Stella Dimoko World Sickle Cell Day Is Today - Love Is Not Enough!


Friday, June 19, 2015

World Sickle Cell Day Is Today - Love Is Not Enough!

As we celebrate the world sickle cell day today,it is very important to realise why and how to avoid it.This was sent in by a blog visitor who is SS...
This mail got to me and i shed a tear for the poster and for anyone else going through pains just becos their parents decided to tow the love path...

Guess what?

 Dear Stella and blog visitors
As the world celebrate the world sickle Cell day today (tomorrow, Friday, 19th June), I wish to  offer a big, warm hand and felicitous greetings to all fellow warriors (as we usually call ourselves) on this blog and beyond, we all will
live to overcome all our troubles. 

Today is a day of sober reflection,not just for sicklers and their handlers but for all. It pains me that people still ignorantly get married or get pregnant with little or no care to their partner's genotype and the attending risk of giving
birth to a sickler. 

Sickle cell crises and all that comes with it is a pain no man would wish to experience or any loving parent watch the child go through (A sickler or anyone close to one on this blog can attest to this). It could especially be worse if such parents are not from the upper class where adequate care and attention are paid to the patient.

 To manage sickle cell disorder in Nigeria is not cheap. As a sickler born without the proverbial silver spoon, infact, the phone my Mum is using today is a gift from THE GENERAL'S WIFE. 

(much respect ma'am) I 've suffered rejections, discrimination, low self-esteem,
denial among others just because I'm SS. There are times I get melancholic and suicidal seeing so many of my mates developing physically ahead of me and also not being able to do some of the things they do, only the thought of my mum holds me back. 

There're times I feel alone, rejected and without a succour all because of my
genotype. I had a severe meningitis attack in year 2005 as a JS2
student, which although I was lucky enough to survive after being
unconscious for three days, left me hearing impaired with what they
called tinnitus (noise in the ears) and to this day, I don't hear
anything, not even my own voice! 

My being alive today and graduating with my set without having an extra year in the University is out of sheer will-power and the special grace of GOD (HIM alone will alsohelp me with a job after my National service, if not, e go strong o
cos connection no dey). Knowing my Mum, although a single mother could
have spared me the whole torturous pains I pass through as a sickler
and all that comes with it by merely looking for a genetically
compatible partner, really makes me sad and depressed. 

Having carefully apprised my life as a sickle cell sufferer, I felt compelled
to write this note you all and here, dear BVs is where you come in.
Save the future generations, save the world! Help stop the scourge of
sickle cell disorder in Africa in particular and the world at large.
My own case can't be helped because I'm already living with it, but
what about your unborn child(ren)? 

You'd be doing them a world of good by making sure you are genetically compatible with your partner before venturing into any form of relationship, ahead of tribe and religion, LOVE ALONE ISN'T ENOUGH here, your Genotype matters a lot. You owe your unborn kids that duty, save them and yourself the pains of crises and sleepless nights watching over them. Don't let love stampede you into an intimidate relationship with just anybody, the thing go clear for
your eyes if you birth a sickler and your partner abscond because of
it. Believe you me, it's not worth it. 

My life today is a pure miracle, but I would 've wished things were different had I a choice.

(I apologise for all grammatical and typographical errors in the text)


  1. Yes love alone is not enough. Be wise, know Your genotype before marriage, before having that unprotected sex and save Your kids and yourself of future torment.

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    1. I lost a friend and a classmate earlier this year due to sickle cell. She's so intelligent and beautiful. Continue to rest in the Lord Yewande Adubi. God knows the best. Say NO to sickle cell

    2. Today, I have a 10 year old kid sister who was born with the cell disorder, since her few days on earth till a couple of years back, it was sleeping in the hospital week after week, month after month but to the glory of God, today I stand to testify to God's power and might who has the power to heal, my kid sister hasn't visited the hospital in 2 years, it's only God that could have done it.And with faith I stand for her her cells will be changed too,so, do i stand in faith for those going through this condition.

      Now to those of us who are not with this disorder, with the name of God I beg us to help spread the news amongst ourselves,amongst our loved ones," it's no beans" dealing with the disorder, it's a great pain when you look into the eyes ofyour child (especially as a kid) who is suffering in pains(it's bitter experiencing than written ).Love is not enough, prevention they say is better than care.
      #saynotoASmarryingAS #letsjoinhandsandkicksicklecellout#loveisnotenough#loveisgoodbutnotstupid #sicklecellpatientsarethestrongestandthebravest

  2. You are @poster, the crises no be here o and in the end, love is not always enough. Prevention is the key...make that choice now.

    1. I have two siblings that are sicklers.. The leg ulcers are the worst.. God dey sha..

  3. May God continue to strengthen u.

  4. These sicklers suffer
    Kai!!!...I can't begin to imagine it
    This post says it all...Love is not enough!!!
    Poster I wish u well...u are an overcomer baby!

  5. Genotype n Blood group questions shld always come first b4 u let ur heart entangled with another, if u let ur heart get ahead of u, it'd be diffficult letting go & then u start thinkn of impossibl ways to be together, not considering the pains u'd cause an innocent child 2mr... That's selfish love! If u don't wnt2appear desperate, thr are lots of ways to stylishly ask him..... Mind u, iv seen cases whr one lied about being AA, so whl u go on dates, consider a date to the hospital...... Also check his IQ level hehehehe...... Or ask Jesus to fix it.

  6. shout out and my love to all the sickle cell patient in the world


  7. Woow ! You are very brave and beautiful! I wish you all the best in your journey. You will overcome.

  8. ...I don't understand, I thought they say "Love conquers all".... *confused*

  9. God bless and keep all the warriors. To the poster, the Lord is your strength. Know your genotype today, love is not enough to bring kids into the world to suffer.

  10. Reading through this poster's mail, I feel pain for all SS and I pray Jehovah the healer visit you and other SS around the world including my big sis. As I type this my big sis of 35 yrs is on hospital admission going through a lot. sometimes I wish I could share in her pain. The pain never ends... 2 nights ago she was rushed to the hospital due to crisis. My dad 70yrs had to back her like a baby while my mum held the torchlight. Oh! What agony. she had to stop work due to constant crisis, she can't deal with the stress that comes with the job because stress triggers crisis. Thank God my parents have been very supportive. They place her on a basic allowance. Make sure the best medicals attend to her. sister is kind, caring, hard working but the constant visit to the hospital makes her depressed. No relationship, no job. I can't imagine how she feels still living with my parents while I and my other siblings are already living our lives, have families etc.
    Dear sister (still on admission ). I pray that God visits you this year, may he turn your secret pain to Joy, you will not die but live to fulfill the glory of God. I pray for a miracle in your life. Amen.

    1. Amen.
      Evee dear,u got me crying.

      Pls Hug ur sister for me and Tell Her Its from a Stranger who Wishes Her well and wills her to live....

    2. Amen!!!! God heal her.

  11. Is terrible especially if u are close to a sickler. D tears, pains, agony and regret. Pls stop being stupidity in love and endanger someone's happiness and future. A

  12. My best friend in the uni was a sickler. We will be playing card and the next thing we'd hear was "Oh my head" and the rush to the hospital would start. That guy suffered. Pains,frequent visit to the clinic,no social life,anger,depression etc. We his circle of friends tried our best,copying his notes,doing his assignments and generally taking good care of him. All of us had his mum's number and also his doctor's number. We made sure he was ok always BUT he lost the battle at 23. He told me anytime he was admitted, "Oh boy,if I don't come back,you can have my jean trousers n Timberland" and I would tell him,"Thank you but that Timberland na your everyday uniform shoe na". He loved those shoes n wore them almost everyday. Keep sleeping,man. Oh,did I mention he was a 1st class material but our assignments follow dey drag am back,as he would tell us

    1. Ehya may he Rest in Peace. Sicklers funny enough are usually intelligent.

    2. Doppelganger u are so right. Was going to say that they always tend to be the smartest. Had a few in my secondary school days.

  13. I am proudly a warrior , I have sickle cell diease and to God be the glory am going to be fifty years old this year , the journey has been very painful with crisis here and there , but I have learnt to understand myself ooooo, I don't eat anyhow , I don't drink any how , I drink loads and loads of water , liquid , I guard against mosquitoes and infection . If the weather is too sunny na water all the time and if the weather is cold , raining am all covered up in trousers ,shirts no blouses cause hmmm the cold can get you from there . My job is flexible , so the pressure isn't much . But the pain eeeeh no bi here oooo , sometimes I want to take morphine or am tempted to ask for Igbo just to kill the pain .

    Getting married was a major challenge , once those guys know your status na wahala. They avoid you , even the AA and so called born again ones , but me i tell them from the get go am SS ooooo that's why my eyes are yellow and am the very best thing that will happen to your life .
    So before you give me attitude think am well , I don't settle for less , if you are coming my first question is what is your Genotype No falling in love. Until you are AA , as my parents suffered and am suffering I don't have the liver to manage any sickler pickin.

    But I have the most loving and understanding husband , he is God's gift ooooo and I worship him cause he understands what being a sickler is like , he loves me to bits, indulges me and takes good care of me , what else do I want . He inspires me to be whatever I want to be, we have our own ish , it's not all rosy .
    Of course he is AA and we have two kids a girl and a boy , infact when I wanted more kids , he was like you madam , you don't love yourself oooooo carry ehim something waka for a while.

    If you are suffering from sickle cell dieases stay strong and stay well .Elizabeth .

    1. My dear you you are one of the few lucky ones. I pray you live to ripe old age.

    2. Sorry about ur condition but it comes across like u are lying. Firstly, u doubt u are even up to 30. Ur second paragraph, u said getting married was a major challenge. Next thing, u said if u are coming think well before any attitude. And how u don't have power to look after sickler. The next paragraph, u talked of hubby and kids again. Even the way u write doesn't 'say' you're 50 madam.

    3. You dont sound50.
      Stay well

    4. I claim this for my siblings IJN.. Amen..

    5. Maybe she's talking in past participle

    6. She was talking about her state of mind before hooking her hubby, I presume. But true, she doesn't sound anything close to 50. Lol

  14. So emotional,I just wanna hug you..It is well with you IJN.

  15. Hmmmmmm
    Wish love was enough!

  16. Hmmmmmm
    Wish love was enough!

  17. Before you go into relationship pls know your genotype not when falling in love you start the prayer of FAITH.
    One love all.

  18. I'm sorry about this person's plight but I disagree Becks I think it's only in Nigeria sickle cell is seen as a plague and a deadly disease. It is not, there are lots of advanced treatment and manageable ways. People with sickle cell are not discriminated against, some you don't even know unless they tell u. These awareness day is to celebrate breakthroughs, make people aware of ways of managing this. Not preaching against this. I say love can be enough sometimes. I'm out otherwise I will be ranting and not be coherent again.

    1. Love can never be enough, i understand where you are coming from and i speak not from a position of discriminating but one of awareness of the pain the children born out of love have to go through. I have lost friends, cousins to this disease as a child i often saw my cousins writhing in pain asking my mom if they would die? lost one of my cousins as early as primary 2, have an aunt with just one of her children left out of 3 we also have victories those still standing with children of their own. People sometimes go in and say we would do PND but i know at least 2 couples who when faced with the decision of terminating the pregnancy decided to go ahead and bring yet another innocent child to suffer the fate of sickle cell disease. Love is not worth the pain of sickle cell especially as a mother watching your child in so much pain and being unable to make it go away. Let us spread awareness and get tested and phase out sickle cell disease

  19. This post just got me emotional. I lost my sister 9years ago to this aliment. Am still sad haven't been able to talk about it. Love truly isn't just enough. She wasn't lucky like the rest of our other siblings. And she lost the fight to Sicklecell. Let's all lend our voice to fighting this ailment and create awareness, educate people about it.

  20. Well spoken dear. I wish I can hug you right now anyway, I am sending an e-hug to you. I was engaged to a man with AS genotype not knowing cos he told me he was AA while I was AS as well. when we realized four months to our wedding, we had to call it quit ooo even though it was very though for me. Thank God I will be getting married to an AA person this October. LOVE IS NOT ENOUGH OOO.. He who has ears, let him hear

  21. Stella and house, and poster, am a Warrior. For three years and counting, I have been championing the cause for Warriors in my own little way. If anyone here is conversant with Nairaland, they will know of a user name Abali1.
    I am commenting here today because of the Warrior who posted this. I don't know if you are a guy or a babe. But I have some words for you..... FIGHT ON, because you are a WARRIOR.
    I am older than you and have experienced a lot of pain (emotional, physical, psychological) but I always come out better. Like the iron that passes through the fire.
    Just like you, I suffered a serious pain crisis while in JS 2, and was hospitalized for weeks. Just like you I have partially lost my ability to hear. And today I hear alright only with a hearing-aid.
    Life is beautiful and there is no need to kill yourself. We Warriors are most fortunate, and the good Lord deposited too much intelligence in our brain.
    Can you imagine, losing your ability to hear and still be able to graduate from University. If only Warriors can make more use of their brain than brawn, then nothing will be impossible for us to achieve.
    You are not alone. There are others like you. I am like you. But a long time ago I chose not to allow myself be depressed for something that's not my fault and something that I won't be able to change. Today, I am married with a handsome son, and a beautiful wife.
    You will succeed only when you see yourself above the pain and discrimination. It's not easy. But happiness is worth fighting for. Shallom.

    1. True about the intelligence part. My sister was very intelligent. She was a genius. But she lost the fight to sickle cell

  22. Yes,love isn't enough,pity is not an option either! Point of correction,the word 'sickler' is derogatory, I mean if u you don't call cancer patients 'canclers' or AIDS patients 'aidslers' why should sickle cell warriors be called 'sicklers'? You rather say 'people living with sickle cell disorder'!
    That aside,I'm a person living with sickle cell and in my 30s. I used to feel bad because of it,but today,it's the least of my troubles because its just my blood cells that could get sickled,not my brain cells and there are worse diseases out there,so why should I kill myself with worry and low self esteem? Life is so beautiful! Duh!!!
    So,dear writer,stop feeling low,embrace life,believe in yourself and hope for the best.
    #Drops mic#

    1. Keep it up warrior!


  23. Moneybaby which kind of love is enough , have you seen a child in crisis , have you seen an adult fighting for his or her life , have do you have friends who are sicklers , one minute they are good the next it's the back pain, the jaw , knees , ankle or waist , don't you know sickle cell is good management .
    How many Niger men would be ready to sleep in hospitals or spend money ,even in the states when you have crisis and manage to take yourself there to the hospital , how many doctors understand the pain , they feel you want attention and wonder why you keep coming , when they give you morphine and tell you 1- 10 to rate the level of pain, if you say like an 8 , next thing is you must be a drug user , please don't say what you don't really know about .
    Which mother or father would love seeing the child in pain , in this days of awareness . Which kain dirty love is that, well except they have money for bone marrow transplant . Elizabeth .

    1. You sure are not aware enough. When doctors in your area start thinking someone who is sick is seeking attention, then they tmeselves needs 're-training. Either they are quack or underqualified.

  24. May God help us
    It is well

  25. I've lost 3 cousins to sickle cell please make sure you know your status! I am AS and before I even started dating my now husband first thing was to take him to doctor for test although there was 0 chance of him being a carrier (he's oyinbo) and even doctor tell me oyinbo no dey carry am I still refused n made him do test! Please love is not enough

    1. Carrier of way exactly? Sickle cell???

    2. They are carriers of the sickles cell or of the anaemia disease which is a cell disorder .
      Poster oyinbo people dey get the sickle cell disorder o, if you marry from Italy some of them dey get and some some Brazilians ...bottom line be it white,bad,yellow or green before love blurs your sense of reasoning, take yaselves to the hospital for tests,chikena!

  26. Nna a,oga adicha nma.inugo?
    Sending u loads of hugs,love n Prayer.

    Pls do send me a mail.

  27. May God bless you and help u realize ur dreams financially, physically, socially and all other areas


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