Stella Dimoko Men With More Than One Wife - Please Step Forward


Friday, May 15, 2015

Men With More Than One Wife - Please Step Forward

If this directly affects you,please forward and tell us how you cope..!

What I think?...WTF!

Serial Husbands abound!


  1. Have yall heard of multitasking?
    Some people don't sleep = insomnia. So, it's possible to be an insomniac and multi task, that's enough time to manage the wahala from 3-4 different women. Some men are gifted. And they will be lying to 4 different women continuously simultaneously. Sighs..ecen thinking about their stress ins tiring for me.each mallam to his kettle

    *** mynameisSkelewu

    1. I'll have two husbands minimum

  2. Alibaba how market na. politicians no dey call you to do show. seems you don dey jobless where you go ask us question, we go give you answer.

    ngwanu serial men come and answer the question for brother alibaba

    1. Rude thang

    2. Lol.. but I like her/him :D

    3. See alibaba tha has one million baby mamas and one long suffering wife. Same wahala. Mscheeeeeew

  3. Dem plenty!
    I pray they don't die early cos of trouble frm the wives.

  4. hmmmmm it makes no sense


  5. he married the ones abroad to get the passport


  6. Hmmmmmm
    Have always wondered how Moslems wit more dan one wife do it...

    Even if The General was offered À Beauty like Omo sexy wit The Heart Of Mother Theresa and Sex Appeal Of Genevieve,Dude wil Turn it down...

    I am sure he wil say "My wife is WW1 on her own.Add her craziness and I am a dead man!

    1. Hmmmm. Dey pray oo. Ndi ori a*u full Lagos now, whether you're a beauty like Bianca Ojukwu or not, if they mean d General eeh? O na ri gokwa!.
      Before now, DH will always say. If u jam my wife in a bum short,haaaa, inyua ya brains out, but now lesbians full inside street sef. Fear no let me wear short skirt go salon kpaakpa.
      All these guys marrying n hiding wives unknown to their wives and families? Na una head una go take carryam. So much for a season. Tufiakwa.

      Every last Friday while my DH is asleep, I hold his first toe while kneeling and pray over our family. Recently, na even gay guys come be problem again. Maybe na d open teeth and I'm gold necklace dey attract them. It's beyond TDH, methinks some demons have berthed in Nigeria.

      AliBaba calls it spontaneity, if you on twitter you will so love his posts. Catchy tweets.

    2. Nwunye G u just made my afternoon. Hahahahahahahahaha @ww1. Xhirted even if u wear Mary Amaka, if dem wan notice u, they turn on their spiritual eye. Anya ime mmuo! Men aren't loyal cha cha!

    3. Lmao!!
      First toe kwa?
      Maka gini@Xhlrted p

    4. @Olori.....d thing taya me. You greet a fellow woman, she will rub your backside and quietly whisper "how na?". Then mischievously watch your response. Tufia.

      @Iphie....DAT resembles "okpu a*u and I use it as a point of contact. "Covers face".

  7. Gals wants to marry, even if it's wife no5. Nawa o. Its terrible.

  8. If am d first wife and my hubby marries another wife, walahi I will b a serial cheater!
    These men Dnt think @ all. During their youthful age it's fun bt when dey get old d wives treat them like rag. My grand father married 3 wives bt nw at his old age none of them gv him attention.they will always say "afterall am Nt d only wife, d other can take care of him" men be wise ooo! Think of old age Nt youthful age! E kan kan iwota ije!

  9. Although my ex doesn't have 3 wives ,but he's been married 3times + a baby mama that's four.

    1. Jesus!and u entered with your eyez open or closed. Pls when are u sending ur chronicle cause I want to read it. Marriage is not a do or die affair,u lazy fowl

    2. anon read again...
      She said so una dey fell exams...

    3. Igbo woman. ...fell! lol

    4. Looool @ fell.

    5. Lmao....Why nau? Are you not an igbo woman??? Lmao....Kai e pain u o....ngwa chop kiss.... but fell

  10. Yes na, if woman say she no wan hear word, marry join am, if that one no behave, marry again, when dem reach 10, dem go seat up. Besides, too many unmarried women so we do it to help their marital destinies. They should be thankful

    1. Oloriburuku oloshi omo alee jati jati alert oooooo!!!

    2. Look at this idiot!!!!!!!!!! And to think this one will be a father to a young impressionable mind some day...... SMH I weep for my daughter.

    3. @Iyke on point. Ratio is 1:20 at selective level , then 1:100 at random. Plenty women , few men. The ones that can't get themselves men are helping themselves out with dildo; Hehehehe

    4. Then in d mix, one very DEMONIC one will get angry and show you DAT 'water wen dem take do garri, dem no dey see am'.
      Dey pray oo.

      Most of dem gat no love for you.

  11. This Alibaba again?? Jobless man
    Ashiri gbaka ute! Oya make una come tell us stories! Kam wuchaa ntim ofuma

    1. Dont mind him with his plenty bsby mamas and ex wife

  12. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said..
    If yu no get money no try this rough play shah.....

  13. Do they think they are the only ones fucking those women? If they believe their wives are faithful to them then i call them the biggest fools on planet earth. Once they leave other men take over their wives. SMH. MEN ARE BIG BABIES!!!

  14. Trust me Stella.....Its a coded package.
    These women don't know eachother exists in the man's life

  15. Hehehe... Its their wives that are desperate jare.

    Every aboki with him kettle.

  16. Smtcheeeeerwwww...

    Am also considering POLYANDRY....

  17. Alibaba or whatever go and rest your fat ass down biko msheww
    All poke nosing like he's perfect! Rubbish

  18. Over to the men
    Even those having numerous that not a heavy task?
    Well..what do I know? I'm not a man

  19. Hmmm, how do they even go about it sef?

    How will they satisfy each wife?

    Let me read comments.

  20. Hahahahaha! I give him kudos, he is trying with this death warrant

  21. With money I guess he settles them well and I'm not sure they know each other. Good luck to him.

    1. Dear can u give me a summary of your DP. I only understand the yellow taxi zooming off. Seems funny but I can't view it properly. Thanks

    2. A man stands at the road waiting for cab...none stops for him....a lady then stands and exhibits her assets and the cab stops. The man tried the same method and the police is seen hitting him..

    3. Lol @xhlrted P Orela has said it all. It's actually very funny and I like it because of the hidden message ; what works for A might not necessarily work for B.

    4. @Orela ... Thanks - a - bunch. Hahaha. Now I understand. Had to open on a full screen. Afi exhibit assets.

      @Nuvi Honey...thanks for the dp.
      Welldone babes.

  22. If u marry more dan one wife ,make sure u don't stop @ 2 cos 2 will be plenty wahala,jealousy ,envy,fight etc....but 3 or more ,all of dem for don know u be craze-man so dey'l just focus on their lives n children

  23. Most Yoruba men can't stay with only one wife...whether they are Christain or Muslim...
    It's in their blood even the so called educated and well exposed ones among them are guilty of this...

    The one that baffles me is those poor ones that lives in a one room apartment in a face me I slap you compound with plenty wives and children...

    1. Many other tribes, not only Yoruba. Largely influenced by environment.

      Highest record.
      One long route of bullcrap. Dirty environments, too many co-wives, baby mamas and homeless kids.

      And in the morning, they emerge with the poo-buckets they used over the night to pee
      Very disgusting.

    2. Can you ever stay a day without bigotry?

  24. There are more baby girls born than boys. So do the maths!

  25. Waiting for comments,my father had 3wives n my mum was his legit

  26. Hmm.boje oodo is busy telling ppl she's prego for my waiting for her mother no train her I go help her cute little family na him she wan come break.i dare u to try it,u will know u met a tiger face to face once in ur madness de worry u oh.i have a son and daughter u know very well yet u can't close ur bony legs.ok so trouble dey start

    1. Did she rape ur husband? Zuzupuo here.

    2. Boje Oodo who you help now?you have scatter another woman's family!!!!Chaaiii

    3. Cut your husbands pee first.

    4. Face your husband too... He was busy chasing everything wearing a skirt disrespecting you his wife...his punishment should be more..cause he is the one who actually what's to scatter his family

    5. Yucee another woman will fuck and give birth for your husband. You are a wicked soul.

    6. No, she did not rape him, but, must she get pregnant for him? It is highly irresponsible men that don't use protection when cheating. Are they not afraid of STDs and HIV and infecting their wives and leaving their children orphans if they contact AIDS?

    7. Madam caution ur randy horseband b4 u face Boje! Did she rape ur husband ni! Tell ur horseband 2 tie his blockhouse 2 his legs n pretend 2 b a mermaid

    8. Moda fucker.shut up and surrender dat ur smelling nyash for ur sugar ddaddy who u still buy food for.shega danbanza

  27. What women go through.

  28. Polyandry....

    Most men are not satisfied.

  29. My uncle says when ur wives are constantly on each others throats, then ur life is guaranteed and u will enjoy cos they will both pamper u so as to seek favour but if both wives are at peace and the cooperate then ur life is in danger cos they can plot ur downfall anytime.

    1. Pamper you or poison you? That your uncle na real mumu

  30. I guess plenty woman and not a enough man to go around? Or not? Even without d wedding certificate most married man have mistresses and they re taking care of them like they re married to them. Polygamous is old as time even in d bible it was a normal practise... it gonna be hard for man to stick to one woman o. vice versa!

  31. From what I have seen, polygamous homes actually breed more trouble for the children involved. Why would you want to expose anyone to such a toxic situation?

  32. Solomon wey marry multitude no be anybody slave.... men just have their way even when there is no way. just pray say u don't marry a wrong woman ontop d wan wey u get, if not..........

  33. is finally posting bout men. Anyways, it's nothing new abeg.if guys can hav more dan 2/3 gf scatters in every state/country dey ve been to n manage dem well den it's not far from being married to them na cos e go just de recycle d lies. Polygamy is trending now obviously n it's 2 say chics plenty pass guys cos d supposed husbands either de prison, turn reverend or is gay. odigba

    1. As them yab you few days ago, you don improve your spellings, but its still bad sha

  34. Polygamy to me is crude(my opinion).
    It is a parody of marriage.
    Proper marriage should be between a man and one woman(i might sound regular but this is how best it works). How does a man share something as sacred as affection with more than one woman known to others without squabbles? Even when men share their attention with sisters, mothers, friends on a platonic basis, it leads to insecurity and stella dimoko chronicles, not to talk of full time splitting? Haaaa! I think polygamy is the origin of African Cause when a woman has to keep competing for her man's attention daily in food, sex, babies, beauty. She wants to be the one he takes out to occasions, or sleeps with or eats from, and when due to age or lack of skills or beauty or reproductive prowess, she fails.its to resort to supernatural means to ensure favour for her and her kids(nvm my theory oh). The institution is totally demeaning to women. Thank God is now a thing of choice because most women hate it really. Those who pretend they like it just say so cause they have no better choice.(theyre still a little fraction of women that like polygamy,so let it be their choice though)

    A man may be cheating and even go in there with a condom(if he's cautious) but to know that your husband is in the next room sticking his penis into another woman and enjoying it! Not to talk of the chances of disease. Tell me, can u control the sexual promiscuity of your fellow wife? Or the toilets she sits on or her hygiene?

    If you see her dating another man, you just have to hold her neck and warn her cos her pee is directly linked with yours. You're sister-vaginas. Lmao. In ordinary marriage, it's difficult to keep up, not to talk of polygamy. U might be sharing your 'spouses' with 17 other people in collective numbers. The arrangement is a farce. Don't get me started on the disunity, disparity in status of step siblings(each wife faces their kids). Polygamy is mostly a dysfunctional institution that favours mostly men. Born of male greed and covetousness

    1. 1,000,000,000 likes for your comment BN.

    2. All this long story smh. But you make small sense sha

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. You have said it all. He who has ear, let him hear. Marrying more than 1 wife is like serving two masters. You will end up loving one more and it is plain stupidity to me. I hate women will go ahead to marry a man knowing he already has a wife. So women are just evil, they enjoying breaking people homes. I am theme say NO to all married men because in the beginning of the world God made Adam and Eve(1 man, 1 women) not Adam, Eve and Eva.

  35. God forbid. Oh

  36. There's one doctor in my area,i noticed the wife has changed her dressing,so I decided to do amebo o.i heard he married another wife(hes Muslim tho)the first wife com change o dressing o.all the cover cover she dey do b4.she started showing her hair,wearing leggings,fixing eye lashes plus she come start dey use Caro whitem

  37. Alibaba again!
    Idleness at it peak
    Well,over to the men.

    This is for men but funny enough you won't see their comments on this post.

  38. Alibaba asking this lame question is a junior polygamist.he has about 6 kids from 5 different women.why is he talking as if he is innocent???

  39. They have bigger issues. True talk my dear, Yoruba no dey joke with women.

    Even the kids can never be taken proper care of. I dey in their midst here in the North and if you give much trouble, the man will divorce you and bring in new small girl.

  40. Polygamy is an original part of our culture. Some parts of our culture are there for good reason. Westernisation is what has lead to divorces, baby mamas and side chicks cos there just are not enough eligible men to go around eligible women. So if u can afford it, u should marry more than one wife. That is what our forefathers did and it worked! Just be sure u can take care of them and their children. Dasall!

  41. How old did you say he is... wait and see if he will get to 50 when the women change.


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