business. some said remember you guys av come along way, b4 you move on consider giving him a listening ear to know why he left. Really??? give him a listening ear i became confused. went to church nd said to God, only you can solve this, no one not even his family knows whr he is nd they believe i know where he is, if this guy is for me, let him call b4 this week runs out. i prayed yes but i never applied faith to that prayer cos i blvd that relationship is dead already. i just wanna av a strong heart so that i wont feel like am moving on too quickly. booooooooooooom, grrrrrreeim grrrrrrim my phone rang. UNKNOWN CALLER????? what da he***** Now am totally confused again, not myself. now am asking myself could this be God's way of trying to tell me to hold on a little longer? he siad he is coming bk this easther. is this divine or fate playing with its grandfather not me. i dey vex o

    1. Girrrrrrrl u made me laugh so hard! I'm almost in same boat as you. After committing dude to God and relaxing he started calling. Truth the first time i've ever truly loved. But nne I want it more intense. Like calling every now and then... My friends tell me not to rush him or shoo him away. Did I tell you I turned down a marriage proposal not cos of him but I didn't like the new guy at all. He's been around since 2014... Hold on lemme answer a call he's (sweetie) calling. I love him but imma give him conditions

    2. I can relate with ur story, I dated a young man who didnt seem to be inerested in d relationship or ready to let me go, whenever I prayed for a sign, he would come out of the blues and fulfil the sign, lol! I decided to leave things to God and see how it unfolds. We got married last saturday, and I have realised that a lot of things were going on with him and now, its all settled. Glad I didnt hurry out of the relationship. Im not asking u to sray indefinitely, but pls pray and pray thru, maybe instead of asking for signs, ask for God's leading in the relationship. Take care

  68. I was in love with my ex.....I meani loved Seun deeply....even wen my dad said no coz he is a Muslim... I was ready for him to disown me....this is a guy I was always fighting with my dad for....we dated for a year....and it was d best year ever.....unknown to me dude had a girl called bolatito DAT all his family knew bout....she was their iyawo oh nd mumu me tot I was d only one...kai!....dude gotva visa to south africa ...I dint even know wen he left naija....he even blocked me on his social media platforms...I anonymously went into his Facebook nd found bou all their lovey lovey interaction... Chai!.....Jesus pained me toy bones....but I learnt to let go....its well with my soul

  69. So i relocated to lagos last Nov, to start my life all over and i met this guy lyk 2wks i moved in, he asked me out and i accepted. Still observing the guy, next thing the bastard said i should borrow him money hahahaha me ke? As jjc wey come lagos? For my mind i was lyk, see this fool! I came here to have a fresh start, trust me you don't want to know my past. Hehehe infact, na run, i run come this lagos. Oyo tins straight. Yeye!

  70. I was in love with my ex.....I meani loved Seun deeply....even wen my dad said no coz he is a Muslim... I was ready for him to disown me....this is a guy I was always fighting with my dad for....we dated for a year....and it was d best year ever.....unknown to me dude had a girl called bolatito DAT all his family knew bout....she was their iyawo oh nd mumu me tot I was d only one...kai!....dude gotva visa to south africa ...I dint even know wen he left naija....he even blocked me on his social media platforms...I anonymously went into his Facebook nd found bou all their lovey lovey interaction... Chai!.....Jesus pained me toy bones....but I learnt to let go....its well with my soul

  71. This post is soooo Me.... He broke up with him and its all my fault!!My first love,the only one I truly love,I messed it all wasn't perfect,but hr would NEVER deliberately hurt me yet I threw it all away cos I wanted a 'plan B'...I dunno what to do,life has stopped, we might get back together, we always do....but who would want a girl that threthrew seven years away??who??I'm so sad Stella..... I feel so dirty and filthy!!! I just wanna dieeeeeeeeee

  72. My breakup was caused by genotype...
    I can't shout !

  73. D search no be here ooo as I no sabi chyke a babe...

  74. I broke up with my boyfriend because I got pregnant and he wanted me to remove it. I did and I regret it everyday.

  75. Don't have strenght for relationship ups and down. God pls send the man like manner from heaven. straight to marriage. ike adirom cha cha

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Break up break up break up... broken up like 4 times.. crazyy

  78. I left a friend of mine who is a lesbian. She once seduced me into the act and I felt bad and irritated afterwards so I started avoiding her.

  79. The only boy I ever dated and fell in love with broke up with me because I refused to involve myself in pre marital sex..he hard the bold mind to ask me what can I offer him in the relationship and I told him and he said he wanted more than that he I went tru his messages one time and and confirmed he was having sex outside and I forgave him.its so painful but am believing God that am gonna c a better person soon

    1. Watch, he will come back to beg, but please do not accept unless God comes down to tell you he is the one

  80. i had to break up with him, i loved him dearly... i wronged him terribly, it was a mistake, he forgave but never forgot. he tried punishing me by flirting with others.. i couldnt bear it. i had to break up cos i was hurting. i loved him dearly. i still love him.

  81. I have been unlucky with guys. My first date I sacrificed everything for him yet he left me, the one I started dating after I broke up with him just broke up with me two weeks ago just because of minor argument. After loving him nd never demanding anything from him he played with my hrt and left. I pray true love will locate me.#wipetears#

  82. I tink tins wit a female friend is over.. I feel so bad..maybe am at fault... here it Friday last yr I went to purchase a phone using p.o.s was debited twice..Damn I was broke..running to bank almost evryday to resolve the issue..she calld me from school saying she had d same p.o.s ish cause of black Friday,she was broke.. she didn't say it out loud BT I knew she needed money.. I know how school life is.. I borrowed monitor from my Bro added to d little I had and sent it to her...I didn't even get a tank u call... I had to call to ask if she got it.. fuck me... she said she will pay problem after all this is someone datz always forming independent.. this was last Dec. .. we stay in d same area, this gal came back from school...couldn't even meet me to say thank you..i invited her out to play tennis wit me and my Bro, xcuse xcuse she is 2 busy and am not one to beg...her attitude towards me changes during d holz.. we don't talk much or chat any longer.. I realize maybe she doesn't want d problem I decide to cut myself off from her.. she goes back to school January and I ask for d moni...I wanted to travel... she keeps posting me... am not good at asking people for tinz wen I lend it to them I xpect dem to use their discretion...this gal has neva calld me to apologise for not sending d moni knowing I urgently needed to travel... it's almost mid Feb.. she doesn't pick my calls again.. sometimes I call just to check on her... I feel bad that d gud I did is now turned against distraught that pple can b like diz. ..I feel like a fool 4 helping her in her time of need to my own discomfort... I ain't perfect but I try to b d best version of myself...I know d friendship is over.. I just wanna get my money and close d chapter... sometimes I wonder where it all went wrong I don't hv luck wit friends..apologies for details long epistle I just had to get it out..

  83. I tink tins wit a female friend is over.. I feel so bad..maybe am at fault... here it Friday last yr I went to purchase a phone using p.o.s was debited twice..Damn I was broke..running to bank almost evryday to resolve the issue..she calld me from school saying she had d same p.o.s ish cause of black Friday,she was broke.. she didn't say it out loud BT I knew she needed money.. I know how school life is.. I borrowed monitor from my Bro added to d little I had and sent it to her...I didn't even get a tank u call... I had to call to ask if she got it.. fuck me... she said she will pay problem after all this is someone datz always forming independent.. this was last Dec. .. we stay in d same area, this gal came back from school...couldn't even meet me to say thank you..i invited her out to play tennis wit me and my Bro, xcuse xcuse she is 2 busy and am not one to beg...her attitude towards me changes during d holz.. we don't talk much or chat any longer.. I realize maybe she doesn't want d problem I decide to cut myself off from her.. she goes back to school January and I ask for d moni...I wanted to travel... she keeps posting me... am not good at asking people for tinz wen I lend it to them I xpect dem to use their discretion...this gal has neva calld me to apologise for not sending d moni knowing I urgently needed to travel... it's almost mid Feb.. she doesn't pick my calls again.. sometimes I call just to check on her... I feel bad that d gud I did is now turned against distraught that pple can b like diz. ..I feel like a fool 4 helping her in her time of need to my own discomfort... I ain't perfect but I try to b d best version of myself...I know d friendship is over.. I just wanna get my money and close d chapter... sometimes I wonder where it all went wrong I don't hv luck wit friends..apologies for details long epistle I just had to get it out..

  84. I tink tins wit a female friend is over.. I feel so bad..maybe am at fault... here it Friday last yr I went to purchase a phone using p.o.s was debited twice..Damn I was broke..running to bank almost evryday to resolve the issue..she calld me from school saying she had d same p.o.s ish cause of black Friday,she was broke.. she didn't say it out loud BT I knew she needed money.. I know how school life is.. I borrowed monitor from my Bro added to d little I had and sent it to her...I didn't even get a tank u call... I had to call to ask if she got it.. fuck me... she said she will pay problem after all this is someone datz always forming independent.. this was last Dec. .. we stay in d same area, this gal came back from school...couldn't even meet me to say thank you..i invited her out to play tennis wit me and my Bro, xcuse xcuse she is 2 busy and am not one to beg...her attitude towards me changes during d holz.. we don't talk much or chat any longer.. I realize maybe she doesn't want d problem I decide to cut myself off from her.. she goes back to school January and I ask for d moni...I wanted to travel... she keeps posting me... am not good at asking people for tinz wen I lend it to them I xpect dem to use their discretion...this gal has neva calld me to apologise for not sending d moni knowing I urgently needed to travel... it's almost mid Feb.. she doesn't pick my calls again.. sometimes I call just to check on her... I feel bad that d gud I did is now turned against distraught that pple can b like diz. ..I feel like a fool 4 helping her in her time of need to my own discomfort... I ain't perfect but I try to b d best version of myself...I know d friendship is over.. I just wanna get my money and close d chapter... sometimes I wonder where it all went wrong I don't hv luck wit friends..apologies for details long epistle I just had to get it out..

    1. You are so not at fault if all you said is true. Please send her a text stating you will expose her on Stella's blog if she doesn't pay you

    2. Since you said she's "just" a female friend, meaning you guys have not had anything.,  
      She's being ungrateful. 
      But if you have, you don't need to ask her for the refund of that  money cos that's so cheap.. 

      I'm suspecting you've slept with her cos why the ungrateful attitude?
      The mistake you made was you ought to have told her "the money I am sending to you pls I hope you will refund. I'm  collecting this money from a friend with the hope of returning ." 

      Probably she was  expected more from you than what you gave her, and in return, you asking for a refund. 
      That's why she has gone mute on you. 

  85. It's funny cuz I may do mine anytime soon.


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