Stella Dimoko Emir Of Kano Sanusi Allegedly Responds To #ChildNotBrideCritics...


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Thursday, October 01, 2015

Emir Of Kano Sanusi Allegedly Responds To #ChildNotBrideCritics...

Well the Emir Of Kano Sanusi Lamido got married to a beautiful 18year old girl and he went under fire for marrying a child bride.

You might have seen this Allegedly 'leaked mail' somewhere else but i just finally read it and i am ''hmmmmming'' and trying to Imagine Sanusi's mood as he composed this mail which like i said 'allegedly leaked'.

I dont know if he indeed composed this mail but if you have perused it before,please read it again with your ''inner eyes'' and lets talk about it......Also the picture is allegedly that of his beautiful 18 year old bride but she doesnt look anywhere near 18years,perhaps,its not her pic or perhaps its the make up,I dont know but i read it and ended up being more confused because I am wondering why Sanusi,the Emir of Kano would care about what anyone thinks if he is doing the right thing!


“I am sure NC members all have their views and have kept quiet out of (appropriate) deference to our right to make our individual choice. Obviously I do not need to explain anything to anyone in a purely personal matter but a few points are worthy of note: 1. The lady in question is 18 and thererfore legally of age to marry under all laws and certainly inder Muslim law.

2. She is proceeding for her undergraduate education in the UK in january. She had an A in computer science in her O levels and plans to get a degree in computer science

3 each and everyone of my wives is a university graduate and some have worked and then stopped and in each case the choice was purely theirs.

4. It is a tradition in Kano that emirs and princes in choosing wives consider issues beyond the individual. The family is in every sense a social unit. My predecessor was married to princesses from Ilorin, Katsina and Sokoto.

5 The relationship between the late Lamido of Adamawa Aliyu Musdafa the father of the current Lamido is well known. Lamido Aliyu was the first emir turbanned after emir Sanusi I and they remained close until Sanusi’s death.

6. My own relationship with the current Lamido dates back to 1981 when he was Ciroma and commissioner for works. By the way the Lamido and I are not illiterates we know what we are doing and he does have a PhD in Engineering.

7. My own mother was married in Adamawa and lived there for more than two decades and I have eight younger brothers and sisters from there.

8 it is therefore natural that if I choose to marry from another kingdom Adamawa would be the first choice for me and I am extremely happy to strengthen these ling historical bonds.

9. The young lady in question gave her free consent and even after the contract the wedding will not happen for a few years. By then she may be 21. If she freely consents to this I do not know on what moral grounds anyone has a grouse. She is an adult, she gave her consent, her education is not being in anyway interrupted.

10. The real issue is that people do not accept cultural difference. And you can see it in the approach to these issues. I am supposed to be urbane and western educated. Yes but i am not European. I am a northern Nigerian Fulani Muslim brought up in a setting exactly like the one my children are being brought up in.

If you read this and it improves your understanding of this issue that is fine. If it does not just remember it is not your life, it is not your daughter and you are not my wife therefore it is not your business.
I obviously cannot stoop to the level of responding publicly to these kinds of articles. I have always been an advocate of girls marrying after maturing. I personally like the minimum age of 18 even though i understand those who say 16 is fine and indeed this is the law in most so calked ‘advanced’ countries.
Is this something that I expect an European or western trained or feminist mind to appreciate or endorse? Not at all. But has any american been bothered about my views on men marrying men or women marrying women which frankly I find primitive and bestial? No and my views do not matter. These are cultural issues. Even in Nigeria I have heard all this stuff as in Pius article about “north” and northerners. Again it is a failure to respect difference. There are parts if this country where parents expect their daughters to live with their boyfriends for years and actually get pregnant before they marry. It has become culture. 

We do not have that in the north and if your daughter gets pregnant before marriage she brings nothing but shame to the name. But we do not issue condemnations. We agree that this is how they choose to live. And i can give many other examples.
When people use the term libido they do themselves injustice. First of all it shows how they view women and marriage. Women are nothing but the object of sexual desire. Marriage is nothing but sexual gratification. Well I am sorry but in my tradition it is not. Beauty and attraction rank third after religion and lineage in the choice of a wife. They see an 18 year old young lady. I see a princess of noble birth whose mother is also a princess, and who has been brought up in a good muslim home.

This is the kind of woman that is prepared for giving birth to princes and bringing them up for the role expected of them in society.
Martiage is both social and political. Expanding the links of kano which have already been established by my predecessors through inter marriage with katsina, sokoto, ilorin, katagum, ningi, bauchi etc to adamawa is an important and signifant step and this is obvious to anyone with a sense of how royal families work and Ibn Khaldun’s sociological concept of Asabiyyah.
When the emir of Kano marries it has to be something beyond what he oersonally desires to what is appropriate for that position and the expectations of the people he represents. You dont just pick up any girl on the street. And by the way for thise who shout libido sex is cheap and available everywhere in all shapes and sizes and all colours if that is what they want. And all ages too. 

Martiage is a very different proposition. The mother of your children has to be something other than, or at least much more than a mere object of sexual fantasy. But if you do not know that you need to buy yourself a brain.
I have daughters. And they know they can only marry from certain backgrounds. I always prefer family. When my daughter wanted to marry mouftah baba ahmed’s son and she asked me, knowing my views on family, i told her mouftah is family. And this is not about me and mouftah or me an hakeem or nafiu. No. It goes back to Baba Ahmed and Emirs Sanusi and Bayero. And the same rule applies to my sons. And it applied to me as well.

It is I am sure very strange that I should even bother to comment on this. But it would be hypocritical for me to just keep quiet so long as these things are being posted and commented upon explicitly or in a snide manner. There was no secrecy in the marriage fatiha.
The date was fixed and it was to be done in the central mosque after fridayprayers. The day before we had a tragedy in Saudi Arabia and decided the fatiha must be very low key as a mark of respect for the dead. All traditional rulers in adamawa were there, as were governors and commissioners, members of my own emirate council and adamawa people. There is nothing here to hide or be apologetic about. The emirs of adamawa have shown love to my parents and grandparents and it is a sign of my appreciation of their love that i marry their daughter. This is the highest statement of friendship and loyalty on both sides.

Again if you understand this this is fine. If you do not buy yourself a brain, A la Pius.
In any event this is my one and final and only comment on this. And I am making it out of respect for NC members.”



  1. Very beautiful girl!

    NWA AMAKA stop cussing under my comments anoy! U wasting ur time jobbless small bush girl

    AKA sumborri

    1. Am too big for that. Get over urself av noticed u.

    2. Super intelligent response...
      We all agree to what d westerners say is right to the detriment of our own history and way of life. At 18, she is legal and that is all that matters. People shld be more concerned about how cheap girls sell themselves for monetary gains publicly in this society.
      He raised a very brilliant point talking about how girls are expected to live with their boyfriends and get pregnant b4 marriage, these are things you all should talk about and ensure it goes back to bein shameful. Its really sad how girls proudly flaunt their pregnancy even though they arnt shld be a shameful thing and they shld be hiding it and not flaunting it

    3. Tenk U Sanusi. So it's okay for 16 year olds 2 pwuhk who ever they want but not okay when a mature 18 year old decides to settle down legally. Kai! Wonder why he bothered to reply.

    4. She looks happy that'is the main thing.

    5. See dis jobless small rat! Nwa AMAKA indeed! U are d one begging to be noticed, jumping all around wit foolish comments! Oode sumbori av u got a job nd a fuck buddy now? Mumu

      AKA sumborri

    6. If that's d gal,she looks more 28 than 18!dou she's pretty,well of course she should be!
      Even dou he made a deep statement dat touched me:'beauty and attractions rank 3rd in his criteria for wifing any woman.hmmmm!
      Well,dis I dedicate to all d pretty groupies that will almost kill demselves trying to marry royals!stop wasting ur time,energies and pu##ys.
      Just an observation...

    7. Yawns!Wareefa Rocks his canoe......

  2. Well I don't see why he'd bother critics with a response. The girl has parents and I didn't hear them say she was forcefully taken from her parents. Please let's address more pressing issues affecting our economy.

    1. Nigerians are so brainwashed. What do we want to hear again? He married her for political and social reasons, also economy as well. He wants expand his empire. Why not with his son?
      Most girls in Nigeria are suffering. Here in Germany, school children are being taught only to make friends with their mates. It is a crime for an adult to lay a teneager. Yes she is still a teneage girl, though she is 18. Here you can never a young girl or boy marrying to his father's age mate. Their sugar mums and dads only do it with a foriegner and never a pure German. No boy or any german girl will even agree to date someone too old. They taught them to reason that way, and there's all an emotional side effect to that.
      Take d woman that was linked with Jim Iyk, Chidi Muokeme, and many other women like that.
      Have call these grown women among them to tell their experiences. I mean a sort of opinion. How they felt and all during their own time.
      Stella you are married to a pure German, that both his parents are germans, from educated home, ask you ll get an answer. You son is coming of age, ask some of the things they teach them about relationship.
      A girl might be sexual active at an early stage does not make it right, but atleast with her mates not someone way too old for her.
      These girls are taught to think these way, but their parents can still change their mindset. All these things depends mostly on their up bringing. They made to believe is a right and normal thing.
      This goes to our girls here that always say my money is my money, his money is ours. Here who earns much pays the bill between the couple. They have the same account or few times not. Government count their money the same, and this determines the way their taxes are being paid. I mean their TAX GRADES.
      Stella you what i'm talking about.
      We should stop saying it's a northern thing, it's everywhere in Africa, but mostly practice now by the illitrate ones.
      And let's stop using Omotola and Kanu as examples, because there's no comparison between.
      You might agree with me or not, but Sanusi would ve done better. And parents should stop using their children as business.
      Even if the girl is happy, but such a thing would't ve crossed her mind if not for the parents.
      Every girl always which for the best.........

    2. Nigerians are so brainwashed. What do we want to hear again? He married her for political and social reasons, also economy as well. He wants expand his empire. Why not with his son?
      Most girls in Nigeria are suffering. Here in Germany, school children are being taught only to make friends with their mates. It is a crime for an adult to lay a teneager. Yes she is still a teneage girl, though she is 18. Here you can never a young girl or boy marrying to his father's age mate. Their sugar mums and dads only do it with a foriegner and never a pure German. No boy or any german girl will even agree to date someone too old. They taught them to reason that way, and there's all an emotional side effect to that.
      Take d woman that was linked with Jim Iyk, Chidi Muokeme, and many other women like that.
      Have call these grown women among them to tell their experiences. I mean a sort of opinion. How they felt and all during their own time.
      Stella you are married to a pure German, that both his parents are germans, from educated home, ask you ll get an answer. You son is coming of age, ask some of the things they teach them about relationship.
      A girl might be sexual active at an early stage does not make it right, but atleast with her mates not someone way too old for her.
      These girls are taught to think these way, but their parents can still change their mindset. All these things depends mostly on their up bringing. They made to believe is a right and normal thing.
      This goes to our girls here that always say my money is my money, his money is ours. Here who earns much pays the bill between the couple. They have the same account or few times not. Government count their money the same, and this determines the way their taxes are being paid. I mean their TAX GRADES.
      Stella you what i'm talking about.
      We should stop saying it's a northern thing, it's everywhere in Africa, but mostly practice now by the illitrate ones.
      And let's stop using Omotola and Kanu as examples, because there's no comparison between.
      You might agree with me or not, but Sanusi would ve done better. And parents should stop using their children as business.
      Even if the girl is happy, but such a thing would't ve crossed her mind if not for the parents.
      Every girl always wish for the best.........

    3. wish for d best

    4. Corrections:
      wants to expand
      you can never see
      'Ve they call
      your son
      about relationships in school
      counts as
      Stella you know what..
      Every girl wishes...

    5. Like he said, ifnu understand fine, if not get a brain lady chioma. However to your write up, read again he said the consummation 2ill be after her education studying computer science in the UK when she shud be arnd 21.
      Stop your myopic thinking, u are citing germany as example must we follow german predecessions? We have our culture, germany has theirs, kano has theirs so does your background too, its high time we respect each others culture and live our lifes free of rigmaroles

    6. @Chioma all i read from your comment is ranting, Sanusi's response is for people like yourself. You talk about Germans and Germany, those people have their own tradition/problems as Nigerians do have their own tradition so allow German's to do their stuff, while the so called northerners live theirs. German's have their own wrongs and they know how they are dealing with it.
      Their system work more than most countries in Europe compare to Nigeria. Then again you said german 18years girl can not date sanusi age mate, where did you get such informations from? Thats total lie. German 18years old date and sleep with old men as well especially the rich men so forget those talk about such not happening in Germany, it happens in the whole world it's just not common in western world like Africa, poverty make such common in Africa.
      Even in Germany the age sexual consent law is 14years as far is the sex is not rape and those kids there start banging at the age of even 11/12 years with their mates. So what do you think about the age law being 14 there while Nigeria is 18? Some kids smoke at the age of 9 years in Germany. Don't you think they also have their own issues?
      You should have mentioned how german men go to Thailand and other Asia countries to sleep "pedophilia" with underage kids. Family to the young lady is not complaining so why would it be an issue for some of us?

    7. No Jay Moore that's a big fat lie. We always see every white person be Italian, Spain, Poland, Yugoslavia, and name it as German whereby they are not.
      Every country has their own culture and tradition, quite agree. But we forgot that is not every culture and tradition is helpful. We got to take the good ones and leave the bad ones. That a fifteen yr old girl is sex active does not make right. That our fore fathers killed twins does not make it right. We shld leave some these our culture and tradition which we know that are of no use and retain the ones with good.
      Mind you I never said, the girl should not marry, but at least with one of SLS sons. How do we move forward if in everything we say it's our culture.
      You said I'm ranting, very far from it, but I talking of MORAL, to do what's right. I don't even have a girl child, stopped given birth, still young and sexy, so I'm not doing this for my girl child. I married in my twenties after university, but still see it as being too young because it stopped me from so many things cause I couldn't do it the way I wanted. Eight yrs in marriage and still counting. My honey pie is so so supportive, and young in his early forties.
      You think this girl will be free with him the way she could ve been free with a younger man, definitely not more especially she schooling abroad. There'll be so much monitoring cause she's still too too young for him.
      You won't understand cause you're not a woman.
      My dear definetly not ranting cause I don't know what will cause that when I'm living my beautiful life as I want, go to market get whatever thing I want for me and my family, and pple home not lacking. Look myself in the mirror, and make sure I'm still sexy as ever.
      SLS can keep such relationship both socially, politically, and economically if he wished without marrying that little girl, or if it's only marriage that can keep that, then his son shld ve gone for it.
      So read and comprehend.

    8. @Chioma you did not answer MOST of my questions as i wanted. I expected you to give me answers one after the other in regards to my points. As i told you earlier, Germany is a good country but they have their own issues as i pointed out. If it comes to understanding that country "Germany" i will teach you their history/culture and other areas am very serious. So leave that story for us,i know them WELL. You pointed out that people see every white person from Italy,Poland,Spain as german haba nnem,why would you say so? In Germany those countries you mentioned are proud of their country of origin ok? None claim to be german when they are not unless passport wise. I am talking about typische DEUTSCHE BITTE. They also commit same crime i mentioned, use google and youtube you will see a lot of them. Watch news daily at ARD,ZDF,PROSIEBEN,RTL or Use youtube to check Germans in Thailand sleeping with transvestite or underage girls. The whites are more sick in the brain than our so called Nigerians or africans. There are a lot of things i can mentioned that is wrong with the german society but lets leave it for another time. No worries,Germany is a country i love but don't come claiming like they are saint. Am sure you know the story of bayern (Bavarians) not getting along with other parts of Germany and they way Bavarians feel they are the real germans unlike the rest of germany.
      @Chi leave German matter but for sure is the best country in Europe/richest/beautiful/Their system work but same time they are no saint. Try create an id please so that anytime i see your comment i will post you weekly issues from the country. Have a nice weekend.

  3. Pls what age did omotola jalade got married again?

    1. How old was her husband stop sounding foolish

    2. Abi o and even Kanu's wife. Most of our moms married b4 18 #FACT

    3. God bless you. At 18 and now everybody love the fact she had early marriage because the children are grown up now and she is still.

    4. Omotola's husband was not above 50 years then

    5. Stupid anonymous 21:54 how old did u start having sex?

    6. Oh so ur mother married a 64yrs old man @18? Nobody is sayin she's too young to marry, hs just too old for her!

  4. Every Mallam with his kettle. Nothing concern me. BTW, this na long essay.

    1. Waga (Onye Isi Nkuka)2 October 2015 at 08:06

      Less than 450words is a long essay?? People like you are proof that the country's educational system is on a dwindling spiral state #you need prayers

    2. Mumu! How does that affect your life? Prayer warrior, pray yourself out of your ghost mood first. Busybody!

  5. But he denied it before. All well and good, we will be waiting for their marriage in 3yrs time as he claimed. Non of my business.

    *Larry was here*

    1. Larry dearie, u are waiting 4 his marriage in 3 years time and it's still nona ur business? LMAO

  6. Too long plz
    Who has the time
    She is old enough for marriage
    After all kanu's wife was eighteen when he married her
    How come nobody criticised him
    Talking about double standards

  7. Wch is the right email to send post for IHN? Is it stellakuko or sdimokokorkus @ gmail?

  8. Well spoken!!! I concur

  9. A wonderful response.
    Very humane and humble of the Emir.
    He touched a very important issue;
    Those Shameless language people that allow
    their daughters to live with a man for years, get pregnant and born Children without marriage. ve no right in any way to criticize him.

    1. Dunno what 2 make of this comment but it's tribalistic!

    2. You are shameless and a bastard, bloody ritualist.

    3. 70 percent of the negative criticisms were from your language people.
      OMO ALE.

    4. Monkey fucker ki lo kan Iyalaya e? Oloriibu elejo ofo.

    5. Stella, SDK, didn't you ask us to point out BVs who make tribalistic comments!? I know you read comments, you mean it hasn't caught your attention that moneymaker is tribalistic!?

      Or you choose to ignore it because he funds give aways!?

      To be clear, he or any other BV who as much as suggests a tribe is better or worse, via direct speech or innuendo, should be warned then blocked if it continues.

      SDK! Take note.

    6. @teddy, Please
      The money man did not single out any particular tribe.
      He could be referring to any language in the country.
      Fund give aways?
      How much sef 've I given away on this blog? Almost nothing!

    7. @Teddy ,Abegi shut up.Did the money maker mention any tribe at all?
      Please, always think before you talk.

  10. Even a thief would want to justify why he/she steals.

    So I'm not surprised.
    Emir Akwamiko.

    1. I dunno why fools like u with block head will continue to remain adamant to learn even in the face of knowledge. Use ur head small doesn't cost much. Hian!

    2. Get over urself. Bitter soul.

    3. Sharrap my friend.. chief bridesmaid at 35. Don't go and marry be there talking trash.. agadi nwanyi baby.

    4. Lets just say you are jealous of the girl. At ya age, no husband. Oloshi ashewo shilling shilling. Bleached out toad.

    5. See your feet like duck own. Storky swine. Werey ko si akwa oche.

    6. True talk @Chi. Sanusi, Tahhhhh you married a child full stop! are you saying the marriage will not be consumated until she is 21? Akuko! So cos you know how to speak and write grammar, we should agree with you! aren't there older brides of noble birth? You owe no one any explanation, yet you had the time to explain to us? You borrow yourself a brain, and hide yourself in shame! Religion my ass....Agadi ba-agwo ofe! Baba oshi! All you ass lickers should take several seats....

    7. Gosh, why the hateful replies. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. For me, it's not my business. In the north this is nothing new, at least he tried she is 18 after all.

    8. While I was sleeping y'all was awake? Cussing? Now I know why y'all do this. Y'all get no shine if you don't reply my comments. So be my guest.

      Even that ugly Akuna Ike Nwa amaka sef? Lmao...
      Goodmorning people.

  11. Na wa!!
    Of course he won't see anything wrong with marrying an 18 year old,he's a northerner and a muslim.
    They marry lil girls as young as 11-14yrs old.
    They don't care cos they aren't the ones to battles vvf abi what is it called? Vaginal vesti something something.
    Its the young girls that go thru the trauma of a leaking vagina and carrying a bag of urine everywhere they go.
    And before the hausas and muslims will come with their blazing guns and all,and cry foul..

    Go to ahmadu bello teaching hospital and see the ward for vvf victims there.
    From ethiopia to somali to sudan,niger,and nigeria(northern part)its same story.
    Child brides,vvf,and sad thing is once the girls are affected,they abandon them.
    May God have mercy!!

    1. The sillyness in ur response breaks my heart but i'm sure it'll break ur family's heart more. Omotola Jalade married at what age again? Go get a life fool!!!

    2. Between ur comment & ur name...which is more silly biko???

    3. I have a cousin that got married at 16 and she is igbo. Most uneducated igbos get married immediately after secondary school. Its not just a Muslim thing.

    4. Madam why should he see anythg wrong in marrying an 18 year old? Bet u don't see anythg wrong in 16 year olds phuwking 5 BFS and a sugar daddy at the same time.

      They marry as young as 11 to 14, is she 11 to 14? Do u kno how many 11 to 14 year olds on ur street who hv multiple sex partners?

    5. Madam, you should read the Emir's response again.

    6. Ghanaman shut the hell up. There is no comparison. Omotola's hubby was not 54.

      Eesah shut up! continue sleeping with 11 to 14years old okay? until the arms of the law catches up with you!

    7. Ghanaman, do u av sense? Was Omotola's husband 58years? Mumu. After u'll be insulting Chi exotic

    8. Jasmine...Many billionaires married younger girls right here in Nigeria. And they're not Muslims o. Ojuwku & Bianca, Dabota Lawson & her hubby, Caroline & Musa Danjuma, Chief Iwuayanwu & his wife...go & calculate the age difference between these couples. Ode!

  12. Petroleum Minister1 October 2015 at 20:49

    Chai! Stella Nwanne mmadu, kee night bus igbara ihe a? I guess you couldn't be a seat in any of the first buses. Nke a ewusigonu kamgbe odum wu eze umu anumanu. Gbaa mbo wetara anyi isiokwu ndi ahu gbara okpurukpu inugo? Chukwu gozie gi

    1. @petroleum minister, please. Always write in English language. I don't know how this blog will look like if everybody start writing in his/her native language. Thank you.

    2. Petroleum Minister1 October 2015 at 22:17


    3. This is nt an igbo blog! Leave here

    4. if you cannot read it, move on nau...shey oro wa mbe ni?

    5. Nwanne supu Igbo gi. Ebe obula anyi no uju abia ha.

  13. Replies
    1. @ammy......,if na gbenshing them dey discuss inside now. U go read am finish.

    2. Olodo...go and read an intelligent write up! Emir turned lawyer Sanusi has justified his actions in a very intelligent mail, but I refuse to be bought by his religious justification of his action.

  14. He wrote this, I believe!

    Bet erm, why you com dey para? We understand you need fresh pu*** so fuck on.

    Wait oh, you mean until she's 21 and done with education, there won't be any form of gbenshing? Emir abeg fear Allah...

    1. Buy urself a brain. If u can't afford one wait for next begi begi post.

    2. It aint anyone's biz if they start gbenshing now or wait till she's 21

    3. Ha ha ha ha ha @ Emir abeg fear Allah

  15. Please everyone should leave this man alone abeg.. hypocrisy stinks. Amarachi Kanu got married at 18 so did omotola. The most important thing is she is going to further her education.
    Neither his wives nor the girl in question is complaining. It is their culture so all of you should kindly gerrrarahere and leave them alone.
    Is it not on this same blog that people brag about getting married early eg Linda Eze, Irene B, ezenwanyi and the latest addition most sexiest of this blog or whatever she calls herself... most of your mothers got married at 16. How many of you were still virgins at 18? She is an adult and she has given her consent. The age of consent is western countries is 16 as he said so What nonsense are we saying here?...

    1. Weevon,lol.
      No be brag o,Na true.
      I wonder why ppl are so bothered about his marrying an 18yo. Maybe ,the age gap but who cares. If she isn't perturbed about staring down at his white beards n other greying areas,why should I be?.
      She is a QUEEN at 18. Lofty achievements.

    2. @Ceevon,the only difference is that He is 68 and she is 18.
      Dats why the masses are talking.

    3. Stop comparing Omootola and Amara to this babe. They were 18 but their husbands were not above 50 then. Haba. Use ur brain na

  16. Please everyone should leave this man alone abeg.. hypocrisy stinks. Amarachi Kanu got married at 18 so did omotola. The most important thing is she is going to further her education.
    Neither his wives nor the girl in question is complaining. It is their culture so all of you should kindly gerrrarahere and leave them alone.
    Is it not on this same blog that people brag about getting married early eg Linda Eze, Irene B, ezenwanyi and the latest addition most sexiest of this blog or whatever she calls herself... most of your mothers got married at 16. How many of you were still virgins at 18? She is an adult and she has given her consent. The age of consent is western countries is 16 as he said so What nonsense are we saying here?...

    1. What we saying here is
      CeeVon is also annonynous!
      Clap! Clap!!! Clap!
      How interesting! Ceevon anon!!!!!
      U made sense though but plss keep some for ur self!
      U need it bad!

  17. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    She is not ur daughter, u are not his wife so certainly not ur business... Lolx....

  18. Apple of his eyes1 October 2015 at 21:04

    Hmmmm, what cut my attention where two sentences. The first was: 1. They see an 18 year old young lady. I see a princess of noble birth whose mother is also a princess, and who has been brought up in a good Muslim home.
    This is the kind of woman that is prepared for giving birth to princes and bringing them up for the role expected of them in society

    2. Marriage is a very different proposition. The mother of your children has to be something other than, or at least much more than a mere object of sexual fantasy. But if you do not know that you need to buy yourself a brain.

    As much as I would have loved to disagree with this man, there are too many valid points I couldn't just ignore. Please lets forget the issue of Emir, he is human and has a right to an opinion as well. The Pope we have now is about the most opinionated we ever had, that doesn't stop him from being respected even though not everyone agrees with all his views.

    Pls Stella, let us ignore bashing the Emir but rather ponder on the very important messages the man passed. Marriage issue is the most talked about issue on this blog and I think this man treated a lot of issues concerning it.

    1. Gbamest especially point two u mentioned. Some of the bvs commenting did not even go through the write up. Reading is a problem for most of them.

    2. That *caught* your attention

    3. Apple of his eyes2 October 2015 at 03:49

      Thank u anonymous 22:30. I meant *caught*

    4. Pls into how many pieces did he *cut ur attention into? Mschewww, nawa

  19. And Stella Kork...commot that child not wetin u write there jare. He responded to ya SDK jealousy-stricken chics wo criticised without having the full info at their disposal. They just read headlines & rush to be the 1st to comment. They can't even do a little digging on news before jumping into baseless conclusions with both feet & their two eyes closed.

    B'cos, the way dem curse that man here that day sey him see am, he would have directed his reply to this blog personally. Cos even me wey no sabi the man personally sef was even touched by the shallow comments as expressed here.

    Like sey those pple wey comment foolishly that day (dem know themselves finish) go get sense, they shd go on sabbatical. Take some time out from commenting and offer sacrifice to cleanse & purge their minds & hearts from such negativity.

    We have allowed ourselves to be divided along religious & ethnic lines to the extent that we no longer think straight no more. Hmmmn!!!

    Ghanaman signing out once again!!!

  20. Epic response if he indeed wrote this...It is not your life,she is nt ur child,u are nt ur wife,therefore it is none of ur business...SanusiLamidoSanusi what do you need a 4th wife for?#justasking#

  21. This is way too long please and besides I don't really care.
    They are both adults and despite the age difference which is no body's business, they are free to do as they wish. There are much more important issues to ponder over than Sanusi's decision to marry a 4th wife.

  22. Same excuse a paedophilia will give!!

    1. If we check well, ur father & grandfather fit be paedophiles too o.

      Even that ur former boyfriend sef. Cos words making the rounds is that he started fuckin u sideways from 16yrs, 3 months & 12 days. Yes...the facts are not hidden Portable Fool!!!

    2. When did u start having sex. Buy urself a brain.

    3. I don't say this often but will u just shut the...

      Complete it pls hahaha

    4. Portable twat, you started fucking at the age of 15. You were forced into marriage at age 17. Self righteous fool.

    5. Portable!
      Plss defined a peodophiled
      What's a peodophile?

      Aunty gwegwe! Am sure u would have jumped @ it
      U re calling the royal names cos u never knew what luxury is

      Relax and be happy for others
      Who knows u might be lucky!
      Mara hankali!!!

  23. Story ooo.all i know is that he is shameless to have married an 18yr old girl.there are so many decent Muslim ladies out dir from good Muslim homes that he cud marry from. What do I even know self? Mtcheew

    1. Between u & that ur yeye boyfriend...who was more shameless when he started knacking u before ur 17th b'day? Pls fill us in Olodo!!!

    2. Pls answer this question sincerely. When did u start phuwking? Or whn did ur mum or her sisters marry?

    3. Ki lo kan iyalaya e?

    4. Ki lo kan iyalaya e?

  24. Chi exotic u don hear?
    Learn to tolerate cultural difference and while at it ' buy yourself a brain'
    btw Stella what do u mean by the girl doesnt look anywhere near 18?
    Are u saying she is younger or what?

    1. Madam aboki, ur people should take correction and end child marriage.

    2. Lolz she needs the brain. Even Stella can do with one.

  25. This matter is over flogged pls, what's wrong with a 18yrs getting married? Most 18yrs old are already sexually active, so what the big deal...learn to respect other ppls culture just like he said

  26. This seems like he wrote it to someone and not the general public. However if he feels he wants fresh blood to rejuvenate the aging p***k, by all means he is free to do so. Most of these little girls are only happy to be marrying an emir. E no concern am. She looks 18, only that she has plenty makeup that kinda caked her face. Fresh blood.

  27. Perfect response.The marriage proper (consummation) might not happen till after her college education.

    get yourselves brains people.simple should it happen,what say all of us to omotola who married and is very happy(seemingly) and many other families that have married their daughters off to the highest bidder with the highest bride price?

    1. Omotola's husband is not 50 years older than her...


  28. The kind of hypocrisy that goes on esp on this blog ehn!!!! Father save us all!

    See ashawos & runs girls that started sucking dicks the size of N500 plantain before their 16th b'day dey here dey criticise a legally & religiously married couple!

    Is this hatred or ignorance or pure envy??? Cos I can't place it.

    See the man has taken his time to respond intellectually & morally, yet some good for nothing 'holier than thou' BVs wanna still over-flog the issue for no just cause. Una no get shame o! Tufiakwa!!!

    Ghanaman signing out!!!

    1. I guess ur mother is a retired ashawo and runs babe daz why its easy for u to detect one..U sound like a boy raised by a worthless woman from a slum..Keep showing ur stupidity up and down..Omo ale..Efulefu ghanafool..I wonder why dis post is paining..U and that product of incest Nwa ajoka should go and kill unaselves..Useless pair.

    2. Choi! TPW, why Ghanaman opinion pain u like this nah!? Ur conscience they worry u...??

    3. Your mother, your grandmother, your sisters, your girlfriend and even your wife (to be) are all from brothels. Your character says it all...

      Will you give your daughter to a man that is 50 years her senior?



    4. I long as she's an adult & knows what she wants. She ain't living my life & I won't live hers. Marrying ur age mates is no guarantee for a successful union. So get the fuck outta my ass right now...before I shit u out myself idiot!!!

      @Presido Wifey...ur own tiny. I'll just refer u to the comment below urs. It shd serve u beta than what I had in store for u. Olodo!!!

      Ghanaman signing out!!!

    5. Ghanaman and his show of stupidity. Ride on. Being stupid is free. Continue.

    6. Why this woman dey pursue me up & down na? Na me hold ya destiny??? Make una see me see case o! Hian!

  29. I do not know how y'all justify a public figure of above 50 getting married to a girl that just became 18. I honestly don't understand. Well, if they chose to continue practicing mediocrity, by all means they should. She should come and birth princes and princesses abi?

    Let him continue. Let them continue. Backward people. That's why progress is still very far from d northerners

    1. Progress is far from northerners you say? Our president? Richest man? Dont ever say this again,sls would tell you where to buy sense of reasoning dear

    2. See dis yeye Calabar woman sef dey follow carry hammer to nail an innocent couple? U nko? From ur village skul, dem neva begin do u sumtin? I expect u in particular to shut da fuck up!!!

  30. lol @rejuvenate the aging p**k

  31. Well I could care less
    Not even if he married a 1yr old
    She is 18 and made her decisions not forced
    In the North its a thing of pride to marry early and most especially A royal
    Its like contesting for beauty pageant
    So am sure she is happy she is chosen from lots of princesses
    Happy married life Sa'a datu
    Allah ye bada zaman lafiya

  32. It"s really none of my or our business if he wants to marry 20 wives. People drinking panadol over another person's headache.

  33. If he wants to marry a 15 year old bride, dat's his business. If the bride's father was stupid enuf to give his daughter out den sanusi should be wise enuf to say no. It's his culture/ religion so it's his business. Stop comparing Omotola and Amara to the bride. Ekehinde and Kanu were not 56 years old then. My aunt got married at 18 but her husband was 22. Haba. Our problem is the age difference.

    1. How is it your problem?how many teens and twenties have old men as sugar daddies? So because he married her and everyone knows its a problem.but all those fucking old men codedly u will never come out and condemn them.kontinuu

    2. It's none of your business but the problem is the age difference. Which one you dey?

      I am not a Muslim, but 18yrs under common law & customary law is an adult. So what the freaking brouhaha about this? Age difference or not, the lady in this equation consented !!

      To me which age difference? I am in my 30s, personally I like middle aged men now. Can't stand the young fellows. I guess I am old in my mind set. Growing up as a damsel, I was attracted to way older guys. I found the Lamido attractive long time ago b4 he became Lamido. So one man's meat is another's otapiapia.
      You'all should face your freaking miserable lives and terrible family wahalas instead of developing migraine about some issue that is not even an issue.

    3. "Our problem ko" you and who?
      Speak for yourself bruh.

    4. U r 30 and like middle aged men? No o. Shey na 20 something men u for like? Mumu

  34. Stale gist. I don't care whatever his reason is, I won't judge him. For me it's not about the girls age, it's about his own age. Polygamy is a sin.

    1. Polygamy is a sin? Which Bible u read that one? And don't fuckin tell me the New Testament bla bla bla! Cos Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Esau, David & Oga Solo...all of them na my role models encouraged by the same Bible!! Ignorant bitch!!!

    2. Ok Ghanaman,if hav do! This your voltroning under every comment is becoming annoying.Is Lamido ur papa?ahn ahn!

    3. Hahahahahahah! I admire the man right from his days as CBN chief. But even at that, he's a Nigerian & we all gotta stand up for each other. Hahahahaha. Why shd tribalistic bigots & pple who shd have brains talk brainlessly??? Hian! I can't stand pple's stupidity o!

    4. Stand up for each other bawo? Lol. See this bad mouthed moron o. Mtchewww

  35. Everyone should know that an hausa man will always be one no matter his level of education and exposure.
    As they say
    A mallam will always be a mallam .

    1. SDK!!! Take note!!!

    2. U dis boy sef...I think sey u don dey get small sense o. I didn't know ur last two comments was just a fluke!!! Kai!

  36. Money maker I will continually say it, pity I can't use my id on iPad. I know dis ur hate for Yoruba people is because you have Yoruba blood running thru ur veins and you can't just stand it. You need counselling, I know it's not easy knowing you're a product of gang rape by Yoruba hoodlums. Don't worry one day your true Yoruba father will turn up. As for sanusi I don't blame him, he looks like the sort that can even sleep with his daughters, afterall his an Emir, the only thing that got me is this stupid man making reference to another tribe because of his peadophillia. When he can't perform and the girl starts sleeping with his sons he will realise her age then. Stupid man that wants to fuck fresh pussy.

    1. Anon 00:09,
      There will not be hoodlums anywhere if everyone is born in a family.where mum and dad watches over,cater for and groom their children while they are young.
      A situation where fatherhood does not end with impregnating a woman.

  37. Her pussy, his dick. How e take concern me.

  38. Are all his daughters less than eighteen? Or why is none married.

  39. See how all of u are saying "age difference age difference" later now if someone sends chronicles about too much age difference you guys will,still be the first to sa "age is just a number age is just a number once the love is,there age shouldn't. Be a problem while others will say so long as he is rich that's all you need to be happy"..well news flash my pipu..d man get moni d woman love am so 2-0 @ haters from sdk to ESLS @WIFEY..TONGUE OUT

  40. It's nice to hear Sanusi talk about allowing the young girl start her university and marry her officially at the age of 21. That is exactly what i said days ago when i read about the story.
    Sanusi did well with his clarifications, very much on point. We have our traditions and should respect other people's tradition and decisions. The important thing is the girl in question is at the right age.

  41. LOL. Im laughing in french. Why did you have to marry her for bonds. Dont you have sons that could do this feat for you instead. Too much conji for this emir

  42. LOL. Im laughing in french. Why did you have to marry her for bonds. Dont you have sons that could do this feat for you instead. Too much conji for this emir

  43. teddy stop trying to be too smart..moneymaker said ''those language people'' did he mention tribe?when he does i delete.He gives money thats why i allow him?very funny!

    1. now, this is funny...lmao

    2. Don't mind him stella,
      Let him continue taking panadol on someone else's headache.

      Ghanaman, Eesah was here,
      Watching you guys closely...
      And to think Eesah is my blogmum's padi...
      You guys shld take it easy biko!

    3. I go begin watch u too from now @Calabar Chic!

  44. an 18 year old lady is mature and an adult. there is nothing wrong in her getting married. people from other tribes get married at 18 so I don't see the issue .

  45. Shameless borrow culture people too have the guts to open their infested mouths to talk. Majority of the people who comment on this blog are you borrow culture people and you keep showcasing how unintelligent and uneducated you are with the comments you make daily.
    Uncouth bastard beggars without shame.

    1. So which tribe doesn't borrow culture? Oh? I forgot, they wrote ur name or tribe's name on a particular culture?

  46. jasmine you must be new here, you will shall be dealt with thoroughly


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