Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitors Narratives.


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Chronicle Of Blog Visitors Narratives.

Happy Sunday...I wish all those in marriages a stress free,love filled day....!



Hello Stella,
Trust you are very well. Stumbled on your blog a year ago when someone left a comment about you on LIB so thought to check it out and I have not been disapointed. Please I need the house to tell me where I have gone wrong or what I am doing wrong as I am at the verge of giving story is a bit long abeg be patient with me oh.

I have been married for 8yrs with two wonderful kids but I am not happy in my marriage. I got married at 23 and i have not experienced the joy of being married.Problems started after I got married oh. DH and i didn't date for a long time as e lived abroad so we didn't see much. 

After marriage I found out that dear DH lied to me about a lot of things including the stage of his job and finances. Even money for marriage I found out he borrowed from friends. I spent most of my savings go too for that wedding b cos I was covering him from my family. When I went to join him, all was revealed but I stayed b cos I am from a broken home and I didn't want that for myself.

Stella DH finally lost his job oh and he refused to work instead he was living off his girlfriends. He even left me for days wen i was pregnant to be with his married girlfriend for days.Taking money from them to feed his family. I was new abroad so didn't know much. My mother was living abroad too so she too had to take a second job so she can be sending me money. At this time I was pregnant with my second child. 6 months after I gave birth, I went job hunting and found one. DH said he was not going to work oh so I took up the responsibilities of the home bear in mind I have been abroad for 2yrs and he has been for 15 yrs. 

Stella, all he does is carry girls, go to clubs and take money from friends. I hear of all the things he does oh and this man can LIE OH! E LIE PASS FISH OH. His family sef Don tire for e lie lie oh. There is nothing he says that I believe till I see it.
There is no truth in his mouth at all.
Anytime we have issues, the first thing he does is insult my family. She is so depressed with his insults and liying attitude. We used to live in Spain so I convinced him to move to UK so he can find work which he only agreed after i stopped paying rent and we were kicked out. No where to go, he then left to UK.
I moved to UK to join him to make things a bit easy for him but he will not let me breath. He wants me to still join him in paying bills oh. Did I mention that he put me in so much debt in Spain that I am still paying till now? This man has never bought me gift oh for 8yrs oh not to talk of our kids. I do everything for them. Wen i suggest lets go to a restaurant he will say only if i pay for it. All I do is think of when I will experience love.
Recently I met a guy at work whom I became friends with. the guy pays so much attention to me like I have never seen before all thru my years of being married. He is just the definition of a gentleman. One thing led to another and we had sex which was mind blowing. Now it is forbidden where I am from but at this point I don't really care. I confided in my friend and she said the guy knows my problem and he is just using me but of course I know that but he tells me what I want to hear and it makes me really happy. I have told DH a lot of times that I am tired but he thinks I cannot survive without him.
I want a fulfilled life for myself but I am so confused about leaving is staying because of the kids. I just don't feel anything for him anymore and my family really wants me to leave and find my life.
Please any advice are welcome from matured minds oh.

You have already left him emotionally and spiritually,since you have started sitting on another ''DI*K''.it is better you leave him....Stop using kids as excuse,go and ''find your life'' before you are labelled a cheating wife a s excuse for his failure.....well you are a cheating wife albeit your excuse is wearing



Hi Mrs Korks! hope this mail meets you well. I never thought i would be needing advice so soon....I really need your honest opinion on this issues because it has been eating me up for a while. I need your candid advice but you may also choose to put it up . I am a young lady of 23..i am in a relationship with a 27 years old man. He finished school quiet early and he is doing fine for himself. 

The issue here is we have different background though we are both from same tribe.I attend celestial church and he attends apostolic.. His mom has something against white garment church because of what happened in her marriage in the early years that caused divorce.For the parent are also divorced(white garment ish too). people in apostolic church dont make their hair...use makeup or wear trousers...i do all those because my church isn't against all that. 

we already prayed about us...the warning side is that we need to be prayerful for our union to be successful...(who doesnt ?) We knew about our differences before we agreed to date . My worries now are...eventually ..we are going to have to involve third parties like my parent and his parent ... With all these differences...How we go about it.. ? i see reasons why his mum thinks all celestial people are fetish but a woman doesn't have a church once she is married right?and that notion doesnt apply to me... i see the reason why his mom is against ondo cos we are stubborn to bits but can we generalise?i am cool headed...he can testify... i have indirectly suggested break up because of all these but he said he is not giving up without trying...

Mrs korks i get advances every now and do i go about it? how do people handle unsure relationship like this? He might want me but rebelling against his family because of me is outrightly wrong. I need your advice. i might end up referring him   to this post just in case you post it. GOD bless.

Let me read comments abeg


  1. Marriages of nowadays thooooo

    1. Poster 2:i think you two should attend another church together!! And start ur own from there!! U don't like Apostolic and his parents don't like celestial... u guys need to meet at a point where both families can be happy if you wanna continue to date one another!!!
      Poster 1: You have already made up ur mind, sometimes people need space from their marriages to make it succeed so therefore, take a month away from one another and in that stage u can redefine ur marriage if u wanna continue or simple have an OPEN MARRIAGE!

    2. I tire. Poster1: Y d so many "oh". I found it so difficult 2 read ur narrative "oh". Anyway, ure now as mean as ur husband. So now that ure even, park ur things and leave.

    3. @Poster 1, why should your DH believed you can't do without him? According to your narrative, you said he doesn't buy things for you or the kids, you pay most if not all the bills, so what's left that you will miss him for? Abeg, jump out of that marriage and find your square root, when the heat is unbearable again, you're advice to leave the kitchen. My personal opinion for you, DIVORCE.
      @Poster2, I'm very sorry cos I couldn't even know what you want us to advice you on, are you ready to join him in his church if you both eventually marry? If yes, then go on and if no, abeg back off, how can 2 walk without agreement? Marriage is a life time journey, you cannot afford to manage on the bus engine, you need a comfortable spacious seat. Above all, if you're from a broken home, it always take the grace of God and serious prayer for the hereditary curse to be broken, so don't ever enter a marriage that is not smooth from the beginning that will eventually lead to divorce again.

      *Larry was here*

    4. Poster 1: marriage is over move on stop flogging a dead horse. He doesnt love you, you dont love him, you are making those kids miserable bringing them up in a loveless irresponsible situation.

      Stop hiding behind "staying for my kids" kids need to grow and thrive in a love filled relationship before they end up like you desperately clinging to a dead relationship

    5. Everyday is miserable marriage chronicle!!! Jesus take the wheel... Us single girls are getting so scared of marriage.. Relationships are hard enough as it is.. Marriage shouldn't be this heard. May Solomon's wisdom be with both posters

    6. for me, I'm tired of reading the same set of chronicles everyday in different words. it's becoming boring and annoying 'cos it doesn't seem like anyone actually takes the advise dished out here.... abeggy...i'm out!

  2. Poster 1: I think you need to develope yourself.

    Poster 2:Find a man in yout church.

  3. Narrative 1
    The best thing for you to do now is to leave that marriage in Your past and move forward.

    Your comment will be visible after approval

  4. Na wah @poster 2
    Cele and Apo....

    What a mixture!

    I'm out!


    1. Sweerie sup?
      Where have u been?
      Some shit head said you be avoiding me like trash in here.
      If only dem know how far.

    2. We haven't gotten to the sex part yet. I don't think we will but ds dude keeps me sane, makes me happy, understands me. He's just right!

    3. Oo..please am I the only one tired of reading chronicles about men that cheat,church issues,domestic violence etc..mehn..this issues has been trashed out a lot of times on this blog..
      U guys have gotten ideas like:kill him,poison him,divorce him,pray for him,beg him bla bla bla...
      Am tired already pls

      Stella bar..pls can we have a change of not married..this ones are making me scared already..chronicles about some different story will be appreciated

    4. Out to where?
      Where are you going to ?

      *Dragging Gennybaby back, superglues her to Sdk*
      You are not going anywhere, I am tired of missing you.

      Poster2. ..ndi uka white, ndi seer


    5. Let me see if Genny baby will reply you.if she does, she is an idiot.
      You allowed the poor woman's name to be dragged and you stayed on the fence with that twofaced bitch impersonating herself.
      Genny pls ignore this woman because she isn't through with you yet.

    6. Mehn not you are not the only tired one jare. I recommend a book I am reading right now: 10 Commandments of Marriage" by Ed Young. It's an astute book, easy to relate with all these issues flying around, practical and based on Biblical principles
      I pray it helps someone out there!

    7. Chim_omas Wears10 May 2015 at 20:44

      women, how z sum1 being decieved and she knows it, still say dat she enjoys it? my dear z no differ. b/w d man and ur hubby. u ofcourse re no diff.
      but wait if i may ask, how does a woman ve so much time in dis abroad to flirt? i mean how, with urself and ur 2 kids i mean how?

      please click on my name to visit my page for your Designers'Bags and Shoes

    8. Chim_omas Wears10 May 2015 at 20:59

      poster 1, i'll advice u concentrate on urself and ur kids. look gud, den u 'll get so much complement and respect from both men and women without u being laid. carry urself with diginity.

      poster 2 u know what u want already.

      For your guality designers'Bags and Shoes, click on my name.

    9. Buahahhhhaa
      I was expecting you,
      and you came in form of parrot.
      You know...
      When a king dines and feasts, filling his belly to the fullest, the servants awaits to feast on the leftovers.
      I have made my comment to Gennybaby and am done.
      You are doing the right thing...
      Scrambling for what you can bite off my comment for the slave that you are!

    10. Genny babe I respect u. Thanks for ignoring dis Blog lord.

  5. I was initially pitying the first narrator till the part of her sleeping with another man while still married l... Some inconsistencies in her story when she claimed her hubby left her for few days to live with one of her married gfs... How's that possible? Her hubby might have digress but she should have divorce him before sleeping with the new ''gentleman" there's nothing gentlemanly about sleeping with another man's wife o. I wish we can hear the hubby part of this story, I'm almost sure madam don dey do her own too tey tey

    1. Don't mind poster 1 and her plenty inconsistent lies. She's "demonised" the hubby to justify her infidelity. The man left Spain to UK and you followed him even though you were no longer in luv with him init ?? Don't worry you would soon find what you are looking for in your adulterous partner. He knows you are still married and sleeping with him and you think he would take you seriously ??? He tells you what you want to hear ??? Smh. Let him keep telling you what you want to hear until you stop hearing

  6. Poster 1: the story seems so one sided. Adultery was not an option. The last time i checked divorce is still a legal act.

  7. Poster 1
    You didn't do anything wrong...
    80% of men don't tell their wives or girlfriends truth about their income...
    Guys now have a new tactics they use in getting married...a guy once told me that men of these days won't tell you they are poor so you won't run away...that's why they lie about their finances
    Please leave this guy and move on...thank God your families are behind you...

    Poster 2
    Don't marry a guy that his parents are not in support of...
    My dear,forget men ohh... They can lie...
    In this time and age,some church are still doing no makeup and trouser*yinmu*...
    Go ahead and marry him if you can endure those things....the ball is in your court...

    1. Welcome back the Queen


    2. "Thank God your families are behind you" looool " your family is behind you" is appropriate.. but come to think of it can't you have a gbagaun free post.. lol.

      Ps always proofread abeg..

  8. Poster 1,ur use of "oh" mks u sound retarded.... Ur story sounds retarded sef.... Poster 2, really dunno wat to say to u.

    1. I thought I was the only one that noticed d 'oh', it made story sound kinda disjointed.

      Two wrongs don't make a right. Divorce him first especially as u have ur family's support.

    2. I tire Oh, he's not working oh, I fucked my colleague oh, I want a divorce oh...oh oh oh oh oh!

      It is well oh
      Goodbye oh!

  9. Poster 2 run for ur dear life hw can u settle 4 a lady in a white garment church,ppl of lik doctrine should flow together for easy understanding.@poster one hmmmm magun is. Waiting for you

  10. Poster 1- stella has adviced you accordingly.
    If you can't take the heat, get the hell outta the kitchen cos if you burrn, you will still be roasted.
    But where una dey meet all these lazy men sef? God forbid bad thing!

    Poster 2-if your spouse loves you and believes in you, there is no huddle that is too difficult to overcome.
    Cos at the end of the day, it's gonna boil down to the both of you.
    Opinions (good or bad) of Inlaws and extended family (third parties) won't matter if you don't give them the opportunity to.
    Know your spouse!

    1. Ndi uka white that likes jazz too much.

      She is a grown ass woman, she should leave that cult.


    2. Asinnn real bad thing.. mine is too hard workin, i complain.. but now i can only thank God my Doc is the best...

    3. Lmao @ ndi uka white.
      I fear them sha!

  11. Which mumu matured minds @ poster 1? Are you matured yourself? You didn't tell us the consequences of cheating since it's prohibited where you come from. You think that young man will marry you if you leave your husband? Fish brain
    Continuuu committing adultery dear, your life

    1. Georgina...hello . Walk a mile in her shoes, lets see.


    2. @la katie , don't mind the mumu girl that doesn't have common sense. Matured mind ko, toddler mind ni. I wonder where people see this kind of women to marry.

    3. @la katie , don't mind the mumu girl that doesn't have common sense. Matured mind ko, toddler mind ni. I wonder where people see this kind of women to marry.

  12. Aunty. Do not put all ya eggs in one basket. A 27 year old is quite inexperienced when it comes to dealing with delicate things such as marriage. U sound cool headed tho that can't be a saving grace. I guess u should silently ask his mother why the evils. Cuzz I too. I'm not a fan of celestial church. Their fetishes are just unbearable. I suggest u settle ur differences on time before age runs too fast for u.

    GoodLuck Hun. God will direct ur steps.

  13. Happy sunday all, poster 1, as Stella already said, u have already live ur DH spiritually just finalise it physically to avoid any further unhappiness, u have the right to be happy and ur DH will not give u that as he has already proven, so pls ooo move on with ur life, let nothing hold u back even ur kids just make sure that u are always there for them but get a happy life for urself before people will say that it's because of ur unfaithfulness that ur DH lives u.
    Poster 2 pls try to listen to ur parents because there is a saying that what an elder sees why siting even if a child climbs a tree he or she can never see it.

    love u all......

    1. Left not live(leave)

    2. Correct girl.


    3. Loool she said live i corrected it in my head as i know no one is above a typo then i saw lives againn... hahaha sdkers won't kill someone. .

  14. Poster 2 I really don't get ur problem here, r u people planning marriage or just dating? Whatever the case mayb talk to God in prayers
    Poster 1 move on already

  15. 1] Nne your story is really pathetic oh! Chai chim oh, I pity both of you oh!
    But for the life of me, I don't understand the reason for this chronicle of yours oh!
    It's all good sha, God forgive you oh!

    2] Will just sit and read comments!

    1. Blog legend and rare gem
      Why two Ids?
      One Id is for tax collecting. gurl.


  16. Yes ondo girls are confirm dogs not is Ekiti ppl that are sturbon!!!!!
    that's my contribution!!!


    1. Well said real dogs! Proper ashewo

  17. Dear all, beware of white garment "church" people. THEY ARE DEVILS. N2, You are another cheating wife, stop blaming DH.

  18. Poster 1, you are tired and cheating already, so respect yourself and walk away

    Poster 2, walk away if his mother will not approve of the relationship but not until you have tried

  19. N1, is another cheating wife. Stop blaming DH.

  20. Poster no1,ur on point jare!,pls leave that Man jor
    Lucky u,most of us in nigeria dont find what u have
    Poster no2,all u need is ur guy by ur side ...finish..just tell him what u want hopefully he can Stand as a man

    1. Truth hurts but needs to be told!!! Kapisch.
      I really don't understand why mere mortals come btw 2 ppl that are in love & want to fulfil God's purpose On earth!
      Hmmm. . . Just be strong & hand it all to God

  21. N1 does not have any meaning abeg.
    Your husband refused to work and you are asking if you should still continue with the farce of a marriage?
    You know the answer but you want us to justify your action just to clear your conscience.

    N2, I didn't bother to read. Sorry.

  22. Stella na ur dog be dis?

  23. Poster 1: I am behind Stella with her comment/advice.

    Poster 2: u alone will have d final say abt what u want and how u want it. Just do it right!

    1. Always behind Stella...why can't you have your own opinion?

      Could you stop bending your neck?


  24. abeg Stella of life... pls where is chronicle of hope?....pls I beg u in my Bini..dialect.... I'm tired of all these sad tales of marriages and relationships.. oooh....for wetin na..are all these tale bearers trying to tell we d singles girls..DAT there are no decent..and responsible guys out there?. fear done dey catch me to marry ooh..
    biko it haf doo joor..

    1. There are happy marriages dear, just that people in them are scared to speak out in case the marriage gets jinxed. All you need to do is to shine your eyes before making your choice, don't allow all these people telling you that you are getting old to push in into a wrong home. Before marriage, make your love wear googles, no blind love. That way you can see wella. Then pray and make a choice, shikena. Every other challenge that comes, use wisdom to handle it.

    2. Fear dey catch you abi you are booless.
      The last time you were booed up is 1914...days of Lord Lugard.

      The only time you hear boooooo is when your fat laps clash with each other while you are walking . Hapu that thing.


    3. Finally, I am able to comment. There are good marriages oh! I can say this with all certainty cuz I am currently experiencing one. My hubby is the best thing that ever happened to me. When I read narratives here I just wonder where all the men come from cuz my hubby is one in a million.

      However, we should understand that marriage is not a bed of roses. It has its ups and downs. We can expect it to be rosy all the time. Therefore, we should be willing to put in as much as we expect from our spouses. Also, as women we need to be very patient, calm and understanding and our men will respect and treat us better. In addition, we should learn to avoid third parties meddling in our affairs. We should also learn to be appreciative of the little things DH do for us rather than complain about those he fails to do. Regular compliments gets you more favors.

      Also, we shouldn't get lost in our financial status, social status etc. to the extent that we forget who the head of the family is. Men deserve to be respected and acknowledged as the head. It becomes a problem if you make them feel like that have relegated their authority to you or if you make them feel you are in competition for the head position. No matter what u earn, how you are regarded in public etc. Your husband should be treated as your husband and nothing less.

      Finally, while I recognize that marriage is a two-sided game and both parties have their roles to play, we as women should take our time to make our decisions regarding the kind of man we end up with. For instance, a man that will bet you in future would have showed signs of anger control problems while dating. In the same light, a chronic cheat would have shown signs of telling lies, being secretive etc. but often times, we ignore these signals in our bid to be termed "mrs". Also, what's with dating your man for only 3months or 6months? what's with the hurry? In my opinion, the minimum number of months to date your man should be one year. Eventhou this isn't even enough to know each other, it will accord you more time to know ur partner than if you had only dated for 6months.

      Most importantly, do not forget the God factor. Irrespective of your faith or level of spirituality, we should recognize that there is. supreme being who we can go to free of charge and make our requests known.

      *Sorry for the epistle y'all... Just tired of all these sad marriage tales

    4. Lmao @ xoxo. Boooooo

    5. Xoxo mystery lolllllllll u wan kill pple o jixus

  25. Oh poster 1 oh.
    Enjoy the other dick oh but don't let DH catch you oh.
    But oh if it gets really bad oh you can ask for divorce oh.
    Sorry oh for what you ve been through oh.

    Na the oh for your narrative I dey follow oh.

    1. Ask for divorce. . What for?
      When men cheat, do they ask for divorce?


  26. Poster 2
    Abeg which Apostolic church do not make hair or use makeup?

  27. Over to the advicers in d house.

  28. ''I confided in my friend and she said the guy knows my problem and he is just using me but of course I know that, but he tells me what I want to hear and it makes me really happy''.You just love it when men deceive u that is why u are married to a man who lied that he had something when he actually had nothing.well,learn to love yourself,do not let any man deceive u to make u happy,such happiness does not last it will even make u miserable,be faithful and true and finally,stop committing adultery.

    1. Your brain is sharp.


    2. Don't mind her. Let her keep fooling herself. You can imagine? ......He tells me what I want to hear...... This one needs to receive common sense. She is just fucking for the sake of fucking and nothing else. I pity her.

  29. Cheating is cheating o, weda abused or not. D best option is always d DOOR!

    1. When a woman is cheating, they will ask her to leave the marriage.

      When a man is cheating, they will ask the woman to forgive.
      Nwanyi stay put in your marriage.




    Beloved, you stated that you did not date your husband and got married and that is the problem you are having now. Even if you wanted to marry another husband, you ought to have divorced the first one; on the basis of infidelity (well that does not change the fact that God hates divorce). You should then take your time to date the 2nd man properly and engage him in active discussions like we've always enumerated on this forum. But then, you began with sex while married to another man; what is the definition of adultery? What makes you different from your husband now? You did mention that even your people forbid what you are involved in presently. And you like what you are being told; which of course will be lies. Why do some ladies love lies? Does love lie; is love selfish? Beloved, you are not following the way of joy and happiness in marriage.
    We've been in it for more than a decade and know how we started.

    Beloved distance yourself from the second man and tidy up things with your husband. If you decide to stay; then okay. If not; okay still but then do not begin another marital journey with "mind blowing sex and hearing what you love to hear"

    At this stage; if you repent of your adultery and begin to fast and pray; you will find peace and receive direction. Take out time from both men and evaluate your values for now.

    I know a lady who was abused by her husband. She fell into depression and finally they were living like two strangers in the house. In her heart (after taking the above steps) she had forgiven him. She came back from work unexpectedly before time one day and found her husband on top of another lady in their shared bedroom (at that point the man had driven her to be sleeping in the guest room). She greeted them and left . . . called back at work and excused herself. She went to the kitchen brought out food and served them lunch in the dinning table and told the husband with a smile that "lunch was ready for him and his guest" (the man hadn't eaten her meal for months). The nude lady (now dressed) bust out in tears. She asked the man; it this your wife you told me was a she devil? Oh God please forgive me and help me to be like this lady . . . the man's wife wiped her tears and embraced her and she left. The husband was so ashamed and remorseful and pleaded with her not to leave. She looked at him and said "J. . .(his name), if I were to leave, I would have left you since but I love you . . ."

    Beloved, these couple are missionaries today as I write. What can't God do . . .the obstacle is usually YOU!


    1. Madam,we have heard this your story countless times...
      Abeg find another one...

    2. Don't I just love you???

    3. So if she prays without fasting, she won't have her peace???

    4. More ink to your dey try.

    5. Double thumbs up. In summary, God is GOD. He is not a man that He shld not bring His words to pass!
      God who created U wld DEFINITELY bring U thru it. Just pray & fast, ask God for forgiveness and my dear, the rest is a TESTIMONY(ies)

    6. Hahaha, Thk u Linda. This story don tire person. Everytime I hear about the missionaries ' story I wonder if they're trying to make the woman feel like a fool for staying with the man.

  31. @poster1:what advice again are you looking for.You have already solved your problem and you are happy with what you did and how you solved have heeded to the advice of your family and have broken off spiritually from your husband and what is remaining is to do it do it and stop using the kids as an excuse.Tell me which one is staying in a marriage where there is no peace,sorry to say this,an irresponsible father and a mother that has solved her problem and saw as the best option to defile her marriage and herself or kids staying with their mom who separated from their dad but has her dignity intact and personality that her kids will look up to in future when the going becomes tough.

  32. Space booked

  33. poster one - your "oh" to plenty. I got confused along the line.....but follow Mrs kork advice
    poster two- follow ur heart & pray to God...

    1. You like "follow" too much.
      Follow Mrs Korkus
      Follow your heart

      Did you learn the word newly dear?


  34. N1. You saw all the signs yet you still opened your legs and had not 1, but 2 kids. Now you're stuck. Women.

  35. Poster 1: You gotta find yourself girl! You are going down the wrong path and you are bound to regret it soon!

    Poster 2: Don't be in a hurry to give up. Pray about it and give it time. Many relationships go thru challenges before marriage. Don't give up on yours before marriage.

  36. Poster 1.Ur mind have left already, just jejely divorce and go enjoy ur life jare, u have only one to live. y would u live where u ain't happy abi u want to look 80 at 40?

    2. Challenges are part of life and comes in divers ways, I may not have the best solution but be rest assured that it will all end in joy, hold ur head up and pray fervently while putting advices of other BVs to use



    By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
    (John thirteen vs. thirty five)
    And we've always described the characters of love here; patient, kindness, self control, does not boast, is not selfish etc. (First Corinthians thirteen from verse four etc.)

    You and your fiance must agree in order to work together. If you are thinking of marrying him, know that he becomes the head according to the scriptures. If you are insisting that "have no church after marriage does not apply to you . . ." then you are not ready, you've not agreed with him to be one.

    The dressing code given to Christians in the Bible is MODESTY, DECENCY WITH APPROPRIATENESS AND NOT ATTRACT ATTENTION TO THEMSELVES (First Timothy two vs. nine). What is appropriate in Saudi Arabia may not be so in USA and vice versa. If our missionary work takes us to Saudi, I (LADY IGO) WIll wear my shawl immediately. While in Nigeria, I wasn't used to trouser but now in the far western hemisphere I wear "decent trousers"; not one to attract attention to myself and show all the contours of my butt! A prostitute dresses to attract attention to herself for patronage (Proverbs seven vs. ten). A Christian should not dress like a prostitute. In Scotland villages, men wear skirts and I'm sure my husband will not hesitate to put on same if that will make him acceptable to the people of the area to preach to them (First Corinthians nine vs. twenty two).

    Hen...... came into the counselling room in full flowing gown that sweeps the floor ("maxi"), her head tie was wrapped around her chin from the head and one will not see her hair at all. She wore a flat slippers and an innocent smile and looked quite pious. She was slim and pretty.

    "Anti . . ." she began "I've been coming to church for 3 years and I just discovered today that I needed to confess to you . . .I have not been the same after listening to your message on shedding innocent blood . . . everyone in our church know me as Sister Hen... but I'm not a sister . .. ." So what are you, she was asked. "A murderer, an adulterer, a hypocrite . . . It's gotten so bad that I slept with my sisters husband, my employer, my cousin . . . I've aborted for my elder sister's husband twice and the illicit affair has not ended, we are both in this same church and we had our last intercourse the two days before you preached in the sister's fellowship . . . I don't know why I should be doing this to my elder sister who is like a mother to me . . .and right now I'm six weeks pregnant and don't want to abort . . ."

    Beloved, Hen...'s character could never have been deciphered via her dressing. In fact with her well flowing gown, even a 6 months pregnancy could have been well hidden. She was not a member of my Church but her church has a strict code of dressing which she followed and masked all her deeds. It was only a simple teaching from Proverbs chapter six that brought her to reality; that God hates HANDS that shed innocent blood.

    The Lord saved Hen... that day and she went ahead to have her baby . . . six years down the line, she is married to a wonderful man and have 2 other kids.

    All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. John chapter six vs. thirty seven.


    1. And how does dis relate to poster 2's issue???

  38. Poster1.your hubby is just lazy,Mtcheeeeeeew. Poster2.after you guys are married start going to his church

  39. Poster 1: The only thing that can be right to justify your new found happiness is to first walk out of that marriage, it's very wrong to commit adultery, divorce him and take your time to study the new guy. What you are going through now does not justify you just settling for anything, get who you are back, move closer to your God, take good care of your children has you've been doing before now and let true love find you. Not all marriages are bad just learn from this , move on in life and let God hold your hand in the journey. I pray you find happiness, there is nothing compare to a joyful home.

  40. N1, instead of committing adultery, y not divorce ur husband and move on. U don't want to leave bc of ur children, av u tot about it? If ur husband catches u cheating, u will be thrown out andd a strange woman will come in and train ur children for u. Is dt what u want? It's good u leave, in dt case u can stay close to ur children and know what goes around in dia lives. Be wise! N2, it's always good for people to marry someone with d same faith as themselves. It will save u a lot of troubles except if u can handle any outcome dt may surface later. Goodluck.

  41. #1: This is one of the reasons single ladies shouldn't rush into marriage. As difficult as standing your grounds in the face of pressure from society, family and peers, it will be more profitable at the end. You should NEVER marry a man who doesn't love, provide for and protect you consistently . Still, you must be vigilant and don't ignore red flags and strange fluctuations of emotions. You, on the other hand, must admire him enough to respect him and both of you must be compatible in almost all ramifications.

    My darling, I'll take a wild guess and assume if someone had advised you, then, not to rush into marriage ‎until you've dated him long enough to know what he's all about, you wouldn't have seen the sense in that. Perhaps, if you were approaching 30years and no guy wanted a serious relationship, you would have ranted and had sleepless nights, wondering what is wrong with you or why has God forsaken you. Honey, I write all this not to rub in the pain of your predicament but to use this as a cautionary tale to my lovelies, the single ladies in the house. Marriage is way too complex to rush in psychologically and emotionally blindfolded. Your guts give you that something-isnt-quite-right feeling but you ignore with the comforting hope that things will get better because you will "love up" your fiancé as soon as he marries you and "love out" those red flags. Unfortunately, after marriage, you are soccer punched by the harsh reality that the change you desperately hoped for came wrapped up in the wrong wrapping paper. He changed alright, but for the worse because he's got you locked down and he gave you that venerated title "MRS". Alas! This marks the painful beginning of a frustrating end.

    Sweetheart, you can't eat your cake and have it. You can't straddle the marital fence, you are either in, faithfully or out with dignity. The minute you part your thighs for a man who isn't your husband, as he goes in‎, your dignity and the integrity of all you've suffered goes out. You become as guilty as your husband. As a mother, it's more honourable to move out of your marital home if you insist on having an affair. 

    I hope you realise that when you've been in a frustrating marriage with an annoying spouse, you will be carried away with the slightest show of affection from a person who may not even have good intentions for you. Your wounded mind begins to over-exaggerate the affections shown to you and your over-eagerness ‎to enjoy the pleasures you've missed from your husband, with only make a soft target for men who only want sex from you.

    If you've exhausted all possible avenues to work on your marriage and you're done with it all, please leave the marriage with clean hands and your head held up high rather than to be shamed as an adulterous wife.
    #e-bearhugs. ‎

  42. According to you... Celestial church ruined your parent's marriage and your future mom inlaw's??? And you still want to sacrifice your happiness because of them? must be a loyal servant..Eku se oooh

    Poster 2
    Leave the marriage now with your dignity..
    No one will remember what an efulefu he was,until they catch you cheating..

    Btw,why are you telling your friend about your clandestine affair? Onu nko? You can't keep things to yourself at 31? Continuuuu

  43. Aunty Georgina. ..kedu?


  44. NR 1, Your numerous use of "oh" just made your write-up clumsy. My opinion on your narrative is that it is about a confused loose woman who is married to an irresponsible man"

  45. olori western union10 May 2015 at 17:53

    Poster 1 leave that man alone and go with your kids like olivia said but don't settle for the other guy either, the one you are cheating with.
    Just get a good house, establish yourself and take care of your kids
    But You fit still dey sharg that guy sha, but don't marry him or better still get a girlfriend.

  46. Am I d only one dat hav noted dat all those marriage breakups is always starting with... I got married at d age of 23, 20, 22 and so on, whn u get marriage as a baby expect to be treated as one. U ar already riding on d dick what else do u wnt to hear frm sdk? U desperate ashawo shd stop making marriage look bad. Karma is a batch it's will surly come runing fast at u

  47. Poster1 why don't just leave already
    Poster2 I will never allow my family members marry any woman from cele is that even a church mtcheeeeew

  48. Poster 1 your marriage ended a long time already and from the look of things you are sleeping with another devil. You don't sound wise. Made a first mistake and another one in the making. This one will take you out of a job and pennyless. Nonesense. And don't give the stupid excuse of you did not know he was broke n lazy before you married him, am sure you got signs. Poster 2 I don't understand what you want. Do you expect us to tell you what you should do. You get advances who does not, lol. You have not even gotten rejected you are already predicting it.

  49. The problem is this: the way white garment churches solve their problems are different from the way others solve their problems. In marriages there WILL be problems. It is common knowledge that white garment churches have borderline occult solutions to situations. So if the apostolic feels this is fine then why not BUT ha! Shine your eyes ooo!!! because you have no one to blame when they start to put something in your food. Take your clothing to pray, use certain soaps, bath certain ways..... etc etc. You know before you started the journey.......

  50. The problem is this: the way white garment churches solve their problems are different from the way others solve their problems. In marriages there WILL be problems. It is common knowledge that white garment churches have borderline occult solutions to situations. So if the apostolic feels this is fine then why not BUT ha! Shine your eyes ooo!!! because you have no one to blame when they start to put something in your food. Take your clothing to pray, use certain soaps, bath certain ways..... etc etc. You know before you started the journey.......

  51. #2: Honey, it appears you can handle a breakup should it comes to that and that's comforting for you but unfortunate for him. Do you really love this guy? It's rare to see a lady in love think objectively and make rational decisions especially at 23years. I must say, I am impressed. 

    The issue of religion is very sensitive and can break up what ordinarily ‎should be a happy home. For now you think the only problem is with your parents but what is more serious is the fact that both of you see things differently as well. Assuming you scale the 1st hurdle of getting your parents' blessings. What happens when you are now his wife and can't dress the way you love dressing so you can conform with the doctrines of his church? How long can you cope before you start resenting him? Or aren't you going to attend the same church with your hubby? What about when you start having kids and your beliefs on training children become incongruous with his?

    It's an abuse of prayer to pray about what is incompatible ab initio. It's like praying for cats to "break bread" with rats. There are many unnecessary prayer points especially where there is no real agreement of minds. Right now both of you may think since you already know about the differences between you, it can be handled but trust me, honey, what you tolerate during courtship may drive you crazy when you get married. The rules that apply in marriage are very different in courtship.

     I couldn't help noticing the voluntary information about other suitors. Why did you feel the need to let us know you have other options (which is a good thing, by the way) you intend calling your boyfriend's attention to this post, no? Hmmm... Like I stated earlier, ending this relationship wouldn't be too difficult for you. Perhaps you already want to leave but the "how do I go about it" is directed more to ending this relationship than getting both parents on board. You ask how people handle unsure relationships? My guess is, they end it sooner rather than later. After all if your feelings are real, you guys will hit it off again. A lot of people whom are happily married now, broke up more than once during courtship. Sweetie, it is apparent you know what you want, it's pointless to dilly dally.

    This is addressed to your boyfriend, just in case he reads this: My dear, I apologise if my comments offend you in any way but I'm actually doing both of you a favour. Fighting to save a relationship is only worth it if both parties are madly in love. The minute one or both parties begin to consider other options, any "Romeo-ic" steadfastness becomes foolhardy. Much ado about nothing, every battle must be worth the war if not, you may win the battle but lose the war. Everybody deserves a chance at true love and if a person's heart is no longer in it, it's only fair to let your partner go. Who knows what the future will bring? The relationship may bounce back stronger. Both of you are young and you have your whole lives ahead of you. I hope both of you find peace and happiness either together or apart.
    #e-bearhugs. ‎

    1. Kikiki no one dey read ur epistle. Waste of time Kikikikiki

  52. can you allow ur family member marry from jehova witness?

  53. can you allow ur family member marry from jehova witness?

  54. Poster1 biko why didn't u file a divorce before now..egg don break ooo... Poster2 u guys can try another good church if you want the best!! Ire oo

  55. no more marriages anymore its now entanglements for a specific period of time we tag as "marriage" signs of the end time...Watelse do you call a period where a man who calls himself a husband will go about sleeping with girls and living like a satan possessed being and his wife who shud be the bedrock of the marriage can open her legs at the slightest provocation of comfort from another dick den its all over... gone are d days wen men misbehave and we see women go to the alter of prayers crying to God for mercies and change now its hotels dey run to for comforting dicks to please thier earthly flesh which will ever perish..gone are d days women bear hardship and rough times with thier husbands for sake of thier children, now no woman "send" as dey put it buh den looking at the first union ever on earth(Adam & Eve)God knew who messed up buh he asked the man who blamed the woman who in turn blamed the serpent at the end wat was the final decision ALL where thoroughly PUNISHED and part of that punishment is what all on earth is still reaping from till today...A married woman who opens her legs cos d husband sleeps around is twice as wrong as much as the man is wrong...2wrongs dnt make a right~

  56. Xoxo ocho okwu.

  57. Lmao @iphie no be small onu nko

  58. Umu nwoke n'agbaka umu nwanyi isi, Jihovah mere anyi ebere.

  59. hahaha, @Mrs Korkus, her own wear sandals. I luv yu and all my fellow blog visitors. Una, welldone oh. Poster 1, leave d marriage already, and yu don't have to jump into something immediately, just relax, focus on yur job and kids and date wen yu are ready. Any man hu sleeps with a married woman is not it, he's not d right man for yu at dis point.


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