Stella Dimoko Doctors In House Section


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Doctors In House Section

HIAN!!!...This wan pass me biko nu!

Diagnosed of Uterine Synaechia on Leiomyoma and distal Hydrosalpinx

Please I need help from fellow BV's

My colleague went for an HSG and below was the findings:

Control radiograph is unremarkable.
Contrast study shows a fairly normal cervical canal.
The Uterine cavity is contracted, irregular, stretched and deviated to the left.
The right fallopian tube is demonstrated with a ''ring'' structure in it's mid portion and distal hydrosalpina. the Left tube is not outline.

IMPRESSION:Uterine Synaechia on Leiomyoma and distal Hydrosalpinx

Steps she has taken as advised by her gynaecologist
An intrauterine device was inserted in to her and the Doctor says it will be there for 3 month cycles.
she was given some drugs(Progynova) to take for 21 days two tablets twice in a day and on the 22nd day an additional drug will be combined with the first one for 7 days.

My colleague desperately need to take in as her Husband will be leaving soon to study for 4 Years and age is not on her side(35yrs) , She wants fellow BV's to advice if after completing the 3 month cycles of insertion of IUD is capable of correcting the Synaecha, ?Leiomyoma and distal Hydrosalpinx.

She had Fibroid removed last year December and this HSG was done on the25th of June this year..

Thank you.


  1. Replies
    1. This is not ur colleague it is u

    2. Ode / Mumu do you work in the same firm with her...... if you don't have anything to contribute just panumo

  2. Its well with your colleague. Late marriage demerit.

    1. Had to go back and read but I didn't see where d poster said her colleague married late, how did u now come in with late marriage? May d lord fix ur contaminated soul!!

    2. Nikky u follow for this Pple wet dey Sidon for house use nyash sort papers graduate.pls receive sense n after which go back to the post there coursing who sabi pass u.
      On a second note,doctors pls come in and in any way u can ,explain this long name in a layman's languageor tell us if there's another name for the situation cos aghota azaa no na d name dikwa too much.make person no see wetin em know pass am due to big name

    3. Radiant D aka Anony 15:56, I still went back to read, and didn't see where d poster talked about late marriage, so I think ur d daft one here. For u to know people use dia nyash to grad, that goes to show u are one of them. And Pls it's spelt cursing, not" coursing" illiterate.

    4. Na wa o nikki. Is d issue about marrying late or answering questions about a problem? If she married late nko how is that ur problem? Pls if u ain't a doc STFU, u mustn't comment all d time, if u have no contribution just read and jump am pass. Receive sense IJN!

    5. Anonny Pls shut up. Do you read at all? @nikky Pls forget all these certified olodos coming under anonymous to say rubbish. The person is obviously daft.

    6. Ode nikky n vanity wallowing in the same mumu kingdom pls followme to the second to last paragraph,towards the end of the first line,the writer said"her husband will be leaving soon to study for four years and age is not on her side(35yrs)".so pls what does this imply?anyway u didn't notice cos the youngest to marry in ur entire lineage was forty one so to u,anybody at 35 is stil at her prime.anu mpama.

  3. Wtf, prayer is d master key, Jesus fix it. Lolah.

  4. Doctors can sha use big big name confuse ppl, pls tell your friend to go herbal, someone once shared a testimony here and I would recommend u try it, before medicine came it was herbal our fore fathers were using and it worked effectively. Forget doctors report biko, before they use big name make u have BP

  5. THELMA ENEMUWE said...
    Too mux medical terms to grasp,all i know z God will visit her wit triplets before her hubby travels in Jesus name..
    *faithful BV enemuwe thelma*

  6. Maybe the penis of her former lovers are bent *singing beyonces to the left,to the left*.

    1. You are crazy I swear

    2. Hahahahahjajajaja.Jesus napukwa some bvs like do ha na onu

  7. hmmm...OVER TO YOU JESUS please FIX IT!...

  8. Your colleague should follow the husband go on the 4 year course na. Nothing to worry about. She will be fine and get pregnant. I wonder why people put so much stress to have a baby.

    God gives baby at the due time. It is well with her.

    1. Yeah u r ryt but the wait is never easy being that we are humans. ...I know this cos I am waiting

  9. My only question is why is an old man just leaving to go and study for four years?
    What was he doing while his Mates were doing that?

    1. Abeg what's ur own? Amebo sombori @biancabruno. Is d question about d man? Receive sense IJN!!

    2. @Bianca, do you have a brain? If yes, use it rationally. Does your father have a PhD? No! What was he doing when his mates were getting theirs?

    3. Vanny u shld watch ur tongue.he never mentioned anybody's parents now u r poking hands into was same reason for the hebdo's killings sometime.playing or cursingwhat someone holds careful

  10. Waiting for comments... Stellakork well done.

  11. All the terms used here just flew over my head.

  12. I no even understand one thing. .na wa o....may God heal ur friend poster. ..funny enough all these plenty strong names dey used will just be a small name we all know. .doctors una doh oh

    1. I just jump and pass..D grammar to heavy for mouth

    2. E fit be acute malaria get this whole name.what if na those days wen husband n wife na illetrate same as mama n papa?doctors pls oh

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. My dear, I understand how you feel but fertility issues are seldom rushed. Your best bet considering the above result is IVF/ other assisted reproductive techniques after proper management of the uterine synaechia. My advice is have faith, trust your doctor, discuss with your husband and rearrange your priorities or reach a compromise and be patient. Always try to discuss all your worries with your doctor and see what other options are available for you. Good luck.

    1. Poster if ur hubby is going to d UK, u can go under dependent visa with him and try free ivf under nhs with him

  15. Hian! All this grammar pass me. Doctors where @ thou

  16. Ur coll trust u with all these info?
    D lord is her shepherd,
    For she shall not want.

  17. Yahwe fix it. It is well. Doctors make una come ooo please

  18. Yahwe fix it. It is well. Doctors make una come ooo please

  19. Madam poster why are u saying my friend my friend when you know u are the one with the problem, don't cry more than the bereaved.

    1. If she's d one with d problem nko? Has that answered her questions? Amebo people. Pls receive sense IJN!!

    2. Contribute qwanu dem no go talk. How is it your business if she is the one

  20. Hmmmmmm Doctors done speak their 'ntureechi' finish and this one done pass CHERE KAM BIA so, sis go down on your knees....

    That which looks great en unfixable in our eyes is infinitesimal in his, so call on him.

    I never hear this one before oooo

  21. Letme explain in a lay man's term

    Uterine synechia= adhesion of d endometrium caused by excessive D & C

    Liemyoma= fibroid,so her fibroid dt u said to have been removed,has reoccured or probably wasn't totally removed

    Hydrosalpinx= blockage of d by fluid probably caused by an untreated pelvic inflammatory disease

    Prognosis= not good @all

    Poster your friend should be steadfast in prayer cause her chances of getting pregnant is very slim bt den we are mere mortals bt God has d final say

    I bet your friend isn't menstruating cos with all this it would be difficult for her to menstruate

    Advice~ stick with your doctors prescription and advice and if u ain't comfortable with it,seek a 2nd opinion.

    Advice2~ i hope u went to a tertiary hospital and not a private hospital,if it was a private hospital,please go to d nearest tertiary hospital closest to u and see a gynaecologist

    Advice3~ be prayerful,infact pray without ceasing


    1. Elena, you seem to be a doctor......... what can one use for genital warts........... please help a sister

  22. Nna eh! I don't just know what's causing all these in this our generation.
    To even pronounce the name na war let alone knowing what causes it.

    My dear, tell your friend to trust in God since He formed her, He will fix everything for her.

    Jesus cares.

  23. What will BVs tell you that is better than going back to the doctor and asking him this same question your asking us here.. I really don't understand. Anyway am just an engineer what do I know about medicine.

  24. Dunno what to say but GOD will heal you

  25. never heard of this before. Take it to Jesus

  26. Poster I don't understand why u are panicking on ur friend's behalf. Let her follow the procedure first, and must the husband leave knowing their issues, in the alternative let her go with the husband to wherever he is going. The Drs can only treat but the ultimate power to procreate belongs to God.

  27. Too much big big grammar!

  28. Doctors get in here.

    Leaving Anonymous. I now feel like a real Blog Visitor now.

    1. Pls can u detail me d steps at creating a blog Id?I really need to leave that anony mood

  29. all dis big big garmmar na sickness or na diseases me no understand ooo

  30. Pls what could be the cause of a fish like smell in ones urine. The smell emanating from my urine is really embarrassing. I was given some anti biotics in d hospital but d smell is still there.

    1. U never said if u were a male or female?.

      Drop a comment and I'd reply

      What kinda antibiotics were u given?

  31. Please bvs, I have a 3year old boy. He speaks but he has this childish intonation that whenever he speaks in public, people laugh at him and wonder why he can't speak well at his age. This makes me feel very bad cos I see his age mates speaking very well. We live alone in our compound so he doesn't have other kids to play with and he just started school. Please has any one experience this with his or her child? Did it get better? Am very worried.

    1. My sister, please don't worry about it, and don't feel bad or do anything to tamper with the boy's confidence level, he will speak very well, children grow different from one another. And as for those that are laughing and wondering why he can't speak well, it's absolutely none of their business o. Ignore them totally. Your boy will impress you, am sure when he starts school, you will be amazed at the transformation. E-hugs

    2. There's nothing wrong with ur boy.u made him start school late.that's d major reason plus he's living in isolation.he'll improve as time goes on since he has been enrolled already

    3. You are now his speech therapist
      Get a quiet comfortable place in your home and read to him(age, content appropriate colourful books)
      Get him to gradually and slowly pronounce words after you. Together discuss the scenes in the books, the colours, sing the songs , discuss what the characters are doing etc
      If he makes a mistake gently (no shouting) correct him.
      (Don't fret/they know when we are anxious) Consistently *dont give up* over time do this with him:
      It will sharpen his ability to pronounce words properly
      Increase his vocabulary
      Improve reading skills
      Priceless bonding will be experienced by you both
      It receives stress for you too!
      Share the testimony in due season

    4. Pardon the laughter of the confused or ignorant

    5. My dear nothing to worry abt, my son was like dat but he is 6yrs old now n speaks well, his younger brother will be 4yrs nxt month n he still has dat baby intonation n I know he will definitely speak well with tym.

    6. @ anon 16:21, u have said it all!
      Wetin teacher dey talk sef?

      Your son started school late and he didn't mingle with his peers. Simple!
      Now that he has started, u will see change. Give it time.

  32. You got all this result and treatment had been commenced why don't you ask the doctors managing your case the above questions, why do you want to burden crayfish sellers, accountants and stay home mum with medical issues . You ve been to the doctor go back and ask him your questions

  33. your friend should relax, first things ist, am sure she spent money on getting the surgery done and now she wants to take in at 1s. Ps 127 says, children are heritage from the lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward. She shuld chill, pple take in and give birth at forty, and NO she cant take in with the stuff inside of her to avoid stories that touch. God help us all.

  34. Have you been bleeding? That might explain the use of the IUD

    Frankly speaking, your case is quite complicated. You are suffering from fibroids and occluded fallopian tube/s. So your prognosis depends on the aetioligical factors that led to your condition. Those questions should be directed to your doctor

    In the meantime, pray to God. He is the God of impossibilities. You also have to start considering IVF should other management options fail. Success.

    1. Are u here to solve the problem or create more?Pple r not yet tru digesting the above here u r with anotherone

  35. hmmmmm. what women go through to carry their own child/children. God please come and answer all your daughters ttc.

    1. Amen
      And the wisdom to raise their children well

  36. Uterine synaechia is a condition where there are adhesions on the endometrium( uterine lining) this could result from persistent DnCs, miscarriage, cesarean sections or even myomectomy( fibroid surgery) which your friend has just undergone. The success of the treatment of synaechia in most cases depends on the severity and it's usually a critical case. Your friend is being given progynova so as to build up her endometrium the drug is an oestrogen like drug to replace the oestrogen hormones and increase the growth of the endometrial lining this can increase the rate of her getting pregnant. Usually after treatment, if the adhesions on the endometrium is not critical, one can possibly get pregnant. But on other hand, if it's critical, it's advisable for her to get an ivf or even surrogacy. In any case, she needs to be patient, prayerful and relaxed as there is no magic about this treatment. It may take time and it may not all she has to do is follow her gyane's instruction, pray hard and be open minded. Good luck
    SDK's certified MD.

    1. Pls give me a hug.u r d only doc certified.u no use sorting graduate I sure the patient did not u/stand d grammar.the reason y she is afraid.with ur explanation,I know her soul has found rest.
      Chop kiss abeg homo or not

  37. How can your "friend" be asking BVs this question? Only God Almighty knows if the IUD insertion will work. Seems you must have had PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) from an untreated STD.

    In English- this has led to the synechiae. These are basically like fibrous bands within the uterus that makes the inner lining rough and contorted instead of smooth. Makes it difficult for a baby to implant. The IUD insertion is an attempt to sort of break down these bands and try to create a smooth area for a baby to implant. That is the only part of this problem with that the IUD might be able to help with.

    The left Fallopian tube seems to be completely blocked and scarred. The right one is blocked too but hopefully just partially and that's why it can be seen; it is by no means normal though. It's like plumbing -a little obstruction and there is a back up; that is the hydrosalpinx i.e. ballooning of the tube. Some times surgery can help with unblocking the tube but the success rate is not great.
    You never know, under exact circumstances, an egg might just be able to squeeze past the blockage and find it's way to the uterus where it can be fertilized and hopefully find a smooth area to implant. I wish you luck and God's grace. *omojeje*

  38. The healer will fit it,just relax!

  39. Hmmmmm! Nawa o. God pls fix it o.

  40. Na wa o. Even the name sounds strange. Guess we have to google it to find out what it means.

  41. Hia!! Oooo chim ooo, no name wey we no go hear from Drs, God pls fix it for her in Jesus Name Amen

  42. So confused here aswear, dnt even undastand anytin.. May God almighty heal ur colleague

  43. My dear in as much as I understand ur pain and anxiety, we BV's are not God. He is the only one who can decide ur destiny, so please get close to him ASAP!!

  44. According to her result, she still has fibroid n there is fluid in her Fallopian tube meaning she at some point had an STD that was not properly treated.. She also has scar tissues and adhesions inside her uterus which may v been due to wrongly performed D&C , she needs to do an operation to correct that to increase her chances of getting pregnant. But as for ur question, she can def get pregnant.. There is a God Na, n he does miracles.. But ur friend should disturb her gynecologist well o if she wants to take in fast.

    1. My Dear , How can the fluid in the F.Tube be removed?

  45. Eleyi gidi gaun oh.
    may ur frnd's hrt desires be granted.

  46. Pls what email addy do I post questins for doctors in house?

  47. Anon 12:52 your child will speak well. since he has started school, dont worry you will be surprised. Dont let people's laughter makes you fall into depression.

  48. You didn't tell us about her menstrual pattern but one can safely assume absence or abnormality of menstruation with uterine synechae. Her doctor is on track. Adhesiolysis, insertion of IUCD and hormonal support will possibly restore her menstruation and make her uterus receptible to a fertilized ovum/egg. However, how her ovum/egg and her partner's spermatozoa get to each other (fertilization), assuming there are no problems with these, is the challenge here, considering hydrosalpinx of her right tube and non demonstrable left tube on HSG. Perhaps, we are dealing with bilateral tubal obstruction here. It's more difficult to handle when a tubal blockage is associated with hydrosalpinx. Meaning that even with IVF, the failure rate is high bcos of the toxic and hostile intrauterine environment, the embryo is exposed to, due to the hydrosalpinx. Therefore, after adressing the uterine synachae, it is advisable that her hydrosalpinx is adressed surgically. How? One of two ways. Cuff salpingostomy (tubal surgery) will help open the affected tube and prevent fluid accumulation there. Then, we will hope that egg can pass through the tube for fertilization to be achieved (natural conception). Here are the problems with this: tubal patency doesn't guaranty pregnancy since functional competence of the tubes is equally important. Meaning that, with hydrosalpinx and infection, the integrity of the mucosa lining of the tubes must have been compromised, thereby making conception difficult inspite of the above surgery. Risk of recurrence is also there. We are left with the second surgical option which is to do total salpingectomy (surgical removal of the affected tube) to eliminate the potential toxicity of the hydrosalpinx to embryo, followed by IVF (the first surgery mentioned above followed by IVF is also an option). Significant fibroid, if present, can be removed at thesame surgery (increases success rate of ivf). I favour this second option, considering her age of 35years. At this age fertility rate is halved, hence, you have no time to waste. MY ADVICE: continue to see your doctor with the above as a guide. Please don't stop praying as I don't know of a problem that God can't solve. Goodluck.

  49. Jesus Christ!!!!!

  50. Mother of nations


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