Stella Dimoko Marriage - Societal Pressure And Marrying Out Of Pity.



Sunday, June 21, 2015

Marriage - Societal Pressure And Marrying Out Of Pity.

Ifesquare says.....

''We support the institution of marriage but we must also state that the rate of divorce amongst first time marriages is alarming! The first issue we want to address is marrying out of pity, we will thereafter move on to the issue of societal pressure....

1 Corinthians 13 is our building block for this episode. 1 Corinthians 13 (3-7) message version: “If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don’t love, I’ve gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love. Love never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self. Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have. Love doesn’t strut, Doesn’t have a swelled head, Doesn’t force itself on others, Isn’t always “me first,”Doesn’t fly off the handle, Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others,Doesn’t revel when others grovel,Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,Puts up with anything,Trusts God always,Always looks for the best,Never looks back,But keeps going to the end.”

1. Marrying out of Pity.
Pity is the feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the sufferings and misfortunes of others. The issue here is that marriage is a very strong institution, which should be based on love and not pity. The issue of Naomi in the bible is great example of deceit and marrying out of Laban’s misfortune. Laban wanted to conform to the cultural/societal norm.

 Laban’s action caused Leah a lot of emotional turmoil for Leah, she wasn't love by her husband, and Leah suffered emotionally abuse because of cultural norm and her deceitful father. Although our merciful God found a way to compensate her, but even God couldn't manipulate Jacob to love her. Want to know how bad the emotional abuse was? Jacob wasn't sleeping with her, that's how much he hated her guts. If she wanted to sleep with him, she had to bribe and plead with Rebekah. As stated above love doesn't force itself on others, do not allow anyone manipulate you emotionally into getting married to them. 

Factors such as financial distress, length of relationship, physical disability, church denomination, family ties, family pressure, cultural norms, etc., shouldn't be the driving force for marriage. The most important thing is hearing from God and love. If you’ve not been convinced that this is the will of God for your life don't settle. There are other ways of ministering to people’s misfortune without necessarily getting married to them. We have witnessed cases where men emotionally manipulate women who are of age or desperate for marriage. 

The truth is this if you marry below the value God intends for you; you may not feel fulfilled in that marriage. You may eventually check out of the situation. Some people have turned themselves to Martyrs without Gods instruction; they see themselves as Messiahs who need to salvage people from their misfortunes/ sufferings by getting married to them. Be kind to people help them out of their misfortunes, but be very objective when it comes to marriage don't mix things up. 

Compassion and love required for marriage are two different things entirely. Don't think you need to marry a man because you are the only one he depends on financially; don't think you need to marry a woman because if you don't marry her no one else will. Don't keep up with a man or woman because you are kind and you don't want to break their heart. Be very objective have your standards and stand by them (we are referring to godly standards oh). Moving on to social pressure.

2) Societal pressure in Nigeria / Africa is alarming! 
Everywhere you go, people are either terrorizing you or your parents. They say things like; when are we picking aso ebi ? Please if you want to buy new clothes visit Balogun (Just kidding lol) . These kind of people are emotional terrorists, they thrive on conversations based on misfortunes of others. They also say things like career is not everything; if you are a career woman and you don't get married you are useless? 

Paul wasn't married and aside from Jesus he made the most impact in the New Testament. He even went on to say married people take on more additional stress. 1 Corinthians 7 verse 28 (ESV) “But if you do marry, you have not sinned, and if a betrothed woman marries, she has not sinned. Yet those who marry will have worldly troubles, and I would spare you”. This means that there is a need for maturity before marriage, this maturity will enable you to handle the worldly troubles when they come. 

That is why it is important to take your time and marry God’s will, if you marry under pressure when the trouble comes, your marriage will give way. 1 Corinthians 7 verse 17 (Message version) “And don’t be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God’s place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there. God, not your marital status, defines your life”.

If you are one those people, who terrorize people stop it, take a step back and figure out yourself first. If you are one those people who has been terrorised please focus on the following things :

1) Find your purpose, understand why you were created, why you are in this world and start working on it.

2) Be patient wait patiently, regardless of what emotional terrorists have to say, have confidence in your self don't make any decision under pressure.

3) While waiting patiently, work on your maturity in the following areas

i) Spiritual maturity, get closer to God ensure you have a way of communicating with God. Can you ear from God about issues? If you can’t hear from God about trivial issues how would you be able to hear from him about an important institution as marriage?

ii) Financial independence, please understand your trade, that is understand what your career entails. Develop your business acumen; proverbs 31 woman was an industrious woman.

iii) Emotional and Intellectual maturity, you have to be intellectually mature; emotionally you have to be stable. Can you over look things? If your partner offends you can you genuinely forgive him?

iv) Physical maturity. Every one considering marriage must be physically mature. We are clearly against under age marriage.

Other things to work on include cleaning yourself up, cleaning the home, been nice to your neighbors, etc. Kindly note that development of these things are progressive, you may likely not get A* in everything but please have them in the works. 

At least you require maturity in the first 4 before settling down. Kindly note once again that we are not against the institution of marriage all we are saying is don't marry under pressure, marry based on the will of
God for you, ensure you can grow in love with the person. Please go ahead and listen to the Vlog , to the very end lol. Thank you once again.

Twitter @ifesquarevlog


  1. The more westernized we get, the more divorces we will have. Dnt even know which is better. But I believe in true love.

  2. Most marriages break up because they marry 4 the wrong reasons!
    (1)marrying a guy cause he is rich.......linda Eze will be like, marry d rich guy cause love won't put food on your table.....and when d guys start cheating or beating her,same group of people will say please leave dat hell you call marriage ,after all marriage is not by force!
    (2)marrying because you think dat most of your friends are any guy dat say will you marry me, u will say yes without doing your home work.
    (3)marrying out of pity : because you dated a guy/girl 4 10yrs doesn't mean you have 2 may him/her....pitying the person bcos of how long you have dated....

    1. Potable Viv,most Nigerian married woman don't leave their matrimonial home if the husband is wealthy....

      Marriage without money is hell!!...

      If the husband like,make he fuck all the women in this world and beat her on top,they most stay...
      That's money for you...
      Money makes most women wet including me...

      So my dear,don't ever marry a poor man if you are still single...

    2. @Portable viv, What is dis nau? Ddnt we read the post n watch the video? What re u narrating n listing agn? Over sabi.... ona waa tie nor wen wen!!!! Mtshewwww

    3. Linda Eze,you are the realest and most honest woman on this blog.Sometimes,I just wish you are still young and single.

  3. Ok,but whats Naomi in the book of Ruth got to do wiv the first point?

  4. No o some blog visitors won't agree with this. Time is of essence to some people so yeah they'd rather marry just anyone to have that ring on their finger and change of name at least they'd be Mrs. Somebody. Flaunt their ring while smiling in public and cry in the comfort of their homes. Marry your best friend people nothing better than that. Someone you can talk to about anything anytime is the ultimate. Please let chronicles from married women lessen a bit it's getting too much. Study your partner know them love them enough to want to spend the rest of your life with.
    Marriage shouldn't be done on a whim.
    A competiton when you start to tell yourself hey all my friends are married blah blah
    Many people are suffering in marriages but will hide their tears with cakes of pancake while making you jealous.
    This article is on point if only we would all listen to it and know that God's time is always the best.
    I am yet to see a couple whose union I admire in this present day because many people marry for the wrong reasons.

    Do not marry on an intuition or because you feel well so and so has done a lot for me marrying him is my way of paying back.
    Do not use another person's time to check yours.
    Marry well and you'd live longer.

    1. Story for the God's. Reach 30 and come back and tell this story. It's just like men, when a man is ready, he will marry his best option available, same with women. We women just like to attach emotions to everything. Marrying with a clear head is even better when you are mature. At least if e cheat, you will use sense to deal with it not emotions

  5. One thing i know is dat marriage does not lead anyone to heaven..Marriage is not for everybody..If u have reached 30yrs,pls help urself by having ur own kid or kids..I tell u,if u miss dat opportunity of brithing ur own God given children,u will regret it if u end up no getting married..

    1. Chizoba nwa nma nne idi uso!!!!!! Akwa nwa pretty woman I dey great oooooh.

    2. so chizoba, u hvnt seen ppl marry at 35 and start their lives and give birth and be successful on top? abeg shift

    3. So 35 don't get married and birth children okwa ya. Ignorant fool.

    4. See Dem mumu gwegwelinas anonymous!!!

      @chizzy,u look breath taking!!

    5. What Chizoba said is true...
      The chances of getting pregnant and having a child at 35 is small...
      It's just luck!...

      So anon 14:37 and 14:57,you better do what Chizoba said to avoid stories that touch...

    6. Okija Wife....Thanx for d compliment dear..Dont mind all these aunty gwegz we no wan hear..their body go tell dem when dey reach 50yrs without husband and kids.

      D Queen and d Boss...Are u begging dem..Leave dem make dem dey insult their mama..Akwuna na akwa akwa nwa na ula nka..Let dem continue wasting their young age waiting for husband..Dey dont know dat being childless is worse than being husbandless.

    7. @Anon13:52.....Daalu rinne..Chai..u don swell my head finish..Chop kiss!

    8. Funny enough, I agree with u Chizoba. Marriage isn't for everyone.

    9. Is it also possible that a young girl , 20's, will decide to have a child and nurture it with her family to take the pressure of marriage off her and just focus on building a great life. So that if it happens, great, if not great.

  6. Nice piece..
    But it is nothing new.there are mysteries of life that the human mind cannot comprehend.
    Some people have gotten married under pressure, and went on to have a happy and successful marriage.
    Some played by the book, with all of the above and more, yet ended up with tales of woes..
    What am I saying here?
    I'm simply trying to say that when it comes to getting married, playing by the book won't cut it..
    Even if someone has the first four you listed out before venturing into marriage, it still isn't a guarantee that they'd be able to handle whatever comes their way.

  7. Replies
    1. See this ashawo kobo, is it not better to be single than marry and be fucking every Tom Dick Harry? Okija fear God o!!

    2. Guess I'm the only one not comfortable with the term "Aunty Gwegwegwe".

    3. @SMH,don't worry body go still tell you,you dis old cargo wey no fit born pikin again!

  8. Marriage, University, Parenting, Singing & Acting, Make-up..etc, its not for everybody... Don't go in for the wrong reason.

  9. Marriage matter!
    Long epistle cos of women or?
    Just be wise! Act like a lady, think like a man.

  10. Wow. Nice write up. I really learned a lot from it. God bless the writer

  11. Nice write up, if person no marry,her official title is aunty Africa a successful woman is measured by d ring on her finger, no one cares if she is in bondage or not.

  12. The society we come from ,especially nigeria

  13. I love this. Thank u dear

    'They also say things like career is not everything; if you are a career woman and you don't get married you are useless?... Pleas young ladies, wen they say ds to u, ask them who said u'll nevr get married? Are they God dt can see into ur future. Tell them to sit on a padded cushion and wait. They'll definitely be invited to your weddin. Ceteris paribus, 98% of women will marry. Don't ever let anyone make you tensed up and desperate cos that is the major ingredient requird for that fatal marital mistake

    Spiritual attacks, spiritual husbands, household enemies/wickedness, demonic possession, nd generational curses are d major factors hinderin and witholdin d marriag of many young women. It is an indisputabl fact dt marriag crowns a woman nd complets her, hence d greatest curse dt can b put on a woman esp in Nigeria is that she wil never get married. I wouldn't wish that on my enemy. Marriage gives you a base, a place to stand, the right to have kids and more respect in the society. It projects you as a responsible person. It'll take the divine grace of God for a woman who doesnt get married to be happy.

    It is a pitiable fact,that in the midst of these spiritual problms, most young ladies compound their problms by livin in the sin of fornication, under the guise of boyfriend-girlfriend rship. Ds is one great sin d devil has used to keep single ladies under bondages; formidable forces of darknes possess u nd operate freely without any restrictions bc you empower them thru sin. If u wish to be free and to have your own home and a great one at that with a God-fearing husband, you MUST have a deep rship with God.

    Call off that sinful rship dt is takin u away frm God, dt makes u to have a guilty conscience wen u pray, that keeps you in bondage. Some might say she's joking right? No, I'm damn serious! Regardless of the status of the guy involved and how eligible he is, call it off today! Tell him that you want to seek the face of God. Stop visitin him. Stop callin him. Don't shove yourself in his face to remind him that you're still available. Delete him from your BBM so that his updates won't be stirring up feelings within u. Ds is to make him understand how serious u are. Wen you sincerely do ds, no matter his status, mark my words, he wil com back for u. It might take mnths or even a year but he must come back. If he doesn't, keep still. A better man is on his way. Seek the face of God in all honesty and purity. Pray always, esp at midnight. Midnight prayers scatter the kingdom of darkness and put them in disarray. Wen you pray, don't be in a hurry to leave the presence of God. Short prayers cut the full flow of God's blessings and glory upon us. Short prayers draw their strength and potency from long prayers said in the past. Fast as often as you can. Give alms. Join a society in the church and get busy. Guard ur thoughts nd utterances wt great caution. Map out visions and goals you intend to achieve in life. You also hav to be selectiv in the choice of movies nd music you listen to. Songs with mundane lyrics, glorifying immorality shld be shunned. Finally, dress well, wear bright colours, and make attractive hairstyles. Wear high-heeled shoes, catwalk and talk softly like a queen.

    A deep rship with Christ gives us this inner peace of mind that cannot be bought with money. It gives you self esteem and it endears you to people. Not evryone wl like you though. Wen you do all these, believ me, gettin a husband, not just any husband but a great one at that will be the least of ur problems. You'll realize that any responsible grown man seekin for a wife dt gets to kno u will desperately desire to make you his forever.

    Peace to us all. Happ Sunday SDKers!!!

    1. God bless you for this lyndy!

    2. Well said...
      You write up reminds me of my daddy in The Lord...
      Most Nigerian women are posessed...

    3. This is a rich write up! A lot of young women need to read this. It's unfortunate what our society has become, women selling themselves for money, sleeping with demons and possessed men who roam the earth in form of humans but are nothing to write home about spiritually. I wish you can move around and spread this word

    4. Thank you so much Lyndy, I learnt a lot of things from you.God bless you

    5. Thanks everyone. Anon17:49, if it is my calling, then I will by God's grace

    6. Absolutely spot on. I agree with everything except that it isn't every one who is single that is unhappy my dear. There are some single women who have achieved a lot and are happy, even though they aren't married. Having a man later will only add to the happiness they already enjoy. That's a fact.

    7. I so love dis...
      Thanks lyndy

  14. Nice article. Spoken naturedly. Nothing beats wisdom gleaned from God's word.

  15. @SMH you really hit nkita wife..sorry, okija wife. lol.

  16. Very well said........... It's a life time commitment so why Make mistakes. When it's late better get it right or never

  17. hehehe, who i dey see so
    ife...thumbs up moi fellow eagle

  18. what do you mean westernization is causing more divorces? so you expect women to keep tolerating the bullshit men dish out? women now earn more and are no longer ready to die suffering in the name of marriage as they can now take care of expect women to make all the sacrifices in marriage...a lot of men do not love the way God has commanded them marriage in heaven so if a marriage doesn't work let everyone answer their fathers name...women tolerate all kinds of shit from men yet all the men give back is cheating and all kinds of bullying...women too are now retaliating - so life goes on


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