Stella Dimoko Doctors In House Section.



Thursday, January 21, 2016

Doctors In House Section.



Hi‎ BVs/BVn,  
   I have a 22month old baby who is underweight. I think I have tried my best to get her to eat more but no show. I would love mothers who have had such experience to please tell me how they've tackled it to help their toddler gain weight.  She is my 1st and only baby for now and weighs 10kg at 22months. 

Before you say hospital,we have been to the doctor's office a lot and they keep saying modify her diet and stop worrying because she is healthy. She is currently taking paedisure(nutritional drink) a bottle a day,but am truly worried about her weight. 

2nd she is constipated so the doctor asked to cut down on milk and cheese ‎ but she would drink her smoothie which consist of orange and apple only. 
I am open to any new plan as long as its will help my toddler. I will answer questions in comment section. 
Thank you! 

 BV crazyHornywife!


  1. Add butter to rice or cream to mash etc.

    1. Madam add butter to his indomie and mashed yam or potatoes. Also give lots of Titus fish.

    2. Reminds me of my eldest brother.
      He was soo skinny that you could see his ribs if he takes of his shirt. After going to the hosp, the dr said he was ok and my parents shld stop making it seem smtin is wrong with him so it doesnt affect him psychologically. Oga has 4 kids now with big belle.

    3. Try different recipes to see what she really likes then stick to what she likes

    4. Madam, your baby is healthy, don't worry too much.

      Start giving her solid biko.

    5. She doesn't like butter in her rice so I add mayo. She says solids but very little. Thanks

  2. Stop giving her akamu, custard & cerelac, start giving her solid food like semo, eba, beans, yam etc, she will gain weight by force.

    1. She doesn't eat beans except I make akara pancakes and the doctor wants her to cut down on fried foods till constipation stops. Thanks

  3. Eeya!
    Doctors you are needed here.
    Weldone madam.

  4. Not a mum yet, so I won't know hw to answer dis correctly.
    Oya, over to d mothers in d house.

    1. Give her good solids. Mash potatoes and other stuff and give her. They are also canned solid food you can buy for kids. Check those from cow & gate

    2. As far as she's been certified healthy, free her pls.

  5. CrazyHornyWife indeed! Just give her Semo with okra soup prepared wTitus fish

    1. She eats that most days for lunch. Thanks

  6. Please leave the child alone,a chubby baby is not a healthy three year old is weighing 11kg and very healthy..madam leave the child and give yourself peace of mind..

    1. Ur 3 year old at 11kg is grossly underweight

    2. God bless you jor. A chubby baby isnt a healthy baby.

    3. Hian...
      3year old at 11kg; when my baby at 3months plus was weighing 7.5kg.

  7. Relax madam since your baby is healthy. No worries

  8. Live the innocent girl alone

  9. IMO as a mum of four , i think u should leave that baby alone. just make sure u feed that baby well plus his milk and he's good to go.
    Not all babies gain weight rapidly, so that might be his case. feed him with the right nutrients and don't forget to give him multivitamin drops e.g ABIDEC, AILON.

    1. Doctors have cut down on milk because of constipation.

  10. Try soyabeans with pap for ur baby. Ur baby is pretty underweight o. My five month old son weight 9.5kg I am sure by his next immunization at 6mnths he would be over 10kg. My son has cow protein intolorance so he couldnt take nomal formula I was using isomil which was fine BT bros is a hungry man so I ended up spending more than I can on formula. NNE I decided to make pap n soya from scratch that is his breakfast fro lunch I do a fruit mix with oat n for dinner a heinz vegetable cereal. I have a very happy n healthy baby no more add 1kg lose 1.5kg next month. I don't know how this would help o! BT I was amongst the moms that goes nah my child will nt drink pap n all what not. My dear I am now an advocate for pap millet,groundnut,soybeans. (I don't add milk cos he can't tolorate milk.

    1. wow. for a 4 months old

    2. You are looking at an over weight baby there. Be congratulating ur self. Ground nut is not even good for a child less than 1

    3. Have tried that too! Thanks

    4. If u continue at this rate ur child will be obese and most likely will struggle with his weight for the rest of his life as he would have developed fat cells. I don't mind d diet, my concern is that u re over feeding him. Children with healthy appetite will most likely cry wen their meal is finished, dat doesn't mean u shld keep feeding, few mins and they will forget about it

    5. If u continue at this rate ur child will be obese and most likely will struggle with his weight for the rest of his life as he would have developed fat cells. I don't mind d diet, my concern is that u re over feeding him. Children with healthy appetite will most likely cry wen their meal is finished, dat doesn't mean u shld keep feeding, few mins and they will forget about it

  11. You say she is underweight but ur doc says she is healthy.

    Some babies are very big and some small.And dis doesn't mean the smaller ones are unhealthy(not all d time)
    It depends on ur genes.are u big?or small?dese things cousin's babies are not very big.cos she herself is small.

    I understand ur concerns esp bn a new mom.but pls stop fretting.cos u see that baby eh,when she wil start eating well and getting big,na u go run.
    And before I forget,has she bn dewormed?

    Keep Giving her d normal adult food u eat but make it more she can at least take a bite.Beans,nstead of porridge,make fish stew.Okro soup with ice fish,tea,moi-moi(use enough onions,softens it)all dese are intrigued by dem.another fave of kids is Spaghetti and meatballs.she wil play with meat balls granted but wil eat most of it.don't forget Water too.

    Get her colourful character plates and cutlery.fascinates them.And lastly don't worry.ur baby is fine.


    1. Big hugs back at you! Trust me I av tried. Thanks

  12. Yanga dey sleep, trouble go wake am. Madam is your child healthy?

    That's the only question you should be worried about. Not fattening up a child as if you are preparing a Thanksgiving turkey.

    No whom weight help?
    Your child has many years to worry about weight issues, please don't spoil the foundation borne out of your personal misplaced priorities and narrow minded comparison of other people's children who have their own issues to contend with.

    Maybe when you are battling childhood obesity your eye will clear. Nonsense.

  13. I was going to recommend Abidec...but it sounds like you are not in Nigeria. If you can find someone to help you get Abidec it should help boost her appetite.

  14. For her constipation,I think lots of water and vegetables will help. Maybe you should try out new meal plan mixed up with other healthy options and see which one she likes best. Children this age, are very picky when it comes to eating try not to give her biscuits or juice close to meal times.

  15. If d doc says she's healthy then no problem. My son is 2yrs and 3 moonths and he weighs just 10kg , but he is very strong and very active too. Btw my 1st son weighs about 18kg when he was dis age, so children are not d same.

    1. Thank you so much. My son is also 2yrs and 3 months and he weighs 12kg. He is very strong and very active. The GP says there's nothing wrong with him and the health visitor he is in perfect shape. Madam please leave your baby alone. There's nothing wrong with him.

  16. Soya beans is good for her. Try it. You will see the difference

  17. Didn't the doctors tell you that apple and orange juice worsens constipation? Banana also worsens constipation. If you want to give her fruits; go to pawpaw, mango, guava etc. For the weight gain, kids that age love eggs (but eggs cause constipation too). What food does he really like; family diet -egusi soup, fish, chicken, cakes.

    While you complain of the weight which isn't too bad, thank God for having a baby and for the baby being healthy; yes "healthy" for you haven't seen sick babies yet. Read the scriptures to your child. cheers.

    1. She said orange and Apple are not binding so they help constipated kids. No more bananas was what she said. She doesn't eat egg in any form. Will keep trying different recipes. Thank you

  18. All I see is 'she is constipated'

  19. Abeg allow the baby to be, since the child is not sick.

  20. Yes madame try the soya bean,millet, crayfish and groundnut grand them together with solid food like a male, semo with okro soup prepared with titus fish.

  21. Do a meal called 'tom brown' mixture of soy beans,corn and groundnut. Its very nutritious. N dats what your baby needs, nutritious food and not fattening foods.

  22. Add mayonnaise to the child's indomie. Mix yoghurt with fruits like banana and berries. Incorporate crayfrish in the child's cereal. Hand pick the healthy crayfish yourself wash, dry and blend to dust. Add in pap and other cereals.

    1. I do custard as pap is hard to get here. You can't hand pick the crayfish and they are already packed. I put mayo in rice,spag and noodles. Thanks

  23. Try Abidec Multivitamin Drops

  24. That's how my cousin's wife looked at her healthy baby and said she's underweight. If your doctor says your baby is healthy, your baby is healthy. Just because you were chubby when you were a child or because your friend's child is chubby does not mean your baby must be chubby.

  25. Doctors said ur baby is healthy and u r still worrying yourself? Hian!!! Do my mother's recipe. Start adding soya bean to her food

  26. There is nothing wrong with your baby. That is just her own stature. My baby too is like that and the doctor say she is healthy. Nothing to worry about.

  27. God pls give me the opportunity to be familiar with all these baby food so I can also buy different kinds of good food to feed my child #lookinguntoGod#forthefruitofthewoumb######answermyprayersohlord####

  28. doctors that saw the baby physically said shes okay , now you need invisibe doctors to tell you , guess ure rich or dont have anything on your mind , abeg no go give the pikin excess sugar in the name of add weight and make omolomo purge, guess ure full house wife , but instead pick a pertime course and gt busy.

    1. No hun am not a housewife. Cheers

  29. Buy cypri(hope I got the spelling right) gold and you will be glad you did. It's a multivitamin syrup but it works like magic. Your child will be a glutton by fire by force.

  30. Buy cypri(hope I got the spelling right) gold and you will be glad you did. It's a multivitamin syrup but it works like magic. Your child will be a glutton by fire by force.

  31. @ sparkle, it's honey that iis not good for a child less than a yr not groundnut ooo.

  32. Leave your child alone. She's not underweight. Normal weight range for a 22 month old female child is 22lbs to 26lbs. Your child is fine.

  33. Stella,thanks a bille bunch for posting my mail. God bless you.
    Sorry am late,had to go in for an appointment and time difference is not my friend. Will respond asap.

    1. Abeg relax jor,I was giving my son pediasure all in the name of adding weight until he became addicted to it.
      After calculating hiw much I spent on pediasure for one month.I Had to stop
      Besides he didn't add any weight either.
      Also neither my husband nor I were fat as a am not worried

      I can remember eating high carbohydrate meals as a teenager just to get fat but I ended up being hospitalized

  34. Once again thanks to every1 and Stella. I guess new mom syndrome hasn't left me.
    Off to make my twin boiz!

  35. pls don't worry too much. my 2year baby is just like that. add swallow to the baby's diet nothing spoil my dear

  36. I thought doctors are supposed to make a comment here.


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