Stella Dimoko Furious Mistress Hacks Off Lover's Manhood After He Refused To Leave His Wife For Her


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Furious Mistress Hacks Off Lover's Manhood After He Refused To Leave His Wife For Her

OMG...Is this the new trend?

 A cheating husband had his manhood hacked off by his raging mistress after she flew into a rage when he refused to leave his wife.
The 50-year-old victim was seen running through the streets screaming for a doctor with blood pouring from his groin and down his thighs after his secret lover sliced off his penis.

The businessman, identified only by his surname Liu, had gone to a hotel expecting one of his regular intimate encounters with his mistress - who is 30 years younger than him.

After checking into the hotel in Hangzhou, the woman, who is still on the run and has been identified only by her surname Zhang, again began quizzing Liu about leaving his wife who, it is claimed, lived a separate life to her husband.

The mistress then demanded her wealthy lover make a decision, but police believe Liu knocked this demand back sending the young woman into a bloodthirsty rage.
Other guests at the hotel reported hearing quarrelling before a horrifying scream was let out.
Upon looking out of their doors, they saw the businessman racing down the corridor with his underwear half on and blood spewing out of where his penis should have been.
Staff then spotted Liu in the lobby, covered in his own blood, before he burst out of the main doors and into the busy street screaming for a doctor.

An unidentified employee at the hotel said the incident happened at around2.30 pm, when she had also heard screaming coming from the pair’s hotel room, after which she first saw a young woman quickly exiting the room.
CCTV images appeared to show the woman walking down stairs holding what looked like a pair of scissors.

-UK Mirrors



  2. Replies
    1. If a girl chop off my D........before i pass out or anything, i would make sure i punch her so bad on the boobs that she's dies in the process or i bit off her nipples.......

    2. Henry Eze your stupidity is painful, your brain needs help.

  3. Nawao this is heartless and wicked.

  4. Good for the infidel, haha haha

  5. I hope the deranged woman is found and sent to jail for a long time.
    As if it aint bad enough that she is a side chick..

  6. Just imagine the inhumanity. After this one, the man will learn to stop cheating with a psycho.

  7. Lol... seems these randy men manhoods aint strong like before where we have odogwu and ebube dike lmfao..m.

  8. Some married men are so foolish! They think they can eat their cake and have it!

  9. Very good for the man....i have no pity for cheating husband refused to marry his mistress cos he said he could not marry a second wife....he promised her all the love in the world and even promised marriage till i found out...we had no kids then and she even had a daughter who later died.....she had denied him access to the dsughter when he refused to marry her...stupid side chicks who believe everything men tell them....hubby of course came back to his senses after child died.....u cannot treat a woman who prays anyhow n go scot free....he claims he will marry you yet hasnt divorced wifey... lol....foolish people, cheating hubby looses penis, side chick eventually ends up in jail and madam laughs happily ever after....oloshis

    1. Lol@ cheating hubby looses penis, side chick eventually ends up in jail and madam laughs happily ever after. So true o.

      Oga, u see urself?

    2. Ife ne me...women wounding women since long time imo river

    3. Hahaha...your conclusion though.
      Very apt.

      Let me ping someone to log in and read this post.

  10. serves him right! Hope the bloody penis loses all function. Eeeeeee....diat.

  11. Heheh best news today.... greedy Man....

  12. Wasnt it in this region that adultery was legalised if done for business purposes?

    Ehen... Na business the man go conduct na,
    He should write off the loss of his penis as bad business.

    The rules given to us by God were actually given for our own good but these people don't even know God so...
    Make dem continue.

  13. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Nna see as i just grab my doodie to confirm if is still intact.... This kind thing no dey funny at all i swear..... Thunder fire that woman i swear......

  14. Good for him. That's enough punishment for leaving your poor wife at home to sample different pussies. Ewu!!!

  15. Okay, but men will never learn...
    The woman is heartless.
    Dear Husbands, be contented with you have.

  16. Wandering dick.. That's good for him.


  17. I was dating a married woman recently until i decided to walk out of the relationship. I honestly did not know that the guy was married or was a father, i found it out because i was curious and spied on him. He finally admit to me that he had been experiencing difficulties in in marriage and wanted to divorce the wife, mother of his kids. I gave him the benefit of doubts and from time to time the guy will speak ill of his wife in my presence. After we had unprotected sex, he always exercised pressure for me to take the morning after pill, saying that he was not ready and so forth. I realised that when the guy was with me, he was detached emotionally, sex was mechanical, no passion at all. To that effect, i never managed to get an orgasm or really enjoyed it, was just pretending. My gut kept telling me that the guy was still in love with his woman, maybe still warming her bed contrary that what he claimed. I kept encourage him to patch up with his wife, that i doubt that she was all that eveil and that children need both their father and mother. For 7 years the guys kept telling me that he was going to divorce the wife and it never happened. I do not want to wreck another woman's home and i do not want to be used as a doormat either. There is a man out there who deserves that i drain my energy on him, certainly not a married man running away from his responsibility at home, a man who cannot even acknowledge my existence outside the boundary of the bedroom. Never believe a man who is married and keep lying to you that he will divorce his wife for you, you will be wasting your time. Never fight for a man either, they do not deserve that we ridicule ourselves for them. Love yourself and a man will open his heart to you.

    1. Hian! What did I just read? I'm very furious now. Anon, you've got indomie in your skull not brain. Smh

    2. Ashawo kobo kobo! U waited for him to divorce his wife but he fucked u dry for good 7yrs and dumped u still..Olosho! Husband snatcher..U no dey shame! U were praying for his marriage to pack up so u can jump in eh kwa? Okwaaaala gi!
      U will remain single till u die..Aunty gwegwegwe! Daft hoe!

    3. Thank God you realised that he can never acknowledge you outside the boundaries of your dirty room. I felt pity for you initially when you said you spied and found out his status. But it all went out of the window when I read you ended up spending 7 years with him. You don't want to be a home wrecker? What exactly have you been doing during those 7 years?? Pls shove your advice up your arse. You need it most. Wise and decent ladies already have that at the back of their minds.

    4. Thank God you realised that he can never acknowledge you outside the boundaries of your dirty room. I felt pity for you initially when you said you spied and found out his status. But it all went out of the window when I read you ended up spending 7 years with him. You don't want to be a home wrecker? What exactly have you been doing during those 7 years?? Pls shove your advice up your arse. You need it most. Wise and decent ladies already have that at the back of their minds.

    5. 7years????
      Are you still in that Wreckship?

    6. You dated somebody's husband for seven whole years while waiting for him to divorce his wife? See you giving advice to people when it took you seven years to realize. I'm sure if he had taken you as a second wife you would have agreed quickly Abeggi

    7. So u were with him for 7yrs?
      Married man for dat matter?
      And he was lying to u dat he'll divorce his wife for u and u kept believing him?
      Babe u need deliverance!

    8. Hmmmmmmmumm! Deep. But 7 years mehnn...why so long before ur eyes got opened

    9. U ve no moral ground to advice anyone, tell that to ur self. 7yrs WTF

  18. This is exactly what all these Nigerian men who shamelessly cheat on their wives deserve. Very foolish man.Serves him right. I hope the lover is caught. Shameless lot.

    1. The wife should get medical help for the man b/c everyone else will desert the man.she should forgive. The man is not teje worst man on earth. It is only dat he is unfortunate. The lover is wicked and should be arrested and jailed.

  19. Well, maybe all this cheating will reduce or stop. The wife must be dancing.

  20. That's great. If he kept his butt beside his wife, none of this would have happened.

  21. Oko lo tun ku ti won sha bayi. Hack on! Foolizh men. Why have a mistress in the first place?

  22. This thing called sex................hmmmmnn

  23. Nice report.
    Didn't even roll my eyes from start to finish,believable too.

    The heart of a scorned woman is really deadly!

  24. Serves the cheating dude right.
    He is now amu-less to all women.
    When he has refused to keep it for his wife only. Ngwanu...

  25. Some people are just plain evil i swear.
    Why damage the man bikonu?

  26. I seriously dont understand why a married man will be keeping a serious relationship outside his home...some of the foolish girls will even be bold to say stuff like..'am so in love with a married man, he has promised to leave his wife for me'. Like gullible and wicked can you be?..scheming to break another woman's home..the thunder that is waiting to strike you is at your doorstep!

  27. Shit happens.

    Are you a student, unemployed or always online? Then this is for you.

  28. Stella that's how Uwari Felix Ameachi and his mother killed his wife of 5yrs cos of side chic and his wife gave birth to three children (4yrs, 2yrs n 9mths)

  29. You dated a married man for a 7 whole years waiting for him to divorce his lovely wife, hmn nawa to youooo. You must reap what you sow mark my word. Why are people are very wicked these days. She was even bold to spew such nonsense from her mouth

  30. Whenever I see couple having issue in their marriage, I dear not put my mouth because I did not join them, it was God who joined. Single ladies and gents, stop dating married men and women karma is still in operationooo. Rather pray God to give you your own if it delays wait for it for it MUST sure happen. I am a living witness

  31. Anon 20:10 clap hands for yourself. 7 years and was still fucking you. Are you now married or you have decided to become mary amaka.

    Better repent and ask God to give you your own husband. you wasted 7 years on a foolish married man.

    Seems women are more brazen in cutting off manhood. this is the new thing in the world. Cut them bastard oloshis blokos off.

  32. Shior Godwin, this will be your portion very soon if you don't stop your philandering ways.
    Married man that will come to S&M and be looking for single women to prey on.
    Stella this is his facebook page:
    He added me on S&M and forgot he had a facebook profile.
    You can even see photos of his decent looking wife there.
    He will meet his waterloo soon.

  33. i experienced this also, but mine did not last a year because the truth came out . the guy was just to clean about his moves, thank God i told my dad about the guy,he said i shld bring home to see and discuss. my dad investigated and got to know the man was married.his wife was in US wen she came back to the counrty she got my number,called and told me his married and with 2kids. i laughed and told her i dont have anything to do with him again. she was pleading dat i shld agree to stay because wen he got to find out she called me,he stopped sleeping at home for weeks. its none of my business and till date i dont know how he is doing.

  34. i pray he survives. for the adulterous, repent and give your life to Christ


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