Stella Dimoko Biblical References Concerning Masturbation.



Sunday, December 13, 2015

Biblical References Concerning Masturbation.

Today is a good day and we need to talk.Please present this questions before any man of God around you if you do not find worthy answers here.

We need to talk..Please step forward and sit down!

''There is this issue we have been arguing about for along time amongst me and my friends, but I don't have any fact to back it up, so I said I should throw it to the house.

My question is this, is it just bad or a sin for a woman to masturbate? 

I know about men's own and I have got facts about that from the bible (it was because the man poured his sperm on the floor by wasting it that angered God, where God cursed him)

Please where in the bible did God say or curse a woman that masturbates?
Is it good or bad or a sin?

Some ladies say there is nothing wrong with them doing it and that they prefer to masturbate than sleep around,many think that it's being a sin applies to only men.Some say its a sin before God and that it attracts spiritual husbands and causes delay in marriages

Dearest BVs what do you think, and please I would I appreciate if you can back it up with bible verses if you agree that its a sin.

I have been guilty of saying it is better to Masturbate than to sleep around.This topic is one of interest to me but I am not qualified to comment because of my mindset.
Please back up your argument with bible verses.


  1. And I just finish masturbating, God forgive me ohhh.

    1. The above passage is not speaking about masturbation at all. Rather, the passage is speaking of a brother refusing to fulfill his duty to produce an heir for the line of his deceased brother, so he was practising the withdrawal method which made Gid angry with him.

      Genesis 38:9-10Amplified Bible (AMP)

      9 Onan knew that the child (heir) would not be his [but his dead brother’s]; so whenever he lay with his brother’s widow, he spilled his seed on the ground [to prevent conception], so that he would not give a child to his brother. 10 But what he did was displeasing in the sight of the Lord; therefore He killed him also [in judgment].

    2. There is nothing pure about masturbation. It is a SIN. And if it is a sin for d men, why won't it be a sin for d women?

      The Bible doesn't literally mention masturbation but masturbation is categorised under sexual sin. See Cor.6:9-10.

      Sexual sin/ immorality isn't just fornication/adultery. It also includes pornography, bestiality, homosexuality, sodomy, paedophilia,necrophilia, bisexuality etc.

      U won't see d Bible spell out pornography, but that does not mean pornography isn't a sin.

      So masturbation is a sexual sin bcos God who created sex has given u guidelines on sexual morality, between a man and his wife and masturbation clearly violates God's Word and intentions.

      Someone who engages in masturbation is actually abusing d gift of sex and is not using it as God intends it to be used.

      So yes, masturbation is as much sin with a woman as it is with men. Besides ur quotation abt spilling d seeds has nothing to do with masturbation.

      Also masturbation involves unclean thoughts and fantasies. Jesus said in Matt 5: 28 '...anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has committed adultery with her in his heart." God is light and there is no darkness in Him (1 John 1:5b). There nothing light abt masturbation.

      For a man dubbed d wickedest man in d world, a Satanist called Aleister Crowley and another man who founded satanism, Anton Lavey, masturbation is one of their sex rituals. So wots pure abt this act?

      It's natural to have an urge for sex but it's unnatural for u to allow those urges control ur life. Sex urge is a gift from God but it isn't meant to be abused but to be used for d right purpose: sex in marriage.

      That's why God gives us self control as one of d fruits of d Spirit. Get Jesus. Get self control.

    3. Reminds me of the tinsel actress dat prefeess to mastubate dan av sex. Its not a sin. Period.

    4. Amen. Just pray to God to deliver you from the spirit

    5. Galatians 5:19
      Now the works of the "flesh" are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, "uncleanness", "lasciviousness".
      2 Timothy 3:
      1. This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
      2. For men shall be "lovers of their own selves", covetous, boasters,proud, blasphemers,disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy.

      4. Traitors,heady,highminded,"lovers of pleasures" more than lovers of God.

      *Masturbation is sexual pleasure.

      *Any sexual activity that did not take place between a husband and wife is unholy, anything unholy is a sin before God.

      New generational English words to deceive people abound, don't be fooled. Just like twerking, it means seducing but they now call it twerk.

    6. Better than sleeping around.. I don't see anything wrong with it

    7. Love u child of GOd

    8. For me I believe 1Cor3:13-18 answers the question if it is understood.

      In d old testament, d high priest enters d temple once a year. Even in entering he trembles. He won't even enter if he has offended his wife.
      Now when he enters, he wants to by all means be pure and without uncleanness.
      Now imagine the high priest enters into that same temple, the holies of holies and is masturbating there.
      Imagine if it was a female high priest masturbating in the temple, in the holies of holies.

      Well u can't imagine it.

      So when the Bible says in the new testament "Dont you know that you are the temple of God? Where God lives.

      See 2Tim2:16-23

    9. Romans 1:26-27 men and women leaving the natural use into that which is against nature. Here the bible condemns homosexual and like perversion which includes masturbation

  2. Stop turning the bible upside down.

    1. Don't mind them! They will explain and explain and twist and make things up but they still can't come up with a concrete part of the bible that specifically states that. They just want to force their ideals on everybody thereby twisting the word of God in the process. If you have your ideals and would like to stick to them, good! Kudos to you!. But there's no need to twist the word of The Lord to serve your own interests and purpose or to win an argument. The bible clearly states not to kill, not to commit adultery, not to bear false witness etc and we can all back such up with bible verses, the only bible verses that people against masturbation can bring up are the ones they'll have to explain away or link to something else. A lot of them even indirectly support fornication/adultery with the way they bash one thing and let other things slide, yet I'm yet to see masturbation cause HIV, unwanted pregnancies or broken homes. Even if you're twisting it to foster moral behaviour in the society, it's still not an excuse to twist God's word. The gospel is not to be spread with distorted and twisted lies. The bible even speaks against it:

      For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. (‭2 Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭3-4‬ ESV).

      Also: as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. (‭2 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭16, 18‬ ESV).

      Be careful how you twist God's word because the bible also says this: I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book. (‭Revelation‬ ‭22‬:‭18-19‬ ESV).

      Let's all be mindful please. I'm not making all these up, it is right there in the bible for everyone to read. You can give your reasons why you think masturbating isn't the best route but PLEASE, don't twist the bible to prove YOUR point. kindly read Revelation 22: 18-19 again. Thank you!......... Just Me

  3. Somethings we let our conscience guide us. It might not necessarily be in the Bible, but we should know what is wrong from right shey?? Why do people feel bad and their conscience pricks them after masturbation?? Can you proudly announce to ur family, friends and the world that you masturbate?? The fact that its something done in hiding like most other sin makes it a SIN!! The fact that you feel bad after the act makes it a SIN!! IMO

    1. After having sex with ur husband, feel free to announce it yeah..... Afterall God joined u two together and society xpect u two to have sex... No shame in announcing na. Abi??

    2. You sound like my cousin, same words she said, does your conscience prick you after doing it? If yes then you know it is. a sin

    3. Sometimes, our moral compass/conscience is a product of conditioning. Biblically and morally, sex ought to take place in the context of marriage. Does that mean a married couple can announce to their friends that they just had sex? Of course their conscience wud term that announcement as inappropriate. Does dat now make sex in marriage a sin? I don't agree that our consciences should be a. guide cos there is no universal standard for rightness or wrongness based on our consciences

    4. Sometimes, our moral compass/conscience is a product of conditioning. Biblically and morally, sex ought to take place in the context of marriage. Does that mean a married couple can announce to their friends that they just had sex? Of course their conscience wud term that announcement as inappropriate. Does dat now make sex in marriage a sin? I don't agree that our consciences should be a. guide cos there is no universal standard for rightness or wrongness based on our consciences

    5. God bless you Alexis! You took it right out of my mouth. There are also societal factors involved. Brainwashing is also another factor, especially in Nigeria. Just because your immediate society has ground it into you that something is wrong doesn't mean it's really wrong. Chummy Cho Cho, going by your concept of checking one's conscience; this time 15years ago, a female in Nigeria would have checked her conscience a few times and then changed her mind before stepping out of the house in trousers; especially the type of female that goes to church but these days, we all know that a woman wearing or not wearing trousers does not guarantee her salvation. It doesn't even prove wether or not she has morals. So that's where the societal factor comes in with your conscience. Once people start asking the right questions and start researching things themselves instead of just swallowing everything they're being fed by their surroundings, enlightenment would ensue, common sense would start prevailing and opinions would start to change. Let's all think of it as stated earlier too, apart from the temporary guilt experienced due to societal factors and brainwashing by people twisting the bible to bash it, has masturbating given anyone any stds, destroyed any families, brought unwanted children or made young girls go to quack doctors for botched abortions? Let's be frank with ourselves here. It cuts down on unnecessary sexcapades too! Majority of the men who are against it know these females will now have other outlets instead of succumbing to them. From what I've read about it, it helps the female know herself better without spreading her legs for different males, which can also help in the bedroom once you're married. Just to mention a few. Let's look at things critically and stop this brainwashed Nonesense. At the end of the day, who are we helping by being ignorant and blinded? Definitely not ourselves!

  4. " don't spill your seed on the ground"
    Gen 38-8:10
    Some people translate this to be a verse preaching against masturbation

    another is the story of Onan- Genesis 38:8-10

    personally i am not totally for or against masturbationm
    just neutral

    1. Strikr off "another"
      Replace with "it"

    2. That bible passage talked about Onan refusing to pure his semen into the wife of his brother to make her pregnant. He was not masturbating.

  5. I'll read comments. Whores where art thou?

  6. I will tell you my experience. I used to masturbate, I would tell myself that it is better than for me to sleep with a man. Then I attended WOFBI and a word of knowledge came. The man of God said " you are telling yourself that masturbation is better than sleeping with a man but the Lord says, when you masturbate, you are not escaping the sin of fornication". The words hit me because I know he was talking to me. I cried out to God to deliver me and the holy Spirit cleansed me from that spirit of lust. Before God, masturbation and fornication or adultery is the same.

    1. Anything that does not have bible verses to back it up is just talk.

    2. Very true. The urge to be with someone causes you to satisfy yourself when the fellow cant control his or herself. Me thinks it is unholy.

    3. Lovelace she yaf
      Show face bcos of Dec
      Giveaway!! I mark una!

  7. Waiting to read comments on this.

    Pipi darl,i saw your comment about Ed. I just listened to ,'Thinking Out Loud ', and I love it.
    He's good.
    And oh,to break your heart,he now has colourful sleeve tattoos o...* side eyes *

    Yes o.Thanks to my dad,i can't stay a day without knowing what is going on in the world. Till today, he still buys newspapers every blessed day.

    Eesah, you don see am na. Now I know about him.


    1. My Dad thought me that too.
      Not learning is as good as one dead to the world around him or her.

      I can dabble into anything news worthy. Weird Facts,fashion,music,movies,novels,animals,life style,documentaries etc

      Thank God for the internet/smart phones,made learning easier

    2. I'm telling you dearie.

      Now,though I'm not at home, I don't worry about buying newspapers as long as I've got my phone.

      Thank God for Internet access and smart phones indeed.


    3. Thinking out loud was my favorite song of 2014
      That Ed sheeran's album and Sia's album was the truth that year

    4. Lol...damn
      Same situation with my dad. He made me love News Stations, natgeo wild, discovery, when you want to please him, just go to the sitting room and start watching any of these.

      Iphie...we have so much in common.

    5. Jesus is d only truth!

  8. Am here to read and learn new quotations

    1. Fear no gree me snap!
      Just saw my 2yrs+ son carrying my new laptop all d way to me just so I play a video for him.
      I was even afraid and careful to collect it from him lest he falls it out of fear.
      What if...??? Choi I've not used N5k even N3k inside the value of d lappy.

  9. Hmmm
    Waiting for comments.

    Hello Bvs,please how do I go to No. 8 Adekunle Odunlami Street,Ilupeju? Close to Temple school.. I am on my way to Lagos now,from Abuja for the first time. Please anyone that have an idea should reply below,its so urgent. Thanks and God bless.

    1. It depends on where your bus is stopping. Wherever the bus is stopping, ask the driver how you can get to obanikoro bustop around palm groove. Once you alight by the bridge, you will see bikes by the street close to the bridge. Tell them to take you to the street. It's not hard at all. An pls being a stranger be careful who you ask for directions. I always advise people to ask those sitting down by their market,selling. And not those passing by.

    2. When you get 2 ojota b/stop take a bus going 2 ojuelegba den stop at obanikoro...den take a bike its jst #100 or ask 4 directions

    3. From ojota b/stop take a bus going 2 ojuelegba stop at obanikoro bus-stop, den take a bike its just #100 or ask 4 directions

    4. Drop at shyllon bus stop. It's close to temple school.

      Or drop at town planning bustop and charter a keke of Mayb 300 to take you there straight

    5. You see ur life?? Its urgent and u turn to BVs for directions, you don lose be that.

    6. I know ilupeju well but don't really knw the entrance to temple school. When you get to lag,alight at Ojota den take a bus going to yaba or ojuelegba,tell them you will alight at Obaonikoro busstop. Ask the keke guys at obaonikoro to take u to the street, you can chatter a keke and they will charge you 200 or 300 naira. Hope this helps. Safe trip. D's mama

    7. Thank u so much D's mama.Yes it will. May God bless u.

    8. Yes. Anon is right but u can still tell the ojota bus Driver to stop u in front of the temple school. It immediately after obanikoro bus stop. And its in front of d mainroad

    9. Temple school is along ikorodu road after ilupeju bus top and before idi roko bustop. so take a cab to the place

    10. Awwwww
      Thank u sooooooooo much all. All your information really helped. I am there now,thank God for journey mercies ooo.. Sdk bvs are the best.
      Thank you so much Stella for this platform. I love you guys....**muuuaaaahhh**

  10. Imagine this post after I just finished masturbating !!! Stella are u now a winsh!! Stop followinglit me o.and my kids were innocently watching tv while their mum was rubbing her big clitoris. I seriously need help . Kai.

    1. No u don't need help; u need ur husband, he has query to answer by allowing you to masturbate..

    2. What if u masturbate cos ur husband isn't around to help satisfy the urge

  11. Replies
    1. Touching ur tohtoh. Rubbing ur clit and dipping ur finger inside ur tohtoh in and out as if a dick Is fucking u! U can also squeeze ur boobs as u are doing this! Gosh I'm masturbating right now and I'm about to cummmmm....

    2. Stimulation of the genital organ by oneself to give sexual satisfaction/pleasure
      I bet u know

      Well I heard it's a sin
      Can't back it up with any bible quotation cos I'm very bad at that
      Ammie u really need to study ur bible

    3. Come inside the person mouth Wey ask u 4 d meaning of masturbation!

  12. Dnt think is bad for women to masturbate if dey use dildo and dnt think about someone's husband in d process, but when dey start using foreign objects like, car gear,boTtle, cassava sterm, even yam tuber, that's wen it becomes a problm. pls guys never eat cucumber from a lady living alone.#OkBye

  13. There's nothing wrong with masturbation
    It helps you knw ur body better, i wish alot of men wud masturbate instead of raping innocent girls.

    1. Your head de their my brother, it shld rather be encouraged.... You'd see how the rape cases will be decreased, police sef go wonder wetin de happen.

  14. The Scriptures do not contain any specific or direct reference to masturbation. But it is clear that masturbation is an activity that violates God's intent. Masturbation is a form of sexual self-gratification. But sex is intended by God to be a means of mutual gratification between a husband and wife, not a means of gratifying one's self. Simply put, masturbation is an act of selfishness rather than selflessness. It is a sin that calls for repentance followed by the fruits of faith, coupled with a prayer asking God for help to see this sin in the light of God's intent, and for strength of faith to overcome the sin.

    What does Quran say about it.

    There is nothing in the Qur'an to suggest this is prohibited or is sinful.
    Self exploration / masturbation can lead to better understanding of one's body. For instance, a woman having understood the rhythm, pressure and her spots is in a better position to guide her husband to what pleases her most.

    Modern medicine also considers masturbation safe and normal. To conclude, there is no prohibition in the Qur'an on masturbation. There is nothing to suggest it is abnormal or unhealthy. 

    The whole idea of people seeing masturbation as a sin came from the Roman Catholic in the early days that the church was trying by all means to prevent their priests from indulging in sexual related behaviours.
    Because they feel that sexual pleasure is supposed to be only for married couples.

    1. Copy copy...ehen, and

    2. I think I concur with this

    3. Nwa maka,u r a fool. Who told u dr's nothing like that in the Quran. Tel ur frnd to stop it!!

    4. I guessed ur bible, is preaching on masturbation... listen wel oooo! Quran doesn't allow that. Olodo of u

  15. It is a sin, because you've defiled your body which is the temple of God, but I sha prefer Masturbation to sleeping around ,at least then you won't start catching feelings if anything goes wrong and it doesn't add to one's body count.
    But it doesn't change the fact that it is dirty and disgusting thing to do, biblically it's wrong.

  16. What about people that don't believe in the Bible or Quran..... let's leave religion for them.

  17. I am guilty of this and its very bad. My boyfriend and I live in different countries so it's hard. I am trying my best to stop and I will because it's a very big sin in gods eyes.

    1. Be there masturbating. You bf is busy sweating it out on top another girl. Get yourself a man with dick.

  18. Well Stella, God put Onan (Gen. 38:9) to death because he was selfish. He wanted the "pleasure" of the late brother's widow but did not want to raise kids for him (as the Old Testament law demanded; this law is no longer applicable in the New Testament). Masturbation is a manifestation of lust//impurity (Gal. 5:19-20, Rom. 12:1-3) and the fellow so hooked (yes it is addictive) should discipline his/her flesh by fasting. As for the word "masturbation", you won't find it in the scriptures.

    1 Corinthians 10:23 "I have the right to do anything," you say--but not everything is beneficial. "I have the right to do anything"--but not everything is constructive. NIV

    2 Peter 2:19: They promise freedom, but they themselves are slaves of sin and corruption. For you are a slave to whatever controls you. NLT

    3. Colossians 3:5Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. 6Because of these, the wrath of God is coming.b 7You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. 8But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. 9Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator NIV

    4.How about the guilt from revolt of conscience:19 This is how we know that we belong to the truth and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence: 20If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. 21Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God NIV

    1. I don't pour mine on the floor oh, I release on my bedsheet and wash it later..... God no go vex for that one na.

    2. I just don't understand the comparism between mastubation to this Onan's story, like seriously? In Onan's case he was having SEX and spilling the the sperm just like WITHDRAWAL METHOD, so what's the connection Biko? Was he touching himself? May God give una understanding, amen.

  19. If masturbation is done alone and accompanied by lust, then it is a sin, ... The Bible never directly addresses it, and Christian leaders differ widely in their ... Again, as a women I am saying it is not a sin.

  20. Well...good topic. My take is this; whatever you can't do in front of people connotes shame and guilt. Shame and guilt = bad. Doctors say it's actually good for the health. Is it a sin? I really don't know. I think the sin comes from the concieved thought. People bring up their fantasies while carrying out the act. At the back of my mind I keep hoping it is not because......*hand don dey pain me*

    1. Can u have sex with ur hubby in front of people? Is that a sin?

    2. Bia wat are u saying.. Do u have sex in front of people?

    3. hahahahah... @anon 15:38 just what i was gonna say

    4. Abeg I don't know again.

  21. Same question that have been disturbing me.. and dat of men,u say twas coz man poured his sperm on d floor that angered God,am sorry to ask this,but what about those that prefer not to release in a woman,thereby pouring it out,Is that also a sin? Just gonna sit back and read comments, coz I really need this..

  22. I would rather discuss here "How a young girl should manage her sexual desire till her bride price is paid".

    masturbation is addictive due to the hormonal interplay in orgasm etc. So there is bound to be tolerance issues as one grows up and it might make one to be insatiable by one man.

    Before my daughter hit puberty, I taught her to manage her sexual urge like I did. Foremost, reading the gospels (even on her phone) and learning to fast; most times fruit fast while at school and just water till noon on some weekends. channeling her energy towards good deeds; charity/volunteer works and it worked for her. She is focused academically and spiritually and for two consecutive semesters had made all A's (As in the county where we live is 90 to 100). She tells me that she is happy and loving her svelte self too. If Christians should learn to fast at least thrice a week (yes more than the Pharisees who fast twice a week; Luke 18) like Jesus taught, then they will not be attracted to such addictive habits as masturbation and pornography. Think about the times you ever fasted in your life; did you masturbate?

    Teenage years are formative and they need to know that there is more to life than sex and orgasms.

    **** ***

    1. Madam we don hear, ur recycling this your gist too many times! If pouring "seed" away is a sin, then birth control is also a sin. Meaning that every single sperm that comes out from a man's body should be turned into a baby! Meaning that husband and wife should be "borning" every year. So that the "seed" wouldn't waste and we wouldn't commit any SIN.

    2. Wow interesting to read. Did you also know the prophet in Islam adviced young men who can't marry to fast in order to reduce their sexual urge/ desires?

    3. love this. Will teach my daughters this. Thanks for sharing.

    4. Saddest part of all is that your husband is chooking someone else. I have worked with almost all major preachers on earth and I can assure you, your in for a suprise woman. Good luck to your theories

  23. That scenario you quoted in the Bible wasn't about masturbation, God had ordered Onan to go into his late brother's wife so she could have a child by him. While they were having sex, he pulled out and spilled on the floor, ensuring she didn't get pregnant and his brother's generation wouldn't exist. That's what angered God. Please read Genesis 38:9.
    If a married couple decide to use the withdrawal method as a means of birth control, would it be a sin? Please that Biblical story wasn't about masturbation.
    Now on to this masturbation issue, I feel that it's a twofold issue:
    1. Pleasuring of ones self when the Bible instructs us to be dead to our bodies. Remember Matthew 5:29: if your right eye causes you to sin, you're better off plucking it out than losing out on heaven.
    2. The accompanying thoughts while masturbating. While you're pleasuring yourself, your mind strays and you lust over all sorts. Matthew 5:28: whoever looks at a woman with lust in his heart has already committed fornication.

    1. Thank u o! I was wondering d correlation between onan's story and masturbation.

  24. I would rather discuss here "How a young girl should manage her sexual desire till her bride price is paid".

    masturbation is addictive due to the hormonal interplay in orgasm etc. So there is bound to be tolerance issues as one grows up and it might make one to be insatiable by one man.

    Before my daughter hit puberty, I taught her to manage her sexual urge like I did. Foremost, reading the gospels (even on her phone) and learning to fast; most times fruit fast while at school and just water till noon on some weekends. channeling her energy towards good deeds; charity/volunteer works and it worked for her. She is focused academically and spiritually and for two consecutive semesters had made all A's (As in the county where we live is 90 to 100). She tells me that she is happy and loving her svelte self too. If Christians should learn to fast at least thrice a week (yes more than the Pharisees who fast twice a week; Luke 18) like Jesus taught, then they will not be attracted to such addictive habits as masturbation and pornography. Think about the times you ever fasted in your life; did you masturbate?

    Teenage years are formative and they need to know that there is more to life than sex and orgasms.

    **** ***

  25. Can't really pin point the verse in d Bible but it said getting pleasure from ones body is like taking advantage from God's temple since it's God's abode

  26. @Stella, You said you'll only believe if someone back it up with Bible Verse, One question for you. Does it mean Abortion and Suicide are not sin? Let me remind you that Gospel of St. John 20:30-31:- Made it clear that Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

    John 21:25, Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

  27. My husband lives abroad, I am a human being with feelings. Though people frowns at masturbating, but I rather do it than cheat on my hubby with another being. Sometimes, me and Hubby do phone sex, sex chat and after that I masturbate with him looking and doing the same to himself.
    God is not man, His way are not our way.

  28. My husband lives abroad, I am a human being with feelings. Though people frowns at masturbating, but I rather do it than cheat on my hubby with another being. Sometimes, me and Hubby do phone sex, sex chat and after that I masturbate with him looking and doing the same to himself.
    God is not man, His way are not our way.

    1. So if you were single, would you masturbate? Since you are only a "human being with feelings"? The Heavenly race requires SACRIFICE. Discipline your flesh my dear!

    2. Mumu and u think your hubby is not cheating? I wonder why women keep thinking it's ok for a man to cheat but not ok for women....if u don't wanna cheat let it be cos u fear God not cos u don't wanna cheat on your me he is cheating

  29. "Not everything Jesus did is written in this book (Bible) Jn 21:25.
    I bet if everything is written in the Bible, the world wouldn't contain it.
    I tell you, the Bible didn't tell us what sex style to use, what colour of cloth to wear, to off tap water while it wastes, to cook okra soup, to scratch our neck while it itches etc! All these we do with common sense and conscience. That masturbation, is the end product "purity" or "impurity", how does your conscience react to it?, when something negative happens afterwards, do you always feel it's a result of that masturbation?.
    I know people will come with so many dirty and confusing thoughts. But, hold on to sanctity. If your mindset says it's not good, so be it, if otherwise, so be it!. As long as our world is safe and heaven remains the target!.. ciao!

  30. Some people see a passage of the bible and twist it to what suits their mindset. I don't think it's bad to masturbate. If I didn't I would have gotten HIV by now cus I have a high libido. I am dating someone and we are christian brother and sister so we don't have sex. I visit him very frequently. We kiss alot. And when I leave I have this sexual urge to fuck him but masturbation has kept me on check. Just like any other thing masturbation can be abuse. Cus people abuse food and become immobidly obessed doesn't mean food is bad. Cus people abuse pain reliever and get crazy doesn't mean the pain reliever is bad itself. That's how I see masturbation. So people justifying that bible passage about masturbation that he poured his sperm to the ground what of if u have a wife and she isn't safe and u decide to pour outside during ejaculation that means ur commiting sin. What if u want to do iVF and in the process ur sperm pours down in the process of sperm collection that means u have committed sin.

    Masturbation has kept me in check ooo. I've not had sex like in ages. My boy friend even likes it that way. If we didn't masturbate by now I would have don 10 abortions cus rough sex sweet die. I would have had 100 sex partners. The key word is not abusing it or over doing it. That's where self control comes in.

  31. Some people see a passage of the bible and twist it to what suits their mindset. I don't think it's bad to masturbate. If I didn't I would have gotten HIV by now cus I have a high libido. I am dating someone and we are christian brother and sister so we don't have sex. I visit him very frequently. We kiss alot. And when I leave I have this sexual urge to fuck him but masturbation has kept me on check. Just like any other thing masturbation can be abuse. Cus people abuse food and become immobidly obessed doesn't mean food is bad. Cus people abuse pain reliever and get crazy doesn't mean the pain reliever is bad itself. That's how I see masturbation. So people justifying that bible passage about masturbation that he poured his sperm to the ground what of if u have a wife and she isn't safe and u decide to pour outside during ejaculation that means ur commiting sin. What if u want to do iVF and in the process ur sperm pours down in the process of sperm collection that means u have committed sin.

    Masturbation has kept me in check ooo. I've not had sex like in ages. My boy friend even likes it that way. If we didn't masturbate by now I would have don 10 abortions cus rough sex sweet die. I would have had 100 sex partners. The key word is not abusing it or over doing it. That's where self control comes in.

    1. You are "Christian brother and sister", yet you masturbate with "self control" and your "Christian boyfriend" likes it?


    2. Mystique help me oh! Hiaaan. You people are church goers my dear. Stop trying to form holy. You're not even saying you are trying to kill the urge, ya even enjoying it and 'bragging'!!
      Me I think masturbating is having sex with demons. Case closed.

  32. not sure if its a sin but its better to avoid it to prevent your self from been exposed or possessed demonic spirits

  33. I recognize that for some, masturbation is a way of channeling sexual urges away from the temptations to have sex. It's possible for the motive of masturbation to be for purity and a form of exercising self control.The Bible is silent on masturbation. What God did state definitely is that he wants to give us his wisdom. "If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking" (James 1:5).

  34. Why still worry about sin, as a christian, we function not by law but by grace. Is that a free pass to sin? No, but we are dead to sin and made righteous by His finished work on the cross...

  35. I am an addict to masturbation!

  36. lovely oya oh, for our sisters DAT like to rub toto

    1. I was sexually abused wen I was a child by my cousin, now am a grown woman, I always fantasize on aw he use to suck and touch my VG,I tink about it a lot wen I masturbate, du u tink I need help.

    2. No dear u dnt need help.

      Masturbation is to me is unholy. Whether it's biblical or not I can't tell but whenever it's mentioned I hear sin. So I'll stick with that.

  37. I am also very interested in this topic. Looking forward to comments. Aeegurl...

  38. Here to read comments, hmmm.

  39. I was @ ODM prayer mountain yesterday for the last anointing service of the year.. Bishop said it is a SIN.. a big one @ dat.. and we shd also b mindful of the pix we use on social media.. cos some people save them and use it to masturbate

  40. I was @ ODM prayer mountain yesterday for the last anointing service of the year.. Bishop said it is a SIN.. a big one @ dat.. and we shd also b mindful of the pix we use on social media.. cos some people save them and use it to masturbate

  41. God condemned Onan not for “spilling his seed” but because Onan refused to fulfill his duty to provide an heir for his brother ( Genesis 38 vs 9-10). The passage is not about masturbation, but rather about fulfilling a family duty. A second passage sometimes used as evidence for masturbation’s being a sin is Matthew 5:27-30. Jesus speaks against having lustful thoughts and then says, “If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away.” While there are parallels between this passage and masturbation, it is unlikely that masturbation was what Jesus was alluding to.

    While the Bible nowhere explicitly states that masturbation is a sin, there is no question as to whether the actions that lead to masturbation are sinful. Masturbation is nearly always the result of lustful thoughts, sexual stimulation, and/or pornographic images. It is these problems that need to be dealt with. If the sins of lust, immoral thoughts, and pornography are forsaken and overcome, masturbation will become a non-issue. Many people struggle with guilty feelings concerning masturbation, when in reality, the things that led to the act are far more worthy of repentance.

    There are some biblical principles that can be applied to the issue of masturbation. Ephesians 5:3 declares, “Among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity.” It is hard to see how masturbating can pass that particular test. The Bible teaches us, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). If you cannot give God glory for something, you should not do it. If a person is not fully convinced that an activity is pleasing to God, then it is a sin: “Everything that does not come from faith is sin” (Romans 14:23). Further, we need to remember that our bodies have been redeemed and belong to God. “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). This great truth should have a real bearing on what we do with our bodies. In light of these principles, the conclusion that masturbation is a sin is biblical. Clearly, masturbation is not glorifying to God; it does not avoid the appearance of immorality, nor does it pass the test of God’s having ownership over our bodies.


    1. Best response so far. You just save me the stress of typing. God bless you.

    2. God bless U for this. I hope this helps the understanding of fellow BVs.

  42. It's better than sleeping around.

  43. What I am not counting as masturbation is the manual stimulation between married people whereby a husband and wife enjoy pleasuring one another's genitals, as taught in the Scriptures, either orally (Song 2:3; 4:12) or with their hands (Song 2:6). I am also not classifying as masturbation self-stimulation done with the blessing and in the presence of one's spouse …. What I am referring to by masturbation is self-pleasuring done in isolation that is usually also accompanied with unbiblical lust.
    If masturbation is done alone and accompanied by lust, then it is a sin

  44. Mtchewww!!! The woman was created out of the man so if it's bad for the man, it's bad for the woman.

  45. **Lipsealed** I will be reading comments coz I don't have prove.

  46. Lest hear what all those holy holy people have to say. Give us facts o. Bible passages etc. And poster what u wrote about God being anheees cos he poured the sperm on the ground is wrong. God was angry cos he didnt want to get his brothers wife pregnant and that's y he poured on the ground.
    So that's the reason. Him not wantinf to get the brothers wife pregnant. So pls people stop twisting the bible to suit you

  47. Masturbation is sin period and can serve as an open door to demonic oppression. Let me ask one question: WHO HAS EVER MASTURBATED WITHOUT THINKING OF SOME EROTIC SCENES OR WHO HAS MASTURBATED WITHOUT FANTASIES?????

    1. I tire o. People will see black and call it white. Just as we are made to believe we have black witch and white witch. Sex sells so fast that our conscience ain't pricked by the evil we do to our bodies. This topic will remain controversial and no clear cut answers will be provided. So let your conscience be the judge.

    2. Thank you oh! How do you even feel when you're done? Would u finish and kneel down and start blasting tongues? No! Your spirit drops immediately. You feel guilty for a certain period of time. And that's the feeling that should tell you that something is wrong somewhere.
      The Bible says there are three stages of sin: the lust of the eyes - which can also be mind's eye (watching porn and seeing erotic thoughts with the minds eye), the lust of the flesh (involving in the masturbating act) and the pride of life (that satisfaction you get when you're done) (1 Jn 2:16) These are the three components of every sun. Anything you do that goes through any of these is a sin.
      I'm also guilty as my decision to stay celibate, after my initial sexual curiousity was fulfilled, caused me to go into masturbation. Hehe! God delivered me. It's not an easy process but I'm happy I'm free from it now. Please masturbation may not be a listed sin in the bible, but it is NOT Of GOD. It doesn't glorify God. Let's not paint it.

  48. I will speak from experience.
    I used to masturbate heavily.
    As in anytime anyday. Started as a joke from all those romance books when I was in senior secondary.
    Beloved,it took me years and years of constant prayers before I overcame.
    That was when I knew that a spirit is behind masturbation. To deliver yourself from it no be beans oh. I
    Even with the strong prayers and Mfm wey I dey go I backslid many times till I overcame. It was like I had no control whatsoever. When that urge came I was powerless.
    But I thank God now. I am Victorious.
    It's not rocket science, once you masturbate, the Holy Spirit departs fiam. Try it and see.
    F you are a Christian immediately after the act, guilt sets it.
    Second is that you have to imagine something or someone when you masturbate. You are basically having sex with yourself.
    I will not advise my enemy to masturbate oh. The demon no dey quick go. Till date I sometimes dream that I am masturbating. I make sure I pray against that spirit and the urge goes.
    Just my advise oh.

    1. Indeed my dear. It's a very strong spirit. And it takes God's grace to overcome. I've been there too and I know what I went through.
      Afterwards, to pray sef your spirit would be low. Nne, leave I realised I had more serious battles to fight in life other than minutes of pleasure.

  49. Pastor Chris says that masturbation is a bad habit & not a sin. But I think is a sin cause you are defiling your body in the act.

    1. "Pastor" Chris IS NOT A CHRISTIAN. Any true Christian will see through him.

    2. Anonymous Y not leave that for God to decide?

  50. Masturbation is a form of sexual immorality. the sexually immoral will not enter into the kingdom of God. Sexual activity such masturbation begin with a lust that is allowed to growth and take root inside our heart and not brought into obedience to CHRIST. lust is an evil thought in our heart, it is not a sin itself, but if allowed to continue to remain in the heart the devil will use it to design a temptation for us to fall in. you have to be prayerful and watchful and let God purge u of the evil thought lurking in your heart All sexual immorality begins with a thought. A lustful thought not taken captive, will eventually lead to other perversions, because sin reproduces itself in increasingly greater measures. If we do not deal with our evil thoughts, they will take root in our hearts. It is for this reason that God is so concerned with our thought life. Jesus came not only to deliver us from our “outward” sins, but also from wickedness that begins in the heart. Since masturbation begins with sin in the mind, it might be called an “affair of the mind” because it brings about sexual sin inflicted against one’s own body. Although it brings a short lived gratification, it makes one feel defiled when continued on a regular basis. In fact, it is a form of fornication because fornication is more that just sex with someone before marriage, it includes many other sexual sins such as pornography and the use of sexual toys for gratification. People who are not satisfied with God’s plan for sex commit idolatry by using evil things to experience weird and unlawful forms of sexual intercourse. pls go here and learn more about masturbation and how u can keep yourself from it:

  51. Make I siddon read comments. Over to pastors in the house!

  52. I do myself whenever I get the boyfriend does not believe in sex before marriage but n.a. him cuddle pass...I m going to tear his clothes off soon...see if I dont

    1. Lmao!! No rape am ooo..Kikikiki

    2. If you really need am, you go get am. By the time he see mmy yellow round succulent breast like this, I go press am for im back, my pink lips na highest. As e full I go kiss in Bsc comot for in brain. I go baff like this, charge inside room with one of my black bra and paent. Dem no born that in cuddling well.

  53. My opinion is the same as the Bible. It is a sin. Masturbation is the act of sexually stimulating yourself. Usually this involves the use of pornography or anything we can conjure up in our imaginations.

    Ephesians 5:3 says, “Among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity.” Thinking about how we have to conjure up or seek out sexual stimulation in order to masturbate, it’s easy to see that we might fail that purity test.

    Does masturbation or the things we do in order to be sexually stimulated glorify God (1 Corinthians 10:31)? If you aren’t fully certain that what you’re doing is something God would smile upon, then it is likely a sin (Romans 14:23).

    Also, don’t forget that your body belongs to God (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). He gave it to you, and you really should take care of it as though you are taking care of it for Him by keeping it holy and pure (1 Thessalonians 4:3-4).

    Rather than seeking a “loophole” or a way to make masturbation acceptable as a Christian, however, Christians are called to “to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world” (Romans 12:1-2).

    Further, 1 Corinthians 6:18 teaches we are to, “Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.” 1Thessalonians 5:22 says to “Abstain from every form of evil.”

    Scripture calls all believers to resist temptation rather than to seek ways to excuse sin. First Corinthians 10:13 is clear: “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” When temptation comes, there is also a way of escape. Even when Jesus Christ was tempted after 40 days of fasting, He relied on God’s truth to stand against temptation and follow God’s will (Matthew 4:1-10).

    This is the real truth!

    1. Thank you Mystique. I no fit type epistles again. So I second your comment.

    2. Anoda nail on the head! God bless U for this.

  54. Masturbation saves lives, saves money, saves fruitless dates, Saves heartbreaks, Saves the countries population increase, Saves diseases, Saves daily chronicles.....etc. Too many advantages to mention, I'd be on #TeamMasturbate. FYI, I'm a realist.

    1. But will it save you from hell? #Selah

    2. is well o! @white Prints

    3. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

  55. Philippians 4:8New International Version (NIV)

    8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
    So is masturbation all these above??? I don't think so.

  56. He who is not guilty should cast the first stone. I have nothing to say about this cos as they say...I am guilty as charged

  57. Masturbation isn't wrong people just perceive it as morally wrong because culturally we ve been taught that sex is filthy that's why the side effect of it is guilty conscience and nothing else.
    It's perfectly normal little babies and even animals do it, if you don't believe me "Google is your friend" .

    1. U gotta b kidd'n me,babies masturbate?

    2. SOUL, u just sent me to google and u are Right @kids masturbating. Wow***

  58. The lord has since delivered me. I don't have bible passages to back it up but the guilt that comes after it is an indication that mastubation is bad else why feel so bad after doing it. I thank God once again from freeing me o. Mastubation is a spirit, that's why once you start, u can hardly stop.

  59. Well I don't have back up for my response from the scriptures, all I can say it that if its wrong for a man to masturbate then it can't be right for a woman to do same.

  60. What would Jesus do(WWJD), Woud Jesus masturbate...?

  61. U cant read the bible and be masturbating, u have to be watching porn or thinking of something close to it. Masturbation is not a sin, its what we watch or think of while doing it that is a sin.

  62. Interesting..... Please let me know the bible chapter and verse of the man that poured his sperm on the floor. I have never heard of it before.

  63. To me it's a sin, all men are equal b4 God so if it's a sin for a man den a woman isn't exempted. Plus if it's not a sin why wld u dcide to go anonymous and say u masturbate? ? It mins guilty conscience dey worry u. Dats my opinion on it dou.

  64. I think we humans have a way of making a bad thing look good,whether male or female masturbation is bad,you will definitely feel guilty after it...Bible says an idle hand is the devil's workshop,when thoughts like that comes its hard to overcome but we can do all things through christ who strengthens us....

    No matter the reason a woman gives to masturbate it is still a sin and a thing of the flesh,romans 8:8 says And those who are in flesh cannot please God,because there is no how you will want to masturbate and not conjure dirty thoughts and after you will ask God for something...

    My friend doesn't masturbate the normal way,it started as kegel(holding are urine midway)then she flashes back to an erotic scene and Bam,I noticed it the first time from her heavy breathing...

    Whether male or female it is bad.

  65. It's immorality.....
    Romans 13:13-14
    Let us behave properly as in the day,not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual promiscuity and sensuality, not in strife and jealousy.But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts.

  66. @Miss Ess, Read here..Genesis 38:7-10:- But Er, Judah’s firstborn, was wicked in the Lord’s sight; so the Lord put him to death. Then Judah said to Onan, “Sleep with your brother’s wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to raise up offspring for your brother.” But Onan knew that the child would not be his; so whenever he slept with his brother’s wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from providing offspring for his brother. What he did was wicked in the Lord’s sight; so the Lord put him to death also.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Anytime you do something and your conscience pricks you.. It means that thing is wrong. The conscience is the first place the Holy Spirit tries to get us to know we've gone against God. But after a while the devil hardens your heart and makes you feel you have no option but to continue in that sin


  69. I don't see anything wrong with masturbation. I pleasure myself all the time sometimes with my husband lying right next to me.
    Sometimes thinking about my exs or my crushes.
    I once masturbated in my hostel common room back in Uni. That was when I knew I had a problem.
    And to think I was wearing hijab that day. I just slid my finger under my skirt and rubbed away at my clit. I especially love doing it in hotel rooms pretending I'm with a lover. Ahhh! Sweet memories.

  70. I don't see anything wrong with masturbation. I pleasure myself all the time sometimes with my husband lying right next to me.
    Sometimes thinking about my exs or my crushes.
    I once masturbated in my hostel common room back in Uni. That was when I knew I had a problem.
    And to think I was wearing hijab that day. I just slid my finger under my skirt and rubbed away at my clit. I especially love doing it in hotel rooms pretending I'm with a lover. Ahhh! Sweet memories.

  71. lol... stella u have put me in trouble with this post. the ads showing on my computer beside it are just crazy. so embarassing...

  72. Galatians 5:19-21 - New International Version (NIV)

    The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

    My own part: Let he that has ears hear and read the handwriting on the wall.

  73. Galatians 5:19-21-New International Version (NIV)

    19. The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

    MY OWN PART: Let he that has ears hear and understand the writing on the wall. Sexual immorality includes both masturbation, fornication and all you can name. Go and study your bible and ask the Holy Spirit for a proper understanding. Thanks!

  74. "man" in the bible refers to both male and female. #sortYourselfOut

  75. Enter your comment...don't kno who is ryt

  76. just reading comments.

  77. The generals wife no give her own view o

  78. ALL I GOTTA SAY....IS...



  79. The big question is in your thinking and knowledge of the person of our Lord Jesus, do you honestly thinking Jesus will masturbate? If in your your heart you think He will not. Then do what Jesus will do. The Bible encourages us to follow in the foot steps of Jesus. A gain I ask what will Jesus do in that situation?

  80. Let Christ be our perfect example. Whatever Christ never did or encourage isn't right. Masturbation is an act done in the dark/isolation and a christian is uncomfortable telling another that he/she performed the act. Thirdly, sex is an act to be practiced by a married couple male and female. Masturbation is an act performed by one person alone.

  81. Masturbation is very addictive. It is like smoking, that is why i encourage no one to start it. A lot of marriages are in turmoil today because of sex toys. It is better to avoid getting into it altogether. Personally I am working on purifying my mind, because ever since I got pulled into sexual immorality by curiosity and society, it has been so hard to think of anything else. If you are not married avoid all things sex, because it progressively draws you into much darker activities.

  82. Masturbation is very addictive. It is like smoking, that is why i encourage no one to start it. A lot of marriages are in turmoil today because of sex toys. It is better to avoid getting into it altogether. Personally I am working on purifying my mind, because ever since I got pulled into sexual immorality by curiosity and society, it has been so hard to think of anything else. If you are not married avoid all things sex, because it progressively draws you into much darker activities.



  85. please those saying that it is a sin cos it cannot be done in public have baseless arguments please. Do you av sex with your husband in public? the biblical backings roll in jare.

  86. commy xquisite hair14 December 2015 at 01:06

    I'm happy with this topic honestly, lets learn from the bible passages please.

  87. Masturbation is when people touch their own bodies for sexual pleasure. People masturbate in lots of
    different ways. Touching your own body for sexual pleasure is different for everyone. How you do it depends on what makes your body feel good.
    Some people may stroke or rub their penis or may use their fingers to touch themselves on or near the clitoris, the sensitive organ that is located just above the opening of the vagina. Masturbation sometimes results in orgasm; sometimes it doesn’t.

    Here are some of the harmful effects of masturbation to be considered, kindly read and stop doing masturbation once again. Make your impression in the comments.

    1. Masturbation makes you weak, it spends more energy and burns your calorie

    2. Masturbation creates nervousness and neurological problems

    3. Masturbation is a main cause for erectile dysfunction.

    4. Masturbation addicts you even if you taste it for one time. Controlling it is a very big menace.
    continue reading all you need to know about masturbation at...

  88. Please read 1 corinthians 7:1-16,1Th 4:2-8.Eph 5:3,1 Corinthians 6:18,Galatians 5:19-21,Leviticus 15:16-17 for your answer,


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