Stella Dimoko Britain Arraigns Nigerian Doc And His Nurse Wife For Keeping A Man As Slave For 24 Years



Saturday, May 09, 2015

Britain Arraigns Nigerian Doc And His Nurse Wife For Keeping A Man As Slave For 24 Years

A trained obstetrician and gynaecologist, 60-year-old Dr Emmanuel Edet and his wife, 58-year-old Antan who is a senior hospital nurse have been arrested in Britain for allegedly keeping another Nigerian, Ofonime Sunday Inuk, as a 'slave' for 24 years. 

Today, Ofonime Inuk, 39, an orphan, told the court he was kept a slave by the NHS doctor and his wife for 24 years after being hired at 12 and smuggled into Britain at the age of 14.

He presented a diary in which he recorded all the  maltreatment he's gotten from the couple, the most recent being a punch in the right eye when his master's wife spotted him with his phone in the kitchen.

Asked by the prosecutor Roger Smart, why he received such treatment, he said: 'Because they always said I had a destructive hand, that I was always mishandling things.'

He kept a record of how he was allegedly given 'pocket money', of £5 or £10, forced to sleep in the corridor, and to sit in the kitchen all day.

He was not allowed to use the landline in the house, or to charge his phone, though he did so secretly at night.

When a visitor came to stay, he cooked for him, and had to go out of the house in the daytime to make it look like he had a job, the court heard.

He was made to sleep on the kitchen floor on a dirty foam mattress thrown out by a hospital and was expected to get up first and begin cleaning the house, but was told to sweep instead of using a vacuum cleaner because it was too noisy.

 Inuk was also forced to wash clothes by hand because the Edets said it was too expensive to run the washing machine. 

He always ate by himself, kept his few possessions in a single bag and was not allowed to sit in the front room or go upstairs.

At a point, he attempted undertaking a college course in computer skills but the Edets stopped him.

 He described how he was frightened of the couple and that he was not 'free'. 

Giving his evidence from behind a screen so he cannot see the couple, Inuk told the court his ordeal began at 12 when his father died and he willingly went to work for the Edets in Lagos after he was introduced to them through a family friend.
He was to be paid for his work and sent to school, but this never happened despite the family moving to Israel and then, when he was 14, to Britain. 

They brought him into Britain by changing his name to their surname and falsely adding him to their passports.

He was left to bring up their two sons as they travelled across Britain working. 
He was told that if he left the house and reported matters to the police he would be arrested as an illegal immigrant and sent back to Nigeria. 

When Inuk sought help, he was turned away by police who simply recorded his case as a lost passport, and by social services who said they could not help because he was an adult. 

He finally escaped in 2013, while the Edets travelled to Nigeria for Christmas after hearing about another case in the media. He contacted a charity which tipped off police who were stunned to find him alone in their £450,000 home in Perivale, monitored by a CCTV camera.  

Dr Edet and his wife are being prosecuted under modern anti-slavery legislation for cruelty to a person under 16, slavery and assisting unlawful immigration.

Source/Photos: DailyMail

How can this nice looking educated couple behave as described?Is it possible that the young man has been brain washed into singing this tune with assurance that he will get a better life?


  1. STELLA, Wife of Mr Korkus. Did you read this at all? They took him as a houseboy first from Lagos to Britain illegally . They were looking for cheap labour. People do this to their helps EVERYDAY in Nigeria. It is obviously slavery and I hope justice is served. This is typical Nigerian behaviour towards helps. It has nothing to do with education

    1. This has been happening since the world war.
      Worst happens here in nigeria.
      Thank God that they were caught.

    2. Bullshit story. Dats y pple dont like 2 help nigerians here in d uk bcos of bastards like dis. Nigerians like 2 setup pple dat help dem so they can claim asylum. I dont knw dis couple but no educated person will try dis in the uk bcos they knw they wud go 2 jail 4 a vry long time

    3. Mel you are so right. This lie he has told is just to get his papers. God will reward him big time.

    4. Mel you are so right. This lie he has told is just to get his papers. God will reward him big time.

    5. Its a houseboy thing. But they r obviously wicked. God catch them

    6. @mel, don't say no educted person will try this in UK. I personally know of a girl in London who went through the same situation. She served as nanny and househelp to her own elder sister who was a doctor (I think). Their parents died when they were young. The sister used her for all those years and never let her leave the house. When I met her, she was just struggling to put back her life and social serVices where handling her case. It was heartbreaking to see such an ajebutter looking girl (cos the weather had conditioned her skin) who could not even make simle english sentences talkless of writing without spelling errors in her early twenties. This is real life not super story. I hope she gets some compensation but I know they granted her assylum based on that.

    7. Old story.plz bring new gossip.

    8. U just spoke my mind, Mel XxxbarbieXxx

  2. Lord deliver your people, kept as slave for 24yrs? And there was never any escape route for him

    *Larry was here*

    1. He usually goes out when people come visiting, why didn't he find an escape route or go to the authorities

    2. Mrs D! The same question I had in mind when this is the UK and he could have gone to the authorities a lonnggggg time ago. 24 years??? And its not like he was kept indoors,he was made to go out on the pretense of a job search. For me, this story sounds bull crap. Would be diff if he was not allowed to go out....

    3. He couldn't have escaped anywhere. Don't forget he wasn't put under locks or asked not to go out. He could go out but he had been brainwashed and threatened not to speak. That's the difference. They imbibed the fear of deportation into him. He had no one, no money, even in Nigeria his case is hopeless. So he was at the mercy of this couple and they understood the fact.

      Of course as time went on he mingled with knowledgeable people who educated him on his rights. It must have taken a while to summon the courage to speak to the authorities.

      They are wrong for not allowing him get educated. That alone can severe their case, while the issue of domestic maltreatment will be his words against theirs. It would be hard to prove if no tangible evidence or qualified eye witness testimony. However, he'll not lose out by this litigation. He'll be put in the system now, albeit legally... and he'll get all the benefits due him...considering the number of years he's been in the UK. His matter will be handled by social services henceforth.

      If anything, he has liberated himself from his supposed "helpers". Better life ahead.

  3. Stella u sef, u dey believe things oh, looks are always deceptive

  4. Stella wickedness is not in looks! People can be funny

  5. Hmm well all I can say is God knows the truth.

  6. It's a regular thing. Slave of all kinds. The ones that disgust me are the sex slaves. The traffickers will even go chase them out to solicit even when they're visibly weak after so much sex, in the dead of the night. When they're no good, they have them sent back home. Sighs.

    *** mynameisSkelewu

    1. Thank you. Just like sex slaves, they don't run away bc they believe if they do, something bad will befall them and/or their families. There's always a threat hanging whilst d slave is controlled by d masters. In this case at hand, d news mention they brought him into Uk, illegally. He got his permanent stay, yet they lied to him that he was illegal and will get arrested if he reported. He had almost no communication with d outside world and depended solely on d masters.
      @ Stella, he already had his papers. Permanent stay like d rest of d family. So no need to sing anything to get better life.... just that he didn't even know it. Just naive too

  7. I need to hear the couple's narrative as well
    Before I draw conclusions.

  8. This is wickedness!! Slavery for this kind 'open eye time' God abeg o. #stellailoveu#

  9. Anything is possible Stella. Some educated people behave like idiots. My neighbors house girl doesn't go to school everyday. Some days for school some for house work as madam pleases. It is well.

  10. Since 14 he never went to school????? That's the evidence they need to finish this couple. Why do we all preach and have no love?

  11. They should have use the word house help-boy instead of slave

  12. That's so touching, how can someone be dis cruel? Keeping a fellow human being in slavery? Nawa o, many ppl will still be living dis way somewhere. God help d helpless n bring everlasting judgement to d oppressor.

  13. I'm happy he was able to get out and the couple prosecuted. Some are so scared they never report to authorities. And to think these two are educated, shame on them.

  14. Nigerian version of 12 Years a slave.
    Where is Lupita.

  15. Stella don't be deceived by appearance. People are mean. All these years, they no even try help the guy get education or even acquire skill, so they expect him to serve them forever. Na wao. A Lot of such cases abound in Nigeria esp among the rich

    1. Most of these helps are not grateful. He is just trying to get money from them, dazall.

    2. Read and comprehend, he sought help from the social services even the police at one stage. Pray you never encounter what is known as mental and psychological shackle which they clearly used on this man. Imagine all that Giro money they must have collected in his name? You think they don't have a sense of deserving in their thwarted minds? Pray my friend, pray.

  16. And no thoughts from you Stella about the poor orphan who was dehumanised by this evil couple. How are we sure you don't have a slave you smuggled out of Nigeria, too. You sound callous like someone capable of such.

  17. I grew up washing my cloths with my hands..and sweeping too...lolzzz.. Oyibo that one no be slavery!

    My kids will wash theirs too,just like my lil brother washes his cloths apart from his bedsheets and duvet(My dad even calls to make sure)

    That said,i know most house helps,wards suffer worse fate here.. what will it cost someone to treat who ever is working for them nicely? Infact nicely is not the word... more like a human like them?

    The Edets did good by taking him abroad with them... but keeping him locked up for years? No education?? That is wickedness!!
    I take back my submission if there is another side of this story.

    1. Ppl didn't even know he existed! They lied to him that he was an illegal migrant. Meanwhile, he got his papers alongside d rest of the family. Why would such a couple do that to a human being? Mehn, that to me slavery. Even if he washed no clothes for them.

    2. They took him because he was free labour-only £5-£10 "pocket money". Even in Nigeria they didn't pay him his salary. Labour is very expensive here so some people bring people from Nigeria...

  18. Stella why not looks are deceptive,either way it might be true

  19. Something is fishy here. I refuse to believe this one sided story.
    Till I hear from the couple

  20. These people are just evil in its purest form. I wonder how the hell they will defend this nonsense.

  21. I don't know why I don't believe this story. It just occurs to me as a neat set up. I could be wrong though.

  22. Even when he had d chance to leave, he was afraid of being arrested & sent back to Nigeria. He preferred to go on suffering there than to come back. Hmmm my country.

  23. Hmmm my sister Stella,am not suprised it it called modern day slavery,our people do it a lot and is very bad,hopefully the guy will get the real money his supposed to get for all the maltreatment and this couple will surely suffer for it,most common among the igbo's, hey before you crucify me am igbo and had similar experience growing up even in my own uncle's house,thank God for God the story is different today praise jah.

  24. Hmmm my sister Stella,am not suprised it is called modern day slavery,our people do it a lot and is very bad,hopefully the guy will get the real money his supposed to get for all the maltreatment and this couple will surely suffer for it,most common among the igbo's.
    Hey before you crucify me am igbo and i had similar experience growing up even in my own uncle's house,thank God for God the story is different praise jah.

    1. Abeg ur not igbo..u be calabar/akwa ibom gal!..@ d name imoh

    2. Could be abbreviation or by marriage perhaps?

  25. Hmmm my sister Stella,am not suprised it is called modern day slavery,our people do it a lot and is very bad,hopefully the guy will get the real money his supposed to get for all the maltreatment and this couple will surely suffer for it,most common among the igbo's.
    Hey before you crucify me am igbo and i had similar experience growing up even in my own uncle's house,thank God for God the story is different praise jah.

    1. Imoh is an ibibio name.u are definitely not igbo

  26. Hmmm my sister Stella,am not suprised it is called modern day slavery,our people do it a lot and is very bad,hopefully the guy will get the real money his supposed to get for all the maltreatment and this couple will surely suffer for it,most common among the igbo's.
    Hey before you crucify me am igbo and i had similar experience growing up even in my own uncle's house,thank God for God the story is different praise jah.

  27. this good looking people did all this to him maka why nah,very bad of them


  28. World people are wicked! Evil!

  29. World people are wicked! Evil!

  30. For 24 years u just escaped 2013...find a better explanation

  31. I think i should sue my parents too, cos i grew up washing the dishes, sweeping with the broom and hand washing my clothes and i was not given weekly pocket money. I should sue my secondary school and all my seniors too cos i was made to mop the gutter, pound shit in the toilet and sleep on the bare ground and face the sun. I was given diluted beans to eat as dinner and half agege bread to eat As breakfast, i was not allowed to go out of school or to call my parents...

    1. Did you go to fggc bwari. The description is so apt

    2. Did u go to fggc Akure as per pounding shit. *eewww *

    3. Ahah u cracked me up. Truth is, their case is peculiar not only because he was made to do strenuous work, as would be considered by non Nigerians, but for the fact that they refused him the privilege deserving a youth. His freedom was truncated as well as his studies. This in fact is what will make them go down. We as Nigerians do not see anything wrong with the chores, but they suffered him and treated him like a slave while at it. Sleeping in the kitchen, no payment, and no school. That is gross wickedness. Although there may be some exaggeration.

    4. U definitely went to fggcowerri kpom kwem

  32. I believe the story hook line and sinker. They changed his name from his to theirs, they deprived me him of his adolescent and teenage life, so they were expecting him to loyal still @ 39? Haba! my God that is witchcraft multiply to a hundred. If they trained him in school there is enough evidence for that. Now the boy sleeps in the kitchen every day of his life, what happened to all the rooms in that big house? This couple have been busted men...this is end time wickedness and they will face the law squarely. Thank God it happened where there is law. This guy now I can bet has never migrimo before, chai!

  33. Is he dense? How can a 39yrs man be kept as a slave?
    If true, then this couple ala wicked. Haba, what will it cost them to send him to school?

    Wickedness in high places!

  34. Ok at 21 or so he shld hv bin able to leave dat house to fend for himself, haba he is 34 now and 60, 58 yr old elders still hit him.

  35. If truly they got this man from the age of 12, and now he is almost 40, living without proper education or adequate or at least 'human' living arrangements or treatment, they must have no heart. For they are educated, obviously well to do and have children. The heart of man is desperately wicked, and sometimes I wonder at 'Nigerians', I am one, but I really wonder at the things I see and hear attimes. And they carry their nonsense behaviour overseas. I hope this man can have a semblance of a life, after such inhumane treatment. I know of a family who had a house help. She was treated as a daughter, as their other kids & sent to school. When it was time for her to marry, she was married out properly. All their own kids are doing very well today & I believe their family will forever be blessed.

  36. People will do anything to get paper. It is very common, they want to break free so their lawyers tell them to lie all kinds of lie then they will apply for Asylum. I have warned people stop helping people regardless of if you plan to train them or enslave them they will mess you up later.

    1. Ewu. D slave has his own papers

  37. Going by the story, if at al they took this boy since age 12 and deprived him of seeing his own family til age 39! So how best can one define slavery? If he was nt sent to sch or learn skill to improve on himself, its a slavery. I wldnt ve cared n wil stil nt care if after all the maltreatments n @ 39, he turns out to be a grown man wit a net to fend 4 himself. I wil patiently wait 4 couple's side of the story.

    1. He wasn't educated, but he was able to keep a detailed diary!!! This guy just wants to mess this couple up

  38. I don't believe this story. This is a big setup. Imagine the slave is now 39 years and he claims he had to go out everyday to look like he had a job and come back to be maltreated. How can you maltreat a 30 year old man not to talk of 39 years.
    From experience, I have learnt that once a house help is more than 20 you need to let go and get someone else otherwise people ill-advise them and they will try to make money from you no matter how nice you were or how well you treated them.
    The guy even had a phone and he was free to go out as he likes. He probably wants to bite the fingers that fed him and make smart money from them.

    1. Stupid comment, what is wrong with people, so once they are 20 you let them go, so am guessing you like dem young, like 12right, is dat not child abuse, y not get adult to help out at home, people really need to stop playing God over people's life just cause they help them. Making d Uk sound like heaven.mtsheeew

  39. People waiting for Edet story what do u want to hear obviously they will denied it to the make the poor man look guilty or sick, people are just wicked hope the get justice

  40. I have read some comments. Nigerians and hypocrisy. Tufiakwa. You, yes you and u. How do u treat ur house girls? Cooks? Drivers? Mechanics, the beggar on the street? Look at them all. Crying foul here. Bloody hypocrites. Because u live in a jungle. God will deal with u wicked lots
    May justice be served.


    1. @ABC, the hypocrisy part is so true. See all of them saying the couple is wicked, meanwhile they could be worse.
      Like I said earlier on I believe the help just wants to make money off them. I have had similar experience, I treated the girl well. She ran away and later came back with police to my home, accused me and hubby of all sort because she wanted to make money off us. God took control and she was exposed. Today she is begging for food about. kai its things like things these that make me not want to help. Nowadays I am always sceptical to help because of experience. ts to make money off them. I have had similar experience, I treated the girl well. She ran away based on advice and later came back with police to llay home. God took control and she was exposed. Today she is begging for food about. kai its things like things that makes me hostile to those that need help.There is so much envy and bitterness in beggy beggy people.

    2. @ABC, the hypocrisy part is so true. See all of them saying the couple is wicked, meanwhile they could be worse.
      Like I said earlier on I believe the help just wants to make money off them. I have had similar experience, I treated the girl well. She ran away and later came back with police to my home, accused me and hubby of all sort because she wanted to make money off us. God took control and she was exposed. Today she is begging for food about. kai its things like things these that make me not want to help. Nowadays I am always sceptical to help because of experience. ts to make money off them. I have had similar experience, I treated the girl well. She ran away based on advice and later came back with police to llay home. God took control and she was exposed. Today she is begging for food about. kai its things like things that makes me hostile to those that need help.There is so much envy and bitterness in beggy beggy people.

    3. Gbam.ABC. The stench of hypocrisy is oozing through my screen. Ask them how they treat their own relations living with them? How do they treat their employees? How do they treat their neighbors? Is it the manner they cuss out BVs that don't agree with them? Is it the manner they cussed political parties they don't support? How different are they from this couple?

  41. Dnt judge a book by his cover,this couple might b so guilty of dis crime. In life wen u re opportuned to get into sm home/family,u wud be dazed by wht u wud uncover behind their closed doors. I pray dude gt justice for this.

  42. The oppression of an orphan from about age 12 to the brainwashing mainly thru lack of education/opportunities even in the UK. Obviously, the couple exemplifies an educated-illiterate syndrome. Even more, they are uncaring, myopic, narcissistic and have a dearth of the soul. But on second thought, isn't this a malaise of many Naijas starting from the homes, the work places and up to the highest corridors of power? Where is there an appreciation for human dignity? Hope this young man gets his day in court in a culture that at least, upholds the rule of law.

    1. Stella if there r fake pastors fake christains. Rem Lady Igo who have word of knowledge to the girl intimidated by a fake pastor. Yes one does not know where they get their powers. It could be emotonal spiritual manipulation control. Untill u bc a beggar you not know wat people can do

  43. Sister Stella Stella,

    I have read this story and usually would have passed without commenting. I find it difficult to believe this adults narrative. I lived in the UK for 10year until 2009 when I came back home to set up. This story is Bull Shit Sorry for my language. It is practically impossible.
    1. The kids he was taking care of should be much more than 24 years I should guess by now. These are overgrown adults to say the least. At 12 these kids wouldn’t have had need for him.
    2. These are two workers in UK and from the way I saw doctors and nurses work, they would not have spent more than 8hours everyday in that home except weekends
    3. The said slave had opportunities to move out when he pretends he went to work, yet he did not. If he was afraid then why not now
    4. He was given £5 and £10 pocket money, hourly, daily, weekly or monthly?
    I can go on and on and on. This story is no different from all Nigerians looking for an easy way to get their papers. They don’t mind killing others future for theirs. If you have lived in the UK you will know. The last story I heard on this blog said a man chased away his pregnant wife from his home. In UK reality, the any woman can actually chase the man out of his own home, not the other way round. This said slave is not the first and will not be the last. 24 YEAR? He should better just confess to Immigration and solve his personal issues with his oga.

    1. Spot on. This story has so many loopholes
      Except the said slave is mentally unstable or was made to take an oath,otherwise I don't believe it.

  44. Stella its true oh. Meanwhile her Arabian huge madam was shopping. This girl looked miserable. Yes there is a charity to cater for this. There was a doc in England that covered this. Mostly Arabs some diplomats. Rare 4 Africans but there been cases

  45. But I ask a question, if he had no education how would he be able to look for a job?
    if he had no access to his international passport how will he look for a job?
    So many questions. But is this couple capable of doing this? The heart of man is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it?

  46. I went to Scotland and stopped by to greet a friend. Their house help, a Nigerian girl sat by the corner of the stairs to eat, when I looked closer, I noticed, her beddings was under the staircase! She sleeps under the stairs! I was weak. I felt for the girl who looked subdued. So I believe him. But for how long did the couple think they can keep an adult caged? @ 39?

  47. stella that boy is not laying, those educated fools are original Akwa ibom man and woman life style, when it comes to them being the only rich people around there maltreat the poor like hell. there don't believe on making another human being get to their point of matter life, that is why you see many Akwa ibom people being house help every where even in old age. m' from Akwa ibom state i know what m' talking about.serouly


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