Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narratives



Sunday, January 31, 2016

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narratives

It's time to give valuable advice oh!


Hello Stella...

I have been wanting to send this to for some months now, but i dont know how and where exactly to start from, but i just need to summarise. I am 27years I met le'boo in 2013 at a cousins wedding  and we kicked off from there. Hes quite older than i am and a divorcee but i didnt mind the age difference.

 If you see us together you would not know the gap is much because he doesnt look his age. Anyway before we went far in the relationship and he got to know my mum and they got talking and she really liked him and also put her support in the relationship encouraging me not to mind the age difference that its just a number. Fast forward to 2015 we had our introduction and that was where the whole problem started. 

One month  after our introduction we had a big fight i went to his place and met a lady there which was the reason for the fight ...i destroyed a lot of things in his house and  even seized his british passport, that day he didnt know i came with my mum because we went to do something around his area and i just stopped by to see him and she saw him hitting me and that was when all hell broke loose and she became adamant that she didnt want us together again.

 We sorted out our issues because i know what happened that day was the handiwork of the devil and it was not normal but it has been war between him and my mum for over one year. They used to be best of friends and very close but now they don't  even see eye to eye and i am at the centre of both of them.
I have prayed and fasted,gone to different churches and heard that i have a spiritual husband and he is the architect of the thug of war going on between my mum and my fiancée because he doesnt want me to get married. And i thought of it that truth be told i have had 4 disappointment from men.

 when we start talking marriage and making plans every thing will just scatter. And the surprising thing is that they get married to the person they met after me. And its about to happen again. My fiancee really  loves me and not ready to let me go but its my mum this spiritual husband is using just to break us up.

 she just does not want  us together, she has called family and friends on this matter that she does not want us together. And it baffles me because she was the brain behind our relationship going as far as us doing introduction but now shes also the brain behind scattering everything which i see is not normal and the spiritual husband has taken over me and has started making me do things that i don't usually do b4 like lying about stupid things and at the end of it  i will get caught or going to visit men which also i get caught because i would have told a stupid lie of where i was going to before, and its this spiritual husband that is making me misbehave so that my fiancé will leave me.

His business is not going on smoothly which i heard its THE hand work of this spiritual husband just to frustrate my fiancé so he can run from me just because he doesn't want me to get married.Now my fiancé is getting fed up, but he's  still holding on but for how long will he do?

I don't want to lose him but this spiritual husband is really overpowering. I have  prayed,fasted and done everything they do just to appease this spiritual husband but he wont leave. Am typing from the office right now. I cant even concentrate at work and i cry everyday. I have omitted so many other things but just typing as its coming to my head ....please help me. 

Anonymous blog visitor. 

Spiritual husband keh?this sounds like you need deliverance and FAST!..I honestly do not know what to say.....

But any right thinking Mother would react the way your mum did to find someone hitting their child.....



Stella and my fellow SBV , UHMMMM, How should i  even start, i am a lady in my early 20's had a bit rough start up while i was younger, am from a polygamous home and my dad business crashed up while we where all still very young , uhmm , mother had to be on the serious deck , hustling here and there to make ends meet,Well, this is the point , while i was in the higher institution i had to sleep with men , boyfriends , men ,in short dick tom and harry for money.

I met with some couple of friends who also prompted me into drugs, and kinds of destructive lifestyle, i battled addiction and depression and i was exposed to money .

I decided to have a change of life style, stopped drugs ,even abstained from sex (celibate) for 7 months now , now this church from time to time go er, I got a job that pays me 40,000 and sometimes 10,000 compensation from my boss as addition, transportation and daily expenses even eats up this money, the salary is not even enough to cater for me monthly as much as i try to manage, but really i am managing even if it takes me to carry my hair for more than a month ,but my family , my younger ones , their fees in school, feeding , dad is jobless, mum has a little business shes running , earnings not even enough for their feeding to talk of school fees.

 Right now i am so tempted, should i just break my celibacy for at least one man who can be sorting my bills constantly?
It's not as if i dont have men disturbing me from time to time , i am just keeping celibacy till marriage, but peeps all this financial challenge around me is pushing me , no guy wants to date or help you without bedding you , i am hard working but salary aint even it , what should i do? ride on that dick? keep celibating while there is so much to handle? i really don't want to give up my thing , i am confused some how...Please advise!

 LET ME READ COMMENTS..I am really interested in what advice you will get.



  1. Replies
    1. @poster two;do you really think you are suffering??

      Do you know the meaning of that word "suffering"?

      you work and earn #40,000 + an extra #10,000 and you think you are going through pain?

      my Dear i wish i could mail you personally to explain in details what "suffering" is all about..

      All i can tell you is that you have A lot to be grateful for..Life isn't easy for everyone out there,and most times all you need to do is to keep working hard,Thank God for the little you have and just keep aspiring for the best that would come forth with time..

      and just incase you need to know;i know of people who are on A salary of #7000 monthly..Now ask yourself how do this people cope and survive with this said amount?

      Do you still think yours is worse??

      my Dear,just be grateful for the little you have,always thank and serve God wholeheartedly,believe in him,stay positive with the life you are living,keep working hard,learn how to save no matter how little it is and finally;put all of your hope and trust in the lord..

      it will all end in praises dear!! stay positive..


    2. Some of u are so stupid with your wack mentality...Spiritual weytin?...Relationships a normal thing..You guys are the reason these pastors will keep getting richer and richer...just smh...See what desperation can cause...Stella..please put up topics to encourage women..Marriage is not a do or die thing...All These topics about.."how to treat a man"..."motherhood rocks and the likes should be put on hold for a while..It just making these girls desperate..

    3. 1. I dont think any spirit hubby is using ur mum. No 1 will allow sm1 they love marry a man thats abusing them phusically. It would have been different if she heard it but the fact saw it makes it impossible to get the pic out of ur head.
      So its the spirit hubby that made ur bf have a woman in his house abi? U only reacted to what u saw and for him to even beat u while his d cause of ur anger is nt healthy. I wld hv expected him to hold u down till u calm down.

      2. See, my honest opinion is that u shld nt sleep arnd but look for just one person that can take care of most of ur bills. I will advise u let him aet u up in a biz cos where u will still have income even if he leaves u.

    4. P1. You claim to ve done everything you ought to ve done for your deliverance to take place yet it didn't come, just surrender everything about you to God n go back to a strong Deliverance church. Fasting with malice in your heart doesn't change anything, na hunger strike e be, my sister just let God in and Visit MFM prayer city or any other powerful church for your deliverance. God bless Us.

      P2. You only wanted to try something different n see if it will work with a mindset of going back to your former life if things didn't work out well. You dun need an advice Cus you already made up ur mind, you only want to hear someone encourage you to sleep around... Look at the kind of senseless thing you sent. You dun sound like someone that needs
      Positive advice.

    5. Poster 1, why would you go to diff churches? Fake prophets everywhere. I don't believe in spiritual husbands,ur mum acted the way any reasonable mother would.he hit you once,trust me he'll do it opinion

    6. @school life I agree with you on poster 2. She's asking us if to "ride on that dick" na wa oo. What abt me that I havr no job and ues im beautifu but I dont "ride" dicks. I manage whatever my elder siblings give me from time to time while looking for a job. Its small but I still appreciate God and them.

  2. Chronicles.

    ******LONG LIVE SDK & SDKERS******

    1. Spiritual husband?
      I think things are not just working for u now, but if u think its d spiritual tin, go for better deliverance, seek for help, go mountain oof fire.

      Poster2, is it dat guys u met insisted on sex, like without it no show or u just horny or wanna go back to ur former life style,bcos by d tym u pick a di.k, u will keep changing them, frm seizes to colours and amount each bring, instead of turning to a rider, why not start up a petite business in addition to wat u re earning?

    2. Em jay,chai u fall my hand,mayb u shld read again yu cn undastand, d 2, u fcuk up 4 d 2.

    3. My dear poster need to deal with your anger problems..also a man that hits you or even raises even a finger is not worthy to be with you. You have to think long and hard if you provoke him in the future and he beats you, can you handle it?
      Only a great mum would do what your mum is doing..she can't watch someone beat her child and allow the marriage.

      I know you feel like your biological clock is ticking but you have to get it right. Remove this spirit husband ish.'s could in your judgement and making you forget the issue in front of are engaged to a wife beater.
      BTW, have you researched on why he left his precious marriage? My 2 kobo..
      Poster 2: my dear...that not the best route..easy yes...but mhen you have to find other ways to make money...even if it is petty business...

      It is well...

    4. Spiritual husbands exists,the fact that you don't believe in so.wthibg doesn't make it non existent. Pls go to either of these places for deliverance. MFM headquarters or prayer city. Prophet Wale one's church or Scoan.remember to forgive everyone who has offended you,stay away from sin..fornication(sexual sin is one of the most common reason why people don't get results from deliverance) .those lies etc.When you are done with the prayers, sit your mum down and explain everything to her.. She is just looking out for her daughter. Finally work on your temper.. Even if you see your man on top another woman, control yourself. When something annoys you.count mentally to 100 in your head before responding or just keep quiet and walk away.Not every issue is spiritual. You can still pray about it though.
      Poster 2
      It's not going to be easy but night is darkest when dawn is about to break. Hold on for just a little longer. E go better. 40k is not a lot but you can start a perfume/slippers/underwear/okrika biz /costume jewelry biz on the side with will grow gradually. Pay your tithe.sow a seed if you can! God is faithful.
      Pls drop your contact under my prefarably.

  3. Poster 2: pick a dick and ride biko. Sufferhead!

    1. @ poster 2 my advice for you is to look for a rich man to hook and settle down. It pays to be a wide than a mistress.Bimbola

    2. Poster one,your stupidity is out of this world.Which yeye spiritual husband?Your mum reacted just like every normal mother that has her daughter's best interest at heart, and you're blaming her? Abeg gerrout.THERE IS NOTHING LIKE SPIRITUAL HUSBAND! Stop letting all these church people deceive you!!
      Poster 2, you're keeping your 'kini' for your future hubby and hunger is killing you and your siblings?Look for a rich dude abeg and let him take care of your financial needs for now, but I don't get it when a girl says she can't get money from a guy without sleeping with hi

    3. You can get ANYTHING from a guy without him even getting a handshake from you.Quote me anywhere. I know this too well.

    4. I really don't know if u'r a guy or a lady @ Quick whatever

    5. Lilly, Rather than bother your coconut head trying to figure me out, why not get some English lessons, so we can rest from your plenty gbagauns on this blog?

  4. Poster one, u don't have any fucking spirit husband. Your attitude is ur spirit husband. Anger...u broke things cos u saw a woman in his house, if u were married to him n bike things,he wuda divorced u again. Sort urself out n stop blaming innocent spirits roaming up n down.

    1. Blackberry, u too much. Ur comment/advice for poster 1 is absolutely d truth.

    2. Poster 1 I did not even bother to read, you lost me at spiritual husband.

      Poster 2 I'm not one to speak against resolution especially ones made to God. I have had to use people to get to where I am and I'm not ashamed of it. Got married to a man 35 years older than I am cause I was broke depressed and not want to go back to Nigeria after my masters and could not pay the $10k to pay for green card marriage. I sucked it up(figuratively and physically) and went along and married my roommate's dad.
      He was rich and a Doctor and I needed someone to take care of me and I needed my green card(I knew going back to Nigeria was not an option for me as I was so depressed there.
      I gained a lot from him as I became highly motivated and that's when I decided to apply for medical school, i was faithful for the first year but I realized that living the lie of that marriage was as bad as the lie of a life I lived in Nigeria that made me so depressed. After the first year and my green card and first year in medical school the real me came out.
      My life became that of pure physical and sexual awakening that made me feel me alive than I had ever been.
      I don't for once regret my actions and my monthly alimony checks makes it easier.
      I still remember how I used to run ex hubby crazy by giving him one of those my famous wet, saliva everywhere, all tongue action head lol used to run him mad but I couldn't be satisfied by one person even now with my new regular I fear the end is near but sometimes I feel I could be satisfied with this for the rest of my life like last week I go over to his place for the weekend directly from work from a day shift so I was stressed and needed a shower bad but cute ass dude picks me up at the door and right there and then pulls down my pants and starts to suck my clits like his life depended on it and I was so turned on I squirted all over his face and he loved it, we proceeded to have sex like two dogs on heat, it was explosive. I'm really enjoying my new regular

    3. Poster one: oh just shut up n stop spewing trash about spiritual husband. So you want your mum to give her approval to a woman beater, tomorrow now you will come here with gist of domestic violence. You and your abuser of a boyfriend are the culprits here. The sooner you change your attitude, the better for YOU.

    4. Leon uris u need Jesus

  5. Poster two, u r complaining cos u don't see much moolah again? Pls drop ur bible n enter street. What u see is what u get. I'm arahere.

    1. U re sounding more like em jay...#gradually#do yu kn wat spirit husband is?do u kn wat it is to celibate? all diz judgemental *dum'ass* be in their shoes before you judge.em jay sis#editit#

    2. Hey u smoke morocco?
      How is she sounding like me madam, is celibacy life imprisonment, and did u knw we have not been there, dem dey write am for head, and who is judging, maybe u need glasses @anom:1708.

  6. Really curious as to where this notion / idea of "spiritual husband" came from? For those who believe in it, kindly enlighten me( biblical references n such) I have seen too much of it on this blog and it baffles me.

    1. Spiritual husband is real.

      They manifest During deliverance...they are wicked and also the down one's finances.

      A sister in my church was delivered November and she got married last week.

    2. Spiritual husband is very real.
      Spiritual husband ties down one's marriage and finance.

      A sister was delivered in my church November and she got married January.

      When that sister own manifested...its confessed that her grandmother dedicated her to their village water.

    3. In tobit, the Catholic Bible,angel raphel was sent to tobit to marry Sarah.Sarah's intended I think it about 7 we're all dying. But the angel revealed to tobit how to Ward the deaMon by using the insides of the fish.the name of the demon is mentioned, but I can't remember the name. But this poster is not suffering from it,she just has a bad behavior and makes a lot of excuses

    4. Spiritual husband is very real and I have seen people delivered from it......poster 1 you met a girl in his house, who was she? You had a right to be angry but breaking things I don't approve......why did he have to hit you? Spiritual husband or no spiritual husband I can only manage infidelity and beating after marriage but before marriage never.......stop being desperate.....girls behave as if God gave a deadline to women getting married and having kids.....will marriage take you to heaven? End this relationship and go do deliverance and start life afresh.....stop being desperate before you marry and come here to disturb us here with more chronicles....

      Poster 2....manage your life and continue to work are better than a lot of people...God saved you from std and other things yet you want to go back to your old life style.....aristo life never pays....anyway if you are not celibate cos u are born again and have the help of the Holy Spirit it is hard to is possible to meet a guy who likes you and ready to help you and even marry you, but to be in a relationship for the money you are getting can never be sincere and good...the ball is in your court my dear

    5. THERE IS NOTHING LIKE SPIRITUAL HUSBAND....JEEZ!!!! The things I keep reading on this blog though.

  7. Poster 1,
    Have you tried the traditional method?...
    Since you have gone for deliverance and all that and it's still not working,abeg do it the traditional style...though it's costly but it's better and you will laugh last...

    Poster 2,
    Abeg use what you have and get what you want...
    Dating a man for help is better than stealing...
    Be wise....

    1. Linda u nor dey disappoint aswear.

    2. This linda I never stop wondering what kind of christianity you practice in this your TB Joshua church, is it all about miracle.

    3. Stop ass leaking Dumb ass

  8. Poster 1,ut mother is tryn to savr u frm future heart ache,u say spirit husband. U r a foooooool. Ur desperation to marry is wat is clouding ur sanity. Go for deliverance against spirit husband nd strt avin sense abeg.

    1. Don't mind the myopic girl, poster for your mind now your mama na winch abi? Na wahala let desperation push you into a messy situation we will be waiting for your chronicles here. See no mother will support you to go into a marriage with a guy she saw hitting you. If you confuse yourself finish with this yeye theory of 'spirit husband' sit down and think this through for it is better to cry now and wait to get another man than to cry forever because life is a very long time to be in unhappy. Your mum knows what is best for you don't put her through unnecessary stress in future

    2. Yh I tink you re right,our parents sees beyond wat we see#seat your mum down n ask her y n wat does she want yu to do,a broken relationship is beta dan a broken marriage, if d guy perfect y is he divorced, n yu dint tell us is age#editit#

  9. May God fix you both.
    Poster1, please go for prayers before that spiritual husband destroy your life. It's a good thing you jbw what your problem is, solution is what you need urgently.
    Look for a way to calm your mum down, she's just been a mother...discuss with her what your problem is so you two can go to MFM for prayers.

  10. Poster 1,ut mother is tryn to savr u frm future heart ache,u say spirit husband. U r a foooooool. Ur desperation to marry is wat is clouding ur sanity. Go for deliverance against spirit husband nd strt avin sense abeg.

  11. You mustn't be a hoe to get what you want as a lady. Poster 2, instead f suffering yourself just find a good man. That is willing to take care of you and your needs. Who knows, love can grow. Don't suffer sha. Suffering leads to depression

  12. Ride,but before u ride read the post of the woman that died of hiv.peace

  13. narrative one - maybe his beating you up is the handiwork of God. Maybe that is the only way God will get you to see what lies beneath. people need to grow up and stop responding to toto feelings.

  14. Poster1: y not change ur mindset about dis strange husband. Pray n fast.and don't rush
    Poster 2: me don't know what to say on but I think is bad to go to ur vomit...must u ride dick to survive?

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Poster one: you need serious deliverance dear... find your square root to omega church or Dunamis... God will set you free. Poster 2: Your miracle awaits you that is if you believe. *hugs*

  17. Poster one:
    You are blaming your mother for trying to save you from a man that hit you? No wait,you are blaming the spirit husband? He is using your mother to spoil your chances of getting married to a man mature enough to know he should not be beating on a woman?

    A mother witnessed her daughter being pummelled by a man she trusted so much,and you expect her to act differently?

    Infact I would have believed in that spirit husband of yours if only you told us that your momma is insisting on that marriage. Truth be told,a "spiritual husband" should be pushing you into a life of misery not out right?

    God bless you as you meet your missing rib. Maybe this one has a "spiritual wife". You are not the only one expected to have one.

    1. You must be very foolish and stupid iphie dearie! She went to sonebody's house, saw another woman, so the next thing I to start breaking his things? Do you expect the guy yo fold his hands and start looking? You are just an immature idiot for your comment

    2. I guess the poster's fiance is around. Welcome ooo

    3. Ify dearie you are just a big fool if you dont know what to say just keep quiet. Anuofia

    4. Anon17:08, you are the fool here. Iphie is very right.

    5. Ogini? Why the foul language and abuse? She is entitled to her opinion. The man didn't have any right under the sun to touch her. You must be a woman abuser yourself. SMH

    6. Anon 19.20
      But she has the right to break the guy's things

      Anon 17.50 and 19.12, may thunder fire your both leaking boreholes. Useless oloshos

    7. Anon 19.20
      I am woman like you. I don't descend to your idiotic level of fight my fellow woman because of a man
      Lastly before I forget, ma Amadioha fire your leaking ass

    8. Oliviasilk, you are obviously a rubs girl, you don't fight in the market square naked with a madman
      You are the madman

  18. Poster two: pick someone good and fuck bt make sure with condom,infant buy yourself condom and put in your bag.

  19. Go for Deliverance at Mountain Of Fire Miracles. Spiritual husband is not a thing to joke me.form ur story ur own spiritual husband is not just wicked but horny and greedy too.
    Then,go to Blessed Sacrament even if u are not a Catholic.just lie down dere and cry.cry to God.this is the kind of Prayer that God hears.Prayer from a broken heart.

    NB..Note that u need this Deluverance Prayers.I don't know much Deliverance Priests and d ones I know are very very busy but MFM does theirs in groups.

    Pls note that this is a 3 Day DRY FASTING.with daily Prayers lasting at least 18 hours daily.and well into d Early mornings.dunno if they have changed their patterns though.

    Just go dear.God wil answer u.believe in the Deliverance and The Mercy of God.

    This too shall pass dear.

    Poster 2,u never repent.when u have repented,I wil know cos I won't find u here asking us permission to part ur legs for men for financial gains.

    Pls stop that train of thought that without men u can't survive.
    Focus on God the author and Finisher of our Faith. Our Able Provider.

    May God's Grace keep abiding with u.

    1. Hahahahaha...
      Uye G,yinmu at this your advise to poster 2...

    2. TGW my blogluv, my role model, my "chef model" i think say na only me dey do dis punctuation tin ohhh, even stella and some oda bvs join sef! TWF kedu makafia? Hope I got it... lolzz.

    3. So u guys really believe in this spiritual husband thingy??...Lack of knowledge my people.....Just smfh

    4. Queen Queen!

      Nne I know say dis na blog o and we come here to goof and play around sometimes.
      But I think there are times we honestly need to give people esp the younger ones our genuine advice wen they need it or ask for it.

      I wil never support sex before marriage.wil never support parting of legs for financial favours.simply cos it's not right.

      The sins we commit against our body are d hardest to live with.there are many unpleasant side effects of promiscuous living.

      Ladies don't know the power they have.They just don't know.
      Way before I was of Marriageable age,I sat down and talked hard and Long to myself.and I knew that I was gonna beat Life and its uncertainties.I was a small town chick.over naive but i also was aware of the world around me.I made a decision.

      With God and Prayers,my Education,beautiful face and Oh yes,my Virginity,I knew I was gonna come out a Winner.
      There was not just gonna be any other way!I loved myself too much to compromise my Body.

      Now,many people are gonna say who virginity help,taaah!we haff hear and all that but the truth stil remains that what is wrong is wrong! And this is d way i was raised.and so its d only way i know.

      It's not just about sex dear youngsters,it's beyond has spiritual consequences.

      And even if we have made mistakes in the past,we can stil right it.It's not too late.we have to.especially for the younger generation.

      So,yes,we all what it takes to match d World bone to won't be easy.temptations wil come but in the end,u wil come out a Winner.a very big winner.

    5. You dey yap G ' s wife, slow down. Taaaa, virginity ko, you no get handiwork joor.

  20. Poster 1: read this book, you can download the electronic copy online;

    My husband suggested it when I had a problem and I was helped.

  21. Poster 1
    All I see is spirit husband, spirit husband
    Don't go and work on yourself and your character flaws. Be there blaming one Demon that doesn't have your house address.

  22. Poster 1 pls go 4 deliverance. Don't stop praying. Try 2 live a righteous life. Always study d word of God and above all have faith that Christ will deliver u completely. It is well.

  23. Poster one,U are delusional. Stop making excuses, U are using the excuse of spiritual husband to get away with ur bad behavior. Y not work on ur bad behavior. U need to see a therapist.U have not learned to accept responsibility for ur actions and until U do U are in hot soup. And pray very well for wisdom U lack it,I caught a cheating bf Yet U blame urself, meeen U gat psychological issues .see a therapist and with prayers U would be fine. I don't blame ur mama,she knows ur worth since U refused to see it,every mum will do the same.
    Poster2,U sha like runs,lmaoooo.U not learn a trade or skill by the side.the runs demon won't let U believe that you can survive without would make U feel U are missing sth.babe U can do it.ur mindset is wrong. Do U know some families depend on 50k and still save.aim to get a better job,and from ur toasters aim for the best,the one that would support ur dreams.on the celibacy save ur toto for a guy who deserves it

    1. U made good points @ comment ever..

    2. Don't mind these ignorant posters. Na man wahala go kill girls of nowadays

  24. @1, go to cele church, they are very good at handling issues like this.
    @2, celibacy my ass, after fucking over a hundred guys and doing drugs u are now forming celibacy, make friend go and look for at least 2-3 rich guys to foot ur bills, stop deceiving yourself ok

    1. I love this babe...
      One of the realest people we have here!...

    2. @angelray shebi na u person been wan marry for this blog,chai tnk God him run see ya life after sleeping with rich guys for money anoda woman no go only sleep with ur husband sef him go marry plenty ekwensu

    3. @ anonymous, yeah shebi na she wey person wan marry, na today hahhahaha.

    4. Queen & Boss don't mind d pretenders we ve here, d life they live outside this blog is d opposite of what they preach here, Na runs babes full this blog oh, u, money maker, money makes u fuck lots of women are my best bvs, cos u guys are too real, one love.

  25. Poster1,.don't be desperate, because bid he hut you once he will do it again.

    Poster 2. Do you girl, you already know what to do.

  26. Enter your p1:U need serious deliverance... Also tty to look inwards to discover if there is anything u are not doing ryt. P2: U need God in ur life dats all. He will supply u all ur needs according to his risches in glory.

    #weldone sdk#

  27. Poster 2: you need a new job. Send ur cv to my mail box or resume your runs. Whatever rocks ur boat!

  28. POSTER 1:
    If a lady has a "spiritual husband", she would know; just like one that has an (physical) husband.

    A lady I know was being "raped" by her spiritual husband every night. Whenever the evil spirit came, she was very weak to fight. She got engaged and it got worse. She will sometimes wake up with a bruised and hurting vagina and cracked nipples etc. The evil spirit threatened the husband's life and as soon as she called him, he had had an accident on his car. She knew that it was time to fast and pray and both of them went into it 6-6 p.m. for two months. They got married without any interference whatsoever.

    What help has the "pastors" who are telling you that you have "spiritual husband" given you. Lady seek God in fasting and prayers and stay away from evil.

  29. Poster 1. Your mind is messed up. You think the basis of your problem is spiritual husband? You need the grace and wisdom of the Holy Spirit in your life.
    2. Won't judge you coz I've never been in your shoes. Don't want to sermonize but as a Christian, I have faith in God who always makes a way where there's no way. Pray. May he see you through.

  30. @poster 1
    Settle ur spirit husband ASAP!
    @poster 2
    You don't have to ride every dick you see,just date a generous rich guy and you will be fine.

  31. Poster one why are u giving this "spiritual husband "power in your life. You kept mentioning it over and over again all through.
    Don't you have Faith? It's like to you this spiritual husband is bigger than God, because u fear it more than God.
    Please pray and fast well, and do not let the devil sow the seed of doubt and "faithlessness" in you towards God
    Our expectations shall not be cut off in Jesus Name. Amen.

  32. p1 spirit husband this spiritual husband that u're only confused.u shuldnt hv reacted d way u did when u saw him with another woman.and u knew ur mum was there

  33. POSTER 2:
    " i really don't want to give up my thing " . . . THIS IS where you made sense; you made up your mind. Do not let the pressures of life change it. You've experienced that life on the "fast lane" and you know the sorrows that come with it. The tempter satan and his demons are telling you to do "just one man' . . . of course, it starts with one man and you will do the whole men in the country. He will want to kill you off so fast so that you will not have a chance to return to righteousness again. You mentioned "Church" but I did not read about a personal relationship with Christ (fasting, praying, studying your scriptures and so on). You need the grace that Christ gives in times like this. With the experience you are garnering, in your present job etc. you'd get a better one. Trust God and do not give up.

  34. P1, You need another round of deliverance, better one. P2, just hold on, don't break your celibacy. Your breakthrough is almost here. Please manage that 40k. Before I stopped working December I was paid 30k and I was really managing it with my son and aged mum. If not that I am being owed since August I wouldnt have stopped, there's a way God blesses it. Just be patient, all those evil thoughts are gimmicks of the devil.

  35. Poster1,u have given yourself spiritual husband so let it continue to worry u
    Poster2,your life your choice

  36. Poster 1,your mum meant well for you and she is not under the influence of any spirit. poster 2,fear GOD for whatever seed you sow,you reap.someday someone will have to sleep with your husby and son just to have them carter for her family,when that day come,dont cry wolf.

  37. Poster 1
    It's so sad that you would ascribe your seemingly ill-fate to a spiritual husband. That I'd now controlling your actions and that of your mum. When people hit a rough patch,the next thing is to go to a church where they will ascribe your adversity to a spiritual husband.
    The question is : when did you marry this so called spiritual husband? If you are a Christian and you serve the power of your spirit husband greater than God.
    No good mother will ever let her child marry a man that lays his hand on a woman,even if the woman 's foolishness was caused by a so-called higher power.
    Your attitude prolly drove your former suitors away. The earlier you realise that the better. Half of our problems are caused by us and nobody else. You prolly have a temper you cannot control.
    The bible says my people perish for the lack of knowledge.
    Talk to your mother before you assume she is being remote controlled and your bono should apologize to your mum and promise never to hit you again.
    If all else fails...move on. The red sea in front of you is only a gateway to the promise land. Just believe God and stop ascribing power to false gods. Your conffessions will keep you from achieving anything if you keep talking like that.

  38. Poster 2: Why did you decide to stop the life you were living before? Why do you want to return to your vomit? One man or 59 men, all is the same. You start with one, you find it easy to continue with others. Please don't go back to your old life. I want to ask, God forbid something negative happens to you or your finances, will your family survive? If they will, why do you want to kill yourself for family? I am sure if you look for other ways of income, you will find. Please renew your mind and tell yourself no going back to those old ways... there is really no future in it. Have you thought about when you want to get married and when your children start arriving?? There's a while life ahead of you and the way a woman makes money is not with her pushy. Learn young girl, learn!!! God help you.

    Poster 1: Whose report do you believe? Who has the greater power? God it Satan! Darling renew your mind!! With your words, you are empowering the professed spirit husband. Resist the devil and it will flee from you. Renew your mind. Start a wholesome life in Christ Jesus. Decide against evil and it won't be your portion. Finally, your mum knows what you don't. And that is that when a man finds it easy to lay his hands on a woman before or after marriage, it will continue and get worse. She is keeping you from domestic violence. Flee from that man. Why in the first place did he bring a woman home? Why are you not seeing his bad points. Darling, develop your self worth. You are worth more than you think and marriage is not the determining factor to a woman's success in life. God bless you


  39. Preview

    James Han said...
    Poster 1
    It's so sad that you would ascribe your seemingly ill-fate to a spiritual husband. That I'd now controlling your actions and that of your mum. When people hit a rough patch,the next thing is to go to a church where they will ascribe your adversity to a spiritual husband.
    The question is : when did you marry this so called spiritual husband? If you are a Christian and you serve the power of your spirit husband greater than God.
    No good mother will ever let her child marry a man that lays his hand on a woman,even if the woman 's foolishness was caused by a so-called higher power.
    Your attitude prolly drove your former suitors away. The earlier you realise that the better. Half of our problems are caused by us and nobody else. You prolly have a temper you cannot control.
    The bible says my people perish for the lack of knowledge.
    Talk to your mother before you assume she is being remote controlled and your bono should apologize to your mum and promise never to hit you again.
    If all else fails...move on. The red sea in front of you is only a gateway to the promise land. Just believe God and stop ascribing power to false gods. Your conffessions will keep you from achieving anything if you keep talking like that.

  40. POSTER 2:

    Be very careful about some women in this blog (especially "Queer and bus of this blog") who will tell you to "ride the dick" and make money and live a street girl and they are married in their husband's house.

    It is very disappointing to note that Stella is joining her in trumpeting money ahead of love and righteousness. Have watched stella metamorphose from preaching against premarital sex to "using condoms" now to "ditch love for money; not minding the source". My jaw dropped after I read her response to the lady in yesterday chronicles. Not surprised that she ran away from giving advice to poster 2.

    Do not give up the life that gives you peace and preserves your dignity and sanity as a lady. God has done a lot for you in helping you give up drugs; what a lot of people do not achieve even in rehabs.

  41. Poster 2 pls my sister dont go bck to dat life.pray nd tlk 2 God he will see you tru.

  42. Poster 1: u need to act fast. Pls look for a good church where dey can deliver

  43. gbam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! poster two. exactly wat i am going tru now ooo. urs is even better. at least u av 40k to ur name evry month. if i tell u iskanchi wia i don c in a bit to find job eehn u ll piri me
    biko if u see rich dick RIIIIIIDE!!!!!
    i was dis good girl but who good gal don help abi put food for e table?
    i cant make my hair,i cant even change my undies talk more of buying new clthes. my younger ones nko?
    9Ja sha our parents toil so hard to train us n wen we r out of sch we cant even get a decent job.


  44. POSTER 2:

    Do not go back to your vomit! Do not sell your soul in exchange for "pennies" and "minutes of pleasure from sex and drugs". Satan is waiting at the other end to reap your soul. The Lord is waiting to see you faithful in this little to trust you with much (Luke 16:10).

    Be very careful about some women on this blog (especially "Queer and bus of this blog") who will tell you to "ride the dick" and make money and live a street girl and they are married in their husband's house.

    It is very disappointing to note that Stella is joining her in trumpeting money ahead of love and righteousness. Have watched Stella metamorphose from preaching against premarital sex to "using condoms" now to "ditch love for money; not minding the source". My jaw dropped after I read her response to the lady in yesterday chronicles. Not surprised that she ran away from giving advice to poster 2.

    Do not give up the life that gives you peace and preserves your dignity and sanity as a lady. God has done a lot for you in helping you give up drugs; what a lot of people do not achieve even in rehabs.

  45. Your problem will not necessarily be solved by a man. God can make a way for you@poster 2

  46. Poster two : e get as e be. Let me ask you first, what is the main reason you decide to change your ways? It's like you are no longer convinced you chose the right path.
    God help you

  47. #1... No spiritual husband can use ur mother. She reacted the way every mother will do, u reacted harsh as well, destroying things in ur guys house.... Fast and pray, dear. Ur mum is just scared he might get worse in marriage, hitting u and all. It's all Motherly love dear, not spiritual tnz.

    #2.... I'm in ur shoes as well, just that mine is not siblings but another one, cant say it before voltrons on this blog will devour me.. The financial burden ehn is much, I'm tempted. I'm working as well but salary ain't enof. I don't want to date married men as it's never my thing but I'm really considering it as they can do everything for u, call, take u home, buy u stuffs, patient sex wise, don't rush to sleeping with u, rather they spend for u even after refusing them sex till u start saying in ur mind, this man deserves a chance, not all dou and some are romantic. I really am confused. Haven't slept with any on my neck yet, it's not easy, yet u meet single men and they feel they are all in all, proud, arrogant, care free, non challant, walk etc. My dear, I don't know of what to advise u as I need one myself. But a friend once told me to have one or two that will be paying my bills as the single guys are still "mummy I'm hungry", I'm still thinking dou.

  48. gbam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! poster two. exactly wat i am going tru now ooo. urs is even better. at least u av 40k to ur name evry month. if i tell u iskanchi wia i don c in a bit to find job eehn u ll piri me
    biko if u see rich dick RIIIIIIDE!!!!!
    i was dis good girl but who good gal don help abi put food for e table?
    i cant make my hair,i cant even change my undies talk more of buying new clthes. my younger ones nko?
    9Ja sha our parents toil so hard to train us n wen we r out of sch we cant even get a decent job.


    1. Choii. what did i just read. Go and find something doing.. May be start from Sellimg purewater ice fish and the rest since getting a job is hard these days. Know ur worth lady tufiakwa.

  49. @Godly mother wat if she gets a rich n generous dick that is single? never fear for ur hubby she didnt say married men.

    baffles me how all des aunty gwegs n runs girls turn to holy ghost filled women once they get married.
    u dont want others to benefit from a sysytem u enjoyed abi?? it is wickedness oooooo

  50. Is it just me or is poster 1 blaming her woes so much on this spiritual husband that she's not taking any responsibility? Madam, I'm not saying these churches are wrong oo, but you also have some work to do. You seem to have attitude issues. This might be why the other four dudes left you. Maybe you get overly possessive when you see the relationship is going marriage-wise. I don't know but keep praying and for Pete's sake do some work on yourself. Any good mother would react the way your mom is, I don't think there's anything spiritual about it. You're just 27, don't tie yourself to a man that can hit you. Or won't you get angry again for the rest of your lives? Hmm, like they say, don't look for deep spiritual revelations where common sense is required.
    Poster 2: why does your earning more even have to depend on a dick ? Can't you get a higher paying job? Why go through all this life change just to slide back down to the slump? I know it's not easy but please hold on a little longer, try and get a better job.Life has thrown you this situation but you don't have to accept it. Fight, baby , fight!!

  51. Dear poster 2, don't do it. I almost have same sorry with you . Guess what , God saw me through and I'm a graduate today. Things were really though but I promised God that I will remain a virgin till I get married. I advice you embrace God and still live your life. I'm in my early 20s but what I have seen, I just don't want to go through it. Stay strong it will pay in the end

  52. Poster one, go to mountain of fire church and get prayer points on deliverance from spiritual husband and other prayer points. Their prayer points work like magic. Pray it day and midnight and see if that spiritual husband don't pick race and that is if you have any. Try also their deliverance programs it's also good for you. If really u have spirit husband when you start praying with those prayer points,the spiritual husband will manifest just to scare you and stop u from praying,just continue praying,he will surely go away. Am telling you out of experience. And pls hold on to ur love.
    poster two pls apply for a better job and stop selling ur cookies, u have sold enough. Aren't you tired? Selling cookie to different people is irritating. Abeg remain for the person that will still buy wholesale at the end,it is well.

  53. @emjay love start a business??? these things are easy to analyse theoretically. see i am battling depression now. wetin cos am job issue. if i send my chronicle on my job search struggle eehn u go cry for muah...i av 3 beautiful business ideas but after my theorizing nd paper works i come to d reality of wat is on d street. babe u need capital. if i cant boast of 5k to my name how i wan take save start biz? loans? my dear i av done all.
    what opened my eyes to this more was d guy's chronicle of last week. many doubted it but i believed cos i can relate to it.
    if i can raise like 30k y not? who likes to share her pussy upandan??
    but babe i need to step up n take action.
    i see girls i had better grades been hooked up all tru contacts they made tru runz n im here being a good girl.
    u dont understand till u ask ur mom for money for sanitary pad every month.
    it is dt bad.
    now i can ride any dick so far it is rich.....God pls dont just let it be married dont need any woman swearing for me

    1. If 30k is all u need to start a business and stop living such life, send me a mail.

  54. Narrator 1
    There is NO spiritual husband. You enemy is your mother. WHERE IS YOUR FATHER? Secretly find out about your mum's past, how she met your father etc.
    And quietly continue your relationship. Don't let her know what is going on anymore, and if possible marry your guy in another location.
    I am sorry but your mum's hands may not be clean. She may have made convenant using your marital Destiny as d sacrifice.
    All d best

  55. Narrator 1
    There is NO spiritual husband. You enemy is your mother. WHERE IS YOUR FATHER? Secretly find out about your mum's past, how she met your father etc.
    And quietly continue your relationship. Don't let her know what is going on anymore, and if possible marry your guy in another location.
    I am sorry but your mum's hands may not be clean. She may have made convenant using your marital Destiny as d sacrifice.
    All d best

  56. POSTER 2:

    Do not go back to your vomit! Do not sell your soul in exchange for "pennies" and "minutes of pleasure from sex and drugs". Satan is waiting at the other end to reap your soul. The Lord is waiting to see you faithful in this little to trust you with much (Luke 16:10).

    Be very careful about some women on this blog (especially "Queer and bus of this blog") who will tell you to "ride the dick" and make money and live a street girl and they are married in their husband's house.

    It is very disappointing to note that Stella is joining her in trumpeting money ahead of love and righteousness. Have watched Stella metamorphose from preaching against premarital sex to "using condoms" now to "ditch love for money; not minding the source". My jaw dropped after I read her response to the lady in yesterday chronicles. Not surprised that she ran away from giving advice to poster 2.

    Do not give up the life that gives you peace and preserves your dignity and sanity as a lady. God has done a lot for you in helping you give up drugs; what a lot of people do not achieve even in rehabs.

  57. Poster 1,Not All Men of God can do deliverance. Try mountain of fire and after the deliverance abstain from sex till when you are married. That he did introduction does not make him your husband yet. I know about spirit husband and it's real like seriously. Poster 2,hmmmm my dear continue to pray and ask God to send Divine helper to you. Don't go back to your old life.

  58. I'll go anonymous on this one ,there is no spirit husband anywhere ,i have been there before ,its your Mum doing all the drama.

    I have been married twice on both occassions my Mum pretended to like then afterwards she will start all sorts of Drama ,that will make me say ,she is my Mum : Surely she wants the best for me .

    My Second husband really loved me,he hinted me several times about my Mum i never listened,Had a dream someone was made love to me in the dream same spirit husband rubbish ,next day i went to abort our baby and blocked my husband from contacting me and it was like he was erased from my entire memory,he came back to the city i was to salvage our marriage i asked a security guard to escort him out ,all the while my Mum was encouraging me saying he was a fluke .

    Babes they just use all that spiritual husband ish to divert your attn from the major perpetrators,If house death no kill person outside death no fit kill person

    Long story short several years down the line,MFM deliverances, To White Garment Prophets...It was revealed that na my Mama dey behind the Ish and when certain things were relayed and all i knew it was true ,then i remembered the things my husband told me before i blocked him out if my life and so many other things

  59. Poster 1,i'm inviting you to my church...if it's truly spiritual that spirit husband must leave you by force.

    Poster2,let me read comments.

  60. @Poster She could have been the one to Engineer you spiritually upset both of you to fight that day sef .......talking from experience

  61. Quick Silver, u can't even sensor your comment like others did.. Fool be diplomatic when u talk.. U be Mumu I swear, cow drinking kunu with rubber spoon. Wake up Quick Silver and stop sleeping on top bicycle. MuMU for life.

  62. Quick Silver, u can't even sensor your comment like others did.. Fool be diplomatic when u talk.. U be Mumu I swear, cow drinking kunu with rubber spoon. Wake up Quick Silver and stop sleeping on top bicycle. MuMU for life.

  63. Forget MFM deliverance prayers ooh ,the probability of bring back home other people's demons join your own high and be sure ,talking from experience .
    Like General's wife said Blessed Sacrament is you dont have to be a Catholic to go there to pray ,that worked for me better than MFM deliverance grounds.

    But if you are ready to kill your enemies not minding who dies download MFM prayers for spiritual husband from the net and wake up in the Middle of the Night and pray by yourself ,you can add fasting to it

  64. Poster one I advise you to visit my church Living faith church. Try to see a pastor of any branch near you. Secondly begin to study your bible daily. God's word is the sword of the spirit. To fight the enemy the devil you need to have your own weapons too.
    Poster 2 have you forgotten what a mighty God you serve? Remind God of his promises to provide and believe he will do it. Stop looking for the easy way out. Also try to tithe from that income.

  65. Poster 1: So u expect ur mum support you in marrying a man she saw beating you up? You are your own spirit husband o. Poster 2: Start hunting for better jobs. What's your educational qualification? Then find 1 young generous comfortable man to cater to you and love you. 1 question to all you celibate there a price for your celibacy? Does it guarantee a successful happy marriage? Is ur future hubby also saving himself for you? Who celibacy help? Don't be a slot but don't save ur self for a man who is cancelling any and every vayjayjay he can find. The 1 Weymouth vex me pass na all of una Weymouth dey form celibacy when you do every other thing except penetration. Bloody jokers!

  66. Poster 1: So u expect ur mum supporting you in marrying a man she saw beating you up? You are your own spirit husband o. Poster 2: Start hunting for better jobs. What's your educational qualification? Then find 1 young generous comfortable man to cater to you and love you. 1 question to all you celibate there a price for your celibacy? Does it guarantee a successful happy marriage? Is ur future hubby also saving himself for you? Who celibacy help? Don't be a slut but don't save ur self for a man who is cancelling any and every vayjayjay he can find. The 1 Wey dey vex me pass na all of una Wey dey form celibacy when you do every other thing except penetration. Bloody jokers!

  67. Bloody autocorrect! Psssst

    1. Poster 1: your problem isn't spiritual problem good mother will let her daughter marry a man that uses her as a punching bag! In fact both of u have anger issues that u shd deal with. Start by taking responsibility for ur actions (lying upandown, breaking the things,etc) and stop blaming spirit husband!!!

      Poster 2: really, ur case is not that bad... .stop looking out and comparing itself with the rich! U don't have for now, its as simple as learn to live within ur means; some breadwinners earn less than 10k monthly and they survive. Re adjust your life. Cut off unnecessary spendings....yes I understand ur family needs ur money but if u catch one deadly die now, life continues for them....they will get other means of surviving! So reconsider ur ways.....

  68. Poster 1: will it be too much to say you are stupid? So your mum is now demonic agent abi? Which sane mum will see her child being beaten and she'd let it slide? Are you mad? Yes she supported the relationship until she saw a potential mayweather in her prospective son in law. Your spiritual husband is your attitude( stop allowing pastors or whoever decieve u).why destroy things? If you hadn't destroyed things,would he have hit you? Ok now, it's fine for him to hit you and cheat on you and it's fine for u to destroy things but your mum must not react? I wish your mum can bone and let you go... One day he'll pummel you to coma and you'd come here asking for funds that you wanna start life afresh. May that not be your portion. Nonsense!

    Poster 2: you are tilting towards this bend because you had always taken the easy way out hence,accustomed to it. People survive on less but your eyes don already dey outside. I'd have said,let your siblings pause a bit or go one at a time as you and your mum can afford, if they are of age,they can also get a side job to augment that of you n your mum but my dear,your mind is made up..forget this thing u typed..

    But men! Una see as d guy marry plenty,born plenty but abandon responsibilities to them? When they make it now,he becomes the man.

  69. It's true that spirit husband's exist but It seems to me that you are also using him as excuse and blaming him for everything.
    If we even agree that he is responsible, so you think appeasing him is the solution. Have you seen appeasement work physically, a wife wants to leave her jealous, wicked husband by appeasing him? How much more jealous, wicked beings like spirit husbands.
    You get serious. By prayer and fasting and he will be the one to leave you alone.
    Truth be told, you need to change.
    Lying, sinning and expecting deliverance. Don't you know problems and affliction are more difficult to get rid of with sin our lives?
    You need to live a holy life. Take responsibility for your actions.

  70. Poster two u better manage with what u are earning 40k u should thank God, 4 ur information I earn #18k out of I pay my daughter's school fees,house rest,make my hair,nepa bills,water bill etc just name it bt everyday I still thank God for giving me something at the end of d month with all this I don't even have a boyfriend.i hold on to God how never lie so pls just keep urself God will see u through.

  71. Poster1 :u no get any spiritual husband na common sence u no get smh poster2:biko use Wat u ve 2 get Wat u want,don't mind all dis hypocrites on dis blog they do worst things.

  72. Poster 1.
    Look for the book "The battle of midnight " and go into the 21 days midnight prayer and fasting ASAP! You don't need any pastor to deliver you. You have authority over the devil as a beliver!

  73. Poster 1, you need deliverance from the spirit of stupidity. You caught the guy unawares with another woman and then he hit you in the presence of your mother, and you expect her to give you her blessings? He is not your husband. A man that loves you or respects you would not cheat or lay his hands on you. Your mother is doing what any loving mother would do.

  74. My friend's story is similar to POSTER 2 but did not end well. She belonged to this group of girls that went back to fuck for money. Five years ago, she joined an arranged fun-filled "party" in the house of a very rich guy around campus. This guy had the cash and the looks good too. It wasn't difficult to get "the ten hottest girls on campus paid " to service just four of the most affluent kids in his group. My friend was a very beautiful and gifted lady; they piled pressure on her and she yielded. She went (captivated by the five figure in dollars pay) to do it just for once and use the money to set up herself and never look for a job again. She was very talented in fashion and designing an many other things.

    They were well soaked with booze and the guys on coke, booze and Viagra. It was to last from 9 p.m through the night. The guys set up secret cameras (unknown to the girls of course) and got down to it.

    By the next morning, four of the girls and three of the guys were admitted in the hospital in coma. The fourth guy had no pulse . . . he had died in the heat of passion and that was the rich guy. My friend woke up after some weeks in intensive care. . This was a girl who came to Christ from the street and had broken off a serious coke addiction she acquired from a sugar daddy. I had pleaded with her not to attend that "party". We even had a vigil fixed for that night which she was supposed to attend. Yes, she woke up but had a brain damage until she died a year ago . . . she had suffered a brain damage due to some drugs added to their drinks to enable the guys do "anything they wanted to do"."if only you had listened to me "V" . . ." I miss you so dearly. You sewed clothes for both of us when we had serious ceremonies to attend. You were so selfless in it. Oh, my dear "V" why; Why?

    Matthew 11:28“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

    Mark 8: 36 What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? 37 Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?

    1. Your comment really touched me. May your friends soul rest in peace. Amen

  75. Poster 2 look for a dude that is doing pretty well and date,so your burden can reduce a little but that doesn't mean you should carry all your family issues and put on his head,he gat his personal problems to sort out too. Be careful fake nigga's everywhere, don't go for a married man that will tie you down and prevent u from living your normal life. There re still few good people who can help u without asking for sex and let your siblings go and hustle too, u can't be d only one or are they physically challenged?

  76. Poster 1 if you prayed and fastest to God according to His word, dem nor born that your spirit husband well make e show face again. In other words you can be praying and be thinking about fighting and breaking things the next time you catch your sugar man with another lady. God will not answer such prayer. And one thing i see about you is that you are the cause of your problem, you want a man to keep and marry you yet you could not control yourself when you saw another lady with him. Your case is very special because you have so much magnified your spirit husband that he has now become a god to you. See, untill you free yourself nobody can free you. Let all the pastors pray for you , you will still lie on the bed and wondering when your husband will visit you. If you see a fly , ant, bird, mosquitoes etc to you they are your spirit husband.
    Very wonderful person that is who you are. It's only in your own case that a spirit husband uses daughter and mother. Hmm , i give you hand o. He/she whom the son of man set free is free indeed. So free yourself spiritual wife.

  77. poste one....its not spirit husband, it is your attitude. your mother is only concerned for you. you need to surrender to God. And God does not answer the prayer of someone whos is disobeying Him except that of repentance. PRAY to God for repentance and Let God do his work. abstain from every form of sexual sin...sin in total and see what God will do. I am not saying its gonna be easy but you can. I am not saying You need to be perfect in any way but stop sinning. YOUR SPIRITUAL HUSBAND MIHGT BE YOU


  79. Oriegwu ooo
    Nothing like spiritual husband jor
    But be prayerful!!!
    Work on ur attitude

  80. Poster 1: u need to act fast. Pls look for a good church where dey can deliver

  81. People blaming innocent spirit husband lolz. But on a serious note, I think you have anger issues. I don't blame your mother, cause no sane mum will allow their daughter to marry a man that raised his hand on her. So my dear, listen to your Mum. Work on your character, give yourself some time and pray about it. Marriage is not kids play so if something happens in your marriage tomorrow you will start fighting again? Trust me you will have lots of issues, it will take to matured minds to resolve it sweetly and nicely. My 2cents.

    Poster 2- Godliness with contentment is great gain, don't envy sinners. A word is enough for the wise.

  82. poster one you may have spiritual husband but I think your mum wish you well cos any man that lay his hand on you now that you people are not married will still do more after marriage. your mum don't want you to be abuse by a man in future. I advice you to give him a break. if u have spiritual husband one of d best ways to keep him under ur feet is to stay holy I mean stop sleeping with men, wen u avoid sleeping wit men you will attack him wit d word of God and before you know it you are married. don't pity spiritual husband but fight n command them, pray always, study d word of God always, serve God and be rooted in his word. you also need to work on yourself by controlling d spirit of anger, go for deliverance n stay close to God. wish you all d best.

    poster two you better hustle by your self and forget about all this guys. he will use n dump you wit small change. at first he will want to impress you but later I tell you it will be a story. keep yourself n lock up pls, d devil is digging a pit for you. be prayerful pls.

  83. @ poster 1: your desperation is clouding your judgment. Unless you have really met that your supposed spirit husband but decided to leave out that part, You Don't have any spirit husband, it's the oldest trick in the book used by fake pastors on 'I must marry ASAP' ladies. They asked you to bring money so they will join you in fasting and prayers before the deliverance abi? You be JJC. Lol
    Your mother is a good woman who is doing what any mother that loves her child should do. She was in support until she witnessed him beating you and as they say, if he slaps you once, it's only a matter of time before he does it again.
    You need to tell yourself the truth, the other guys probably left because they saw the uncontrollable anger in you.
    Better work on yourself instead of going upandan looking for what is not looking for you.

  84. Poster 1
    You have issues,and they are personality issues,forget all this nonsense talk about spiritual husband, go and work on yourself and work on being a good Christian.besides,not all relationships lead to marriage, if your mum is so opposed to the marriage,why don't you have a long chat with her and see her reason and then prayerfully make a decision.marrying without your parents blessings has its own consequences.
    7 months being celibate is no mean feat,I'd advise you to not falter,its hard trust me,but you just have to believe that what God has planned for you will soon be fulfilled in your life, life today is very tempting,try to perseve and trust me,God will work miracles in your life.
    The Lord is your strength, and I pray the good Lord meet you and yours at the point of you needs now and always. Amen.

  85. Poster 1
    You have issues,and they are personality issues,forget all this nonsense talk about spiritual husband, go and work on yourself and work on being a good Christian.besides,not all relationships lead to marriage, if your mum is so opposed to the marriage,why don't you have a long chat with her and see her reason and then prayerfully make a decision.marrying without your parents blessings has its own consequences.
    7 months being celibate is no mean feat,I'd advise you to not falter,its hard trust me,but you just have to believe that what God has planned for you will soon be fulfilled in your life, life today is very tempting,try to perseve and trust me,God will work miracles in your life.
    The Lord is your strength, and I pray the good Lord meet you and yours at the point of you needs now and always. Amen.

  86. Poster 2: As they say, Ashawo no be work. With all the risk involved, you want to choose a sugar daddy? God is watching you, keep the faith and Face your work. You can look for a business to start by the side or look for a better job. You earn more than so many lagosians even some bankers but still don't realize how blessed you are.

  87. Poster 1
    You have issues,and they are personality issues,forget all this nonsense talk about spiritual husband, go and work on yourself and work on being a good Christian.besides,not all relationships lead to marriage, if your mum is so opposed to the marriage,why don't you have a long chat with her and see her reason and then prayerfully make a decision.marrying without your parents blessings has its own consequences.
    7 months being celibate is no mean feat,I'd advise you to not falter,its hard trust me,but you just have to believe that what God has planned for you will soon be fulfilled in your life, life today is very tempting,try to perseve and trust me,God will work miracles in your life.
    The Lord is your strength, and I pray the good Lord meet you and yours at the point of you needs now and always. Amen.

  88. Poster one abeg ur mum is doing the right thing still yet do pray n if possible let go off him to avoid stories that touch in the future AKA Chronicle 2..
    poster 2 Na u is just one side/part..d means u use to get it determines how happy u will be spending/using it

  89. Excuse me poster one. Should your mother pat him on the back for hitting her daughter???
    If I slap you and that your spirit husband, you will receive sense. Hissss

  90. Kai! I am so impressed with The General's wife. Nne, thank you for telling Poster 2 the truth irrespective of what others might say. God bless you real good!

  91. Your man beat you after you saw him cheating, you destroyed his property...and you went somewhere they told you its marine husband. You have started doing things out of character and it is marine husband. My dear, you need to look in the mirror once just once and tell yourself some truths. This man cheating is not a good husband to be, your temper also needs work. No spirit husband is chasing you.

  92. Poster 1, that story you are telling sounds like the man in question is my husband(though we have issues right now,but he is not divorced) you are talking 2013 i heard he met a little girl and that the girl,s mum is all over him and even wants him to marry her forward to 2015, i heard he did a formal introduction to a young girl he is planning to marry secretly...none of his family members accompanied him to your introduction neither do they know anything about your existence.He is a serial cheat and you never called him before showing up at my and he beat the hell out of you?! He is very violent and abused me heavily,that,s the reason i left my home to run 4my life and yes he likes young girls cos i am older than you though, but he is not quite but much more older than me...but he dresses yuppie!...thats why you think he doesnt look his age. He can lie for the whole of africa,whenever his business is down...everything around him has to be down too(he hasnt cared for my kids since 1year)...that,s his business routine!...i hope you know his so called divorced wife has a 1year old son for him? Bet he never told you! And he has been sending out his people to my family to settle our issues i know why he is speeding things up cos you both are having issues huh? I already told his family about a little girl he formally went to her family to do her introduction but he has since denied your existence/introduction. I know him better than any member of his family and even you the golddigger! I dont even want him back cos i do not want to be abused all over again by this animal...he should remain with the kid,s FATHER! I dash you and your mama the he goat/wife baterer...i dont envy you at all,i only give you 1year after your marriage with him...cos he will reset your brain,give your face a very nice panel_beating with your jaws moved to your be person go tell you to run for life! Bitch!

    1. Uh oh. Why is she a bitch tho? I was going to say if she eventually marries the man n he begins to reset her destiny with hot slaps n punches, she will say the spirit husband is back. I don't get dumb females.

  93. For the lady with the spiritual husband. I have a real solution for you. Run to Dr Sign Fireman's church. He handles cases like this on a daily basis and you would have testimonies after this. I quite understand where you are coming from. I see people with spiritual husbands manifest during his services. The miracle is RAW just like in the bible days. Just with a word, demons are casted out, just like Jesus did. If you want an end to your problem, do not listen to what anyone else says, this is the solution. Go after it. Please do not visit native doctors otherwise your problems would become worse. Jesus is the only way. You need the Power of God to intervene in your life. By the way, I am also a living testimony! His church is at the Monarch Garden, Osapa London, after Jakande Roundabout Lekki Epe Expressway. You can also contact him through Facebook on Sign Fireman's Page. God bless you.

  94. Poster 1. My dear your desperation is inexplicable. Others are responding not knowing the other details u left out. He is the one that took u to the church where u were told u have a spiritual husband. He is tall and huge 6packs. Has a nice cozy home in one of the choice Rich man's area. He can be extremely romantic and cries like a baby when asking for your forgiveness. He is a chronic womanizer and even dates married women as well. You already have a child for him. He occasionally puts up your picture and that of the baby on his DP. My dear I hate to burst your bubbles that line isn't his regular number at all. He openly denies u at every available opportunity. The list of the women he has been with is endless. Truth be told he has 2 know baby Mamas, has been officially married 2-3 times. Above all, love forgives and bears all. You truly love this guy, go for it, damn all the consequences go for your heart throb TYSON. You do not have any spiritual husband. Tyson is the Man for u. You are his God sent wife. Pls love Tyson with all your heart the way no other woman has! You will surely "enjoy" your union and reap the "fruits" of your labour.

    1. Lol,i cant stop laughing!she wants to live in a mansion that why she wanna marry him by fire by force,desperado!please marry him o!damn your mum and go get your grandpa fiancee

  95. Poster 1. My dear your desperation is inexplicable. Others are responding not knowing the other details u left out. He is the one that took u to the church where u were told u have a spiritual husband. He is tall and huge 6packs. Has a nice cozy home in one of the choice Rich man's area. He can be extremely romantic and cries like a baby when asking for your forgiveness. He is a chronic womanizer and even dates married women as well. You already have a child for him. He occasionally puts up your picture and that of the baby on his DP. My dear I hate to burst your bubbles that line isn't his regular number at all. He openly denies u at every available opportunity. The list of the women he has been with is endless. Truth be told he has 2 know baby Mamas, has been officially married 2-3 times. Above all, love forgives and bears all. You truly love this guy, go for it, damn all the consequences go for your heart throb TYSON. You do not have any spiritual husband. Tyson is the Man for u. You are his God sent wife. Pls love Tyson with all your heart the way no other woman has! You will surely "enjoy" your union and reap the "fruits" of your labour.

  96. Poster 1,tell your grandpa fiancee to put up your pic and that of your child on his regular line known to everyone and even his family members...the whatapps line where he puts you up is not known madam golddigger!otherwise both you and your bastard child remain a shadow in his closet!bitch! Are not ashamed of blood family of his knows you or the bastard you delivered...and you are here claiming fiancee,introduction...blablabla! I swear you are lost in a maze! Challenge him to put up your pic on his regular line that you know...afterall he puts up his other kids,his supposed divorced wife on there...why not u and your bastard child? If he cant...then u shud know you in d closet! Wannabe Mrs number 3! Run off nd tell him o...

  97. Poster 1,tell your grandpa fiancee to put up your pic and that of your child on his regular line known to everyone and even his family members...the whatapps line where he puts you up is not known madam golddigger!otherwise both you and your bastard child remain a shadow in his closet!bitch! Are not ashamed of blood family of his knows you or the bastard you delivered...and you are here claiming fiancee,introduction...blablabla! I swear you are lost in a maze! Challenge him to put up your pic on his regular line that you know...afterall he puts up his other kids,his supposed divorced wife on there...why not u and your bastard child? If he cant...then u shud know you in d closet! Wannabe Mrs number 3! Run off nd tell him o...

  98. Poster 1, let me burst more bubbles 4u! His family member have been shown a pic of your openly denied your child ! That he has never seen the child nor d pic before...and has sworn with his life that he has fathered no child recently except the 1year old from his supposedly divorced wife!...upon d fact he puts your child up on his secret number known by you and your likes of golddigging shediots! I really are a ghost i swear!

  99. Gonorrhea? Can gonorrhea be gone completely after taking a course of
    antibiotics? How long does it take for symptoms to disappear (ie.
    thick discharge and burning sensation during urination)
    What happens if you start taking the antibiotics for it three months after
    being infected? Is permanent damage already done? Permanent damage is a high probability.
    S/S should be gone within 10 days after ABx is finished unless of course you had sex with a
    partner that never got treatment.


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