Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narratives....


Sunday, November 29, 2015

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narratives....

Tie them together!


My dearest Stella
Never thought i would send in my narratives as I am always eager to read other people's own.
My story is this......

I am in my early twenties have been dating my guy for about a year plus now and the problem is that his elder brother is dating a classmate of mine whom we graduated from secondary school together,i didnt really like the girl back then in school because she gossips a lot..I think my boyfriend 's elder brother has proposed to her and every member of the family likes her,she appears nice to everybody but i know this girl very well.

The thing is whenever her matter is brought up or anything i always feel jealous because i am not that close to my boyfriend's family and i want this act of jealousy to stop,i want you to advise me should i go on with this relationship or back off.
The second thing is that i am #teamsnoop but my boyfriend doesnt like it,he is a cute guy and girls always want him and anytime i try reading his messages he will tell me he doesnt like it,there was a time i tried to read one of his messages.,he snatched the phone away from me and now he always passwords everything..i dont know if he truly loves me..what should i will i know he is not cheating on me?

Let me read comments to see how you are advised to tackle this but i have zero tolerance for people with your kind of mentality...Dont take this comment personal.


Stella,I love you.
Straight to the point. My first love entered into music because he found it hard then to express his love for me.He felt that music will help him out. I was also his first love.

It all started like a joke.We did things together like bffs not knowing that the feelings were there.
We lost contacts and later reunited after five years. He then told me he's now a Dj,a known one for that matter and That it was I that inspired him.

we rekindled back the love.

The problem is now that he wants to involve sex in our relationship.this has been the major cause of most of our breakups. He said that he can have any girl to himself but because of the respect he has for me,he doesn't . Though he sometimes has flings with some girls (wasn't surprised because he's kinda a club guy cos of his job),he's sincere about it whenever I ask him. He's normally abusive with words whenever we quarrel but he apologises after.

We both love ourselves but sex is now tearing us apart. Please what do I do?

It's not by force....If you are dating someone who is actively into s3x and you are not ready to date with s3x involved,the relationship will not work out.I guess you want him to put a ring on it before you part your legs?

Anyway stand your ground,tie your legs together and pretend to be a mermaid and risk another breakup or hold your head up high and pray he understands and waits for the right time.


  1. Replies
    1. Lol!!!. Change ur mind set or change ur boyfriend. Please the year is coming to an end, make up ur mind fast fast. U hear??

    2. #Teamsnoop
      Team snoop?
      Snooping is getting information for one good or detriment without d party knowing. Its an 'intel' thing.
      I won't call wat u do snooping wen u take his fone to check msgs in his presence or knowledge sef.
      This is for Poster1

    3. Poster 2: please just ignore him. And tie your legs together.
      Poster 1: please try and take things easy.

    4. Absolute rubbish... what kind of *small small shildren* are dis??

      Truly truly stella s folder don empty

      Please send in your chronicles. .

    5. Poster one: No problem on are only trying to create one. Just be cool and take things easy. I just observed you have a natural hatred for that girl.

      Why will your trespass and break into his privacy because he loves you? No lady tries that with me...especially this December period. I no wan buy any gift, if you do anyhow, I through u away.

      2) Poster 2: Open your mind not your legs...

    6. @ na waho o! This ya analysis badt o! hehehe

    7. Childish chronicles today. Snoring.....

  2. Will b back to comment.

  3. Narrative 1) please go to mfm for deliverance, tell Dem to deliver u from spirit of jealousy. Chai!

  4. Sex is not by force dont let him blackmail you into it.

    Poster one abeg grow up

  5. Poster 1 you have to resend this your chronicles cos adim confused.
    Are you interested in your boyfriends elder brother or what's really the problem here mbok.
    You're the bad person because you were unable to say what is wrong with your school mate.
    Mind your business and keep shut
    They proppsed to your mate and you're still here saying my guy.
    Don't allow me tear you slap this hot Sunday afternoon.

    Poster 2 all you said is story, dj or not and cute or not a guy that likes you will like you for what you stand for.
    Do what makes you happy.
    Have sex because you want to not because you think that would help you keep a man.
    Make you happy always.
    Don't give in unless you want it too.

    1. Heheheh. Lol @tear u slap this hot Sunday afternoon.

    2. Babe .. I love you frigging much and your sense of humour is superb.I like the way you put your words up with sarcasm... Zerby porter

    3. Don't I just love ur comments. You made sense jare

    4. Thank you anon 18:22 and Omozuwa.
      We are nothing but pencil in the hand of the

  6. I don't have time for you both...

    1. Poster 1: grab your bible n read. A jealous spirit is evil, rebuke it IJN.
      Poster 2: When sinners entice you, consent thou not! Flee from that guy..

    2. Poster 2, is your DJ bobo a dj in Abuja? Sounds like a familiar one sha.

    3. Best comment! Lmaooo!!

  7. Mtcheeeww...
    Poster 1,
    The envy and jealousy in you will never allow that guy to marry you...
    You better leave him cos he will never do the your type that use juju on her inlaws and co wives...

    Poster 2,
    Since your pussy is laced with golds and diamonds,please leave the nigga biko...
    You better start dating your gold and diamond pussy...

    1. Kikikikikikik kikikikikikik

    2. Ara ga gba ndi ara ,linda iri too much

    3. Hahaha
      I like your honesty

    4. Poster don't allow pigs to mess up your gold and diamond laced pussy. Keep it for someone worthwhile , a king fit for a queen like you, btw it is better to obey God rather than man. The so called boss of this blog (yinmu), is jealous of your gold and diamond laced pussy, lol.

    5. Poster 2: pls ignore "the queen....", when a women knows her worth and stands for it, so many pple will speak against her because they wish they were her. so, pls ignore "the queen's...." comment, it's laced with hate.

  8. Poster2: If you like give him sex or not he'd still cheat, even if you give him snake in the monkey style sex position, he'd still cheat on you, and you'd be more hurt then, i suggest u keep using ur Pussy for peeing alone, and only the toilet seat has the right to a perfect view *winks* till further notice.

    1. Both these bitches getting cheated on and like 90% of the women in the comments too

    2. So since u said whether she drops it ' for him or not,he wil still cheat,so there is no use of her giving him cos he won't appreciate it either.such guys become more sensible wen u keep ur legs closed!poster,tie those legs very well like a mermaid.afterall he gets the sex from elsewhere dats why he's apprehensive abt u touching his pone.

  9. Narrative two) tie Ur leg together IF really u're still a virgin. Me sha I don't think I can end with a DJ ooo lol.

    1. Lol me too
      Its Dj a job
      Will he still be a dj at 60, my dear tie d tnn wait for a responsible guy

    2. So if she is not a virgin she can open it wide to anyone? That's not sane. Poster, carry go.

  10. Hmmm! Poster one are u sure u ain't jealous of ur frnd? How come u are the only one seeing her as a green snake?
    Pls face your relationship and allow her face hers...concentrate on being a good galfrnd and try to look out for the things she's does for the family that u ain't doing, moreover u bin close to the guys family depends on how the guy takes you.
    Poster 2, if a guy wants u, he shld stand by you during the no sex rule. Don't be pressured into giving in, stand your ground and if he stays all well and good.

    1. True @being close to the family depends on how the guy takes you

  11. Pls oh, i dont know if im the only one experiencing this?? whenever i hear i hear of the death of people, i feel sumhow happy inside, which is very bad.... ppl i dont even knoe too, id be abit happy inside me, but sad also, kinda mixed feelings. Even the latest Paris attack, i xperienced such demonic feeling, and the higher the number, the happier i get.

    1. My dear na only u Waka come oh u need to be delivered this one pass me...I fear my head.

    2. Hian?
      Whereas I get depressed when people die. Even strangers that I read about.
      It affects me a lot.
      i start thinking about their last moments,loved ones pain, heaven or hell?
      I have to pull myself from getting depressed and it affecting me.

    3. Suck 50 dicks daily to prepare you for the hell gangbang

    4. You need deliverance ASAP!!! Wtf is wrong with u????? There is Def a demon inside u. Visit MFM prayer city quick quick

    5. It's only you ooooo... you need serious prayers

    6. Hahahaha it's obvious that you have a demonic spirit in you .go for deliverance and take it seriously ! It's not normal ...

    7. Jesus is Lord!!! My dear, you need prayers

    8. There's a demon living inside u. U need God!

    9. Jesus..... Work on ur mind, imagine loosing d one u love most in Ur life how will u feel?

    10. Blood sucking and flesh eaters demon don possess ur life. Beware cos what goes round comes round. One day e go remain only you for your family, after you don finish everybody with you evil spirit.

    11. Blood sucking and flesh eaters demon don possess ur life. Beware cos what goes round comes round. One day e go remain only you for your family, after you don finish everybody with you evil spirit.

    12. You are a confirmed terrorist!
      Please show yourself so that it will be easy for us to arrest you.

    13. U are sick
      U need help
      U need jesus

    14. It's nothing, you're gradually turning to a boko haram, very soon you will go wear a bomb jacket. Mstsww. Aje oshi

    15. That's psychotic oh! Talk to a spiritual counsellor. Sha hope u don't have urge to kill someone?

    16. Jesu!!!! Mehn u need CHRIST in ur life...

    17. Boko Haram. ISIS agent that's what u are. Demon.

    18. @anon 15:10 wait till someone close to you dies, then let's see how happy you can get...sadist! Are you happy that our population is reducing or what?

    19. Am not in the mood to read today

    20. You are a serial killer.

    21. Nne m, you are alone on this one. How can be elated at the news of death? There is something wrong and its good you voiced it out. Go for counselling sha.

  12. Annoying chronicles, cant deal.

  13. I don't understand why girls will be deceiving themselves with no sex before marriage when they are not Virgin. A man that is sexually active will only deceive you if he tells u that he will abide by ur rule of no sex. Besides whats relationship with sex self.

    1. Like seriously??? Did u ask that?? Smh. I'm not being holier than thou but girlfriend, sex before marriage is a glaring SIN!!! We are all striving for perfection, yes, but a gross display and acceptance of moral decadence is a no no.

    2. That you feel that way Amaka, everyone must not do as you do. Leave the poster with her ideals. If she felt OK about having sex with the guy, she wouldn't have sent the chronicle. Poster, don't mind them, anything that messes with your peace is not worth it. Only try to find a guy that is like minded concerning the issue and is on the same page with you.

  14. Poster one, y are u jealous?
    Ain't u pretty?
    No poison anybody o!
    Maybe ur jealousy dey show for ur
    U wud still be jealous in ur next relationship, just work on your mindset.

    Poster two if u don't want fuck ur guy, back off!!!!

  15. Poster 1
    U are a very wicked girl
    Imagine !!! Jealous of anoda woman when u are not yet married into the family?
    Na wah 4 u

    Poster 2
    Pls continue to tie ur legs till u are sure where the relationship is heading
    These men ain't loyal @all
    He may start acting up when he eats from ur honeypot


    1. The men ain't loyal. Don't be surprised if he dumps you after sleeping with you. Or turns you into a sex toy, but refuses to wife you. Already, the verbal abuse is a bad sign. Don't be blinded by emotions or loneliness. Pls focus on God and on your career. The right man will come.

  16. Poster 1&2 u both don't have issues at all.

    1. Poster 1, your post got me angry. What exactly is wrong with you? This is too childish ( no insult intended) the way you are acting even if the boyfriend loves you, he may be changing his mind by now. Again why are you jealous of a lady who did nothing to you, and what do you mean by she gossips, see Pls allow God to enter your life. You have no reason to be jealous of her. Be happy for her for finding love. Na God give her. The rate you are going I don't see any future in your relationship. The ball is in your court to advise urself.

      Help me, the father of my child left me because his mother hates Igbo.

  17. Seriously, i dont understand the two chronicles..this is really end time chronicles.

  18. Poster1
    What is love without trust? You should be able to vouge for ur bf even if he's 10000 miles away. So if u feel he's cheating on you cus he has lots of admirers then u shouldn't be in that relationship.

    1. Vouche .... Honey

    2. Afi vogue naa.

    3. Anonymous 17:13, thank u... if everyone can correct with love like this, the world will be a better place

    4. Lmao.. even you that went 'vouche', it is 'VOUCH' biko. Ezigbo onye nkuzi.

    5. Vouch dumb ass...u dey correct person, u never correct yourself finish. Ode oshi

  19. Poster1
    What is love without trust? You should be able to vouge for ur bf even if he's 10000 miles away. So if u feel he's cheating on you cus he has lots of admirers then u shouldn't be in that relationship.

  20. N1- you 've to fight the spirit of jealousy from you oh, be sincerely happy for the other lady and see if God won't surprise you. By being jealous you block yourself from so many blessings without even knowing. You better kill that feeling fast force yourself to like that lady or just act totally like she n her boo doesn't exist. Personally I think you should become friends with her, that way the family gets to know you and accept you because nobody wants a troublesome inlaw and once u guys are getting along it will b easy to convince you boo to boo you for life. As for the snooping, I no get advise because I hate snooping.
    N2- tie thy legs oh, but u need to know that your guy feels he should 've sex with you because he has had sex with u before, so just 've a serious heart to heart talk with him, giving him the reason why u want to abstain, if he still insists, just let him go.

  21. Poster 1
    You are possesed

    Poster 2
    That bro doesn't love you. When a guy has flings and is freely tells you, you better run. I am a guy and I know how we think. There is always a girl in every guys life that he wants to sex with but can't or couldn't , we want her so bad the feeling become so strong e go b like love but once she opens leg, on to the next one.

  22. I think you should be with some one that aligns with your goal poster 2

    If you don't want sex a pastor or his protege or a born again deeper life brother . And leave the DJ to enjoy his life Biko .

    It's ur decision to tie ur legs like a mermaid , its not mandatory he agrees to this .infact it would not be fair , seeing as he isn't a virgin - and u can't turn him into one , If u guys continue this sham of a relationship , he would sleep with other girls .... There is no stoppin it

    1. Please go for someone you're gonna be compatible with,one who would respect your orders...... If he doesn't give your orders listening ears then what's gonna happen if you get married to him........ If he truly loves you....he'll wait till the time is right

      Also Check

  23. P1 - You well so? " she appears nice to everyone, but you know this girl" "she gossips alot" "you always feel jealous"
    Anyway good thing you want that jealousy to stop.
    She gossips a lot - That's all?
    Work on your self esteem. Be proud of who you are, you mustn't be the 'miss popular- everybody's lover' kind of girl. Be respectful and be you! Shikena. That your second question tire person. Next time be smart about snooping.

    Wait, he passworded his phone cos of you? That alone should be a mini-proof. Don't know what to tell you again.

    DO NOT let him put pressure on you to finally give in to having sex if you truly aren't ready or want to wait until you're married. If he can't wait, don't use sex to try to make him stay. Thing is, even if he agrees with the no sex thingy, are you ready to continually deal with him having those flings which he usually admits afterwards? Cos those flings won't stop.

  24. P-2, please don’t have sex with him,if he is serious d way he said, he will wait for d right time, talking from a 1st hand experience , @p-1, stop dat snooping of a tin, if not d rship will go nowhere, keep yourself busy. ( meemee ).

  25. Replies
    1. All these bitches wanna tie their legs because pussy is the only course they have to offer.

    2. Lolz....only course on offer...dats funny...

    3. Lol, you want dem to open leg for you free abi? Osho free, cheap as nigger. You wetin aside pr*ck u fit offer?

  26. Hello??
    It's me.
    I have been wondering when this chronicles will end..
    it's becoming tiring..

    1. It's a segment of this blog. How can it end? You don't have to read it you know.

  27. Chronicle 1, spirit of jealousy and envy is what's worrying u. U got no business with ur boyfriend's broda r/ship. U can back off if u wants,cos it doesn't make sense beefing peci wey no look ur

  28. Narratives this days are very annoying!!

  29. Chronicle 1. He's hiding something. I can't stand a Bf that doesn't give me access to his fone.

    Chronicles 2: break up abeg. Dont compromise

  30. Poster 2. My friend got married last month a Virgin. She had to break up with her now husband because of her no sex stance until they ran into each other at a supermarket. His 1st question was are you married? According to him, he had promised himself that if he ever ran into her and neither of them were married, he would marry her. That said, whatever will be will be.

  31. Poster one: Just negodu!
    She's a gossip and you're a saint abi?
    Abi, in your blind jealousy, you've forgotten that people change for the better.
    Have you ever wondered why everyone likes her and she is closer to his family than you are?
    Think about it.
    Your man doesn't like you snooping, so stop doing it,especially as he's not done anything to make you suspicious.
    I mean, are you dating someone you can't trust?
    Abeg, stop looking for who you're better than, and work on being so good everybody will like you too.
    Afterall,na gossip dey carry you come this blog.

    Poster two:
    Use your head jare.
    And why is he always reminding you that he can have any girl he wants?
    That's not right at all.
    Abusive words?
    As in, you're in a verbally abusive relationship?
    If you're team no sex before marriage, don't give in, no matter what.
    Meanwhile, since you know this always causes breakups between you both, why do you keep going back when you know you won't agree?
    You inspired him to branch into music. Nice line, but that doesn't mean that he's the one.


  32. Hmmm, may God help we women. My own Chronicle is hybernating in Stella's mailbox, sent it this morning.

  33. Well for Poster 2 and stella, "putting a ring" to it does not make sex legitimate or ease the conscience feeling this lady has. A man can put a ring to it and fling the lady away as soon as he had had his feel. Bride price is it! The moment he involves the two families in a ceremony and . . . the deed is done! After the bride price, you can part your legs like lokoja; the confluence town if you like. Otherwise, the "club guy" will use you for clubbing and girl, know what marrying a club guy mean.

  34. ! You know her too well as in from years ago when she was a teenager? In other words you haven't matured ever since to expect same from her? You are an enemy within

  35. Must every girl snoop????
    @ second narrative, stelllz have said it all already.

  36. Must every girl snoop????
    @ second narrative, stelllz have said it all already.

  37. Must every girl snoop????
    @ second narrative, stelllz have said it all already.

  38. Replies
    1. All these bitches wanna tie their legs because pussy is the only course they have to offer.

  39. Poster1,who told u the girl is pretending to be nice?make jealousy no kill u.
    I know your type,u don't want to see other people having what u can't have,expecially when it's someone u know and wish to be better than.

    But hey,she would get married to that guy and stay married.wether u like it or not.
    U don't know the prayers and efforts that girl must have put in. ....if u like don't go and pray for God to make u a better person and be close to that girl so u can also be close to the family..........Be there snooping.
    Til u get dumped .

    Poster 2,have sex with him,get dumped then find a better person.

    1. I have this friend that aways feel she's better than all of us.
      she wants to receive all the good things first before anyone,always jealous. but in the end 4 of us are all married and shes still single with her runz money.
      As God is not a man and can never be.

  40. As swt as sex is I can't bliv people still resist it. Been having sex swap since this week, during the day wif my girl, at night wif my guy fling with a big D. Sex is swt like dt

    1. Mumu. Go and look for work. Jobless mofo

    2. Odi you're right, sex is sweet. But what about God's commandments that we abstain from formication, that same sex copulation is a grievous sin, that sex is only permissible & honorable in marriage?

      Yet that is what we all were, fucking n doing as we like till the light of truth shone through our dirty dark lives.

      These laws are for our own good! We enjoy peace of mind, freedom from STDs and so on. Above all else we become God's friend.

      I hope this doesn't sound like a sermon, it wasn't meant to, just friendly advice.

    3. She doesn't listen to advice. Odi, hell is real. If you wanna go fine, but stop trying to drag others with you by your comments.

  41. Poster 1, please you will do them a lot of good by leaving that relationship and their lives in general. You are naturally a confusionist,I know your kinds. Your types see the worst in everyone but have the worst of characters. You get jealous when another gets the attention you so crave and can even put a spoke in other's wheel. You see that other girl might have grown out of that stuff and her good heart is what is attracting all the love she gets while you who sees yourself good "in your eyes" will be left behind till you change. Start minding your business and be happy for others so that you will get good tidings too.mtcheeeeew!

  42. Pls ma I need "rumour has it that" I don miss am. How you dey Stella? To the chronicles errmm poster 1 you no get wahala, poster 2 carrry go and be a babymama I just dey play o.

    1. Poster two you can allow him have his way if you think u can't do without him but remember sex can't keep a man.

    2. Not at all, if sex could keep a man I would be married by now.

  43. First Poster.
    Ask God to get rid of the envious spirit in you.
    Who says gossips cannot get married? It doesn't make her a bad person,it is your jealousy speaking..

    The major problem you have is not even the girl, it is the fact that you are in a relationship where you cannot demand for your boyfriend's password to even take a picture.LOL. I don't get it. I have this strange feeling that you are more in love with him and might be suffering from a low self esteem..Men perceive it from miles away.

    Poster two:
    If you don't want to have sex,stand your ground. I hate that you are getting threats from him just because you don't want to have sex. Sex is a mutual thing,you cannot be cajoled,blackmailed or talked into doing it.... you might just have regrets or hate yourself when he moves to the next girl/groupie.

    Btw,i don't like being called abusive names.. So I really don't understand why you are with a man that uses "abusive words" on you or na play e dey play?

  44. Just like single women are advised to keep their legs closed, single men are also advised to keep their wallets closed.

    1. All these bitches wanna tie their legs because pussy is the only course they have to offer.

  45. P1...Nne grow up.

    P2...Your situation is not a good one, he wants sex, you don't. He is very hurtful with words? What kind of thing is this? You sound very young, another good man will come your way. Imagine him having flings and you are there condoning. Please receive sense and move on.

  46. Na wah, no man is perfect o, u leave this one u will stil meet another with Ghana must go sized baggage, no guy is happy to carry Konji for long time, or settle runz girls to cure conji while he spends money on you, pls if u dnt want sex, dnt date anyone, stay alone till people come knocking ur door for marriage

  47. Poster 1... You call it 'jealousy', I call it 'envy'. Envy can be detrimental. Not only to the other person but yourself. Instead of wasting your time feeling 'jealous' of her, why don't you search out those areas where U seems not perfect and don't fit well with your bf's family and ammend. And about your bf locking his fone? I don't think it is right for him. He might have somethings he is hiding. I'm a man and I don't password my fone for my woman. By the way, must you let him know you are snooping? Ask 'qualified' women to teach U how to really snoop.

    Poster 2... Mrs. Stella has spoken. All the best.

  48. I have not hi to say baby girls

  49. Poster 1: get a life, u still a child abeg.

    Poster 2: well! Is either u walk away or u stay nd open ur legs or u risk bin heart broken all d time cus he is gonna break ur heart a thousand times.

  50. Poster one..
    You're on your own.

    Poster two..
    Stand your ground. If he wants to go.because of sex, pls let him go. No be by force

  51. Poster 1: stay far and watch her 'kobalize' herself. Stop being jealous.

    Poster 2 : is ur bf DJ Spinall? Na kweshiun o

  52. Team snoop! I snoop a lot, but I do mine openly becos DH dosent bother, but if your guy dosent love it, stop it! And channel your mind towards other things.
    Btw I think you are a side chick.

    Mummy sinach

    1. You dey fall hand, once he knows you snoop you have stopped your chances of finding out anything. E.g he can have a separate phone he keeps from you that you don't know about. If you don't have the mind or stomach to snoop don't do it. All I know is that snooping has been saving lives tey, tey.

  53. Poster one y r u jealous of that girl?! I hate people that get jealous of people like that. Work on yourself.
    Poster two my ex would use abusive words on me when he's angry too. I hated that. If the guy wants sex and u r not ready for it, then move on. Life isn't that difficult abeg. You can't make him not want sex with u.

  54. Sometimes in life all we need too do is, Recognize crap and walk the fuck away from it..

  55. Poster 1, jealousy no get medicine.@ poster 2 my dear stand your ground if he is yours definitely he will wait but if he is not let him waka.

  56. Yawns...
    Both of you don't have any problem

  57. Na wa for today's chronicle. Poster1, work on your attitude before it ruins your relationship.

  58. I hate it when people start their chronicles with..."I never thought I would ever send chronicles some day, but ...", my friend get on with the chronicles and stop the long grammar. Mtschew.

    1. Because they are ppl like you who tot chronicles are written by ppl who are dumb, unfortunate, weak, frustrated etc. No! they are real ppl dealing with everyday issues, they are ppl who refused to play god with their lives. Never say never; human lives are everyday chronicles.

    2. Thank you wise one.

    3. i.e @ 18:09, you are wise.

  59. Poster 1 is a useless girl. Sorry. Poster 2, don't have sex if u don't want to. Don't have sex cos u wanna keep him. What do u guys think love is sef. Mcheew! Even if u have sex with him, his job still makes him predisposed to cheating so nothing is a guarantee. Left to me, if he loves u, he should put a ring on it. What's with the abusive words when arguing. Look @the whole picture and decide.

  60. Dunno why I feel these chronicles are childish

  61. Narrator 1: you need to work on yourself. Stay out of other people's relationship. Stop comparing yourself with other people. You sound insecure. Discuss your fears with your boyfriend, if he truly cares he will stand by you.

    Narrator 2: You can't keep a man with seX. If he's unwillingly to stay celibate with you, it's high time you take a walk. Don't get pressured into having seX.

    1. Exactly the best course if cannot wait for you and is using style style to threaten you with other babe's he may have discipline and deeper self control issues that need sharp sharp addressing
      You are not Holy Spirit if he doesn't believe in it, you can't convince him@Poster 2
      You need someone on the same page with you!
      Don't lower your standards for anybody

  62. Unlike those days, it has become difficult to abstain from sex. A lot of times I wonder if my Mom can be like all Moms. She trained us all to face our studies as teenagers and made understand that any guy that says he loves you is all out for your punani. I dare not use that word back then, she for kill me. So we grew up with that. My first boyfriend became my husband and we dated for four years with no sex. I told him that from the first day he asked me out. The suspense he was put made him love and worship me. I got married at 26 and now have two lovely kids. One thing my people, it is not a guarantee that if you marry as a virgin, you will have a mind blowing sex life. It's a 50-50 thing. Am fine with one round of sex twice weekly at 32 years. For some, testing before marriage is paramount. For others, it's a NO-NO

  63. N 1,u need to work on your attitude. Why are u creating problems for yourself when dere is none. Focus on being a better person and people will notice it and respect you.
    N2,you have made a wise decision to abstain cos from your narrative I doubt if this guy is dat into you. Some men become abusive if they are not getting it from you. This is just to break you and make u succumb to their wishes and after then the interest wears. Stand your ground or better still,take a walk.

  64. Poster one, I am seeing your chronicle from a different angle. I think your jealousy stems from your feeling insecure about your boyfriend. His treatment of you does not reflect his seriousness about you. Also, you find you are not so popular with his family which further heightens your insecurity and fuels your jealousy for your school mate. Especially as she now appears to be everyone's darling. I think your acknowledging your jealousy is a step forward, but you need to dig deep to find out the roots. My advice to you is to be with a man you can trust who will stand by you. Also, be with a man and a family (if possible) that brings out the best in you, or at least accepts you for who you are. Hope they are not behaving in ways that makes you feel inferior. Also you may need counselling to determine if you brought an inferiority complex with you into the relationship. If that's the case, you have to find out why you keep feeling inferior and sought it out, so it doesn't affect future relationships. I admire your honesty. Everyone feels jealous about something or someone every once in a while. It is left to us not to let that jealousy master us and turn us into monsters. Just seek for the roots and fight it with Gods' help. All the best.

  65. Poster 2 il be sincere with you sex before marriage is actually a sin but because of the world we live in now everything is way out of hand and its ok to have sex without feeling bad about it girls even do it to get cash and they are praised and worshipped society is fucked up should not be the basis of a relationship if you have sex with him or not it might not change anything dont have sex with him just because you want to please him and you not cool with and please hes dj dont get me wrong am not saying its not a good thing but would you want to spend the rest of your life with a deejay if the relationship actually works out he has said it already he meets alot of girls and definitely hes had something to do with them so babe be wise abeg dont force yourself to do something you dont wanna do just because you wqnt to please a guy you guys should sit and talk about it and if he's not cool with then am sorry just leave. Remember dont libe your life to please man but God. ××anonymous lagos girl××


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