Stella Dimoko Remembering Christmas......


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Friday, December 25, 2015

Remembering Christmas......

Christmas looks so different these days from what it was when I was growing up. It is so different it is almost unrecognizable. In this same country, in the 70s, Christmas was a season of celebration, but also of spiritual upliftment, joy abundant, hope, reaffirmation of faith in the certainty of Salvation, and the ritual of that which begins, and that which ends, as a New Year beckoned. 

We were brought up on a steady diet of Sunday School lessons, and so Christmas and Easter were very much a part of our growing up. We always looked forward to Christmas with excitement. It was that time of the year when we all wanted to act one role or the other in the re-enactment of the drama of Nativity. 

        The preparation for this drama, which was usually staged during Christmas service, to the sound of melodious songs and priestly excitement, was the high point on Christmas Day of the celebration of Christ The Lord.  Weeks earlier, the church organized Christmas Carols. If you made the special choir, you felt as if you had won a lottery. Everyone was a songster of sorts, belting out Christmas Carols in both English and the local language. Parents singing. Children singing. Everyone dancing.  .....

The feel-good mood was so intense. You could run into people on the streets and the standard greeting, be they Muslims or Christians, was “Merry Christmas!” The official church Carol team went from one church member’s home to another to deliver the good tidings of the season and to announce the coming birth of the Saviour. Christmas strengthened our sense of community, and our Christianity and faith as well. 

       It was also that time of the year for the reinforcement of family values. People whom you had not seen for the whole year travelled home from their stations to be part of Christmas. You got the chance to meet cousins, make new friends, and sing till you almost went hoarse. I wasn’t much of a singer or drummer- my friends used to laugh each time I missed a note or a beat and we would spend weeks afterwards mimicking each other.  In short, Christmas was real fun. But it was relatively a simple, inexpensive celebration, year after year. Our parents did not have to borrow, or go bankrupt, or agonize, for Christmas to be meaningful. 

      We got one or two new clothes and shoes: those were the usual Christmas gifts. On Christmas day, after church, lunch didn’t have to be anything extra-ordinary: it was no more than rice and chicken.  In those days, chicken was a special delicacy, reserved for Sundays, or special occasions like birthdays or Christmas, very much unlike now that every child acquires the taste for tasty chicken from the womb! On Boxing Day, we either visited friends or stayed home, and played with firecrackers and bangers on the streets.  Those children who could not afford bangers were not left out. They improvised with local devices made by blacksmiths. That contraption produced even better effect. 

       Our Muslim friends usually joined us, but they always teased us. In those days, Muslims and Christians celebrated religious festivals together, without any hang-ups about the difference in faith. Virtually every family had Muslim and Christian branches. Give it to Muslims, however, their own seasons were usually more elaborately and colourfully celebrated. They slaughtered rams during the Eid el-Kabir and were generous, handing out gifts of fried meat to family friends and acquaintances. During that festival also known as Ileya, the major Muslim festival, you could acquire a whole bucket-load of meat to sustain the family soup pot for weeks, without being a Muslim and without buying a ram. 

        Christians were not known to be that generous. Every Christian family was governed by rules of restraint. And so, Christmas restricted themselves to the killing of chicken or turkey; some families did not even bother to slaughter anything at all, and they did not violate any religious code, and in any case, Christians didn’t feel obliged to share meat with neighbours.  The effect was that Muslim relations and friends had this funny song, which was a friendly way of accusing Christians of being stingy. “Ko s’ina dida nbe; Ko s’ina dida nbe, K’olorun ko so wa d’amodun o, ko s’ina dida nbe”.  The truth is that nobody took offence, nobody considered the songs derisory, instead the teasing by Muslims attracted shared laughter. Even if there was no meat to share among the entire neighbourhood, there was more than enough fun to go round as many Muslim children joined us to shoot the bangers and make lots of noise. Many of them in fact knew the Christmas songs; they also joined us to stage in our own neighbourhood then, what was called the Christmas masque, or in Yoruba: “Mebo”.

      The Mebo was a simple enactment, a blend of the secular, the profane and the religious, drawing its elements from a syncretic base.  The Masque or Mebo was dressed like a Masquerade: his face was not supposed to be seen. He was the main attraction, backed by drummers and singers: we used pots and pans and maybe our mouths as drums. The masque danced and led the songs: 
“Iya Kaa’le o
Wa dagba wa darugbo
Baba  Ka’ale o
Wa dagba wa darugbo
Mebo yo robo
E ba mi wa so mi soro
Mebo O yo robo o
E ba mi wa so mi soro.

      There is nothing Christianly about this type of song, but for us, growing up, we celebrated Christmas in the neighbourhood, mixing elements of all the religions and all the available modes. Even children of Egungun worshippers joined the Christmas celebration. And so we could start with Mebo yo robo, and shift to “We wish you a Merry Xmas…Good tidings we bring… Hark! The Herald Angels Sing… E lu agogo E lu agogo, E lu agogo o Olugbala de o, e lu agogo…Keresimesi, Keresimesi, …” followed by other songs in Yoruba, which connected well with the community and did not attract any objections. We went from one house to the other and some people would give the Mebo money, which we shared thereafter and used to buy more bangers and firecrackers. We went round night after night until Christmas Eve. 

     Our parents did not discourage us, knowing that it was all in the spirit of the season. They also did not have to worry about anyone getting kidnapped, or getting into any form of danger. It was a different Nigeria in those days.  Those were the days of innocence when children were brought up to shun any form of ostentation and conspicuous consumption. It was the season of joy and contentment. Just as we celebrated Christmas in the town, there was also as much excitement in the villages.  The prospect of a New Year, a week after, always made the season special. 

        But Christmas today is different. It has become a commercial enterprise for many families and investors, with little or no emphasis on the spiritual dimension. I don’t hear too many children going from house to house even in the same old town where I grew up, singing Christmas Carols. This new generation does not know Mebo. But they know Santa in Naija on their phones and similar animations. In our time, we talked about Father Christmas; today’s children refer to him as Santa Claus. There is no sense of community anymore, only a sense of rising expenses and religious isolationism. Many churches cannot even organize house-to-house Carols. Parents are reluctant to let their children go out to any stranger’s house, be they Christians or whoever. 

They don’t want their children kidnapped; they don’t want their daughters to be raped. Some of the churches have no buses, or they cannot even afford to buy fuel at N130 per litre. If anybody shows up at anybody’s door, singing Christmas Carols, these days, the door is likely to remain shut. The times are truly different. You can never know who the visitors are: they could be a band of armed robbers, dancing their way to your doorstep, to gain entrance and inflict harm. 

       I don’t see the excitement of old anymore. Many average families cannot even afford to travel home for Christmas. The cost is too high. The city of Lagos used to look deserted close to Christmas, because virtually all the non-Lagosians would have returned to their villages to celebrate Christmas and New Year with their kith and kin.  This year, Lagos traffic is still as busy as ever. People are staying back.  Even the more privileged families also don’t want to go to the village. They are afraid of being mobbed by all kinds of relatives looking for help.  It is easier to tell people you did not see their text messages, or the account numbers they sent, even when you have not announced that you have surplus money to give away, but to go to the village and see them face-to-face, could be quite an ordeal. I have listened to various tales of harassment, reported by persons who have had to tolerate that cousin who has just taken a third wife, who wants to be supported to maintain the woman, or that in-law who wants to buy a motorcycle and his body language is like if he doesn’t get the support he wants, he’d be tempted to recall his daughter!

       I really haven’t heard those peals of laughter that used to be the main feature of Christmas anymore.  What I see is the sheer anxiety on people’s faces. Christmas has become so expensive. Many parents are practically panicking! The children of today are not interested in Christmas rice and chicken: that stopped being a special delicacy a long time ago. They want expensive gifts. And there are many capitalists cashing in on the taste of today’s children, to provide a variety of services and items that dig holes in a parent’s pockets. One parent remarked that he really does not know what to do. His salary has not been paid. His children would like to experience Christmas. His wife wants a special gift. His children look like they don’t want their Christmas to be “inconclusive.” But in January, he will also have to pay their school fees for the new term. 

       On top of it all, our society today is more divided than it was even after the civil war. Our laughter is shorter; our hopes are slimmer. We will celebrate Christmas all the same because we are a people of faith and hope..…Well, “don’t worry, be happy!” Merry Christmas. 

Reuben Abati 

Beautiful piece!


  1. Too busy biko
    I will read lata

    1. Lol. Stella I've noticed that u do not like to introduce Reuben in the headlines of his writeups anymore. Fear of "I jump pass" abi? U do well o

  2. Replies
    1. Chai too long biko. Too tired from the stress of cooking. Mr Reuben sure knows how to write his long articles.

  3. Chief Writer of our time, Merry Christmas to you too

    *Larry was here*

    1. Very correct
      the economy is so bad.
      may God see us through

  4. It's Christmas, Smile, dream, give, share, make wishes! The time has come to believe in the magic of the holidays! Merry Christmas to you all!Bonjour Stella. Nwaowerri à Paris.

  5. Xmas is dry jare,wish someone could take me out. Merrry xmas to all Bvs

  6. Celebrating chrismas in Kaduna is bae.Too much to read

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Ain't nobody have time for this kind of long post today stella

  9. Who has the time to read all this rubbish,enjoying my xmas with friends and family in Randolph Boston,Life is beautiful

  10. Merry Christmas everyone. Jesus is the reason for the season.
    May the Joy of the season fill your home.

  11. Can't believe I read ds 2d very end #phew
    Always an interesting read when it comes 2reuben abati

  12. Deep lovely piece.Growing a muslim i alway looked forward to christmas too because our door would always recieve knocks from neighbours and friend who would bring us christmas rice and chicken.we always ran out of dishes .the whole house will be full of diffrent types and manner of rice chicken meat and fish.chic chin and salad will be vying for space too.i miss those days.

  13. It's a tough country we live in. The quest for material things has eaten deep into us. The simple things of life are no longer important or valued.

  14. So Christmas should remain the same? Even you Reuben, didn't you grow?

    ^^^Adult Content^^^

    Strength for eating chicken I go use am read article?

    The devil has been defeated

  16. As a child my Christmas was going to church in the morning, coming back to eat all delicacies prepared.. From rice and stew, chicken, salad, chinchin and free fried meat. We even go as far as putting in our pockets. Then we entertain guest. Lord, we always have guest on the 26th. At noon my dad takes us swimming, we eat at the hotel's restaurant and go back home

    Unless it's the year we travel to the village then it's different

    Last year Christmas wasn't fun for me because I was broke and hubby was broke..
    This year I went all out

    Hian. Like I was making up for what I missed last year. It was a good year..

    Let me go and eat and merry

    Merry Christmas everyone

    1. Hmmm. Christmas for me has always been a traditional one. Both home and abroad, I tend to stay home. With just a few family members who'd come to visit, but I do not like to go anywhere. That's exactly what happened today. Home with the family and a few visitors. I think it's a day people tend to stay home to relax. Only the surrounding days are filled with excessive activities. Not xmas day, not new year day.

  17. Beautiful Piece Mr Abati.Merry Christmas.I also miss lots of fun stuffs we use to do back then.

  18. I miss being a child. During xmas we'd go from house to house asking people to gbara anyi christmas with mumsy asking us not to eat in anyone's house I use to make lots of money eh.

    Merry xmas everyone!!
    Jesus is the reason for the season!!

  19. Lemme borrow quicksilver's term today ; who this long epistle don help?

    Nice writeup, I didn't read all though..

  20. I miss my childhood xmas celebration.

    It's a dry Xmas but we thank God for life and goodhealth.

    Merry Xmas to all blog visitors. Love U plenty.

    Stellahipsy, I called U but no response. May U get the cooking of jellof rice right today in Jesus name. Lol. Love U plenty.

  21. Yeah, so true... Christmas has become so boring and different... I was just telling my cousin how I missed Christmas of those day, there was so much love in the air but now it's just like nothing special to it anymore

  22. Sooo true, Stella n Reuben, I aint feeling dis xmas 1 bit! Can we say its d Nigerian economy that's taking its toll on xmas celebrations???

  23. The closing not is the truth! Yes we are people of Faith?! Merry Christmas Y'all.

  24. I didn't bother reading it when I found out that it was written by Abati. I was a fan of his before GEJ's government. So now he's out of government, he sees fault and wants to talk. mscheew

  25. Come oga Rueben, respect your old age ooo

  26. As I was scrolling and scrolling... I knew I was going to see Reuben Abati at the end.

  27. Waooo this is a nice piece.I think i witnessed some of the excitement of Christmas even though i wasn't born in the 70s. God bless u Reuben Abati.

  28. Hmmmm..the good old days when live chicken was slaughtered and eaten on Christmas day.The excitement of wearing new dress and shoe.
    The days of going from house to house with friends and siblings to greet and expecting to be given money.

  29. Christmas is so different nowadays, very boring. No fun church presentations, everyone just sits indoors. It just looks like a day off to rest. I agree with Mr Abati, those days were the best!Merry Christmas lovelies.

  30. Nostalgic.
    Well the times are changing, and everything is changing along with it.

  31. Nna I can't read this epistle on Christmas day mbok. Oginidi?

  32. Father forgive me but this is the worst christmas ever. I'm even lying down on my bed waiting for the day to be over already nothing special about this christmas.

    1. Well.. have been indoor doing chores... am on my bed resting now... we( my siblings) going out later in d day.. just try watch movies and dance around. Cheer up

  33. It's Christmas and am all alone, nobody to celebrate with. My family is in Ghana and I'm here in Italy.All my friends live in different cities. Times are hard but I trust in the living God. Yeah when I was little Christmas was different. Now it's all about spending and showing off. As for me today I will celebrate by going to a Chinese restaurant. Merry Christmas everyone!May the new year bring us good news.

    1. My dear don't worry am sure by next year u will be able to spend Christmas with ur loved ones IJN. Merry Christmas to u too!

  34. What I miss most about Christmas is the music, concerts everywhere, drama rehearsals... Etc. Not necessarily the food sef. Cos we never went visiting, people always visited. Now I just miss my single days... Worst of it all is, this village where we r transferred to, the youths are booooorrrrrriiiiiiinnnnngggg.... No vibes for this period at all.

    All in all, we bless God for the gift of life.

  35. Spot on! Interesting read. Christmas back in the days was fun fun fun. Wonder how the kids of these days celebrate though....


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