Stella Dimoko Doctors In House Section.



Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Doctors In House Section.



Stella please i would like to be advised on this because the embarrassment i have been through is better imagined.

Now straight to the point..

My privates wis very loud and always makes this whistling nose.when most people are near me when it happens,they look down there with shock and look back to my face.

It whistles  loud and *wait for this* every time that happen i fall into Orgasm.

Please is this a medical condition?I need to prepare myself before i walk into any hospital.The last Doctor I visited and told my problem,let the problem and started telling me how sexy i was and that he would love to make love to me and see how i climax and that would help in treating me.

I became a recluse with seeking help after then.This platform provides a perfect venue for me to ask without showing my face.

*whistling* Your tohtoh dey whisper??????


  1. Replies
    1. My sister, you might have a cyst or viginal clitorial/cervical growth. Try and see a FEMALE OBGYN. FEMALE. How's your menstrual cycle?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Lmao
      that pic up there made me loose focus of the matter at hand

    4. Hhhahahahhahahahahahaa, wat wuldnt we read here? Wistling tohtoh? Lemme read comments cos I neva hear dis 1 b4. Stella n her pictures.

    5. Eeyaa! It's a medical condition oh. I've heard of a case like this. But she finally had to see a neuro surgeon sef because she orgasmed almost all the time and the doctor said it was in connection with her brain somehow.
      Sorry dear poster. Don't mind the stupid doctor that God will punish if he doesn't change. Go to a very good hospital and I suggest you try to see a neuro too.

    6. Stella your picture is hilarious!!!!!!!!

    7. Gosh, that dick tho.
      Poster sorry
      Maybe your pussy is wide
      Start doing yoga.

    8. @poster, did u gave birth? Coz I knw of a woman who gave birth and didn't press her body very well to close up.anytime she pass she will be making funny noise in her private part.

    9. Introduce to that guy in that pix

    10. @Jellof rice, exactly what I wanted to ask. I have heard of this issue being related to not doing the required exercise after giving birth to help that particular area to close up. Visit a female obgyn. Anything you are not comfortable with with respect to your body, SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP.

  2. Lmaoooooo,stella this your picture though.hahahahahahaha.

    1. That is called toto feedback in xes communication if it happens during xes. E mean say air don perch inside the valve and as the thing not get washer to prevent air escape, it gets out with a lil force resulting in queefs or "whistle" in Poster's voice. Na to change position win am. Doggy style dey cause am well well. Sometimes, when you open oputamia for ground with the knees flexed, na direct entry for breeze to occupy space. ‎

      It's nothing serious when it happens during lamusha. Toto no sabi talk so e dey blow whistle. Whistlers are fun sometimes when you dey run familiar package.

      @ Efe, how far na?

    2. Buhahahahahahaha omg oo
      Stella had killed someone this afternoon with this picture! Can't stop laughing me belle oo

      One sorry oo, I hope you find the solution to your problem! Kpele

    3. Continue...

      My hand don press something before I type finish. Poster should do Kegel exercise and other pelvic floor target exercises to firm up those muscles. It takes time sha before you will see results. U didn't say much whether you don born pikin or any other medical condition. If problem persists, see a Gynecologist who is not horny.

    4. Ake Baba! Tuale!

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. See explanation wey kehinde dey give

    7. Akestic baba !
      I fear who no fear you

    8. Kehinde Ake i greet you!!!

    9. Stellakork, you don spoil finish, kikikiki

  3. Hmmmmm I shock after reading self!

    1. That whistling sound is a pussy fart. It's when you pass out air from your vjayjay. It's normal when it happens after sex . Do you douche as well? That may be another reason for it .

  4. There is absolutely nothing I won't hear on dis blog! But Stella dis ur dick go cus orgasm sef! Lol, ok I wan drink kunu. I ll b back to read comments

    1. pls i want to invest in a washing machine. am tired of hand washing my three kids clothes. pls someone suggest d best brand and d price. i v about thirthy thousand plus. can it get a good washing machine or i sld save up more money. thnks

    2. You can get a good washinig machine for that much, the one I use is LG roller jet WP-750R, it has a washer n a spinner its very OK, I got it for 27k

    3. May the Lord provide more for you dear sweet mother. It's not easy at all. You may need to save a little more to get one that can carry about 5-7kg of laundry and front loaders are quite good. LG brands as well as Samsung offer good value for money..

  5. yet u wil say pple should use responsible pix on deir profile pix unless u wont enable deir comment,smh

    1. Lol
      Don't mind stella
      She doesn't practice what she preach
      Kikikikikikikikikikikiki, dat dick na die.

    2. Hahaha
      Difference dey between owner of room and squater

  6. Stella na this kind long prick i like ooo. if this one enter someone na heaven be that.

    stella abeg send me that your picture to me.

    Madam it is very well. That doctor is just too stupid upon you were feeling low, he decided to add more lowness to you.
    foolish doctor

  7. Whattttttttt? Just when I think I've seen it all.

  8. Stella where do u get all these your pictures from???

  9. Be careful where you go for check up. Look for a female gynecologist not a male one. And you did not mention if u have given birth to a child before or if the same thing happens during sex. Be careful who you tell about this .female doctor is better.

    1. Maybe she met a house officer or a j.reg
      M/yl it's either she's telling a lie or just naive punk*dnt mean to cuss u out* on earth did u walk outa d hospital without reporting d randy doctor,not like he was gona treat u 4free sef. U wouldav reported his silly ass so next time he'd put his philandering d**k in check

  10. THELMA ENEMUWE said...
    Whistling tohtoh ke????
    Doctors,over to y'al oooooooo..
    Am so waiting for comments on this *batseyes*
    Jesos!,sterraKORK,this pix of urs is somtin
    *faithful BV enemuwe thelma*

  11. THELMA ENEMUWE said...
    Whistling tohtoh ke????
    Doctors,over to y'al oooooooo..
    Am so waiting for comments on this *batseyes*
    Jesos!,sterraKORK,this pix of urs is somtin
    *faithful BV enemuwe thelma*

  12. Hmmmmm eleyi gidigan ooo
    stella plss gv me 50naira popcorn
    becos na comment i wn come read for here

  13. Stella, this your picture nawaoooooo

    Poster, I hope you get answers to your question. Good luck.

    In other news my EDD is on Saturday, I am tired of being pregnant. I wish the labour will start now . I tried the sex, ,nipple stimulation and walking up and down the stairs, yet nothing is helping.

    Let me continue chewing my ice block and reading Stella's blog because that's what keep me going.

    1. Ma'am easy on the iced block chewing o. Don't worry ehen, your bundle of joy is going to pop out when it's time.
      Wish you a painless delivery.

    2. Lmao..... You won't hesperit when the baby decides to come.
      My mum said taking cold things make the baby feel comfortable in the womb.....I will pray for you. It shall be extremely well with you and your baby. Trust me, you will miss your bump when u give birth.

    3. chewing ice block ke? hmmm. take hot thnx so ur baby will b uncomfortable.

    4. U may do well to desist from chewing ice block and cold tinz at this stage of your pregnancy biko. For the good of u and ur baby

    5. Safe Delivery

    6. Ur baby will come wen he/she is ready. My dear if u feel like takin cold tin take it abeg all dis fallacy abt cold tins n baby na lie. Whr ur baby is is totally different from ur stomach. Wen u give birth abroad sef ure given iced chips to chew but here na to dey drink hot water like say tmr no dey...
      Madam njoy readin sdk naw o cos wen u born u no go get dt tym trust me

    7. Thanks a lot guys. I will keep you all posted.

    8. Pls stop chewing iced block.
      My baby started sneezing within minutes after birthing her and I was told it's as a result of all the cold drinks I used to take.

  14. o God me this is the first time I am hearing this hmmmm doc in the house you are needed


  15. Can't make a head of your narrative.
    You didn't tell us if it whistles while walking,having sex or just generally.
    Pls come and explain further under the comment section.
    Nwayz...if it's during sex,then it's not a medical condition as u fear,its just caused by air trapped in the vagina
    Rx- modify ur sex position

  16. Things de happen.doc.doctors over to una.

  17. Lol...some of the tales here sound surreal. How can your toto start whistling just like that...More surprising is the fact that that you orgasm anytime it whistles. I know that pussies sometime whistle during sex due to air being trapped when thrusting. I have a feeling you are not telling the whole story dear. By the way Stella that dick is epic, take a look at the shaft..* just negodu*

  18. Lol, Madam Stella, this picture ehn

  19. I don't believe this story abeg.

  20. Hahahahahahhahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahhahaahhahahaha. Stella why are you like this na? I mean, the food just flew out of my mouth on seeing that picture. Kai kai kai. You no be better person I swear. @ poster: no vex abeg. Pictures or #adonbilivit# or better still send us a recording of the whistling.... Hahahahahahaha.

  21. The orgasm part though. How often does this happen in a day? Is that not seizure waiting to happen.
    Maybe you should seek out a female gyne, since they taught the males ones to cure whistling vj with penetration.
    Stella this your pix na weapon of genital mutilation.

  22. I can't even laugh at this story but I can definitely laugh at stella's pishure hahahahahahahahahaaha

    Poster, go to God. U might not believe this but He has answers to all challenges, both silent and whistling ones!

  23. Hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Stella oooh. You no be better person I swear. Which kain picture be this na? Very strong nyash and big amu. The food in my mouth flew out cos of laughter. @ poster: pictures or #adonbilivit# better still send in a recording of the whistling tohtoh....hahahahahah.

  24. Hmmmm, all I see is this your picture Stella.

  25. Anon: 12;18 i wish you safe delivery. continue doing your exercise oo.. stop eating ice block

  26. C a gynaeocologist, preferably female.


  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Hahahaha, Stella this your photo come spoil the issue at hand. Whoever send in this chronicle will whistle and orgasm more while looking at this picture.

  30. Stella, how exactly is your response to her problem different from the male doctor's reaction? SMH.

    Dear poster, try to see a female gynecologist. Also, google is your friend. There are online medical websites that could help, just be very careful and discerning.

    Dear overdue pregnant lady, try eating pineapples and spicy Indian curries.

    1. Pregnant lady ain't overdue maam

  31. @Anon 12.08. At dis stage, u ar not suppose to be taking cold water talk more of ice block as it will slow ur labour (ur baby will relax). Pls take warm water and warm bath.

    Na waoh for dis ur pix Stella.Lol!

  32. Hehehe
    wetin person no go hear for this blog: whistling tohtoh, smelly tohtoh, tohtoh decay *side eyes*.

    ife n'eme

    My In House Dotors revelation

    I just remembered sumtin in the university during exams when the lecturer will be like 5mins more, i get heavenly feelin', my body will just start vibrating my hands shaky, next thing i'm all weak like something just expelled from my body, then this kinda *relieved* feelin. I think i just had an orgasm. It happens all the time.


  33. Na wah oh, I thought I've heard it all. Whistling tohtoh? Chai.
    Poster, do you mind recording it on your phone and sending it to Stella (sebi she don talk say take a picture of your problem, but this is recording your problem). I'm just trying to help.
    Stella, this picture na die.

  34. Hiaaan Doctor where are you guys?
    Run in here asap and dissect this issue.
    Are you a young lady?
    Have you put to bed?
    Exactly when did this Whistling start
    When do you experience this VJay Whistling? Like Elena her majesty asked
    These info and more will help you

    If you have a baby do you have an episiotomy (give by medical personell) or a tear (enforced by the baby) during childbirth that was not taken care of ( properly stitched using dissolvable stitches).

    That might cause Vjay Whistling...
    Also not tighten the muscle of the Vjay wall after delivery via kegel exercise ....

  35. Why use such rubbish picture??????

    1. Honestly it distracts from the issue at hand and makes light of it

  36. WTF,whistling tohtoh,let me read from d comment na wah oo,wetin person no go hear for dis world.

  37. Oko re! Stella I just had orgasm looking at this picture too

  38. I laughed! I laughed real hard. *God forgive me*

    My dear, this one pass me. May God heal you.

  39. Hahahahaha,wich kind pic be this na.lmao

  40. Imagine a doc trying to have a taste before he proffers solution...smh!!
    My dear, visit a female gynaecologist next time...
    Does it whistle while ur walking or when u making love? I can imagine the embarrassment you might be facing..

  41. Wouldn't be one of those who have orgasms without sex? I mean Stella, you once had this article about a white woman with such a problem... she gets aroused anywhere and then has an orgasm. Multiple everday.

    Gosh Poster, you really need to look into this before it gets out of hand.
    See a professional medical doctor. Maybe a female if that helps.

    Did you try to Google it?

  42. Hum strange things we read everyday God help u at poster..Doctors over to u



    EU*** WENT TO A MEDIUM (WITCH DOCTOR, "babalawo etc.) with two requests; give Jide (not real name) who dumped her for another lady after 5 years of courtship a shameful death. 2. Prepare a charm for her to "tie down" any rich man of her choice ... EU was given the conditions to get her request; she must stay in the temple overnight and sleep with "the man of the temple". She thought to see the haggard-looking priest of the medium but no, the man that came to EU in the cool of the evening was a charming, tall, study young man whom EU began to lust after even before he touched her. She undressed and spread her legs immediately and wished that the man will be her catch. It was a passionate xx the type she hadn't had all her entire life; she had orgasm every quarter of an hour for whole night. It was in the morning that the "man of the medium" dressed to go and while EU cried that she would be missing him, he turned into a huge hissing serpent and crawled out of the temple.

    EU got more than her request, Jide got mad by the time she reached home and died after 3 weeks; killed by a speeding vehicle. Jide's new lady was bitten by a snake and she died and EU tied down a politician that doles out money like a dollar ATM. But then the sorrows began. Her vag**a was hissing just like the snake man that had sex with her . . . sleep vanished during the nights . . .she was no longer seeing her menses as usual . . . it could be once in 6 months and with intense pain that usually landed her in the hospital. Every man that sees her wants to have x with her . . . including close relatives etc. etc.

    In the hospitals even in the UK, the doctors were confused and dumbfounded
    . It took 7 days fasting within the mission to deliver EU (of which she joined the fast on the 3rd day and did four days). She was asked the question from knowledge, the one she hid . . . "and the snake man" comes for sx every night . . .?" She answered in the affirmative; the reason for the sleepless nights. And the second question; "are you ready to receive the crucified and resurrected one who have paid the price for your freedom"; Again she agreed and that was actually when the prayers began.

    When folks (ladies especially) hurt, Satan is beckoning with the "solution" . . . forgiveness and security in Christ is the only guarantee of healing. And for those who think in this forum that "LADY IGO" fabricates stories; there is just one sentence for you: God bless you but do not think that when you are in the security of your homes and offices and churches dancing, there are no ones in the front line of spiritual battles (the battle against the kingdom of darkness). We are not talking about just any of "the pastors in the churches in the city" (God bless them for the work they do) but "missionaries who go into the worst of interiors to live and meet people".

    "The sorrows of them will multiply who seek after other gods . . ."

    1. Laughs till my body aches. Over spiritual highness they worry you. So the UK male doctors where immune to the hissing Toto, I think say you say every man wanted a part of unsavory product.

    2. Pls can u gimme d name of d nollywood movie????

    3. Lady Igo please would like to get in touch with you.

  44. Jeeez Stella, this our image just got me rolling, where do u get them from

  45. LOL! It's called vart (polluting from your toto) health implication except if it smells then you might have to consult a doctor..
    To avoid varting, try doing kegel exercises, which entail tightening the muscles that you use to stop the flow of urine (hold your piss)

  46. Stella i swear you too kolo..Hahahahahaa..That dick pic. Hahahahahaaa..She don fuck too many big dicks, it serves her right.

  47. You say what!!!! *mouth wide open*

  48. what will I not read on SDKB?
    Whistle ke + you orgasm on top the whistle?
    O dear!

    Stella dat dick is making me horny
    been celibate for the past two years dick or sex toy
    Choi, see better sometin

  49. The first question you should be asked is if you have given birth before, the birthing process could have changed something in there or you probably didn't do the warm water and dettol sitting well. Enough warm water should be use to take care of the private part after birthing. Please check with a reasonable doc.

  50. Sister God help you ooo do you mind going to UBTH in benin?

  51. Pink bananas, God bless you! It's a medical thing and you see a specialist, a neurologist actually!!!

    Madam Igo, we love your stories but please not everything is juju related, so assuming that this lady has done juju and is suffering the consequences is rather mean and judgemental.

    1. Lol,I Thut I was d only one dt noticed her stories dey get as dem b

  52. Nothing is impossible with God

  53. Stella dis ur pix ain't right naa ha ba! !!! Uv naw taken most of d focus off d poster wit d issh to ur pix... it's not nice at all o.Most comments r naw on d pix...Try to b sensitive to sometins#justsaying


  54. lmaoo
    this picture na dieeee

  55. Hahaha
    Stella don throw me into a state of laughternomia
    See that oracle picture,I go like to own one oh
    See big p***s

  56. It's a medical condition with no known cure. Google woman with constant orgasms and you will see several documented cases of this.

  57. My contribution is:
    1) Go see another OBGYN, a female. Also there some women who have repeated orgasm without any trigger or stimulus.
    It is a disorder. But go see a doc.
    2) Go to MFM, it's a deliverance ministry and be prepared to give your life to Christ ; be prepared to fast. Your case might be spiritual... You might have a spirit husband or husbands. The Spirit husband may actually be attached to your body, constantly molesting you sexually.Pay attention to your dreams if at all you dream, there might be clues in it. That is you might have seen the spirit in form of a man touching you, or you feel/ perceive a form climbing in bed with you or at dawn climbing out of your bed.

    In conclusion tackle this issue Medically & through the guidance of the Holy Spirit by going through deliverance. Not spiritual bath please !!!! That will only add more spirit spouses from the marine kingdom to your tohtoh.
    I pray you find the solution.


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