Stella Dimoko Woman Who Gave Birth On Board After 'Sneaking On To Have Baby In US' Deported Without Tot


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Thursday, October 22, 2015

Woman Who Gave Birth On Board After 'Sneaking On To Have Baby In US' Deported Without Tot

A heavily pregnant Taiwanese woman who dramatically gave birth on a packed passenger plane allegedly sneaked onto the flight so she could have the baby in the US.
Incredible footage emerged earlier this month showing the woman, known only as Jian, delivering the baby girl on a China Airlines flight from Taipei to Los Angeles.

Jian went into labour at 30,000 feet, prompting panicked staff to appeal to passengers for medical help.

Luckily, a doctor was on board the aircraft and was able to assist in the baby's delivery.
The flight was forced to divert to Anchorage, Alaska, so the new mother could get medical treatment and be sent to a hospital.

However, it has now been claimed Taiwanese citizen Jian wanted her child to be born on US soil so they would qualify for automatic citizenship.
 She allegedly refused to lie flat to give birth and kept asking "are we in America yet?", reported...LMAO!!!

Jian was separated from her child on Saturday after the newborn was awarded US citizenship, the news site claims.

 The mother was deported back to Taiwan but the baby girl remains in America with a family friend as she is too young to fly.

Taiwan's Minister of Transport and Communications Chen Jian-yu said the diversion and extra costs incurred came to more than £21,000 and the company want Jian to pay it back. reportage.

A lot of women do this all the time,no be today!


  1. Lol @ are we in America yet?

    1. Lmaooo. But it was wrong to have separated mother from child. Esp whilst still nursing. You either return both or u grant the mother temporary stay. Human rights world activists can win her a case though.

    2. It's just to teach her a lesson and discourage others.
      Lol@ are we in America yet?

    3. The woman didn't care if the child dies or not! What if there was no doctor to manage the deliver and there was complications? At that high altitude, a lot of things change in the body and it is dangerous for a new born. They can use a wet nurse instead! The child will be well taken care of and they don't want to encourage other stupid women!

    4. U support you my sister. Its so wrong to separate mother frm child, they shld have waited for at least 6 wks b4 deporting her, by then they can deport her wit her child.

    5. Really? deport her and put her baby in another person's care? If she agrees to this absurd arrangement then she must be ignorant.

  2. "Are we in America yet" Lmao! But they should have allowed her stay and nurse her baby...Her risk paid off, at least her baby got the US citizenship.

  3. Hahahahahhaaa @ are we in America yet?

    1. The US govt. is good as they still gave the child citizenship ...
      Uk keep increasing the years the child has to stay before given citizenship .

    2. Ehya..
      Are we in America yet? That got to me lol.
      They shouldn't have separated mother and daughter...that's a NO NO!

      The airline that wants someone hustling for American visa thru magomago way to lay back damages are dreaming. Where will she get the money from?
      Abi no be them allowed her to board the plane with her drooping tummy

  4. Buhahaha @ Are we in America yet! Lucky baby u still got 2 live d American life ur mommy wished4 u. But this lady got sm balls,as she must av be managing dt labour pains of life even b4 boarding I guess.

  5. Eeeyah..
    They should reunite her with her baby pls.thats my only concern.
    Her only crime is wanting a better life for her baby.

  6. Wow...........I love her zeal, she got what she wanted
    The child can file for her when he/she is an adult.

  7. Lmao, the quest for a better life brings such drama.Mission accomplished

  8. Wait o!
    Separate d new baby from her mom?
    I don't think it's right.
    I think wot would have bn best (for the baby who is d primary concern here) is to allow d new mom time to nurse her new baby.and wen d baby is 6 weeks,den u deport d mom.

    Cos deporting d mom now doesn't make sense esp as she ma doesn't want ur America.she only wants it for her child.which she has gotten. Hehehehe.
    Sharp woman.

    Una fail dis one joor.

  9. No be small are we in America lol

  10. Mehnnnn it's painful... Sorry for her.

  11. Lol@Are we in America..... Even in pains???

  12. Can you just imagine this woman lol

  13. I love the woman's way. Thank God the baby is now a US citizen.

    The woman just behaving like our nija women. Everyone wanting to have children in US soil. May be that is the ticket to heaven

    1. Shut up. As if u won't jump at it if given d opportunity

  14. Lol dey for pity her

  15. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    The woman wants what every body wants.. To make her new born child a US citizen...... I hope she is brought back though.....

  16. Lol dey for pity her

  17. Hahahahaha na real " are we in America yet ?" Lmaooo madam kpele you will be alright .. But that kain pikin sef, lmao u dey forbid better thing? U after 9 months nor fit just wait a few more hours? Hahahahaha chei its so hard to keep up with this blog! I missed this blog

  18. Lolz.
    Wonders shall never end.

  19. Lmao!
    Are we there yet?

    I now cherish the letter "Y" so much.
    Morning all

    1. Hahahahha I know.and it can be very frustrating.
      Wa! Nwa baby good for u! And u know why. Kikikiki in BLOGGIE's vois.

      Good morning to u too Beautiful.

  20. Eyah. But she shouldn't av agreed to leave her child behind o. But well, she's now a US citizen

  21. Bia this story get k-leg...
    How did she '' sneak '' inside plane?

  22. She got what she want atleas she still achieve it

  23. Bae is African American. I Dnt even need the passport but my children will get automatic blue passport anywhere in the world they will be born. Me no send the passport at all.

  24. Awww..
    This is quite touching and hilarious at the same time..
    All the mother wants is a better life for the infant..

  25. Hahaha... america land of citizenship

  26. LOl...Are we there yet? Chasing the American dream

  27. I don't blame the woman o! we Nigerians also do the same.

  28. Nor be only Nigeria dey hustle to go born pinkin for US na. Congratulations to her she made it as plan.

    Area boi was here

  29. At least, she achieved her dream!US citizen indeed!
    She better pay for the diversion expense with joy!

  30. Hmmmm, I would give anything to leave this shores, I will take my daughter to my mum in the village and travel even if it is by boat. The frustrations in this country can make one commit suicide which is even worse than dying in transit.

  31. Lol. What a clown! Are we in America yet?

  32. Hahahahaha @are we in America yet?


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