Stella Dimoko What Do You Wish Your Ex?



Sunday, December 06, 2015

What Do You Wish Your Ex?

What do you wish your ex or someone that you have had a very terrible encounter with?
An anonymous blog visitor from the Festac suicide post of yesterday says:

What could be the 'causer' of this wish?


Is this your state of mind right now as well?Whatever happened to ''My my enemies live long to see the hand of God in my life''?

God forbid that i ever wish anyone death!


  1. The anonymous is clearly still hurting.If you are in a better place,you would wish him all the best.

    1. Lol, wat do I wish my ex? Oh well I'm better off now so I even tank him for letting me go. I wuldnt have met hubby. Thank u Ex! *mmmuuuaaahhhhhh*

    2. Iv done a lot of bad fins to my exes! I wish dey don't wish me bad ooo! I wish dey all find somebody dat truly loves dem and dey find happiness!

    3. Success in her search for A better man!!

      Relationships shouldn't be A do or die affair..not even marriage!!

      So if we 'd break up for any reason whatsoever;BLESS YA!! And your future Endeavours!!



    4. Read through and saw more bad wishes than good. La wa o! May God heal our hearts.

      Jesus is Lord.

    5. I am still giving thanksgiving to God for delivering me from my ex. Vengeance is the Lord's, if what he did to me is just may same treatment be done even to his 5th generation

    6. None of my exs have hurt me to the extent of wishing them dead
      Yeah...I've been hurt but once I'm able to move then I forgive u automatically
      And wish u nothing but nothing

    7. I really do not wish my ex anything, because karma is doing a great job!!!!!!!!!

    8. I wish them all the best. I'm happily married so I really don't care.

    9. Funny enough I have nothing against ALL my exes! Love them all and wish them all the best!

      Yea I cried for the breakups, Buh I have forgotten it all and don't even imagine a life with any of them anymore...

      God be with u all

    10. I wish my ex finds a lovely girl to marry. He got married and separated in such a short time. I love him but not in that way o! He's always been my no 1 cheerleader always believing in me and telling me my work is amazing. I just hope he finds true love soon even though his ex is saying horrible things about him, I know they're not true cos I know him.

  2. I wish all my exs madness

    1. I wish all my ex all the very best in life.
      Actually I'm in good terms with all my ex, even my last ex gf that got pregnant for another guy, life is really not that difficult, no need for burdens and hatred, it's too short for all that.
      Enjoy it with a free mind.

      Your comment will be visible after approval.

    2. when una dey carry man matter for head.... this is the result!!

      nonsense aborkorku everywhere!!

    3. I am in a better place and much better off. I have a life I never imagined that I would have. I have remarried and I have beautiful children..

      But I will never forgive my ex. He took my innocence despite my reservations. I didnt believe in sex before marriage. He realized i was very naive. He took advantage of that. He cheated on me during courtship and during marriage. And he got me pregnant during courtship and forced me to abort it. I haven't forgiven myself. So i can't forgive him.

      He capitalised on my innocence and naivety. He put me through a messy and protracted divorce.

      I will throw a party the day I hear he dies. Because I know he will soon die. FUCKING bastard.

    4. Anonymous6 December 2015 at 17:01
      Honestly until you got to the part of abortion I'll have said you were telling my story. I on the other hand didn't have an abortion and my baby is five months today. We got married March this year and did trad may, I put to bed by June and he was already beating me by july, note my mum was around for omuguo and when she challenged him he rough handled her as well, my dad had to drive from his end with my uncle to come pick us up around midnight (journey of almost 2 hours 30 minutes) when my uncle asked him why he raised his hand on me he went and carried cutlass and was threatening to cut his legs, even told vigilante in his estate that my uncle was an armed robber that he caught in his house (psycho). When we wanted to leave in the morning he said I can go but I'll have to drop my baby (one month old then) Told his security to lock his gate, mum had to call officers before he opened it. Been staying with my parents ever since and they've been supportive , God bless them for me. Due to the rush-rush nature of the marriage due to pregnancy no investigation was carried out on him (though I travelled to meet his people). When investigation was eventually carried out it was discovered that he wasn't even working were he claimed he was (claimed he was a doctor) doesn't have a job and worst of all he's a gigolo. Dude has been calling and disturbing that he wants me back but that chapter of my life is closed

      So after this epistle what do I wish him? Well part of me wants to wish him all the evil in the world. But I just wish him salvation of his soul and hope he finds Christ and changes positively. Everything written up there is just 5% of the hell I went through with him. I just pray for God's favour and provision for me to be able to take care of my little king.

  3. I will go anonymous.

    I wish my ex husband can die so I can remarry. That's one prayer request of mine.

    1. Ah ah!! If u guys are divorced already,why can't u marry??? Oh! U r one of those peeps that believes one can't marry again so far d ex is alive... And yet u wish him dead.Ndi oje ụka eme njọ

    2. mumu tueh!!!!

      when you carry husband Matter for head like gala nko

    3. "the state of ur heart determines the state of your life".... Be positive dear, you'll feel better and progress when you forgive.

      I wish mine happiness

    4. If he's ur ex husband , then you both are divorced?no ? Instead of waiting endlessly , why not file for a divorce?

    5. Don't be surprised when you die b4 him.
      If you want to remarry, please do cause I don't think your ex is a hindrance.
      What if he die at 9yrs, that means no show 4 you.
      Better move on n do what makes you happy....this life is too short.

    6. So are you still married to your ex husband ?? Ishi .

    7. My immediate ex(why I dey call her ex sef,she's my friend/sister)...saw her ystday,she was even advising about who to choose outta d 2 I'm datin now...God bless me so I can pay her back for all dos times she went out of her way to really take care of me

    8. I hope he wishes same for u!!...what is stopping u from getting married?? And don't bring in d Christian shit here cos u jus wished someone dead and that as far as I no is against d bible.

    9. I don't wish my ex anything.
      Like he doesn't even come to mind anymore.

      I'm odd. If we are done...u don't even exist.

      I hope noone wishes me something bad tho. I mean small

    10. @ Amaka. We are separated as he was the one who just moved out of the house and quit the marriage blessed with a child and yes i'm one of those who believe you can't remarry so far your husband is still living acc to the Bible.

      @ potableviv...I won't die before him. You don't know my pains. Just expressing my feelings. And yes I have moved on.
      @ drealdubem.. Who cares. Ur headache.

  4. Nawa ooooh....the anonymous is filled with hatred.
    I wish my ex all the best because he was so good..i benefited from the relationship money wise.
    The money he spent on me would be enough to buy a plot of land, the one thing that separated us was his violent nature n he is quick 2 anger.

    1. Hmm...only a plot of land?
      I tot you'd say a buggati or even build a sophisticated house... Okay dear no worries

  5. I only wish her that she will be alive infact she will be healthy and hearty and see what i will become in future.

    1. Her kwa???? I didnt peg u as one that will ever be in a lesbian relationship.

    2. She? Hope is not Wat iam thinking lol!

    3. "her" be lesbian


    4. Ewo! I bin dey think say u be woman o.

    5. I don't understand
      You wish "HER"??

    6. Him or her? Thought you are female!

    7. Her? You be man? Issokay o

    8. Ha are u a man? You people on this blog! So you are a guy e kwa? Choi fowl nyash has blown ooo

    9. U b lesbian??

    10. U b lesbian?

    11. I dont have an ex cos i married as a virgin so her i mean is my ex girlfriend who betrayed my trust me and her got married the same time. Hian.

    12. She is the only person i have had terrible encounter with. So make una no dey think anyhow jare.

    13. @The sexiest...all ds epistle just to tell us you are not a "Lesbian" or you re not a "Man"

      We don't care mbok

      .I was just surprised when u said "Her"


  6. I wish my ex whatever he wish me in plenty folds...

    1. I wish my ex the very best,in fact am happy we broke up,if not,i wouldn't be so happy in my home now.
      Thank God for DH

  7. I wish him the best of the best. It is well

    1. My ex got married yesterday to a very pretty lady.
      I wish him the very best

    2. Eyah. I think I know your ex. Attended the wedding. It was so beautiful. U missed o

  8. The only person I wished death is dead n he's the guy who took my virginity. He was 32 n I was 13, thank God he's dead n am married now.

    1. abegeeeeee make we hear word joor, except you were raped.

    2. Wowowoowowoowowoowowowowoowowowowoowoowow

  9. Wish I can remarry my EXes......They were wonderful but parents advice cos of I was young and didnt know the right choice according to them just because they were almost twice my age. What a life!!

  10. I wish him the best of all, he will enjoy the fruit of his labour, may he be known as a great man.

  11. Wish I can remarry my EXes......They were wonderful but parents advice cos of I was young and didnt know the right choice according to them just because they were almost twice my age. What a life!!

  12. I wish him all d best and I also wish him Wat he wish me in d secret.

  13. I don't wish my ex dead but I wish anybody planning death in my family generational death.who knows what the ex did to her.

  14. Wish he sees me on top we he cnt reach me again. I dnt wish dead bt i wish he find out dat m super-successful

    1. Best comment so far. I wish my bad exes the same. Na only for TV them go dey see me and hear my name for newspaper for good. To dey chop their nails and not be able to reach me because i will be so high up there. They will even be praying to be ordinary a janitor in my house. To my good and sincere exes I pray goodness for you.

  15. I wish my ex nothing but the best

  16. Long life and prosperity. Life isnt that hard

  17. I don't wish them evil. I don't wish them well. I don't wish them what they wish themselves. In fact I don't wish them anything at all except to get the fuck out of my life and on with theirs. Shikena.

  18. Wish I can remarry my EXes......They were wonderful but parents advice cos of I was young and didnt know the right choice according to them just because they were almost twice my age. What a life!!

  19. Hmmm na wao, must still be hurting. Me I can never wish evil on anyone...

  20. Revenge and hate is not a christian attitude, Before now, I would have wished my ex an unprintable wish but thank God for my life.
    I have offended ppl knowingly and unknowingly and would want them to forgive me so I would just forgive my offenders as God forgives me also.

    Its not easy tho

  21. He can jump into river Niger for all I care...i choptas not!

  22. My wish is for him to see me bigger & better..I don't wish any dead because God has reasons why some certain things happens to us in life.

  23. Onwu ike ... Instant death or temporal madness that will last for years

  24. Now dat av Found christ! Well I wish him all d best!
    But stella wen I was in d darkside, I would wish HE WAS DEAD!

    1. Lmfao. You certainly are not Jesus.

    2. Lmfao. You certainly are not Jesus

  25. Wish my Ex never had anythg to do with me in the 1st place.

    1. Exactly. This is my thought too. I was on my own when He came to ask me out last year, I told him I am not interested in dating him that I have a boyfriend and He pretended to agree with me. We became friend after that only for him to forcefully pounced on me when I went to his place to put me through on a course as am a professional student while he had completed his. God knows if I never went to his place I won't be this pained or better still I should have ran away from him after He forced himself on me the first time I went to his place. He begged me after the incident, telling me he likes me and all that and that I should date him and now I am here hurting so bad. I don't wish him evil but I wish I had never meet him in the first place!

    2. Even me too. I always wish I had never meet him in the first place. To think I dated him because he forcefully pounced on me the first time I visited him to assist on something after I told him that I am not interested and that I have a BF. I agree to date him just because of that incident after he came back begging me and now just 2 weeks ago I learnt via snooping that he is getting married in February. I feel so sad and I just keep asking God why, why did you let this man cross my path?

  26. I wish my ex great things in life. She should also repent of all ungodly acts.

    1. Biko did she introduce you to hard drugs?

    2. Her own pass hard drugs. She can do anything with her yp......? Complete d rest

  27. I won't ever wish my enemy(ies) death simply because death is just a bloody escape. Also I am not in the habit of praying for my enemies as some religious freaks fond of saying.
    So to that special someone, I wish you longevity and the worst life got to offer. I will be around the corner steady sipping a cold drink.

    1. Mogbe oooo na so d thing do u reach? Please forgive and forget.

    2. :)) you got no idea; ))

    3. Stranger better still wish him psalm 109 that wil be cool

  28. I don't hv an EX,we break up,i dnt knw u again simple

    1. Hahahahahaahaaa nah ex no now. Though come to think of it hmmmmmmmmmm.

    2. Abeg sharrap!! Na ur type dey pursue ur ex up and down

    3. My sentiment exactly. Once gone, gone forever and forever forgotten.

  29. Stella my Ex can die,bcos he almost ruined my life in a diabolic way all in the name of marriage but he thinks I don't know, u're almost 40 but u wld never settle down,am not cursing you but ur evil deeds shall hunt u

  30. I wish anyone who wished me death ,Death also... No time for "Jelenkeh" prayer


  31. Wish my ex keep experiencing men with one minute men and small small dicks.... As she break up with me unto small dick, yet am average, issorai

    1. How do you know. Did she tell you?

    2. LMFAO and to think I have read it all on Sdk...

    3. Brotherly it is well. All ye men present on Sdk lets stand with our comrade and wish his ex what he wishes her and from me to you, AMEN!

    4. Brotherly it is well. All ye men present on Sdk lets stand with our comrade and wish his ex what he wishes her and from me to you, AMEN!

    5. Hah. How average is your average because your average might be the smallest she has seen. Don't worry you will get someone that loves you like that.

  32. I wish my ex God's punishment...he was so wicked.Thank God that phase of my life is over.

  33. For me, I wish my Ex the very best. And I pray he marries someone who will love him more than I did and he will also love her as passionately, crazily and deeply as he once loved me.
    #at times I feel I should have waited a little bit#
    #at times I feel like I broke your heart, cos we were the yin to each other's yang #
    #at times I feel like I lost my very first true love #
    # at times, I kinda wonder why I dint tell you I was getting married. Really felt bad you found out the way you did #

    # I know you will be able to love again, even love more and better#
    Wish you the very best.
    # you will for ever be in my heart #

    *Ayah Shehu *

    1. Wow all d best to him. Dis is sweet. But if to say na him first u marry story for change.

    2. Awww..... He'll be fine dear, you just be happy

    3. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww
      So sweet.

  34. This is very deep I must say

  35. For me, I wish my Ex the very best. And I pray he marries someone who will love him more than I did and he will also love her as passionately, crazily and deeply as he once loved me.
    #at times I feel I should have waited a little bit#
    #at times I feel like I broke your heart, cos we were the yin to each other's yang #
    #at times I feel like I lost my very first true love #
    # at times, I kinda wonder why I dint tell you I was getting married. Really felt bad you found out the way you did #

    # I know you will be able to love again, even love more and better#
    Wish you the very best.
    # you will for ever be in my heart #

    *Ayah Shehu *

  36. I wish my exes all the beautiful things of life. Gosh! Those guys treated me like a queen. They are the reason I turned out to be the woman I am today. They brought out the best in me. They gave me support when needed. They are still there for me even though we are no longer together. If it were possible to marry as many men as possible, I guess I would have married all the men that I have ever dated. You guys are the bomb.

    1. Bia nwanyi, ozugo we have hear.

    2. Marry all the men ke. You no go kill person with laugh. Hahahahhahaha. Anyway it just showed that they were wonderful people. Lucky you.

    3. Iv been scrolling tru a I noticed ure d only one who added d letter 's'. Re we all saying we all ve only one ex? Na wa.

    4. @ Nwa Amaka, I kinda agree with u to some point

      ALL my exes were fair to me! They literally worshipped the ground I walked on and ALL want me back if I say YES again

      I really bless God for ALL of them and wish them the best

      Make I carry side eye dey look current boo, lmao...

  37. I can't wish any of my ex bad.

  38. We have all moved on so y wish them bad

  39. I pray my ex husband ,his family die a horrible death, may life be hell for them.

    1. Y wish his family death? Remember u ve a brother and he might hurt someone dat will curse his family d way u do now. Thousands of people preach forgiveness on dis blog but wen matters like come up I wonder who drop all dis beater comments.......

    2. see dem awon oni warapas and werepes!!!

    3. Please try and forgive, cause when you really wish people bad, it 'might' actually happen to them. But, will also have a retrogressive effect on you., which is not your portion.

      Pls read "unveiled mysteries"

  40. Death kee! God is the one that knows the kind of revenge everyone deserves. I don't like to think too deep on my encounters (bad) with people cos I tend to imagine nonsense. I just let things go n pray for forgiveness on everyones part. God is d best judge!

  41. I wish everyone who hurt me in the past to live and witness my testimonies .

  42. Wish my Ex see me in my Range and wave me from the keke.

  43. Stella na u dey talk like dis...
    I don't wish my ex anything bad as he was the best I ever had,my withholding certain things I should have told him from the onset crumbled everything. Poor guy now has trust issues,i pray God heals him and I wish he gets a better woman

    1. That's life for u. Amen to Ur prayer.

    2. You don marry, born or do abortion before?

  44. I wish my ex long life to witness my rise to the top. "The rejected stone shall become the centre piece" This is my testimony & my wish extends to all who have hurt me. This is the only vengeance I seek.

  45. Romans 12: 19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. 20 Therefore
    “If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
    If he is thirsty, give him a drink;
    For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.”
    21Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

    Jesus taught us to PRAY FOR our enemies and not PRAY AGAINST them; that's in Matthew five. Some "Christians" send "Holy Ghost fires" to their enemies like their exes but hope you read in Romans 12 above how to send "Holy Ghost" fire. Pray for them folks, do good to them and wish them well and you will heal and move on well. And above all, "close your legs"; that is what so many "pastors" who teach you to "send holy ghost fire" will not teach you. Opening of legs constitutes a more deadly danger to you than your exes!

    1. Well it is a good thing it was an advise thus making it optional. I nor dey find trouble so I warn people say nor be Jesus o should I decide to react.

  46. I wish him the best life has to offer

  47. I wish my ex NOTHING GOOD ,cos he treated me so baaaaad after all I did for him.

    1. You give am your school fees; sell mama jewelry abi sell you land give am? Please enlighten us.

    2. Oh my last ex was a good guy but I dumped him lol I pray he finds a good partner.
      My current boo/soon to be ex in January is the best guy ever he has shown me the true meaning of love. He can give his life for me but I can't go on because we both have different religion. I think God played a fast one on us when he brought us together. We will always be best of friends. I am not easy to love but he loves me till death

    3. I wish my ex all the best.

  48. My wish is for him to see me bigger & better..I don't wish any dead because God has reasons why some certain things happens to us in life.

  49. I wish him common sense...he's over30 now and still very very senseless n a terrible liar,pray he receives a little sense.

  50. I alrdy cursed him a long time ago, but I pray God forgives him n forgive me too.

    1. New boo pls take note. U hurt her, she curse u.

  51. she finds someone not as caring as me


  52. So a woman gave a testimony in church today thanking God for d grace to endure in her marriage..that marriage is not easy..and it's for those with bold minds...and God has been her grace that's y she hasn't jumped me wondering what she could be going thru in her marriage...and if hopefully its not DV..if not make she better jump out and fly over instead of thanking God for grace to endure...

  53. I don't wish him death at all, but oga ata riri ahuhu ihe ojo omere m

    1. Nne gbahara zienu oh, maka no body holy pass.....


  54. I wish him whatever he wishes me.

  55. I wish my Ex all the best. Dude doesn't deserve it but for the love of Christ in me, I wish good

  56. I wish them all the best... I wish they end up with people that will love them more than i did. The greatest gift of love u can giv to sm1 u loved is letting go. I let some go and some let me go too... I hav hurt some and some also hurt me. But if anyone of them wishes me bad, then i wish him exactly wat he wishes me and more. Oma nle

  57. I wish my ex a good measure ,pressed down, shaken together and running over of the same treatment he gave me....

  58. I wish dat cheatin bastard STD

  59. I wish my ex long life and prosperity...............BUT IN HELL FIRE !!!!!!!'

  60. I wish him hurt and pain dat idiot kips haunting me and he hurt me like hell him and his useless familycan go thru wateva 4 all I care

  61. I wish my ex can have a child of his own. I suffered with him when he had nothing, immediately he got a job he started dating a lady from his office and suddenly I was worth nothing to him. Shortly, I realize I was pregnant and he almost denied the pregnancy but later admitted and gave me an injection to flush the baby ( I was young and naive) the abortion was against my wish and I cursed him that he will never hear cry of a baby in his house. He got married to the same lady and after 7years I got married to an amazing man and blessed with children. I have forgiven him even before I got married and we became just friends. We talk once in a while. It's been 9 years since he got married and yet no child. I always pray for him because my mind is clean. God I use this space to say please bless him with a child. Though I had the woman he married have some health challenge always having miscarriage but I always have this guite that the curse I placed on him is still affecting him.

  62. I wish him well. Sometimes I think I've forgiven him but atimes feel so hurt and pained. 2wks ago I was so pained that I woke up at night and prayed for God to avenge for me. I later realized that I've not totally forgiven him because if I've I won't ask for God to avenge for me because forgiveness comes with letting go and releasing those that hurt you. God is the great judge no matter what the circumstance may be, once you've found the grace to forgive He will do the needful. Three days ago I had a terrible dream that the rapture took place and I was left behind. God forbid! I'm a Christian, I've dedicated my life to God and was surprised that I missed it, but was told in that dream that I missed the rapture because of unforgiveness. There is surely life after death called eternity. I don't think I want to spend eternity in hell because of anyone. I've forgiven and am presently making conscious effort to totally let go and let God have His way and heal me. We are all human and we also offend people knowly or unknowly. If you like serve God and do everything, one sin is a minus and makes you filthy in the sight of God. Please learn to forgive it is not a choice but a command.

  63. All of my exes with the exclusion of 2 have been sweet and loved me whole heartedly - a pity I wasn't the ONE for them .

    I wish them a good life ....with love and happiness.

  64. I have cursed my ex for the hurt and shame l went through. But then, l asked gor God's forgiveness for the curses, forgave and wishing my ex all the best.
    God is my strength.

  65. I wish my ex nothing

    Like seriously, he I too irrelevant to get a wish from me

  66. I wish my ex the best in life.

  67. I wish him well. I have long moved on.

  68. I wish my Ex all the best we still talk and we are still friends.

    I can never wish my Ex bad! life must go on

  69. I wish him the best life has to offer. Though he hurt me but all that is in tha past and I have forgiven him.

  70. My ex is getting married soon and I wish I am the bride to be... I wish he respected me more and I didn't have to walk out on him...
    Anyways I wish him lots of happiness and whatever he wishes me.

  71. Don't know... Never had any. Only dated and still dating one person all my life and hope to marry him someday Godwilling...

  72. I wish him to come back.

  73. I wish him d best life has to offer.

  74. I will wish him well for letting me go oooo if not I won't have met my hubby.

  75. I wish my ex, everything he did to me, I wish someone else would also treat him that way, for making me have an abortion and cheating on me with a close friend of mine and telling me to my face he is ending the relationship because he never loved me, he treated me like crap, so I wish him all worst life can offer, he would never no peace in entire life.

  76. I wish my ex, everything he did to me, I wish someone else would also treat him that way, for making me have an abortion and cheating on me with a close friend of mine and telling me to my face he is ending the relationship because he never loved me, he treated me like crap, so I wish him all worst life can offer, he would never no peace in entire life.

  77. I wish d 1st ex all d good things of life...d 2nd ex I wish to c me at d top...guy was utterly useless and could form for Africa buh I was obsessed .thank God for d present boo; hope he doesn't become an ex!

  78. I wish them all well. I have no grudges against any of them.

  79. There's no such thing as 'ex'. When the past is dead and gone, it becomes erased.

  80. To my ex Mac,I wish u all d good things life has to offer but you will marry a bad wife,a troublesome one for that matter.she will show u pepper since am too emotional to do that,she will make u bring out that money that u treasure so much(stingy man).she will cheat on u and show no remorse.


  82. I wish my ex ike poverty till he dies,I wish harry sudden death,I wish henry madness/ help me God....

    1. Hahaha hahaha.... You made me laugh so hard. Pele dear, hurt no more

    2. Choi

      This is so extreme haba.

  83. I wish my ex would regret ever dumping me .when God blesses me with the most amazing,rich and handsome hubby

  84. I wish my ex husband nothing but love. For I have now found the bone of my bone and have an inner sense of peace. Nothing but the love to him for he would make a better husband just not me!
    Peace and love have finally found me.

  85. I wish I could marry my ex. I still love him.
    I wish him all the good things of life.


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