Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative.


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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative.

Karma has an address book!


‎Good Day Stella, I would love to share this and seek advice from my fellow b.vs, it's quite long but please read.

So on Sunday my mum and I were gisting about stuffs I overheard my dad discussing with his friend, just normal talks, about secondary school life and all. So I mentioned the part where he said right from when he was a kid, he was really into light skinned girls, he used to tell his mum in yoruba "Omo pupa ni ma fe" (na light skin girl I go marry)‎. And  told my mum how he used to be troublesome in  school just to get a particular light skin senior attention, (she ended up being his school mum).

 Mentioned how he dated the Iya loja's (market women leader) daughter  and that one came to school to report him. I said everything jokingly that no wonder he ended up with my mum (she's light skin and very pretty) , my mum took everything I said personal, and flared up and she was like 

"your dad and his clique of friends were very bad during his school days, (she even told me his nickname then) I just pray God doesn't punish my kids with all the atrocities he committed while he was young......''

 Coz she really believes in karma, she told me my dad used to rape girls with his friends and all, he was the lady's man e.t.c".

 Now it gets interesting.........

 Immediately she said that, my heart skipped a beat, because I've been raped twice, it was more like date rape, and I was sexually abused by my older neighbour as a kid, my parents put me in their family's care as a child.

 I couldn't report the rape cases because na me carry leg waka go boyfriend house before he and his friends raped me, on the second occasion I was drunk, my boyfriend took me home, when we got home he had Sex with me, but something felt different, like the smell of his body, size of D, how long he lasted and all, I was asleep all through, Buh I knew something was going on, Buh I didn't have the strength to even open my eyes.

 But when I noticed all that I mentioned earlier I opened my eyes, saw his friend on me, I was really angry but still drunk as I got up from the bed. I stepped on someone, turned out to be my boify naked lying down flat, then it dawned on me what really happened : my boyfriend had Sex with me, maybe coz he noticed I was unconscious ‎, he invited his friends to come lay with me, and all along I thought it was my own b.f that was getting down with me, I cried and asked God why all this was happening to me. 

Since then I remained celibate (close to 2 years now) guys scare me, I'm even afraid of a distant relationship, I feel he might rape me through the phone or something... lol. 

Now with what my mum said, I finally got my answers, so God has been punishing me for my dad's deeds?. Stella I'm in tears right now, because i know what I've gone through in hands of men, if I start typing this space won't contain it. 

Now my question is this (Stella Please bless me with your red ink); how do I confirm my mum's fears and tell her God didn't answer her prayers o, that actually I've experienced a lot in the hands of men (she actually thinks I'm a virgin) 

2. I really wanna question why she married my dad, despite the fact that she was aware of all his escapades, na so love blind reach? now na me dey suffer am as I'm the only girl. 

And finally a word of advice to my fellow b.vs, males especially. Please be mindful of everything you do now, because karma is very real‎. It's how you treat people now, that your children will be treated in the very near future. 

Thanks for allowing me use this space.

WOW...I am so sorry that karma visited your Father's crimes on you!

You need to sit both parents down,especially your dad and let him know that 
Karma has visited him already and maybe he will stop gisitng about his school days and take a sober time out.


Those of you who sent in Narratives,please be patient,Theres a short queue!


  1. Chronicles!!!

    **********LONG LIVE SDK & SDKERS***********

    1. Rubbish!!! What girls don't know is that most of them attract their likes. You and your BFs are like-minds. Life is per-head so 4get your Dad and Repent!

    2. Oh no. Dear poster, sorry about the sordid ordeal. You really need to let your parents know about the rape, so your dad can stop bragging and know how much hurt he has caused you.

      E-hugs poster.

    3. Swthrt: God is NOT punishing u. He is no tyrant. God is soooooo full of love and mercy so don't blame Him. Take responsibility for ur every action becos every decision u make in life has a consequence.

      Bad decision, bad consequence. Good decision, good consequence. Remember d saying, what u sow is what u reap?

      Ur dad chose his path, and yes the path we choose can affect d people we love, even our children. But when dat child chooses Jesus, when u are determined to walk in righteousness, u exempt urself from it (That's d power of d cross).

      That's y its important u don't trivialise d choices u make today becos tomorrow it will come back to haunt u. So be careful, not just for ur sake but for d sake of ur children, ur posterity.

      U can choose to break d chain today if u choose JESUS, else no matter d amount of prayer ur mom will pray for u, it won't work.

      Make Jesus d foundation of ur life and watch everything turn around for ur good, I assure u. I also pray ur father finds Jesus too becos in Christ is our sins forgiven and d jinx broken. Why? Becos Jesus paid d PRICE!
      There's so much u need to know!

    4. All these Olosho Girls Will eventually suffer it..... 😂

    5. Wow! Feel like hugging the poster

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    7. @pure inspiration, God bless your heart. There's nothing more to say, u said it all. Dear poster God loves you more than you can imagine, pls tell your dad to ask God to forgive him of those sins he committed, let him repent genuinely and also ask the blood of Jesus to break the curses on he has brought upon you. God is not d one punishing u instead it is d devil who sent him on errands that is causing all that.

  2. Replies
    1. OMG
      I can't fit shout....

    2. That's not karma
      You were just hanging out with the wrong dudes
      Stay strong

    3. Poster, my father dint rape any man's child to the best of my knowledge Buh I have bin sexully molested, hmmmm, been tru a lot daat I have critically examined my life but all d same I strongly disagree wif ur view dat it's karma, u just have been threadin d wrong path. Make d right choices, if it dosnt feel right den baby it ain't right.

  3. Will surely read later.

    *Larry was here*

    1. So sorry for what happened to you, it's a very bitter experience, all the same, try to find a very nice time to discuss it with your mum, then she will know how to relate it to your dad.

      *Larry was here*


    1. If you don't have what to type, why not just read?

    2. The most pitiable thing about this story is that your father still relishes his past and finds amusement in them.

      You need to burst that his bubble by sitting both ur parents down and narrating your ordeal bluntly. Do not sugar coat.

      Bring his sins to his face coz he needs to get remorseful so he can take the next step of seeking for forgiveness

      That being said, nobody is responsible for your destiny but you.
      Put your knees, your mouth and hands to use by seeking God in prayers. It always ends in praise always



  5. *spreads dollar crested rug*

    The Chronicles is here

    Slim Shady is here to read comments

    Lemme go bak n read d chronicles!


  6. It is only in countries like ours where your parents can be gisting about atrocities and you will be talking if Karma, your father should be in jail as should your so called boyfriend and rapists. If people do a crime they go to jail not wait in karma. Those rapists are responsible for their actions not karma

    1. Shut up! You don enter plane before, talk less of knowing what goes on in other countries? Dullest anonymous!

      @ poster, am really sorry you went thru all that. If some of us (daughters of badt guys) tell u our stories, you go open mouth.
      Draw close to God and start telling yourself that you would never marry a man like your father. Its what u believe and really want and pray for that you'll get.

      My husband is the kind of man, I've always told God I'll get.

    2. If is in the states where I come know what I mean..he will go to jail no two ways about it.

    3. You made a point!!!

  7. Poor you, pls tell ur mum. When u do u will understand why she married him, a man like that MIGHT still be doing all that n more now. U don't know the pain ur mum will go through if u tell her but it's best u save her the assumptions.While @ it don't be afraid all men aren't bad people, there are still good men out there.N to all rapists better HERPES and WARTS and HIV kill una there.

    1. Very true. Talk to your mum.

  8. So touching...sorry dear. U have to open up to ur mum and dad... Karma is a bitch indeed

  9. Ur mum is to blame for everything, y did she Marry a useless rapist, u sef stop getting drunk when u are with a guy, it seems u took a part of ur dads character cos am sure he was also high on alcohol when he was raping those girls.

    1. Don't know Y each time I read ur comment I always Smh. Don't just knw why there's always an element of pity for u. It is well.

    2. Only read ur first sentence. seriously...mum is to blame??? Pls grow sum sense.

  10. Replies
    1. Woow,So sorry. I don't even know what to say. If you can talk to your dad about it, I feel it will go a long way.

  11. It's well with you.

    Glorious Child

  12. Awww pele.

    According to the Holy Book;
    'The sins of the father, shall be visited upon his sons'(daughters inclusive).

    There's no escaping it.

    In your case, poster, I hope that your father's sins have been visited upon you enough.
    You could try opening up to your mother.
    It may help, and you'll feel lighter about it.

    Don't allow your experiences scare you from finding love though.

    It's well.


    1. The same holy book in Ezekiel 18 says no more will fathers eat sour grapes and children suffer the tooth ache. There's surely an escape. In my opinion, it's what you believe that will work for you, my father's sins can't be visited on me anymore because I didn't commit the sin, that's what the chapter says. Poster, do not completely blame your father for the misfortune that has befallen you, for every action, there's equal and opposite reaction. You made choices that brought results. You also have some blame in the matter, yes your father bla bla bla, but do not put everything at his feet, that's cowardly; blaming others for our actions. That said, talk to your mom like most people have said. Get therapy for your man-o-phobia if you can. Stay away from Fuck boys and generally guys who don't fear God. That asshole that called his friends to rape you should be shot in the balls. In conclusion, please live responsibly, contrary to public opinion, it's actually possible.

    2. Hmmm@sins of d fathers! One sure thing I have seen over time is dat badt guys give birth to gal children more,so I guess it's in preparation for visitation of sins of d father on them...
      Whether I believe in karma,yes I do!cos if karma visits a thief,a liar, etc by serving them their tea,den it's not afraid of a philanderer and rapist either!abi are dey sub evils?
      A friend's maid dat was raped in a most bizarre way:d rapist was a labourer in a nearby house to dem,he hypnotised dis gal,when she knew wat was happening was wen he finished,she saw her pants in her hands and he threatened to kill her if she talks,but she ran home crying ...meanwhile my friend once told how the gal used to say how bad and diabolic her dad was wen he was alive!dat any woman he wants to lay,all her needs to do is to hynotise her,dat infact her mum was hynotise into marriage to d dad,till her eyes opened and she ran away(so d gal actually didn't grow to know her mum).u see?dats karma at work!
      Its real!all we need to do is to beg God for mercy everyday!

  13. Karma na bitch joor. What goes around comes around. Don't mess around.

  14. Sorry dear. Go for deliverance to free yourself from the sins of thy father. Karma indeed

  15. Wow.dont even know what to type.sorry for the rape girl but the deed has been done.

    Just be careful with your way of life now that you know the Genesis of your ill luck but mind you, it will continue if you keep believing in can fast occassionally and pray to God to end whatever curse that is affecting you.there is nothing He cant do dear. Dont tink you should tell them what happen esp your mum, it wl break her but I dunno why your dad at his age still jokes with his dirty past.may God heal you

  16. #wot a world# Dear poster ask God for forgiveness n pray "breaking d yoke\bondage" prayer. Also ur dad needs to ask those ladies he'd hurt in d past to forgive him n bless his daughter(which happens t b u). Rape is appalling talk more of a date rape. Nawa, karma is really a bitch. Ndo!

  17. Wow!
    I'm so sorry about everything you've been through. I hope and pray that God shows mercy on you because even the Bible says sins of the father will visit the children.

    My dear, just pray to God and he'll make your life a whole new one.

    Everybody needs to be mindful of their actions, both male and female, because tomorrow will surely come.

    Your comment will be visible after approval.

  18. The bible says that no more shall the children suffer for the sins of their father. You are what you believe. Pray against it and do not let this control you. I personally see this as a mere coincidence. Whatever your parents did is their business and not yours because you had no hand in this. If there is any karma it will visit him and not you!

    People please reduce the amount of time you spend on the Internet and spend more time feeding yourselves with the word of God. The bible is complete and should be your manual!

    1. God bless you!! No need to type anything. 'There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus...'

    2. Jane and Duchesss hear unaselves..There is no condemnation to those who arw in christ,is d poster in Christ?
      He children shall not suffer the sins of their father if they are repent or born again..If they still live in sin,they wont receive d grace and forgiveness of God..
      Both of u should stop deceiving urselves with these lines cos its not applicable to sinners..If u like continue in sin,ur sins and dat of ur parents wont be blotted out till u give ur life to Christ..

      Conicidence my foot..A boyfriend raping his own girlfriend with his male friends and u think its normal??

  19. Shit a neighbour in d villa was told he who stole as a young adult...he robbed n killed, he's late now, Years later he got married, had kids...the two sons became robbers, one was shot n killed, d living son is now married, his little daughter has started collecting things from any neighbour house they wondering if it's a curse or karma...

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Girl, who calls someone that shares her cake with his friends a boyfriend.? Wrong definition.

  22. Poster- it's time for a family discussion.
    Respectfully call your parents and then tell them all you have said on this chronicle. Exactly the way you poured it out here.

    Yes your mum is gonna fight your dad big time after the revelation but at the end of the day you all will be able to conquer the demon before it enters the next generation.

    All the best!

    1. God bless u for this comment.

      Poster it's well wth u.

  23. Karma? She's a bitch......

    Your mum can best answer that question if you can talk to her heart-heart. But I'd rather you keep things the way they are and be extra careful with how you live your life.

  24. Ehyaah poster it is well wit ur soul,karma is real indeed,I felt pity for u cos u r now d victim of ur father's atrocities,may God heal ur heart dear,e-hugs 4 u

  25. My dear, God is not punishing you for your father's deeds. As a child of God, you're free from any curse or karma(I don't believe in it though) placed on you.
    'If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature, old things have passed away, and all things have become new'
    The Blood of Jesus has washed you and made you free, and His blood speaks better things for you.
    However, don't put yourself in awkward situations and make yourself vulnerable to any harm.
    Hope your father has repented and asked for forgiveness.
    Pray, pray and pray. God still listens to us

    1. D bible said "If anyone be in christ".....Then i ask u,is d poster in christ? Is she a born again? Or is her father a again? How can old thinga pass away when she is not in christ?
      I hate how people come here to quote bible when they dont have understanding of it.

      Hope her father has repented? Did she mention anywhere dat he has repented? A man dat is still bragging about his sexcapades?
      Smh to u and those who dont read before commenting.

    2. Yes d bible says if anyone be in Christ is a new creature old things have passed away and all things are new and the question is, is she in Christ? Cos with her story u can deduce that she has not identify with Christ even though she maybe in the church as a choir or any other thing so as long as you have been separated through the blood there is every tendency she might suffer the sins of the father so the only way out is to accept Jesus,confess ur sins and also let ur parents what you have been through only then can you be free so pls Identify Christ so that He can fix ur life

  26. that's just crazy, asin wow
    but i don't you should say anything to your parents cos the deed has already been done
    just talk to a pastor about it and pray so the sins of your father doesn't keep coming to you. and be very careful with them boys

  27. THELMA ENEMUWE said...
    Poster--stop blaming karma for ur misfortune,the sins of ur dad lies and rest with him,stop having the mindset that ure having a slice of his sins,if u nor carry ur legs go boy house,he for nor see u advice to u is to let sleeping dogs lie,don't go bring trouble into ur family wit ur hands by trying to dig into ur father's past lifestyle......#wateva happens in vegas stays in vegas#
    *faithful BV enemuwe thelma*

    1. So as she get bf, make she no go e house? Its unfortunate dat dis happened but its not cos she went 2 his house. Ppl like u r d ones dat make gal blame dem selves after been raped.

  28. No my dear...God is not punishing u for your dad's crimes..that will make God unloving and unmerciful and just happens to be in your case u made a bad decision to be drunk...that should not have given your boyfriend the right to rape u...he obviously was not a good guy

    1. Is she d first person to get drunk in this life? Her own boyfriend masterminded her own rape and u think she is not suffering for d sins of her father? U need to see a shrink..
      God is a merciful God but he is a jealous God.His anger ia consuming..If u are not a born again,there is no way u will go free from ur sins or from d ones ur father committed in d past..Many are suffering for d same reason..
      Stop misusing God's mercy..He forgives and punishes when need be..

  29. THELMA ENEMUWE said...
    Poster--stop blaming karma for ur misfortune,the sins of ur dad lies and rest with him,stop having the mindset that ure having a slice of his sins,if u nor carry ur legs go boy house,he for nor see u advice to u is to let sleeping dogs lie,don't go bring trouble into ur family wit ur hands by trying to dig into ur father's past lifestyle......#wateva happens in vegas stays in vegas#
    *faithful BV enemuwe thelma*

  30. THELMA ENEMUWE said...
    Poster--stop blaming karma for ur misfortune,the sins of ur dad lies and rest with him,stop having the mindset that ure having a slice of his sins,if u nor carry ur legs go boy house,he for nor see u advice to u is to let sleeping dogs lie,don't go bring trouble into ur family wit ur hands by trying to dig into ur father's past lifestyle......#wateva happens in vegas stays in vegas#
    *faithful BV enemuwe thelma*

  31. Oje maria fe she gun go,
    Ko ma seje.
    Awon chronicles iro kabiti kabiti.

    1. Lol
      Ore mi, Pinkshell, e fit no be lie o
      My dear, things are happening.....

    2. I swear pink she'll had me rolling on the floor

    3. Rily,na my mama dey alwaiz use dah word if person dey lie.

  32. Yes oh sit both of them down n disclose all, so u guys can seek for solution, so that it won't happen to our children. Ur father didn't try all.

    We should watch what we do so our children don't suffer from our escapes. Its well

  33. Hmmm... karma is a real bitch!
    But I don't believe karma visit other people's bad deeds on someone else. Sometimes it's out of our own mistake. Sometimes it's just life happening.
    What you can do now is to tell your parents. Your dad needs to ask for forgiveness.

    1. They do visit other people especially if they are blood related.

  34. Hmmm. Karma is so real. You are free to choose your actions, but the consequences you must bear by force.

  35. Eze njemanze said ' Amadi ikwuechgh nakwa e chki' and I say ' umu uwa nakwa nu e cheki'. May the almighty forgive us our atrocities for the sake of our children. May he give us the grace and power to resist the urge and temptation to continue doing those atricities

  36. Chai, ur mum really shouldn't have told u that. She really shouldn't. And ur dad ehn, smh.

    1. If she did not tell her she wouldnt have found out d root of her problem..Who knows what she will experience in d future..Its good she found out so dat she will find solution to her problem now before its too late.

  37. God please let the curse follows anybody that rapes and not his children because He won't feel the pains for his sins. So sorry dear poster!

  38. B4 I say anything! Would come back to comment on d chronicle stories

    I want to call out somebody very jobless! NWA AMAKA! God u where just everywhere on IHN! Kilode! I suspect 2 tins,
    one Either u trying to get noticed and Looking for a fuckbuddy, don't worry am waiting for your Chronicles soon,
    2ndly, u are really jobless: av got a vancy at my resturant, I need a waitress, if u intrested pls drop ur contact! Don't be shy
    Don't boda cussing, it won't work on me! I jjust want to help you,Your comments dey pepper me for eye, easy u hear, abi u just buy d BB ni! Pele, I understand.

    AKA Sumborri

    1. As the name implies Nwa Amaka.. Beautiful Child.. she is nothin close to her name.. she spews lots of rubbish.. i think on this blog there should be a limit to the use of vulgar words.. Amaka keep your sex life to Yourself.. wen i see you and money maker's comments i cringe. You go on with a show of no class. You are a Lady.. be Civil.. plus i really dont care if you think this is hate.. but this is truth.

    2. No mind the stupid little girl. Very jobless idiot

    3. All this Anons cussing out....pls grow some balls and comment with a blog id. Have said this thing before. ..and I will say it again....if u were to see someone on the road and u want to cuss the person. u cover your face and cuss the person??? Dont u look the person in the eyes...face to face and trash it all out???

      Anyways as for the Nwa something. ...dunno what u all about tho....dont care. Just passing by

      *sips lipton*

    4. Na now una know say dat HOElodo notice me or i die nwa ajoka is jobless? U people should stop giving her unnecessary attention.

  39. Sorry to say, just try and forget about it. Deed has been done already, karma will still visit those ur silly boyfriends and their friends.

  40. Karma is a bad bitch,just like internet it neva forgets until it has received its pound of flesh ten times over.That's why I always think before I act especially with these girls so the consequences of my actions won't fall on my sisters or daughters in future...dear poster am really sorry for what you are going thru n I'll advice you to pray cos that's the only way you can put a stop to wats happening

    1. For being a guy...I like this comment. Shows some men out there still have sense.

  41. Guys beware, whatever you do to people daughters they will surely do it to your daughters ten folds

  42. Very sad,God have mercy on me, let my parents face their karma themselves o,it is so painful to experience something you know nothing of, God have mercy

  43. Feel so sorry for u. To think that ur dad is even still boasting of his past deeds not knowing that u are suffering for it already. Hmmm.

  44. Wowww my good God. I'm so sorry about all you went through. I just cannot imagine what you went through. I wish you had reported these animals in human form.

    I am so happy to hear that you are keeping yourself out of any situation that can lead to anymore rapes.

    You need to do some serious fasting and prayers to break this yoke. Cry out to God. Pray without ceasing. If you do meet a good suitor please do some very good fasting and praying before you get into any relationship. Seek God's face. It is well with you my dear

  45. Hnmmm.. The Law of Karma.

  46. Poster,you need to let your Dad in the no.He needs to stop blabing about the whole thing.
    Am so sorry what you passed through.*sigh

  47. It's bin 18 days since I missed my period nd I did a PT which is negative even thou I am my hubby we r nt TTC nd for 2day days last wk I had a pain in d nipple. Has any1 experience such b4?

    1. My dear u re preggy!!do blood test instead.sometimes dis urine test is wack

    2. Urine PT is actually better than blood... Get ur facts right. Anonymous, u could b pregnant or not... Hope u didnt use that 50 naira Pt. if u did, then go to a big pharmacy and buy a better and more enhnced PT. good luck!

    3. @anon15.26... If ur pt is not positive then some tin is wrong go for text.... Do a urine text for infection or swab test or do a scan if isn't PID....hmmmmm and ur hubby shldnt be left out

  48. It's bin 18 days since I missed my period nd I did a PT which is negative even thou I am my hubby we r nt TTC nd for 2day days last wk I had a pain in d nipple. Has any1 experience such b4?

    1. Yes, it happens... I guess ur nipple pain is a sign dat ur mense is abt to come.

    2. You are pregy.congrats

    3. U are pregnant..There's no two ways about it.

  49. Sorry u had to go thru all that
    I'd advice u go on ur knees and pray.Ask God for the forgiveness of ur sins and the sins of ur parents.Fast if need be.May the merciful God visit u

  50. It is wriiten in the scripture that the sin of the father shall be visited upon the children even to the fourth generation. Your father has to confess and pray for forgiveness and deliverance. If not, the Bible says to the fourth generation.

    1. Lie!the new testament says if any man be in Christ he is a new creation,old things have passed away. Question,is the writer born again?if not,then maybe she really couldn't have avoided what happened with her bf. When u keep bad company,shit like this is bound to happen.

  51. I dont believe and wont ever believe in the "sins of the father falling on his children"...

    Every man has his/her own destiny to look after and your carelessness shouldn't be caged on the sins your father committed during his teenage days...unless precisely its what you believe in??

    @poster;you were naive,you got in A relationship with someone who doesnt have morals/respect for women;you got drunk,your so called boyfriend raped you;called his friends to take turns too,so how does this relate with your father??
    My dear its totally your fault and you need to take responsibilities for your actions then..

    Karma is real but i believe it works per person ie to say "you sow what you reap"..God isnt that hard-hearted to place your father's sin on your innocent head..

    What you believe in works for you alldsame..but you have to leave your father out of your personal experiences cos he himself has his own questions to answer for himself...take responsibility for your own actions!! Thats it!!

    #stay Blessed...


    1. You are still a baby.don't give advice to people.keep licking blogy ass

    2. Martins, your head dey there. Even though I have my doubts about the genuineness of this story, nevertheless I make the following comments.
      I wonder why people always love to hang there woes and misfortunes on others instead of looking inward.

      The poster is all shades of wrong- pre marital sex, getting drunk and hanging out with the wrong crowd.

      We're so superstitious in this country such that instead of us to analyze issues with our God given mind and take sensible and rational decisions and actions, we are quick quick to absolve ourselves of every responsibilities by going 'spiritual'. No wonder the church is ripping people off nowadays while the GOs are living opulent lifestyles.

      Poster, you made some wrong choices hence the result you got. The moment you begin to take the right decisions, things will definitely change for the better. I can assure you categorically that no Karma is dealing with you, begin to live right and all the rape incidences will vanish. Good luck.

    3. I million likes....
      You're so on point..

    4. @Anon lmaoo @ you are still a baby... pls leave him abeg...let him comment

    5. Anon abusing martins is really silly tho.
      this boy has delivered a convincing arguement, maturedly. So what are you on about?

      Martins, you have my respect.


    6. Furthermore having clear the issue of karma or no karma, I think it is of utmost importance to SAY that rape is not justifiable under any circumstance and no lady should for whatsoever reason think she was responsible for being raped to the extent of absolving the rapist(s). So this is my piece of advice to ladies.

      1. Please protect yourself, don't hang with the wrong crowd.

      2. In case you get raped by anybody whether a relative, friend, boyfriend or a complete stranger, immediately think of somebody that you can confide in, somebody that has your back in all situations and inform him/her.

      3. Together with that person, make a formal report at the nearest Police Station.

      4. Immediately afterwards, proceed to the nearest hospital (preferably a government hospital) so that a specimen of the sperm or other body fluids of the rapist can be collected and secondly so that routine tests (Venereal diseases, HIV, pregnancy etc) can be conducted.

      5. If you have the liver, blow it up in the social media.

      Do all that you can to get justice and to make sure the rapist is punished. It does not matter how 'wayward' or 'careless' a girl is, nobody deserves to be raped and no rapist should go unpunished.

  52. Hnmmm! Lord have mercy. Help us to think about our actions and its consequences before acting.
    Poster, talk to your parents about this and your family needs to go to God in prayers, seeking for his mercies to break this so it doesn't visit your own children. Its in the scriptures that the iniquity of the father shall visit his children and children's children. So please this should be prayerfully handled. It is well.

  53. Awww... so sorry to read this. Not a fan of the karma mantra because of its eastern religious undertones, but I do believe the bible when it says, '...what a man sows he shall reap'.

    It's unfortunate what happened to you but don't let it define you. Asking your parents those questions would only be an exercise in futility, as the answers will in no way heal your hurt.

    They've made there mistakes, now the onus is on you to live purposefully so as to build up a great foundation for your own kids.

  54. and am sure some of this ladies curse the rapist children
    i can so relate to this

  55. omg!!!sister, pls pray.inugo

  56. This poster should stop dwelling on things in the past.
    Your father is not the cause of your fate.Jesus came to take that away.Everyman will pay for his sins and trust me your father will definitely pay for his sins .
    Your mother on the other hand should have never left you with strangers .Every mother knows that's the worst thing to do to female children .She was careless.
    Blaming anyone for whatever has happened to you will only make you more bitter.
    Therefore my dear, let the past be a lesson to you. Don't get drunk around boys and be careful of the company you keep.
    Telling your mum what has happened will not only break her heart, it It can kill her . Trust me I know these things only if you don't care how it hurts your mum you can go ahead .
    Good luck with that .

  57. Uhmmm my dear sorry for all that has happened to u follow Stella's advice and pray too. Ur write up just got me thinking abt my life sha, is wellooo!

  58. I don't believe Karma visited your father's sins on you. What if your father didn't do any of those things but you still got raped amongst other things anyway? If you're a wayward child, you should check your ways and stop using your dad's past as an excuse for you excesses.

  59. OMG! Sorry dear, it's well with u.

  60. sad... how karma sometimes serve cold bitter meals to those who didn't order for any food... sorry girl! oya tell ya parents.. u've been hit several times already... God bless u,
    incase u wanna start dating again... i am available, i will never rape u.. we will only have sex whenever u are horny and with u conscent when i am . . Enigmatic Aboki.. is a gentle gentleman..

    1. Please carry your no solution somewhere else
      Someone is hurting you are thinking of how she can be useful to you to relieve yourself abi?
      What a selfless gentleman indeed!

  61. Ok av read it! Let me reply!

    My dear! Just go to church for prayers, talk to your mum about it! U need to kill those fears b4 u bcome gay! Na so e dey start small small, talk to mummy about it, and move very close to God!
    Pls don't beat urself for long!
    Even in d bible, God cursed a king with his generations, its left For us to pray it out! Pele dear!

    The things our parents have done in the past!
    Na only God go help us!

    AKA sumborri

  62. Karma is real #fact
    I think I go with Stella on this. Talk to your parents. Shikena

    Madam Cecilia

  63. Na wa ooo,karma is seriously a bitch,u have to tell ur parent most especially your dad.

  64. Brace up dear, this is gon be long...As much as some people believe in Karma, I would say life presents us with some occurrences which are beyond our control and some which can be mitigated/avoided by our judgement.

    We should pray for God's grace and intervention to prevent those beyond our control and also play our part in controlling those which we can. My dear, most times our persona determines the kind we attract and beyond attraction, we still have the power to evaluate n decide who remains. Donot heap the blame on your dad just yet, he lived his life based on his personal values and you should determine yours and live by them.
    I wouldn't want to sound insensitive or judgmental but you accepted to date the guys who committed those crimes on your own volition and in the second case, you got intoxicated to an extent you couldn't comprehend the events happening around you which gave the miscreant a chance to invite his friend.....that to me ain't karma but an evil act perpetrated by the tout 'you' chose to date.

    My advice is always pray for God's protection but at the same time carry out your earthly part by up-ing your standards and decisions regarding who you date and control your activities when in a r/shp, you shouldn't commit/entrust your safety in the hands of someone other than yourself, no one does that.
    Also learn that you are responsible for your life and what goes on in it.....not your father. All the best dear and apologies for your experience.

    Li-yon Vls.

    1. Nice write up. Which i agree to an extent. The reason people don't understand karma. Its bc karma is facilitated by familiar spirits. These familiar spirits try to keep regions , families in bondage.
      In as much as your intuition or the Holy Spirit might have been screaming don't take this decision. But the foundation had been destroyed bc you looking for love in the wrong place. If you ask the posters how's her home prior to bx celibate and post. From her mother burl ting out the Dads past. You can tell it is truly not well. The familiar spirits have ensured this. Its like a chess game, they sow tots etc.

      If in doubt check out youtube an ex satanist what atrocities they up to to keep people in bondage.

      Yes pray for guidance and make a note on your past how you felt or heard prior to making a wrong choice.
      Who knows maybe your ex boyfriend knew if you Dad's atrocity and was paid or asked to revenge. There's a reason you were led to this truth

    2. I always look forward to reading your comments.. They are quite enlightening..

    3. Hhhmmm Anon what carried u to go and search satanist stuff on YouTube. ...hian

  65. This narrative just made me sober.
    I am sending a beautiful hug your way Sis.

    Imagine being raped by your man and his friend,that guy is a meanie.

    Be strong girl and always pray.

    Your shall no more suffer for the sins of your father IJN, Amen.

  66. hmm, I honestly don't know what to say. I'm just too shocked to say anything. Nawa o.

  67. Y do children have to pay for crimes committed by their parents?? Sorry dear I don't even know what to say the deed has been done already. Don't questions ur mum u don't know what went wrong I'm sure w/ time she'd tell u. Just be strong once again sorry.

    1. Children don't have to pay for the crimes of their parents, it's a farce and it's against the laws of natural justice. The Yorubas will say 'Ika to ba se loba maa nge' meaning it is the sinner that shall be punished.

      It is also the principles of God. The Bible says clearly 'For whatever a man sows, that he will also reaps' Gal 6:7. Please note, not that his children or grand children will also reap.

      Furthermore, The Bible also says "The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself". Ez 18:20.

      I think the problems with us are basically two.
      1. We seem to think God is like us human beings - wicked, judgmental and unforgiving. So we think God will act the way we will but I don't think so. God is merciful. Read Ez 18: 31-32.
      Secondly we have problem with reading so Christians can't even read The Bible, so they rely on 'pastors' to read and interpret for them. This so called pastors willing to lead the people by their nose will be reading only those parts of the scriptures that will instill fear into their members thus making them gullible.

      The same Bible that said 'I will visit the since of the fathers on the children in Exodus(written much earlier) later said in Ezekiel 'it is the soul that sin that shall die. This same Bible now said in the New Testament 'If any man is in Christ, he is a new creature, OLD things are PASSED away and behold ALL things are become NEW. II Cor. 5:17

      If all the above above are actually in the scriptures, so what is the basis of any so called Christian believing that children shall reap the sins of their parents? It beats me.

  68. God can not be mocked o, what you sow is what you reap. But like Stella said you can talk to both your parents especially your dad so he can ask God for forgiveness.

  69. My mother Fucked well well in her youthful days, clubbed, dated big politicians! I mean she fucked tire!

    Now me self dey follow the road ooo! But I discover quickly and retraced my steps back to God!
    My mum hates me like shit, said I won't get married, dat she didn't send me to marry, dat shey I don fuck big men finsish! Now we are full enemies, I pray for her and even preach to her bt na curse she dey use reply me, I have left her to God! M so glad av found christ, am at peace now

    Don't worry I would send my full story to stella verry soon!

    Its well

    Its me The fisherwoman of christ

    1. Chi exotic in anon mode

    2. I really want to read urs....

    3. Wooow....sounds interesting. Glad you found eternal peace.

    4. Stop being a petty fool anonymous 16:24.

  70. Oh sorry babe!! Karma is very real...

  71. Hnnnmmmm it is well. Karma is indeed real.

  72. Stella u ve said it all. I think u shud let ur parents know what has happened to u so far and secondly only God can forgive Wat ur dad has done in the past. Karma is a bitch...

  73. It is well with you. Karma is a bitch really. See the way you suffered. Let your dad know what you are going through or went through.

    the father's sin visited upon the children. IT is in the Bible and Na Bible talk am.

    Men make una dey hear words. you spoil women, girls and forget that you too go born boy thief or rapist, girls that would be abused.

    nothing to add again. Go to a church for deliverance. Or if you want, you might contact me and will tell you where to do your deliverance.

  74. karma na fucking bitch ,but should have been on the father himself.

  75. Dear Poster it is well with you.

  76. Sorry for what you went through. But I think you have to start praying for your foundation.Your dad's conversation you heard is not by accident. Most times, we suffer for the atrocities of our parents grandparents, etc. When the foundation is destroyed what shall the righteous do.

  77. Mehn! This is so sad! I'm really sorry about ur experience.. I'll suggest u try and detach urself from this curse with prayers. Telling ur parents what u've been through may do more harm because the thought of it will hunt them, especially ur mum for ever. Just be careful...

  78. Sins of the parent!.... Poor girl!

  79. My dear, your story is so touching. You made the right decision to stay celibate. I'll advise you to cry out to God for mercy. Pray that your father's sins will not be visited on you again. Pray that you will not end up with a man like your Dad. Most importantly, forgive yourself. Heal properly. Learn to trust God. He says He will blot out your transgressions and remember your sins no more- Isaiah 43:25. Begin a clean life with God. Let Him do a new thing in your life - Isaiah 43:19 may still have challenges but He will be right there with you in the fire. Stay away from sex before marriage. Don't give the devil a chance. Take a hug, deary.

  80. Karma is so sweetly real ooooo...... for those of you who think they can commit n go free.... hohohohoho

  81. NO NO NO....
    Permit me me to go in contrary....See the Quran and the Bible has clarified this issues several years back.

    I don't know what you worship, but am sure you are not a traditionalist, so you may find any of these relevant.

    Quran chapter 35:18 says...
    ...and no bearer of burden will bear the burden of another.

    Quran 6:164
    ...and every could earns not a blame except against itself and no bearer of burden will bear the burden of another.

    Deuteronomy 24:24 says...
    Fishers shall not be put to death for their children, nor children be put to death for their fathers; each is to die for his own sin.

    Ezekiel 18:20
    The soul who sins is the one who will die...the son will not share the guilt of the father nor will the father share the guilt of the son.

    Honestly, this is not a joke...karma has not visited him...but the Books. You are responsible for all that happened to you. You got yourself drunk, refused to go home and decided to sleep in a guy's was that caused by his deed?

    I think you should work more on your lifestyle instead of transferring the blame on the man.

    Surely he shall be paid for his wrong deed but I don't think My God is so wicked to have exposed you to danger due to his sin.

    You can only sit him down and advise him to repent and to stop bragging with his sins. but nothing like karma here.

    Take care dear.

    See: Deadly Mistakes You Must Not Make In Life

    1. U just said all everyone is accountable for his or her actions

  82. Our God is merciful. He'll have mercy on u.

  83. Karma is a bad ass bitch. Why should d sins of the father be vested on the child? Am sorry boo I can really relate with ur pain.

  84. The Bible surely was not joking when it said you reap what you sow. The mystery of sowing is that you reap what sowed in abundance. That is one seed of corn will produce cobs of corn. But my dear, I will say God loves you dearly, that is why He allowed you to hear the gist and hear from your mother's side as well. So you will know how to pray well. Go back to God after talking to your parents to ask for mercy. I don't think past escapades is what your dad should be taking pride in right now. Have a genuine conversation with God and tell Him to heal your foundation with the Blood of Jesus. It is well my dear. to the guys that raped and even called for assistance, shame on you.

  85. Wow, wow, wow; karma is for real. I swear, I have been a victim but thank God for HIS mercy.
    May God give you the wisdom on how to relay it to your parents...

  86. Dear God will not punish u for your father's sins.
    Sorry for all you have gone thru. I pray God heals your heart.

  87. I'm so sorry to hear such things happened 2 u. Dust urself & move on, leave r/ship alone 4 now. For ur mum 2 think ur still a virgin, it means ur a small girl. Face ur studies, come out with good grades, get a gud job. D best r/ships re d ones u ll get into while working. Men re not all bad.
    Contrary to what Stells said, DO NOT TELL UR MUM. Tell ur dad, talk 2 him, open up to him, so he ll see wat u hv gone thru & dt Wud change his outlook in life & even pray 4 himself & ur future. If u tell ur mum, it Wud kill her, she Wud confront ur dad, it might even lead 2 a divorce, considering how bitter she was d last time u guys talked.
    Peace out.

  88. So sorry about all you have suffered, the truth is that even in the bible its said that the sins of the father will be visited even onto the 3rd generation, however in the new testament Jesus came to liberate mankind. But if you are not a born again you will still be in bondage, you need to surrender it all to Jesus, open up to your mother and you all should go for deliverance against generational curses. like in my case, i spend money like crazy, once money comes in i will spend it and not even remember what i used the money for. After battling with this for long, i causally got jisting with my mother, when i heard her complaining of her spending habit. we both found out that we had the same trait. We quickly had to start praying about it and praying for God to give us financial discipline, today the rest is easy. pls we need to spend time with our family, that way you can unlock so many mysteries about yoursel and find ways to improve.

  89. Sorry about your experiences and I think you should let your parents know and especially your dad. Also pray and ask God to intervene in your life. Good luck

  90. I am so sorry. This is so deep. Every word of God must surely come to pass

  91. It is well with you. Give your life to Christ.

  92. Hmmmm my sister who is man to judge? No one o all I have to say is that check the company of friends you keep and never stay off men cos of ur past cos ur parent bore u definitely u hv to do watch it by keeping the right set of people

  93. My thoughts #undiluted#epistle#
    The issue of rape is quite sensitive and has been occurring since the existence of man. Our grand parents and folks from previous generations perceived sex and any act related to it as a taboo hence rape wasn't up for discussion and kept on occurring with no law/means to protect the victims or punishment for the perpetrators. The increase in this trend transcended into stigmatization, judgmental attitude and reprehension to 'victors' of rape further damaging their plight. Today, we have more enlightened parents and adults in our society but are we playing our part to curb this menace ?

    How often do you talk to your kids and follow up their progression through adolescence observing the changes in their body, mindset and desire towards the opposite sex?

    How often do you try to observe the kinda friends your kids keep or those around who can influence them....are we caught up with the hassles of life such that our kids spend more time with strangers in the form of class teachers, lesson teachers, maids and even neighbours?

    Do you respect your spouse and treat people from the opposite sex in equality, same as you would to those as yours ?

    Do you instill proper values to the life of your kids so that they would grow to be bold, firm and take the right decisions with proper consideration of fairness and equality ?

    Truth is, during any reaction we have the system and also the surrounding which completes a full transformative process......and in this case we control the system while the government controls the surrounding.....while we wait for the govt to stiffen penalties/convictions etc against rapists and make the society sane enough, we still have our parts to play as the system....we need to raise sane humans as we are opportuned to live in this era where the issue of rape is gradually being brought to fore.....I would do the best that I can.....would you ??
    Over the weekend, I listened to Foluke Daramola on channels tv sunrise and she spoke bout rape and the imbalance in the upbringing of children as some parents spend more time trying to mold the boy child leaving the girl child vulnerable to acts from people around. I was quite impressed and wish we would all work towards curbing this evil act.

    The message is: preach peace, be de-tribalized and act as your brother's keeper....We experience life once and when we leave...we leave with nothing.....make life favourable for those around and develop sustainability.
    Poster, when you give birth to your kids.....train them right, maybe your dad lacked the message from his parents but donot deprive your kids of this....Karma exists, to some, but play your part to produce decent people for the future.

    Li-yon Vls.

  94. My dear am so sorry for all you have been through.

    U all keep saying she is 2 blame for her actions wit her bf, wat about d 1st rape dat wasnt her action? Stop blaming rape victims cos dey didnt ask to b raped. Dis is d reason gals get raped and refused 2 come out cos ppl will ask "wetin u go find 4 e house?" but gals have been having bf and going 2 their house 2 sleep and notin happens. She was just in d wrong relationship dats all.

    Since u chose to keep the rape to ur self, dont tell ur mum cos it would hurt her. U can only tell her if u know u want 2 take legal action.

    I dont believe in karma, every1 is acountable for their actions and sins. The bible said God has paid d price so y should we suffer d sins of our father?

    D only way dis could b possible is if 1 of d gals ur dad rapped place a curse on his generation, wit dat i will say u should go 4 delieverance and pray dat d curse b remove 4m ur family.

  95. Oh dear. God bless.
    Job fears materialised he spike the words of fear the hedge came down and he believed his fear.
    I thank God for leading you to the truth.
    Accept God has forgiven you and forgive yourself.
    As you speak to you Dad ensure he repents and ask God to heal those he hurt. Am inclined to think that your Dad not the first to have done this in your family. I noticed though people seem to hear men boast of their atrocities. Truly in their heart they are yearning for forgiveness and how to get out of the habit.
    I believe you all as a family accept Jesus Christ as your saviour. Midnight prayers Ps 51,91,23 and meditate book of John. Each chapter daily. May the Lord restore you all and the victims. Break every soul tie with rapists.
    Believing in karma is equally believing in a curse.
    Accept God's love

  96. So sorry to hear that you have experienced all this. I'm normally not superstitious but I believe that some women who your dad hurt may have cursed him. And if you think about Nigerian women and our culture, u'll agree with me, our people sabi curse person. Prov 26:2 says if you don't deserve the curse, it doesn't happen to u. But he really did wrong them and they must have said what they did out of the pain and bitterness of their hearts.
    I would advise as Stella said that you tell your Dad and let him feel the intensity of your pain as a victim and maybe he would understand how his victims must have felt. He should seek Gods forgiveness and if you haven't already, u should give your life to Christ so that you no longer operate under the curse but Christ's love. Girl give me your number, I want to talk to you!

  97. It is well with you. Don't know what else to say...

  98. Poster note that every problem is unique. If God led you to this truth. Then it needs to be addressed.
    I remember a testimony shown international channel it was based in regards to a tradition in Nigeria. When a chief dies of they bury virgins alive. This was like over a decade ago. So one if the virgin cursed her captors. I think it was shown on 700 club . Apologies if am mistaken. Her words were their girls will not marry. Strange things happen death prior marriages and all. Its until one of the family members pressed on with Jesus Christ was this revealed and casted out.
    There were other cases during civil war. Girls raped and they laid curses some didn't but the act judged them. Familiar spirits ensuring this.
    Guilt and shame facilitate karma the word of God casts it to sea.

  99. Is it jus me or does anyone see this lady for thr tramp she is?
    Its not like she was raped on her way from night Virgil or night class
    She's reaping d karma of a reckless lifestyle
    Its so easy to sit and look for whom to blame

    So pissed.

    So cos my own daddy dint rape gals
    I shld go and get drunk wit miscreants
    And expect them not to molest me?

    Sister..lift ur left hand over ur head
    ....a little higher
    ......a little higher again
    .....bend ur hand towards ur head n fold ur knuckles
    Knock that your head well
    No be only karma na akamu!

    Keep drinking and moving with lowlifes
    Keep blaming ur father
    Call ur ancestors n hold meeting
    Them go still rape say crude oil dey ur p***y
    Change ur lifestyle ..stop crying wolf!
    Na you dey kill urself by urself

  100. Is it jus me or does anyone see this lady for thr tramp she is?
    Its not like she was raped on her way from night Virgil or night class
    She's reaping d karma of a reckless lifestyle
    Its so easy to sit and look for whom to blame

    So pissed.

    So cos my own daddy dint rape gals
    I shld go and get drunk wit miscreants
    And expect them not to molest me?

    Sister..lift ur left hand over ur head
    ....a little higher
    ......a little higher again
    .....bend ur hand towards ur head n fold ur knuckles
    Knock that your head well
    No be only karma na akamu!

    Keep drinking and moving with lowlifes
    Keep blaming ur father
    Call ur ancestors n hold meeting
    Them go still rape say crude oil dey ur p***y
    Change ur lifestyle ..stop crying wolf!
    Na you dey kill urself by urself

    1. shut it!! i used to drink with ny ex bf but never got raped so its not her fault but the guy's

  101. The same way I have sent the karma to my ex boyfriend's household. He dated me for 7 years and decided to go an marry a fresh girl while we were still dating. Mine was simple, "your first born child will be a girl" then "you will watch men treat her the way you treated me and wont be able to do anything about it" of course he said you are just a woman scorned. His first baby was a girl...a VERY BEAUTIFUL girl... He sent a long email apologizing for his deeds and hoping I will forgive him. My brother, even though I have forgiven you, Karma still has your house address and even though I have forgotten and moved on, the earth hasn't. I dey siddon look. Guys and girls don't, sit there and think you are having fun and playing smart. What you have done will get back to you oh!!!

    1. I broke off with my ex. His fault @ all cost. This guy revenge I swear bc of ego. I join prayer and I personally got revelation he behind my set backs. Someone I forgave and always celebrated didn't know he was the crocodile. After one prayer session he tried to contact me mind you we haven't spoken for years. I just warn never contact me again.
      When they have kids they start catching feelings and looking to amend their past. Not for your well being but to protect their kids.
      I leave it to God and focus on Jesus Christ.

  102. I am so sorry for you what u have been tru. I feel so bahd cos I was a victim too but only once and i guy. No one knows about it except my Bf and a close friend of mine

    Karma will definitely catch up on all rapist. That is definite.

    The question is, WHY DO MEN RAPE AT ALL???

    It still hurts mere thinking about it self.......

    Forgive urself first Madam then face your parent. Sisterly hug from me to you dear

  103. It is not necessarily that your dad's sins are being visited on you. But the curses of those he wronged, those he raped, those he did bad things to, may be what has affected you. And from your write up to me, it is not very clear your position with the Lord. Abstaining from pre marital sex does not mean you have come clean with the Lord. If this is so, pls pray and give your life to the Lord. And then pray and distance your self from your Father's indiscretions. You can Google "Bible knowledge. Com" They have prayers of deliverance you can follow. All you need to do is make pronouncements, and then live right.
    I know a lot of true stories of pronouncements that were made negatively and it followed the recipients.
    Why do you think in the bible days, parents blessed/ or cursed their children? Jacob cursed Rueben and it followed him for sleeping with his father's wife. Noah cursed Ham.
    Spoken words whether negative or positive are powerful they are alive, until recanted where need be. So sister, you know where you are at, now...The answer lies with you.

    @Angel Ray, you were one of the people whose comments I use to look forward to reading. And for a while I thought you were a babe. For a while now I read your comments and I wonder. Sometimes you come a bit too harsh or should I say hard? Pls have compassion.

  104. Karma will only visit the children that doesn't put themselves in Christ. If you put yourself in Christ "na your papa and mama go chop the consequence of their sin" because the karma go jump you pass.
    I'm sorry you paid for the sins of your father. And please stop drinking, I'm sure if you are not drunk the second incident won't have taken place.

  105. I was born into a home where my father's atrocities were enough to jail him for life. Added to his sexcapades, he was a chronic womaniser didn't feel anything for anyone and all. So when I grew up I noticed I didn't feel love for anyone too and I liked the fact that I could do what I like with men(same thing my dad with women) probs was that I didn't know I was the cause, the issue here is that I basically followed the wrong set of guys so I didn't meet any I could fall for but I blamed it on my dad's philandering act getting to me.when I got to know my stand In christ,i desisted from all them boys who don't mean a thing and finally I could hook up with one I actually cared about and he felt same way for me too.
    Darling, there is no karma in christ, my own dad couldn't finish medical school but because I believed in christ and not karma,i finished school as a graduate nurse and am done with my masters in nursing currently on another Msc. He dated several women impregnated them and all, I was in that path until I realised I needed to hold on for a bit and look up to God and chose dated carefully and bam! I found that one. I realised this @22 and now am 26 and none of his karma is working or will work on me cos I believe in christ and I don't work under that auntion.
    Just believe in Jesus, give your life to him and walk right because it's not your father's sins at work, it's your personality (that's a talk for another day as I am a Nurse psychologist) or hormones that's pushing you to the persons who'd rape you. Date the right men, believe in God and the new testament would work in your life and not the curse visit on generations.
    Remember, most people have worst past and still turned out great. Your dad will face his own judgement, now baby wake up and build a pedigree. Don't bring mama much pain by telling her what she fears most trust me she may not recover from the pain. Say to your self dad I can't be under your snare and that's it. Walk in christ and that's all you need.

  106. Mumu poster. You're leading an irresponsible lifestyle, getting drunk and hanging out with evil, useless men, yet you're blaming someone else who has made his own stupid choices too because he's your father.
    Sorry karma doesn't work that way. Grow up and change your life for better babe.


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