Stella Dimoko Doctors In House Section


Thursday, April 09, 2015

Doctors In House Section


Dr Ennie!
Native Doc Ngwoturumbe!.. LMAO!
Et al.....

Dear Stella,
I would need the advise of doctors and experienced BVs on this celibacy issue.
I am a mother of four children, 2 women and 2 men. I am 49 years old. I started having children early so my first daughter has a 2 year old son now.
I trained these children all alone and have been celibate for years (maybe decades). However, I am grossly overweight and I have been told that it is caused majorly by hormonal imbalance.

 I wasn't bothered knowing I would soon come to the end of it, but my daughter called me yesterday complaining of backache, and feeling of heaviness and bloating. I told her to resume her exercise regime and see a doctor. She replied that she has, and the doctor told her she should go and have sex!

 That she is ok but is injuring herself and her hormones by being celibate! I would like to ask, is hormonal imbalance hereditary? Is living celibate dangerous?  Can celibacy cause other ailments in a young woman? My daughter is 31 and hasn't had sex in 2 years. Her son is 2+...


  1. @stella is AGWOTURUMBE not Ngwoturumbe, Nice Try Sha... Chemists Over I don't Know oooo..
    .NOTE: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..

    1. That is me that's a virgin would have been like a bloated baboon nau

    2. @DJ stelch, please a chemist is a product of pure and industrial Chemistry or Chemistry!
      You can refer any sick patient to a Doctor, a Nurse, a Pharmacist, or a Drug store not to a Chemist. Be guarded!

      Nwunye Okeke

  2. Ur daughter is living the life you are living. So sad. What makes the 2 of you celibates?

    1. If u don't have anything to contribute just scroll away.

    2. Where is your daughter's hubby or is also a single mum?
      You too need to get laid asap

    3. @poster...hahaha your daughters doctor might have been a lil mischievous although not disputing the fact that he MAY be right.

      Now back to your question...

      Being celibate goes both ways,while it might be a good thing on the other,it isnt
      And yea being celibate does cause hormonal imbalance...while celibate the oestrogen level in a ladies body rises and a woman thus becomes moody,cranky (infact kolo can set in) due to high hormonal levels.inorder words it causes hormonal imbalance that can negatively impact her lungs,emotional health,heart,concentration and fertility

      2- it causes weight gain...we all know having sex is a good physical exercise *shinesteeth
      3- it increases her risk of cancers,depression,aches (head and body)
      4-vaginal i need to explain further hahaha...y'all know wen a part is not being used it tends to wane off well...d vagina ain't exempted

      Ps- that doesn't mean y'all should go on having sex on a daily basis o

    4. Chai Madam dr. I've been celibate for 7months now and I have most of this symptoms. Chai na wa o. I need to get laid asap

    5. I usually mastubate to relive myself this stress and also I engage in exercise every morning. Have been a celibate for close to two years now.

      Nwunye Okeke

  3. Hian oh! What kind of doctor is that? Although I no little or nothing about medical issues, the advise your doctor gave your daughter sounds wrong. I will advise your daughter to contact a 'proper' doctor.

  4. Yeah, you both need to have sex ASAP!

    1. Who said sex isn't food biko
      Ma'am make una go have sex biko lol

  5. Stellz abeg post IHN BIKO BEFORE i COMMOT GO MARKET.

    1. Yes! post IHN I know somborry will send a robust reply based on yest's memo hawhaw

  6. Good day SDKers,
    Please somebody once recommended Bio oil and lime on this blog. How do I use them bikonu!
    Abeg I dey wait for answer o.
    Thanks, thanks.

    1. Twas chick felix.she said the bio oil is to be applied on acne spots,dark knuckles and darker parts.then she said "warm lemon water".but I think wat you gotta do is cut your lemon in 2,soak a part in a glass of water,better overnight and drink 1st tin in the morning.
      P.s.dont do all an often all lemon juice intake if you are a young lady.not too good.

  7. Stella you forgot to mention Dr Uju !...
    Poster pls lemmme ask a kwension o...where's your daughter's husband(Abyord or.....)
    Anyways no idea sha,as me sef na celibate too.

  8. Replies
    1. A man to do what?
      Ok I gerrit
      He will locate you soon ok
      Horseband dey, but good men dey scares.

    2. A good man will find dear. Just keep trusting God.

    3. And a good Man u shall get dear.

    4. Aunty gwegs. You go teeeeeeeey

  9. ''Dr'' Kehinde Ake's attention is also needed

  10. Let me sit and read comment,doctors over to you........

  11. That's serious

  12. Ha ha, injuring herself and her hormones by being celibate? That is a new one. Sex dey make people happy (when you climax you release "happy hormones") but you don't need that to survive biko.
    And living celibate doesn't cause any ailment.

  13. eeehm! let me read comments.

  14. Oturugbeke ohhhh. Not good cos my celibacy been donkey years and had dysmenorrhea, all manner of abdominal pains and told that sex or childbearing would relieve but lo and behold sex worsened my symptoms and is very painful. Need to get answers too. Sharon

  15. Maybe maybe not,but to say being celibate is dangerous is a big fat lie....maybe he coded that conji was her problem and gave her that advice...lmao....sometimes doctors give advice that will Help you sort some emotional or psychological issues that they feel are causing your your daughter married, widowed or divorced? If not why the celibacy for two years? Maybe he thinks not having sex is affecting her emotionally which in turn is affecting her hormones.......don't start worrying yourself over nothing....let her go on and enjoy life and be happy, maybe she is just suffering depression....

  16. Oriegwu and let me join hian

    it is well

  17. Eeeya....
    Dont know wot to say
    D experts are coming.

    Buh eeeeya again,do and let it come to an end.
    Dis celibate thing can like to Pain me eh wen i see widows n d rest.
    And ur daughter? No sex for two years???
    Kai some people are "Superman" o

    Hope u get d help u need.
    And peeps dat dont have sex often,i heard dey have waist Pain.
    And for waist Pain,i know dat Lying on d floor is d "cure"

    Sorry Ma'm.
    AnD sorry.

    1. Madam,i like you a lot but i pity your situation.
      But i have to let you know something,you inculcated that celibacy thing in your daughter.
      She needs

      Red hot,bed-shaking,aggressive and leg-to-d-shoulders-kinda drilling.

      As for you ma'am,you need
      SEX. Slow n tender at first.
      Then boomshakala,supersonic,pleg to the protector kinda sex.Two decades of no sex?
      JEEZ,u need a tsunami-like orgasm to clear your thoughts n to clear the backlog of missed orgasms.
      You dey miss o

    2. OMG @ Boomshakala
      Oh no!
      i am now in d mood for some ball-jamming!
      oh my days!

  18. Where is your daughter's DH?
    You sound to me like a sex starved woman who is looking for a shuga boy.
    Why not just say it
    Is it scratching u?
    Do u want SDK to connect you to someone that would blow your mind?
    No sex for decades yet u are popping kids here n there..
    Did angel Gabby visit u too?
    Tell me something!!

    1. Imbecile!

    2. Like really.... ? what's with all the cursing here now? It's not by force you must comment.

  19. Na siddon look I dey - serious food for thought.......

  20. This is so serious, both of you should go and have sex as soon as possible.

  21. No idea Imma just read comments

  22. It is well ma,over to the doctors

  23. Poster: hormonal imbalance is related to genetics.

    And what I know is that hormones are produced by the endocrine glands, and one of the endocrine glands are the pancreas which also secrets insulin and has insulin receptors

    So therefore, people with hormonal balance , usually are obese and diabetic , that's why the doctor said you should exercise.

    Secondly as regard having sex, he has a point, because the predominant female hormone in hormonal imbalance is I estrogen and not progesterone , so by having sex and getting pregnant you tend to balance by increasing progesterone levels , thereby creating a balance.

    Pls seek a specialist ( gynaecologist ) advice.

  24. i have a sister/friend in my former church. she is a virgin and was always sick. she went to the hospital and the doctor told her to let some man knack her that she will be ok. she said God forbid.

    am sure being celibate for a long time causes problem. knacking is good for the health if not God would not have created eve ooo

  25. I was told the same thing by a midwife o..before I got married..I was celibate for almost a year..when I finally had sex,all the symptoms I had disappeared like magic o..but that's just me

  26. All I can say is that regular sex is healthy...........Stella u must enjoy me

  27. Over to the doctors.

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  28. I don't know about what the doctor said but why will anyone go celibate for a decade(s)????????

    That means she's not had a doggy for that long, no head, no cow-woman control, no missionary sef.

    Sex is more than food mbok.

    1. Yes sex is more than food. I can't imagine going without anal sex for even one day. It spices up the day and helps one think well.

    2. My mum has been celibate for over 13 years nt food

  29. Hian, over to the doctors o. But I don't see how been celibate can cause hormonal imbalance.

    Waiting to read comments from doctors.

  30. Doctors in the house wey una.

  31. I'm a doctor and Madam, ask your daughter very well whether she saw a doctor or an alternative practitioner or "chemist". Having sex or not has nothing to do with being overweight. Are all overweight folks you know celibate? Don't you even know by commonsense that the "doctor" your daughter saw has something up her sleeve.

    She should do exercise and reduce calorie intake to loose weight.Desist from refined sugar and its products; like "soft drinks" for instance. Go on a fruit and vegetable diet and see . . .

  32. I think this is for Mr Kehinde Ake knows more about thing like this.

  33. I don't think being celebate is the issue here tho!

  34. Is like the women in this family don't like f#ck like that, but why na?

  35. Hmmm dunno ohhhhh over to d doctors in d huz

  36. She should eat well and do exercise jare....
    I don't believe being celibate is the cause....

    If you start out as the other one, you'll never be the only one.......

  37. this a very interesting topic oooo, celibate and homonal imbalance.

  38. I have been celibate for four years.
    No Std, no pregnancy scare etc.
    Sex no be food abeg.

  39. Ezenwanyi is that you


    Overweight mama

    You are looking for fresh d..k you will paralyze with your truckload of sagging fatty skin.

    Sex is not food

    If you no be Ezenwanyi, Madam pardon me, na slip of fingers.

    *Dances out*


  40. No wonder i'v been bloody edgy and easily irked lately.
    Men! I need to get laid abeg.
    This celibacy eesh sef

  41. Virginity is still the ultimate...what you don't know about can't hurt you.#hadiknown


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