This Piece might get you angry......but angry enough to provide answers to the questions asked?
This piece was written by Jide Rebirth Macaulay
''Far too many people play God and dehumanize Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Trans, and Intersex people throughout the world, in every culture, race, background etc.
The discrimination is so bad that it leaves many LGBTI people wondering and asking questions. This letter to Homophobes is being reproduced to answer many questions people have asked me.
Both heterosexuals and homosexual people, People of all faith have claimed that homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22 and cannot be condoned under any circumstance.
Dear Homophobes,
Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your bigoted rhetoric, and try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, they are clobbered with Leviticus 18:22 which clearly state it to be an abomination...End of debate.
I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some other elements of God's Laws and how to follow them.
1. Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighbouring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?
2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?
3. I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness - Lev.15: 19-24. The problem is how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.
4. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odour for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problems are my neighbours. They claim the odour is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?
5. I have a neighbour who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2. Clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself, or should I ask the police to do it?
6. A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination - Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this? Are there 'degrees' of abomination?
7. Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle-room here?
8. Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?
9. I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?
10. My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev.19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? Lev.24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair, like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)
I know you have studied these things extensively and thus enjoy considerable expertise in such matters, so I am confident you can help.
Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging.
The Other Child of the living God.
He has spoken well Stella, he hit the nail on the head!
ReplyDeleteI have just one question for homophobes, who should a transexual have sexual intercourse with?
DeleteEven beasts in the fields have more sense, mind you am not judging but merely stating the obvious, you wouldn't see a female dog doing it with a female dog?
DeleteAsk google
DeleteSmh! Mumu gay quoted everything in Old Testament !
DeleteMr Other child of God,
DeleteYou just capitalized on the old testament while forgetting the fact that Jesus Christ came to redeem us from the curse of the law so all those things you mentioned, its obvious you read only the book of Leviticus and not the new testament inclusive. If you wantu argue or prove a point, read the whole bible, rather read Paul's letters to the churches then you come here and write nonsense again.
If you want to proof a point, get all facts right and then write your balderdash.
Someone struggling will read this and think its OK to be Gay.
I'll keep saying it, What is wrong is wrong, the fact that Obama has passed it into law or whatever doesn't make it right in the sight of God.
In case you didn't read all I wrote or don't understand what you read, the summary of all is that
There's nothing like he/ She was born that way.
When I see a gay person, I don't hate them, who am I to hate God's creation? I just pity them............... I'm more of Irritated at them.
Insecurity causes that thing called homosexuality.
Please don't get it twisted, what is wrong is wrong, don't follow the crowd. In your heart of hearts, you know its wrong.... Let the society not make you feel its OK.
Only YOU know what's right for you & only YOU know what's wrong for you. Don't allow society, family, nor friends pollute your mind. Take your own path
He is asking where in the bible they mentioned it. I agree it is wrong.
DeleteMosi jubelo,you said Jesus has abolished all laws in the old testament so does that not mean that the lesbianism, gay etc law has been abolished as well? Because it's also in the old testament. Stop judging people, just love them. Its our love that changes people!
DeleteAnonymous 18:41
DeleteHaven't you heard that the saints shall judge the earth.
Yes, I'm judging them.
I HATE all faggots.
What do you mean by "stop judging them, just love them??!!". Love who again?, a faggot.??
Kai! This is so irritating mehnnn. Can't deal.
Btw, I'm not Jubelo. I love her write up.
Well, I refuse to be angry.
ReplyDeleteI refuse to be angry too.
DeleteDear writer you can do whatever the hell you want with your's none of my business!
But bringing the bible into this shit you wrote just to justify your sin is disgusting! So go on ahead and sin as much as you so glad it's only God that'll judge you!!
@cutie berry are u trying to say u are not a sinner too?
Delete@ cutie berry, no need for me to comment again, you took the words right out of my mouth. Real nzuzu! Mtcheww
DeleteNigerians have not gotten to that stage yet, they are still dealing with ignorance abeg, free them...
ReplyDelete*am out*
There is nothing you can tell me! He created adam and eve and created every animal male and female so spear me ur akukor
ReplyDeleteTo the poster, what is an abomination to man is an abomination to God, please desist from such ways! No1 z judging you, just quit!
DeleteI dnt have a problem with homophobes.
ReplyDeleteDon't just force your opinions down my throat.
Its a personal race last time I checked.
*i dnt have a problem with homosexuals*
DeleteHomophobes are actually the ones against them.
These homosexuals should stop forcing us to accept them...homosexuality is all shades of wrong and if anyone chooses to be one of them, its his/her business.. Its not by force to like them...the thought of it is even irritating to me. No matter how much they talk abt it, it can never be fully accepted, so all these open letters are unnecessary...
Deletelol, they think homophobes are homosexuals...lmao
DeleteWhy do u think bianca does not know the meaning of homophobes did u consider that " he" might be an homosexual who does not have problems with homophobes
DeleteThe problem with us is we are constantly looking for the wrong in other people
Yeah wateva, still won't accept homosexuality. You can preach from now till Jesus comes or break the sky even.
DeleteDon't judge people just because you sin differently from them.
Long mitchewwwwww
.NOTE: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..
Too long abeg.. I didn't read to the end.
ReplyDeleteWetin concern me with gays, lesbians or bisexual?
Each and everyone of us is free to live our lives as we deem fit.
On the last day, we will all answer to God alone, individually.
Moving on#
Just passing by.
Delete*whistles away**
ReplyDeleteAll his quotes are from the OLD testament
DeleteSo stop judging dem gays, theirs is also from old testament ....let dem live. I ain't one of dem but am very free wen am with dem.
DeleteAnd that is the writers point in case u missed it!
DeleteEXACTLY. Abeg this writeup no follow. Writer do better research you hear?
DeleteJust passing by
ReplyDeleteAnything you know will make you happy please do it without fear and be ready wen it back fire.....
ReplyDeleteGays are very friendly and calm people to b with.....
To those who claim God hate gays, what about liars, thieves, skin bleaching, kpanshing y still single, abortion, fake pastors???? I can go on and on....
Y are u so sure of God judgment towards gays den you forget his judgement to your own sin?
Do you think God will judge us differently? Or u think he'll fire is like a hotel dat has from 1 star to 7 star???
Please let gays live in dia sin freely jst d way you're living in yours..... For we are all sinners
and have fallen short of the glory of GOD. Gbam.
DeleteJust look at the trash you wrote... Minus Christianity, what about our culture? Its not just a sin its just not right.
DeleteHomo Speaking. Its an Abormination. Sordon and Gommoroh were condemned because of it.
DeleteI presume you were once a lesbian. Does it mean that when God single handedly destroyed sodom and gomorroah so no body was lieing and stealing then. He destroyed them because it was an abomination before God and man. Next time dnt preach what you dnt know
DeleteHomosexuality is same with all the things you have mentioned... There're all wrong!!
DeleteEmeka Collins bilo leave culture out of this cos aside paying of dowry all other cultural heritage ve been thrown away a long time ago. Polygamy is now a sin(bible), praying with ogogoro every morning b4 u wash mouth is now a sin(bible), pre-marital sex is now normal(civilisation) etc. So I believe when it comes 2 homosexuality it should b strictly biblical.
Delete@chick Felix u said it all. Whatever we all choose 2 do, we should b ready 4 it's consequences which brings me back 2 d poster, if u chose 2 b gay pls try 2 deal with d hate it's d price u pay 4 ur choice.
I don't get ds piece
ReplyDeleteAnything you know will make you happy please do it without fear and be ready wen it back fire.....
ReplyDeleteGays are very friendly and calm people to b with.....
To those who claim God hate gays, what about liars, thieves, skin bleaching, kpanshing y still single, abortion, fake pastors???? I can go on and on....
Y are u so sure of God judgment towards gays den you forget his judgement to your own sin?
Do you think God will judge us differently? Or u think hell fire is like a hotel dat has from 1 star to 7 star???
Please let gays live in dia sin freely jst d way you're living in yours..... For we are all sinners
Deletethe ways of God is not the ways of man he wrote all this to defend his status what is bad is bad thank you
ReplyDeleteHahahahahahahaaa I cant stop laughing bc some ppl don't even know bible but de still condemn. Even d bible said u shouldn't judge anybody, only God is a judge, yet de still judge. Pls d writer of this article needs an award, I love this write up. I av asked one of our church pastor dis question, y do ppl ignore all d laws in Levinticus but still condemn homosexual?. Does it mean dt oda laws re no more sin dt we break dem every day n still feel good but now condemn someone breaking just one which is. homosexual, or is dia anoda place in d bible dt said dt dose oda laws re no more sin except d homosexual? Can someone answer me pls? Hahahahhaaaa stupid ppl, u sleep wt ur bf every day when God said do not commit fornication n u still condemn someone sleeping wt his own partner. Pathetic!
ReplyDeleteLeviticus is Old Testament ,all sins are equal, homosexuality is a sin like stealing is,this epistle dsnt justify gays, Jesus death nd resurrection surpasses the Old Testament , he brought a new life to us, the 10 commandments is not wat we follow, Jesus came with a new commandment of love
DeleteYou had to insult yourself to make your point. As if you are without sin.
DeleteHomo in da House speaking. Old testament. All things have passed away all things have been New. We are in the New era. Sodorn and Gommorah were condemned because of this
DeleteWhat on earth will make you.attracted to.your self sex?.if you are not Mad
Delete@grace God bless you for dis comment.....
ReplyDeleteUnneccesarily Too long
Stupid reasons to be gay!
U re possessed and the earlier u admit it the better
So disgusting!!
Goddess Of Dawn, really??
DeleteLike really???
I was here o when you were advising young girls to go for older, exhausted men as long as the M or B word is involved.
"They are more romantic, caring and loving", you said.
Men old enough to be their grandpas and great grandpas.
Elderly men who use the lure of a good time to seduce young girls.
You didn't have a problem with taking "aristo" to a whole new level of what the hell.
Making it a permanent arrangement is not bad
Opening their legs for aged, senile, doddering men is not repulsive and nauseating.
But this is?????
Oh, well.............
Preach it Queen, I still remember that her comment too, chai!! World people .
DeleteQueen God bless u 4 this. Remember it like yesterday.
DeleteHomosexuality like every other sin is wrong in the sight of GOD period. Stop looking for ways to rationalize sin. Very soon someone would come up with justification for taking someone's wife or
ReplyDeletekilling his mother or father for rituals. Please, please repent of your sins and accept GOD's forgiveness in your life and live making sure you never do them ever again. God bless you.
Live and lets live but some people just dont gat any brains left i swear.....
@paris, that means homosexualitty is from the old testament. So don't judge again, otherwise you must condemn all his highlights. Well. Ur leaders mostly are gays. The 14 years law nko? Dead law. Mtcheeeeeeew
ReplyDeleteAnon 11:40 can u imagine d rubbish hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahha
DeleteMr or Mrs Anonymous, if you are gay, please stoppeet!
DeleteAll sins are equal in the sight of God.
No comment
ReplyDeleteStraight or gay ur choice but don't shove such choice down our throat 4 us 2 accept,its not our fault 2 call it sin becoz b4 our existance God has already condemed it. frm all I knw straight ppl has a prblm with gay ppl nd gay ppl has a problm with straight so stop crying wolf biko unto d next story mtcheewww
ReplyDeleteHow are they shoving it down ur throat? It's in ur face cos homophobes like u won't let them be! Even going to d extent of brutally murdering them! It pains me soooo much cos they are human like d rest of us. If we feel it is a sin which it is, how about pray for them, try to help them seek spiritual help? Rather than condemn and kill dem like their lives don't matter.
DeleteI don't hate or discourage homosexuality,in fi believe everyone is entitled to his or her beliefs and lifestyle,i don't castigate
ReplyDeleteI am not homophobic.
ReplyDeleteWe are all sinners yes!!! But we knw we do sin N we knw and are conscious of dem. Dere's a common sense of rite N wrong. Dere's a common sense of natural N unnatural occurrence in life. You all look in d mirror N stop d self deceit. D@ inner voice tells u d truth...
DeleteWhat a post. The writer should read Galatians 3:10 to the end here lies the answers he seek according to the laws of the old testament. Until two men can bring forth offspring and two ladies can successfully impregnate themselves then I will believe in the justice you seek for. I am not homophobic because I once struggled with the thought but I overcame knowing fully well what God has in store for me.
ReplyDeleteAwwwww nwannem
DeleteGod bless you.
Thank you dear. Prayers and studying the bible has really helped me.
DeleteWhen christ came and died he established a better covenant! And his blood was better than what ever sacrifice and than the blood of Abel! I am not saying the old testament should be scraped out! But then christ has established a new law! And whoever fall short of this law automatically is a sinner! What is a sin remains a sin! And we all know that the bible is two sided! Whatever is condemed can still be justified in it! The thing is, evryone has a conscience and the more u commit sin, the more ure killing ur conscience! Whatever ur conscience condems is a sin! When you keep the ten commandments of God. I believe you're on the right track...what shall we say then? shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Godforbid!
ReplyDeleteI still can never accept homosexuality. It is my fervent prayer that none in my lineage will ever be in Jesus name. Amen.
ReplyDeleteAmen o
DeleteAmen sis
Deletepreach it.
Romans 1:22-27.
ReplyDeleteThis fool is hiding under d scriptures for his self service.
Only d gullible sheep can be fleeced by their antics.
Ur dick, Ur butt, Ur asshole and Ur diapers.
Carnality is a bondage!!!!
DeleteKo soro have finished d matter
DeleteEzenwanyi you are too much. Thank God for you. The sin of homosexuality is mentioned in the new testament too. I am a sinner and I know it, but one step to being sin-free is by admitting your wrong to God and sincerely asking him for deliverance. Arguing about irrelevant issues will keep you stagnant or worse, make you regress further.
DeleteI don't have problem with,lesbian and bisexual are very nice people.who am i to judge!its a personal choice the last time i check
DeleteI don't blame you fellas , very soon prostitutes and armed robbers will quote the bible as well to justify their activities and force it down our throats ......mtcheeeeeeeeww
ReplyDeleteRomans 1: 17-32...For this cause God gave them up to vile affections....pls read to the end. God bless us
ReplyDeleteI am soo anti-homophobic is scary.
ReplyDeleteI love Everyone o jare.
Homos o.Lesbians o.Trans sexuals o."Normal" people o,those Who "just play" for d fun of it and dose Who want to "experiment" buh are scared to LMAO...
The caterer that takes care of my Parties is à wonderful Guy! Cool dude!A Genius at his Art.The best in town o jare and i Looove Looove that dude.
Sooo down to earth too with his Shy smile.
I Saw him recently at a paryy where he was d chief caterer and i was jus beaming like à Monkey wit à refrigerated Banana.
Shout out to u Boo!
i look at u and i am reminded dAt no,I Shall not judge.
Everyone has the right whoever they want. I have no p with gay people. They are humans too. They. Don't deserve the hate people throw at them.
DeleteOne thing I know for sure is the fact that JESUS came into this world to save and also abolished most of the laws of Moses which are in the old testament. In the new testament, apostle Paul mentioned that anyone that cannot be celibate like him should get married (man and woman not man and man or man and beast or woman and woman). This is my posit.
ReplyDeleteWhat is bad is bad!
ReplyDeleteI'm indifferent about them though.
Dick is too sweet for me to start looking for pussy to suck or suck me when a guy can do all that and even more.
Dick forever mehn!
Abeg homosexuality is wrong. So are lying stealing etc. As we can not justify lying et al, you can not justify being gay. Pure and simple. Dear writer, I think your guilty conco dey price you that is why u went tru the stress of going tru the bible to justify homosexuality.
Sin is sin abeg. I am with CUTE BERRY on this. My dear people, please stop justifying sin.
ReplyDeleteGod promised to write his law in our hearts. That is why when someone touches you appropriately, your senses are alerted because you know that something wrong has happened. You do not need a prophet to confirm that.
So wise up. The devil is prowling round like a roaring lion, looking for people like the writer to devour and he is mumuishly allowing that to happen.
Chick Felix, I hope you are not "wowing" cos of her gbagaun
ReplyDeleteBecos, you, my dear is the grand priestess of gbagaun.
1. Your friend should tell you why not Canadians. I think you should go round you up some and put them in a plantation or a sweat shop or a bank.
ReplyDelete2. It depends on whether she is a maiden, you should consider OLX, or eBay. Let us know so we can bid and help drive up the price.
3. I think you should install cameras in the bathroom, only surefire way to tell what’s going on. Be sure to count the rings on her thighs too, so you can tell her real age.
4. I think what you are missing is almonds, never offer up burnt sacrifices without them
5. Report your neighbors to the police. They are violating your rights to a proper Sabbath. We all need the Sabbath.
6. Shellfish is four levels below homosexuality on the abomination scale, just under uncovering your wife’s sister’s nakedness.
7. There is wiggle room, your glasses bring your eyesight up to the level required for approaching altars.
8. I think we should let them face the wrath of old age.
9. Yes, unless the gloves are pig skin, then no.
10. Your uncle can die however you deem fit, but stoning is a community building exercise.
Quite frankly I didn’t know you were Jewish, Mazeltov.
There is no verse in the Bible that same sex affair is allowed. I still stand on it that there is no justification for homosexuality. It is evil
ReplyDeleteI read this piece before heading to church and to be sincere,I have been totally open minded about homosexuals.The pastor created the sermon just for me,homosexuality is a SIN.I cannot judge but stop saying things to justify this madness.Read the scripture Romans 1:18-32
ReplyDeleteGoddess of Dawn you that you are a prostitute is better abi?
ReplyDeleteBwahahahahaha anon 15:28 thou art wucked!
ReplyDelete'Grand priestess of gbagaun!
Lmao, my sweet Lord.