Stella Dimoko Doctors In House Section.



Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Doctors In House Section.

Good take control!

I have always been having headache, in short the headache is constant k as breathing. i have always been going to general Hospital, different type of malaria drugs every month, anatem, ciprotab amoxil and co. but it has gotten worse this year o.
I went to hospital again, same drugs. i told the doctor to please let me do any head scan, the answer was (are you going to teach me my job?). 
Yet if i use these drugs i get better for 2weeks and after that ,the headache comes back.

Doctors what else can i do?


  1. I do have headache too, in fact, very constant as well, but I don't think it's up to yours. Lord take perfect control

    *Larry was here*

    1. @poster, i suggest you get your eyes tested. Yes, your eyes!

      If it turns out you need glasses, you've probably been subconciously straining your eyes to see all these years, hence the constant headache.
      Happened to me.

      Failing this, go get a head scan, God forbid you might have a tumour. Please insist on this.Pele mehn

      Click my name for all your celebration cakes and cucakes, cheers

    2. Please use herbal treatment.

    3. Head scan, eye test and check your bp sha. Mine was constant headache. Was swallowing panadol like no man's business till they discovered i had irregular heartbeats.

  2. My dear go to another hospital and do your head scan biko. By his stripes you are healed in Jesus name. Amen

    1. Yes visit another hospital that will give you a full CT scan. Don't stop until you find a permanent solution. It's is well. Also see an optician,because eye problems can also cause headache.

    2. Its either typhoid or eyes. Go for eye test as well as widal test pls! Sue.

    3. This is obvious that someone has fired you arrow (Asasi) and to get the real cure you have to shave your hair and burn one third of it in the house,burn another one third outside the house,then throw the remaining away all around the night go down on your knee and pray that as you have done to your hair so shall it be to that person read ezekiel 2 after praying.

    4. Anon 17:50, this your 'prescription', u supos open shop o, lol!

  3. Sorry poster,I pray you find help....I would suggest you pray concerning the headache,maybe its your village people that have turned your head to konga in their coven

    1. I'm sorry but this comment kilt me. Chai.

      Lol poster its well with you. Pls pray oooo. Then go to another hospital

  4. You have typhoid fever and it's so difficult to treat with all these oyibo melecine...
    Nigerians should stop this their over tush and embrace Traditional melecine...
    Owu Ebeano!...

    1. Ur heaf is there.
      Traditional medicine is the solution.

    2. True talk! The typhoid medicine produced presently is just too weak to cure the parasite. Traditionally, one can cure most of these strong parasite. I remember taking those large tablet Amoxil or what ever it is called can't remember vividly, the typhoid was still present in my blood until my mumsy had to give a traditional concortion a blend of garlic, onions and lemon grass cooked for over 5hours. l took it two days, one glass morning, afternoon and evening, I got myself back,since then till now almost tens years, i've never had typhoid.
      Please note, due to the large content of garlic present in the traditional concortion, people around you will definately perceive the garlic especially when you talk, this will happen for some days until your body totally gets rid of the garlic in your system.

    3. Is it just garlic, onions and lemon grass? Are you sure nothing else was added? Please i would love to try this.

    4. Typhoid is not caused by a parasite!

      And typhoid is not as common as we think....all these labs saying typhoid are just misdiagnosing people..

      If you have typhoid, eh....hmmmmmm, infact, your enemy will not have typhoid.

    5. So poster, please go to a teaching hospital and get proper diagnosis and treatment.

      Yes, I know sometimes their wahala is much, the waiting and all
      But you'll be seen by a specialist / team of specialists

    6. Me too.
      Anon,tnkz for dis info......tested positive to typhoid today,i don dey tink of d neddle,drip drugs etc wey i suppose take..*rme*

    7. There is a transdermal product by Gaurapad charities called immuti'! I used to cure my was a huge relief for something I was struggling with for long.
      Truely dese natural ancient medicine are d best!

  5. Replies
    1. Yes Nwa Amaka. Traditional medicine has various types for different disease or infection.

  6. Go to another hospital and demand for head scan nau

  7. Where are the doctors in the house? D lord heal u.

  8. Y don't u try another hospital, I always try and get other opinions wen I have an issue.

  9. What kind of quack doctor is that sef?

    So seeing that all his medications aren't working, he didn't deem it fit to run tests,and when you suggested it,he decided to take offence, and still not do it?

    Please, check into another hospital or a good lab and run comprehensive tests.
    Frequent headaches can be a pointer to a more serious underlying problem.
    I pray that's not the case for you though.


  10. You not alone...headache is my middle name....
    Try drinking lots of water,its really helping mr

  11. sadly enuf Headache is a symptoms dat comes wiv many sickness.....
    Are u sure ur blood pressure is normal?
    Biko,stop going 2 general hospital now.
    Lool for a gud hospital.....wit reputable specialist.

    1. Yeah. You are right. More like abnormal bp

  12. You need to go do a scan to be sure you don't have a tumor in your brain or something.cos I know tumors are accompanied by headaches.
    You are pumping your body with too many drugs and I don't think its cool.
    Go see a specialist pls.

  13. Abeg go and do scan in LUTH. Hope it is not brain tumor. God will help you.

  14. My dear iv had this same issue about 10yrs ago when i was in school. They kept treating me for typhoid. Infact at a point i was taking two IV injections a day, one morning,one nite for 10days. Still yet serious headache remained, i lost so much weight. One hospital after another. Until someone directed me to LUTH, met with a Neurologist and he told me i have TENSION HEADACHE, but still did a CT SCAN to rule out a brain tumour. I was placed on Amitryptilin and Inderal, that i will outgrow the headache, as i was like 19 then.
    My sister since then i never outgrow am o, the medicine controls it but it isnt totally gone. One thing i also noticed is when i skip meals or dont eat properly the headache is worse. I have just learnt to live with it and i try and control it with the meds.
    Im always scared of brain tumour, but the Neurologist said the fact its been 0n-going for years means its not even a tumour, bcos with tumour you will have added things like visual problems, ur balance distorted and other things.
    Go to Luth in you are in lagos or any teaching hospital in ur state, they shld have a Neurologist there.
    Only a specialist can diagnose, because these hospital will keep treating you for malaria and typhoid. GOOD LUCK

  15. Then try another hospital, shikena

  16. It is well with u n u're healed in jesus name.

  17. Ruzu bitters will help.kindly contact me for more details on this ruzu bitters product.

  18. Go to another hospital and do your CT Scan na. If General hospital can't do it on request, then visit a private hospital. All the best.

  19. Poster me too. I have taken all sorts and it is still there. Infact these days I just take it to baba God.

  20. You are healed in Jesus Name. Have you seen a specialist? At this point, head scan should be in place.I'm not proficient in health related issues, all the best.

  21. Go to a teaching hospital and have your blood pressure checked. Then the doctors will request for whatever investigations or tests as may be required.

  22. Run another test for a different diagnosis

  23. I get 1 Anointin oil here wit me ooo d oil na baba all u need 2 do is jst call blood of jesus 21 tyms nd rub it were u ar feelin discomfort u'll be relieved b4 u knw it. Nways sha u ar HEALED IN JESUS NAME

  24. Hormonal imbalance.

  25. Go to Benin dey wash headache traditionally, I heard dey are very good at it.,, no b all sickness English med dey cure!

  26. I used to have severe headaches very often for many years. (Almost daily).I resolved to drinking plenty of water and making a conscious effort not to over stress myself and I'm fine now.

  27. I used to have severe headaches very often for many years. (Almost daily).I resolved to drinking plenty of water and making a conscious effort not to over stress myself and I'm fine now.

  28. Healing is your portion

  29. U probably ve HBP or u are suffering from heart break, stop thinking abt ur heart break and move on.

  30. you have abused those drugs for too long that is why you have not gotten healed...

    You see, we Nigerians can take paracetamol eh, small headache...take panadol. I get body pain...take paracetamol, i cough...take felvin and so on. Sometimes, a good nap goes a long way in curing any lingering headache, fatigue or feverish condition.

    Poster, pls desist from taking these drugs, eat well, worry less and free your mind from what tomorrow would be, and sleeeeeeep well. You will be fine, trust me, it works!

  31. Stella u have never posted my comments before or. Am just watching you with 3d

  32. Go another hospital now.
    But what you have is probably migraine or cluster headaches, and you need to be put on a medication regimen. Go see a neurologist to be properly diagnosed.
    In the meantime, try using excedrin (acetaminophen with caffeine), you can get it from your local chemist. Goodluck oh, it can be painful.

  33. I will advise you calm down OK. 1st, u need rest, if you are the type that don't get to sleep well, u may have that pain. I have been there. I used to have constant headache, facial pain, and heaviness in my head. At a point I react to so much noise, air,cold, dust. I saw an ENT doc who referred me to a neurologist at Redington hospital. I did a CT scan but nothing. What drug didn't I use. So pls put ur mind at rest and don't focus too much on it. It's the power of the mind. But if it persist so much that you can not bear it then insist on a scan. Rest as much as u can, worry less, eat right,take fruits and then pray. It worked for me. All the best.

  34. why not go for eye check up? sometimes headache could be as a result of eye issues and if u already use recommended glasses go for another refraction, try that before u go for the scan. i hope this helps.

  35. Go to a federal government hospital and do a general head scan. This same thing happened to my colleague some few months back, he kept complaining of headache and did a head scan at Reddington hospital, he was told its just stress. Few months down the line, he went to a general hospital and was told its brain tumor. Now, my dear colleague is both deaf and partially blind thanks to Reddington's careless way of handling his issue. Our company is trying to get him to China or India to at least save his sight. So dear poster, run down to a general hospital as fast as you can.

  36. I feel ur pain dear.
    My mom goes thru this too but there's a drug she uses (cafergot).She's gone 4 a head scan and nothing was seen.I hope u find the help u need

  37. Its either u have typhoid or u go 4 head scan pray abt it or better still go 4 deliverance + drink water of fire

  38. Are u sure it's nt migrain or celebral malaria? Pls change hospital & go do a CT scan jare.

    1. That cerebral malaria is very deadly.

      Chioma thank God for ur life.

  39. go for a second opinion, that was how i complained of severe headache to our company clinic nurse once and she prescribed the drugs for me, then i took it to the pharmacist in charge of dispensing the drugs, he just took one look at it and said, "why is prescribing drugs for people with mental illness for you?", i didn't even answered the guy, just walked away drugs sef me i no collect, before I'll take and run mad. maybe that nurse had something against me sha

    For your Accounting Tutorials

    1. Maybe na wetin she know she prescribe for you

  40. Check ur Bp,thypoid & finally do head scan.Headache can kill oooo.please pray abt it & wash ur head wit holy water 4rm a 2ru man of God

  41. Drink enough water n rest very well. Stop thinking, sleep n let ur mind be @ rest. Try it,it ll work.

  42. why not try acupuncture treatment.its what I use to relieve the pain when it gets unbearable. I also eat very early in the morning and take mixanal tablet to avoid having acute ache. kpele

  43. why not try acupuncture treatment.its what I use to relieve the pain when it gets unbearable. I also eat very early in the morning and take mixanal tablet to avoid having acute ache. kpele

  44. Your kind of headache is efori tulu.
    All you need is to wash your hand with black soap and pour the water inside the gutter.
    That is why you should avoid all this water pple pour on the road.

  45. I tink that native doctor will be much better for u

  46. Maybe you should check if you are anemic..NOTE: I didn't say sickle cell anemia before all these ITK will come for me.I used to have this terrible headache while growing up.I complained too much till everyone tot it was an excuse to do chores..I later found out that I am slightly anemic. I try to improve my iron intake either through natural foods or supplement. Maybe you should do a blood test to know your haemoglobin level. Takia

  47. if you kaput shebi him go still dey do him job you better go do scan


  48. if you kaput shebi him go still dey do him job you better go do scan


  49. You will be healed in Jesus Name. Please I need a copy of Supernatural Childbirth ebook.

  50. Am not a doctor but am Wel aware of after effect of amatem, that medicine is just too strong on some people.
    There are other anti malaria drugs na, and there are several others to fight resistance with less side effect.
    Take lots of water, orange or pure orange juice. Citrus helps. A few family people went through this amatem wahala.
    Good luck.

  51. U don't sleep well @ night and u stress urself a lot during d day,maybe u should work on em

  52. Is the headache one sided? Like it hits just one part of your head spreading towards your forehead to your eyes?

  53. why not try acupuncture treatment.its what I use to relieve the pain when it gets unbearable. I also eat very early in the morning and take mixanal tablet to avoid having acute ache. kpele

  54. Please go to another hospital this constant head ache(migrane) is too much. Amongst all, there is nothing God can not do if only we believe. Pray.

  55. Drink 150cl of water (not ice water) when you wake up every morning and 75cl last thing at night.Work wonders trust me.

  56. Total scanning you need.
    Healing I wish you.

  57. Maybe it's your lifestyle, stress and the likes.

  58. If ur BP is high, u ll need to sort it out first. Jst let d doctors do their job.

  59. Take is to God in prayer! You carry his image remind him his words

  60. Check ur blood pressure aswell.. pls. It is well

  61. This happened to me years back,until one day I traveled to onitsha and found my self at their general hospital.since then the story was a forgotten one.i thank God

  62. It may be typhoid, dts d one of d symptoms. Goodluck.

  63. U need to be treated for malaria properly and avoid mosquitoes bite after treatment.also check ur sleeping pattern,do u sleep at least for 6hours.

  64. Some doctors being silly since 1909. Berra go to a private clinic coz d dr won't reply u in such manner. Ask to see a neurosurgeon

  65. Constant headache is a symptom of brain tumor, so please go see a very good neurosurgeon.

  66. Dear, talk to the headache in the name of Jesus. Command the aches to go out with so much authority.
    It has worked for me...

  67. can you just go to another hospital and do a head scan please, if Julius Agwu did not diagnose his head lump on time ,he could have been dead by now. Go and check for brain tumours and lumps. Some doctors don't know there job and if you ask them ,they will be like do you want to teach me my job. Try to use another hospital. Headache is not something good

  68. Try herbal medicine. But still do a head scan.
    Its well dear.

    **Som Baby**

  69. Poster...go to people selling herbs, tell them about your headache. One of my cousins once complained about constant headache n my grandma took her to those people...she never complained since then. You are healed IJN

  70. i'm not a doctor but I believe this headache of yours could be something else. From all I've read and seen, constant headache shows an underlying illness. You need some sort of scan done on your head to be sure there are no tumours or growths. If the hospital you went to refused to allow you get one done, go to another hospital. Also, check your blood pressure. high blood pressure causes constant headaches which will only go away when you start taking pressure medication


  71. Dear Poster,
    Headaches can be primary (no underlying cause- usually more of a discomfort than serious) or secondary (of a more serious nature). What I find worrying is any Dr who will not make diligent efforts to exclude secondary causes and stupidly ask the patient if they want to teach him his Job. Poster, Its your life at stake not his Job so if a Dr is being obstructive, go somewhere where you can pay for your tests and get peace of mind.
    If any underlying cause has been excluded, then you can start dealing with what may be Migraine or Cluster headaches in this poster's case, Since you've had it for quite some time (up to a year as you suggested).
    It would be useful to have more info like does it affect your vision, does light avoidance help? is it related to your periods (assuming you're female), can you tell when its about to start?
    In summary, you need proper assessment by someone who's concerned about helping you than his professional(or personal) Ego.

    P:S - Stella, I have stopped giving advice on DIH section because its usually lost in a maelstrom of ignorant or pseudo-religious or Trado-gibberish comments that I doubt the OPs find useful.No offence meant to anyone but health problems serious enough to share on such a blog are not a joke and shouldn't attract flippant comments... but then what do I know?

    Resident Blog Physician

  72. Go to herbalists they have medicines that will help you...

  73. its spiritual.....go to church and see a pastor

  74. its spiritual...go and see a pastor


  75. Haba only u "..different type of malaria drugs every month, anatem, ciprotab amoxil and co." is ur body a walking pharmacy.

    Pls discontinue evry medication:
    U have taken enof already.

    go for a comprehensive typhoid, malaria test who knows u might have type 2 malaria n b taking drugs for type 1 malaria. U probably need to be placed on injections.

    I also have a feeling ur blood count is so low as a result of alllllllllllll d antibiotics n anti malaria u have download in ur system.
    Believe me u r doing lots of damage to ur liver n kidney.

    Drink lots of water
    Eat lots of fruit n veggies
    Buy a good blood builder containing iron n folic acid n take.

    Its well wt u

  76. You need to start exercising if you don't. A friend of mine used to experience the same headache thing until he started exercising frequently. Trust me, it works!

  77. For all you know, it may have to do with your eyes. Sometimes, when you need to start wearing certain lenses and you are not, it causes near-constant headache (I'm an example). Please go and have your eyes checked.

  78. Hi dear, please increase your water intake. Take lots of water and if there is no difference after a week, visit another doctor. Gdlk dear

  79. Hope you have enough sleep too...excess sleep or lack of it also causes constant headaches

  80. Go to Allen and look for Swiss garde office where you can get Swiss garde product ,tell them you want African potato and stress active supplements, it will surely relief you, I've used it and it worked for me. I wish you all the best.

  81. Are u a spectacle wearer ,if no have you checked ur eyes? Sometimes some eye strains causes terrible headaches and ur eyes might be calling 4 a prescription.. thnks

  82. May God heal you permanently.

  83. You may be having rebound headaches because of all the pain killers you have been taking but all the same a CT scan or MRI of the head and neck is advisable.


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