Stella Dimoko Nigeria's President Elect Muhammadu Buhari's First Exclusive Interview.


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Nigeria's President Elect Muhammadu Buhari's First Exclusive Interview.

You need to listen to what he reveals in this interview.....

He answers all the questions ya'all use to cuss him out...

If you dont watch this interview,please stay on the curb and read comments.

Interview runs for 30minutes but you can connect from the first questions...Interviewer deserve a standing ovation.

Sweetheart well done!


  1. Replies
    1. He shuldnt go about condemning rather he shuld look for ways to improve za ekwanamy when he enters

    2. Can't Wait for him to be sworn in

      Photos: Wizkid parties with Emmanuel Adebayor & co in London

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    3. Who cares n y should I waste my MB?

    4. For every negative thing I've said about this man,for everytime I bore false witness against this great man,God I seek your forgiveness.He lends credence to the saying 'Leaders're born,not made'
      I'll go anonymous on this one,God bless our President-elect!

    5. Aunty Stella pls write the questions and answers for us I beg u I can't stream from my phone pls

    6. Bet it ll be a total waste of my precious mb

    7. Thank U Glowy Shoes.... As much as I love his plans 4 the Nation and pray to God he achieves his mission he seemed 2 be missing some questions and putting down the opposition...

    8. I listened to the entire interview. Am I impressed? U bet.

      I look fwd to this. No long story.

  2. If you dont watch this interview,please stay on the curb and read comments.

    Stella let me wait for my people's comment.

    tired of APC and too much talk. Their bragging no be small.

    1. @loveme jeje Ignorance is a disease listen,read understand so you will be enlightened and educated. Cuss me out hun you are best at that that is were your degree lies

  3. Gosh!!!....
    I can't continue biko...
    His intonation sucks!!...can't even hear what he is saying...
    Blah blah blah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    Biko this old man should go and rest...

    1. Hausa accent is a turn off

    2. Please keep quiet and don't allow your hate swallow you up. If you can't hear what he is saying, then trust me, your problems are much bigger than what you know because he is clear and concise. He might not be too convincing, neither is he the best but he is well spoken and his message can be understood without much effort. If therefore you can't hear, then your IQ is low and you are an illiterate.


    3. Yes! He would rest in aso rock

    4. My bf is hausa o
      you both should take it easy with the accent ish. Biko

    5. What about Igbo and Yoruba God forbid I will go for Hausa accent PS am a Yoruba girl from both parent

    6. Linda didn't go to school. Illiteracy is a disease

  4. Answered which questions ? Stella did u listen well at all..... Only thing I keep hearing is feedeefee has zelibrately zistabilised za Ekwanamy....even when simple straight forward questions are asked.....fine he answered a few correctly but not all.....anyway I support his regime for now...Sai baba I believe u die God give u all u need to deliver..........stellau must enjoy me

    1. Yes I agree, he kept on trying to put down the opposition and didn't answer most questions correctly but give him your support because whether we like it or not or whether we like him or not, he is president from May 29,2015 to 2019. If we are going to criticise him, it has to be constructive.

    2. Lmao @zaa feedeefee etc...hehehehehe

    3. Lol. But the questions he was asked was answered in the light of what he hopes to do when sworn in... don't forget that he is not the president yet, hence cannot speak on a matter of factly basis.

      The man can only go by the information made available to him for now, not until he's in power, he'll continue to speak in a speculative manner.

    4. At anon 10:41 this man was very articulate in that interview, he mentioned the key areas that is important to this country. What more do you want him to say? @ Juicee Chic, I bet all you can do is telepath, you can't even address a primary one class not to talk of speaking on national issues and you stay behind that your data phone that you are paying so much for courtesy of our incumbent government to type rubbish? God needs to visit your matter!

  5. Thanks,but not interested.
    Will just stay on the curb and read comments just as you suggested.

  6. Wow.very interesting to watch,am beginning to like this man

  7. I didnt see the video. But hey! señor Stella. You are gradually acting as one of his entourage of sycophants. #IDunLikeIt.
    Very soon he will be our Blog Boo.

    1. Na bad tin? Stella boo,continue keeping us abreast on d latest situations happening around our country.

    2. Olodo Stella is a Senorita

    3. Nope. She is Senora. She's not a young maiden

  8. I watched it from the very first minute last night on my favourite channel. I loved his response to the confab question. How can the federal government pay millions of naira to confab members when schools were on strike and millions of children were roaming on the street hungry? He mirrored down my thoughts

  9. I watched it from the very first minute last night on my favourite channel. I loved his response to the confab question. How can the federal government pay millions of naira to confab members when schools were on strike and millions of children were roaming on the street hungry? He mirrored down my thoughts

  10. Nice interview and nice response. I love d one is talked about airways, railways and roads. His response dia was muaaah, wise ans. Also about NEPA too, he answered well, oil n gas too, allocations to different states both opposition and dose in d ruling party, etc. His answers to all questions re great, n d lady dt conducted d interview deserves a standing ovation, she asked intelligent questions dt re crucial too. Kudos to them both. We re looking forward to ur first 100 days in office n many more good things after that.

  11. This man has wonmderful plans.
    He just needs a good team.
    May God help him accomplish all of dese for us.
    And may unpleasant fate befall the thieves in APC wu wldnt allow him perform.

    Oboi! I had to listening carefully to get him.
    I have a lot of hausa frnds oo, but. Buhari's accent na die #Smiles!
    E must be inlove wit d letter 'Z'
    Am so apy e won.

    The presenter, so young, yet so calm n relaxed.
    I cldnt watch to d end.
    But it was an interesting view.
    Got to go. Later!

  12. Stella this man is everywhere already and you are equally forcing him down our throats too. Cant we come here and have small peace too. Im indifferent to everything now abeg till he takes over then I can start judging.

  13. If you did not watch this interview and you jump into comment section to post a comment then you are the 'negligence' Buhari is talking about if you listen only for the sake of his intonation without hearing/understanding the message proper sorry to say this but how will you excel in life? Buhari speaks good english I like were he said that it would be difficult and that he is not a magician it will take some process to arrive at the best so he was even the one that built the refinery we have in Nigeria wow.belligerent voltrons go on and rant. Once Buhari assume power I will change my profile picture because change is indeed here.God bless Buhari

    1. 1million likes

    2. I love my General. Sensible, no frills, wise man. Hear him talk and you'll know he won't suffer fools gladly. May God bless and keep you to fulfill your plans to set Nigeria on the right track. I shudder when I think of 4 more years of za kworrupt and clueless feedeefee.

  14. very interesting interview, patiently overcame the intonation barrier and listen to what he had to say, i must say that he has a better plans for Nigeria, he knows the right priority, he has plans to tackle insercurity, unemployment and corruption and fair justice to all, also block every loop holes. I pray he achieves his goals, looking foward to a new Nigeri

  15. Well answered.
    This man is one of the masses, himself. I Love
    Lord, please give him the wisdom, knowledge and understanding, You gave to King Solomon, to do the right thing for this great country and move the nation forward. His dreams are so high, Buh will the cabals allow him? Only You, Lord, know the end from the beginning.
    I laughed at that EFCC's response. Abeg, make June 1 quick come. #SaiBuhari

  16. This man is focused. I like the response he gave on the issue of getting a national carrier. He equally understands the oil industry well. For those complaining about his accent, is it his fault that he has an hausa accent?is he not an hausa man? If u can't understand his English, then it's bcos u r not interested in what he is saying.

  17. I believe in this man...I watched the interview from the beginning to the end and he answered them well!

    He's quite intelligent too

    Kudos sai Buhari

  18. He granted the interview to TVC a station owned by a strong APC man, pure arranged interview

    1. GEJ granted interviews to NTA, a station owned by the government yet he was not as concise, as outspoken and as confident as Buhari is on this interview.

    2. Enigma I kinda agree with U oh.... Sounds very much like an arrangee interview...

      We dey wait 4 CNN. Interview shaaa... make we hear this style....

  19. You spoke me mind@mynaked pictur

  20. Lorlll @this govt has capacity for wrong priorities.

  21. With all he said i have HOPE in Nigeria, i see a better country for my kids and all the youths. I know GMB is coming back as president to solidify his name in the history book.

    1. Oriegwu!!...
      I will soon remind you of this your comment...

    2. Go back to school Linda and stop embarrassing yourself online on blogs! Kmt

    3. Lol my darling linda biko join the winning train before we leave you at onitsha bridge. Better queue now before is late.

    4. Yels baby! U Can say that again @ Jay Moore.

      I am soo hopeful for d future ahead and with God on His Throne.


    5. Na wa o. Instead of contributing our little quota to move this country forward, by praying or more, some are just waiting for him to fail so they can have the pleasure of saying "I told you so". So much hate for oneself.

  22. I got only one message cos YouTube kept on buffering we need people with integrity thats the message I got sha


  23. Very interesting!!! Dis is a president who knows his onions! Fellow Nigerians, welcome to a new Nigeria!!!

  24. i had a big fight with a colleague who insulted GMB's accent.biko,what tribe in Nigeria doesnt have accent?Didnt GEJ bleat his thick SS accent too?why are people just bent on hitting low blows?pls get a life,he is your president like it or not.if its the latter,please go on exile.mtseeew

    1. Hehehhehehehehehe
      Our Presido Is Here To Stay
      Forget About D Naysayers!

  25. Very impressive interview. The interviewer was so professional, she did a great job. I am glad Buhari won, he appears to be a calm focused person.

    I don't understand why some Nigerians over-emphasize the issue of accents. Italians have accents, British have accents, so what's the biggie in having a Nigerian accent? As long as you can express yourself and be understood, what's the problem?

    1. And when some pple travel and one oyinbo dey speak with thick accent, we go open teeth dey laff like fools.

  26. Replies
    1. Shut up your maggot infested trap....Don't you ever insult Sai Baba ever again, never in your life . #spitting a thick glob of sputum right back at your ugly igbotic face. Racial biggot like you.

  27. Why can't I watch it with me phone, plz linda and co leave our presido's accent alone, he is your president and there is nothing u can do abt it, am sure u have thick Obinagu, Nkano or Umuabi accent. All tribes have accent in nigeria.

  28. Anyone that talks about his accent is an illiterate. It is usually the bigots on here that say they can't understand yet they have the thickest accents and can't spell correctly. Ms Queen of the blog that always adds s to everything,you have mouth to say his intonation sucks. Enlightenment is needed for a lot of people in Nigeria.

  29. If you yab Buhari's accent, please go to School and learn that everyone has an accent. If a thick accent will deliver us from the rot that has been exposed to you all then please by all means. If we have to put up with your excessive 's', "Men cheats", "We wants to say" "I seems to not know", "I so much like", "Jewelries", "He does not worth it", should I continue? Unless you speak flawless English without an accent, including British, American or Igbo...please take several seats and stop being a freaking bigot.

    1. Spot on, Anon 15.02! I can't believe the semi-literate jokers that make up 80% of the BVs on this blog will complain about anyone's accent.

  30. I had tears in my eyes watching this interview as it gave me hope for the first time for my country Nigeria. Now I know my country shall rise again from ashes it has become. Forget partisan politics, forget religious and tribal bias, the truth is the past govts we have had have completely stripped bare and ruined the country. I am so in love with our new president elect and waiting to see the change he has promised.

    1. Yes We Shall Rise Again!
      Me Too,I Love That Man.
      God Wil Help Him.

  31. Remarkable! What a visionary. May god bless you and give you good health.

  32. May God guide and help our new president IJN

  33. I couldn't help but laugh out loud at Linda Eze and her cohorts comments about Buhari's accent. Oh Linda, who are you to talk about another's 'intonation'?
    After seeing the way you write like a semi-illiterate, I don't think I would want to hear you speak. I imagine you to have a strong Igbo accent. Imagine that; strong Igbo accent and grammatically incorrect sentences.
    Is GEJ's 'intonation' Amy better than Buhari's?
    Remove the tree in your eyes. Even the Amenricans you admire on your tv screen have accents. Bigot. You can die if you want but Buhari is your President at least for the next four years. Choke.
    Contrary to what your warped up mind thinks, some northerners are more educated and sophisticated that you could ever hope to be. I have lived in different parts of Nigeria so I should know.


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