Stella Dimoko Beware Of Celebrity Pastors And Mega Churches!


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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Beware Of Celebrity Pastors And Mega Churches!

According to Jesus, many of the so-called churches today that are large and famous are actually spiritually dead.
In many churches today, pastors are preoccupied with the size of their congregation. Some take a census every church-service. Others keep statistics of the number of people who answer their altar-calls.

 When pastors meet socially, how big their church is determines their social status and prestige; ensuring that many are prone to exaggerate their numbers. The bigger the church, the more highfalutin and celebrated the pastor.
However, the wisdom of God is contrarian, she shouts in the street; she lifts her voice in the public square: “No king is saved by the multitude of an army; a mighty man is not delivered by great strength. A horse is a vain hope for safety; neither shall it deliver any by its great strength.” (Psalm 33:16-17).

Let me apply this scripture more precisely to the context of mega-churches. No man is saved by the size of a church, neither is the wicked delivered by the great charisma of a pastor. When we are preoccupied with size in churches, we are guilty of trusting in the multitude of our mighty men. (Hosea 10:13).
First become last

“This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the LORD of hosts. Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain!’” (Zechariah 4:6-7).

One of the great mountains before Zerubbabel was Solomon’s temple. Those charged with rebuilding it were concerned the new temple would not have the splendor and majesty of the old. But God is not concerned with size and other physical attributes. Through Haggai, he declares: “The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former.” (Haggai 2:9). Accordingly, Zechariah asks: “Who has despised the day of small things.” (Zechariah 4:10).

Indeed, according to God’s kingdom dynamics, “every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill brought low.” (Isaiah 40:4). God says: “All the trees of the field will know that I, Yahweh, have brought down the high tree, have exalted the low tree, have dried up the green tree, and have made the dry tree flourish.” (Ezekiel 17:24).

This indicates in the day of the Lord, we are likely to discover that the big church is small in the sight of the Lord and the small church is big. Before Zerubbabel, even the great mountain of Solomon’s temple becomes a plain.

Preference for small things

In the kingdom of God, good things come in small congregations. Jesus says: “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst.” (Matthew 18:20). In effect, we don’t need to be in the thousands and tens of thousands in order to feel the presence of God. But because Jesus says where two or three are gathered, and not where at least two or three are gathered, he is actually expressing a preference for small gatherings.

According to Jesus, the appropriate size of a church is not “mega” or “big,” but “little.” Thus, he reassures the small congregation: “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:32). It is the “little flock” and not the big flock that the Father has decided to give the kingdom. Mega-church pastors are akin to the Israel of old: “Israel has forgotten his maker, and builds temples.” (Hosea 8:14).

As a matter of fact, the large size of a church is eloquent testimony of spiritual deficiency. Jesus says: “wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many there are who go in through it. Because narrow is the gate and constricted is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” (Matthew 7:13).

It is the stone the builders reject that becomes the headstone. (Psalm 118:22). This prophecy is bad news for mega-church pastors because they are currently the accepted stones. Indeed, according to Jesus, “the first will become last and the last first.” (Mark 30:31). This means today’s “first-class” pastors will ultimately turn out to be “last-class.”

Few are chosen
Because the gospel is naturally unattractive to the large flock, Jesus says: “Many are called, but few are chosen.” (Matthew 22:14). Therefore, numerical church-growth is an unrealistic index of success in ministry. When we are focused on the numbers game, we become ashamed of the words of Jesus, and readily sacrifice his doctrine on the altar of attracting a large following.
Indeed, God is contemptuous of size; he prefers the mini to the mega. He says: “Woe to the multitude of many people who make a noise like the roar of the seas, and to the rushing of nations that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters! The nations will rush like the rushing of many waters; but God will rebuke them and they will flee far away, and be chased like the chaff of the mountains before the wind, like a rolling thing before the whirlwind.” (Isaiah 17:12-14).

David got into trouble with God because of his preoccupation with numbers. When pride moved him to conduct a census in Israel in order to determine the size of his kingdom, God responded by decimating it with pestilence, killing seventy thousand men. (2 Samuel 24:1-15). Jesus himself was not the product of a big church but of little Bethlehem Ephrathah. (Micah 5:2).

Fake pastors: dead churches
Speaking to his disciples, Jesus provides this simple kingdom dynamic as their mark of distinction: “If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.” (John 15:19).
Therefore, the very fact that the world loves mega-pastors indicates there is something wrong with them. If something is very popular, it is not of God. The evil spiritual “ruler of this world” will not allow what is godly to be well-liked. Therefore, Jesus says: “Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the false prophets.” (Luke 6:26). Mega-pastors are in trouble with the Lord because all men love them.

The people of this world do not like the doctrine of Jesus. Neither do mega-pastors otherwise they would be mini. If the general public like what a pastor preaches, it is a sure sign it is not of God. God and men hardly ever see eye to eye. Jesus says: “That which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.” (Luke 16:15).
This shows the true Church of Christ is inevitably anathema to the world. Jesus insists his kingdom is not of this world. (John 18:36). Therefore, his Church cannot be worldly; neither will his disciples preach the world in order to attract a crowd.

According to Jesus, many of the so-called churches today that are large and famous are actually spiritually dead. He declares: “To the angel of the church in Sardis write, ‘These things says he who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars: ‘I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead.’” (Revelation 3:1).

Vanguard extract


  1. Replies
    1. But Jesus preached to 5,000 people, the miracle he performed made him very popular. He had huge followership. The article is flawed with stupid logics. I like Femi Aribisala but this article here reeks of bad belleism.

    2. Pls tell him. It like you are unable to get a big one and he starts writing rubbish. You annointing is for small thing abi. Stay in the small and leave big ppl alone. Onye nta akiko

    3. all this jim jim own is FATHER REMEMBER ME IN YOUR PARADISE.salvation is personal and mandatory.

    4. Not everyone who goes to church is a Christian in much the same way that staying in a garage does not make you a car.

      If not how come we still have so much corruption and immorality in Nigeria in spite of the multitudes that throng into churches on Sundays.

      Being a member of a large congregation is now a fad. But being a true Christian is a totally different matter.

      Back in the days, being a Christian was not an enjoyable kind of life due to the emphasis on strict adherence to holiness and righteous living.

      You didn't need anybody to tell you who a christian was. They were distinct in appearance and conduct and very few. You could trust them with anything or position and go to sleep.

      Then came the "Gbogbonishe" Men 'O Gad" who preached Jesus for a profit and sought a crowd to swindle and corrupt and suddenly it became fashionable to become a "churchgoer" who is ready to swallow hook line and sinker anything that will feed his fleshly lust and depraved lifestyle.

      You hear so-called Christians talk about money and sex and you wonder 'are we trying to live up to the standards of the same Christ?'

      It's all because the true principles of Jesus have been watered down to fill a bottomless purse needed to fuel a rotten flamboyance that is totally ungodly.

      Writer is correct, Abeg.

      Let everyman work out his salvation with fear and trembling. Christianity is FAITH and GODLINESS. Not motivational jingoism sprinkled with half truths from a source that bears biblical resemblance.

      Don't dull yasef.

    5. I second you Super Olu

    6. The article is total balderdash. Full of inconsistent logic. I know a "church" with just 5 members; the pastor, his wife and 3 children...go out to preach he won't preach, rather prefers to stay in a building expecting new ppl to come in and give offering.

  2. Didn't Christ come for all to be saved? U know less u atheist. God save ur soul.

    1. christ came for all.but you need to accept him as your lord and personal savour.that is your ticket to heaven.nothing like once saved eternally saved.shalom.

  3. I love our new font and theme.

    SDK is on fire!

  4. So every Sunday you have to bring this article from vanguard, it is tasteless and the view of just one man. Not today Satan, not today.

    1. It's not bad. It's not for everyone to like. Though it got me thinking... no wonder I prefer small churches. one were I can contribute to God's kingdom growth.

  5. Stella we know you don't go to church on Sundays. It's not our business .stop putting up bad posts about churches on Sundays to justify your not going to church. E no concern us .stop giving some of the people that visit your blog doubts about going to church. If u like don't post my comment. I sha know you've read it. Every Sunday u keep posting bad things about churches. U need deliverance

    1. You dey stay with her for Germany?

    2. @Mc Slimz. I tink u need d deliverance more. Trying to stir up controversy. You and ur dry blog

  6. Let he/she who has ears hear

  7. Dem go hear?! All these members of pastorprenuer churches will wanna open the gates of hades against u if u dare constructively criticise their G.O's.

    It's more of 'Daddy says...Pastor says...G.O says' ...more than 'thus sayeth the Lord'.

    Make una no worry, na that day, when I go stand for heaven gate...i'll personally ask God to gimme the privilege of bin the bouncer. Una go see me display wella!

    Ghanaman signing out!!!

    1. U don't even bliv anything.

  8. They are everywhere. Me and my wife money making churches,judgement day will be awesome.

  9. Well said. I can even name a few new generation churches like coza, christ embassy and okotie's church. How and why people still worship there is beyond me.
    On the last day regardless of my destination, I will be chilling at the pearly gate laughing my nuts off at pastors and hyper religious pricks sent on their way to hell.

    1. So u r the one that God sent to come and Judge coza and Christ embassy? Mtchewww. Mr/Mrs saint

    2. You already committed a sin by judging

    3. Once it involves the church some people will be spewing "judge whatever..." Oga/madam, I am human and I just judged, oya shoot me.

    4. Coza isn't a bad church but since ur the one judging the one bin sent judge on

  10. I love the new look of the blog.

  11. This topic is over flogged. You've posted it many times and your visitors have aired their views on it those many times. Stop posting it madam .chop this comment too o

    1. how e take affect you? notice me or i die.all these peeps springing forth and fighting to be noticed.

    2. As in ehh...u ve bn noticed madam.

  12. Na soo.. God knows best last last

  13. Stella shut ur gutters! Dirty u, wat du know about d house of God! Tar

    1. Mumu, culled from vanguard

    2. Anonymous, show your real name! Haters should stop reading. You must like everything you read, see or hear! Better still, get deaf or blind! Or shut the fuck up!
      *lord forgive me*!

    3. ode.illiterate.i guess you did not see that it was culled.

  14. I love being catholic!

    1. Yes o. Miss Aboki. Team forever Catholic. No be all these one man churches that are deceiving mumu people everywhere

  15. Too many "you chop I chop ministries" these days. All I know is rapture is nigh and the Lord knows his own. God help us all.

  16. But it doesn't mean God doesn't move in these 'big churches'.I've learnt not to attribute a particular character or trait to a particular race,tribe or people.Same thing here.Not all these big churches are not spirit filled and it's not all the small churches that are spirit filled.May the lord give us the spirit of discernment.

    1. no be by church,it is by you loving God and keeping his commandments.

  17. Too long joor
    Somebody pls summarize
    Thank you

  18. I tried, I really tried to finish it.
    No wonder I hate newspapers.

    1. We are in the same boat. I just jumped to the end.

  19. hmmmm, lemme send this link to a pastor?
    but i dont know if he will be annoyed o

    1. lol. i just love u,my dear only you can save yourself by reading the bible and keeping his commandnents

  20. Preach it Pastor! This post made me to remember the story I read in every day with Jesus over a decade ago about one mega church that admit worshippers into their services based on their outlook. A man was turned back during one of their sunday service because his outlook and apparel was not suitable enough for the class of people that worshipped there. The man sat down at entrance gate of the church with a heavy heart on what to do about the rejection, then Jesus Christ appear to him and encourage him to not to be sad about what he witnessed because He(Jesus) has been trying to enter the same church for years with no success. The moral of the story is that many of these mega church have lost contact with the Christ through greed.

    1. That is why I so much love and respect Pastor Kumuyi.
      Deeper Life is a place one feelsat home irrespective of poor dressings and stuff.

    2. I mean irrespective of what you wear and all that...

  21. Too long
    It's sunday, can't stress my pretty head
    next post

    1. why are today's women mostly dull and promiscous,many of you has transferred curses to your lineage through promiscuity without even knowing it.hmmmn

    2. Anon, you are daft, senseless and clueless.
      "Many of you has" indeed.

    3. 'have' sorry typo.

    4. Anon 15.04, if u know God's Truth by now, u wud kno God holds men (menfolk) accountable for all that's going on on earth including men godlessly permitting themselves to be promiscuous but not women... MEN NOT women are mainly responsible for generational curses (e.g.Sins of The Fathers passed to 4generations)... Liars and Hypocrites... Repent, let God use men to set the world in order as from the beginning!

  22. Replies
    1. that is the reason only few will make it. why wont men treat you girls like trash when you girls are dumb.ode

    2. How dumb are girls when men have failed God repeatedly until He uses women...imagine men wanting to sleep with 12,000 women and still claim to serve God. A man who has any excuse to defile women is totally godless why didn't Jesus defile one single woman...?
      men even think they're wiser and sharper than Jesus too... REPENT!

  23. The question is; the "Church" that you attend, does the pastor spur you to love and good deeds or does he motivate you to make more money no matter how, and give him his cut?

    And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, Heb. 10:24

    If the pastor motivates you to "get rich no matter how" please get out of that congregation before you get to hell!

  24. Very everything you go carry come here?

  25. Nice one...I don't know why many people believe in big churches,many crowd,cathedral,full ac,plenty cars parked outside d chc premises.I believe u don't need to be told before u knw a chc dat was built for d purpose of serving God

  26. esp winners and redeem,na fornication,lies be their way of life then they go and sow seed,they arre on this blog promoting sexual immorality,deeper life is still ok. a muslim may be a fornicator but he will never boast about it to the point of leading others to sin but read the comments coming from new generation christains on sdk blog.Jesus is ashamed of you women.

    1. That's why you are still where you are, your mates are receiving blessings and moving forward, you are here fabricating lies to make story sweet

  27. esp winners and redeem,na fornication,lies be their way of life then they go and sow seed,they arre on this blog promoting sexual immorality,deeper life is still ok. a muslim may be a fornicator but he will never boast about it to the point of leading others to sin but read the comments coming from new generation christains on sdk blog.Jesus is ashamed of you women.

    1. Jesus is ashamed of the men more because He gave you lead responsibility over the earth and women as well...sons of Eli trying to always justify themselves even the women who want to serve God, they pounce on to make up their satanic 12,000 women to 1 man quota...

  28. I will rather visit the nearest Motherless babies home and donate my Last card than visit those robbers placed in churches in the name of God....
    All na wash....

  29. Abeg, whatever works for everyone.
    Me I'm a winner and it works for me. We win souls for Christ and that's the greatest service you can give to God. If people are trooping into the church, it's a good thing. Well, the natural man understandeth not the things of the spirit for they are foolishness unto him.

    1. Heaven on Earth my dear. The things of God are folishness in the sight of men.

    2. Thank You o!
      I am a christian and I worship @ Winners Chapel. The principles works for me and I am NOT a gullible Christian

    3. Even we as Winners and Redeemers etc how many flee fornication even as youths...that's the first sign of our commitment to God's Ways, even if other principles work. Who are we deceiving even crowd follow Jesus to go chop bread and fish but vamoose at Calvary...

  30. Preach it!!
    BTW, the new fonts are tiny.

  31. Preach it!!
    BTW, the new fonts are tiny.

  32. Preach it!!
    BTW, the new fonts are tiny.

  33. Hmmm o!!....if the whole souls on earth receive christ and are changed, where would they all worship and serve God? their homes? Because frm this perspective, God doesn't like big church abi??...what's the essence of "go year into the world and preach the gospel"....does it mean a church with 10 members in 2015 shouldn't grow to 20 or 50 next year? Are you saying it should still remain the way it was (10 members) till christ comes??....that one concern you @ poster. Church of christ must grow and will keep growing!!

  34. Statistics are kept to monitor church growth hence d did we know that over 3000 people gave their lives to Christ after Peter finished preaching?is it not by counting? Besides what do u mean by celebrity pastor?every child of God is a celebrity if u decide to live in obscurity whose business is it?except you're telling me God told you that this church or that pastor is misbehaving otherwise ur opinion of them doesn't matter they have a master whom they serve n he's d only one that has d right to judge or displine them.

  35. Who are you to judge another man servant, to hos master he standeth or falleth. You ppl should leave men of God alone.

  36. Don't mind dat jobless fool cal stranger who made u a judge huh? I am a Christ embassy member and am proud to admit it

  37. No matter how well we live, we cannot live up to the standard and character of God

  38. Yes oooo. I'm a winner for life, let this guy pray for understanding. Maybe the speaker opened church and didn't get members, cos he wasn't called. Go and pray for understanding. Even for the the churches you guys recommended, fornication is there with long garment. Even amongst Jesus' disciples there were sinners. Wonder why Pple talk foolishly. Go and look for a church that teach the world of God and not condemn pple and attend. God changed my wayward brother after just One service in winners. And today he is top in his department and take the things of God seriously. He is graduating next year. So be sitting on the fence and be judging. While pple are growing

  39. My pastor, Chris Okotie says plainly he was sent to teach (spread) The Gospel to every man whether we believe him or not that each would finally give account without been able to deny that we NEVER heard TheWord...
    The Pastor that even preaches TheTruth if such exists then, why do we not practice it personally...who's fooling who?

  40. True talk.#chiq#


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