Stella Dimoko Doctors In House Section.


Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Doctors In House Section.

Oh wow!


Hi Stella. Good afternoon. Please I need your help and that of my fellow bv's. I noticed recently that my panty line area is peeling off(its not painful)it just gets very dried and starts becomes normal then after a while continues.

 Please doctors in the house what could be wrong?

I treated PID few months ago so don't know if that's the reason. 

Plus how can one get rid of those dark patch btw the thighs?it have tried funbactA but it didn't work rather it got darker.please all your comments are well appreciated. God Bless you all.


Hello Mama Stella(the queen of all blogs)...

...I urgently need help as I am going crazy over this issue. My parents recently brought a boy from the village who they have been training and taking care of. The little boy in question had Chickenpox which was treated and finally the Chickenpox started receding last week but not without leaving him with scars as it was very itchy.......

Fast forward toMonday(31/08/2015)...I woke up with a serious headache,Fever,cough,catarrh and joint aches especially on my right thigh. I went to our Doctor who gave me medications for malaria as he said the symptoms I told him generally point to that fact.‎He also gave me some injections.I got home and later in the evening.

 I noticed some reddish looking blisters springing up on my thighs,Chest,Stomach,Back,Face,Arms,Legs.I quickly ran back to the Doctor who confirmed the blisters to be Chickenpox. He said there was no cure for it that it comes and go on it's own but that I should avoid scratching the blisters so they won't turn into scars when I finally heal. He said I and the young boy(who was brought in from the village)from who I contacted it from should be isolated from every other of my family member to avoid it spreading further.BVs please what do I do to stop the itching coz I am going crazy.

 I bath  with dettol like twenty(20) times a day in other that the itching should stop but it is not working.I have also tried Calamine Lotion but to no avail. BVs please what do I use that would stop this itching....I AM GOING CRAZY...This is pure torment....Kai!

I have never experienced this before in all my life.



  1. the living God will see you through

    1. Poster 2 please use honey to rub it, leave it for sometime then wash off. Do it 3-4 times daily.

      Poster 1 go and treat yourself again then dispose all your undies. You have a bigger problem, treat that first before talking about black thigh.

    2. I think this poster 1 is fat. Most fat girls have problem with their vjayjay area and black inner thigh.

      Try loose weight first if you are

    3.'s not a cime too be fat na.. abi? Poster1, Goan buy thights/cycling shorts(or watever it is called) an wear it consistently...Only under ur skirts o,ur funbactA is prolly fake, try dermabact or tahara tube cream(its abit scares tho) rub only when going to bed n stop wearing panties to bed. Ul be fine.

    4. When I had chicken pox as an adult three years ago I was depressed .i took two good weeks. And am very fair.
      Let me lecture u.......i researched. Nd I got some info about garlic. It's d miracle. Eat garlic morning, afternoon nd night. It would reduce d days nd also d itching nd d swelling with pus inside, wld dry up instantly.dont buy d very big garlic o (I don't know anything abt those big ones).buy d small ones. Use a chopper to chop it. Or a grater....
      U can eat up to 12 cloves at once Swallow it bit by bit, like u r taking wld help .make sure u give every one in ur family too (their own self be once a day to prevent it)
      Lastly nd very important. Make sure there is food in ur tummy o. Garlic is very strong. Nd drink a lot of after afterwards

  2. I hope you don't wear pant to bed?
    Try to keep your privates free and open especially when you are home. Wear loose dresses without panties when home or your comfort zone.
    Apply clotrimazole to the area.
    Pele dear. You will be fine

    1. Lol... See smooth sailing for spiritual husband o. NO PANT to bed. LooooolzLooooolzl

    2. Poster 1 use a good bleaching cream and Virginia coconut oil for in between your thighs and use baby oil to rub the dry panty lines.

      poster 2 just imagine something else when the itch comes

    3. G_pharm true u no well lmao hahaha I can't stop laffing u are silly

  3. Replies
    1. You are a frustrated bitch

    2. Queen you are an imbecile for saying this. Are you neater than her?
      May God have mercy on you

    3. To the chicken pus lady,go and see a good doctor and leave chemist doctors alone....

    4. U no well mtchhhhhhhheeeeeewwwwwwwwww

    5. @poster2 :seven keys 2 power and water from sugarcane is the cure 4 chicken pox.
      @poster1 : your toto lacks fresh air.
      Please change your undie.

    6. Dats how she was forming like ogi is nonsense, meanwhile all her kids ate ogi till dem.grow finish, loud mouthed illiterate bitch. FYI papa for babies isn't for the poor

  4. Why is it only women that have medical issues, what about men. Men should come and say their own issue.

    Lady, God Almighty will fix it for you. let me read comments

    1. A man can silently endure PAInS but Women cannot.
      2ndly men do not have issues with self estee.m as women do.

  5. It happened to me a while ago!I treated antibiotics and didn't notice it again..ober 2 yrs now

  6. You better take yourself to the hospital or snap that your panty line area for Stella to post here so that I can see what exactly you are talking about because I can't diagnose what I didn't see.

  7. Dryness. Use a good moisturizer around the area. Dry skin will peel after a while.

  8. Happened to a 5year old that I know. After changing to boxer shorts for kids instead of panties it stopped. Maybe tiur panties are too tight or you are just changing skin. Lol.

    For the darkened skin in between your thighs maybe your thighs rub against each other and you sweat around there too. Maybe you should try wearing tights.

  9. i think the panty line peeling is normal, happens when you wear mostly full pants or if you use water always in washing after pee...The black patch, wear tight always it because of gumming laps and use a good cream

    1. maybe she wears tight pants. That could be the reason.

  10. For the black patch between the thighs, my ex thought me to always cream the area fay and night after bath and most importantly always wear tight when on skirt or something of that nature... dont expect over night miracle on this cause have been on it for more than a year and am yet to get rid of it totally... but the is great improvement.

  11. For the black patch between the thighs, my ex thought me to always cream the area fay and night after bath and most importantly always wear tight when on skirt or something of that nature... dont expect over night miracle on this cause have been on it for more than a year and am yet to get rid of it totally... but the is great improvement.

    1. That's why you're stl inlove with yo Ex.

  12. Maybe you should try clotrimazole cream.

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  13. For d dark patches, use a good toning cream when putting on skirts or gown put on a good thight.

  14. Pele.. get Ori(shea butter) or bio oil or rose hip oil for the dark patches. just try as much as possible to use something natural not all those steroid tubes.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Able the panty line area,all you need to do is keep it moisturized daily.

    You probably leave it out while applying your body cream.


  17. Able the panty line area,all you need to do is keep it moisturized daily.

    You probably leave it out while applying your body cream.
    Or you wear panties that after too tight.

  18. Scrub in between your ties properly with soap and sponge properly while bathing, it'll go after awhile. It's just hygiene issues that got that area dark and peeling.

    Yet another vent...ugh!

  19. The tohtoh area Peeling of is due to infection and bad hygiene. Use femfresh always. For the dark thighs, if ur fat forget it. Its inevitable for fat people.

    1. Most times its caused by overlapping skin in that area. It's not bad hygiene. I know a lot of people that don't use femfresh and they don't have it. I thinks she's fat. She should loose weight first

  20. Replies
    1. The way tohtoh comes out from ur mouth shows how ghetto u are.

    2. U shld know from the way she talks and attack everybody. U can never get d ghetto out of bitches like her. I pity d man that marries such a scum like u. oponu

  21. I'm very sure that I saw two doctors in House. It wasn't rapture

  22. Go to the hospital oooo

  23. Oh boy! Things women have to go through *sigh*

  24. Choi! Chicken pox... It happens once in a life time. Thnk God I had mine wen I ws still a kid..
    Pele ddear

  25. Poster, are you an olosho?

  26. Madam with the peeling panty area. If you are experiencing itching. Buy an anti fungal cream, apply only small and make sure to keep the area clean and dry. And wear cotton panties that aren't tight over the groin for now. As for the darkness between your thighs; it's caused by friction from your two thighs rubbing together. (1) eliminate the friction by wearing trousers, tights etc. I would recommend loosing weight as a permanent solution. Loose weight and leave your thighs and with time the blackness will diminish. You can also apply vitamin A and C creams to the area. Thanks. Chicken pox lady- piriton and calamine lotion helps to relieve the pain but truth is you will still feel the itch. Sorry. Chicken pox spreads by respiratory droplets not skin contact, when you cough cover ur mouth, however it is possible that you have spread it to some other members of your household by now. Good news is that you will only suffer it once. Fluids are your friend and if you are getting worse please return to the hospital, chicken pox will run its course. In about 3 days u should feel greatly relieved from the terrible itching.

  27. @pposter 1; pls which hospital did u treat the PID? Biko kindly drop the info. Tnx

  28. P1, you don't bathe well. Scrub your panty line area with sponge when you're bathing, then make sure that you constantly apply your body cream on it the same way you apply on other parts of your body. About your dark thighs, start wearing elastic tights to separate your thighs when you walk. What causes cellulite most times is too much thigh fat and rubbing together of the thighs during walking. You can also try rubbing sheer butter on it before retiring at night.

    P2, wait it out. The good news is that you'll never suffer it again. That should console you

  29. The chicken pox lady sorry o I understand what you are going through, I had chicken pox 2 times, yes 2 times the doctor was amazed cause everyone said it's once in a life time. I was using calamine lotion but u must scratch shaa ndo.

  30. There are drugs that should help in killing d infection inside d body while the calamine lotion takes care of d one on d outside.. go to d hospital n get them + check that the lotion is not expired

    1. Please note that antiviral medication isn't recommended for normal cases of chicken pox only in very severe cases. Chicken pox runs it's course, treatment is supportive; if patient has fever give antipyretic like paracetamol, itching give calamine lotion and piriton, and lots of fluids ie juice, water, tea etc. I repeat! Only in very severe cases should chicken pox be treated with anti viral medication, thankyou.

  31. Chicken pox lady, pele...i can imagine how you feel. Constantly taking showers makes the itching worse.

    My brother and I had chicken pox when we were much younger. Being the neat freak that I was, I took showers often. Although I got temporal relief (only while in the shower), it became worse as soon as I stepped out and dried my body. My brother on the other hand hated to shower, and his dry skin plus the calamine lotion we used really helped him.

    You could try and not shower and see if it helps. And staying in cool places also helps.

    There are no medications for it though. It's a viral infection. It will run it's course.


  32. To d chicken pox lady,buy seven keys drink and rob on ur body+antibiotics u will b fine.

  33. Poster2: soak yourself in sodium bicarbonate and tee tree oil twice daily. Take piroton tablet and use camomile cream instead of the lotion because the lotion dries the pox making it to itch.

    Don't itch it to avoid scaring.
    Stay indoor and avoid pregnant women and the elderly because CP is dangerous for them. It will scab after 4 days, then you can go out .
    Good luck.

  34. P2. Having a bath 20 times a day will make the itchy feeling worse, right now water is not your friend, try to remain as dry as possible. Sorry dear it will surely pass.

  35. Poster 2:
    I had chicken pox in my 100l back then and here's what I used; calamine lotion and 7keys power(can't really remember the full name but you'd have to drink it for 7days). Mine lasted a week and you'd never know I once had it.

    You'd drink the 7keys to help kill the pox on the inside while the calamine lotion is to help dry up on the outside and also stop you from itching. Then, 7keys was sold for #200, dunno bout now. Just go to any pharmacy.

    I hope this helps? You'd be fine

    1. That 7 keys to power works wonders
      Drink and bath it
      That pour on your body when ever the itch comes.
      That was what I use and it cleared within 5 days

  36. Chicken pox madam I had mine 2weeks ago with a breastfeeding infant with me.Let me give you the koko of the matter,calamine lotion works for measles not pox and it will make you scratch more.Get this Yoruba stuff they sell in the market called itagiri,its green and rounded drop one in each room in the house to prevent further spread. The antibiotic won't stop the pox it only help minimise infection of the blisters.the main stuff that will help youe itch is benzyl benzoate. Its in a brown container and works like magic,it could be peppery on the facial region but it is very good.Bring offering later oo

  37. Calamine lotion should do the magic.

  38. Try this:bitterleaf water and ogogoro.drink and use some to bath.was told it works very well

  39. Poster that is fat. You can be drinking green tea and 2 lime everyday. you will be slim.

    I did it and i am ok.

  40. Fifi says:

    @Poster 2: Get the Yoruba stuff (e'lewe omo women)sell in the market called itagiri,its green and round and has a striking resemblance with watermelon, drop one in each room in the house to prevent further spread.

    *Extremely important

    Please please please get original palmwine
    hiiiian drink it every second, bathe with it. stay away from oil, eat your swallow with ewedu only (no stew or oil please)

    I had mine few years ago... i saw hell.... but Our Almighty God, (a good samaritan)and eko/agidi with ordinary ewedu and a lot of palmwine saved me.


  41. Original palm wine works wonders. For chicken pox u bathe with it n drink it too. N every1 around u.


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