Stella Dimoko Church Time.


Sunday, October 11, 2015

Church Time.

Hey I am off to Praise God In Church...If you are at home you can play inside this post or scroll down one post and enjoy Susan Peters Wedding pics....she married someone who stole her heart away and they their black and white skin combo is da bomb......

So tell me something....


I will resume blogging after Church abeg......

Got to thank him for providing the garri and groundnut i had for dinner last night.


  1. Thank you Lord! Help me to be less expressive and more patient! Thank you for tomorrow. Didn't go to church!

    1. Bck frm church,today's mass was awesome,praise thy lord somebody.

    2. I just got back,in d presence of the Lord,there is fullness joy...thank You sweet saviour for being so mindful of me...little me

    3. May God forgive me oooo.

      I was in the church and no do,no do,i burst out laffing. I remembered something my lil sis said n i just laffed out roud.
      Ppl near me just turned n looked at me.
      I felt embarrased

  2. I'm too tired from being a bridesmaid ystday
    All I wanna do today is sleep
    God please forgive me

  3. I wld hav luv 2 go but no cloth 2 wear 2 church.I have not been able to buy new clothes that will size me since I gave birth.I hope God understands.una wey go,make una pray 4 we wey no fit go.Ngala kwesiri

    1. So ever since you gave birth you have not gone out abi?or you go naked

    2. See excuse.
      But if you were told to come and collect money somewhere, cloth will surface sharp sharp.

  4. I wld hav luv 2 go but no cloth 2 wear 2 church.I have not been able to buy new clothes that will size me since I gave birth.I hope God understands.una wey go,make una pray 4 we wey no fit go.Ngala kwesiri

  5. On my way back from church and I'm so blessed beyond any curse. Halleluyah! Wonders without end.

  6. Hmmm Muslims don't go to church.

  7. Reflection time


  8. Church time. Stella you seem more excited than the bride herself.

    1. Stella and the bride are 'in-laws'. Lol.
      I'm preparing for church. We will be studying the second message in a series captioned, "This is how we change the world."

      My church experience in the US

  9. Stellakork because u go church today u wan quote all d Bible verse finish issorite.

    I don't go to church because there's non in my city. I always praise my God indoor everyday and night!

    Don't judge me if u you're not wearing my "justcavalli" shoe. Heheehehe

  10. Hmmmm. What's so special about the black and white skin combo? How is it the bomb?

  11. My excuse can not justify the reason why I did n' t go to church today. 4give me lord!
    Father I am grateful for ur faithfulness in my life... Thank you Jesus for provisions and for answering my prayers... I feel so blessed knowing that I AM your priority!!!

  12. Replies
    1. As in eh. Right now in benin it's raining heavily. Am more scared of the wind sef.

  13. U can b so dense at times wit all ur bcos u manage to hook dat old man, u will famz to eternity on dis blog....marrying whitey has bn such an achievement, such a pity

    1. I would have cursed you but I am still in church...
      May God have mercy on your life...

    2. Bitter soul, hope u get somebody to marry. Oniranu

    3. Hian... who is this bitter leaf Cynthia?

    4. Bitter souls everywhere..
      Mind ur business..
      Na wah for some pple..

    5. Lol. If you are so bittered drink rat poison. Am not suprised thou. Kikikik

    6. Lmao. If it's easy, marry ur own nau

  14. Back from church..6.30am mass..
    Thanking God for another wonderful and beautiful sunday..
    Great is thy faithfulness..

    1. Hopeless beggar

    2. Are u d one DAT she begged.
      Na wah ooo.
      Pple wil never mind der lane..

    3. Anony Shame on u!
      Spineless Cyber Scum!

    4. Morning mass is it jare,u hv d whole day to lounge and do nothing before Monday sneaks up on u

    5. Don't mind the fake arse. Dakota ko, Lokoja ni.

  15. Stella biko I have two questions
    1. When will the next most embarrassing moments come up? We had like three seasons and you haven't made any post on it since then. O di mkpa biko.
    2. Is AbokiNaMallam not through with Harvard Business School? Since Sept. 2013 that you dedicated a post to him I haven't noticed his comment. Did he send the private mail to you? I miss his comments.

    1. I have a feeling he's Li-yon Vls. I don't know, but both characters are intellectually sound and Li-yon seems like a bv who's been around for a while.

  16. no reason can justify my not going to church..

  17. So Stella went 2 church 2day?
    Praise the Lord somebody!!

  18. Church was great!
    Saw a verse in the Bible I didn't know of.
    2 Corinthians 2:15-16New Living Translation (NLT)

    15 Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those who are being saved and by those who are perishing. 16 To those who are perishing, we are a dreadful smell of death and doom. But to those who are being saved, we are a life-giving perfume. And who is adequate for such a task as this?

    Is your life a fragrance?

    Off to eat mehn, my stomach is rumbling!

  19. D joy in d presence of God is something else for me just back from church

  20. Rain...cold...Emmanuel tv all the way!!!

  21. Stella, go well and pray for me.I'm not in church today cuz I had a lot of chores to do this morning, and I woke up late.I don't enjoy second services.

    1. See excuse. Lmaoo. So if to say the world happens to come to an end today, na this story you give for not making heaven? Lol

    2. Sexiest Mother, so You're one of those who believe making heaven is by going to church? O di egwu!! e go shock you say I go dey there before you.And with all your church going, you better make heaven.

    3. Sassy fire. Dont worry we will enter heaven hand in hand you hear

  22. Me i mzzd first mass jawe....Evenin mass on my mind! @6pm
    It's gud to praise d Lord...ALLELUIA!
    Happy Sunday Every1

  23. Stella, oyibo men just dey give you dada
    E don do.....stop rubbing it in our single girls face
    Oyibo husband is not all that with their always soft akwara
    What matters is 2 met the right person!

    Bi-racial kids are cute tho
    I don't know if I got the spelling.....teacher eliza,hold your peace

    1. Lmao @no akwara.... bwahahahaha

      Happy Sunday BVs

    2. Stop being jealous u single left over.

    3. @anon 13:30: you wish!!!!!!
      Am not jealous, am married 4,happyly married at that.....
      Not kinda of marriage that is filled with chronicle
      So,u are the miserable one here u Bitch......get over yourself
      That's y u will die single!
      Hopeless idiot.

      Stella,use your church mind post my comment.

    4. It's the "met" I'm worried about.

    5. Single leftover? Buhahahahahaha. Anon fear God o

  24. Psalm 91
    Hebrew 4:12:13

    Stella take note

  25. Thank and pray for me also cos am home today, am not strong to go to church.

  26. Stella I didn't go to church oo
    Ask me why?
    I dunno oo
    Lord plz forgive me.
    The General wife
    You such a sweet person
    Saw ur prayers for me yesterday
    Your attitude will take you far in life
    Kisses my darling..mmuah

  27. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    At home watching transporter the refuel,(not sure of the complete name though) and thats the reason i didnt attend the church.

  28. Please do I need application form to join either celestial church or mfm?

  29. Am at home o... His mercy has kept me and my household. Am thankful to my creator that am alive when without a valid job. Believing that on Tuesday I will go to prodeco coy and come out with a positive impact.. Am already thanking God for Tuesday through his son Jesus christ my redeemer.

    1. God will grant your request, amen. All the best.

    2. *** Even without a valid job***
      Thank you so much @whirlwind may God also bless you IJN

    3. As you have proclaimed it, so shall it be for you. Good luck.

  30. Ogunudu *surprised* Stella goes to church... .... ....abi anoda of her pikin dey recieve Holy communion f d 1st time today.

  31. Yeah am back, I attended second service and it was wonderful. Living Faith for life!

    1. We should hook up o, I attended second service too. Covenant day of healing

    2. Hian...Sisters in church. Do you even know her location?

    3. Sassy darling u are invited o

  32. Hmmm! Am not in church, I couldn't go today. I woke up feeling so sick.

  33. Tank u Jesus for a successful greatful...meanwhile I ll b plus one tommorow d 12th..I hope I get a bday gift #Libra

    1. I thank God for d successful surgery..
      His mercy endures forever...
      Happy birthday in advance..

    2. Lmao....Quiksilver can be mean but I like her...good question though.

  34. I just finished with church. I learnt something very important and hopefully someone else can learn.
    Philippines 2:14.
    It's going to be my motto from today

    1. Wow! Very short verse with a note worthy instruction,its not easy but it's doable with God's help...thanks for sharing

  35. I will praise the Lord at all times...(low,high,smooth,rough,summer,winter,etc)#ALL TIMES
    Happy Sunday Sdkers...
    Testimonies shall abound this week...
    God bless...

  36. Just got in from mass.
    Awesomestatic! Just that the thanksgiving(s), too long.
    And to think I didnt eat before setting out. Mtchew.
    Abeg I don close my own even though father never say final closing prayers, make I no go faint.
    So! What have I missed in here?

    1. Hahhahahahaha
      Nice to know u get hungry
      Cos with that ur bombshell figure,no one would guess u eat at all sef.

      Going for another Church service.Child dedication.already the food dey make me go.any Mass or church service that is not early in d morning tires me out.

    2. Oh Bloggie is back....kikikiki.
      Somethings on my mind.
      E ka bo.

      Nwunye the food dey make you go?
      You are a Comedienne. Hahaha.

      Me no go anywhere. Too weak for service. I follow Papa in law sleep for house.
      Next Sunday o jare.

    3. Hahahahhaaha.
      Nwuye G, ibia kwa.

  37. I prayed in church yesterday cos I know I won't attend church today. Just lying in bed watching The Blacklist. Nothing to much!!

  38. Limited funds, so no church. But I'm grateful to Him. And see better days hanging close.

    A great week to everyone. Cheers

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Mass was awesome!

    Thank God for his servant Fr. John Oluoma...

    I pray that in this new week,I will receive a blessing that will sound like a lie(Amen).

    **Som Baby**

  41. Church things later

  42. Am just back from church. Am a catholic, today's preaching centers in riches. (Mark 10v17 to the end) Riches we all know brings evil and good; two questions we need to ask ourselves are: how we made our wealth and what we do with our wealth? Even though some of us try to cover up how they make their money by helping the poor, the fact remains that you need to accept the wrong you did and ask God for forgiveness. Riches makes or mar us; depending on the part you chose. Brethrens, i urge us not to allow the riches of the world influence us by making us arrogant, rude or even looking down on our fellow brethrens! Lets look beyound our riches (which is a major distraction when you want to make heaven) One love!!! Chi Austin.

  43. @Barbara Joy: wow Congrats.. May d good Lord perfect wot he's started in ur life. Hbd in advance. My dear u need not wait till tmoro to get a gift. U hv one already_ d gift of LiFE. Cheers

  44. I am back from church, I attended first service. Wishing everyone a stress free week and a fruitful one.

  45. I am back from church, I attended first service. Wishing everyone a stress free week and a fruitful one.

  46. I am back from church, I attended first service. Wishing everyone a stress free week and a fruitful one.

  47. Just back from was worth it.......JESUS FREAK!!!!!!!!........ FOR LIFE

  48. Thank U Jesus...

    Am back fr church...

  49. Woke up one Sunday morning
    Told my daddy I’m leaving home
    Going off to the city tomorrow
    Even though I don’t know where to go
    And daddy said, son, don’t be a fool
    Cause life in the city is unbelievable
    You could get broken oh!! you’re just a little boy
    And you may never find your way.
    And I said
    I know I could get lost….I know i i i i
    I know I could get broken… I know i i i i
    Forgive me father but i got to take a chance
    And I’m already gone so just

    Pray for me
    Gbadura fun mi
    Pray I find my way
    K’ori bamise
    Oh, Forgive me father but I got to take a chance
    Oh i’m already gone so just

    Pray for me
    Gbadura fun mi
    Pray I find my way
    K’ori bamise
    Oh! forgive me father but i got to take a chance
    Oh i’m already gone so just
    Pray for me

    Hello daddy, how you doing?
    Hope mama’s doing ok
    Been four years and eleven months now
    Mo gbo pe Aduke ti dagba
    It was true what you said to me
    Ah ah ah
    That Life in the city is unbelievable
    Ha ah ah
    Had to struggle just to get by everyday
    And I could barely find my way
    Sugbon, mo mope mo le sina
    O da mi loju
    Mo ri pe aiye le
    Aiye yi soro
    Forgive me father
    But I got to take a chance
    Oh I'm already gone so just
    Pray for me e e
    Gbadura fun mi
    K’ori bamise
    Forgive me father but I got to take a chance
    Oh i’m already gone so just
    pray for me

    bori ba dolola lola o (Pray for me)
    emi ma de be o (Pray for me)
    gbadura ki n serere o (Pray for me)
    oh i’m already gone so just
    pray for me
    pray for me
    kori bamise
    pray, pray, pray
    oh i’m already gone so just
    pray for me
    pray for me

    1. Who sang this song?.
      Project Fame ppl sang it

    2. I love love this song!
      Darey art alade - Pray for me.

      Bless you Oluyomi.

    3. I think the songs kinda similar to timi's wish me well tho..

  50. Just back from church and I thank God for life

  51. I could'nt go 2 church cus I dnt av transport fare + offering money infact dere's notin I wil eat dis afternoon cus I took garri in d morning infact no money 2 go 2 school 2morow buh I praised God d way I could durin church hours in my room.

    1. @cutebukolah. How u do I get in touch with u ? let me help a little.

  52. Tnx sexy moma 4 ur kind words,Remain blessed.Ngala kwesiri

  53. Tnx sexy moma 4 ur kind words,Remain blessed.Ngala kwesiri


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