Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative.


Sunday, July 26, 2015

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative.



Good morning Stella,
My name is Harry,I am 32 years, a graduate for almost 5years but unemployed. I am based in Lagos but from Delta State.
The essence of this mail to you is to seek the advice of BVs concerning my relationship. I have a girlfriend whom I love with everything there is to love a woman. She is my perfect kind of woman. We have been dating for 6years now.

 While she is gainfully employed, I am still searching for job ever since I graduated. I am not a lazy guy but the job ain't coming.
It wasn't my intention to still be single at 32, my plan was to settle at 28years if everything went the way I planned it from secondary school, but as at 28years, I was just graduating from the university as some things came up along the line that disrupted my plans, yet I didn't give up but still kept another plan of settling down at 32, but still, here I am with no job at 32.

I am from a morally upright family who believes in good values, and with parents always reminding me of the dangers of being desperate, involving myself with dirty schemes to get money and so for this reason my parents still assist me financially, even though I don't like to take from them, but they understand the country's situation and encourage me not to reject their assistance. Though it hurts to still see them give me, but I have no choice than to accept their assistance.I Am grateful to God.

Now, my girlfriend and I used to be an item as we would talk and chat on social media. And whenever she closed from work, she would call me first before reaching her home or immediately she gets home. 

A month ago, I discovered that all these are changing. Two weeks ago, she came to visit me but while in my house (my family home) she was talking on phone with a guy for almost 20mins. I didn't say anything. I also discovered that she has been chatting with this same guy on whatsapp and sometimes they chat till 00.00hrs , and this is a lady who says she hates typing for long, But the chat with this male friend is becoming intense. 

I am not the type that confronts my partner because I would end up feeling like I am jealous or less of a man, I am not the jealous type but I don't feel alright with her recent change of behavior as communication between us has dropped to the extent that some days we don't talk at all on phone, moreover it makes me feel bad, probably because I don't have a job yet.

Now, I want to seek the advice of fellow BVs what to do. Do I call off this affair or what? She is 30years and I know age isn't on her side and I am putting much effort to secure a job so I can legalize our union.

 Her friends and colleagues are also pressurizing her and asking her when is her wedding taking place, so for these and other reasons, she becoming desperate for marriage ( though i don't blame her, she is a woman). My family knows her and everyone likes her. She has no problem with my family. 

I have been with only her ever since I started dating and have never cheated. She has been getting ''toasting'' from other men, and somehow I feel I am the obstacle in her life. She is a classy lady so the admirations from men is high. Also, she is always reminding me of the fact that she is getting old. I feel she has gotten another guy and she is weighing the options, I don't want to be an option to someone.

So, BVs, abeg make una give me advice.

Harry have you tried talking to her?you already have an inferiority complex becos of your jobless state so its possible that its confusing you to read meanings into thing.Have a heart to heart talk with her so that you will know the next step to talk.You sound like a really really good man and i pray that she doesnt break your heart.
I feel so bad for you.I imagined you crying as you were typing this sef...
Sit her down and have a heart to heart and let her go if that is what she wants.

The Narrative folder is empty,please send in your narratives if you have any!


  1. Make I sit down read comments.

    ********LONG LIVE SDK & SDKERS*******

    1. Hmmmm.story of my life.i actually married a broke guy.but he is a hustler and I knew he wld make it,so I did not mind.hes dad helped him foot our wedding bills. But just after a year of marraige,doors began to open for him.infact I can't thank God enough!! No regrets.

    2. Harry have you even thought about giving the relationship a break and see if things will work out for u? Am not saying she's behind ur problems but...hey!...

    3. I have a feeling the girl in question would write in soon. Dude, if she doesn't want anymore, she wouldn't still be coming around you. And if she's really your girl, like your very girl, then you need to tell us what hints she has given you because you guys need to be talking and must have been talking about the future. If you haven't, then bro, you got no hold on her. Michael

  2. Chai umemployment can sometimes render one useless.

    1. Dear poster ,you dont have a problem stop creating one ,bible say cut your coat according to your size ,you dont have a job ,you are 32 ,she has a job she is 30 ,you have dated her for 6 years ,yet no hope for job ,and you want her to wait for another 6 years then she will be 36 ,you forming you have not cheated because you are a broke ass ,wait until you touch money ,abeg if you love her ,free her let her find her path.

    2. Where in the bible please did you get this quote , it is well.
      Poster have a talk with her don't act base on assumption then this will help you take right decision.

  3. Stella is very correct on dis issh,guy talk to ur babe,and stop assuming joor.

    ********LONG LIVE SDK & SDKERS*******

  4. Harry, I'm sorry about your plight.
    At 30, she may be inclined to try someone else since your relationship seems to be at a standstill.
    Please have that conversation with her and respect whatever her decision is afterwards.
    This is tough.*sigh*

  5. You have not cheated on her because you dont have a job and you are always broke...
    You are claiming humble now because you don't have anything to offer...

    Thank God she is not putting all her eggs in one basket babe..

    Go and make money and leave the babe alone make she see road find better man to marry...

    1. Why do some women talk like this

    2. I said it that Linda will finish dude today

    3. 1 trillion likes *hug* *hug*

    4. She's saying the truth and nothing but d truth.

    5. I partially agree to this: NEVER TRUST THE HUMILITY OF A POOR PERSON.

      Poster I understand ur plight and how frustrating it is without a job and broke. But then again u have to consider d woman too, shes got dreams n hopes too like u did.

      Love isn't enough, we have to look beyond love and face reality. If she u leave her doesn't mean she will fall for a player n end up miserable, she might turn out happy without u.. same goes for u u might end up being happy later in life.

      Sit her down and talk to her, if shes still down or not, if she's seeing someone else then let her go and u buckle up and move with ur life to make it better.
      Stop wallowing in self pity and low esteem.

    6. Common sense ain't common

  6. eyaaaaa

    As a young man of that age in Nigeria, if u have no money, no job, then you have no life, automatically.

    And the more time goes, the worse it becomes because your CV would be having serious spaces in years.

    Your girl needs to settle down as the NIgerian society requires. So men with the money (LIFE) are ready to take her from you.

    You dont need to struggle to keep her. If you truly love her, u will let her go and be happy. That is true love. You must not possess something to love it.

    The truth is, marriage can never even produce true love... only conditional love. for example, if a spouse cheats, na wahala.... and so on. All conditions... Now, here is your chance to exhibit true love.

    There is more to life than all these things.

    If you have a loving family, mad friends and some food to eat, you should be ok.

    Men, i need pussy today oh. Threesome preferrbly..... *scrolls thru contacts*


    1. U did d pussy talk yesterday and everyone ignored you....eyaa so u crave for attention like this. I pity your shallow life since you rely on attention and pussy for happiness. Tueh

    2. Damn! You killed it.

      Get a patent for this

      *If you have a loving family, mad friends and some food to eat, you should be ok.*

    3. Truth tho...u don't need to possess something to love it....

    4. Are u sure u r not Gay? #justsaying

    5. U so pathetic u this fly infested rotten thing.. u seek unnecessary attention by writing crap.
      I bet u're a lowlife hiding under anonymity to boost ur sunk ego. Get ur silly boned ass and find something better to do.

  7. I dont think he is confusing things sha... She has seen someone else. Just talk to her. Tell her that in as much as u love her that u wont be an obstacle in her life. Ask her gently if she is seeing someone else or has someone else on her case she might want to consider. If yes, then move on with ur life. God will provide a job for u. Still consider business. There s no shame in that. It might even be what will blow u. God will surely bless u one day.

  8. Chai! I wish you God's breakthrough and the heavens of favour open for you speedily in Jesus mighty name, Amen

    1. Stella and blog viewers and posters. Listen to the words of my father. This is what he told me some days ago as regards a boy that I was dating. We just broke up. He told me it is not his wish for any of his daughters to suffer wiv any man and he would not advise any woman to suffer wiv any man. He said in his time men were selfless, they were trustworthy, compassionate, they had the fear of God and most especially they had conscience.
      He said but men of nowadays, have no soul. They are wicked, heartless, selfish and the worst they do not have conscience and he cannot even vouch for my own brothers. On that note he said 1 our of a 100 men will actually marry a woman that suffered wiv him. This innocent boy telling his story has not seen money. My dear, only money can bring out the true character of a person. Women should choose wisely o. If he ends up wiv u, you are at the receiving end, if he doesn't end up wiv u, you are still at the receiving end.

    2. I always say that the reason for marriage is not a call to prosperity or to have children. Children are a gift and prosperity is a blessing that God has promised. The reason for marriage is companionship. God says you shouldn't be alone so you need a helper and a support system. Talk to your lady, if she's ready to play her role that God has called her to do, you can give her a ring and get your parents to sponsor a small wedding. Then keep up with your job search and also exploit some business opportunities around those areas you are passionate about. Then pray pray pray.. God always shows up at some point when you put your trust in him. Let your lady know that you understand that it's not easy, but that it'll be worth it at the end. If she stays, o'boy love that woman with your life! Finding a good man/woman is very hard! Everybody likes the easy life, but who can pay the price?..

    3. The Bestman, God bless u
      U've just spoken well

  9. Aawwww.. Your story is so touching. I strongly believe in communication so d best thing to do is talk things out with her n make sure you express your concerns n feelings too. Wish u luck.

  10. This is not the time to be speculating, whatever the case u should not expect her to just sit and fold her arms when she is not sure what the future holds.
    There is every chance there is another guy in the picture but how u handle it will determine what will happen.
    If she wanted to leave u she would have done so, so now is the time to be supportive and show her u understand what she is going thru. The same way u composed this cute mail, sit her down and talk to her from ur heart. Inferiority complex will not solve it. Be a man now and stand up for her! If she knows what ur plans and and how much u r putting into getting a job, she probably will wait for u or u two can come to a reasonable consensus.
    Not Everyman out der who has a job can fulfil her dreams...
    My hubby too had this issue, he was the least of all my suitors, I had the high and mighty flocking around but no one had the type of heart my hubby has so despite everything I chose him and stayed with him ( we are age mates and were in same level professionally). But only 3 years is passed now and he controlling millions. We had a plan and we both worked towads it even though it took me denying myself of something's just to sacrifice for him.
    So Pls, give It ur best shot and if she leaves after wards u would have done ur best.

    1. Sacrifices... Tells really of TRUE LOVE!!!

  11. The time. U spent writing this could ve been used talking to her face to face oga.

  12. I feel your pain. Talk to her if she wants to go let her go, if she wants a future let both of you talk and sort it out plan how to manage your life.

    I had much more money than hubby when we started dating, I had a place he lived at home. Little did I know he was from an extremely rich family. The wedding they did everything even though hubby and I were saving small small money from our salary when we were dating. I had to resign when I was pregnant because I had issues but because I loved him and respected him when I assumed I was richer he treats me like a queen, I am in charge of all our spendings because I manage money well.
    If she loves you she will work with you to plan a life regardless but you have to be worth it, not those men who form humility when they are broke

  13. Ehya...maybe,Just maybe shez seeing someone else but common be a man and ask her...its allowed to b jealous.....may God bless you wit a good job amen

  14. I really pity you dear, that's the econmy effect of our Country. She has really tried for been in a relationship for 6yrs and a 30year old lady, it's not easy I must admit it. I think if you can by all means, even if it's a teaching job, try to get and go and see her parents officially. The lady also truly loves you too, but the obstacle of lack of fund for marriage is making her to have a change of mind. I really pity you dear and I pray God should intervene into your matter and those of us in such situation too.

    *Larry was here*

  15. THELMA ENEMUWE said...
    Awww,i feel so bad for this poster..
    Pls have that talk with her and let wisdom direct you...may it end in praise with you.
    *faithful BV enemuwe thelma*

  16. THELMA ENEMUWE said...
    Awww,i feel so bad for this poster..
    Pls have that talk with her and let wisdom direct you...may it end in praise with you.
    *faithful BV enemuwe thelma*

  17. Tell her how u feel about her behaviour.Ask her politely who the other man is.Whatever answer she gives u will determine ur next step in the relationship.

  18. Awww Harry Good job will come in God's time do not despair. I see where your gf is coming from and your situation is hard for any serious lady to sit down look on top.
    Please try talking at least she hasn't said she is tired of you or shown you a sign she wants to see other people. Let her know how you feel, that you're not just wasting her time.
    6 years is a long time to just throw everything away.

    Stella I have a chronicle for you, I don't like men and I'm not a lesbian. Do you think it's physical,spiritual or metaphysical abi kilonpe?

    1. Then stay single na. No be by force.

  19. It is well Harry
    Kai...this is the first narrative that got me emotionally, please talk to her first ,her response should be known before u consider break up...also I will advice u look into a biz, look for sometin dat can fetch u money nd keep u busy for the main time till u get a job.
    It is well.. I pray love decides for u!

  20. I think u should talk to her too, but I bet she's already dating dat guy. If she wants out, pls let her go so u can then concentrate on building urself up. If jobs are not forthcoming, see if Ur parents can help u set up a business, start from there, love will come later. I don't really blame d lady, no one wants to date someone that cant offer her financial security.

  21. If u can't get a job,can't u source some money n start up a small business of your own for now

  22. Awww, kinda feel you are a good chap, but as kishi no dey, hmmmmm.
    Was once in a relationship with a very broke ass too. But had supporters club(hahaha)
    but this ish is serious o. She is employed, you are yet to get a job. Thank God for your parents. Ermm sit her down and tell her the through situation of things ie you ain't settling down till you can get a good job. If she can wait good, if not good but painful. Then again, can your parents set you up?? Maybe a small loan to start a business. All the best.

    # Ayah Shehu #

  23. Harry, you have to talk to her and even snoop if you have to. I sense that she is seeing someone already and just want you to be the person to break thing off.

    I pray that God will bless you soon in other to fulfil your purpose.

  24. Talk 2 her n know what she is up to.
    You can also do small registering if that's what she wants.
    She is giving you break light 2 come do some

  25. Na waoh! Stella, Sunday laff we no see till now. O gini zi?

  26. Hmm, honestly, I won't blame her if she decides to forego this relationship for someone else. At 30 years, she isn't a baby and she needs to move ahead. Dear poster, I will advise you to pay more attention to getting a job and forget about women, for now. The bitter truth is that the older women get, the lesser her chances of getting pregnant, although nothing is impossible with God. If she wants to leave, please let her leave and do not hold any grudge against her. In life, there are no guarantees.

  27. Hmm, honestly, I won't blame her if she decides to forego this relationship for someone else. At 30 years, she isn't a baby and she needs to move ahead. Dear poster, I will advise you to pay more attention to getting a job and forget about women, for now. The bitter truth is that the older women get, the lesser her chances of getting pregnant, although nothing is impossible with God. If she wants to leave, please let her leave and do not hold any grudge against her. In life, there are no guarantees.

  28. Eyah...I feel your one likes a jobless boo....

  29. Bro... Allow her pitch her tent elsewhere...

    Not ur fault, Not her fault either

    A gal gatz to do what a gal gatz to do...

    I think she tried already Bro

    U'd be selfish if U think she's doin the wrong thin

    Take heart Bro... We pray tomr to be better!

  30. Mehn, it's gud to av a gud job... See d way d chick is treating him nw... Just av a hrt to hrt talk wt her as Stella advised... I fink she's just lusting afta d oda dude. Dat will stop soon tho.

    She's tryna b wiser dan Solomon, but by d tym d oda dude screws her n dump her, dose eyes of hers wud open lyk dose of Eve....

    I pray d Lord gives ya a job soonest... Amen!
    ***SDK FREAK***

    1. This is the best response so far. Good talk. But really, whys she flaunting the new guy, taking calls for 20 mins in your presence...shes really sending a strong signal..

  31. Wow 5yrs no job and I'm complaining of not being employed 8months after service hmmmmm God is good. See wat joblessness is causing Nigerian youths, my brother don't blame her if she can't wait any longer let her go she has tried just talk to her to know her intentions. Meanwhile let's pray against the spirit of unemployment in Nigeria oo cause me I'm tired of staying at home and in Benin for that matter *wipeshottears!

    1. Please what mail do I send my narrative to, I desperately need advise.

    2. Don't engage in one last night of sex without a condom oh, I hope u read that ladiies chronicle, I don tell u sha.

    3. Sounds lyk my boyfriend sent dis in *sigh*

    4. No offence intended but can't you all see that this guy is quite comfortable being in his parents home? Forget about the crap he wrote up there. He is lazy. How can you be in your parents house at 32 and still money from them and you are comfortable?
      Its his type that will be 38yrs and still be in his parents home in the name of no job.
      He is just fucking a lazy. Period.

      If his parent's stop giving him money, he will start hustling and make something out of his life.

      Mr man, go and hustle. Look for a business you can start and let your parents give you capital to kick it off.

      Jobless my cute rounded firm ass.
      Leave the girl alone jare. You have wasted her time enough.

    5. I feel your pain. Have a heart to heart talk with her and if there's no changes pls move on. I've been there, no job,love left. Now he's the one calling me every minute everyday. Just let her be if she does not change. How sure is she that the new guy will marry her in the next one year. He might even be deceiving her as she's so vulnerable now cos she wants to settle down.

    6. Thank you Nneoma. When I look around me, I realize there are so many opportunities for people to be self-employed but laziness and pride is their problem. They don't want to 'stoop' low. Poster, it is very very shameful to open your mouth at 32 and say you're living with your parents and collecting their pension. Pls, get up and hustle.

    7. Nneoma, you are wrong. I felt like insulting you but what would make me better than you if I do that. He's not lazy as u think. You ended your advice well, u didn't have to call him lazy.

    8. Neoma. U better thank God for ur life. Cos u are fortunate enough or cos ur hubby is fortunate to ave a job doesn't mean its d same everywhere.. Its so obvious u don't know noting. Gerrara here for real men shit

  32. Hmmm....this is serious.
    Anyway the best way out is for both of you to talk and come to a conclusion, tell her she can always tell you d truth that you are not forcing her to stay with you, that you understand don't conclude things until u talk with her.

  33. What is the awwww here? You have been dating this girl since she was 24, pls u are a destiny killer, haba I'm annoyed please nobody should reply me

    1. Gbam!!! Lazy boo alert oh. If he's comfy taking money from his folks imagine what will happen with his spouse. Ndi ojor!!!

  34. Guy,to be frank with u,u have no reason for being in love,seek ye first a good job and all other things go follow,i notice that broke ass nigga falls deeply in love,reson been that u r happy a babe loves ur sorry this babe joo,n put all ur efforts on job seeking.its wen u r rich that u can know if u r in love or not

  35. Can't you see that uve got nothing to offer her?
    Instead of you to go and look for a job or borrow money from your friend(s)or relative(s) and start up a little business so that you can earn the love,attention and respect you deserve,you are busy monitoring her life.
    Abeg shift make I see road jor!

  36. Poverty na bastard!!!, guy do ve a hart to hart talk wt her so as to kw ur stand in dis relationship. May God almighty provide for u a good job

  37. My dear poster! Please try and move at of your father house,atlist if is one room,u can pay!do pity job,no they find mighty salary!if you are still in your father's house I tell you the husling will not be real!she try self at 32 a girl of 30 will be coming to see her guy in her father house!abeg you reason am.let me just make it plain you are begaining to lost her,that is the signs,that is how it start,please do the needy,@32 papa much be one room joor

    1. Bia sugarcane Ije kwa lu akwukwo? What sort of gibberish did you write up there? Heh! Chimuo. Nne supu oyibo o.

  38. Let me be very honest to you, there is really no love now without money, girls have learnt lessons most times after suffering with guys with no money, they dump them and go for classier girls, girls are wiser these days, no love without cash

  39. Let her go and please channel your focus on building yourself and getting a good job.if she was yours,you won't be jealous;you would have been married.Don't be a puppet because you are jobless,you are been processed for greater things ahead..Stay focused.

  40. It is empty because GOD is in control and this week has been declared No chronicle week IJN so stop looking for one.
    Coffin seller go say no market,
    Doctors go say "empty beds"
    Stella go say folder is empty.
    I go report una

  41. We need to hear frm both sides so we can conclude! At poster I didnt pity u a bit cox men like u are sometin else. I left my guy of 5yrs recently cox he is now a graduate nd following politican up nd down, he refuse to go for service or do meaningful tin wit his life, am in my final year nw in d uni, d guy is so dominating ehhh na him no get money na him go criticise pple wa get. My reason of living him is he is a big critic of pple's wealth. He get jealous and say all manners of tins if I reciv any calls, am a pretty girl no doubt and he falls to do his part despite am managing with him, he even go ahead to say sometimes dat I will neva see any good guy like him, so poster chk urself very well if u portray all dose tins u said, cox u sound jealous, do u still shw u love her? Do u care and listen to her? Do u criticise d well to do pple around her? Do u make her feel not love? And many more do u constantly remind her u will marry her whn tins fall in place? Do u give her hope of beening togada forever? Guy check urself o befor u come here and say tins dat makes pple fill girls are ungreatful, I have been there I can say many tins u are doing dats making her hav a doubt mind abt u, there by keeping orda pple incase u fuck up o. U might even get d job nw nd fill she is too old for u, maybe dats y tins are d way they are for u. Pray nd start sometin doing even if it's little don't just say there is no job and sit at home, leanrn hand work do sometin, God will see u tru. By d way mama stell post my comment o

    1. This your writ-up didn't do justice to a final year student.

      *Larry was here*

    2. Does your ex have his initials asJ.O?

    3. Na wa o! Final yr student, yur English is terrible. Using fill for feel, Wat is Cox? Mtchwwww.

  42. Harry please let her go. She is not getting any younger and you aren't ready yet towife her.

    You can still meet someone that will love and cherish you in future .

    Focus on being employed ..

  43. We need to hear frm both sides so we can conclude! At poster I didnt pity u a bit cox men like u are sometin else. I left my guy of 5yrs recently cox he is now a graduate nd following politican up nd down, he refuse to go for service or do meaningful tin wit his life, am in my final year nw in d uni, d guy is so dominating ehhh na him no get money na him go criticise pple wa get. My reason of living him is he is a big critic of pple's wealth. He get jealous and say all manners of tins if I reciv any calls, am a pretty girl no doubt and he falls to do his part despite am managing with him, he even go ahead to say sometimes dat I will neva see any good guy like him, so poster chk urself very well if u portray all dose tins u said, cox u sound jealous, do u still shw u love her? Do u care and listen to her? Do u criticise d well to do pple around her? Do u make her feel not love? And many more do u constantly remind her u will marry her whn tins fall in place? Do u give her hope of beening togada forever? Guy check urself o befor u come here and say tins dat makes pple fill girls are ungreatful, I have been there I can say many tins u are doing dats making her hav a doubt mind abt u, there by keeping orda pple incase u fuck up o. U might even get d job nw nd fill she is too old for u, maybe dats y tins are d way they are for u. Pray nd start sometin doing even if it's little don't just say there is no job and sit at home, leanrn hand work do sometin, God will see u tru. By d way mama stell post my comment o

  44. We need to hear frm both sides so we can conclude! At poster I didnt pity u a bit cox men like u are sometin else. I left my guy of 5yrs recently cox he is now a graduate nd following politican up nd down, he refuse to go for service or do meaningful tin wit his life, am in my final year nw in d uni, d guy is so dominating ehhh na him no get money na him go criticise pple wa get. My reason of living him is he is a big critic of pple's wealth. He get jealous and say all manners of tins if I reciv any calls, am a pretty girl no doubt and he falls to do his part despite am managing with him, he even go ahead to say sometimes dat I will neva see any good guy like him, so poster chk urself very well if u portray all dose tins u said, cox u sound jealous, do u still shw u love her? Do u care and listen to her? Do u criticise d well to do pple around her? Do u make her feel not love? And many more do u constantly remind her u will marry her whn tins fall in place? Do u give her hope of beening togada forever? Guy check urself o befor u come here and say tins dat makes pple fill girls are ungreatful, I have been there I can say many tins u are doing dats making her hav a doubt mind abt u, there by keeping orda pple incase u fuck up o. U might even get d job nw nd fill she is too old for u, maybe dats y tins are d way they are for u. Pray nd start sometin doing even if it's little don't just say there is no job and sit at home, leanrn hand work do sometin, God will see u tru. By d way mama stell post my comment o

  45. She Is 30? @ 30 Settling Down should Be R Main concern, Well have A Heart 2 Heart talk with Her And No what she is Up to, I Wish you All the Best And A Better Job

    1. They started when she was 24 years now she's 30 and the guy is yet to get himself. Except if she love him enough endure with him, if not the guy should let her go. Let him forget relationship and all now it might be distracting him and focus on getting a job,go for prayer sessions, pray hard, fast, job hunt harder, just do something ,at 32 he's supposed to have something for himself.

      I'm signing out


  46. *reading comment mode activated*

    *sipping kunu ayan*

  47. Dear Harry, I know its real hard for u. It's painful when u have no job and still depending on ur parents at 32. It is well.

    Concerning this girl, why not sit her down and have a heart to heart talk with her. Find out what she really wants: to wait or to move on.

    If she wants to wait despite knowing ur current state ( which I believe is just a little while), then u have nothing to worry about. But if she can't wait, let her go instead of being under constant pressure.

    In that way u won't feel u are standing in her way of settling down. Really, u don't blame her. She is only human. U know ladies and their biological clock thing. That's always our fear. So, If she can't wait any further, pls tell her to move on.

    If u believe that nothing happens to u by accident, then trust God in this. If she is urs u will definitely marry her.

    Man proposes and God disposes but be sure of this one thing: God's time is perfect and He is never late!

    In other words, ur plans may not have gone the way u planned it, but I know God has something BIG in store for u. Hold on strong and don't give up. I feel ur hurt. It isn't easy but what can we do?

    In every situation, I have only ONE option and dat is to keep trusting God no matter how bad it is. In d end, the reward is worth it.

    Thank God for ur parents.

    Choose righteousness

    The raw truth in sex, relationships, daily events, spirituality? Pls check out my blog

  48. Abeg the lady is stupid!
    Dating you since she was 24 and seeing you like that she still hung on abi,oriegwu. Abeg she should wake up from her stupidity,any relationship that cannot be defined after 2years isn't worth staying in! Let her goooo! You are a very big obstacle in her life.
    My advice... let her go! Simple!

  49. You love her bro no doubt.
    But its good to also know you understand age is not on her side.
    Talk things out with her, so you can be sure if she can wait.
    Sorry, such is life.

  50. Poster, allow the lady to go and marry. You are delaying her. Time don't wait for women when it comes to marriage.
    A 30 years old lady is almost an Aunty Gwegwegwe.

  51. Ma guy, nor fear see ehn, just use Belle hold am, under that nine months,hustle in 3D, u go get Job, before she born carry 400k do court / pay for sumtin for her head, wen better money enter later do white and and tradi as reception, cook jollof rice make people chop, e don finish nau, ehen my advice go cost u 15k o, wey my money? u dey crase!! U nor go payme?

    1. Serzly lolz...

    2. What kinda brokeass poverty suggestion is this?

  52. Poster, allow the lady to go and marry. You are delaying her. Time don't wait for women when it comes to marriage.
    A 30 years old lady is almost an Aunty Gwegwegwe.

  53. Narrative folder empty ke ,how about filling it with ur own pathetic story ?ehhhn .olosho woman .

    1. STFU!
      God punish you.
      You'll get whatever you wish Stella in folds.

    2. May God forgive u. U type with so much anger and hatred. Pray u find peace.

    3. Anon 15 :52, Laura I must be a celebrity, is that you?

    4. Anon 15:52 you are a massive fool!!! Destined to b a loser!!!!!! Idiot

  54. Or better still concocting one of ur fake chronicles.

  55. To be blunt

    Move on
    Allow her go
    It'd not easy but do that
    She's 30 and you are 32, if you get a job today, you wouldn't get married today. You would still need to balance and be stable before getting married. If she was in her 20s I will say sit and talk to her but naah, that's not the case.

    She has found someone who prolly may not have it all together but is ready to settle, that's why she's distant. From talking everyday to not talking everyday, to not talking at all. To giving you are invitation card.

    1. Speechless... Let her pay her dowry, Nothing so special about It

    2. The poster's lady has everything she needs..A man that loves her. She should play her role which is to support her man. Poster this is only a temporary delay but you must hold your head high cos God has already made you a man!.Give her a ring. Get your parents to sponsor a small wedding. We live in the times where people are making a good living out of their passion. Try to discover your passion and turn it into a business, and don't be afraid to start small. Every success story started out that way. If she can whither the storm with you, God will always show up at some point. You'll meet great success. She should pay the price cos you truly love her. This is a big test for your relationship..

  56. Gerrraway jobless bastard!

    1. may u never be jobless. silly anon you think because you comment as anon God doesnt know who you are. and yes im jobless and no im not mr poster

  57. Bro let it go... Focus on securing a job or create one for yourself... Look around you bro! Opportunities are in plain sight wherever you are.. Just look hard enough.... Doubfullnes played in her mind when she realized you might not be the ideal guy she wanted, hence the focus on the new guy... She'd probably consider stuffs like "hmm Harry does not have his own place andjob at 32, he'd probably amount to nothing as time goes by, make I quickly rearrange and find better alternatives...." Different stages in life, securing your own future comes first before falling in love... Most people are always looking for employment, Little did they realize they can create one for themselves if the look deep enough.. Bottom line, focus on urself and your current situation for now, make something out of nothing before falling in love... You'd be surprised how vast your pool of wife selection is after you are good financially... Good luck brother

  58. Story of my life......I'm the girlfriend in the picture, but I'm 28yearsold.
    Advise please, my cry everyday is for my man to be gainfully employed, 6years is no joke, but I don't cheat, I'm faithful. For how long can I keep up. Lemme read comments to learn.

    1. Same here ohhh,imine is 6yrs+ too,God plsss grant our boos job.

    2. If he is in Lagos,encourage him to get a job as a driver...
      Common,they pay them 30-50k monthly....

    3. Hmm I feel sori 4 u, if u truly love him get on ur knees and assist him in prayers if not my friend take a walk and stop deceiving urself...

    4. @Queen, are you for real? You want him to be a graduate driver?

    5. Anon 16:01 Wahooo! Would have felt I mistakenly typed this cos am same age with u facing exact same situation- 6+ relationship, have a good job, independent Buuuuh le boo has no job. Story of my life

    6. What do you mean? Is driving not a decent job? Some drivers are earning 70k. Never despise humble beginnings

    7. @ anon 17:51; It's better to be a graduate driver than to have nothing. 30k is greater than zero Naira. Think am well...

    8. Girlfriend you guys should have a small wedding. Money shouldn't stop you from getting married. Encourage him to start a business instead of just waiting perpetually for a job. He should exploit his talent. Do not leave him. Support him and be there for him. You guys'll make it.

  59. Hello Harry, I am a man so let me advise you man to man.
    You need to sit down and have some serious reflections about your life. If I'm right you said you graduated 5 years ago and you've been unemployed since. Which man keeps searching for a white collar job for 5 whole years? What is wrong with learning a skill and becoming self employed or starting something on your own no matter how small like home lesson?

    After my graduation I searched for job for about 6 or 8 months and when no good one was forth coming I decided to start something on my own and 18 years down the line I have not regretted it for a single day and no I wasn't a silver spoon. I lost my father when I was 5 and my mother was a civil servant (nurse).

    Who do you think will employ a 32 year old man with NO experience? My brother pick a struggle, start something no matter how small or demeaning it might appear to you thank God you said you have a supportive and understanding family.

    On the issue of the lady why not free her so that she can move on with her life as age is no more on her side more so since you're yet to find your bearing. She don try.

    Sorry for this epistle and wishing you the best.

    1. Awww this is good

    2. Mad man...u want someone 2 free a relationship of 6yrs...I bet u don't undastand d meaning of love

    3. In my twenty hungry years of womanising I never had and agreement with any girl. I always ask to be friends and those that agree became my friends. I know my friends do the same. So where does the issue of telling Harry to free his girl. If anybody needs freeing it is the girl exept harry tells us he has an agreement with her. Harry wants to get a life before marriage and he is fillwing that while her girl wants to be married since she has a life already. The problem is she can't marry, she can only hope a man comes along to marry her otherwise let her give harry the money to pay her bride price. Since people assume that relationship is a high way to marriage which is the error that makes them cry heartbreak and I laff. I never look back whenever I decide to end a relationship because I never enter an that I must marry at the inception. I never have anyregret or sadness anytime any of my girls end a relationship. Because am clear about what a relationship is all the girls I dated are still friends with me I mean all that I still see and they always say to me that it was nice while it lasted and that they learnt a few things from me. So gohr girl has a choice so she doesn't need any advice. As for you it will be criminal of you to tell a woman to wait for you when you don't know when you will be ready. I have no pity for anyone man or woman who thinks that relationship is highway to marriage. Every couple in a relationship, the day you start discussing marriage marks the beginning of a new agreement and everyone will agree that from the day marriage discussion begins both parties begin a new wave of readjustments towards each other. Before this time a relationship is a frienship

    4. You are the one who is madt with no iota of sense in your empty skull

    5. Arise thank you for this advise... How can poster be unemployed for 5 yrs? Not to blow my trumpet am a lady Immediately I finished service in 2013. With the last two month allowance I started selling okrika and also enrolled my self in a fashion sch.. Almost two yrs down the line I get income from 3 sources my tailoring, trading and my job as a public servant and am not 25 yet... Bros u no try at all .

    6. God bless you. The poster is just lazy, period!!! If a man shows no progress in his life after 2 yrs, I move on!!!! I can't deal....

      Life is about progression and if you are not progressing, you are wrong!!!!!
      This one that's sounding humble and all ..abet, he shoils go and find a handiwork... How can a grown man be at home from morning till night...

      So if you had a wife and child and you lost your job, won't you do daily-pay job to feed your family..mschetww

  60. Talk to her but i think she don port. Another dude is in charge.

  61. Poster pray for a breakthrough because loving someone without a job isn't easy

  62. Hello Harry, I am a man so let me advise you man to man.
    You need to sit down and have some serious reflections about your life. If I'm right you said you graduated 5 years ago and you've been unemployed since. Which man keeps searching for a white collar job for 5 whole years? What is wrong with learning a skill and becoming self employed or starting something on your own no matter how small like home lesson?

    After my graduation I searched for job for about 6 or 8 months and when no good one was forth coming I decided to start something on my own and 18 years down the line I have not regretted it for a single day and no I wasn't a silver spoon. I lost my father when I was 5 and my mother was a civil servant (nurse).

    Who do you think will employ a 32 year old man with NO experience? My brother pick a struggle, start something no matter how small or demeaning it might appear to you thank God you said you have a supportive and understanding family.

    On the issue of the lady why not free her so that she can move on with her life as age is no more on her side more so since you're yet to find your bearing. She don try.

    Sorry for this epistle and wishing you the best.

    1. Harry pls listen 2 dis advise...

    2. Arise very hit the nail on the head advice. Better take it.

  63. Please let her go.
    You will find someone better.

  64. Guy,
    You can't blame her.
    She doesn't want to end uup being a major gwegs.
    It's not that she doesn't love you, the dude she is chatting with is her standby generator.
    This how life shows people red card.
    Nobody is to blame.
    Not you, not her. Its life's crazy upturn.

  65. U've shared ur problems wit us.fine,but hav u really sit down n talk 2God abt dem.we might offer u sugestions dat might wrk but I tell u the solution rest wit God n him alone remember he is ur father. I think u shld still talk 2 him n establish a relationship wif him for he cares for u.

    1. God bless you. You're advise is very solid

  66. Linda Eze will finish Harry today but Harry don't take the isults to heart...

    My dear my advice is talk to her about your observations and hear what she has to say...don't conclude yet..

    May the Almighty God bless you with a good paying job sonnest, Amen.

  67. So touching. Please try talk it over with her and hear her view.if it's possible for her to also hook u up with a job via her connections, let her do.but if things don't still work after the talk,i think you should let her go cos age isn't on her side again.

  68. Have a chat with her, if she is wants to move on, let her be. By God's grace you will get a good job, other things jara

  69. Poor Harry...first things first, talk to her.

  70. She's seeing someone else period.

  71. Awwww! I think she's tired of waiting , pls speak to her nd make sure u don't beg her to stay.

  72. P2,dia is little u can do in dat kind of situation..leave things as it is and face whatever dat can better Ur life.don't even try to talk to her about it,just live as if she's a side chic.goodluck#sipsMoetnChandon#

  73. Oh Harry,Mr loverman.ur gal is getting tired of waiting,but I am a firm believer of wat will be will be!so for me don't draw conclusion yet,confirm wats happening first:'snoop into her pone!get ur facts then sit her down for a heart to heart talk,but before then prepare ur mind for the worst,cos she might use that opportunity to gather d courage to tell u she wants be ready for the worst,but I wish u Goodluck even in ur job search.
    Chai!May God punish poverty and brokeage!

  74. You have an inferiority complex that would turn off any woman. You do not have a job today, that could change tomorrow. Brother, are you trying to take up any job to keep mind and soul together. Try and do that and not wait for the big one to land. Employed people get employed faster. If you think I am lying, get an assistant job and apply for another after 6 months and see if you do not get calls.
    That aside, please talk to this woman. Nowadays, it is not money that keeps a good woman. Most of them can buy you sef. It is who you are that will keep them. Plus, Nigerian women fear that when a man is down he is loyal but once he makes it, he starts misbehaving.

  75. Aww I just pity you. As for me, I advice you let go of her, ve this strong feeling u aint meant to be together. On a second thought, y can't you forget about a job and start a little business since your family is willing to help you.

  76. My dear talk to her first b4 u know d next step to take. Thank God u know age is nt on her side. Since u are nt employed why dnt u think of goi into biz?

  77. I made a comment relating to this kinda situation on Friday's chronicle and @ Doppelganger, this is a real case springing up just 2days after.

    A heart-to-heart discussion is the best step you can take and while at it, try to stay neutral with your emotions so you can take-in her response and thoroughly interpret it afterwards. It might also be your mind playing games on you cos the frequency of your thoughts on this issue might have increased over a shortwhile.

    Also note that as you are facing the pressure from being unemployed, she'll be facing dual pressure: the pressure from your state of unhappiness and also the pressure from its effect on the status of your r/shp i.e delaying the marriage and this can develop an unhealthy atmosphere for love if you guys let this challenge overwhelm the feelings you share so try to be happy, lively and bubbly....with life theirs always hope.....its understandable that the talks from her folks wld be affecting her mindset cos if we have so many voices talking to us about an issue, it can induce different pulses of thoughts... don't let that bother you cos you are in the r/shp with her and not with her folks.

    In conclusion, just have a heart to heart like Stella said and donot hurt over your bit and always do it her like a real man with no shortcomings, but also do so within your limits. Wish you the best, man.

    Li-yon Vls.

  78. dear harry,u are not imagining things.truth be told,ur gf is getting over u cos u guys have nothing in common any longer. while waiting for dat dream job,learn a skill, small scale biz, meet people,just keep urself busy.que sera sera.God bless u.

  79. Oh boy,concentrate on finding a job first.
    That babe has many fishes in her ocean and she is in love with you.

    Wait,does this mean you DONT give her money or even pay her bills?. You are fucking her,make do with that

    1. Irene, you 2 like fuck. Na waaaoo

  80. Poster I'm sorry but u have to let her go
    6 years is to long to be with a man without any signs of settling down
    You have to understand ur girlfriend...she's tired of waiting

  81. Hmmmm,some have men but don't value them...some don't have and are praying nd fasting for it.i don't have a man and I need one glory be to u oh lord Amen.

    I go with stella,talk to her.i hope u get a job soonm

  82. Aww ko, aww ni. My dear know that love is for your 20's. When you reach your 30's you start seeing clearly and thinking smartly. Let that woman go biko. She has tried on your matter. Let her have a chance at marriage and kids. If her fertility goes down tomorrow, will you still marry her? Some women have experienced menopause in their 30's. You are shouting job, job, job for 5 years now. If she would have put on her thinking cap and made plans for her life outside of you she would have probably been married with kids. Don't put unreasonable expectations on this woman. Some men will not even stay with a jobless woman at all. What is the guarantee sef dat you won't become a monster when you have money. It is when men are broke that they love pass any thing

  83. Exactly Harry, talk to her!! She must be under a lot of pressure. U guys should communicate, and if she wants to go, then let her go and try not to bear any grudge against. There's a reason for everything. U might just hit that job the moment she walks out.

  84. Exactly Harry, talk to her!! She must be under a lot of pressure. U guys should communicate, and if she wants to go, then let her go and try not to bear any grudge against. There's a reason for everything. U might just hit that job the moment she walks out.

  85. Exactly Harry, talk to her!! She must be under a lot of pressure. U guys should communicate, and if she wants to go, then let her go and try not to bear any grudge against. There's a reason for everything. U might just hit that job the moment she walks out.

  86. I feel ur pain. infact I had d same xperience last yr...just like u u av been dating my girl 4 7yrs now.we went 2 d same skool graduated 3 yrs ago I av no job she is gain fully employed. she takes care of me like crazy. i suspected she was getting fond of dis guy bt i didnt ask her any tin cos if i did she will deny it and end up making me look i jst keep my cool until i gathered enough proof dat she is cheating. i waited 4 proof DAT shows dey hanged out or msg DAT shows dey expressed feelings 4 eachoda den i confronted her.....she cried cried.begged begged until I reasoned d issue well matter how nice u are no Lagos girl will be ready 2 date a jobless man like me.we are still 2gether hoping I get a job and get married... PRAISE D LORD!!!!!!!!!

  87. Bros, you need to talk to her, its possible she's tired of waiting, the pressure from friends & family is taking its toll. . .. . Tell her about your fears, you need to know where you stand. . .All the best

  88. Please what can I send my chronicle to?

  89. Self pity! Be a man.... get something to do! Occupy yourself, no matter how little it can be pls start up something! As for the chic she's got someone else and don't be shocked when you receive an invite..... All the best!

  90. Stella stop putting 3 narratives in one day, why won't the folder be empty.

  91. Poster I hate your type. Leave that girl alone to marry. Stop tying her down. U are plain lazy. Go and find something doing. Stop waiting for white collar job. Na the girl I blame. Dating a broke ass like u for 5 yrs. Come on gerrarahia!!!!

  92. Let her go
    You are a man,you can marry at 50 self

  93. Dear poster, I'd advice u take up a teaching job, m very sure one or two private schools in ur vicinity might need a teacher. Then secondly, be a man, open up to her and know if u shud move on...

  94. Why do I see this issue differently,I respect everyone's view,but from my own perspective she doesn't love you enough...why? if she does and believe in you, since she is working she wld set u up, many women have set up their husbands and 2day they don't regret it....let her go shikena

    1. Set up? U're a confirmed gigolo, lazy bastard!

    2. Anon..I try to see from your point of view.This life ehen. .. It is not predictable !History has made us known that many women have set up their husbands. ...", same history and experience have shown us that some husbands aren't loyal and never to be trusted, not only with your life and love but also with your money and time,so, you see, LOVE ISN'T ENOUGH!


    3. U ARE MAD!

  95. I want to say a big thank you to all of u for your advises. For taking your time to post your views, I appreciate.

    To those who say I have inferiority complex, truth be told here, I don't have inferiority complex. I just believed if u feel you are tired of someone and want to go, you can go. Its not pride but I don't believe in trying to convince someone who has made up his or her mind on something.

    Also, to those who posted I should try something, yes u all r right, I have been tried one or two things but none clicked. I am still putting my head in one or two places. As I said, I am not a lazy man. I have taken some decisions just to make breakthrough in the past, but I realized they were wrong decisions and they involved money.

    Furthermore, me still staying under my parents roof doesn't mean I am comfortable with it, honestly I am not. But right now its d only option left for me to stay and restrategize myself.

    As I said, I appreciate all your comments and also want to say a big thank you to stella for posting this for me.

    1. It's possible to experience a breakthrough after you both part ways...why don't you try staying off the relationship for a while, avoid sex, be chaste, prayerful, and see what God can do cos I know that God is never wrong in His plans concerning His people.

  96. need deliverance ooh if after 5years no job, serious deliverance and increase your search for jobs. May God help you.

  97. Guy go and hustle first. You sound and smell lazy to me. Leave her and get a life first.

  98. Guy, stop drowning yourself in the mud. There's no way you wl be jobless for 6yrs and expect anyone to employ you. Go back to school, even if it's the last help you would seek from your parents. If you can't get a job, thank of what you can do to create jobs. You need a positive mentality to step up your level. If you make these plans, I'm sure your girlfriend wl have a rethink and see you are not lazy. IIt's really a tough situation for her right now, a he probably doesn't know how you would feel if she talks to you aabout the situation. Help yourself man. Man up!

  99. Stella and Bvs (family) una no try o! Where on earth is my Ronalda? Arise & Lyons 100likes to your comments bro. Harry pls dont despair ,listen to Arise advice and pray. Your story touched me.wish you good luck

  100. PD Young Billionaire27 July 2015 at 00:24

    You sound like a very good guy.Don't be diiscouraged.You will get a good job in God's time.Pray and trust God.
    Like Stella advised,have a heart to heart talk with her,if she wants to go,pls let her go.You will surely meet a better lady out there at the right time.
    Focus on yourself for now.I have a strong feeling your girlfriend will be full of regrets if she quits cos she may marry a guy she doesn't really know.All the best bro!

  101. OP. Love should be the last thing on your mind now. You want to run without walking first. If the 5yrs you had stayed unemployed, if u had started small you will be ok right now. Go hustle and stop forming church boy. The beautiful ones are not yet born. No one lady is the best. When money comes, your options will be many. This your lady now may not even be one of them. I think reality needs to kick you more in the ass. Personally, when I am broke, I can't even get an erection. Respect yourself.

  102. How can you expect a woman to respect a man who has not held a job in 5yrs? Even if the job is below your education level you should be working. So your dates are funded by your parents? Pull up your socks and go do something, start a little business. How is anything going to cross your path if you are not out there moving about? Things happen when you are in motion, not when you are standing still. Release the woman if she wishes to be released, love her enough to know she deserves better and if better is in her life then let her have it.

    If you take a simple entry level position you have something to put on your resume and your foot is in the door so you can work your way up to a better position and get a promotion. Don't let 2016 enter and you are not employed. Get your butt out there and put your nose to the grindstone and make something of yourself. Get moving!!!!!

  103. For many years no job, hope u r not being choosy when it comes to job. Even if its small pay, start first. Alll the best.

  104. Poster, let the truth be told, she has tried! Dating you since at the age of 24! Age is not fair on women as it is on men. A man at 50, when still marry a 18 year old girl if he wishes but not for a woman! FREE HER! I believe the relationship is becoming a burden on her. It is because you don't have money yet, that is why you don't know all the 'traits' you have in you! Believe me! Money brings out the true character in people.

    Let me share the story of a relative of mine. He was jobless for 2 years! He decided to do any job that comes his way. He got a job for 30k. He was able to gather a little sum + support from family, he got a room. The salary is nothing to write home about, BUT, he can afford some basic things and his family help out, hoping and praying he will get a better job soon.

    I wish you the best, I know you are not lazy, you just have to re-strategize. There is no job too lowly right now because of the economy crunch / high un-employment rate.

  105. Poster, let the truth be told, she has tried! Dating you since at the age of 24! Age is not fair on women as it is on men. A man at 50, when still marry a 18 year old girl if he wishes but not for a woman! FREE HER! I believe the relationship is becoming a burden on her. It is because you don't have money yet, that is why you don't know all the 'traits' you have in you! Believe me! Money brings out the true character in people.

    Let me share the story of a relative of mine. He was jobless for 2 years! He decided to do any job that comes his way. He got a job for 30k. He was able to gather a little sum + support from family, he got a room. The salary is nothing to write home about, BUT, he can afford some basic things and his family help out, hoping and praying he will get a better job soon.

    I wish you the best, I know you are not lazy, you just have to re-strategize. There is no job too lowly right now because of the economy crunch / high un-employment rate.

  106. Poster I feel pity for u but I know ur sounding like dis cos u don't have a job. If u did u would have dumped her a long time ago. When a man has no money or a job he becomes so good and humble but try him when he starts making little talking from experience, what my ex hubby did to me. Now he's abandoned me n d kids.


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