Hmmm The Ex factor ........sometimes the past just stays and refuses to go away!
Hello BVs,
Here is a short but true story.
I came from a home where I was thought to have a high self esteem as a girl. I was blessed with the looks and body so my mother was always ringing it in my ears, men are bad news! being her only daughter i never wanted to dissapoint her. All through my teenage years I was very careful of men, even in the Uni I kept alot to myself and tried as much to stay clear of men.
A year to my grad, I met a guy (I had met loads and loads of guys before this young man and I stood my ground), but this guy started asking me out, I thought as usual he will get tired like the rest and leave me alone. But he was different and kept pestering me. I told him I will not be sleeping with him at no point or time in our relationship and he said he was fine with it.
Now this guy was quite handsome, infact very handsome , very intelligent, nice and wealthy for a guy less than 30yrs old then.
He treated me like a baby princess and we were both fond of each other. Little did I know that my guy had Phd in acting (He was a Smooth Operator), I never caught him with a lady, we are from different ethnic group so we communicated only in English, but I suspected most times his on the phone with ladies he changes from English Lang to his dialect.
Anyway after my uni, he asked what I wanted to do next I said probably masters in a top UK University but I will need to work abit and get the rest of the funds from my parents.
By now I was so so comfortable with my guy, and was sleeping over at his once a while, he still didn't pester me for sex but he always said I will give in soon. On my 24th birthday he wasn't around he had traveled to the UK and came back only a week after and he said my birthday gift was him paying for ALL my Tuition, my Rental in the UK and pocket money all through my stay and even few trips back to Nigeria. I was so HAPPY, I wasn't really shocked because he had spoilt me a lot of times before.
He helped me back then secure a visa, we travelled together did all the school runs in the UK and came back to Nigeria to apply for the "Student Visa", he even suggested I apply as his wife and we do a fake marriage certificate since that would increase my visa chances for reasons like I can use his Bank Statements etc, silly me I agreed but later changed my mind because I had to do a passport with his name as my last name, thank God I changed my mind.
I eventually got the Visa and my guy did all he promised even gave me pocket money, I felt surely this is my husband and eventually slept with him severally (HUGE MISTAKE), he kept to his promise all through and even came to visit couple of times, but this guy was a CASSANOVA in Sheepskin, infact I found out he has so many sleeping partners to the extent he was sleeping with his neighbors niece who was 17-18yrs old (no wonder she always frowned whenever she saw me).
He uses his money to get any woman he wants.
We eventually drifted apart, I finished school got a job and decided to stay put, I even found my husband in all this and he did pay dearly for my Exs crime, but he understood me, stuck with me and we have been married for over 2.5years now.
Early last year Mr. Ex sent an email, I responded even telling him am married and all, he had the guts to tell me that he is my first love and so many other things, like how he groomed me into a woman, etc and I can't abandon him. I told him i am married he said that's ok but when he is ready I shall be his. The plonker has relocated to the US all this time.
I made a huge mistake by accepting to see him, just for closure and so he sees I moved on well without him. Guess what when I eventually saw this guy we hugged so tightly and I was shocked at myself! We spoke and I told him I love my husband and don't intend leaving him. The Smooth Operator said when i am ready to leave my husband he is there in Maryland, US waiting.. And i suspect this guy might be married.
Thank God I decided to cut communication (God used Stella back then to slap some sense into me) with this guy again or else I could have given in to his sweet words as usual.
At times I feel he used jazz on me, i have been able to cut off all links, he doesn't have my number and I don't have his. I find myself thinking about him sometimes but most of it is how I would have ended up if I married him.
Am sure he is a serial lover in Nigeria, UK, USA infact everywhere.
I keep wondering.... Probably like the lady in the Tyler Perry's Movie (Temptation of a marriage counsellor)
May I add this isn't the first time I get messages from guys, in between my Ex and Husband I had few flings ( they were not serious), I have gotten emails from at tleast 2 of them in the last 3yrs which I don't bother replying. But with my EX it was different. I look forward to his emails.
I haven't communicated with him in over a year and I don't intend to forever, God help me.
But i am learning to let go totally, it's a slow process but i am making good progress.
Any married woman in the house gone through such from their EX?
I still have an ex i dream about but he's different and respects that we cant be together anymore,He respects marriage but is divorced and has kids from different women..he's a smooth one,tall,handsome and looks he walked out from a playboy mag......I don't how easy it is for men but a woman NEVER forgets the first man she loved,especially if he was good to her. *Side eyes at DH if he's reading this*
You will be fine as long as you stay strong and stay away from that ex!
Jesus fix it!
ReplyDeleteSide eye at @anno lost soul.
********LONG LIVE SDK & SDKERS*******
Em Jay, is that you up there? Ure a pretty woman. I must say
DeleteYou're jst didplayn ur shamelessness and jobless status... Wat happens if ure nt 1st, yuck! See ur snnoyn face lime monkey lickn unripe orange n tryn to smile.
DeleteWhat is Jesus fixing dis time ehn, em jay
DeleteEwu! Ewu! Ewu!
DeleteBLOG ANALYSER: my dear try nd forget him ok
DeleteEm Jay really??? #phew
DeleteChizoba Oya come n give us boring ex tales
DeleteCat walking out
Delete..Jesus fix it how?
Person use hand do herself.. Wetin concern Jesus there?
I am glad you re traced your steps
Pls,just stop thinking about your ex......don't let him destroy your family.... That he made you a woman , and so?.... Abeg let him go and take severely seats
It is well with you
I have an ex like that, left me and got married then called me allthrough his honeymoon, telling me akuko about eternal love. Oriegwu! He even wanted me to help his wifey with business ideas (she knows we dated o and agreed) I ran o, i can't tell acid bath stories that touch.
DeleteHe persisted so I blocked him on all platforms after I got married. (he was still offering me crazy money to sleep with him).
There are others that never asked me out when I was single, but woke up from slumber after DH has put a ring on it. I block them o if they refuse to stop giving me wahala, ha!
I dated my ex for 7 years all through uni and the years after we fought a lot disagreed a lot but it was love. I wished he did certain things like be less stingy with money and stop suspecting with every guy I said hello to I told him about all these he didn't change though he was always afraid to give me he's all he thought I would leave and marry someone else since he wasn't ready he always doubted me I wished he treated me better but I Love him dearly there was also too many girls around him as a cute guy with money some would call me up to insult me some will judge me all over campus and friends I got tired of the drama eventually. I met my husband and he gave me everything my ex didn't all I saw was a fresh start and I took it in a year we got married and I'm not ashamed to admit that I married my 20% all my husband gave was the 20% I didn't receive from my ex after we got married I knew he had a PHD in lying and not forgiving he's drama was worst than my ex, I found out he cheated on me for about 5months while we were dating and after we were married two months he started an affair with the ex he cheated on me with I found out all these when the affair was 8months old I was #teamNOsnoop I regret not sticking with my ex my husband is worse he pretends for Africa and will never forgive you. One of those episodes of finding out about my husband's infidelity I was so distraught I sought comfort by pinging my ex on whatsapp I expected him to gloat (I didn't tell him about the infidelity just that I was unhappy) like he's usual self but he broke drown he said he regretted losing me apologized for all I'm going through said it was he's fault if he had treated me better I would never have left. Since then we talk we chat we laugh when my hubby is out cheating I talk to him and it doesn't hurt so much anymore. He says he still loves me and if I ever left my husband he will come back to me in a heart beat he's changed so much I wish I had waited I wish I had snooped on my husband I wish I wasn't married right now. I believe everything we do God will always turn it around for our good maybe if I had to get married to make my ex change maybe we had to loose each other to appreciate each other. Just pouring out my heart ladies never give up your 80% for your 20% all that glitters is not gold I'm learning this lesson the very hard way
Delete@anno15:50,abeg show ur face,if u re half as beautiful as em jay,i will quit SDKB for u,u complain she is jobless,madam job wat re u doing here? Ogun kill u dia.
Delete@ kima. I red what you wrote is so touching. Sorry about that.
DeleteEm jay leave her she is simply jealous of you.her jealousy will ruin her. Check she is likely someone you know.
DeleteHmmmmmm, Kima. It is well. Also make sure your ex isn't just trying to take advantage of your unhappiness right now. Be careful but do what is best for you and what will make you happy. Life is too short. I wish you all the best........ Just Me
DeleteMrs Korks, I showed this link to a man in my office to read. He said only a married man can spend so much on a girl like her ex did. That she is not telling the whole truth! Which young man who has several women he can sleep with at his neck and call will go this length to pamper a lady? That is why she is angry she slept with him. She needs that kind of money again, that was why agreed to meet him and now having feelings for him again. He said, for her ex to be so confident she will come back to him, she must have told him somethings concerning her husband. I thought over what he said, and believe that this poster did not say all that transpired because she knows how Bvs will tear her about to know she was dating a married man.
DeleteKima so sorry about that. I feel ur pain and can understand what you're going through may God perfect ur marriage In Jesus name amen.
DeleteI'm reportin back frm hw it all went down yestrdy aftr i askd 4 assitanc on hw 2 let go of my gf of 5yrs +... sum1 mentiond HIV, wel i cldnt cause her such emotional & physical trauma, like i said shes nt a bad person, i wondr why my heart begun 2 withdraw frm her aftr 3yrs of datin, i evn spent 2yrs + fightn to rekindle our love, romantic dates, change of hairdo n clothes, scented candles durin sex, i evn tried sex witout condom cus they said the fluids creates sum sort of bond b/w u two, etc. So heaven knws i tried, evn if thr really wsnt any1 else, mayb its the "see finish syndrome". 4 those itchn to curse me undr ths coment, hv it in mind dat all r/shp wld nt lead to marriage, mayb im jst here blockn the way 4 her real husband, besides i dnt thnk i deserve her, i see myself cheatn on her if i marry her, & gvn her less attention, so im doin her a favour in a way. After readn all the comments frm yestrday, i summoned heineken courage oh, invited her over after work cus i needed2 be a man n look her in the eye, oboy, com see heartbeat na, to dump good gal no easy oh, i almost wished she ws a stupid bad gal, e for easy pass... As i open door 4her na, she jst welcome me with a hug (hey baby), i say Hi ure welcome with a str8 face, you seem dressed, are WE goin out? she said.... i replied in a low tone, No... na so she begin remove my tie oh, tie wey i no gree remove frm work, so id appear serious... she don begin de kiss me de undress me... i say shoo, ths gal de make thgs more difficult for me, chai... i first form headache, then i jst gather liver say "Kate, thrs sumthg iv been meaning to tell u" as she hear her real name which is unusual, she knw say butterfly don enter bush.... i first ask her "hv u been happy in dis r/shp? remember i cheated & i knw uhvnt 4gvn me! una see as i put am?... the babe reply "evry union has its ups & down but ive been happy!! choi, for my mind i say dis babe na die hard oh... as she see the vex i de form she ws forced to ask, hvnt u been happy? na their i say "No it hasnt been working for me, i dont knw wats wrong with me.... see her own reply na " Theres nothing God cannot handle"... na their i vex voice out o, I DONT THINK YOU're MY ORDAINED WIFE, ive prayed n tried to make it work but it didnt, she said wat do u mean by that statement? na their i say Its best we go our seperate ways, the right person for us is out there..... hmm, i jst felt like i dropped off dangote cement frm my head.
ReplyDeleteshe jst pause for a while, no word from her, i com de look her pulse if she de breathe well, her first line was.. who is she? i say i swear theres no woman in my life. women eh, see her first thought.... she started saying uv been deceivin me all these while, i gave u my body, my heart and years... uv been using me, bla bla bla, see tears evrywhr. women must talk about givin u their body, like its wood u gave them, before she left she said "You'd Regret This"... BVs i hope say no be swear be that oh... ive been sendn her txt msgs apologisin, since shes deleted me frm watsapp n BBM, na wa o.... *inhales oxygen* Abeg Stella wen be the nxt SnM? make i find my missing rib, cus i knw say she go see chykers sharp sharp.
I enjoyed reading ur super story ... U'll make it in nollywood. ...u r so creative ...
DeleteHmmm.,.u never loved her to begin with...girls at S & M be careful ooo ..many are mad but few are roaming ..
DeleteIf he can deceive his girlfriend for 5 years ...
Like seriously??? U re looking for anoda,are u sure u won't do same tin? I pity for her in advance.
Delete*****LONG LIVE SDK & SDKERS*****
Guy, give urself some break for now.
DeleteDon't just jump into d nxt available relationship, that is if u really want to settle down wt ur own future wife.
This gist is more interesting than the above chronicle.....
DeleteIt's so easy for you to move on abi? Don't be in a hurry to get into another relationship and I pray you find someone as good as she was to you or else you would regret it. It's not a curse but a fact.
DeleteThis gave me serious migraine.what's with the shorthand.
DeleteI'm sorry for u. U r such a loser. I hope u don't live to regret ur actions. Give urself a break and find out what exactly u want in life. U seem confused....
DeleteWhich movie is this?...
Girls should stop spending and playing wifely duties to their boyfriends....
Men worship hardened women like me...
Inukwa akuko...
Lol...ur funny...i can totally relate with your story...which i can do the same...
DeleteYou are a fool. See the cavalier way you are talking about her. Pray no one treats you this badly. #can'tdeal#
DeleteHilarious @ like its wood you gave to them.
DeleteU are a heartless, selfish, rotten son of a bitch!!! She's right, not only will u seriously regret this, u never deserved her love. GTFOH!!!! Imbecile
DeleteLmao @ this anonymous, enjoyed the gist
DeleteHey u sound like you are not remorseful. Do u think its easy to let go n move on esp jf u really loved someone. To her u were d love of her life but to you, she is not. Stop texting and apologising if u dont want her back. Just let her be n pray she doesnt mean any harm by that word cos hell hath no fury....... complete it. Anyway, You did the right thing by ending it insteaf of being unhappy in a relationship n probably end up making her very unhappy in future. When you pray ie if you do, pray for God to help her move on n find someone that deserves her since she is a good person.
DeleteMake she come inherit d curse wey dey do press up? Pls don't go and put any girl in trouble yet o until you fix your wahala. It's just an advice from a concerned women advocate.
DeleteGud!..better u broke up than leading her along
DeleteAnon 15:02!! Buzzz off!!
DeleteGuy u are a man a real one at dat, I know dat people will come here to insult u but u just save a soul and yourself too,,,,,,let her go with time she will get over it...
DeleteOponu aye @anon 15:02
DeleteIf all men were like u , na chronicles of hope we for dey read
DeleteI hate it when women say "I gave u my body"..
DeleteBiko,drop that pick up line,it's so annoying
Who asked u to sleep with a man?....what happened to !wait till u get married?
Men,let no woman cry crocodile tears for u.....if u want to leave her,leave her
But men,just know that,after using her and sleeping with her and making her abort for u,then u later broke up with her, God will judge u in one way or the other
Make everybody wise up now!!!!
Wow! Unbelievable! How can you make pancakes out of someone's grief, use her tears for syrup and still find humour in it? Really? You use the tale of a broken heart to test the prolificacy of your ability to write short tragic stories? Com'on man! Have a heart. It doesn't get more distasteful than this.
DeleteIf you feel nothing letting go of a lady that had been part of your life for 5 years, even if she were a side chic, then there's something fundamentally askew in your psyche. I'm sorry but whatever humour you sought to deliver was lost in bewilderment! You don't play poker with a person's emotions, the stakes are always too high. True, you shouldn't date anyone out of pity but you owe them a dignified farewell. Respect whatever she feels/felt for you even if you don't feel the same. Sad but lucky her, she just dodged a canon from a rocket launcher!
As for you, you've set a cause in action, certainly you will get the effects of your actions.‎
Mtcheew! I'm glad that you ended the relationship because you don't deserve her. From the way you spoke to her, I can guess that the problem in your relationship was sex. Maybe that's why you don't feel endeared to her. She's not your soul mate because you've tasted different women and you think the grass is greener on the other side . Anyway, I hope she moves on ASAP and I'm also glad that women are reading this . Now we know how mean men are and how quickly they could throw away a good thing for no good reason ! Even if you weren't happy in your relationship, you could have ended it in a more mature way. I wish you good luck in your next relationship and I hope the woman you fall in love with doesn't do the same to you.
DeleteU r just an oponu! Lmao....i laff fall frm chair. .Wat is wrong with u? Nawa ooo...oya Stella biko help am post SNM...hahahahahahaha.
DeleteSee epistle,i enjoyed reading it tho.
But y wait for 5yrs? Is total wickedness naa
You did the right thing.
DeleteShe'll get over you.
Bros abeg, come and take em jay. We are begging you,she needs a life.
DeleteRonalda honey! You have been missed ! E-hugs! Don't mind this fake ass- wannabe-playboy!
Delete@precious ibik, lol u should have asked if he knows the phrase not to talk of completing it.
DeleteLol, you are obviously a small boy. See the way you type sef. I doubt this story sef, sounds more like what you wish you can do.
DeleteYou did the right thing plz. Hypocrites!!! she should av closed her legs nau. Stop judging wrongly biko. A broken relationship is better all know the last words. She will get over you and move on. And yes, it will come to a point where u'll miss her too. Simple!!! Judgemental pricks!!! Dude move on as soon as possible if you can. It's your life.
DeletePlease peeps should stop cussing him out. Not every relationship ends up in marriage. We all have broken off relationships spanning to 6 years or more. It is not by force to love somebody. Or you want her to send chronicle later in years? He did the right thing IMO. Ladies should stop doing wifey duties for men, and spending your money on them. They both enjoyed the sex, ladies should be having two boyfriends.
DeleteOnuku, see how light and hilarious you made a serious issue. Hope your next gf na proper domitilla. Ewu Asaba.
DeleteOK. Let me read comments like em Jay first of all.
ReplyDeleteU were among those pple insulting her,now u wanna read comments like her? U re a very big FOOL
DeletePoster it's obvious you r still in love wit ur ex!
DeleteWhat's the purpose of this long tori?
ReplyDeleteShe's asking for a go ahead order to fuck her ex
DeleteMy anger is why subject to read such long epistle
Poster take time
My sister that was the first thought I had I until I saw her last paragraph....
DeleteShift for me small make I perch while we wait for the response she seeks...
Still waiting 4 2days chronicles.
DeletePoster behave yourself! As a married woman you have no reason keeping ties with a randy ex. Fear God and face your marriage
DeleteD narrative no get head or tail......long hissssss
DeleteAmmie, you are wicked gan! Lololol. So true!
Hian no comment. Over to the married committee.
ReplyDeletePoster cut off all communications with him. In short bind him in the name of Jesus, if not sorry go be your case.
ReplyDeletei dont know why ladies will still be keeping on their exes even after marraige. dont go and look for trouble. Ex is an ex. he is past tense. stay with your future tense that is your husband.
ReplyDeleteWhich kain story is this...
Am sure you really want to fuck him...go ahead biko so your pussy will rest...
You won't be the first and you won't be the last either...
Linda! Lol I don tire for ur matter
Delete@The Queen. Lol@which kind story be this.
DeleteMaybe her husband is very lazy in bed. She is missing the wonderful good old days.
Madam Poster, just go and give your toto to this your first love to fuck once more. Make it weekend ie 3 days non stop action. Let him totally exhaust you with sex. After that remove your mind from him for ever.
Make sure you use condom.
Fortunately for me,i ended up marrying d first man i ever loved and crushed on way back in secondary school..He was my first boyfriend..I wouldve still shagged him in future had it been i married someone else..I was just obsessed with him like dat..He is an adonis..Tall,huge,handsome,muscular,big d**k..he is a total package..I love him dangerously..#SideEye@sidechics..
DeleteDon't mind this poster o. And she began by saying "here is a short story" useless epistle.
DeleteNnem Inukwa Akuko!!
DeleteAs in eeh....I just tire
Chizoba very funny ...u already casted ur hubby .. We know he's got an average sized tool .
DeleteWhen u talked about some guy being the biggest Dick u have had . So pls save all that story for blog newbies
Chizoba, fear God o
DeleteChizzy babe, but you said your ex that was kidnapped, shot and later died, was your love. How come your DH is all and all now? Lololol
DeleteLizzy, werey. Lololol. On point.
I don't know if someone you went to JAMB lessons with,didn't fuck but kissed qualifies as an ex
DeleteYour matter is not really serious. Just keep everything that would make you think of him far away from u, that would work, never go to see him any day, before he gets what to black mail u with, cut all contacts with him.
ReplyDeleteExactly all these ex forming sympathiser hmmm, forget them
DeletePoster, go and sit down. You are married for Christ sake. Abi your toto dey scratch you? Abi your husband dey weak in bed?
ReplyDeleteWhat exactly is your problem?
Her problem is that she wants to f**k her ex again
DeleteAsk her, money making machine. Trouble de sleep, yanga go wake am up.mschew.
DeleteHmmm, is this why i cant really get over my first love? issorait.
ReplyDeleteJust as u ve cut all ties with him,let it remain so,frm wat I see if dat player of an ex really mean u,u gho fall yakata,so u ve to be strong in prayer too,as u said he might also be using jazz,so swerry bring it to God in prayer,he has and will never fail,there is nothing to small/big for him to do.
ReplyDelete********LONG LIVE SDK & SDKERS*******
Each time I read ur comment I feel I've lost xtra 10mb, ure the cancer in this blog..... Pray ur IQ is fixed as sum1 once told u.
DeleteHhahhaahhhhAhahaahhahhahhahahhahhahahhhahhahHhahhahahahahhahahhhahahhahaahhahHahhaahhahahhahaahhaahhahahahHHHhaHHhahaahahahhaahhahahahahahahaahhahahahaHa BOY!!!!!!!!!!!! @SHB. Anon15:58 u killedme
DeleteAbeg Abeg Stella, I disagree with u oooo,.i forgot my first love in a twinkle of an eye,mere remembering him now irritates me,he was good to me no doubt but since we broke up, I just wonder what I saw in him, abeg abeg,first love koo first love ni,..last love is the best
ReplyDeleteLmao u were to naive to realize u could get better ..
DeleteNnukwuwanyyi chop. Knuckle jare!
DeleteAm with u, I don't even remember exes in that manner
DeleteThank you my dear, all these first love thing is highly overrated. Seeing him now merely irritates me abeg. Forgot mine immediately it was called quits after 2-3yrs. Ended up wondering what I saw in him. Mtcheeew!
DeleteHighly overrated! Women who are obsessed with their fist bus are the ones who haven't found someone better than him. Why would I be sprung if the new man is way better than the previous ? The main reason why you remember him is because he may have been the first person you slept with and nothing else . First love kor first love ni!
DeleteWhich kind exes, don't remember any. God saved d the best 4 last!!!*shineteeth*
DeleteMy 1st is d worse tin dat ever happened 2 my pussy I swear down. Infact d day he tried dis "let's come bk" ish I didn't hesitate 2 bring his morale 2 d lowest level.
DeleteFirst love no deh sometimes be first to shine Congo.. GET IT!!
E tire me! First love this! Closure that! Only women that are talking like this! Men don't say this.
DeleteWatin dey hungry u no dey Market sha
ReplyDeleteBlue girl, still waiting for your contacts.
DeleteMe too, waiting for contact as well.
DeleteLololol bad girl, blue girl.
DeleteJust as your mother earlier said, men are bad news but the man she is referring to is Your EX. .
ReplyDeleteHE IS BAD NEWS,YOU JUST NEED TO STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM,,if he didn't see you worthy enough to stop his escapades and wife you,why bother having or thinking about him.
Show him,you are not weak ,don't run to his open hands.
Commenting with my other phone n old I.D
Good thing you cut all ties... Some men tho! If dey smooth talk you,you go jell like fish...
ReplyDeleteI so can relate.
Just as your mother earlier said, men are bad news but the man she is referring to is Your EX. .
ReplyDeleteHE IS BAD NEWS,YOU JUST NEED TO STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM,,if he didn't see you worthy enough to stop his escapades and wife you,why bother having or thinking about him.
Show him,you are not weak ,don't run to his open hands.
Commenting with my other phone n old I.D
Just as your mother earlier said, men are bad news but the man she is referring to is Your EX. .
ReplyDeleteHE IS BAD NEWS,YOU JUST NEED TO STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM,,if he didn't see you worthy enough to stop his escapades and wife you,why bother having or thinking about him.
Show him,you are not weak ,don't run to his open hands.
Commenting with my other phone n old I.D
First loves are hard to forget just but madam u were wrong going to see him but pple will say individual difference, as far u are married you've got no reason going to see him, that's the main reason ustill think of him,plz cast that thought away. No married woman in d house with sure experience. Leave the experience for we the single ones
ReplyDeleteSpeak for urself o. Ive forgotten my first love tay tay. In fact i think that first love issue is over rated. Ive enjoyed better than him. He was sweet at that time but thank God i had other experiences joo
DeleteOh boy yeeeeee
ReplyDeleteSee all the trouble, time and money spent for just kpangolo pussy. The guy try sha. see stress
Also, as men, it is just normal that we would have an ex or two that we cant really leave, and we would want to communicate constantly with from time to time. This affects our own families. Most of us marry out of convenience... as per we marry a decent lady that is God-fearing and may not necessarily be too hawt or have bomb pussy.
As a result of this, we still lack that special filling a special ex could give... and even if she is married, we wait and play ludo till that pussy strays to our path. And when it isnt ours, the sex is sweeter. But then again, some men are just decent and this doesnt describe them. I think women have a fractional version of a feeling like this, even if not to this extent.
Women like bad guys sha. Decent men are just plain boring. They want a mix of bad, but not so bad. The greatest victims are the mumu husbands. Most of them think say them get decent wife for house, but them no know say their toto dey boil dey think of another person. It is just quite unfortunate. As a man, you need to be sharp and observe your wife well. But we can only see as much as we are lucky enough to. One parable for my place say "pastor wey dey see vision for other people, no go see vision for himself when e wife climb another prick"...... women could be dangerous.
Poster, greet your husband for me oh. Your toto dey cook, e no know.
What a parable.
DeleteThe hype has gotten to your head so much you keep saying shit thinking it's the bomb.
DeleteI love u. I love ur comments. Wanna meet up n pick ur brain! U so..... hahahhah
DeleteLol please ... Honestly I always look forward to your long comments.
DeleteYeye guy Choi!
Nice1 please keep d comments coming......I look forward to it.
DeletePlease be my friend! I want to fuck you
DeleteLols @ pangolo pussy. U are just too funny.
DeleteI always like your comments. Bitter but true.
DeleteFunny as it seems, I actually like reading your comments... no filter... fresh male perspective
DeleteNawa oooh
ReplyDeleteSo y did you send dis. When you don't need an advise.
Why are you finding it difficult to let go of a casnovan,a womaniser and a manipulator???
Is his thing bigger n more reliable than DH own?
Pls move on n face your family.
E tire me portable. She either wants money or sex from him. She left because he is a liar and womaniser, but still went back to visit him, hugged him, discussed with him. Because her DH is lacking in something she wants. The ex knows, that is why he is very confident she will come back to him. Nothing like jazz. I don't believe in that!
DeleteFrankly, I don't get the purpose of this narrative. Was I meant to learn a lesson... which I missed? Give an advice... I'm not sure of? Or just enjoy a story???
ReplyDeleteWell, maybe I don't get it because I never think about an Ex... any of the Exes. Why think of them? They're in the past and there's a reason they're now Exes... they must have done something to earn that title, so why forget that 'sin or crime' and go all dewy-eyed and butterfly-tummy because he is 'Le Ex'???
I guess something must be 'cold' about me because I also have no comprehension whatsoever about the concept of 'First love'... Like what exactly is that? Your first sexual partner? First man you 'perceived' yourself in love with? What is so special about this person that in-the-present, doing-his-very-best partner cannot beat???
Does it ever apply to guys?
SMH... abeg una sorry o... but I seriously don't get someone hurting me and I have to remember something fond about him because he's a male... whoosai!
DeleteMy dear thanks i thot its only me that felt this first love issue is over rated. I have absolutely no special feeling for my first love. We still talk once in a while but thats it. Hes married and im married so its just general gist
DeleteThank God you didn't have a child for him. My dear pls try n delete him off your memory I know its hard,with God all things are possible.
ReplyDeleteBabe to make it easy for u ehn, just divorce ur husband n go be with ur EX. Those days If I jam an ex, I pretend not to know him even if u where d world to me..yes I move on easily..too easy that I was termed a chameleon. Dunno y some women choose to be clingy, are. u ISHITA in married again?
ReplyDeleteI can relate with this. Most exes think "once de'be is always de'be. When you've decided to let go off an ex, let it go naturally, don't fight the urge to be with him/her, it won't work. Replace the urge with doing important things, watch a movie (not romantic), hang out with friends, go to the beach, make a new friend who is lively (don't be intimate), just try and get busy, Above all, pray also that God holds you down.
ReplyDeleteJesus is Lord.
Dear poster let evry Ex remain EX.... Enjoy ur marriage n stop looking bak @ wot u feel ui r missing. Evry r\ship must nt end up in marriage. Evryman can't play d role of "Jesus" in d lives of evry lady dey meet, some are meant t b "John d baptist"--- they prepare d way f d messiah t com and occupy... Its well wt u!
ReplyDeleteBv with the amebo gist of quitting your babe, i swear down u deserve the 5k, this ur gist just sweet ehn. U can really gist. Lol. But you need to pray sha say d babe no use otumorkpo follow u for breaking her heart o. Its true ,not every relationship dey lead to marriage, but u for gather liver let her go back then when you decided not to wife her sha. May u both find ur missing heart beats...
ReplyDeleteYou still have a soft spot for him. Please you are married. Forget your past, it's dead and gone. There is a reason he is an Ex!
I do have an ex I still think about,I always wonder what could have been,infact he's actually the only man I've ever really loved with my whole heart and still love.I didn't marry him because I love him too much and he's the only man that can hurt but despite all the love I have for him,I cut all ties with him,I don't talk to him,we do have each others contacts though but I keep my distance,we only just wish each other happy birthdays by text only.well I decided to marry a man I don't love but loves me dearly instead, works for me,I have a very happy home,my marriage is peaceful, my Dh is great and doesn't give me any cause to regret being with him,he loves me too much,am blessed.
ReplyDeleteBe carefull if not your Ex will sleep with you
You are a married woman now,face your marriage
Poster this your story get as e be o. Abeg your husband get money? Are you sure you aren't driven by lust and financial benefits? Go on your knees and beg God to intervene.
ReplyDeletePoint on boss lady! She wants something her ex has. M-o-n-e-y! Her DH is not spoiling her silly like her ex. He knows! He certainly knows! Mschewww
DeleteAnon 15:02 .. you be funny guy kai, see as i laugh. you want to go and do another s&m, i hope no be there you see this your first babe. You better relax and no let the curse follow you. Better start going to church ooo before that your babe naked inside her room and put curse on you wey go follow you.
ReplyDeleteyou want to run to S&M then you start deceiving our girls there. take time ooo. at least you don throw away the dangote cement from your head.
Another married hoe. I pity men this days because a lot of girls go into marriages with their ex as side guys.
ReplyDeleteAbeg shift!!! Miss truth kor, miss truth ni
DeleteMen do same. Why call her a ho? Miss truth.
DeleteSDK blog and plenty eye service.
ReplyDelete1. A guy that paid for ur uni education deserves a medal.
2. Not everyone is meant for the long haul. Enjoy the moment and relish the memory. He has a weakness for women so does my dad but is he a bad man? NOPE.
3. If u met him again and shagged him its not bad. You loved him. Men do it all the time and the sun doesnt have an eclipse. Can u keep it to urself and not feel guilty and also have the clinical dicsipline to realise its just sex and it shouldnt be repeated? Coz us women can just be yeye emotional wey no make sense. Thats what matters.
Lolz. Si eba puo with your horrible advice
DeleteAs simple as anything
DeleteHe deserves a gold medal. She is regretting sleeping with him? Yimu.
DeleteI will simply advise you to TOTALLY severe all ties with him. You're feeling that way bc you're bored in your marriage, and the thrilling memories you had with him all flooded back after you re-established contacts with him. If he never contacted you, you won't be feeling this way about him. Please, tell him never to mail you again, else you'll end up committing adultery and ruining your marriage. I don't know why women love smooth talkers so much
ReplyDeleteMy first love, i will never forget him. I ws young naive, stupid and so in love. In the mumu lovestruck mood, i got pregnant. We were stupid and so in love but we were glad to have each other, i was 18 and he 20. We lost the child. That pain opened my eyes to so many things. I had to break the relationship because it would lead to both our destruction.
I can't explain such love. I am married to a man i love, but your first true love will always be in your heart. That kind of love that takes your breath when he walks in, that kind of love that you will do anything for. You know what happen to that kind of love, you never marry them. They teach you and mould you.
We are still friends, infact, he is on my bbm, we chat once in like 2 months, stalk each others dp but i know that kind of love was beautiful to experience and share. You just have to be resolute in ensuring that you move on. It took me 6 years. We stayed away from each other. I ran away instead. Dear poster, i agree it is a slow process, a few tears here and there a few wish you were better and we'll be together. But in the long run, you'll be glad you walked away.
DeleteBut whoa the dude really tried for you o many rich bf's ( not aristo ) would spend so much to the extent of Paying MSC & accommodation fees ranging into millions of naira.
ReplyDeleteYou should be grateful to him , for giving u the life you are enjoying now .your gratitude should end there .
Yes sex with him would be ahhhmazing ...because he is an experienced lover ..his kind usually are .but trust me , you would be hooked all over again . He always had power over you, this time it would be worse. The sex would bind you to him forever ..
This reminds me of that babe that dated lil Wayne and could never let him go . Before she enters any relationship, she tells them she is tied to lil Wayne . And he could call her anytime and she would go to f* him. She would be asleep with her bf and Wayne would call her and she would dress up and go meet him and f* him . Worse thing is she's not getting paid for it ...its worse than groupie love ..this has gone on now for 10years . She's rumored to be Wayne's longest fling .
So be careful poster, some men have Bomb D*, if u enter, to come out would be war oo! u mean toya?
DeleteDon't mind her! If she makes the mistake of going back to him, he will screw her brains out and dump her!
DeleteMadam tie your legs before you start behaving like some shameless married how's on this blog.
ReplyDeleteMadam forget him. Do you wanna go back to your vomit?
ReplyDeleteFocus on your marriage and pray. What would you gain if you had sex with him? NOTHING
I dnt agree with you when you said you regretted sleeping with him ,the guy never bothered you and if you still hesitated ,he would have likely still oblige. The bitter truth is“ babe you compensated his feelings, help and affections towards you,dnt be shy to say it we understand. GBAM
ReplyDeleteLmao...My Real G,i have so missed you bad ass nigga!
ReplyDeleteStupid Ho
ReplyDeleteI hope you choke on a dick
You women only want money
This is why we men can always get the pussy whenever we want
God bless all the women that fall for men for reasons other than money
For the rest of y'all, choke on a dick ho(s)
Don't mind her! Money is the attractive force to him! If he was a broke ass nigga, will she even remember his name? Rubbish!
DeleteIs there anything as first love? I really cannot remember who the hell was my 'first love'
ReplyDeleteWhen it's over, it is over!
I only remember my ex that made me a woman once in a decade. Yes,i am that rigid.
Chi I don fear you!!
DeleteYou rigid Chic exoctic? I hear! Have you stopped sleeping with PA Nduka? Liar and hypocrite!
DeleteI dated my ex for more than 8years before I got married... Til today wen I look at his pics I wonder wat I was doing with him all those years... Did I add dat he was my first love from way back secondary school... Mtcheew... Am
ReplyDeleteso in love with my husband... Last love rocks biko
Ooooooooooh my...!
ReplyDelete@ anon 15:02 why won't u leave her after u av swum all through d ocean of her life
We all know u *greedy gut*
@ d poster pls make sure u disconnect all d links btw u and pray very well
Poster, U are just joking with your marriage. this is a case of yanga dey sleep trouble come wake am..u better stop all communications with your EX and let ur past be in your past!face your marriage...because na from class dey dey take enter dance, tomorrow u will be blaming the devil.
ReplyDeleteAnon 15:02, you are a very heartless goat. Yes, I called you goat. Any sane man knows if he would marry the woman in no time. Yet, you wasted 5 years of her life and you come here asking Stella when the new S & M will take place. You never see anything. You will so regret it that you won't know what hit you. You've never seen curses abi? He goat like you. It's men like you who make women go to any length in destroying a man.
ReplyDeleteYou can see I am using my ID, I won't go under anonymous for a goat like you. Mind today's date down , that lady will get married to a king and you, he goat, I pity the unlucky woman who would settle down with you.
I'm so pissed.
He's just a fool! And the most annoying part is that he isn't remorseful. See what see - finish has caused . I bet you , by the time he dates different girls who do not have her qualities he'll go back to beg her .I just hope she releases the dogs on his useless ass.
DeleteAnon 15:02, you are a very heartless goat. Yes, I called you goat. Any sane man knows if he would marry the woman in no time. Yet, you wasted 5 years of her life and you come here asking Stella when the new S & M will take place. You never see anything. You will so regret it that you won't know what hit you. You've never seen curses abi? He goat like you. It's men like you who make women go to any length in destroying a man.
ReplyDeleteYou can see I am using my ID, I won't go under anonymous for a goat like you. Mind today's date down , that lady will get married to a king and you, he goat, I pity the unlucky woman who would settle down with you.
I'm so pissed.
Exactly my thought. Anon 15.02,pls run to MFM for deliverance fast fast.
Deleteif i hear say i remember my first boyfriend. he literally irritates d hell out of me. i look back and say" What the hell was i thinking.
ReplyDeleteCan you please connect him to me. I am in maryland and won't mind hooking up.
DeleteXyz.erotica at g mail dot com
Who are these women? Cos I'm totally different, I'm an expert at letting go, it doesn't take me time at all to move on, problem is once I do, I totally forget abt you, if something or someone brings you to mind , I find myself berating myself , wondering what I even saw in you
ReplyDelete..I struggle to understand what people want with exes... As in, I'm not even interested in any stupid private meet up not to mention hugging u tight....yak anam so😱...anyways, just seeing me you'll know I'm content
If you were a good guy and I'm in a super nice mood the day we accidentally meet, I could say hello and chat a bit but sincerely I have no desire to have you back in communication with me ...
That's how my very first proper bf (we were together 5 years, broke up and I moved on so fast I surprised myself, I had thought I was gonna be heartbroken and lonely for months but that was when I learnt that I have the capacity to meal quickly and move on) sent me a fb friend's in the archives somewhere for more than 2 years now, no response. I'm deliriously happy with my hubby and I'm content with him, God has blessed us with beautiful, highly intelligent kids and frankly, I feel nothing for any of my exes...
High 5 dear! We're so much alike. Ex who? Mtcheew! I have no business with my exes. My life is a moving train.....forward ever....
DeleteChaaaaaiii...u r my twin...chop sloppy kiss..hehehehee..
DeleteI hate clingy women! First love my yansh!
Chop five jare!
DeleteForward ever, backward never!
First gini? Odiegwu!
Did I even like him? Useless church rat!
I would have regretted my life, If I had married someone lesser, as it is today, no regrets....the useless ex does not and will never measure to my DH.
First love ko, second love ni....If I hear....
Likewise I! Clingy women my sweet a$$! or money are the two factors making people go back to their ex!
DeletePoster, you have to let go and forget about this guy. Cut all ties with him and change your email if needs to, the feelings will eventually die down. You also need to warn people that both of you are friends with when you were together not to pass any information about you to him.
ReplyDeleteAnd please do yourself a favour by selling most or all he bought for you that stand as a reminder.
He's your first love? You r making progress my dear. Just cut off all communication with him like u've done. D idiot is married o coz I don't think he has been single all this while or probably av a baby mama(s).
ReplyDeleteOld things have passed away. I don't have any business with any ex abeg
ReplyDeleteMy first love...hmmm. I was 15 yrs he was 24 yrs from a wealthy home. He was formerly dating my seat mate in secondary school then he dumped her and came after me. I got all sorta nammes like bf snatcher in school(lol). This guy was handsome,rich and a prodigal son and I was a naive ss3 student. He begged me for months on end to date him,knelt down in public,took me shopping,gave me gifts...then I finally accepted when the sweet embarrassment was just too much. I had finished high school when he decided it was time to open the cookie jar... ooh my! it hurt like a son of a bitch. He used all sorts to lubricate me down there but his koko was not entering...I was sweating like mad in the dingy hole he took me to...finally after 3days of trying and sweating...taadaa!!!! it slipped inside. It hurt me so bad. Then I started looking around the bed for the "blood" that was supposed to come out,i no see blood,my cunt was still hurting. Our relationship was off and on due to his chronic womanizing. Then one morning he came under the rain to see me and told me "let's run away"..."let's take a blood oath" my gosh! I look back now and thank my stars I dint do shii with him. Sometimes I still rem the past with him but can neva go back to him. Its like going back to lick my vomit.
ReplyDelete...So what's the moral of my story??
I'll be back!
Madam poster is neither here nor there on this matter. But i can decipher that you have a very strong thing with your ex and letting go seems impossible to u. Forget all this stories you are reeling out here, you have feelings more for him than your husband and of that guy mean you, you will open your legs severally for him again. STAY CLEAR! "He met you, he liked you. He wanted you, he chased you. He got you, he left you. #quote #love #boyfriend #heartbroken. That's the way life goes.. Talk about guys who are jerks, who come back in your life and win you again; Then it starts over. Waste of time. Pray, move on!
ReplyDeleteNa so I do for my first ooo , he recently last year, got my contact from a mutual friend called me, we spoke normal ooo, i couldnt tell DH. Na to establish contact be that. Later he started calling ooo, i NEVER PICKED. E even add me for FB, I block am oooo.
He is also married, infact, he married before me. One day he called with another number, i didnt know so I picked, he asked why I have been avoiding his call. I had to tell him that we do not need this communication, am married and so is he. Thank God he stopped, I no wan know weda na just friend ship him dey find, na so e take dey start. the devil is TERRIBLE. I dont want to live to tell a story of cheating on DH and betraying GOD. Abeg.
Run dear poster! Any womanizer doesn't worth ur one minute headache. Just face ur marriage. I know ur problem, u are missing all d trips, shopping, nice things etc. Keep ur long throat one place.
ReplyDeleteI have 2 Exs but like hell I don't think about any1 one of them,well probably because I didn't sleep with any of them,because they say a woman gets attached to the men she slept with especially her first..They were all very nice to me (probably becos they wntd a piece of the pie hehehe)but my hubby is wayyyy better than them,he treats me like a queen so there's no need to think of any1 but him. Look I think is the devil that is seriously pushing u, m glad u watch TEMPTATION because that's how most of the stories end, u have control over your thoughts, u can't stop the thought from coming but u can stop it from lingering on in ur head.STAY AWAY FROM THAT BAD NEWS OF AN EX.
ReplyDeleteNobody talks to their ex now abi? Then who sends all those chronicles of how they fell and accidentally landed on their ex's dick? This blog is full of liars and bloody hypocrites! Either they are teying to be angels or trying to be too badass. Nobody is real! Rubbish!
ReplyDeleteSame thing on my mind. Fake people every where.
DeleteLololol bvz goes with the flow. If it is about virgin, every lady becomes a e-virgin. If is about sugar daddies, every lady has one! Lololol.
DeleteNot every woman is emotionally attached to her ex. Some relationships ended so badly that both parties want nothing to do with each other . Someone women are clingy either .It's not hypocrisy when you want nothing to do with an ex. Most people go back to their exes because of sex and money .
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSevere every line of communication with him.
ReplyDeleteBaby d way ur sound is like ur still in luv wit ur ex.side eyes
ReplyDeleteFor all those cursing her and others out, please be careful. Be vigilant that something much worse does not visit you. What happened to compassion? What happened to I don't understand any of this, but I hope it all works out in the end for you? What happened to I know what it feels like to want something I know is not good for me? Na wa o.
ReplyDeleteLet him who is without sin cast the first stone.
Tell em
DeleteWelcome poster. You have cussed out others here also. Suck it up and take corrections!
DeleteWat exactly is d story here sorry?
ReplyDeleteJust be strong n keep up the good work ur doing by cutting off all relationship with him.who knows the std he wan give you when he's ready. DON'T FALL.
ReplyDeleteI think we fantasize over what we lost oorleft when we aren't satisfied with what we've got. If hubby is the most wonderful man on d planet and l wake up everyday with smiles on my face, why would l hunger for the company of lost or forgotten love. Imposicant!
ReplyDeleteFunny how suddenly everyone is a badass on ex matter like they dont have feelings hian! Everyone has a first love either u cling or not. The same pple who come here to cuss pple out do worse in in their lives. Shior.
ReplyDeletePoster pls if u were single I would say enjoy ur ex but since u married n ur hubby has bn good to u and not that u dont love him pls ignore ur ex,he has done his part in ur life and its ok if u still have affection for him but pls get on with ur hubby.. if eventually u single again then u guys can do whatever u want.
And who knows ur hubby might have one ex hes disturbing too.
The world we live in.
If you wanna do him,do this instead.
ReplyDeleteBut let me give you a solution,while having sex with oga,pretend it's with your ex. You will have great orgasms.
Again,while doing it,don't mention names,use generic names like baby,sweetie,my snoop doggy dogg,My heart,my tiger,my ATM,Authentic etc
My ex just gat married, I think of him at times but I'm sure il get someone better +i believe in sanctity of marriage! No going back!
ReplyDeletePoster i advise u to sleep with ur ex. Maybe u will purge ur system of him. But dont blame me for any repercussions o
ReplyDeleteYa'll just fake! All of a suden everyone does not talk to their ex. It's just the Internet. Be yourself it is cheaper. There no point posting contradictory comments on different chronicles. I am tempted to do a call our with evidence but I hope u find peace.