Stella Dimoko Jonathan’s Ministers Behind Oil Theft –Buhari


Thursday, July 23, 2015

Jonathan’s Ministers Behind Oil Theft –Buhari

THE near future of some former ministers and top government officials appears to be behind bars as President Muhammadu Buhari on Wednesday confirmed that he had started receiving some documents, which showed that they were thieves.

The President vowed that the ex-ministers would be prosecuted based on the indicting documents while the proceeds of their fraud would be repatriated to government coffers from their multiple foreign accounts, which he said were opened for the purpose of laundering money.

Buhari said the documents at his disposal indicted some former ministers and other top government officials of massive fraud, including oil theft.

“Some former ministers were selling about one million barrels per day. I assure you that we will trace and repatriate such money and use the documents to prosecute them. A lot of damage has been done to the integrity of Nigeria with individuals and institutions already compromised,” the President said.

He spoke at an interactive session with Nigerians in Diaspora at the Nigerian Embassy in Washington DC, United States of America, as part of his four-day official visit to the country.

He also said that while many Nigerians had nicknamed him “Baba Go Slow” because of the delay in forming his cabinet, he would prefer to be “slow and steady” in taking decisions.

He said the government officials who had been stealing Nigerian oil also opened as many as five bank accounts abroad for the purpose of laundering the money they made from their thievery.

The President said, “We are now looking for evidences of shipping some of our crude, their destinations and where and which accounts they were paid and in which country.

“When we get as much as we can get as soon as possible, we will approach those countries to freeze those accounts and go to court, prosecute those people and let the accounts be taken to Nigeria.

“The amount of money is mind-boggling but we have started getting documents. We have started getting documents where some of the senior people in government, former ministers, some of them operated as much as five accounts and were moving about one million barrels per day on their own. We have started getting those documents.

- Punch Reports

They should mention names already abeg...All this secrecy is unsettling.


  1. *skelewu mode activated* ds a piece of good news! Spare no one!

    1. so much movie acted already without any cast..
      so much subjected apprehensions without any outright remedial effects. ..

      Quit talking and get ur ass to work baba..
      tired of hearing of dis theft and ur ever ending promises of bringing them to book..

      Abi u think say dem go fold dia hands dey watch u come for dem.?

      Akuko n'egwu mike ejeagha..

    2. Baba go slow pls start working . We are still waiting

  2. *skelewu mode activated* ds a piece of good news! Spare no thief Baba!

  3. The present state of the nation shows how previous governments, especially the immediate past administration has failed Nigerians woefully.
    That has always been my argument with people who cry marginalisation as if foreigners have been governing them since 1999.
    The last administration capitalised on our diversity to impoverished us along ethnicity, sectarian and political lines.
    While the youth who are at the receiving end kept & still keep on fighting themselves on social media, on the streets & in beer parlours, these rulers kept on amassing wealth for their generations yet unborn at the expense of the poor Nigerians.

  4. Honestly, Jonathan was too weak to handle those he surrounded himself with.
    Well I won't call him a rogue because as at now nothing has been found on him even though Ngo baby (Finance Minister) has alleged that Jonathan unilaterally authorised the disappearance of $2.1 bn . But a wise person shouldn't judge from the alibi of a party in a case.
    Until then, Jonathan still remains innocent.
    The weakness I was talking about however, was the way he pretended as if nothing was happening when Nigerians were crying about the excesses of his appointees.

  5. Can you not assess what went on under Jonathan and come to a rational understanding that he stole blind?
    Are you expecting him to swear to an affidavit or to Ifa or Sango that he stole before you believe?
    Yes, in the eyes of the law, he is presumed innocent until proven guilty but he clearly has a considerable amount of cases to answer for what went on under his watch. Those under his supervision could not have stolen so brazenly if Jonathan was innocent and fighting corruption. Even those against whom strong cases of corruption was made against like "Dr." Stella Odua and the BMW saga and the Kerosine subsidy fraud, Abba Morro & his immigration job scam. what did Jonathan do to stem the tide of corruption? He did nothing because he was part and parcel of the problem with Mohammed Adoke (Attorney General) urging him on.
    There are some things that are self-evident. We merely go to court to follow due process not because we believe the person is without guilt.

    Ghanaman signing out!

    1. Don't sign out please. I love your write-up...
      Really making sense.

    2. Thank u. On point. He has a lot of answering to do. This is just too much

  6. This matter is gonna be one hell of a prolonged ish. Interwound unending drama. I hope something tangible is achieved.

  7. Olisa Metuh you can come out now and spew more rubbish. Baba JAIL THEM ALL!!!

  8. This one will just be running his mouth without proof. These ppl no get sense at all??? Is this how to catch a thief. If na me, with all these talk talk I for don begin clean up my mess. Let me see how he will now catch dem. Oshisco.

    1. For how long will u keep cleaning d thing I know everything willl be open soon and u'll see for ya self

    2. Clean up mess when they are already out of office. Let's see how it goes.

    3. Clean up mess, na 1 kobo them wan hide?

  9. Hahahahaha

    Reminds me when i was a child and I mess up BIG Time and Popsie had bn told.and u are sûre of the whip.very very sûre.

    Buh den Popsie is taking all d time in d world to come back from work.

    U die a thousand times!

    1. Yes o, i remember too. Funny days.

  10. I have always said that the day people will hear of the total amount that disappeared under Jonathan, some will have a heart attack.
    They almost crippled the country and some daft people still call him a hero.
    Buhari is a very smart man, this was the reason why he didn't appoint ministers yet. It gave him ample time to access documents through the perm secs of ministries without hindrance by ministers.
    The perm secs will not want to lose their jobs, so some may even strike a deal to expose their former ministers.
    I'd rather have a slow and steady smart old man, than a young thieving dirtbag leading an entire nation to destruction in a speed train.

    1. Best comment this year.

    2. Under Jonathan? What about in the last 16 years? If they must prosecute anyone,they must start the investigation from 16 years ago..otherwise,I'd say he's simply witch hunting..

    3. Best comment this year.

    4. I too like your comment sha

    5. Originality,my people say dat Slow n steady wins d race.
      And dat d guilty are afraid.

    6. Nora,it's not only witch hunting,warrabout wizard hunting.Y shd PMB bother with obj's regime wen jonathan didn't deem it fit to probe it?Kindly remove d innocent lil girl on ur profile n bask in ur stupidity alone

    7. Your last sentence is the 'truth'.

    8. Lmao at "kindly remove the Lil girl and bask in ur stupidity alone! Oh my days!hahahahahahahahahahahaha

  11. I also hope our judiciary will sit up this time around.

  12. They can't start by mentioning names without concrete evidence first na,Stella chill ur blood dey hot!Baba slow and steady',will sure get to d root of this.
    ....see some pple see jail!#happy and dancing at d tot#

    1. Abi o. They've not mentioned any names and some have started screaming witch hunt! What do we really want sef!!!

  13. Time will tell, I only pray dt things will get better in dis country

  14. I believe baba wouldn't be slow on this in mentioning names. Yes this is the kind of disciplinary president Nigeria needs. Waiting for more actions baba

  15. He should start already and stop distracting Nigerians with these....
    He will use his tenure to witch hunt and end up not fulfilling his campaign promises...

  16. E-hugs Olivia. The progress of Nigeria is our progress!

    Lmao @ is it your licking?

  17. At this point, I personally think Baba is talking too much- how about some suspense and more action? How about prosecuting first and giving us the details later? we all know that the Jonathan administration messed up, we can see the fuel scarcity that has been on for about three months, we are getting FX at the rate of $1: N250- we know they stole Baba- that's why we looked to you for redemption.
    Stop telling us what we already know- how about doing something definitive about it?

  18. I need to meet with you. You are full of wisdom.
    As for @ekajoy, I just laugh at her dull brain. Her partner is such a looser.
    @moneymaker,lol...I always laugh when I read ur comment. But my dear, I hope you are ready to be bitter for the next 4-8yrs of PMB as ur president .

  19. A fews days ago when news of the death of the ex CSO hit the news,many buharites crawled into their hole..even the one that managed to drop comments,did so in anonymous now all of dem go crawl out of their hole to show demselves,dey say baba carry on,bubu I hail...Asswipes..
    Bubu better start the investigations from 16 years ago

    1. Na wa o!So u must continue 2 embarrass dis little girl wit ur stupidity,I hope dat's one gene dat wasn't transferred

    2. Show urself na abeg,na beg I dey beg you..I dey like see person wen dey trip for bold enough at least

  20. Do u reason at all. Are u this dumb.

  21. Oliviasilk, please shut up your toto. You are not making any sense.

  22. Enough of this foolish talks already.
    We want action.

    1. And when d action starts, u will be d one to start shouting witch hunting. Only God knows what u want. Wailing wailer oshi.

  23. Will just fold arms and watch. Start acting and stop talking Baba.

  24. And you are yet to start calling names just strolling in a circle like the Lily-livered old man that you are. Please come of it!
    I keep hearing the same thing everyday no proof. My ears are full to the brim.
    I Guess going a day without calling Jonathan's name is inevitable for you.

    1. Lol @chi exotic. I thought I was the only one that is tired of this clueless old man repeating the same useless talk everyday.

    2. Senate presido's sidechick23 July 2015 at 12:36

      It's 'come off it' u stupid idiot...feel free 2 google d meaning of 'inevitable' illiterate moron

  25. D.A.M baby!
    Re u re, re u hear what baba "go slow re say? "in zebrudaya voice"
    Am waiting patiently

    But that said though
    That is or shouldn't be a priority now
    There re more burning issues Mr president
    Kindly look into them abeg
    Like usd being 245 and so on
    Or re we just gonna wait for stolen money?
    Huh! Dis is confusing sha!
    We dey wait oooh!
    I don waka pass, till grammer teachers of SDKB finish correcting my gbagauns

    1. Part of what will bring back the dollar rate is the Foreign Reserves, sadly it was depleted by the previous government. So he has to get the stolen money back somehow. Don't you get it?, there's virtually nothing to run the present government. Nija is broke!

  26. I thank God everyday for blessing us with a smart, slow and steady president. All the Oles will account for all their evil, so many have died because of their wickedness. All those seeing all this and still support d ole government, may d devil steal from their lives just as jona's govt stole from nigeria.

  27. They should be put behind bar ASAP

  28. Ollie baby,Nah! Save ur breath!

    My flight to Lagos is dis afternoon.
    Pls go get ready.

    Where d Whole Crew at???

    Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!
    Its Parry Time Honeys!

  29. By their comments you shall know them.

  30. Hehehe, another memo for me. Can't even remember wen I called u a noisemaker. U know y, cos I comment and totally let d blog go wen I'm off d blog. But for u to join d memo droppers, clap for urself.

  31. Talking without doing anything

  32. Nora Nelson be original in your insults. Don't borrow words from the so called Buharites, come up with something unique. You can use the dictionary if you wish. Go and read the post again, Buhari was defended to the max, if people comment under anon what difference does it make, how has that stopped them from making their point. Pettiness of the highest order, na everything dey pain them. Ok, you commented under your ID and you uploaded your pic, that doesn't mean you're smart and that you still don't look like a monkey. Every time you comment under your blog ID, go to the bank and collect money for it, idiot.
    You think we are jobless like you and sit on blogs all day. If we have time we comment, if not, we're living our lives. We don't live on blogs like we do. mumu monkey the very busy "bussinesses" man receives gold medals for his stupidity here every day. It shows how busy he really is.

    1. Eya sorry o..but no be my fault say you be gorilla na..u see monkey wen fine pass you,body dey pepper You no even make any comment about the post,na my own dey pinch you for body..
      You no even dey bold sef..keep saying 'we,we'we'..I don't understand where all this bad belle come from sef

  33. asswipes???, is that a new word you just learnt?. I wonder where you got it from, go on clap for yourself.

  34. The mumu monkeys, eka joy and co that keeps saying PMB should should stop talking and do his job. Because he gives interviews does that mean that people in ministries are not doing their job?, does that mean the various departments in government are not doing their jobs? because he gives interviews does that mean there aren't people working in the background according to his instructions?
    why can't you people use your brains instead of reasoning your asses.

  35. Tell me those in Buhari's government that was not in Jonathan's government! Who are the thieves? Kettle calling pot black. #Nigeriadecides

  36. pls start the name calling and prosecution immediately. we need drama in these country already. these pen robbers have fleeced our resources. #unequalshareofresources

  37. Who can remember the day I told Stella via comments of my encounter with Jonathan daughter/niece on the plane... business class via ark air to London.
    Remember I told you she pleaded with me to accompany her to Harrods when she spent £500000.00 on Hermes bags.
    Remember I told y'all how shocked I was. She booked herself into a £10000.00per night apartment for a 3mpnths period in Mayfair because her mansion in Hampstead which she bought for £55million was been renovated.
    Her English was appalling and it was evident she lacked education. I did not realise until that day how rich Nigeria as a nation is and how evil Jonathan is.

    Mr Jonathan ... God will visit you and every human who has stolen this country's wealth for selfish gains.
    Your generations will all died in poverty. As it has been written, it will be done.

    However if your hands are clean, then God please forgive us both but somehow I know you are a crook.

    The money that is meant to be used to build healthcare on Nigeria to prevent unnecessary death is what these thieves are using to bags....
    Negative energy depart from me before I curse some people today.


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