Stella Dimoko Giving Ones Tithe To Charity.


Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Giving Ones Tithe To Charity.

The word of God does not/cannot change the bible cannot be re-written right?

Is it possible to give ones tithe to charity instead of giving it back to the Church?
Yes? No?

''Hi Stella, 
Thank you for giving us a platform to learn, laugh, ‎unburden and even love. God bless you.
Please I want to ask fellow BV's if there is anything wrong in paying your tithe outside the church to charity. Stella, a lot of people are suffering! 

I know the bible says bring your tithe to the store house but some of these "store house" /churches are full already. They have enough money. I have been thinking about this lately as I want to start paying my tithe to the needy. 

I'd love to hear fellow BVs opinion on this''.


  1. Replies
    1. haba palomino, why d insult na, may God not allow you see what have seen in this life, instead of you to say amen for me you are insulting me.... ok oo, it is well

    2. Doing Charity doesn't mean you won't pay your tithe

  2. No to charity. Yes to the house of that there may be meat in the store house. The word of God is complete and settled.

    1. Did u just say no to charity? #smh. Pray u don't get caught up in the with the unpleasant side of life. Why was Jesus all about the poor? #helpthepoor, they need u and i.

    2. I sometimes give my tithe to the poor and yes there is actually what is called 'tithe to the poor' (Deut 14: 28,29) but this is purely based on ones personal conviction.

      Tithing shouldn't be done out of a religious obligation. It is something u do out of ur love and devotion for God. So I mostly pay my tithe to the church and sometimes I give it to d poor as God leads me cos in all I am giving it to God. As Christians we give and giving can never go unrewarded.
      There is so much u need to know!

    3. Anon. What she meant is you can pay your tithe to the Church but you can't pay it to the charity.

    4. @Poster, it is not your business if the house of God already have plenty. Obey the Word. The only thing is that businesses are booming and churches are capitalising on the tithe thing. Anon, she does not mean that you shouldn't give to charity, but in this context we should not translate to suit us. Same way as divorce and remarrying, but we do as we like and on the last day, we will answer to the Almighty, individually.

  3. Tithe is tithe, and charity is charity. They're two different thing, you can't substitute one for another. If the church is full, go pay Your tithe in another church That's poor. It doesn't have to be Your denomination or church u attend.

    Your comment will be visible after approval

    1. I disagree. The Bible says in 2nd Cor that we give from our heart and not by compulsion. The Bible also says in Proverbs that giving money to the poor is like giving money to God. This does not mean that He needs our money.
      This passage in Malachi has been abused by businessmen pastors. It is dangerous to read scripture outside of context. The passage is referring to the contribution of the many for the benefit of all. This is not just about money. It's about your time, effort and bounty in so many forms.
      Stop giving your money to pastors who will use them to purchase houses and jets. God is not fooled. He is very particular about what your sacrifices to Him are used for.

    2. No! It cnt b just any church thoe! U hv to pay it in a church where d pastor labour's over you! My understanding bout dis is a church u go evry Sunday hear d word dance to d choir nd all.

      Bck to d poster!
      How do you knw d store house of dt church is fulll?
      It doesn't matter if it's even full nd pouring over dats nt even ur business! Ur own is to obey nd pay urs nd declare d blessings of obedience on d rest!

    3. I totally agree with Alloy given of tithe can done in any church.

    4. Thank you Alloy .People are ready to argue to the last for what they feel is justified for them. Obey the word of God. Why did God not include charity to it. Giving alms is totally different. It's only God that will judge us all, our duty is to follow the Word.

    5. Anon 13:05, since you say God is not fooled, then do as God says and leave the businessmen Pastors to His judgement.
      You just obey His instructions. Shikena.
      Also, read Malachi 3 from verse 8 or preferably, from verse 1 to end.

    6. Andromeda, God instructed the Isrealites to offer sacrifices to Him but he later destroyed them because they offered those sacrifices to baal at the altar of God. God was not fooled. Paying tithes to false prophets is sinful because God is not part of it. Should one continue to perform acts which though Biblical, are in effect contrary to His word?
      How can you enable the flesh of these false prophets and yet leave them to God's judgement? You will be part of that judgement. I would advise that you seek Christ first. His gospel holds all the answers.

    7. Anon 22:46, and you know they are false prophets how? If indeed they are false, leave the church and go to one who isn't and still pay your tithe. Your rigmaroling still doesn't change God's word.
      You should take the advice you are dishing out cos you know nothing of the Christ you speak of nor the gospel. Scripture you quoted was talking about sacrifices. What was the manner of the sacrifice, it's intention and to what purpose? Don't just quote scriptures to suit you. Understand it before talking.

    8. Andromeda, judging from your myopic leanings you appear to not be familiar with basic understanding of Scripture. You're asking about manner, intent and purpose of the blood sacrifices God instructed the Isrealites to perform? You missed my use of sacrifices as an analogy. In any case, why not offer up your self as a burnt offering seeing as you have such a literal and pedestrian grasp on this topic.

  4. It's really sad that most churches use tithes and offerings for their personal use instead of helping the needy..I will suggest you give to charity and give the church what u can afford..may God help us all and direct us..

  5. My own idea of tithing is giving to charity. Some might have a different idea though. This topic is highly controversial so make I nor talk much

  6. Tithe came from the old testament.
    Tho still practiced.
    Some say give to God what belong to HIM and to ceaser what belongs to ceasar.

    The thing is, most pastors these days live large on people's tithe hence making church members drag their feet towards tithing.

    For me, I'd rather give my tithe to the poor and needy.
    ...and yes I know alms is different from tithe. But it is what it is!

    1. To have peace of mind it's best u don't bother your head about what the pastor does with your tithe and offering. Yours is to submit and leave the rest to the all knowing God. I try to avoid this debate becos it's quite sensitive and controversial.

      Nonetheless, if u are compelled to give, you can split it btw the church and charity. That's all.

      BL how'dy???

  7. Make unu ask the Pastors oo!! Personally, l don't see anything wrong with that so long as it's ten percent and consistent.

  8. It is absolutely wrong to take your tithe away from the store house of God. Your tithe should be to your priest, the very one from whom you receive heavenly blessings, you can't worship in one church and pay your tithe elsewhere. You can give seeds, personal donations et al elsewhere but your tithe should be in your local church. The Bible is so clear on that so I wonder why people take their tithe outside. Well we all pay tithes, either to God or to the devil. Trust d devil to take more than 10%.

    1. You nailed it honey. Obedience js better than sacrifice. Ask saul

    2. A church is just a building. If God is absent then who are you paying your tithe to? Are you suggesting that I look away from the poor in my community and instead give money to a pastor whose fruit is evident in his love for worldly things?

    3. Where's the store house located in the church pls? I just want to know.

    4. Anon 13:07 u nailed it wv ur comment. I used 2 pay mine every month until I learnt 2 read bible nd pray 2 God one on one. These pastors wv their rapper lifestyles r evil men who do not seek the heart of Christ. They don't talk abt anything but prosperity nd Jesus was not abt things.

    5. U better be careful who u condemn and how u condemn so that your words don't lead you to sin.d bible asked to pay your tithe to the church were u worship,dont take judgement into your hands remember the end is near let God be the judge of that and be careful not to allow your decisions affect your salvation remember the sun is already to hot for one to end up in he'll over something he could have one cent

    6. Bherttie, just know that any monthly fee you're paying to any church today is for the owner of church and his comforts. If you seek salvation look to Christ and He will set you free from the false hope in worldly things. Give money to Ceaser, that is your rates and taxes. Give to God what is His - worship the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind. God will not judge you by your monetary contributions and it's only a fool who would think that by storehouses the Bible is referring to things seen.
      Care for the poor and incapable. Stop giving your money to rich men.

  9. Scriptures say bring the tithe into the storehouse. the church treasury so that the church can meet it's needs. God did not give us an option of where to pay tithe. He gave an instruction. The Church.
    There is also provision for the needy, give and it shall be given unto you. your tithe is not yours to decide who to give it to. God has decided that for us. but we can also give money to charity. it's an act of love.
    tithe is an act of faith and obedience. they are two different things that are mutually exclusive. your tithe belongs to YOUR church. i.e the church where you worship. not just any church.
    Abraham our example of Faith showed us who to pay tithe to - the High Priest. It's in the church not an NGO. pay your tithe to church and sow seeds or give to charity.


  11. Pay your tithe to your local church and give from your 90% to charity. God doesn't joke with tithes.

  12. Poster,
    Don't be selfish and foolish.
    U can pay ur tithe and still help d needy.
    Divide it equally.

  13. On this issue, i'll just go back in time to quote our very good friend, Etcetera, cos his reasons & explanations still resonate soundly in my head,"The words “prosper” or ‘prosperity’ were NEVER used by Jesus at all – and only mentioned a few times in the entire New Testament. Yet our greedy pastors have built kingdoms upon them. The words – “sell what you have and give to the poor” and “deceitfulness of riches” and “you cannot serve God and mammon” and “woe to you that are rich” were DEFINITELY used by Jesus and the apostles, but you don’t hear them preached by your pastors, do you?
    Tithing is not a New Testament practice at all. And it is being shamefully abused by today’s preachers. In the Old Testament, tithing was only applicable to Jews and to the land of Israel and that was at a time when a great number of them lived in Babylon, Ammon, Moab, Egypt and Syria.
    As a result of that, the land they occupied became tithe-able lands. Tithes were not acceptable from Gentiles’ lands. So my brothers and sisters, you need to ask your pastor why he is collecting tithes here in Nigeria. Also, the only people authorised to receive tithes were the Levites – (Hebrews 7:5). If your pastor is collecting tithe from you, ask him if he’s from the tribe of Levi. Even Jesus who was a Jew couldn’t collect tithes because he wasn’t from the tribe of Levi but from that of Judah. And if your pastor insists that being a worker in the lord’s vineyard qualifies him as a Levite, please remind him that Levites had no land and did not own properties."

    GHANAMAN signing out!

    1. One trillion likes. But will they listen? Tithing has become currency for sinning. It's ok as long as you pay up. So many are on their way to hell because of the power of money. When the Bible says money answereth all things it includes your fake salvation.

    2. What you just said is sheer folly. Are you a Christian? Cos you don't sound like one and are foolishly gobbing up the words of a writer. Do you say you are the seed of Abraham? If yes, did Abraham tithe? Jesus came so that we all may be saved. You as a gentile who has given his life to Christ have access into the inheritance of the children of God - the Israelites because you are saved. If you are a partaker, why don't you do as they do? They pay tithes since time immemorial and you should do the same.
      Also, God who said you should pay your tithes isn't dumb. Read the bible and get understanding!
      Which one is "ask your Pastor why he's collecting tithe in Nigeria?"
      Even baby Christians won't yarn this nonsense.

    3. High five for this your comment

    4. If I may ask u @ Ghanaman if u say tithe is old testament practice do you not claim the blessings that are in the old testament?

    5. Ghanaman chop kiss o dear. Gullible people just won't use their head nd keep being deceived. Let me paint a scenario, u see a hungry child on d road, u have some money on u but it's for ur tithe nd just because it's for tithe, u walk pass dat hungry child. How will u feel? I remember sitting in a cab one day, a little girl going home from school hailed d cab. Cabman stopped but because the girls money was short by #50, d man decided to drive off. The sun was blazing nd d poor girl was sweating bullets under dat scorching sun. I told d man to pick her dat I ll pay her fare. U need to see the joy on her face, it made my day. Her sigh of relief when she entered d cab nd sat down was contagious.
      What am I trying to say, when u do little deeds of mercy, which u do unto God, it is equally rewarding as paying tithes if not even more.

    6. Anon 15:50, you are the gullible one. That example you cited is easy. Take out of your tithe and give the child if you are so moved but replace it later and go pay to the church!
      This isn't a case of being brainwashed by any Pastor. I have a personal relationship with God, not a Pastor, and the Holy Spirit tells me to do so, and you'll do so too if the same Holy Spirit is in you. My bible also instructs me to.
      No matter how you sugarcoat or try to twist it, it is what it is. Obey God.

  14. It is already in the Bible that you bring your tithe to the storehouse of God. it did not say to the charity.

    stop turning the bible upside down. If you want to give to the needy, sow a seed in their lives but your tithe must be paid to the church you are worshipping in.

    that is why many Christians are missing their blessings. Always putting in their mind that it is pastor that will eat the tithe thereby missing their blessings. you forget that when you dont pay your tithe, God release the cankerworm, palmerworm, caterpillars to defeat your achievements in life.

    when you pay your tithe correctly without cheating God, no robbers can do nonsense to you or take away anything that belongs to you. Even self you wont be feeling sick. I am a witness to this and i have seen God's blessing. I have worked for close to 18 years in the Island and no one day have i encountered arm robbers. They can be robbing others, i will be spared.

  15. I asked myself same question. Had to bring it up during Sunday school. But if u rili study d word, there are diff types of offering ur tithe is ur tithe. It can't be replaced

  16. Tithe should be given back to church but you can still good will by giving to charity

  17. As noted in d passage there r no conditions like "if the store house is empty / full" it simply says to bring in. E nor "consign" u whether d church has more than enuf or not! Just obey n leave d details. If u gonna give to charity or whatever else set that aside differently. That's my take!

  18. Same thought here, but word of God cannot be reversed.

  19. This poster just spoke my mind exactly! I have had this thought severally. Just as tax is deducted from my pay, so i deduct my tithe and put in envelope & sometimes i feel like giving it to the needy. I don't know if it's right o. I have asked with no real response. let me read comments. In one of my WOFBI classes, i asked this same question & the pastor said you should give ur tithe to the church , and that giving to the needy is another form of giving which we also have to fulfil as Christians. in other words, it should be separated.

    1. Commendable practice, Ms Nicey.
      Tithe separately and give to the needy separately.

    2. What other answer where you expecting from your pastor in WOFBi? Your know all pastors will so ask you to pay it even compulsorily. #Pastorsmustwack

  20. Take your tithe to the Church, whether the Storehouse is full or not shouldn't concern you. Do your part and let God do His. God bless you

  21. It is wrong to pay your tithe to charity.God has ordered us to pay our tithes in his house which is the church.Whether the church is full with money or not,just pay your own tithe to God becos wen u do so there are blessings attach to it.You can always help the needy through another means but not with your tithe because it belongs to God.

  22. Hmmmmm.... This question is just timely for me. Usually your tithe is supposed to be paid to where you feed your spiritual life from. I mean paid to your church where the Word of God you hear blesses you. Now the whole essence of giving to the church is to promote God's work. It is assumed that the church stands as a mediator to the poor as well. So giving to the church is supposed to be same as giving to the poor.

    A significant part of God's work is also to give to the needy cuz He says when we cater for the needy we cater for Him. For me, I have prayerfully resolved, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to giving part of my tithe to my church as I have indeed been well taught there, and part to a charity as directed by the Holy Spirit.

    All I would say is that, this is an issue that has to be dealt with prayerfully asking the Holy Spirit for guidance. So that your giving will not be unfruitful, as not all giving have returns if given without direction.

  23. I've never paid tithe in my life, iv always been a philanthropist/activist...... Trust me when I say my blessings are off the hook.

  24. Give to God what belongs to Him, give to Charity what belongs to her. God and Charity no be mate abeg

  25. Dear Poster, scriptures cannot be broken. God is the judge not Etcetera, as someone said. My dear, tithe is not old testament. Tithe preceeds old testament. The first person to pay tithe was Abraham. He did not pay to Levi. He paid to the High Priest. Jesus is our High Pries. Abraham was not under the Old Covenant. He was a man of Faith. Our example in the faith. Please study Hebrews very well and you'll understand that tithe did not go away with the Old because it was not under the Old. the Old covenant came by Moses. that was loooooon after Abraham. I'm trying to summarize a long study but please obey God rather than men.
    Pay your tithe and watch God rebuke the devourer for your sakes.

    1. Don't mind them. Etcetera ko, example ni.
      Disobeying kingdom principles for advice from a mere mortal.

    2. The old testament is an illustration. If u ar practising the old testament meaning u av nt accept Jesus christ who came to die for our sins. Nd why pick only tithe why not practise all the laws of old testament. Back then the pple pay their tithe to the high priest cus they don't work nd their job ws to communicate with God on behave of the pple e.g if they want to do sacrifice to God. Nd all these things av stop when Jesus christ came. Cus we don't av to go to any high priest to pray or seek the face of God,we can do that on our own. We pray through Jesus christ. Abi we still dey sacrifice ram/goat to God. Pls read the book of matthew nd understand what Jesus is saying don't allow ur pastors to deceive u. The old testament is just an illustration to us.

    3. The old testament is an illustration. If u ar practising the old testament meaning u av nt accept Jesus christ who came to die for our sins. Nd why pick only tithe why not practise all the laws of old testament. Back then the pple pay their tithe to the high priest cus they don't work nd their job ws to communicate with God on behave of the pple e.g if they want to do sacrifice to God. Nd all these things av stop when Jesus christ came. Cus we don't av to go to any high priest to pray or seek the face of God,we can do that on our own. We pray through Jesus christ. Abi we still dey sacrifice ram/goat to God. Pls read the book of matthew nd understand what Jesus is saying don't allow ur pastors to deceive u. The old testament is just an illustration to us.

    4. Yessssssssss! The book of Matthew reveals the gospel of Christ in a great way. Jesus is our one and only high priest. Elijah and co were for those in the times before Christ. You all sound like the Pharisees who Jesus called vultures and fools. God is not interested in your Naira notes. Your heart and soul is all He seeks.
      Giving money to your churches pastor is simply for his worldly extravagances and has nothing to do with God.
      Inform yourselves of what Christ preached about and whether he instructed us to tithe. Pastors want your money. They have put a price tag on your sins. You cannot buy your salvation.
      Only true repentance can achieve that.

  26. 90% of Nigerian pastors will always tell you bring your tithe to the house of God because Malachi 3 : 3 has said it. It has been cancelled in the New Testament . We should think deep in our mind and do the thing we know it will be right in the sight of God and not allow anybody to deceive us.

  27. Tithing is an instruction and we must pay it to the church, our duty is to pay our tithe and wat the Pastors do with the tithe is non of our business. Giving your tithe to the Charity is not right. Giving to the Charity is a free will donation. If you have been giving your tithe to the Charity which means you have robbing God with a good intension.

  28. 90% of Nigerian pastors will always tell you bring your tithe to the house of God because Malachi 3 : 3 has said it. It has been cancelled in the New Testament . We should think deep in our mind and do the thing we know it will be right in the sight of God and not allow anybody to deceive us.

  29. 90% of Nigerian pastors will always tell you bring your tithe to the house of God because Malachi 3 : 3 has said it. It has been cancelled in the New Testament . We should think deep in our mind and do the thing we know it will be right in the sight of God and not allow anybody to deceive us.

    1. Cancelled in the new testament? Which verse and chapter? Na u cancel am? Plz don't say what u dunno

    2. What are tithing for when you have the resurrected Christ? The gospel of Christ which is for all men cancels several rites which the Isrealites practised - passover, the blood of animals shedding, the use of animal fat, tithing, the separation by the veil etc
      All Nigerian pastors are false. They preach love and desire for the same things that the world desires.

  30. 90% of Nigerian pastors will always tell you bring your tithe to the house of God because Malachi 3 : 3 has said it. It has been cancelled in the New Testament . We should think deep in our mind and do the thing we know it will be right in the sight of God and not allow anybody to deceive us.

  31. Seconded, @Nwakego. God is God and HIS words are settled.......

  32. pls read your bible very well dont rest on one chapter or verse please READ DEUTERONOMY 26:12 .When you have finished setting aside a tenth of all your produce in the third year, the year of the tithe, you shall give it to the Levite, the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow, so that they may eat in your towns and be satisfied.

  33. I pay my tithes to the church...had to give it to a needy cos she had nothing to eat.The money went a very long way to help her.How many of you pay ur tithes sef????

  34. DEU 26;12 When you have finished setting aside a tenth of all your produce in the third year, the year of the tithe, you shall give it to the Levite, the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow, so that they may eat in your towns and be satisfied.

  35. Humans try to play smart with God, which is what the devil wants. To confuse you into error.
    I don't get why we like to complicate issues. The bible which is the Word of God can't lie.
    You have been given an instruction, do it!
    Read Malachi 3 from verse 1, not just verse 10. God was warning and instructing us on what to do.
    The same God knows there are the poor and needy but instructed to bring His tithe into the storehouse. Whatever the Pastors do with it isn't your business. Just obey God and you'll be blessed. You've done your part and God sees it.

    1. God declared the sacrifices of the Isrealites worthless and offensive when the high priests used them against His will. It does matter that the tithes meant for God's people are used to purchase houses and jets.
      And if you're obeying God just for His blessings you do not love Him. You just desire his things and not His heart.

    2. I do not obey God just for His blessings. I do so cos He commanded it and if you love Him, you'll obey. And then the same God told me He'd bless me for obeying. That's a loving God and I receive it.
      Quit with your religious mindset.

  36. mhzzzbee international2 September 2015 at 13:23

    All those saying they asked did pastors in church, do you expect the pastor to refer you to charity? Just do whatever pleases you and leave the rest to God. Its none of your business if the house of God is full. Afterall, all pastors will face judgement at the end.

  37. MR EDDY said this heat wan kill person o

    Hmmmmmm. I pay my tithes however I want to. Its btw my creator and i

  38. On this issue, i'll just go back in time to quote our very good friend, Etcetera, cos his reasons & explanations still resonate soundly in my head,"The words “prosper” or ‘prosperity’ were NEVER used by Jesus at all – and only mentioned a few times in the entire New Testament. Yet our greedy pastors have built kingdoms upon them. The words – “sell what you have and give to the poor” and “deceitfulness of riches” and “you cannot serve God and mammon” and “woe to you that are rich” were DEFINITELY used by Jesus and the apostles, but you don’t hear them preached by your pastors, do you?
    Tithing is not a New Testament practice at all. And it is being shamefully abused by today’s preachers. In the Old Testament, tithing was only applicable to Jews and to the land of Israel and that was at a time when a great number of them lived in Babylon, Ammon, Moab, Egypt and Syria.
    As a result of that, the land they occupied became tithe-able lands. Tithes were not acceptable from Gentiles’ lands. So my brothers and sisters, you need to ask your pastor why he is collecting tithes here in Nigeria. Also, the only people authorised to receive tithes were the Levites – (Hebrews 7:5). If your pastor is collecting tithe from you, ask him if he’s from the tribe of Levi. Even Jesus who was a Jew couldn’t collect tithes because he wasn’t from the tribe of Levi but from that of Judah. And if your pastor insists that being a worker in the lord’s vineyard qualifies him as a Levite, please remind him that Levites had no land and did not own properties."


  39. Nope! The word of God never change! Pay your tithe in your local church. It doesn't matter how rich the church may be. Just fulfil your part. What they do with the money is not your biz too. Let God fight for Himself. Just obey Him


  40. YES, YES! YES! YOU CAN; I have been practicing and preaching it for years and that is the word of God. PASTORS WILL NOT WANT YOU TO SEE THESE SCRIPTURES, THEY ONLY QUOTE MALACHI; SEE;

    DEUT. 14:28“At the end of every third year, bring the entire tithe of that year’s harvest and store it in the nearest town. 29Give it to the Levites, who will receive no allotment of land among you, as well as to the foreigners living among you, the orphans, and the widows in your towns, so they can eat and be satisfied. Then the LORD your God will bless you in all your work.

    DEUT. 26:12 When you have finished setting aside a tenth of all your produce in the third year, the year of the tithe, you shall give it to the Levite, the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow, so that they may eat in your towns and be satisfied.


    Acts 6:1 But as the believers rapidly multiplied, there were rumblings of discontent. The Greek-speaking believers complained about the Hebrew-speaking believers, saying that their widows were being discriminated against in the daily distribution of food.

    1 Timothy 5:9A widow who is put on the list for support must be a woman who is at least sixty years old and was faithful to her husband.c 10She must be well respected by everyone because of the good she has done. Has she brought up her children well? Has she been kind to strangers and served other believers humbly?d Has she helped those who are in trouble? Has she always been ready to do good?


    James 1:27(NIV)

    27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.


    If pastor has no list of widows he helps, he will not see my tithes!

    1. Thank you my dear. This is why Nigeria is sooooooooo backward and corrupt as well. We are 'very religious ' but know absolutely nothing in the Bible. When Nigerians learn to read (especially the Bible), we would progress.
      The Catholic Church still has accountable ways of utilizing tithes collected. If you are Catholic, by no means continue to pay your tithes. But all these other churches where your pastors have private jets or only fly first class, extend your tithes to the needy. That your neighbour that hasn't eaten all day, your security that comes from sango to VI but earns 25k yet he is married with kids, even within your church you would find people that requires food and water. For Jesus said if you give food to the least of my brothers, you have given food to me. And remember we are Christians meaning christlike not Malachians. Your pastors would always quote Malachi but they would not quote where Jesus told the rich man to sell all his property if he wanted to be saved. They only preach about giving your tithes so you can receive it back in ten folds. And you lot only pay your tithes because you want to get it back in ten folds not because you want to reach out and help the needy.
      Bloody hypocrites!!!

      I give more than 10% of my salary to the needy but I know im still failing cos Jesus commands we give everything to the needy.


    2. Eastwestern, no one ever said you shouldn't help the needy. Of course Jesus instructed us to do so. Your "we are Christians and not Malachians" shows your ignorance on the word of God, no pun intended.
      Who was speaking in Malachi? God!
      It will surprise a lot of you on judgement dat when God will say you've robbed him and you'll ask how. It's written in that same Malachi how you did rob Him.
      He says pay your tithes, period. Stop trying to be smarter than God. Pay your tithes and then help the needy. That way, you are more blessed. I practice both and I've seen results.
      If you like, visit orphanages and give to widows but if you disobey God on the title thingy, you have missed it.
      We know what these Pastors are doing, but then is God blind or mocked? Your own is to do as He has commanded and be blessed. Don't bother yourself with what the clergyman does for God sees him and his judgement awaits him.
      Your excuse that the clergyman buts cars et al with your money to God won't hold water on that day.
      Be wise.

    3. Most pple don't read their bible. Read ur bible, the bible av answers to all questions..the bible contains everything nd the old testament is an illustration

    4. Andromeda, you practice paying tithes and have seen results? You bought blessings from God? Look aside from your fleeting worldly goods and search for Christ in your life. Have you received the gifts of the Holy Spirit?

    5. Anon 23:18, no, I didn't buy blessings from God. He said I should prove Him if He won't open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing for me. My, He sure did and I received wholeheartedly.
      And I do have Christ in my life, thank you very much. As for the gifts of the Holy Spirit, that too.
      Do you?

    6. Anon 23:18, no, I didn't buy blessings from God. He said I should prove Him if He won't open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing for me. My, He sure did and I received wholeheartedly.
      And I do have Christ in my life, thank you very much. As for the gifts of the Holy Spirit, that too.
      Do you?

    7. Andromeda, your blessings you speak of are they different from the desires of the world? You can't pay God off. The devil gives. Quicker than God but with dire consequences. That's what the devil is teaching people to ignore. You harbour sin in your hearts and live like the world but as long as you pay your monthly fee you feel justified and entitled to call yourself saved. God does not care for your tithe. He has said that already. If anyone you know you is in need and you ignore that need to pay money to your pastor thinking that God is pleased who are you fooling? Surely not God.

  41. Alms for the needy tithe for the church.

  42. THELMA ENEMUWE said...
    Give your tithe to your local place of worship (CHURCH) ,you don't give tithe to charity,Gods word remains yea and will never change,so pls do not try to turn it upside down to suit can give aims to charity by so doing you're sowing seeds which the bible states that we sud not withold our hands from doing....tithe belongs to GOD and should not be given to anybody as charity,bia poster,who told you that the house of God is already full??,did your pastor complain to Æ”☺ΰ,do not be deceived sisi??
    *faithful BV enemuwe thelma*

  43. Is the church a storehouse? Pls enlighten

  44. THELMA ENEMUWE said...
    Give your tithe to your local place of worship (CHURCH) ,you don't give tithe to charity,Gods word remains yea and will never change,so pls do not try to turn it upside down to suit can give aims to charity by so doing you're sowing seeds which the bible states that we sud not withold our hands from doing....tithe belongs to GOD and should not be given to anybody as charity,bia poster,who told you that the house of God is already full??,did your pastor complain to Æ”☺ΰ,do not be deceived sisi??
    *faithful BV enemuwe thelma*

  45. THELMA ENEMUWE said...
    Give your tithe to your local place of worship (CHURCH) ,you don't give tithe to charity,Gods word remains yea and will never change,so pls do not try to turn it upside down to suit can give aims to charity by so doing you're sowing seeds which the bible states that we sud not withold our hands from doing....tithe belongs to GOD and should not be given to anybody as charity,bia poster,who told you that the house of God is already full??,did your pastor complain to Æ”☺ΰ,do not be deceived sisi??
    *faithful BV enemuwe thelma*

  46. You are not the one to judge whether the house is full of not.
    You are not the one to also judge how the things that belong to God are appropriated.
    Yours is to obey the command. Obedience is better than sacrifice.
    When reading the Bible I advise using the original language dictionary and some commentaries (I like Burkitt) in order to have a deeper insight into the real content. The rich men that Jesus cursed even those talked about in James 2:16 are those Covetous rich Jews who do not have regard for Christ. It is His will that we prosper both in wealth, for those that see wealth as sin.
    Tithe is way beyond Malachi, it is a covenant. We sing "Abraham's blessings are mine" but we forget that Abraham indeed paid his tithe to Melchizedek who is a form of God, and you can't have Abraham's blessing and be his seed without doing what Abraham did which made him a friend of God.
    Yours is to obey the tithing covenant and not to determine where is full and who is eating it, it is God's to judge.
    And for some of us crying to be blessed but still contending the Tithing principle I ask you in Daddy Fagbemi's voice "...If you're still struggling to give 10%, how will God get you to give your Isaac?"

  47. The scriptures rightly said that obedience Is better than sacrifice. Poster, you said the store house (church) is full already and that's why you are thinking of taking your tithe else where. Why not leave God to decide or be the judge as to whether the church is full or not! Your own part is to "obey" His word by taking it (tithe) to church cos there is a blessing attached to obeying His commands.
    Charity is indeed a good thing that we should practice everyday of our lives and you can decide to set aside another special sum of money or material things for charity but your tithe shouldn't be touched by you.
    You can't decide what is to be done to your tithe, let God decide that while your part is to obey by paying it and receive your blessings BUT you can decide how to go about charity and don't forget that church also assist the poor that you see around from what they get, its just that they may not go about announcing it.

  48. YES, YES! YES! YOU CAN; I have been practicing and preaching it for years and that is the word of God. PASTORS WILL NOT WANT YOU TO SEE THESE SCRIPTURES, THEY ONLY QUOTE MALACHI; SEE;

    DEUT. 14:28“At the end of every third year, bring the entire tithe of that year’s harvest and store it in the nearest town. 29Give it to the Levites, who will receive no allotment of land among you, as well as to the foreigners living among you, the orphans, and the widows in your towns, so they can eat and be satisfied. Then the LORD your God will bless you in all your work.

    DEUT. 26:12 When you have finished setting aside a tenth of all your produce in the third year, the year of the tithe, you shall give it to the Levite, the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow, so that they may eat in your towns and be satisfied.


    Acts 6:1 But as the believers rapidly multiplied, there were rumblings of discontent. The Greek-speaking believers complained about the Hebrew-speaking believers, saying that their widows were being discriminated against in the daily distribution of food.

    1 Timothy 5:9A widow who is put on the list for support must be a woman who is at least sixty years old and was faithful to her husband.c 10She must be well respected by everyone because of the good she has done. Has she brought up her children well? Has she been kind to strangers and served other believers humbly?d Has she helped those who are in trouble? Has she always been ready to do good?


    James 1:27(NIV)

    27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.


    If pastor has no list of widows he helps, he will not see my tithes!

  49. I no go lie, I stop paying my tithe to d house of God long time ago. and I started paying it to the orphanage home. Wat I think is dat, orphanage home is still a church because those children gather there and worship every night and day.....

    I always tell God before sending the money dat,,, my God dis is my tithe and I am sending it to d orphanage kids because alot people focus in d church and dey don't remember d orphanS!

    1. Wrong? So giving the money to a motivational speaker with a bible who will increase his worldly goods is better?

  50. Malachi na old testament abi? Do they still kill cattle, goat etc as sacrifice in churches? Where the food and meet they for the house? #justasking. They build schools that u and I can't afford with the #tithes, they pay their workers with it. How many of them actually put the poor into consideration? If u ask me, they are always taking. #commonsense

  51. Give your tithe in the church and give the excesses 2 charity.
    You you pay your tithe and still give 2 charity.
    God's store house is not full,is what all this fake pastors are door that is making people think that the store house is filled.

  52. Am here to read comments

  53. Sis,Thank God for throwing this question to us.Please and please take your tithes to the church that is what God said in his holy scriptions. He didn't even say give, he said pay which means it is not your own in the first place. Just because you got with it for a long time doesn't mean God is happy. The bible says the days of ignorance I will overlook but now that you have seen in his word, I admonish you to pay your tithes to the church and you begin to see the changes in your life. It doesn't have to be monetary but it could be things that take money away from you eg sickness, robbery, losses in your business. Jesus aid the poor you will always have with you meaning poor people will always be around but pay to god what belongs to him and then you can give to the poor as occasion arise.Be Wise!

  54. Obedience is the first law in heaven. No matter how much you love the poor and earnestly yearn to lighten their burden, do not disobey the word of God. Pay your tithes and close your eyes to how flamboyant your pastors are living. God will judge them for not making judicious use of the tithes paid to God but you will be free not only from God's judgement but from the attacks of the power of mammon. It is the demon responsible for financial setbacks in a christian's life and as long as you're not paying your tithes diligently, it can stand in front of God and accuse you and can thus, obtain the right to attack your finances. Don't forget that Satan is called the accuser of the brethren.

  55. Commonsense will let one know storehouse could mean another human**

    Our body is the temple of God too!

    If curches are FULL and are not giving adequately to the needy, y waste it on them?

    I give to whom I please (church or less priviledged. But mostly less priviledged). And o boy does he bless back??? God is too much...


  56. Bring to the store house. Giving out to charity is different from tithing

  57. Your tithe should be given to the church. Dont forget God does not need the tithe, neither does the church. You, not giving your tithe will not affect the church. You give your tithe to be blessed of God. Your tithe cannot and will never make any pastor rich.
    God honours HIS WORD above HIS NAME.
    Obedience is better than sacrifice.

  58. See ur mouth like daddy fagbemi!!! Is he ur father ? !!! Mscheew

  59. This longest Id lady, you funny too much. I say AMEN TO YOUR PRAYERS.

    i love your way ooo


  61. Anon 13:03, glad for you, but you'll be so shocked when God tells you you've robbed Him. Obedience is better than sacrifice
    @ Arianne, chop kiss. I couldn't have said it better.
    Humans trying to be more knowledgeable than God.
    Them tell una say God no see wetin some churches dey do now but still insisted we pay our tithe?

  62. I can see a lot of people saying tithing is an instruction from God and we were commanded to do so. Wake up pple, there are so many instructions and commandments from God that are not been followed and obeyed by us. We were commanded to love our neighbours as ourselves. How many of us can boldly say they love another person like they love themselves not to talk of those who are still into fornication. How come we are not obeying God in those areas. We have been deceived by our so called pastors and it is a shame that we cannot use our heads to know that we are enriching the lives of our pastors and their children. The churches are been run as businesses these days. What do you say of a situation whereby the church committee comes together to say "Our pastor need a new car" and trust our Pentecostal churches, it is a very flash and expensive car they will buy for the pastor and of course the money is coming from the church purse (our tithe). Or should we talk about the number of properties they have. Meanwhile a lot of church members cannot afford to buy a good car. The attention on Malachi 3:10 is so annoying. The Pastors will tell you guys what you want to hear and they will keep deceiving you guys with Malachi 3:10. I have stopped paying tithe and God has never seized to stop blessing and increasing me. For those who think it is because of the tithe they pay that's why they have never been robbed needs to wake up. Because there are people who pay tithe and still die of cancer. We all should learn to seek the truth so that the pastors will stop deceiving us. I will rather continue to focus on charity, no need to cause out cos it is btw me and God and I am so fulfilled and happy with what I am doing. Go and ask the riches people in the world if they pay tithe. They don't rather they Chanel their riches to charity and for doing that God just keep increasing them.

    1. Giving your money to churches is putting a price tag on salvation. People who cannot submit their lives and sinful nature to God but will pay money to gain entrance to His rest. Only a fool who does not seek God's heart will think they can buy His blessings.
      The devil has been furnishing many lives with so called blessings since the beginning of time. Many are living such lives today.

    2. My God is a merciful God. God blesses you when you dont pay your tithe doesn’t mean His Foolish just read Matthew 5:45 says for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

  63. Why do people get this thingy twisted
    1. You must pay your tithe to your local church...not any church, you can't eat at mr biggs and pay at tantilizers
    2. Your tithe is have 90percent to yourself, if you love people truly and want to do charity you can do from your 90percent not from God's own
    3. Tithe has nothing to do with old or new testament...moses brought the law and before the law..abraham gave tithe, so we ought to give our tithe
    4. No matter how rich your tithe is...don't ever let it get to your head, that u r blessing the pastor with it, God that called the man can provide for him, what the church does with the money is left for the church...none of ur biz
    Many people have carried curses unknowingly bcos of their attitude...e.g you gave 5m naira tithe to the church, next week you see a jeep parked at the pastors garage and you go like our offering and tithe is working! that car might be a seed to the pastor or the pastor wants to sow the car to a member or another ministry...who are u to judge? he might be following heavenly wise...give your tithe to God and also do charity

  64. You can give outside the church,the bible make us to understand that the poor will never depart from us.or you share it into two

  65. Give to God what is God and to Caesar what is Caesar. give your tithe to the church, it does not matter what the pastors do with it, but God sees the heart that gives. and when you want to give to charity, do it as your heart lets you. God sees everything.

  66. In all as Christians we should ask the Holy Spirit for divine guidance. For me i believe whether it be Tithe or Offering it must be done without grudges and must not be out of necessity 2 Cor 9:7.
    Again we have been quoting Malachi, fellow BVs kindly calm down and read Deu 14:28-19 and Deu 26:12-14 and then we would understand that the 10% can be given to the Levities, Widows, orphans and the less privilege. it is the word of God and not written by man just as Malachi.
    To the poster pray and make sure you do what the Holy Spirit lays in your heart to do. if giving to charity will make you happy, then give to charity. Don't pay your tithe to the church out of necessity and or compulsion!!!

    1. Your response just made my day. I will do as the holy spirit lays in my heart. Thanks to all for your comments

  67. DEUT. 14:28“At the end of every third year, bring the entire tithe of that year’s harvest and store it in the nearest town. 29Give it to the Levites, who will receive no allotment of land among you, as well as to the foreigners living among you, the orphans, and the widows in your towns, so they can eat and be satisfied. Then the LORD your God will bless you in all your work.

    DEUT. 26:12 When you have finished setting aside a tenth of all your produce in the third year, the year of the tithe, you shall give it to the Levite, the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow, so that they may eat in your towns and be satisfied.

  68. Abraham "gave" tithe. He did not "Pay". Meaning he was under no obligation neither was it mandatory. It only became a rule when the Law was introduced. Study the scriptures people! The Law has a clause attached to it - if you miss one; you miss all! Tithes actually have three variants.[Read Deuteronomy]. Galatians chapter 3 verse 1-end clarified the place of the Law in the larger scheme of things. It told us that the Law was our school teacher that keeps us in check till the Savior should arrive. After the Savior has finally arrived, we no longer need a school teacher.

  69. People twist the bible to suit their convictions. Tithe is just 10% of your income, pay it. You can give the rest 90% to charity. God cannot be mocked, send your tithe on an errand in your household of faith and forget about how it is managed.

  70. Your pastor will be telling you to write your tithe number at the back of your envelope, why? They will keep preaching about Malachi when it comes to tithing what about Deuteronomy? Many of you have already received your heavenly blessings here on earth. If your pastor says A why can't you search your heart if it's truly A. Most of us knows the right thing we are just doing eye service, let the pastor see that am paying my tithe. Do as the Holy Spirit has directed you period.

  71. Your pastor will be telling you to write your tithe number at the back of your envelope, why? They will keep preaching about Malachi when it comes to tithing what about Deuteronomy? Many of you have already received your heavenly blessings here on earth. If your pastor says A why can't you search your heart if it's truly A. Most of us knows the right thing we are just doing eye service, let the pastor see that am paying my tithe. Do as the Holy Spirit has directed you period.

  72. Your pastor will be telling you to write your tithe number at the back of your envelope, why? They will keep preaching about Malachi when it comes to tithing what about Deuteronomy? Many of you have already received your heavenly blessings here on earth. If your pastor says A why can't you search your heart if it's truly A. Most of us knows the right thing we are just doing eye service, let the pastor see that am paying my tithe. Do as the Holy Spirit has directed you period.

  73. @Anon 13:03 manage this K
    @Poster why can't you do both? ? #Justsaying
    @Sdkers its this post that will turn everybody to pastor

  74. Tithing is old testament practice and what is being done today in Churches is not tithing but trading with God. As a Christian you are to support the Church of God with your treasure, talent and time not a just a mere 10% of your income. All you have is for God and any charity you do should be done for the love of God and not to spite anyone. A Christian is not oblisged to tithe like the Jews of old. The Christian way of giving is to give according to what one is capable of whether small or big, that is what is called the Widows might.

    As a warning to pastors who use this Bible verse to fleece their members, this money is meant to take care of the poor and needy among believers and not fund your lavish lifestyle.

  75. Give the money to the poor jare..... If the pastors need money they should go n get paid employment a beg. The biggest con used by this M.O.G is that of tithe. Pay them no mind when they start preaching this hostile gospel


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