Stella Dimoko Pastor Rapes Wife's 2 Younger Siblings! -Full Story +Recorded Confession.


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Pastor Rapes Wife's 2 Younger Siblings! -Full Story +Recorded Confession.

I listened to the recording of the confrontation and the plea of the pastor rapist to be forgiven and i just had to share this because of the wife being threatened by the Rapists family.

The rapist said it was the work of the devil.

Names have been changed to Protect the Rape victims.

''My name is Ebun, an elder sister to Kike, Bukky and Mosun. 

Kike got pregnant years ago for Kola, and though she was reminded about how her life will be changed for ever, she vowed not to abort the pregnancy. Kola stood by her and her decision. Kike was young but above 18yrs at the time. The family wish them well with a clause that kike must further her Education after birthing the baby. A girl was born and Kike was reminded of the instructions given to her about dropping the baby since the child was a bit grown at the time. To cut the story short, Kike and Kola sidelined everyone and came out to say they are going to be spending their lives together more than 2years after the she gave birth to the child. Traditional rites was perform and they also went for registry. They have four(4) children together a girl and 3boys. 

Here is the real issue, about three weeks ago, Kike was sick and her kids are in holiday so she needed a helping hand, she called mum and mum promised to check on her but not sending any of her sibling to go help her out. Bukky that last stayed with her left in her absence in February less than two months that she got to her place. She asked question though but she wasn’t given any tangible reason for Bukky’s action.  

Mum left with her and her kids for proper treatment and monitoring. One thing led to the other when Kike got home and Bukky confessed to Kike that she was raped by Kola when Kike was not home and subsequently called mum and was sent some money for transportation (I wasn’t aware of any of this- I got to know everything just after the whole scenario) 

When asked, mum said she is afraid to tell Kike- because of the future of the girl in question and it may lead to separation and Kike may become a single parent. Kike became wounded but still went ahead to put a call through to her husband, Kola did not only confirm it but went further to open more worms that he thought Kike had known.

 On her part, Kike said she couldn't have imagined it because her Kola is now a 'pastor' in a particular church. It was later discovered that it wasn't just Bukky that was raped but even Mosun! Mosun was naive, afraid and ashamed of saying anything about the constant abuse she endured for years during the time she stayed with the couple. She confessed and narrated the whole ordeal crying and shivering, and mostly afraid of what people will say about her and how she will not be able to find a man when it is time for her to marry. I have never seen a girl that broken and damaged before(I know she needs help but I don't know how to go about it). 

Kola has called me twice since this incident starts unfolding and all he does is ' beg ' it was Satan blababla. I have a recording of the conversation and he confessed to the crime. 

The development now is that Kike is been threatened that after begging her, she is not been cooperative and the in-laws and Kola wants the children since her bride price was paid  and all necessities were met -according to them. 

Am in a state of confusion as to how to go about this matter. I only see things like this in movies and I don't know what to do, where to go or who to talk to. I know there are Organisations or a Body that deals with this kind of issues (I have no money though) which is why I don't know where to start from. I appeal to person(s) that knows a step by step guide to please help. Kike might have made a mistake by marrying early but she doesn't deserve the pains she is going through right now. 

If you genuinely want to help me out on this matter please contact me through and 09022660834,

I am sorry for taking your time. I don't know how to write a shorter version. 

Thank you very much'' .

I could not load the Audio confrontation and plea for forgiveness  here because of the format it was sent in but if you are a Journalist with the Dailies and wish to follow this up,please contact me so that i can forward it to you via email.Would be good to play this confession on radio for REAL!


  1. Replies
    1. They're so many beasts in person of human being now. That man is not a man of God. Honestly I'm short of advice.

      *Larry was here*

    2. Rape! Any difference between a rapist and a murderer? Why can't a very stiff punishment be the consequences od rape? Like medically making a confirmed rapist impotent.......... The phallus will still be there but totally useless. The medical procedure will be done such that no drug or herb will ever be able to correct the impotency.

      Yes, they deserve such extreme punishment. No need for castration. Just render the dick useless and lifeless.

      Need a yummy Birthday/Wedding cake in Abuja? Home / office delivery. Also send a gift of cake to your loved one in Abuja.Pls click on my ID to see pics and my contact details.

    3. Oh dear! That society is so messed up. They even want to threaten the wife into silence?

      Click my name for all your celebration cakes and cupcakes, cheers

    4. Ndi amu ezuike....
      God have mercy!
      Stella stop hoarding gist biko!

  2. Replies
    1. This man is an unrepentant fellow. He is still talking after the damage he has done. He should be dealt with. Those his family members are callous in their tiny mind now they know the custom and traditions.

  3. Please stop rape. Say "NO" to rape.

    Your comment will be visible after approval

    1. Castration for rapists!
      Especially child rapists

    2. Moneymaker's father in law18 August 2015 at 16:10

      Rape is rape, and No is No, there is no Vip rape, there is know Especially in rape. Ok Teacher.

  4. I don't understand why all these so called pastors and man of God are heartless. What kind of forgiveness is he asking for? The pervert is sick and needs help.#smh.

  5. Tragic news here and there

    May God help Kike o because I don't even know what to say.

  6. Fuck it!
    That's it with 'pastors'
    I have always said it that I am wary of these jokers.
    Evil souls with a title


  7. What a shameful story. Asides the rapist husband, I'm more infuriated by both parents. How can someone rape your daughter and you won't tell your daughter who's married to the rapist because you want her to remain in the marriage as opposed to being a single mom?
    How can the rapist's parents have the nerve to demand the kids knowing fully well that their son is evil? They should be pleading and placating the family and not demanding for the children simply because they paid her bride price.

    1. Thank you Nicole.
      That was the reason I screamed. Like dafuq? All because they want their daughter to remain a 'mrs' they condole and conceal such a person? A rapist?
      Tsk! tsk!! tsk!!! The world has indeed gone crazy.
      Very crazy world we live in!

    2. This sort of story irks me, your son raped 2 sisters and instead of your family to hide in shame ,they talk about collecting kids as though they don't own them together.

      I don't know if Kike has a means of livelihood but it is important she starts something so she can fend for her kids.
      I am not even certain his biological daughters are safe with him.

      If this matter goes to court, no righting judge will grant him custody, she needs a good lawyer.

      I pray Kike finds help, amen.


    3. Hmm, this type of randy lunatic will even end up raping the daughter! If the kike has any sense she shouldn't go back to that accursed man,...

    4. My dear that's why I refused to talk cos I remember how I was attacked the last time I blamed certain people. A pastor is not above the law infact no one is above the law. I wish them well.

    5. It all boils down to poverty and lack of exposure.

      With the supposed confession, he should be cooling off with baruwa already, not threatening to take the kids. Mtchw!

    6. U just spoke my mind! Am just dumbfounded that Kike's mother could hide such a thing from her and the husband's shameless family is asking for the kids bcos they paid Kike's bride price. Imagine the rubbish!

    7. @Bloglord ...*condone*

    8. Bloggie,Ada and Nichole,u know at first I didn't believe it wen I heard deir Mama's response.

      Poor Kike....
      Poor Bukky...
      Poor Mosun....

      Bastard Kola!
      We wil cut off ur Preeq!

    9. Right thinking


  8. Who are these people? I wish I understand what the narrator is saying apart from getting pregnant @ early age,getting married to him and later he raping the sisters

  9. Just imagine!!!!!!wicked inlaws,so because he begged she should just let go?????some ppl are born Mean!! Kike has all the evidence,sue his sorry ass with that he won't he offered custody of ur children.Live with a rapist??Mbanu he can rape ur daughter sef.

  10. Replies
    1. Pastor is not a title
      It's a way of life and actions that speak loudly.
      The devil may want to destroy the ministry GOD created him for
      Unfortunately he cooperated with him

  11. The word rape makes me feel............ When will all dis stop? Rue ole mgbe? When?

  12. The evil that men do to bring God's name to ridicule. Pastor indeed!!! That man is cursed likewise his family that is threatening the woman. God punish all if them. I pray that justice will prevail on that idiotic man. Pastor ko, parking store in!!!

  13. Kola is evil,he is not a pastor.

  14. What is it with Men and Raping close family.
    The man needs to be exposed.
    Haba, this is too much.

  15. I only pity his wife, kids n d victims! Smh, things r happening!

  16. devil is just doing yoriyori on some pastors. i pray they repent because hell is real. they steal, kill, they commit adultery, fonication, they abuse their wives and children and they blame the devil.

  17. Chai! All this men of devil everywhere..Mtcheeew.

  18. Contact Praise Fowowe ASAP, he is on Facebook and Twitter(he's a professional in rape and molestation cases) he's not a lawyer but will assist you with some reliable information on how to go about it...May God deliver us 4rm evil beings, plus d kike's mother no try at all.

  19. Terrible
    I doubt if kola is a pastor for real

  20. Even the ones that were not called claim to be pastors.
    When you talk some will say do not judge.

    Looking at it, was he really called by God? Wolf in sheep clothing. Not one not 2.

    That's why I hardly quote them but my God's Word.

  21. Jeez!!! things like these just make me cringe. The nerve on the stupid inlaws though. Then the girl's mother is just an idiot,a beast rapes your daughter and you help conceal it,just cuz you don't want your other daughter to be labelled a single mother??? as if it's a death sentence.I'm beyond pissed right now.I've always been weary of all these so called 'men of god' who are actually wolves parading in sheep's clothing.

  22. What??!!pastor ke??

  23. What is it with men and rape?

  24. my dear ,will advice you to go to This radio station in abuja BREKETE FAMILY.they will assist you and trust me you wont loose anything the only thing there is your family can return his money.he is a devil not a pastor at all.He did something and still claiming that he is right huh what does he think?that its easy to forgive immediately?No not at all he has caused a deep scar and it will take time to heal so if really he is feeling guilty for what he did he should chill until you say it to him that you have forgiven him and not threatening you on top of his wrong deeds.

  25. I just don't know why some people feel mere saying SORRY will solve issues and everything will be fine! Hian. Her in-laws are so inconsiderate and selfish, so with all the evil perpetrated by their wicked son, all they are concerned about is the custody of their grand children. No way. Kike's mum didn't do the right thing by keeping mute when her daughters were raped. All she was bothered about is kike staying married! Africans and this 'you must die in a fake marriage and being married is a woman's true identity' is so not fair. I pray she gets the help she seeks. I just dey vex. Forgive my epistle.

  26. Mhzzbee international18 August 2015 at 12:21

    Lord have mercy!!! Who can one trust? One can't even leave her sister with one's husband at home? Men!!! What are you turning into? Deatlh penalty should await anyone who rapes.
    How will one live with rape memory.Gosh

  27. Mhzzbee international18 August 2015 at 12:23

    And to think he is a pastor...I spit on you.una plenty sha,so many of them out there forming pastors and having series of girlfriends. Hellfire is waiting for una.

  28. Poverty na bastard, Asweardown!!!!!!

    Someone that should be languishing in police custody is making threats?
    Someone that should be prosecuted for criminal activity still has bravado?????
    Him and his family are cursed but that is not the issue.....
    He has to pay for what he has done! There's a's easy to tie things up ...

    As for the mother of the wife, hmmmmm, again, is it poverty or sick mentality that would make you allow your child stay with a rapist? Not even worried about your young grandkids being molested by such an evil man?

    Much more that money, what you need now is the will to see this through to the end and get justice.... There are NGOs that are working, I hope one are here, reading...

    Most importantly, I pray God touches one of our able BV to render financial strength to see this to the end...let him quake and beg!!! Just NEGODU

  29. Jeez!! Things are happening. I am so angry with Kike's parent, I known they were trying to prevent the girls from being stigmatized and all but they would have told Kike. I think National Centre for women and Justice used to handle issues like this for free in Abuja but don't know if they still do. You can Google them for address and number,they have branches in most states.
    May God heal you and ur family.

  30. Their mother is high on expired cement, you are aware and for fear of 1 daughter been lonely &a single mum, you kept quiet abt the rape of your young daughters!!! Father Lord, help me....Mr Pastor you sleep with 1,2,3 sisters, seek Jesus please Seek his face and repent!

  31. Ewww kola is an irritant how can he rape his 2 sister inlaws?

    That is evil and he calls himself a pastor he should just go and report himself or better still commit suicide oloshi somebody.

  32. This is why some people don't go to church anymore. Pastors and churches can no longer be trusted

    1. Well,those that Dnt go to church anymore have given d devil a chance to win them over to his side,u know wat that means.
      U can't tag others bad bcos some are bad,devil's hustle for souls is real,so let's be wise.

    2. Serzly if you look at pastors you won't go 2 church. My dear keep ur focus on God.

  33. Can you imagine this Useless vagabond of a Demonic pastor, Chaii I for done break him head Sinceeee....

  34. Ewwww some men dnt deserve to have eggplant,walai.

  35. Pastor my feet.
    Karma will soon visit u,repent now b4 is too late.

  36. Can you pray to God and fellowship with family and friends without going to church?, yes or no. Will God answer your prayers and theirs or not. Just asking to be educated on this issue.

  37. Stella sad you did not expose this pastor Kola - How many ladies is he raping in his church right now. Save some mothers of this monstrous dilemma and expose him - He should be cooling off in a police station not being protected by his wife and you.

  38. I am not a daily but a blogger if you pass me the details I would expose him -

  39. Kola should be charged and convicted with rape. Any family memebers that wants to bail him out should also be throw in jail then they can all go and take their bride pride in the cell.

    Smart move that the elder sister tape the confession, that should help in court.

  40. Call 112 Toll Free Line to Report Cases of Sexual and Gender based Violence

    In line with the quest of the Lagos State Government to ensure that victims of Sexual and Gender Based Violence have a voice and concerned members of the public who wish to report acts of violence are able to do so with utmost confidentiality to the Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team (DSVRT).

    Lagos state government has approved the use of the 112 toll free emergency lines to report cases of rape, defilement, domestic violence, child abuse, neglect maltreatment and other sexual assaults, assuring that information provided will be passed across while the concerned agencies will be notified immediately.

    The essence of this initiative is to encourage victims and members of the public to make use of the 112 toll free emergency lines in order to ensure access to justice irrespective of class and means.

    Dave Chidozie


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